path: root/src/regex.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/regex.cpp')
1 files changed, 757 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/regex.cpp b/src/regex.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a39f63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/regex.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,757 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-2021 by Dimitri van Heesch.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby
+ * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software
+ * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
+ * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
+ *
+ */
+#include "regex.h"
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cctype>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <algorithm>
+#define ENABLE_DEBUG 0
+#define DBG(fmt,...) do { fprintf(stderr,fmt,__VA_ARGS__); } while(0)
+#define DBG(fmt,...) do {} while(0)
+namespace reg
+static inline bool isspace(char c)
+ return c==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\n' || c=='\r';
+static inline bool isalpha(char c)
+ return static_cast<unsigned char>(c)>=128 || (c>='a' && c<='z') || (c>='A' && c<='Z');
+static inline bool isdigit(char c)
+ return c>='0' && c<='9';
+static inline bool isalnum(char c)
+ return isalpha(c) || isdigit(c);
+/** Class representing a token in the compiled regular expression token stream.
+ * A token has a kind and an optional value whose meaning depends on the kind.
+ * It is also possible to store a (from,to) character range in a token.
+ */
+class PToken
+ public:
+ /** The kind of token.
+ *
+ * Ranges per bit mask:
+ * - `0x00FF` from part of a range, except for `0x0000` which is the End marker
+ * - `0x1FFF` built-in ranges
+ * - `0x2FFF` user defined ranges
+ * - `0x4FFF` special operations
+ * - `0x8000` literal character
+ */
+ enum class Kind : uint16_t
+ {
+ End = 0x0000,
+ WhiteSpace = 0x1001, // \s range [ \t\r\n]
+ Digit = 0x1002, // \d range [0-9]
+ Alpha = 0x1003, // \a range [a-z_A-Z\x80-\xFF]
+ AlphaNum = 0x1004, // \w range [a-Z_A-Z0-9\x80-\xFF]
+ CharClass = 0x2001, // []
+ NegCharClass = 0x2002, // [^]
+ BeginOfLine = 0x4001, // ^
+ EndOfLine = 0x4002, // $
+ BeginOfWord = 0x4003, // \<
+ EndOfWord = 0x4004, // \>
+ BeginCapture = 0x4005, // (
+ EndCapture = 0x4006, // )
+ Any = 0x4007, // .
+ Star = 0x4008, // *
+ Optional = 0x4009, // ?
+ Character = 0x8000 // c
+ };
+ /** returns a string representation of the tokens kind (useful for debugging). */
+ const char *kindStr() const
+ {
+ if ((m_rep>>16)>=0x1000 || m_rep==0)
+ {
+ switch(static_cast<Kind>((m_rep>>16)))
+ {
+ case Kind::End: return "End";
+ case Kind::Alpha: return "Alpha";
+ case Kind::AlphaNum: return "AlphaNum";
+ case Kind::WhiteSpace: return "WhiteSpace";
+ case Kind::Digit: return "Digit";
+ case Kind::CharClass: return "CharClass";
+ case Kind::NegCharClass: return "NegCharClass";
+ case Kind::Character: return "Character";
+ case Kind::BeginOfLine: return "BeginOfLine";
+ case Kind::EndOfLine: return "EndOfLine";
+ case Kind::BeginOfWord: return "BeginOfWord";
+ case Kind::EndOfWord: return "EndOfWord";
+ case Kind::BeginCapture: return "BeginCapture";
+ case Kind::EndCapture: return "EndCapture";
+ case Kind::Any: return "Any";
+ case Kind::Star: return "Star";
+ case Kind::Optional: return "Optional";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return "Range";
+ }
+ }
+ /** Creates a token of kind 'End' */
+ PToken() : m_rep(0) {}
+ /** Creates a token of the given kind \a k */
+ explicit PToken(Kind k) : m_rep(static_cast<uint32_t>(k)<<16) {}
+ /** Create a token for an ASCII character */
+ PToken(char c) : m_rep((static_cast<uint32_t>(Kind::Character)<<16) |
+ static_cast<uint32_t>(c)) {}
+ /** Create a token for a byte of an UTF-8 character */
+ PToken(uint16_t v) : m_rep((static_cast<uint32_t>(Kind::Character)<<16) |
+ static_cast<uint32_t>(v)) {}
+ /** Create a token representing a range from one character \a from to another character \a to */
+ PToken(uint16_t from,uint16_t to) : m_rep(static_cast<uint32_t>(from)<<16 | to) {}
+ /** Sets the value for a token */
+ void setValue(uint16_t value) { m_rep = (m_rep & 0xFFFF0000) | value; }
+ /** Returns the kind of the token */
+ Kind kind() const { return static_cast<Kind>(m_rep>>16); }
+ /** Returns the 'from' part of the character range. Only valid if this token represents a range */
+ uint16_t from() const { return m_rep>>16; }
+ /** Returns the 'to' part of the character range. Only valid if this token represents a range */
+ uint16_t to() const { return m_rep & 0xFFFF; }
+ /** Returns the value for this token */
+ uint16_t value() const { return m_rep & 0xFFFF; }
+ /** Returns the value for this token as a ASCII character */
+ char asciiValue() const { return static_cast<char>(m_rep); }
+ /** Returns true iff this token represents a range of characters */
+ bool isRange() const { return m_rep!=0 && from()<=to(); }
+ /** Returns true iff this token is a positive or negative character class */
+ bool isCharClass() const { return kind()==Kind::CharClass || kind()==Kind::NegCharClass; }
+ private:
+ uint32_t m_rep;
+/** Private members of a regular expression */
+class Ex::Private
+ public:
+ /** Creates the private part */
+ Private(const std::string &pat) : pattern(pat)
+ {
+ data.reserve(100);
+ }
+ void compile();
+ void dump();
+ bool matchAt(size_t tokenPos,const std::string &str,Match &match,size_t pos,int level) const;
+ /** Flag indicating the expression was successfully compiled */
+ bool error = false;
+ /** The token stream representing the compiled regular expression. */
+ std::vector<PToken> data; // compiled pattern
+ /** The pattern string as passed by the user */
+ std::string pattern;
+/** Compiles a regular expression passed as a string into a stream of tokens that can be used for
+ * efficient searching.
+ */
+void Ex::Private::compile()
+ error = false;
+ data.clear();
+ if (pattern.empty()) return;
+ const char *start = pattern.c_str();
+ const char *ps = start;
+ char c;
+ int prevTokenPos=-1;
+ int tokenPos=0;
+ auto addToken = [&](PToken tok)
+ {
+ tokenPos++;
+ data.emplace_back(tok);
+ };
+ auto getNextCharacter = [&]() -> PToken
+ {
+ char cs=*ps;
+ PToken result = PToken(cs);
+ if (cs=='\\') // escaped character
+ {
+ ps++;
+ cs=*ps;
+ switch (cs)
+ {
+ case 'n': result = PToken('\n'); break;
+ case 'r': result = PToken('\r'); break;
+ case 't': result = PToken('\t'); break;
+ case 's': result = PToken(PToken::Kind::WhiteSpace); break;
+ case 'a': result = PToken(PToken::Kind::Alpha); break;
+ case 'w': result = PToken(PToken::Kind::AlphaNum); break;
+ case 'd': result = PToken(PToken::Kind::Digit); break;
+ case '<': result = PToken(PToken::Kind::BeginOfWord); break;
+ case '>': result = PToken(PToken::Kind::EndOfWord); break;
+ case 'x':
+ case 'X':
+ {
+ uint16_t v=0;
+ for (int i=0;i<2 && (cs=(*(ps+1)));i++) // 2 hex digits
+ {
+ int d = (cs>='a' && cs<='f') ? cs-'a'+10 :
+ (cs>='A' && cs<='F') ? cs-'A'+10 :
+ (cs>='0' && cs<='9') ? cs-'0' :
+ -1;
+ if (d>=0) { v<<=4; v|=d; ps++; } else break;
+ }
+ result = PToken(v);
+ }
+ break;
+ case '\0': ps--; break; // backslash at the end of the pattern
+ default:
+ result = PToken(cs);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ while ((c=*ps))
+ {
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ case '^': // beginning of line (if first character of the pattern)
+ prevTokenPos = tokenPos;
+ addToken(ps==start ? PToken(PToken::Kind::BeginOfLine) :
+ PToken(c));
+ break;
+ case '$': // end of the line (if last character of the pattern)
+ prevTokenPos = tokenPos;
+ addToken(*(ps+1)=='\0' ? PToken(PToken::Kind::EndOfLine) :
+ PToken(c));
+ break;
+ case '.': // any character
+ prevTokenPos = tokenPos;
+ addToken(PToken(PToken::Kind::Any));
+ break;
+ case '(': // begin of capture group
+ prevTokenPos = tokenPos;
+ addToken(PToken(PToken::Kind::BeginCapture));
+ break;
+ case ')': // end of capture group
+ prevTokenPos = tokenPos;
+ addToken(PToken(PToken::Kind::EndCapture));
+ break;
+ case '[': // character class
+ {
+ prevTokenPos = tokenPos;
+ ps++;
+ if (*ps==0) { error=true; return; }
+ bool esc = *ps=='\\';
+ PToken tok = getNextCharacter();
+ ps++;
+ if (!esc && tok.kind()==PToken::Kind::Character &&
+ tok.asciiValue()=='^') // negated character class
+ {
+ addToken(PToken(PToken::Kind::NegCharClass));
+ if (*ps==0) { error=true; return; }
+ tok = getNextCharacter();
+ ps++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ addToken(PToken(PToken::Kind::CharClass));
+ }
+ uint16_t numTokens=0;
+ while ((c=*ps))
+ {
+ if (c=='-' && *(ps+1)!=']' && *(ps+1)!=0) // range
+ {
+ getNextCharacter();
+ ps++;
+ PToken endTok = getNextCharacter();
+ ps++;
+ if (tok.value()>endTok.value())
+ {
+ addToken(PToken(endTok.value(),tok.value())); // swap start and end
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ addToken(PToken(tok.value(),endTok.value()));
+ }
+ numTokens++;
+ }
+ else // single char, from==to
+ {
+ if (tok.kind()==PToken::Kind::Character)
+ {
+ addToken(PToken(tok.value(),tok.value()));
+ }
+ else // special token, add as-is since from>to
+ {
+ addToken(tok);
+ }
+ numTokens++;
+ }
+ if (*ps==0) { error=true; return; } // expected at least a ]
+ esc = *ps=='\\';
+ tok = getNextCharacter();
+ if (!esc && tok.kind()==PToken::Kind::Character &&
+ tok.value()==static_cast<uint16_t>(']'))
+ {
+ break; // end of character class
+ }
+ if (*ps==0) { error=true; return; } // no ] found
+ ps++;
+ }
+ // set the value of either NegCharClass or CharClass
+ data[prevTokenPos].setValue(numTokens);
+ }
+ break;
+ case '*': // 0 or more
+ case '+': // 1 or more
+ case '?': // optional: 0 or 1
+ {
+ if (prevTokenPos==-1)
+ {
+ error=true;
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (data[prevTokenPos].kind())
+ {
+ case PToken::Kind::BeginOfLine: // $* or $+ or $?
+ case PToken::Kind::BeginOfWord: // \<* or \<+ or \<?
+ case PToken::Kind::EndOfWord: // \>* or \>+ or \>?
+ case PToken::Kind::Star: // ** or *+ or *?
+ case PToken::Kind::Optional: // ?* or ?+ or ??
+ error=true;
+ return;
+ default: // ok
+ break;
+ }
+ int ddiff = static_cast<int>(tokenPos-prevTokenPos);
+ if (*ps=='+') // convert <pat>+ -> <pat><pat>*
+ {
+ // turn a sequence of token [T1...Tn] followed by '+' into [T1..Tn T1..Tn T*]
+ // ddiff=n ^prevTokenPos
+ data.resize(data.size()+ddiff);
+ std::copy_n(data.begin()+prevTokenPos,ddiff,data.begin()+tokenPos);
+ prevTokenPos+=ddiff;
+ tokenPos+=ddiff;
+ }
+ data.insert(data.begin()+prevTokenPos,
+ c=='?' ? PToken(PToken::Kind::Optional) : PToken(PToken::Kind::Star));
+ tokenPos++;
+ addToken(PToken(PToken::Kind::End));
+ // turn a sequence of tokens [T1 T2 T3] followed by 'T*' or into [T* T1 T2 T3 TEND]
+ // ^prevTokenPos
+ // same for 'T?'.
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ prevTokenPos = tokenPos;
+ addToken(getNextCharacter());
+ break;
+ }
+ ps++;
+ }
+ //addToken(PToken(PToken::Kind::End));
+/** Dump the compiled token stream for this regular expression. For debugging purposes. */
+void Ex::Private::dump()
+ size_t l = data.size();
+ size_t i =0;
+ DBG("==== compiled token stream for pattern '%s' ===\n",pattern.c_str());
+ while (i<l)
+ {
+ DBG("[%s:%04x]\n",data[i].kindStr(),data[i].value());
+ if (data[i].kind()==PToken::Kind::CharClass || data[i].kind()==PToken::Kind::NegCharClass)
+ {
+ uint16_t num = data[i].value();
+ while (num>0 && i<l)
+ {
+ i++;
+ if (data[i].isRange()) // from-to range
+ {
+ DBG("[%04x(%c)-%04x(%c)]\n",data[i].from(),data[i].from(),data[i].to(),data[i].to());
+ }
+ else // special character like \n or \s
+ {
+ DBG("[%s:%04x]\n",data[i].kindStr(),data[i].value());
+ }
+ num--;
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+/** Internal matching routine.
+ * @param tokenPos Offset into the token stream.
+ * @param str The input string to match against.
+ * @param match The object used to store the matching results.
+ * @param pos The position in the input string to start with matching
+ * @param level Recursion level (used for debugging)
+ */
+bool Ex::Private::matchAt(size_t tokenPos,const std::string &str,Match &match,const size_t pos,int level) const
+ DBG("%d:matchAt(tokenPos=%zu, str='%s', pos=%zu)\n",level,tokenPos,str.c_str(),pos);
+ auto isStartIdChar = [](char c) { return isalpha(c) || c=='_'; };
+ auto isIdChar = [](char c) { return isalnum(c) || c=='_'; };
+ auto matchCharClass = [this,isStartIdChar,isIdChar](size_t tp,char c) -> bool
+ {
+ PToken tok = data[tp];
+ bool negate = tok.kind()==PToken::Kind::NegCharClass;
+ uint16_t numFields = tok.value();
+ bool found = false;
+ for (uint16_t i=0;i<numFields;i++)
+ {
+ tok = data[++tp];
+ // first check for built-in ranges
+ if ((tok.kind()==PToken::Kind::Alpha && isStartIdChar(c)) ||
+ (tok.kind()==PToken::Kind::AlphaNum && isIdChar(c)) ||
+ (tok.kind()==PToken::Kind::WhiteSpace && isspace(c)) ||
+ (tok.kind()==PToken::Kind::Digit && isdigit(c))
+ )
+ {
+ found=true;
+ break;
+ }
+ else // user specified range
+ {
+ uint16_t v = static_cast<uint16_t>(c);
+ if (tok.from()<=v && v<
+ {
+ found=true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DBG("matchCharClass(tp=%zu,c=%c (x%02x))=%d\n",tp,c,c,negate?!found:found);
+ return negate ? !found : found;
+ };
+ size_t index = pos;
+ enum SequenceType { Star, Optional };
+ auto processSequence = [this,&tokenPos,&index,&str,&matchCharClass,
+ &isStartIdChar,&isIdChar,&match,&level,&pos](SequenceType type) -> bool
+ {
+ size_t startIndex = index;
+ PToken tok = data[++tokenPos];
+ if (tok.kind()==PToken::Kind::Character) // 'x*' -> eat x's
+ {
+ char c_tok = tok.asciiValue();
+ while (index<=str.length() && str[index]==c_tok) { index++; if (type==Optional) break; }
+ tokenPos++;
+ }
+ else if (tok.isCharClass()) // '[a-f0-4]* -> eat matching characters
+ {
+ while (index<=str.length() && matchCharClass(tokenPos,str[index])) { index++; if (type==Optional) break; }
+ tokenPos+=tok.value()+1; // skip over character ranges + end token
+ }
+ else if (tok.kind()==PToken::Kind::Alpha) // '\a*' -> eat start id characters
+ {
+ while (index<=str.length() && isStartIdChar(str[index])) { index++; if (type==Optional) break; }
+ tokenPos++;
+ }
+ else if (tok.kind()==PToken::Kind::AlphaNum) // '\w*' -> eat id characters
+ {
+ while (index<=str.length() && isIdChar(str[index])) { index++; if (type==Optional) break; }
+ tokenPos++;
+ }
+ else if (tok.kind()==PToken::Kind::WhiteSpace) // '\s*' -> eat spaces
+ {
+ while (index<=str.length() && isspace(str[index])) { index++; if (type==Optional) break; }
+ tokenPos++;
+ }
+ else if (tok.kind()==PToken::Kind::Digit) // '\d*' -> eat digits
+ {
+ while (index<=str.length() && isdigit(str[index])) { index++; if (type==Optional) break; }
+ tokenPos++;
+ }
+ else if (tok.kind()==PToken::Kind::Any) // '.*' -> eat all
+ {
+ if (type==Optional) index++; else index = str.length();
+ tokenPos++;
+ }
+ tokenPos++; // skip over end marker
+ while ((int)index>=(int)startIndex)
+ {
+ // pattern 'x*xy' should match 'xy' and 'xxxxy'
+ bool found = matchAt(tokenPos,str,match,index,level+1);
+ if (found)
+ {
+ match.setMatch(pos,index-pos+match.length());
+ return true;
+ }
+ index--;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ while (tokenPos<data.size())
+ {
+ PToken tok = data[tokenPos];
+ //DBG("loop tokenPos=%zu token=%s\n",tokenPos,tok.kindStr());
+ if (tok.kind()==PToken::Kind::Character) // match literal character
+ {
+ char c_tok = tok.asciiValue();
+ if (index>=str.length() || str[index]!=c_tok) return false; // end of string, or non matching char
+ index++,tokenPos++;
+ }
+ else if (tok.isCharClass())
+ {
+ if (index>=str.length() || !matchCharClass(tokenPos,str[index])) return false;
+ index++,tokenPos+=tok.value()+1; // skip over character ranges + end token
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (tok.kind())
+ {
+ case PToken::Kind::Alpha:
+ if (index>=str.length() || !isStartIdChar(str[index])) return false;
+ index++;
+ break;
+ case PToken::Kind::AlphaNum:
+ if (index>=str.length() || !isIdChar(str[index])) return false;
+ index++;
+ break;
+ case PToken::Kind::WhiteSpace:
+ if (index>=str.length() || !isspace(str[index])) return false;
+ index++;
+ break;
+ case PToken::Kind::Digit:
+ if (index>=str.length() || !isdigit(str[index])) return false;
+ index++;
+ break;
+ case PToken::Kind::BeginOfLine:
+ if (index!=pos) return false;
+ break;
+ case PToken::Kind::EndOfLine:
+ if (index<str.length()) return false;
+ break;
+ case PToken::Kind::BeginOfWord:
+ DBG("BeginOfWord: index=%zu isIdChar(%c)=%d prev.isIdChar(%c)=%d\n",
+ index,str[index],isIdChar(str[index]),
+ index>0?str[index]-1:0,
+ index>0?isIdChar(str[index-1]):-1);
+ if (index>=str.length() ||
+ !isIdChar(str[index]) ||
+ (index>0 && isIdChar(str[index-1]))) return false;
+ break;
+ case PToken::Kind::EndOfWord:
+ DBG("EndOfWord: index=%zu pos=%zu idIdChar(%c)=%d prev.isIsChar(%c)=%d\n",
+ index,pos,str[index],isIdChar(str[index]),
+ index==0 ? 0 : str[index-1],
+ index==0 ? -1 : isIdChar(str[index-1]));
+ if (index<str.length() &&
+ (isIdChar(str[index]) || index==0 || !isIdChar(str[index-1]))) return false;
+ break;
+ case PToken::Kind::BeginCapture:
+ DBG("BeginCapture(%zu)\n",index);
+ match.startCapture(index);
+ break;
+ case PToken::Kind::EndCapture:
+ DBG("EndCapture(%zu)\n",index);
+ match.endCapture(index);
+ break;
+ case PToken::Kind::Any:
+ if (index>=str.length()) return false;
+ index++;
+ break;
+ case PToken::Kind::Star:
+ return processSequence(Star);
+ case PToken::Kind::Optional:
+ return processSequence(Optional);
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ tokenPos++;
+ }
+ }
+ match.setMatch(pos,index-pos);
+ return true;
+static std::string wildcard2regex(const std::string &pattern)
+ std::string result="^"; // match start of input
+ char c;
+ const char *p = pattern.c_str();
+ while ((c=*p++))
+ {
+ switch(c)
+ {
+ case '*':
+ result+=".*";
+ break; // '*' => '.*'
+ case '?':
+ result+='.';
+ break; // '?' => '.'
+ case '.':
+ case '+':
+ case '\\':
+ case '$':
+ case '^':
+ case '(':
+ case ')':
+ result+='\\'; result+=c; // escape
+ break;
+ case '[':
+ if (*p=='^') // don't escape ^ after [
+ {
+ result+="[^";
+ p++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result+=c;
+ }
+ break;
+ default: // just copy
+ result+=c;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ result+='$'; // match end of input
+ return result;
+Ex::Ex(const std::string &pattern, Mode mode)
+ : p(std::make_unique<Private>(mode==Mode::RegEx ? pattern : wildcard2regex(pattern)))
+ p->compile();
+ p->dump();
+ assert(!p->error);
+bool Ex::match(const std::string &str,Match &match,size_t pos) const
+ bool found=false;
+ if (p->data.size()==0 || p->error) return found;
+ match.init(&str);
+ PToken tok = p->data[0];
+ if (tok.kind()==PToken::Kind::BeginOfLine) // only test match at the given position
+ {
+ found = p->matchAt(0,str,match,pos,0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (tok.kind()==PToken::Kind::Character) // search for the start character
+ {
+ size_t index = str.find(tok.asciiValue(),pos);
+ if (index==std::string::npos)
+ {
+ DBG("Ex::match(str='%s',pos=%zu)=false (no start char '%c')\n",str.c_str(),pos,tok.asciiValue());
+ return false;
+ }
+ DBG("pos=%zu str='%s' char='%c' index=%zu\n",index,str.c_str(),tok.asciiValue(),index);
+ pos=index;
+ }
+ while (pos<str.length()) // search for a match starting at pos
+ {
+ found = p->matchAt(0,str,match,pos,0);
+ if (found) break;
+ pos++;
+ }
+ }
+ DBG("Ex::match(str='%s',pos=%zu)=%d\n",str.c_str(),pos,found);
+ return found;
+bool Ex::isValid() const
+ return !p->pattern.empty() && !p->error;
+bool search(const std::string &str,Match &match,const Ex &re,size_t pos)
+ return re.match(str,match,pos);
+bool search(const std::string &str,const Ex &re,size_t pos)
+ Match match;
+ return re.match(str,match,pos);
+bool match(const std::string &str,Match &match,const Ex &re)
+ return re.match(str,match,0) && match.position()==0 && match.length()==str.length();
+bool match(const std::string &str,const Ex &re)
+ Match match;
+ return re.match(str,match,0) && match.position()==0 && match.length()==str.length();
+std::string replace(const std::string &str,const Ex &re,const std::string &replacement)
+ std::string result;
+ Match match;
+ size_t p=0;
+ while (re.match(str,match,p))
+ {
+ size_t i=match.position();
+ size_t l=match.length();
+ if (i>p) result+=str.substr(p,i-p);
+ result+=replacement;
+ p=i+l;
+ }
+ if (p<str.length()) result+=str.substr(p);
+ return result;