path: root/src/doxygen.dtd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/doxygen.dtd')
1 files changed, 115 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/doxygen.dtd b/src/doxygen.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a479ee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/doxygen.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+<?xml encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<!-- DTD describing the grammar used in doxygen's XML output -->
+<!-- standard character entities -->
+<!ENTITY lt "&#38;#60;">
+<!ENTITY gt "&#62;">
+<!ENTITY amp "&#38;#38;">
+<!ENTITY apos "&#39;">
+<!ENTITY quot "&#34;">
+<!-- required attributes for compounds -->
+<!ENTITY % compound-req.att
+ type (group|file|namespace|
+ class|struct|union|
+ interface|dispinterface|
+ valuetype|library) #REQUIRED'
+<!-- required attributes for references -->
+<!ENTITY % ref-req.att 'idref IDREF #REQUIRED'
+<!-- required attributes for inheritance relations -->
+<!ENTITY % inheritcompref-req.att
+ '%ref-req.att;
+ prot (public|protected|private) #REQUIRED
+ virt (non-virtual|virtual) #REQUIRED'
+<!-- required attributes for member sections -->
+<!ENTITY % sec-req.att 'type (user
+ |public-type
+ |public-func
+ |public-attrib
+ |public-slot
+ |public-static-func
+ |public-static-attrib
+ |protected-type
+ |protected-func
+ |protected-attrib
+ |protected-slot
+ |protected-static-func
+ |protected-static-attrib
+ |private-type
+ |private-func
+ |private-attrib
+ |private-slot
+ |private-static-func
+ |private-static-attrib
+ |signal
+ |friend
+ |related
+ |define|prototype|typedef|enum|func|var
+ '
+<!-- required attributes for members -->
+<!ENTITY % mem-req.att 'id ID #REQUIRED'>
+<!-- optional attributes for function -->
+<!ENTITY % func-opt.att 'virt (virtual|pure-virtual) #IMPLIED'>
+<!-- elements -->
+<!ELEMENT doxygen (compoundlist?)>
+<!ELEMENT compoundlist (compounddef)+>
+<!ELEMENT compounddef (compoundname,
+ basecompoundlist?,
+ derivedcompoundlist?,
+ sectionlist?
+ )
+<!ATTLIST compounddef %compound-req.att;>
+<!ELEMENT basecompoundlist (basecompoundref)+>
+<!ELEMENT derivedcompoundlist (derivedcompoundref)+>
+<!ELEMENT compoundref (#PCDATA)>
+<!ATTLIST compoundref %ref-req.att;>
+<!ELEMENT memberref (#PCDATA)>
+<!ATTLIST memberref %ref-req.att;>
+<!ELEMENT basecompoundref EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST basecompoundref %inheritcompref-req.att;>
+<!ELEMENT derivedcompoundref EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST derivedcompoundref %inheritcompref-req.att;>
+<!ELEMENT sectionlist (sectiondef)+>
+<!ELEMENT sectiondef (memberlist)>
+<!ATTLIST sectiondef %sec-req.att;>
+<!ELEMENT memberlist (functiondef|variabledef|typedef|definedef|enumdef)+>
+<!ELEMENT functiondef (type?,name,paramlist)>
+<!ATTLIST functiondef %mem-req.att; %func-opt.att;>
+<!ELEMENT variabledef (type,name,array?,initializer?)>
+<!ATTLIST variabledef %mem-req.att;>
+<!ELEMENT typedef (type,name)>
+<!ATTLIST typedef %mem-req.att;>
+<!ELEMENT definedef (name,defparamlist?,initializer?)>
+<!ATTLIST definedef %mem-req.att;>
+<!ELEMENT enumdef (name,enumvaluelist)>
+<!ATTLIST enumdef %mem-req.att;>
+<!ELEMENT slotdef (type,name,paramlist)>
+<!ATTLIST slotdef %mem-req.att;>
+<!ELEMENT signaldef (type,name,paramlist)>
+<!ATTLIST signaldef %mem-req.att;>
+<!ELEMENT paramlist (param)*>
+<!ELEMENT param (attributes?,type,declname?,defname?,array?,defval?)>
+<!ELEMENT defparamlist (defarg)*>
+<!ELEMENT defarg (#PCDATA)>
+<!ELEMENT enumvaluelist (enumvalue)*>
+<!ELEMENT enumvalue (name,initializer?)>
+<!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)>
+<!ELEMENT compoundname (#PCDATA)>
+<!ELEMENT declname (#PCDATA)>
+<!ELEMENT defname (#PCDATA)>
+<!ELEMENT type (#PCDATA|memberref|compoundref|compounddef)*>
+<!ELEMENT defval (#PCDATA|memberref|compoundref)*>
+<!ELEMENT initializer (#PCDATA|memberref|compoundref)*>
+<!ELEMENT array (#PCDATA)>
+<!ELEMENT attributes (#PCDATA)>