path: root/templates/html/htmllayout.tpl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'templates/html/htmllayout.tpl')
1 files changed, 237 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/templates/html/htmllayout.tpl b/templates/html/htmllayout.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b82238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/html/htmllayout.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+{% msg %}----- Start generating HTML output for {{ config.PROJECT_NAME }} from template ----{% endmsg %}
+{# ---- copy fixed resources to the output ----- #}
+{% resource 'doxygen.css' %}
+{% resource 'tabs.css' %}
+{% resource 'jquery.js' %}
+{% resource 'dynsections.js %}
+{% resource 'tab_a.lum' %}
+{% resource 'tab_b.lum' %}
+{% resource 'tab_h.lum' %}
+{% resource 'tab_s.lum' %}
+{% resource 'tab_h.lum' %}
+{% resource 'bc_s.luma' %}
+{% resource 'doxygen.luma' %}
+{% resource 'closed.luma' %}
+{% resource 'open.luma' %}
+{% resource 'bdwn.luma' %}
+{% resource 'sync_on.luma' %}
+{% resource 'sync_off.luma' %}
+{# navigation #}
+{% resource 'nav_f.lum' %}
+{% resource 'nav_g.png' %}
+{% resource 'nav_h.lum' %}
+{% resource 'navtree.css' %}
+{# general search resources #}
+{% resource 'search_l.png' as 'search/search_l.png' %}
+{% resource 'search_m.png' as 'search/search_m.png' %}
+{% resource 'search_r.png' as 'search/search_r.png' %}
+{% if config.DISABLE_INDEX %}
+ {% resource 'search_noidx.css' as 'search/search.css' %}
+{% else %}
+ {% resource 'search.css' as 'search/search.css' %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if config.SERVER_BASED_SEARCH %}
+ {# server side search resources #}
+ {% resource 'mag.png' as 'search/mag.png' %}
+ {% resource 'extsearch.js as 'search/search.js' %}
+ {% resource 'search_functions.php' as 'search/search_functions.php' %}
+ {% resource 'search_opensearch.php' as 'search/search_opensearch.php' %}
+{% else %}
+ {# client side search resources #}
+ {% resource 'mag_sel.png' as 'search/mag_sel.png' %}
+ {% resource 'close.png' as 'search/close.png' %}
+ {% resource 'search.js' as 'search/search.js' %}
+{% endif %}
+{# interactive SVGs #}
+{% resource 'svgpan.js' %}
+{# -------------------------------------------------- #}
+{# global constants #}
+{% set maxItemsForFlatList=2 %}
+{% set maxItemsForMultiPageList=4 %}
+{# global variable #}
+{% set page_postfix='' %}
+{# open the global navigation index #}
+{% indexentry nav name=tr.mainPage file='index' anchor='' %}
+{% opensubindex nav %}
+{# ----------- HTML DOCUMENTATION PAGES ------------ #}
+{# write main page documentation #}
+{% with page=mainPage compound=mainPage isMainPage=True %}
+ {% create mainPage.fileName|append:config.HTML_FILE_EXTENSION from 'htmlpage.tpl' %}
+{% endwith %}
+{# write namespace documentation pages #}
+{% for compound in namespaceList %}
+ {% with page=compound %}
+ {% create compound.fileName|append:config.HTML_FILE_EXTENSION from 'htmlnamespace.tpl' %}
+ {% endwith %}
+{% endfor %}
+{# write class documentation pages #}
+{% for compound in classList %}
+ {% with page=compound %}
+ {% create compound.fileName|append:config.HTML_FILE_EXTENSION from 'htmlclass.tpl' %}
+ {% if compound.allMembersList and not config.OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C %}
+ {% create compound.allMembersFileName|append:config.HTML_FILE_EXTENSION from 'htmlallmembers.tpl' %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endwith %}
+{% endfor %}
+{# write the file sources #}
+{% for compound in fileList %}
+ {% with page=compound %}
+ {# TODO: to deal with clang optimisation, we need to write the sources in a different order! #}
+ {# TODO: now writing sources has the side-effect of creating cross-references. Need to split that up! #}
+ {% if compound.hasSourceFile %}
+ {% create compound.sourceFileName|append:config.HTML_FILE_EXTENSION from 'htmlsource.tpl' %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endwith %}
+{% endfor %}
+{# write file documentation pages #}
+{% for compound in fileList %}
+ {% with page=compound %}
+ {% create compound.fileName|append:config.HTML_FILE_EXTENSION from 'htmlfile.tpl' %}
+ {% endwith %}
+{% endfor %}
+{# write related page documentation #}
+{% for compound in pageList %}
+ {% with page=compound isMainPage=False %}
+ {% create compound.fileName|append:config.HTML_FILE_EXTENSION from 'htmlpage.tpl' %}
+ {% endwith %}
+{% endfor %}
+{# write module documentation #}
+{% for compound in moduleList %}
+ {% with page=compound %}
+ {% create compound.fileName|append:config.HTML_FILE_EXTENSION from 'htmlmodule.tpl' %}
+ {% endwith %}
+{% endfor %}
+{# TODO: write example documentation #}
+{# ----------- INDEXES ------------ #}
+{# --- related pages --- #}
+{% if pageTree.tree %}
+ {% with page=pageTree %}
+ {% create pageTree.fileName|append:config.HTML_FILE_EXTENSION from 'htmlpages.tpl' %}
+ {% endwith %}
+{% endif %}
+{# --- modules --- #}
+{% if moduleTree.tree %}
+ {% with page=moduleTree %}
+ {% create moduleTree.fileName|append:config.HTML_FILE_EXTENSION from 'htmlmodules.tpl' %}
+ {% endwith %}
+{% endif %}
+{# --- namespaces --- #}
+{% indexentry nav name=tr.namespaces file='' anchor='' %}
+{% opensubindex nav %}
+ {% if namespaceTree.tree %}
+ {% with page=namespaceTree %}
+ {% create namespaceTree.fileName|append:config.HTML_FILE_EXTENSION from 'htmlnamespaces.tpl' %}
+ {% endwith %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {# write symbol indices for namespace members #}
+ {% if namespaceMembersIndex.all %}
+ {% with page=namespaceMembersIndex scope='namespace' template='htmlnsmembers.tpl' %}
+ {% indexentry nav name=tr.namespaceMembers file=page.fileName anchor='' %}
+ {% include 'htmlmembersindex.tpl' %}
+ {% endwith %}
+ {% endif %}
+{% closesubindex nav %}
+{# --- classes --- #}
+{% indexentry nav name=tr.classes file='' anchor='' %}
+{% opensubindex nav %}
+ {# write the annotated class list #}
+ {% if classTree.tree %}
+ {% with page=classTree %}
+ {% create classTree.fileName|append:config.HTML_FILE_EXTENSION from 'htmlannotated.tpl' %}
+ {% endwith %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {# write class index #}
+ {% if classIndex.list %}
+ {% with page=classIndex %}
+ {% create classIndex.fileName|append:config.HTML_FILE_EXTENSION from 'htmlclasses.tpl' %}
+ {% endwith %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {# TODO: write the class inheritance hierarchy #}
+ {% if classHierarchy.tree %}
+ {% with page=classHierarchy %}
+ {% create classHierarchy.fileName|append:config.HTML_FILE_EXTENSION from 'htmlhierarchy.tpl' %}
+ {% endwith %}
+ {% with page=classHierarchy %}
+ {% if config.HAVE_DOT and config.GRAPHICAL_HIERARCHY %}
+ {% create 'inherits'|append:config.HTML_FILE_EXTENSION from 'htmlgraphhierarchy.tpl' %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endwith %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {# write symbol indices for class members #}
+ {% if classMembersIndex.all %}
+ {% with page=classMembersIndex scope='class' template='htmlclmembers.tpl' %}
+ {% indexentry nav name=tr.classMembers file=page.fileName anchor='' %}
+ {% include 'htmlmembersindex.tpl' %}
+ {% endwith %}
+ {% endif %}
+{% closesubindex nav %}
+{# --- files --- #}
+{% indexentry nav name=tr.files file='' anchor='' %}
+{% opensubindex nav %}
+ {# write the directory/file hierarchy #}
+ {% if fileTree.tree %}
+ {% with page=fileTree %}
+ {% create fileTree.fileName|append:config.HTML_FILE_EXTENSION from 'htmlfiles.tpl' %}
+ {% endwith %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {# write symbol indices for global namespace #}
+ {% if globalsIndex.all %}
+ {% with page=globalsIndex scope='file' template='htmlflmembers.tpl' %}
+ {% indexentry nav name=tr.fileMembers file=page.fileName anchor='' %}
+ {% include 'htmlmembersindex.tpl' %}
+ {% endwith %}
+ {% endif %}
+{% closesubindex nav %}
+{# write directory documentation pages #}
+{% for compound in dirList %}
+ {% with page=compound %}
+ {% create compound.fileName|append:config.HTML_FILE_EXTENSION from 'htmldir.tpl' %}
+ {% endwith %}
+{% endfor %}
+{# close the global navigation index #}
+{% closesubindex nav %}
+{# write the navigation tree data #}
+{% if config.GENERATE_TREEVIEW %}
+ {% create 'navtreedata.js' from 'htmljsnavtree.tpl' %}
+{% endif %}
+{% msg %}----- End generating HTML output for {{ config.PROJECT_NAME }} from template ----{% endmsg %}