path: root/src/docparser.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/docparser.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1233 deletions
diff --git a/src/docparser.h b/src/docparser.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8befd6a..0000000
--- a/src/docparser.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1233 +0,0 @@
- *
- *
- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1997-2005 by Dimitri van Heesch.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby
- * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software
- * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
- * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _DOCPARSER_H
-#define _DOCPARSER_H
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <qlist.h>
-#include <qstrlist.h>
-#include <qstring.h>
-#include "docvisitor.h"
-#include "htmlattrib.h"
-class DocNode;
-class MemberDef;
-class Definition;
-class MemberGroup;
-class SectionDict;
-/*! Initialize the documentation parser */
-void initDocParser();
-/*! Main entry point for the documentation parser.
- * @param fileName File in which the documentation block is found (or the
- * name of the example file in case isExample is TRUE).
- * @param startLine Line at which the documentation block is found.
- * @param context Class or namespace to which this block belongs.
- * @param md Member definition to which the documentation belongs.
- * Can be 0.
- * @param input String representation of the documentation block.
- * @param indexWords Indicates whether or not words should be put in the
- * search index.
- * @param isExample TRUE if the documentation belongs to an example.
- * @param exampleName Base name of the example file (0 if isExample is FALSE).
- * @param singleLine Output should be presented on a single line, so without
- * starting a new paragraph at the end.
- * @param linkFromIndex TRUE if the documentation is generated from an
- * index page. In this case context is not used to determine
- * the relative path when making a link.
- * @returns Root node of the abstract syntax tree. Ownership of the
- * pointer is handed over to the caller.
- */
-DocNode *validatingParseDoc(const char *fileName,int startLine,
- Definition *context, MemberDef *md,
- const char *input,bool indexWords,
- bool isExample,const char *exampleName=0,
- bool singleLine=FALSE,bool linkFromIndex=FALSE);
-/*! Main entry point for parsing simple text fragments. These
- * fragments are limited to words, whitespace and symbols.
- */
-DocNode *validatingParseText(const char *input);
-/*! Searches for section and anchor commands in the input */
-void docFindSections(const char *input,
- Definition *d,
- MemberGroup *m,
- const char *fileName);
-/*! @brief Abstract node interface with type information. */
-class DocNode
- public:
- /*! Available node types. */
- enum Kind { Kind_Root = 0,
- Kind_Word = 1,
- Kind_WhiteSpace = 2,
- Kind_Para = 3,
- Kind_AutoList = 4,
- Kind_AutoListItem = 5,
- Kind_Symbol = 6,
- Kind_URL = 7,
- Kind_StyleChange = 8,
- Kind_SimpleSect = 9,
- Kind_Title = 10,
- Kind_SimpleList = 11,
- Kind_SimpleListItem = 12,
- Kind_Section = 13,
- Kind_Verbatim = 14,
- Kind_XRefItem = 15,
- Kind_HtmlList = 16,
- Kind_HtmlListItem = 17,
- Kind_HtmlDescList = 18,
- Kind_HtmlDescData = 19,
- Kind_HtmlDescTitle = 20,
- Kind_HtmlTable = 21,
- Kind_HtmlRow = 22,
- Kind_HtmlCell = 23,
- Kind_HtmlCaption = 24,
- Kind_LineBreak = 25,
- Kind_HorRuler = 26,
- Kind_Anchor = 27,
- Kind_IndexEntry = 28,
- Kind_Internal = 29,
- Kind_HRef = 30,
- Kind_Include = 31,
- Kind_IncOperator = 32,
- Kind_HtmlHeader = 33,
- Kind_Image = 34,
- Kind_DotFile = 35,
- Kind_Link = 36,
- Kind_Ref = 37,
- Kind_Formula = 38,
- Kind_SecRefItem = 39,
- Kind_SecRefList = 40,
- //Kind_Language = 41,
- Kind_LinkedWord = 42,
- Kind_ParamSect = 43,
- Kind_ParamList = 44,
- Kind_InternalRef = 45,
- Kind_Copy = 46,
- Kind_Text = 47
- };
- /*! Creates a new node */
- DocNode() : m_insidePre(FALSE) {}
- /*! Destroys a node. */
- virtual ~DocNode() {}
- /*! Returns the kind of node. Provides runtime type information */
- virtual Kind kind() const = 0;
- /*! Returns the parent of this node or 0 for the root node. */
- virtual DocNode *parent() const = 0;
- /*! Acceptor function for node visitors. Part of the visitor pattern.
- * @param v Abstract visitor.
- */
- virtual void accept(DocVisitor *v) = 0;
- /*! Returns TRUE iff this node is inside a preformatted section */
- bool isPreformatted() const { return m_insidePre; }
- protected:
- /*! Sets whether or not this item is inside a preformatted section */
- void setInsidePreformatted(bool p) { m_insidePre = p; }
- private:
- bool m_insidePre;
-/*! @brief Default accept implementation for compound nodes in the abstract
- * syntax tree.
- */
-template<class T> class CompAccept
- public:
- CompAccept() { m_children.setAutoDelete(TRUE); }
- void accept(T *obj, DocVisitor *v)
- {
- v->visitPre(obj);
- QListIterator<DocNode> cli(m_children);
- DocNode *n;
- for (cli.toFirst();(n=cli.current());++cli) n->accept(v);
- v->visitPost(obj);
- }
- protected:
- QList<DocNode> m_children;
-/*! @brief Node representing a word
- */
-class DocWord : public DocNode
- public:
- DocWord(DocNode *parent,const QString &word);
- QString word() const { return m_word; }
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_Word; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
- QString m_word;
-/*! @brief Node representing a word that can be linked to something
- */
-class DocLinkedWord : public DocNode
- public:
- DocLinkedWord(DocNode *parent,const QString &word,
- const QString &ref,const QString &file,
- const QString &anchor);
- QString word() const { return m_word; }
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_LinkedWord; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- QString file() const { return m_file; }
- QString relPath() const { return m_relPath; }
- QString ref() const { return m_ref; }
- QString anchor() const { return m_anchor; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
- QString m_word;
- QString m_ref;
- QString m_file;
- QString m_relPath;
- QString m_anchor;
-/*! @brief Node representing an URL (or email address) */
-class DocURL : public DocNode
- public:
- DocURL(DocNode *parent,const QString &url,bool isEmail) :
- m_parent(parent), m_url(url), m_isEmail(isEmail) {}
- QString url() const { return m_url; }
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_URL; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
- bool isEmail() const { return m_isEmail; }
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
- QString m_url;
- bool m_isEmail;
-/*! @brief Node representing a line break */
-class DocLineBreak : public DocNode
- public:
- DocLineBreak(DocNode *parent) :
- m_parent(parent) {}
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_LineBreak; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
-/*! @brief Node representing a horizonal ruler */
-class DocHorRuler : public DocNode
- public:
- DocHorRuler(DocNode *parent) :
- m_parent(parent) {}
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_HorRuler; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
-/*! @brief Node representing an anchor */
-class DocAnchor : public DocNode
- public:
- DocAnchor(DocNode *parent,const QString &id,bool newAnchor);
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_Anchor; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- QString anchor() const { return m_anchor; }
- QString file() const { return m_file; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
- QString m_anchor;
- QString m_file;
-/*! @brief Node representing a style change */
-class DocStyleChange : public DocNode
- public:
- enum Style { Bold, Italic, Code, Center, Small,
- Subscript, Superscript, Preformatted,
- Span, Div
- };
- DocStyleChange(DocNode *parent,uint position,Style s,bool enable,
- const HtmlAttribList *attribs=0) :
- m_parent(parent), m_position(position), m_style(s), m_enable(enable)
- { if (attribs) m_attribs=*attribs; }
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_StyleChange; }
- Style style() const { return m_style; }
- const char *styleString() const;
- bool enable() const { return m_enable; }
- uint position() const { return m_position; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
- const HtmlAttribList &attribs() const { return m_attribs; }
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
- uint m_position;
- Style m_style;
- bool m_enable;
- HtmlAttribList m_attribs;
-/*! @brief Node representing a special symbol */
-class DocSymbol : public DocNode
- public:
- enum SymType { Unknown=0, BSlash,At,Less,Greater,Amp,Dollar,Hash,Percent,
- Copy, Tm, Reg, Apos, Quot, Uml, Acute, Grave, Circ, Tilde, Szlig,
- Cedil, Ring, Nbsp, Slash
- };
- DocSymbol(DocNode *parent,SymType s,char letter='\0') :
- m_parent(parent), m_symbol(s), m_letter(letter) {}
- SymType symbol() const { return m_symbol; }
- char letter() const { return m_letter; }
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_Symbol; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
- static SymType decodeSymbol(const QString &symName,char *letter);
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
- SymType m_symbol;
- char m_letter;
-/*! @brief Node representing some amount of white space */
-class DocWhiteSpace : public DocNode
- public:
- DocWhiteSpace(DocNode *parent,const QString &chars) :
- m_parent(parent), m_chars(chars) {}
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_WhiteSpace; }
- QString chars() const { return m_chars; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
- QString m_chars;
-/*! @brief Node representing a verbatim, unparsed text fragment */
-class DocVerbatim : public DocNode
- public:
- enum Type { Code, HtmlOnly, ManOnly, LatexOnly, XmlOnly, Verbatim, Dot };
- DocVerbatim(DocNode *parent,const QString &context,
- const QString &text, Type t,bool isExample,
- const QString &exampleFile);
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_Verbatim; }
- Type type() const { return m_type; }
- QString text() const { return m_text; }
- QString context() const { return m_context; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
- bool isExample() const { return m_isExample; }
- QString exampleFile() const { return m_exampleFile; }
- QString relPath() const { return m_relPath; }
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
- QString m_context;
- QString m_text;
- Type m_type;
- bool m_isExample;
- QString m_exampleFile;
- QString m_relPath;
-/*! @brief Node representing an included text block from file */
-class DocInclude : public DocNode
- public:
- enum Type { Include, DontInclude, VerbInclude, HtmlInclude, IncWithLines };
- DocInclude(DocNode *parent,const QString &file,
- const QString context, Type t,
- bool isExample,const QString exampleFile) :
- m_parent(parent), m_file(file), m_context(context), m_type(t),
- m_isExample(isExample), m_exampleFile(exampleFile) {}
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_Include; }
- QString file() const { return m_file; }
- QString extension() const { int i=m_file.findRev('.');
- if (i!=-1)
- return m_file.right(m_file.length()-i);
- else
- return "";
- }
- Type type() const { return m_type; }
- QString text() const { return m_text; }
- QString context() const { return m_context; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- bool isExample() const { return m_isExample; }
- QString exampleFile() const { return m_exampleFile; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
- void parse();
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
- QString m_file;
- QString m_context;
- QString m_text;
- Type m_type;
- bool m_isExample;
- QString m_exampleFile;
-/*! @brief Node representing a include/dontinclude operator block */
-class DocIncOperator : public DocNode
- public:
- enum Type { Line, SkipLine, Skip, Until };
- DocIncOperator(DocNode *parent,Type t,const QString &pat,
- const QString &context,bool isExample,const QString &exampleFile) :
- m_parent(parent), m_type(t), m_pattern(pat), m_context(context),
- m_isFirst(FALSE), m_isLast(FALSE),
- m_isExample(isExample), m_exampleFile(exampleFile) {}
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_IncOperator; }
- Type type() const { return m_type; }
- QString text() const { return m_text; }
- QString pattern() const { return m_pattern; }
- QString context() const { return m_context; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
- bool isFirst() const { return m_isFirst; }
- bool isLast() const { return m_isLast; }
- void markFirst(bool v=TRUE) { m_isFirst = v; }
- void markLast(bool v=TRUE) { m_isLast = v; }
- bool isExample() const { return m_isExample; }
- QString exampleFile() const { return m_exampleFile; }
- void parse();
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
- Type m_type;
- QString m_text;
- QString m_pattern;
- QString m_context;
- bool m_isFirst;
- bool m_isLast;
- bool m_isExample;
- QString m_exampleFile;
-/*! @brief Node representing an item of a cross-referenced list */
-class DocFormula : public DocNode
- public:
- DocFormula(DocNode *parent,int id);
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_Formula; }
- QString name() const { return m_name; }
- QString text() const { return m_text; }
- QString relPath() const { return m_relPath; }
- int id() const { return m_id; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
- QString m_name;
- QString m_text;
- QString m_relPath;
- int m_id;
-/*! @brief Node representing an entry in the index. */
-class DocIndexEntry : public DocNode
- public:
- DocIndexEntry(DocNode *parent) : m_parent(parent) { }
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_IndexEntry; }
- int parse();
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
- QString entry() { return m_entry; }
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
- QString m_entry;
-/*! @brief Node representing a entry in the index. */
-class DocCopy : public CompAccept<DocCopy>, public DocNode
- public:
- DocCopy(DocNode *parent,const QString &link)
- : m_parent(parent), m_link(link) { }
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_IndexEntry; }
- QString link() const { return m_link; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocCopy>::accept(this,v); }
- void parse();
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
- QString m_link;
-/*! @brief Node representing an auto List */
-class DocAutoList : public CompAccept<DocAutoList>, public DocNode
- public:
- DocAutoList(DocNode *parent,int indent,bool isEnumList,
- int depth) :
- m_parent(parent), m_indent(indent), m_isEnumList(isEnumList),
- m_depth(depth) {}
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_AutoList; }
- bool isEnumList() const { return m_isEnumList; }
- int indent() const { return m_indent; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- int depth() const { return m_depth; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocAutoList>::accept(this,v); }
- int parse();
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
- int m_indent;
- bool m_isEnumList;
- int m_depth;
-/*! @brief Node representing a simple section title */
-class DocTitle : public CompAccept<DocTitle>, public DocNode
- public:
- DocTitle(DocNode *parent) : m_parent(parent) {}
- void parse();
- void parseFromString(const QString &title);
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_Title; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocTitle>::accept(this,v); }
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
-/*! @brief Node representing an item of a cross-referenced list */
-class DocXRefItem : public CompAccept<DocXRefItem>, public DocNode
- public:
- //enum Type { Bug, Test, Todo, Deprecated };
- DocXRefItem(DocNode *parent,int id,const char *key);
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_XRefItem; }
- QString file() const { return m_file; }
- QString anchor() const { return m_anchor; }
- QString title() const { return m_title; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- QString relPath() const { return m_relPath; }
- QString key() const { return m_key; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocXRefItem>::accept(this,v); }
- bool parse();
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
- int m_id;
- QString m_key;
- QString m_file;
- QString m_anchor;
- QString m_title;
- QString m_relPath;
-/*! @brief Node representing an image */
-class DocImage : public CompAccept<DocImage>, public DocNode
- public:
- enum Type { Html, Latex, Rtf };
- DocImage(DocNode *parent,const HtmlAttribList &attribs,const QString &name,Type t);
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_Image; }
- Type type() const { return m_type; }
- QString name() const { return m_name; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- bool hasCaption() const { return !m_children.isEmpty(); }
- QString width() const { return m_width; }
- QString height() const { return m_height; }
- QString relPath() const { return m_relPath; }
- const HtmlAttribList &attribs() const { return m_attribs; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocImage>::accept(this,v); }
- void parse();
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
- HtmlAttribList m_attribs;
- QString m_name;
- Type m_type;
- QString m_width;
- QString m_height;
- QString m_relPath;
-/*! @brief Node representing a dot file */
-class DocDotFile : public CompAccept<DocDotFile>, public DocNode
- public:
- DocDotFile(DocNode *parent,const QString &name);
- void parse();
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_DotFile; }
- QString name() const { return m_name; }
- QString file() const { return m_file; }
- QString relPath() const { return m_relPath; }
- bool hasCaption() const { return !m_children.isEmpty(); }
- QString width() const { return m_width; }
- QString height() const { return m_height; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocDotFile>::accept(this,v); }
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
- QString m_name;
- QString m_file;
- QString m_relPath;
- QString m_width;
- QString m_height;
-/*! @brief Node representing a link to some item */
-class DocLink : public CompAccept<DocLink>, public DocNode
- public:
- DocLink(DocNode *parent,const QString &target);
- QString parse(bool);
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_Link; }
- QString file() const { return m_file; }
- QString relPath() const { return m_relPath; }
- QString ref() const { return m_ref; }
- QString anchor() const { return m_anchor; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocLink>::accept(this,v); }
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
- QString m_file;
- QString m_relPath;
- QString m_ref;
- QString m_anchor;
- QString m_refText;
-/*! @brief Node representing a reference to some item */
-class DocRef : public CompAccept<DocRef>, public DocNode
- public:
- DocRef(DocNode *parent,const QString &target);
- void parse();
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_Ref; }
- QString file() const { return m_file; }
- QString relPath() const { return m_relPath; }
- QString ref() const { return m_ref; }
- QString anchor() const { return m_anchor; }
- QString targetTitle() const { return m_text; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- bool hasLinkText() const { return !m_children.isEmpty(); }
- bool refToAnchor() const { return m_refToAnchor; }
- bool refToSection() const { return m_refToSection; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocRef>::accept(this,v); }
- private:
- DocNode * m_parent;
- bool m_refToSection;
- bool m_refToAnchor;
- QString m_file;
- QString m_relPath;
- QString m_ref;
- QString m_anchor;
- QString m_text;
-/*! @brief Node representing an internal reference to some item */
-class DocInternalRef : public CompAccept<DocInternalRef>, public DocNode
- public:
- DocInternalRef(DocNode *parent,const QString &target);
- void parse();
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_Ref; }
- QString file() const { return m_file; }
- QString relPath() const { return m_relPath; }
- QString anchor() const { return m_anchor; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocInternalRef>::accept(this,v); }
- private:
- DocNode * m_parent;
- QString m_file;
- QString m_relPath;
- QString m_anchor;
-/*! @brief Node representing a Language specific section */
-//class DocLanguage : public CompAccept<DocLanguage>, public DocNode
-// public:
-// DocLanguage(DocNode *parent,const QString &id) :
-// m_parent(parent), m_id(id) {}
-// QString id() const { return m_id; }
-// Kind kind() const { return Kind_Language; }
-// DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
-// void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocLanguage>::accept(this,v); }
-// int parse();
-// private:
-// DocNode * m_parent;
-// QString m_id;
-/*! @brief Node representing a Hypertext reference */
-class DocHRef : public CompAccept<DocHRef>, public DocNode
- public:
- DocHRef(DocNode *parent,const HtmlAttribList &attribs,const QString &url) :
- m_parent(parent), m_attribs(attribs), m_url(url) {}
- int parse();
- QString url() const { return m_url; }
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_HRef; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocHRef>::accept(this,v); }
- const HtmlAttribList &attribs() const { return m_attribs; }
- private:
- DocNode * m_parent;
- HtmlAttribList m_attribs;
- QString m_url;
-/*! @brief Node Html heading */
-class DocHtmlHeader : public CompAccept<DocHtmlHeader>, public DocNode
- public:
- DocHtmlHeader(DocNode *parent,const HtmlAttribList &attribs,int level) :
- m_parent(parent), m_level(level), m_attribs(attribs) {}
- int level() const { return m_level; }
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_HtmlHeader; }
- const HtmlAttribList &attribs() const { return m_attribs; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocHtmlHeader>::accept(this,v); }
- int parse();
- private:
- DocNode * m_parent;
- int m_level;
- HtmlAttribList m_attribs;
-/*! @brief Node representing a Html description item */
-class DocHtmlDescTitle : public CompAccept<DocHtmlDescTitle>, public DocNode
- public:
- DocHtmlDescTitle(DocNode *parent,const HtmlAttribList &attribs) :
- m_parent(parent), m_attribs(attribs) {}
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_HtmlDescTitle; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- const HtmlAttribList &attribs() const { return m_attribs; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocHtmlDescTitle>::accept(this,v); }
- int parse();
- private:
- DocNode * m_parent;
- HtmlAttribList m_attribs;
-/*! @brief Node representing a Html description list */
-class DocHtmlDescList : public CompAccept<DocHtmlDescList>, public DocNode
- public:
- DocHtmlDescList(DocNode *parent,const HtmlAttribList &attribs)
- : m_parent(parent), m_attribs(attribs) {}
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_HtmlDescList; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- const HtmlAttribList &attribs() const { return m_attribs; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocHtmlDescList>::accept(this,v); }
- int parse();
- private:
- DocNode * m_parent;
- HtmlAttribList m_attribs;
-/*! @brief Node representing a normal section */
-class DocSection : public CompAccept<DocSection>, public DocNode
- public:
- DocSection(DocNode *parent,int level,const QString &id) :
- m_parent(parent), m_level(level), m_id(id) {}
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_Section; }
- int level() const { return m_level; }
- QString title() const { return m_title; }
- QString anchor() const { return m_anchor; }
- QString id() const { return m_id; }
- QString file() const { return m_file; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocSection>::accept(this,v); }
- int parse();
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
- int m_level;
- QString m_id;
- QString m_title;
- QString m_anchor;
- QString m_file;
-/*! @brief Node representing a reference to a section */
-class DocSecRefItem : public CompAccept<DocSecRefItem>, public DocNode
- public:
- DocSecRefItem(DocNode *parent,const QString &target) :
- m_parent(parent), m_target(target) {}
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_SecRefItem; }
- QString target() const { return m_target; }
- QString file() const { return m_file; }
- QString anchor() const { return m_anchor; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocSecRefItem>::accept(this,v); }
- void parse();
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
- QString m_target;
- QString m_file;
- QString m_anchor;
-/*! @brief Node representing a list of section references */
-class DocSecRefList : public CompAccept<DocSecRefList>, public DocNode
- public:
- DocSecRefList(DocNode *parent) : m_parent(parent) {}
- void parse();
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_SecRefList; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocSecRefList>::accept(this,v); }
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
-/*! @brief Node representing an internal section of documentation */
-class DocInternal : public CompAccept<DocInternal>, public DocNode
- public:
- DocInternal(DocNode *parent) : m_parent(parent) {}
- int parse(int);
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_Internal; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocInternal>::accept(this,v); }
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
-/*! @brief Node representing a simple list */
-class DocSimpleList : public CompAccept<DocSimpleList>, public DocNode
- public:
- DocSimpleList(DocNode *parent) : m_parent(parent) {}
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_SimpleList; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocSimpleList>::accept(this,v); }
- int parse();
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
-/*! @brief Node representing a Html list */
-class DocHtmlList : public CompAccept<DocHtmlList>, public DocNode
- public:
- enum Type { Unordered, Ordered };
- DocHtmlList(DocNode *parent,const HtmlAttribList &attribs,Type t) :
- m_parent(parent), m_type(t), m_attribs(attribs) {}
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_HtmlList; }
- Type type() const { return m_type; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocHtmlList>::accept(this,v); }
- const HtmlAttribList &attribs() const { return m_attribs; }
- int parse();
- int parseXml();
- private:
- DocNode * m_parent;
- Type m_type;
- HtmlAttribList m_attribs;
-/*! Node representing a simple section */
-class DocSimpleSect : public CompAccept<DocSimpleSect>, public DocNode
- public:
- enum Type
- {
- Unknown, See, Return, Author, Authors, Version, Since, Date,
- Note, Warning, Pre, Post, Invar, Remark, Attention, User, Rcs
- };
- DocSimpleSect(DocNode *parent,Type t);
- virtual ~DocSimpleSect();
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_SimpleSect; }
- Type type() const { return m_type; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v);
- int parse(bool userTitle);
- int parseRcs();
- int parseXml();
- void appendLinkWord(const QString &word);
- private:
- DocNode * m_parent;
- Type m_type;
- DocTitle * m_title;
-/*! Node representing a parameter section */
-class DocParamSect : public CompAccept<DocParamSect>, public DocNode
- public:
- enum Type
- {
- Unknown, Param, RetVal, Exception
- };
- enum Direction
- {
- In=1, Out=2, InOut=3, Unspecified=0
- };
- DocParamSect(DocNode *parent,Type t)
- : m_parent(parent), m_type(t) {}
- int parse(const QString &cmdName,bool xmlContext,Direction d);
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_ParamSect; }
- Type type() const { return m_type; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocParamSect>::accept(this,v); }
- private:
- DocNode * m_parent;
- Type m_type;
- Direction m_dir;
-/*! Node representing a paragraph in the documentation tree */
-class DocPara : public CompAccept<DocPara>, public DocNode
- public:
- DocPara(DocNode *parent) : m_parent(parent),
- m_isFirst(FALSE), m_isLast(FALSE) {}
- int parse();
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_Para; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- bool isEmpty() const { return m_children.isEmpty(); }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocPara>::accept(this,v); }
- void markFirst(bool v=TRUE) { m_isFirst=v; }
- void markLast(bool v=TRUE) { m_isLast=v; }
- bool isFirst() const { return m_isFirst; }
- bool isLast() const { return m_isLast; }
- const QList<DocNode> &children() const { return m_children; }
- int handleCommand(const QString &cmdName);
- int handleHtmlStartTag(const QString &tagName,const HtmlAttribList &tagHtmlAttribs);
- int handleHtmlEndTag(const QString &tagName);
- int handleSimpleSection(DocSimpleSect::Type t,bool xmlContext=FALSE);
- int handleXRefItem();
- int handleParamSection(const QString &cmdName,DocParamSect::Type t,
- bool xmlContext,
- int direction);
- void handleIncludeOperator(const QString &cmdName,DocIncOperator::Type t);
- void handleImage(const QString &cmdName);
- void handleDotFile(const QString &cmdName);
- void handleInclude(const QString &cmdName,DocInclude::Type t);
- void handleLink(const QString &cmdName,bool isJavaLink);
- void handleRef(const QString &cmdName);
- void handleSection(const QString &cmdName);
- void handleInheritDoc();
- int handleStartCode();
- int handleHtmlHeader(const HtmlAttribList &tagHtmlAttribs,int level);
- bool injectToken(int tok,const QString &tokText);
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
- QString m_sectionId;
- bool m_isFirst;
- bool m_isLast;
-/*! @brief Node representing a parameter list. */
-class DocParamList : public DocNode
- public:
- DocParamList(DocNode *parent,DocParamSect::Type t,DocParamSect::Direction d)
- : m_parent(parent) , m_type(t), m_dir(d), m_isFirst(TRUE), m_isLast(TRUE)
- { m_paragraphs.setAutoDelete(TRUE); }
- virtual ~DocParamList() { }
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_ParamList; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- const QList<DocNode> &parameters() { return m_params; }
- DocParamSect::Type type() const { return m_type; }
- DocParamSect::Direction direction() const { return m_dir; }
- void markFirst(bool b=TRUE) { m_isFirst=b; }
- void markLast(bool b=TRUE) { m_isLast=b; }
- bool isFirst() const { return m_isFirst; }
- bool isLast() const { return m_isLast; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v)
- {
- v->visitPre(this);
- QListIterator<DocPara> cli(m_paragraphs);
- DocNode *n;
- for (cli.toFirst();(n=cli.current());++cli) n->accept(v);
- v->visitPost(this);
- }
- int parse(const QString &cmdName);
- int parseXml(const QString &paramName);
- private:
- DocNode * m_parent;
- QList<DocPara> m_paragraphs;
- QList<DocNode> m_params;
- DocParamSect::Type m_type;
- DocParamSect::Direction m_dir;
- bool m_isFirst;
- bool m_isLast;
-/*! @brief Node representing an item of a auto list */
-class DocAutoListItem : public DocNode
- public:
- DocAutoListItem(DocNode *parent,int num) : m_parent(parent), m_itemNum(num)
- { m_paragraph=new DocPara(this); }
- virtual ~DocAutoListItem() { delete m_paragraph; }
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_AutoListItem; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- int itemNumber() const { return m_itemNum; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v)
- {
- v->visitPre(this);
- m_paragraph->accept(v);
- v->visitPost(this);
- }
- int parse();
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
- DocPara *m_paragraph;
- int m_itemNum;
-/*! @brief Node representing a simple list item */
-class DocSimpleListItem : public DocNode
- public:
- DocSimpleListItem(DocNode *parent) : m_parent(parent)
- { m_paragraph=new DocPara(this); }
- int parse();
- virtual ~DocSimpleListItem() { delete m_paragraph; }
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_SimpleListItem; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v)
- {
- v->visitPre(this);
- m_paragraph->accept(v);
- v->visitPost(this);
- }
- private:
- DocNode *m_parent;
- DocPara *m_paragraph;
-/*! @brief Node representing a HTML list item */
-class DocHtmlListItem : public CompAccept<DocHtmlListItem>, public DocNode
- public:
- DocHtmlListItem(DocNode *parent,const HtmlAttribList &attribs,int num) :
- m_parent(parent), m_attribs(attribs), m_itemNum(num) {}
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_HtmlListItem; }
- int itemNumber() const { return m_itemNum; }
- const HtmlAttribList &attribs() const { return m_attribs; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocHtmlListItem>::accept(this,v); }
- int parse();
- int parseXml();
- private:
- DocNode * m_parent;
- HtmlAttribList m_attribs;
- int m_itemNum;
-/*! @brief Node representing a HTML description data */
-class DocHtmlDescData : public CompAccept<DocHtmlDescData>, public DocNode
- public:
- DocHtmlDescData(DocNode *parent) :
- m_parent(parent) {}
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_HtmlDescData; }
- const HtmlAttribList &attribs() const { return m_attribs; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocHtmlDescData>::accept(this,v); }
- int parse();
- private:
- DocNode * m_parent;
- HtmlAttribList m_attribs;
-/*! @brief Node representing a HTML table cell */
-class DocHtmlCell : public CompAccept<DocHtmlCell>, public DocNode
- public:
- DocHtmlCell(DocNode *parent,const HtmlAttribList &attribs,bool isHeading) :
- m_parent(parent), m_isHeading(isHeading),
- m_isFirst(FALSE), m_isLast(FALSE), m_attribs(attribs) {}
- bool isHeading() const { return m_isHeading; }
- bool isFirst() const { return m_isFirst; }
- bool isLast() const { return m_isLast; }
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_HtmlCell; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocHtmlCell>::accept(this,v); }
- void markFirst(bool v=TRUE) { m_isFirst=v; }
- void markLast(bool v=TRUE) { m_isLast=v; }
- const HtmlAttribList &attribs() const { return m_attribs; }
- int parse();
- private:
- DocNode * m_parent;
- bool m_isHeading;
- bool m_isFirst;
- bool m_isLast;
- HtmlAttribList m_attribs;
-/*! @brief Node representing a HTML table caption */
-class DocHtmlCaption : public CompAccept<DocHtmlCaption>, public DocNode
- public:
- DocHtmlCaption(DocNode *parent,const HtmlAttribList &attribs) :
- m_parent(parent), m_attribs(attribs) {}
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_HtmlCaption; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocHtmlCaption>::accept(this,v); }
- const HtmlAttribList &attribs() const { return m_attribs; }
- int parse();
- private:
- DocNode * m_parent;
- HtmlAttribList m_attribs;
- bool m_atTop;
-/*! @brief Node representing a HTML table row */
-class DocHtmlRow : public CompAccept<DocHtmlRow>, public DocNode
- public:
- DocHtmlRow(DocNode *parent,const HtmlAttribList &attribs)
- : m_parent(parent), m_attribs(attribs) {}
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_HtmlRow; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- uint numCells() const { return m_children.count(); }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocHtmlRow>::accept(this,v); }
- const HtmlAttribList &attribs() const { return m_attribs; }
- int parse();
- private:
- DocNode * m_parent;
- HtmlAttribList m_attribs;
-/*! @brief Node representing a HTML table */
-class DocHtmlTable : public CompAccept<DocHtmlTable>, public DocNode
- public:
- DocHtmlTable(DocNode *parent,const HtmlAttribList &attribs)
- : m_parent(parent), m_attribs(attribs)
- { m_caption=0; }
- ~DocHtmlTable() { delete m_caption; }
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_HtmlTable; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return m_parent; }
- uint numRows() const { return m_children.count(); }
- bool hasCaption() { return m_caption!=0; }
- const HtmlAttribList &attribs() const { return m_attribs; }
- int parse();
- uint numCols() const;
- void accept(DocVisitor *v);
- private:
- DocNode * m_parent;
- DocHtmlCaption *m_caption;
- HtmlAttribList m_attribs;
-/*! @brief Root node of a text fragment */
-class DocText : public CompAccept<DocText>, public DocNode
- public:
- DocText() {}
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_Text; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return 0; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocText>::accept(this,v); }
- void parse();
-/*! @brief Root node of documentation tree */
-class DocRoot : public CompAccept<DocRoot>, public DocNode
- public:
- DocRoot(bool indent,bool sl) : m_indent(indent), m_singleLine(sl) {}
- Kind kind() const { return Kind_Root; }
- DocNode *parent() const { return 0; }
- void accept(DocVisitor *v) { CompAccept<DocRoot>::accept(this,v); }
- void parse();
- bool indent() const { return m_indent; }
- bool singleLine() const { return m_singleLine; }
- private:
- bool m_indent;
- bool m_singleLine;