path: root/trunk/doc/starting.doc
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Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/doc/starting.doc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 328 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/doc/starting.doc b/trunk/doc/starting.doc
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e5481e..0000000
--- a/trunk/doc/starting.doc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
- *
- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1997-2012 by Dimitri van Heesch.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby
- * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software
- * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
- * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
- *
- */
-/*! \page starting Getting started
-The executable \c doxygen is the main program that parses the sources and
-generates the documentation. See section \ref doxygen_usage for more
-detailed usage information.
-Optionally, the executable \c doxywizard can be used, which is a
-\ref doxywizard_usage "graphical front-end" for editing the configuration file
-that is used by doxygen and for running doxygen in a graphical environment.
-For Mac OS X doxywizard will be started by clicking on the Doxygen application
-The following figure shows the relation between the tools and the flow
-of information between them (it looks complex but that's only because it
-tries to be complete):
-\image html infoflow.png "Doxygen information flow"
-\image latex infoflow.eps "Doxygen information flow" width=14cm
-\section step0 Step 0: Check if doxygen supports your programming language
-First, assure that your programming language has a reasonable chance of being
-recognized by Doxygen. These languages are supported by default: C, C++, C#,
-Objective-C, IDL, Java, VHDL, PHP, Python, Tcl, Fortran, and D. It
-is possible to configure certain file type extensions to use certain parsers:
-see the \ref cfg_extension_mapping "Configuration/ExtensionMappings" for details.
-Also, completely different languages can be supported by using preprocessor
-programs: see the <a href="">Helpers page</a>
-for details.
-\section step1 Step 1: Creating a configuration file
-Doxygen uses a configuration file to determine all of its settings.
-Each project should get its own configuration file. A project can consist
-of a single source file, but can also be an entire source tree that is
-recursively scanned.
-To simplify the creation of a configuration file, doxygen can create a
-template configuration file for you. To do this call \c doxygen
-from the command line with the \c -g option:
-doxygen -g <config-file>
-where \<config-file\> is the name of the configuration file. If you omit
-the file name, a file named \c Doxyfile will be created. If a file with the
-name \<config-file\> already exists, doxygen will rename it to
-\<config-file\>.bak before generating the configuration template.
-If you use <code>-</code> (i.e. the minus sign) as the file name then
-doxygen will try to read the configuration file from standard
-input (<code>stdin</code>), which can be useful for scripting.
-The configuration file has a format that is similar to that of a (simple)
-Makefile. It consists of a number of assignments (tags) of the form:
-<tt>TAGNAME = VALUE</tt> or <br>
-<tt>TAGNAME = VALUE1 VALUE2 ... </tt><br>
-You can probably leave the values of most tags in a generated template
-configuration file to their default value. See section \ref config for
-more details about the configuration file.
-If you do not wish to edit the config file with a text editor, you should
-have a look at \ref doxywizard_usage "doxywizard", which is a GUI
-front-end that can create, read and write doxygen configuration files,
-and allows setting configuration options by entering them via dialogs.
-For a small project consisting of a few C and/or C++ source
-and header files, you can leave
-\ref cfg_input "INPUT" tag empty and doxygen will search for sources in
-the current directory.
-If you have a larger project consisting of a source directory or tree
-you should assign the root directory or
-directories to the \ref cfg_input "INPUT" tag, and add one or more file
-patterns to the \ref cfg_file_patterns "FILE_PATTERNS" tag
-(for instance `*.cpp *.h`). Only files that match one of the
-patterns will be parsed (if the patterns are omitted a list of
-typical patterns is used for the types of files doxygen supports).
-For recursive parsing of a source tree you must set
-the \ref cfg_recursive "RECURSIVE" tag to \c YES. To further fine-tune the
-list of files that is parsed the \ref cfg_exclude "EXCLUDE" and
-\ref cfg_exclude_patterns "EXCLUDE_PATTERNS" tags can be used.
-To omit all \c test directories from a source tree for instance, one could use:
-\verbatim EXCLUDE_PATTERNS = */test/*
-Doxygen looks at the file's extension to determine how to parse a file,
-using the following table:
-Extension | Language
-.idl |IDL
-.ddl |IDL
-.odl |IDL |Java
-.cs |C#
-.d |D
-.php |PHP
-.php4 |PHP
-.php5 |PHP |PHP
-.phtml |PHP
-.m |Objective-C
-.M |Objective-C |Objective-C |Python
-.f |Fortran
-.for |Fortran
-.f90 |Fortran
-.vhd |VHDL
-.vhdl |VHDL
-.tcl |TCL
-.ucf |VHDL
-.qsf |VHDL |Markdown
-.markdown |Markdown
-Any other extension is parsed as if it is a C/C++ file.
-\anchor extract_all
-If you start using doxygen for an existing project (thus without any
-documentation that doxygen is aware of), you can still get an idea of
-what the structure is and how the documented result would look like.
-To do so, you must set
-the \ref cfg_extract_all "EXTRACT_ALL" tag in the configuration file
-to \c YES. Then, doxygen will pretend everything in your sources is documented.
-Please note that as a consequence warnings about undocumented members
-will not be generated as long as \ref cfg_extract_all "EXTRACT_ALL" is
-set to \c YES.
-To analyze an existing piece of software it is useful to cross-reference
-a (documented) entity with its definition in the source files. Doxygen will
-generate such cross-references if you set
-the \ref cfg_source_browser "SOURCE_BROWSER" tag to \c YES.
-It can also include the sources directly into the documentation by setting
-\ref cfg_inline_sources "INLINE_SOURCES" to \c YES (this can be handy for
-code reviews for instance).
-\section step2 Step 2: Running doxygen
-To generate the documentation you can now enter:
-doxygen <config-file>
-Depending on your settings doxygen will create \c html, \c rtf,
-\c latex, \c xml and/or \c man directories inside the output directory.
-As the names suggest these directories contain the
-generated documentation in HTML, RTF, \f$\mbox{\LaTeX}\f$, XML and
-Unix-Man page format.
-The default output directory is the directory in which \c doxygen
-is started. The root directory to which the output is written can be changed
-using the \ref cfg_output_directory "OUTPUT_DIRECTORY". The format specific
-directory within the output directory can be selected using the
-\ref cfg_html_output "HTML_OUTPUT", \ref cfg_rtf_output "RTF_OUTPUT",
-\ref cfg_latex_output "LATEX_OUTPUT", \ref cfg_xml_output "XML_OUTPUT",
-and \ref cfg_man_output "MAN_OUTPUT"
-tags of the configuration file. If the output directory does not exist,
-\c doxygen will try to create it for you (but it will \e not try to create
-a whole path recursively, like <code>mkdir -p</code> does).
-\subsection html_out HTML output
-\addindex browser
-The generated HTML documentation can be viewed by pointing a HTML browser
-to the \c index.html file in the \c html directory. For the best results
-a browser that supports cascading style sheets (CSS) should be used
-(I'm using Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, and sometimes
-IE8, IE9, and Opera to test the generated output).
-Some of the features the HTML section (such as
-\ref cfg_generate_treeview "GENERATE_TREEVIEW" or the search engine)
-require a browser that supports Dynamic HTML and Javascript enabled.
-\subsection latex_out LaTeX output
-\addindex LaTeX
-The generated \f$\mbox{\LaTeX}\f$ documentation must first be compiled by
-a \f$\mbox{\LaTeX}\f$ compiler (I use a recent teTeX distribution for Linux
-and MacOSX and MikTex for Windows).
-To simplify the process of compiling the generated
-documentation, \c doxygen writes a \c Makefile into the \c latex directory
-(on the Windows platform also a \c make.bat batch file is generated).
-The contents and targets in the \c Makefile depend on the setting of
-\ref cfg_use_pdflatex "USE_PDFLATEX". If it is disabled (set to \c NO), then
-typing \c make in the \c latex directory a \c dvi file called \c refman.dvi
-will be generated. This file can then be viewed using \c xdvi or
-converted into a PostScript file \c by
-typing `make ps` (this requires `dvips`).
-To put 2 pages on one physical page use `make ps_2on1` instead.
-The resulting PostScript file can be send to a PostScript
-printer. If you do not have a PostScript printer, you can try to use
-ghostscript to convert PostScript into something your printer understands.
-Conversion to PDF is also possible if you have installed the ghostscript
-interpreter; just type `make pdf` (or `make pdf_2on1`).
-To get the best results for PDF output you should set
-the \ref cfg_pdf_hyperlinks "PDF_HYPERLINKS"
-and \ref cfg_use_pdflatex "USE_PDFLATEX" tags to \c YES.
-In this case the \c Makefile will only contain a target to build
-\c refman.pdf directly.
-\subsection rtf_out RTF output
-\addindex RTF
-Doxygen combines the RTF output to a single file called refman.rtf. This
-file is optimized for importing into the Microsoft Word. Certain information
-is encoded using so called fields. To show the actual value you need to
-select all (Edit - select all) and then toggle fields (right click and select
-the option from the drop down menu).
-\subsection xml_out XML output
-\addindex XML
-The XML output consists of a structured "dump" of the information gathered
-by doxygen. Each compound (class/namespace/file/...) has its own XML file
-and there is also an index file called `index.xml`.
-A file called `combine.xslt`
-XSLT script is also generated and can be used to combine all XML files
-into a single file.
-Doxygen also generates two XML schema files `index.xsd`
-(for the index file) and `compound.xsd` (for the compound files).
-This schema file describes the possible elements, their attributes and
-how they are structured, i.e. it the describes the grammar of the XML
-files and can be used for validation or to steer XSLT scripts.
-In the `addon/doxmlparser` directory you can find a parser library for reading
-the XML output produced by doxygen in an incremental way
-(see `addon/doxmlparser/include/doxmlintf.h` for the interface of the library)
-\subsection man_out Man page output
-The generated man pages can be viewed using the \c man program. You do need
-to make sure the man directory is in the man path (see the \c MANPATH
-environment variable). Note that there are some limitations to the
-capabilities of the man page format, so some information
-(like class diagrams, cross references and formulas) will be lost.
-\section step3 Step 3: Documenting the sources
-Although documenting the sources is presented as step 3, in a new project
-this should of course be step 1. Here I assume
-you already have some code and you want doxygen to generate a nice document
-describing the API and maybe the internals and some related design
-documentation as well.
-If the \ref cfg_extract_all "EXTRACT_ALL" option is set to \c NO in the
-configuration file (the default), then doxygen will only generate
-documentation for \e documented entities. So
-how do you document these? For members, classes and namespaces there are
-basically two options:
-1. Place a \e special documentation block in front of the declaration or
- definition of the member, class or namespace. For file, class and namespace
- members it is also allowed to place the documentation directly after the
- member.
- See section \ref specialblock to learn more about special
- documentation blocks.
-2. Place a special documentation block somewhere else (another file or
- another location) \e and put a <em>structural command</em> in the
- documentation block. A structural command links a documentation block
- to a certain entity that can be documented (e.g. a member, class,
- namespace or file).
- See section \ref structuralcommands to learn more
- about structural commands.
-The advantage of the first option is that you do not have to repeat the
-name of the entity.
-Files can only be documented using the second option, since there is
-no way to put a documentation block before a file. Of course, file members
-(functions, variables, typedefs, defines) do not need an explicit
-structural command; just putting a special documentation block in front or
-behind them will work fine.
-The text inside a special documentation block is parsed
-before it is written to the HTML and/or \f$\mbox{\LaTeX}\f$ output files.
-\addindex parsing
-During parsing the following steps take place:
-- Markdown formatting is replaced by corresponding HTML or special
- commands.
-- The special commands inside the documentation are executed. See
- section \ref commands for an overview of all commands.
-- If a line starts with some whitespace followed by one or more asterisks
- (`*`) and then optionally more whitespace,
- then all whitespace and asterisks are removed.
-- All resulting blank lines are treated as a paragraph separators.
- This saves you from placing new-paragraph commands yourself
- in order to make the generated documentation readable.
-- Links are created for words corresponding to documented classes
- (unless the word is preceded by a \%; then the word will not be linked and
- the \% sign is removed).
-- Links to members are created when certain patterns are found in the
- text. See section \ref autolink
- for more information on how the automatic link generation works.
-- HTML tags that are in the documentation are interpreted and converted
- to \f$\mbox{\LaTeX}\f$ equivalents for the \f$\mbox{\LaTeX}\f$ output.
- See section \ref htmlcmds for an overview of all supported HTML tags.
-Go to the <a href="docblocks.html">next</a> section or return to the
- <a href="index.html">index</a>.