path: root/src/vhdljjparser.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/vhdljjparser.cpp')
1 files changed, 828 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/vhdljjparser.cpp b/src/vhdljjparser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f31c9fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vhdljjparser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,828 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 by M. Kreis
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby
+ * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software
+ * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ */
+#include <qcstring.h>
+#include <qfileinfo.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include "vhdljjparser.h"
+#include "vhdlcode.h"
+#include "vhdldocgen.h"
+#include "message.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "doxygen.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "language.h"
+#include "commentscan.h"
+#include "index.h"
+#include "definition.h"
+#include "searchindex.h"
+#include "outputlist.h"
+#include "arguments.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include "VhdlParserIF.h"
+using namespace vhdl::parser;
+using namespace std;
+static ParserInterface *g_thisParser;
+static QCString yyFileName;
+static int yyLineNr = 1;
+static int* lineParse;
+static int iDocLine = -1;
+static QCString inputString;
+static Entry gBlock;
+static Entry* previous = 0;
+#if 0
+int iLine;
+QStringList qrl;
+ParserInterface *g_thisParser;
+int inputPosition;
+int inputLen;
+int startComment = 0;
+QFile inputFile;
+QCString inbuf;
+QCString yyFileName;
+bool g_lexInit = FALSE;
+int yyLineNr = 1;
+int g_lastCommentContext = 0;
+bool docBlockAutoBrief;
+char docBlockTerm;
+int iDocLine = -1;
+int num_chars;
+int* lineParse;
+static Entry* oldEntry;
+static bool varr=FALSE;
+static QCString varName;
+static QList<Entry> instFiles;
+static QList<Entry> libUse;
+static QList<Entry> lineEntry;
+Entry* VhdlParser::currentCompound=0;
+Entry* VhdlParser::tempEntry=0;
+Entry* VhdlParser::lastEntity=0 ;
+Entry* VhdlParser::lastCompound=0 ;
+Entry* VhdlParser::current=0;
+Entry* VhdlParser::current_root = 0;
+QCString VhdlParser::compSpec;
+QCString VhdlParser::currName;
+QCString VhdlParser::confName;
+QCString VhdlParser::genLabels;
+QCString VhdlParser::lab;
+QCString VhdlParser::forL;
+int VhdlParser::param_sec = 0;
+int VhdlParser::parse_sec=0;
+int VhdlParser::currP=0;
+int VhdlParser::levelCounter;
+static QList<VhdlConfNode> configL;
+ QCString doc;
+ bool brief;
+ bool pending;
+ int iDocLine;
+} str_doc;
+static bool doxComment=FALSE; // doxygen comment ?
+static QCString strComment;
+static int iCodeLen;
+bool checkMultiComment(QCString& qcs,int line);
+QList<Entry>* getEntryAtLine(const Entry* ce,int line);
+QList<VhdlConfNode>& getVhdlConfiguration() { return configL; }
+QList<Entry>& getVhdlInstList() { return instFiles; }
+Entry* getVhdlCompound()
+ if (VhdlParser::lastEntity) return VhdlParser::lastEntity;
+ if (VhdlParser::lastCompound) return VhdlParser::lastCompound;
+ return NULL;
+void startCodeBlock(int index)
+ int ll=strComment.length();
+ iCodeLen=inputString.findRev(;
+ // fprintf(stderr,"\n startin code..%d %d %d\n",iCodeLen,num_chars,ll);
+ //assert(false);
+ gBlock.reset();
+ int len=strComment.length();
+ QCString name=strComment.right(len-index);//
+ name=VhdlDocGen::getIndexWord(,1);
+ if (!name)
+"misc"+ VhdlDocGen::getRecordNumber();
+ else
+ //int li=strComment.contains('\n');
+ gBlock.startLine=yyLineNr;
+ gBlock.bodyLine=yyLineNr;
+ strComment=strComment.left(index);
+ VhdlDocGen::prepareComment(strComment);
+ gBlock.brief+=strComment;
+void makeInlineDoc(int endCode)
+ int len=endCode-iCodeLen;
+ QCString par=inputString.mid(iCodeLen,len);
+ //fprintf(stderr,"\n inline code: \n<%s>",;
+ gBlock.doc=par;
+ gBlock.inbodyDocs=par;
+ gBlock.section=Entry::VARIABLE_SEC;
+ gBlock.spec=VhdlDocGen::MISCELLANEOUS;
+ gBlock.fileName = yyFileName;
+ gBlock.endBodyLine=yyLineNr-1;
+ gBlock.lang=SrcLangExt_VHDL;
+ Entry *temp=new Entry(gBlock);
+ Entry* compound=getVhdlCompound();
+ if (compound)
+ {
+ compound->addSubEntry(temp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ temp->type="misc"; // global code like library ieee...
+ VhdlParser::current_root->addSubEntry(temp);
+ }
+ strComment.resize(0);
+ gBlock.reset();
+}// makeInlineDoc
+bool isConstraintFile(const QCString &fileName,const QCString &ext)
+ return fileName.right(ext.length())==ext;
+void VHDLLanguageScanner::parseInput(const char *fileName,const char *fileBuf,Entry *root,
+ bool ,QStrList&)
+ g_thisParser=this;
+ bool inLine=false;
+ inputString=fileBuf;
+ if (strlen(fileName)==0)
+ {
+ inLine=true;
+ }
+ yyFileName+=fileName;
+ bool xilinx_ucf=isConstraintFile(yyFileName,".ucf");
+ bool altera_qsf=isConstraintFile(yyFileName,".qsf");
+ // support XILINX(ucf) and ALTERA (qsf) file
+ if (xilinx_ucf)
+ {
+ VhdlDocGen::parseUCF(fileBuf,root,yyFileName,FALSE);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (altera_qsf)
+ {
+ VhdlDocGen::parseUCF(fileBuf,root,yyFileName,TRUE);
+ return;
+ }
+ libUse.setAutoDelete(true);
+ yyLineNr=1;
+ VhdlParser::current_root=root;
+ VhdlParser::lastCompound=0;
+ VhdlParser::lastEntity=0;
+ VhdlParser::currentCompound=0;
+ VhdlParser::lastEntity=0;
+ VhdlParser::current=new Entry();
+ VhdlParser::initEntry(VhdlParser::current);
+ groupEnterFile(fileName,yyLineNr);
+ lineParse=new int[200];
+ VhdlParserIF::parseVhdlfile(fileBuf,inLine);
+ delete VhdlParser::current;
+ VhdlParser::current=0;
+ if (!inLine)
+ VhdlParser::mapLibPackage(root);
+ delete lineParse;
+ yyFileName.resize(0);
+ libUse.clear();
+ VhdlDocGen::resetCodeVhdlParserState();
+void VhdlParser::lineCount(){ yyLineNr++; }
+void VhdlParser::lineCount(const char* text)
+ for (const char* c=text ; *c ; ++c )
+ {
+ yyLineNr += (*c == '\n') ;
+ }
+void isVhdlDocPending()
+ if (!str_doc.pending) return;
+ str_doc.pending=FALSE;
+ oldEntry=0; // prevents endless recursion
+ iDocLine=str_doc.iDocLine;
+ VhdlParser::handleCommentBlock(str_doc.doc,str_doc.brief);
+ iDocLine=-1;
+void VhdlParser::initEntry(Entry *e)
+ e->fileName = yyFileName;
+ e->lang = SrcLangExt_VHDL;
+ isVhdlDocPending();
+ initGroupInfo(e);
+void VhdlParser::newEntry()
+ if (current->spec==VhdlDocGen::ENTITY ||
+ current->spec==VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE ||
+ current->spec==VhdlDocGen::ARCHITECTURE ||
+ current->spec==VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE_BODY)
+ {
+ current_root->addSubEntry(current);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (lastCompound)
+ {
+ lastCompound->addSubEntry(current);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (lastEntity)
+ {
+ lastEntity->addSubEntry(current);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ current_root->addSubEntry(current);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ previous = current;
+ current = new Entry ;
+ initEntry(current);
+bool checkInlineCode(QCString & doc)
+ int index=doc.find("\\code");
+ if (index>0)
+ {
+ strComment+=doc;
+ startCodeBlock(index);
+ doxComment=TRUE;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void VhdlParser::handleFlowComment(const char* doc)
+ lineCount(doc);
+ if (VhdlDocGen::getFlowMember())
+ {
+ QCString qcs(doc);
+ qcs=qcs.stripWhiteSpace();
+ qcs.stripPrefix("--#");
+ FlowChart::addFlowChart(FlowChart::COMMENT_NO,0,0,;
+ }
+void VhdlParser::handleCommentBlock(const char* doc1,bool brief)
+ int position=0;
+ static bool isIn;
+ QCString doc(doc1);
+ if (doc.isEmpty()) return;
+ if (checkMultiComment(doc,yyLineNr))
+ {
+ lineCount(doc1);
+ return;
+ }
+ isIn=checkInlineCode(doc);
+ bool isEndCode=doc.contains("\\endcode");
+ // empty comment --!
+ if (isEndCode)
+ {
+ int end=inputString.find(,iCodeLen);
+ makeInlineDoc(end);
+ strComment.resize(0);
+ isIn=false;
+ }
+ if (isIn)
+ {
+ isIn=false;
+ lineCount(doc1);
+ return;
+ }
+ VhdlDocGen::prepareComment(doc);
+ bool needsEntry=FALSE;
+ Protection protection=Public;
+ int lineNr = iDocLine;
+ if (oldEntry==current)
+ {
+ //printf("\n find pending message < %s > at line: %d \n ",,iDocLine);
+ str_doc.doc=doc;
+ str_doc.iDocLine=iDocLine;
+ str_doc.brief=brief;
+ str_doc.pending=TRUE;
+ return;
+ }
+ oldEntry=current;
+ if (brief)
+ {
+ current->briefLine = yyLineNr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ current->docLine = yyLineNr;
+ }
+ // printf("parseCommentBlock file<%s>\n [%s]\n",,;
+ while (parseCommentBlock(
+ g_thisParser,
+ current,
+ doc, // text
+ yyFileName, // file
+ lineNr, // line of block start
+ brief,
+ 0,
+ protection,
+ position,
+ needsEntry
+ )
+ )
+ {
+ //printf("parseCommentBlock position=%d [%s]\n",position,;
+ if (needsEntry) newEntry();
+ }
+ if (needsEntry)
+ {
+ if (varr)
+ {
+ varr=FALSE;
+ current->name=varName;
+ current->section=Entry::VARIABLEDOC_SEC;
+ varName="";
+ }
+ newEntry();
+ }
+ lineCount(doc1);
+void VHDLLanguageScanner::parsePrototype(const char *text)
+ varName=text;
+ varr=TRUE;
+void VhdlParser::addCompInst(char *n, char* instName, char* comp,int iLine)
+ current->spec=VhdlDocGen::INSTANTIATION;
+ current->section=Entry::VARIABLE_SEC;
+ current->startLine=iLine;
+ current->bodyLine=iLine;
+ current->type=instName; // foo:instname e.g proto or work. proto(ttt)
+ current->exception=genLabels.lower(); // |arch|label1:label2...
+ current->name=n; // foo
+ current->args=lastCompound->name; // architecture name
+ current->includeName=comp; // component/enity/configuration
+ int u=genLabels.find("|",1);
+ if (u>0)
+ {
+ current->write=genLabels.right(genLabels.length()-u);
+ current->read=genLabels.left(u);
+ }
+ //printf (" \n genlable: [%s] inst: [%s] name: [%s] %d\n",n,instName,comp,iLine);
+ if (lastCompound)
+ {
+ current->args=lastCompound->name;
+ if (true) // !findInstant(current->type))
+ {
+ initEntry(current);
+ instFiles.append(new Entry(*current));
+ }
+ Entry *temp=current; // hold current pointer (temp=oldEntry)
+ current=new Entry; // (oldEntry != current)
+ delete temp;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ newEntry();
+ }
+void VhdlParser::addVhdlType(const char *n,int startLine,int section,
+ uint64 spec,const char* args,const char* type,Protection prot)
+ static QRegExp reg("[\\s]");
+ QCString name(n);
+ if (isFuncProcProced() || VhdlDocGen::getFlowMember()) return;
+ if (parse_sec==GEN_SEC)
+ {
+ spec= VhdlDocGen::GENERIC;
+ }
+ QStringList ql=QStringList::split(",",name,FALSE);
+ for (uint u=0;u<ql.count();u++)
+ {
+ current->name=ql[u].utf8();
+ current->startLine=startLine;
+ current->bodyLine=startLine;
+ current->section=section;
+ current->spec=spec;
+ current->fileName=yyFileName;
+ if (current->args.isEmpty())
+ {
+ current->args=args;
+ }
+ current->type=type;
+ current->protection=prot;
+ if (!lastCompound && (section==Entry::VARIABLE_SEC) && (spec == VhdlDocGen::USE || spec == VhdlDocGen::LIBRARY) )
+ {
+ libUse.append(new Entry(*current));
+ current->reset();
+ }
+ newEntry();
+ }
+void VhdlParser::createFunction(const char *imp,uint64 spec,const char *fn)
+ QCString impure(imp);
+ QCString fname(fn);
+ current->spec=spec;
+ current->section=Entry::FUNCTION_SEC;
+ if (impure=="impure" || impure=="pure")
+ {
+ current->exception=impure;
+ }
+ if (parse_sec==GEN_SEC)
+ {
+ current->spec= VhdlDocGen::GENERIC;
+ current->section=Entry::FUNCTION_SEC;
+ }
+ if (currP==VhdlDocGen::PROCEDURE)
+ {
+ current->name=impure;
+ current->exception="";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ current->name=fname;
+ }
+ if (spec==VhdlDocGen::PROCESS)
+ {
+ current->args=fname;
+ current->name=impure;
+ VhdlDocGen::deleteAllChars(current->args,' ');
+ if (!fname.isEmpty())
+ {
+ QStringList q1=QStringList::split(",",fname);
+ for (uint ii=0;ii<q1.count();ii++)
+ {
+ Argument *arg=new Argument;
+ arg->name=q1[ii].utf8();
+ current->argList->append(arg);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+bool VhdlParser::isFuncProcProced()
+ if (currP==VhdlDocGen::FUNCTION ||
+ currP==VhdlDocGen::PROCEDURE ||
+ currP==VhdlDocGen::PROCESS
+ )
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+void VhdlParser::pushLabel( QCString &label,QCString & val)
+ label+="|";
+ label+=val;
+ QCString VhdlParser::popLabel(QCString & q)
+ QCString u=q;
+ int i=q.findRev("|");
+ if (i<0) return "";
+ q = q.left(i);
+ return q;
+void VhdlParser::addConfigureNode(const char* a,const char*b, bool,bool isLeaf,bool inlineConf)
+ VhdlConfNode* co=0;
+ QCString ent,arch,lab;
+ QCString l=genLabels;
+ ent=a;
+ // lab = VhdlDocGen::parseForConfig(ent,arch);
+ if (b)
+ {
+ ent=b;
+ // lab=VhdlDocGen::parseForBinding(ent,arch);
+ }
+ int level=0;
+ if (!configL.isEmpty())
+ {
+ VhdlConfNode* vc=configL.getLast();
+ level=vc->level;
+ if (levelCounter==0)
+ {
+ pushLabel(forL,ent);
+ }
+ else if (level<levelCounter)
+ {
+ if (!isLeaf)
+ {
+ pushLabel(forL,ent);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (level>levelCounter)
+ {
+ forL=popLabel(forL);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pushLabel(forL,ent);
+ }
+ if (inlineConf)
+ {
+ confName=lastCompound->name;
+ }
+ //fprintf(stderr,"\n[%s %d %d]\n",,levelCounter,level);
+ co=new VhdlConfNode(a,b,confName.lower().data(),forL.lower().data(),isLeaf);
+ if (inlineConf)
+ {
+ co->isInlineConf=TRUE;
+ }
+ configL.append(co);
+}// addConfigure
+void VhdlParser::addProto(const char *s1,const char *s2,const char *s3,
+ const char *s4,const char *s5,const char *s6)
+ (void)s5; // avoid unused warning
+ static QRegExp reg("[\\s]");
+ QCString name=s2;
+ QStringList ql=QStringList::split(",",name,FALSE);
+ for (uint u=0;u<ql.count();u++)
+ {
+ Argument *arg=new Argument;
+ arg->name=ql[u].utf8();
+ if (s3)
+ {
+ arg->type=s3;
+ }
+ arg->type+=" ";
+ arg->type+=s4;
+ if (s6)
+ {
+ arg->type+=s6;
+ }
+ if (parse_sec==GEN_SEC && param_sec==0)
+ {
+ arg->defval="gen!";
+ }
+ if (parse_sec==PARAM_SEC)
+ {
+ // assert(false);
+ }
+ arg->defval+=s1;
+ arg->attrib="";//s6;
+ current->argList->append(arg);
+ current->args+=s2;
+ current->args+=",";
+ }
+ * adds the library|use statements to the next class (entity|package|architecture|package body
+ * library ieee
+ * entity xxx
+ * .....
+ * library
+ * package
+ * enity zzz
+ * .....
+ * and so on..
+ */
+void VhdlParser::mapLibPackage( Entry* root)
+ QList<Entry> epp=libUse;
+ EntryListIterator eli(epp);
+ Entry *rt;
+ for (;(rt=eli.current());++eli)
+ {
+ if (addLibUseClause(rt->name))
+ {
+ Entry *current;
+ EntryListIterator eLib(*root->children());
+ bool bFound=FALSE;
+ for (eLib.toFirst();(current=eLib.current());++eLib)
+ {
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isVhdlClass(current))
+ {
+ if (current->startLine > rt->startLine)
+ {
+ bFound=TRUE;
+ current->addSubEntry(new Entry(*rt));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }//for
+ if (!bFound)
+ {
+ root->addSubEntry(new Entry(*rt));
+ }
+ } //if
+ }// for
+bool VhdlParser::addLibUseClause(const QCString &type)
+ static bool showIEEESTD=Config_getBool("FORCE_LOCAL_INCLUDES");
+ if (showIEEESTD) // all standard packages and libraries will not be shown
+ {
+ if (type.lower().stripPrefix("ieee")) return FALSE;
+ if (type.lower().stripPrefix("std")) return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+int VhdlParser::getLine()
+ return yyLineNr;
+void VhdlParser::setLineParsed(int tok)
+ lineParse[tok]=yyLineNr;
+int VhdlParser::getLine(int tok)
+ int val=lineParse[tok];
+ if (val<0) val=0;
+ //assert(val>=0 && val<=yyLineNr);
+ return val;
+void VhdlParser::createFlow()
+ if (!VhdlDocGen::getFlowMember())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ QCString q,ret;
+ if (currP==VhdlDocGen::FUNCTION)
+ {
+ q=":function( ";
+ FlowChart::alignFuncProc(q,tempEntry->argList,true);
+ q+=")";
+ }
+ else if (currP==VhdlDocGen::PROCEDURE)
+ {
+ q=":procedure (";
+ FlowChart::alignFuncProc(q,tempEntry->argList,false);
+ q+=")";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ q=":process( "+tempEntry->args;
+ q+=")";
+ }
+ q.prepend(VhdlDocGen::getFlowMember()->name().data());
+ FlowChart::addFlowChart(FlowChart::START_NO,q,0);
+ if (currP==VhdlDocGen::FUNCTION)
+ {
+ ret="end function ";
+ }
+ else if (currP==VhdlDocGen::PROCEDURE)
+ {
+ ret="end procedure";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret="end process ";
+ }
+ FlowChart::addFlowChart(FlowChart::END_NO,ret,0);
+ // FlowChart::printFlowList();
+ FlowChart::writeFlowChart();
+ currP=0;
+bool checkMultiComment(QCString& qcs,int line)
+ QList<Entry> *pTemp=getEntryAtLine(VhdlParser::current_root,line);
+ if (pTemp->isEmpty()) return false;
+ //int ii=pTemp->count();
+ // qcs.stripPrefix("--!");
+ VhdlDocGen::prepareComment(qcs);
+ while (!pTemp->isEmpty())
+ {
+ Entry *e=(Entry*)pTemp->getFirst();
+ e->briefLine=line;
+ e->brief+=qcs;
+ iDocLine=-1;
+ pTemp->removeFirst();
+ //ii=pTemp->count();
+ }
+ return true;
+// returns the vhdl parsed types at line xxx
+QList<Entry>* getEntryAtLine(const Entry* ce,int line)
+ EntryListIterator eli(*ce->children());
+ Entry *rt;
+ for (;(rt=eli.current());++eli)
+ {
+ if (rt->bodyLine==line)
+ {
+ lineEntry.insert(0,rt);
+ } // if
+ getEntryAtLine(rt,line);
+ }
+ return &lineEntry;