path: root/trunk/src/fortranscanner.l
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/src/fortranscanner.l')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2252 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/src/fortranscanner.l b/trunk/src/fortranscanner.l
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a11483..0000000
--- a/trunk/src/fortranscanner.l
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2252 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: fundamental; indent-tabs-mode: 1; -*- */
- * Parser for Fortran90 F subset
- *
- * Copyright (C) by Anke Visser
- * based on the work of Dimitri van Heesch.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby
- * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software
- * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
- * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
- *
- */
-/* Developer notes.
- *
- * - Consider using startScope(), endScope() functions with module, program,
- * subroutine or any other scope in fortran program.
- *
- * - Symbol modifiers (attributes) are collected using SymbolModifiers |= operator during
- * substructure parsing. When substructure ends all modifiers are applied to actual
- * entries in applyModifiers() functions.
- *
- * - How case insensitiveness should be handled in code?
- * On one side we have arg->name and entry->name, on another side modifierMap[name].
- * In entries and arguments case is the same as in code, in modifier map case is lowered and
- * then it is compared to lowered entry/argument names.
- *
- * - Do not like constructs like aa{BS} or {BS}bb. Should try to handle blank space
- * with separate rule?: It seems it is often necessary, because we may parse something like
- * "functionA" or "MyInterface". So constructs like `(^|[ \t])interface({BS_}{ID})?/[ \t\n]'
- * are desired.
- *
- * - Must track yyLineNr when using REJECT, unput() or similar commands.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "qtbc.h"
-#include <qarray.h>
-#include <qstack.h>
-#include <qregexp.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <qfile.h>
-#include <qmap.h>
-#include "fortranscanner.h"
-#include "entry.h"
-#include "message.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include "doxygen.h"
-#include "util.h"
-#include "defargs.h"
-#include "language.h"
-#include "commentscan.h"
-#include "fortrancode.h"
-#include "pre.h"
-#include "arguments.h"
-class Arguments;
-// {{{ ----- Helper structs -----
-//! Holds modifiers (ie attributes) for one symbol (variable, function, etc)
-struct SymbolModifiers {
- enum Protection {NONE_P, PUBLIC, PRIVATE};
- enum Direction {NONE_D, IN, OUT, INOUT};
- //!< This is only used with function return value.
- QCString type, returnName;
- Protection protection;
- Direction direction;
- bool optional;
- QCString dimension;
- bool allocatable;
- bool external;
- bool intrinsic;
- bool parameter;
- bool pointer;
- bool target;
- bool save;
- bool deferred;
- bool nonoverridable;
- bool nopass;
- bool pass;
- QCString passVar;
- SymbolModifiers() : type(), returnName(), protection(NONE_P), direction(NONE_D),
- optional(FALSE), dimension(), allocatable(FALSE),
- external(FALSE), intrinsic(FALSE), parameter(FALSE),
- pointer(FALSE), target(FALSE), save(FALSE), deferred(FALSE), nonoverridable(FALSE),
- nopass(FALSE), pass(FALSE), passVar() {}
- SymbolModifiers& operator|=(const SymbolModifiers &mdfs);
- SymbolModifiers& operator|=(QCString mdfrString);
-//ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const SymbolModifiers& mdfs);
-static const char *directionStrs[] =
- "", "intent(in)", "intent(out)", "intent(inout)"
-static const char *directionParam[] =
- "", "[in]", "[out]", "[in,out]"
-// }}}
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * statics
- */
-static ParserInterface *g_thisParser;
-static const char * inputString;
-static int inputPosition;
-static bool isFixedForm;
-static QCString inputStringPrepass; ///< Input string for prepass of line cont. '&'
-static QCString inputStringSemi; ///< Input string after command separetor ';'
-static unsigned int inputPositionPrepass;
-static int lineCountPrepass = 0;
-static QList<Entry> subrCurrent;
-struct CommentInPrepass {
- int column;
- QCString str;
- CommentInPrepass(int column, QCString str) : column(column), str(str) {}
-static QList<CommentInPrepass> comments;
-int include_stack_ptr = 0;
-static QFile inputFile;
-static QCString yyFileName;
-static int yyLineNr = 1 ;
-static int yyColNr = 0 ;
-static Entry* current_root = 0 ;
-static Entry* global_root = 0 ;
-static Entry* file_root = 0 ;
-static Entry* current = 0 ;
-static Entry* last_entry = 0 ;
-static ScanVar v_type = V_IGNORE; // type of parsed variable
-static QList<Entry> moduleProcedures; // list of all interfaces which contain unresolved
- // module procedures
-static QCString docBlock;
-static QCString docBlockName;
-static bool docBlockInBody;
-static bool docBlockJavaStyle;
-static MethodTypes mtype;
-static bool gstat;
-static Specifier virt;
-static QCString debugStr;
-static QCString result; // function result
-static Argument *parameter; // element of parameter list
-static QCString argType; // fortran type of an argument of a parameter list
-static QCString argName; // last identifier name in variable list
-static QCString initializer; // initial value of a variable
-static int initializerArrayScope; // number if nested array scopes in initializer
-static int initializerScope; // number if nested function calls in initializer
-static QCString useModuleName; // name of module in the use statement
-static Protection defaultProtection;
-static Protection typeProtection;
-static int typeMode = false;
-static InterfaceType ifType = IF_NONE;
-static bool functionLine = FALSE;
-static char stringStartSymbol; // single or double quote
-//! Accumulated modifiers of current statement, eg variable declaration.
-static SymbolModifiers currentModifiers;
-//! Holds program scope->symbol name->symbol modifiers.
-static QMap<Entry*,QMap<QCString,SymbolModifiers> > modifiers;
-static int yyread(char *buf,int max_size);
-static void startCommentBlock(bool);
-static void handleCommentBlock(const QCString &doc,bool brief);
-static void subrHandleCommentBlock(const QCString &doc,bool brief);
-static void addCurrentEntry();
-static void addModule(const char *name, bool isModule=FALSE);
-static void addSubprogram(const char *text);
-static void addInterface(QCString name, InterfaceType type);
-static Argument *getParameter(const QCString &name);
-static void scanner_abort();
-static void startScope(Entry *scope);
-static bool endScope(Entry *scope, bool isGlobalRoot=FALSE);
-static QCString getFullName(Entry *e);
-//static bool isTypeName(QCString name);
-static void resolveModuleProcedures(QList<Entry> &moduleProcedures, Entry *current_root);
-static int getAmpersandAtTheStart(const char *buf, int length);
-static int getAmpOrExclAtTheEnd(const char *buf, int length);
-static void truncatePrepass(int index);
-static void pushBuffer(QCString &buffer);
-static void popBuffer();
-//static void extractPrefix(QCString& text);
-static QCString extractFromParens(const QCString name);
-static CommentInPrepass* locatePrepassComment(int from, int to);
-static void updateVariablePrepassComment(int from, int to);
-static void newLine();
-#undef YY_INPUT
-#define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) result=yyread(buf,max_size);
-#define YY_USER_ACTION yyColNr+=yyleng;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-IDSYM [a-z_A-Z0-9]
-NOTIDSYM [^a-z_A-Z0-9]
-SEPARATE [:, \t]
-ID [a-z_A-Z%]+{IDSYM}*
-ID_ [a-z_A-Z%]*{IDSYM}*
-LABELID [a-z_A-Z]+[a-z_A-Z0-9\-]*
-SUBPROG (subroutine|function)
-B [ \t]
-BS [ \t]*
-BS_ [ \t]+
-ARGS_L0 ("("[^)]*")")
-ARGS_L1a [^()]*"("[^)]*")"[^)]*
-ARGS_L1 ("("{ARGS_L1a}*")")
-ARGS_L2 "("({ARGS_L0}|[^()]|{ARGS_L1a}|{ARGS_L1})*")"
-NOARGS {BS}"\n"
-NUM_TYPE (complex|integer|logical|real)
-LOG_OPER (\.and\.|\.eq\.|\.eqv\.|\.ge\.|\.gt\.|\.le\.|\.lt\.|\.ne\.|\.neqv\.|\.or\.|\.not\.)
-INTENT_SPEC intent{BS}"("{BS}(in|out|in{BS}out){BS}")"
-LANGUAGE_BIND_SPEC BIND{BS}"("{BS}C{BS}(,{BS}NAME{BS}"="{BS}"\""(.*)"\""{BS})?")"
-/* Assume that attribute statements are almost the same as attributes. */
-%option noyywrap
-%option stack
-%option caseless
-/*%option debug */
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /** fortran parsing states */
-%x Subprog
-%x SubprogPrefix
-%x Parameterlist
-%x SubprogBody
-%x SubprogBodyContains
-%x Start
-%x Comment
-%x Module
-%x Program
-%x ModuleBody
-%x ModuleBodyContains
-%x AttributeList
-%x Variable
-%x Initialization
-%x ArrayInitializer
-%x Typedef
-%x TypedefBody
-%x TypedefBodyContains
-%x InterfaceBody
-%x StrIgnore
-%x String
-%x Use
-%x UseOnly
-%x ModuleProcedure
-%x Prepass
- /** comment parsing states */
-%x DocBlock
-%x DocBackLine
-%x EndDoc
-%x BlockData
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-<*>^.*\n { // prepass: look for line continuations
- functionLine = FALSE;
- //fprintf(stderr, "---%s", yytext);
- int indexStart = getAmpersandAtTheStart(yytext, yyleng);
- int indexEnd = getAmpOrExclAtTheEnd(yytext, yyleng);
- if (indexEnd>=0 && yytext[indexEnd]!='&') //we are only interested in amp
- indexEnd=-1;
- if(indexEnd<0){ // ----- no ampersand as line continuation
- if(YY_START == Prepass) { // last line in "continuation"
- // Only take input after initial ampersand
- inputStringPrepass+=(const char*)(yytext+(indexStart+1));
- //printf("BUFFER:%s\n", (const char*)inputStringPrepass);
- pushBuffer(inputStringPrepass);
- yyColNr = 0;
- yy_pop_state();
- } else { // simple line
- yyColNr = 0;
- }
- } else { // ----- line with continuation
- if(YY_START != Prepass) {
- comments.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
- comments.clear();
- yy_push_state(Prepass);
- }
- int length = inputStringPrepass.length();
- // Only take input after initial ampersand
- inputStringPrepass+=(const char*)(yytext+(indexStart+1));
- lineCountPrepass ++;
- // cut off & and remove following comment if present
- truncatePrepass(length+indexEnd-(indexStart+1));
- }
- }
- /*------ ignore strings that are not initialization strings */
-<*>"\\\\" { if (yy_top_state() == Initialization
- || yy_top_state() == ArrayInitializer)
- initializer+=yytext;
- }
-<*>"\\\""|\\\' { if (yy_top_state() == Initialization
- || yy_top_state() == ArrayInitializer)
- initializer+=yytext;
- }
-<String>\"|\' { // string ends with next quote without previous backspace
- if (yytext[0]!=stringStartSymbol) { yyColNr -= yyleng; REJECT; } // single vs double quote
- if (yy_top_state() == Initialization
- || yy_top_state() == ArrayInitializer)
- initializer+=yytext;
- yy_pop_state();
- }
-<String>. { if (yy_top_state() == Initialization
- || yy_top_state() == ArrayInitializer)
- initializer+=yytext;
- }
-<*>\"|\' { /* string starts */
- if (YY_START == StrIgnore) { yyColNr -= yyleng; REJECT; }; // ignore in simple comments
- yy_push_state(YY_START);
- if (yy_top_state() == Initialization
- || yy_top_state() == ArrayInitializer)
- initializer+=yytext;
- stringStartSymbol=yytext[0]; // single or double quote
- BEGIN(String);
- }
- /*------ ignore simple comment (not documentation comments) */
-<*>"!"/[^<>\n] { if (YY_START == String) { yyColNr -= yyleng; REJECT; } // "!" is ignored in strings
- // skip comment line (without docu comments "!>" "!<" )
- /* ignore further "!" and ignore comments in Strings */
- if ((YY_START != StrIgnore) && (YY_START != String))
- {
- yy_push_state(YY_START);
- BEGIN(StrIgnore);
- debugStr="*!";
- //fprintf(stderr,"start comment %d\n",yyLineNr);
- }
- }
-<StrIgnore>.?/\n { yy_pop_state(); // comment ends with endline character
- //fprintf(stderr,"end comment %d %s\n",yyLineNr,;
- } // comment line ends
-<StrIgnore>. { debugStr+=yytext; }
- /*------ use handling ------------------------------------------------------------*/
-<Start,ModuleBody,SubprogBody>"use"{BS_} {
- if(YY_START == Start)
- {
- addModule(NULL);
- yy_push_state(ModuleBody); //anon program
- }
- yy_push_state(Use);
- }
-<Use>{ID} {
- //fprintf(stderr,"using dir %s\n",yytext);
- current->name=yytext;
- current->fileName = yyFileName;
- current->section=Entry::USINGDIR_SEC;
- current_root->addSubEntry(current);
- current = new Entry;
- current->lang = SrcLangExt_Fortran;
- yy_pop_state();
- }
-<Use>{ID}/, {
- useModuleName=yytext;
- }
-<Use>,{BS}"ONLY" { BEGIN(UseOnly);
- }
-<UseOnly>{BS},{BS} {}
-<UseOnly>{ID} {
- current->name= useModuleName+"::"+yytext;
- current->fileName = yyFileName;
- current->section=Entry::USINGDECL_SEC;
- current_root->addSubEntry(current);
- current = new Entry ;
- current->lang = SrcLangExt_Fortran;
- }
-<Use,UseOnly>"\n" {
- yyColNr -= 1;
- unput(*yytext);
- yy_pop_state();
- }
- /* INTERFACE definitions */
-^{BS}interface{IDSYM}+ { /* variable with interface prefix */ }
-^{BS}interface { ifType = IF_SPECIFIC;
- yy_push_state(InterfaceBody);
- // do not start a scope here, every
- // interface body is a scope of its own
- }
-^{BS}abstract{BS_}interface { ifType = IF_ABSTRACT;
- yy_push_state(InterfaceBody);
- // do not start a scope here, every
- // interface body is a scope of its own
- }
-^{BS}interface{BS_}{ID}{ARGS}? { ifType = IF_GENERIC;
- yy_push_state(InterfaceBody);
- // extract generic name
- QCString name = QCString(yytext).stripWhiteSpace();
- name = name.right(name.length() - 9).stripWhiteSpace();
- addInterface(name, ifType);
- startScope(last_entry);
- }
-<InterfaceBody>^{BS}end{BS}interface({BS_}{ID})? {
- // end scope only if GENERIC interface
- if (ifType == IF_GENERIC && !endScope(current_root))
- yyterminate();
- ifType = IF_NONE;
- yy_pop_state();
- }
-<InterfaceBody>module{BS}procedure { yy_push_state(YY_START);
- BEGIN(ModuleProcedure);
- }
-<ModuleProcedure>{ID} { if (ifType == IF_ABSTRACT || ifType == IF_SPECIFIC)
- {
- addInterface(yytext, ifType);
- startScope(last_entry);
- }
- current->section = Entry::FUNCTION_SEC ;
- current->name = yytext;
- moduleProcedures.append(current);
- addCurrentEntry();
- }
-<ModuleProcedure>"\n" { yyColNr -= 1;
- unput(*yytext);
- yy_pop_state();
- }
-<InterfaceBody>. {}
- /*-- Contains handling --*/
-<Start>^{BS}{CONTAINS}/({BS}|\n|!) {
- if(YY_START == Start)
- {
- addModule(NULL);
- yy_push_state(ModuleBodyContains); //anon program
- }
- }
-<ModuleBody>^{BS}{CONTAINS}/({BS}|\n|!) { BEGIN(ModuleBodyContains); }
-<SubprogBody>^{BS}{CONTAINS}/({BS}|\n|!) { BEGIN(SubprogBodyContains); }
-<TypedefBody>^{BS}{CONTAINS}/({BS}|\n|!) { BEGIN(TypedefBodyContains); }
- /*------ module handling ------------------------------------------------------------*/
-<Start>block{BS}data{BS}{ID_} { //
- v_type = V_IGNORE;
- yy_push_state(BlockData);
- defaultProtection = Public;
- }
-<Start>module|program{BS_} { //
- v_type = V_IGNORE;
- if(yytext[0]=='m' || yytext[0]=='M')
- yy_push_state(Module);
- else
- yy_push_state(Program);
- defaultProtection = Public;
- }
-<BlockData>^{BS}"end"({BS}(block{BS}data)({BS_}{ID})?)?{BS}/(\n|!) { // end block data
- //if (!endScope(current_root))
- // yyterminate();
- defaultProtection = Public;
- yy_pop_state();
- }
-<Start,ModuleBody,ModuleBodyContains>^{BS}"end"({BS}(module|program)({BS_}{ID})?)?{BS}/(\n|!) { // end module
- resolveModuleProcedures(moduleProcedures, current_root);
- if (!endScope(current_root))
- yyterminate();
- defaultProtection = Public;
- yy_pop_state();
- }
-<Module>{ID} {
- addModule(yytext, TRUE);
- BEGIN(ModuleBody);
- }
-<Program>{ID} {
- addModule(yytext, FALSE);
- BEGIN(ModuleBody);
- }
- /*------- access specification --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-<ModuleBody>private/{BS}(\n|"!") { defaultProtection = Private;
- current->protection = defaultProtection ;
- }
-<ModuleBody>public/{BS}(\n|"!") { defaultProtection = Public;
- current->protection = defaultProtection ;
- }
- /*------- type definition -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-<Start,ModuleBody>^{BS}type {
- if(YY_START == Start)
- {
- addModule(NULL);
- yy_push_state(ModuleBody); //anon program
- }
- yy_push_state(Typedef);
- current->protection = defaultProtection;
- typeProtection = defaultProtection;
- typeMode = true;
- }
-{COMMA} {}
-{BS}"::"{BS} {}
-abstract {
- current->spec |= Entry::AbstractClass;
- }
-extends{ARGS} {
- QCString basename = extractFromParens(yytext);
- current->extends->append(new BaseInfo(basename, Public, Normal));
- }
-public {
- current->protection = Public;
- typeProtection = Public;
- }
-private {
- current->protection = Private;
- typeProtection = Private;
- }
- /* ignored for now */
- }
-{ID} { /* type name found */
- current->section = Entry::CLASS_SEC;
- current->spec |= Entry::Struct;
- current->name = yytext;
- current->fileName = yyFileName;
- current->bodyLine = yyLineNr;
- /* if type is part of a module, mod name is necessary for output */
- if ((current_root) &&
- (current_root->section == Entry::CLASS_SEC
- || current_root->section == Entry::NAMESPACE_SEC))
- {
- current->name = current_root->name + "::" + current->name;
- }
- addCurrentEntry();
- startScope(last_entry);
- BEGIN(TypedefBody);
- }
-<TypedefBodyContains>{ /* Type Bound Procedures */
- current->type = QCString(yytext).simplifyWhiteSpace();
- }
-^{BS}final {
- current->spec |= Entry::Final;
- current->type = QCString(yytext).simplifyWhiteSpace();
- }
-^{BS}generic {
- current->type = QCString(yytext).simplifyWhiteSpace();
- }
-{COMMA} {
- }
- currentModifiers |= QCString(yytext);
- }
-{BS}"::"{BS} {
- }
-{ID} {
- QCString name = yytext;
- modifiers[current_root][name.lower()] |= currentModifiers;
- current->section = Entry::FUNCTION_SEC;
- current->name = name;
- current->fileName = yyFileName;
- current->bodyLine = yyLineNr;
- addCurrentEntry();
- }
-{BS}"=>"[^(\n|\!)]* { /* Specific bindings come after the ID. */
- last_entry->args = yytext;
- }
-"\n" {
- currentModifiers = SymbolModifiers();
- newLine();
- docBlock.resize(0);
- }
-^{BS}"end"{BS}"type"({BS_}{ID})?{BS}/(\n|!) { /* end type definition */
- if (!endScope(current_root))
- yyterminate();
- typeMode = false;
- yy_pop_state();
- }
- /*------- module/global/typedef variable ---------------------------------------------------*/
-<SubprogBody,SubprogBodyContains>^{BS}[0-9]*{BS}"end"({BS}{SUBPROG}({BS_}{ID})?)?{BS}/(\n|!) {
- //
- // ABSTRACT and specific interfaces are stored
- // in a scope of their own, even if multiple
- // are group in one INTERFACE/END INTERFACE block.
- //
- if (ifType == IF_ABSTRACT || ifType == IF_SPECIFIC)
- endScope(current_root);
- if (!endScope(current_root))
- yyterminate();
- subrCurrent.remove(0u);
- yy_pop_state() ;
- }
-{ID} {
- }
- /* variable declaration starts */
- if(YY_START == Start)
- {
- addModule(NULL);
- yy_push_state(ModuleBody); //anon program
- }
- argType = QCString(yytext).simplifyWhiteSpace();
- yy_push_state(AttributeList);
- }
- /* Dimitri: macro expansion should already be done during preprocessing not here!
-^{BS}{PP_ID}{KIND}? { // check for preprocessor symbol expand to type
- QCString str = yytext;
- str = str.stripWhiteSpace();
- //DefineDict* defines = getGlobalDefineDict();
- QCString name;
- int index = str.find("(");
- if (index != -1)
- name = str.left(index).stripWhiteSpace();
- else
- name = str;
- Define *define = 0; //(*defines)[name];
- if (define != 0 && isTypeName(define->definition))
- {
- argType = str;
- yy_push_state(AttributeList);
- }
- else
- {
- yyColNr -= yyleng;
- }
- }
- */
-{ATTR_STMT}/{BS_}{ID} |
-{ATTR_STMT}/{BS}"::" {
- /* attribute statement starts */
- //fprintf(stderr,"5=========> Attribute statement: %s\n", yytext);
- QCString tmp = yytext;
- currentModifiers |= tmp.stripWhiteSpace();
- argType="";
- yy_push_state(YY_START);
- BEGIN( AttributeList ) ;
- }
-{ID} {
- }
-^{BS}"type"{BS_}"is" { }
-{COMMA} {}
-{BS} {}
-{ATTR_SPEC}. { /* update current modifierswhen it is an ATTR_SPEC and not a variable name */
- /* bug_625519 */
- QChar chr = yytext[yyleng-1];
- if (chr.isLetter() || chr.isDigit() || (chr == '_'))
- {
- yyColNr -= yyleng;
- }
- else
- {
- QCString tmp = yytext;
- tmp = tmp.left(tmp.length() - 1);
- yyColNr -= 1;
- unput(yytext[yyleng-1]);
- currentModifiers |= (tmp);
- }
- }
-"::" { /* end attribute list */
- BEGIN( Variable );
- }
-. { /* unknown attribute, consider variable name */
- //cout<<"start variables, unput "<<*yytext<<endl;
- yyColNr -= 1;
- unput(*yytext);
- BEGIN( Variable );
- }
-<Variable>{BS} { }
-<Variable>{ID} { /* parse variable declaration */
- //cout << "5=========> got variable: " << argType << "::" << yytext << endl;
- /* work around for bug in QCString.replace (QCString works) */
- QCString name=yytext;
- /* remember attributes for the symbol */
- modifiers[current_root][name.lower()] |= currentModifiers;
- argName= name;
- v_type= V_IGNORE;
- if (!argType.isEmpty() && current_root->section!=Entry::FUNCTION_SEC)
- { // new variable entry
- v_type = V_VARIABLE;
- current->section = Entry::VARIABLE_SEC;
- current->name = argName;
- current->type = argType;
- current->fileName = yyFileName;
- current->bodyLine = yyLineNr; // used for source reference
- addCurrentEntry();
- }
- else if (!argType.isEmpty())
- { // declaration of parameter list: add type for corr. parameter
- parameter = getParameter(argName);
- if (parameter)
- {
- v_type= V_PARAMETER;
- if (!argType.isNull()) parameter->type=argType.stripWhiteSpace();
- if (!docBlock.isNull())
- {
- subrHandleCommentBlock(docBlock,TRUE);
- }
- }
- // save, it may be function return type
- if (parameter)
- {
- modifiers[current_root][name.lower()].type = argType;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((current_root->name.lower() == argName.lower()) ||
- (modifiers[current_root->parent()][current_root->name.lower()].returnName.lower() == argName.lower()))
- {
- int strt = current_root->type.find("function");
- QString lft;
- QString rght;
- if (strt != -1)
- {
- lft = "";
- rght = "";
- if (strt != 0) lft = current_root->type.left(strt).stripWhiteSpace();
- if ((current_root->type.length() - strt - strlen("function"))!= 0)
- {
- rght = current_root->type.right(current_root->type.length() - strt - strlen("function")).stripWhiteSpace();
- }
- current_root->type = lft;
- if (rght.length() > 0)
- {
- if (current_root->type.length() > 0) current_root->type += " ";
- current_root->type += rght;
- }
- if (argType.stripWhiteSpace().length() > 0)
- {
- if (current_root->type.length() > 0) current_root->type += " ";
- current_root->type += argType.stripWhiteSpace();
- }
- if (current_root->type.length() > 0) current_root->type += " ";
- current_root->type += "function";
- }
- else
- {
- current_root->type += " " + argType.stripWhiteSpace();
- }
- current_root->type = current_root->type.stripWhiteSpace();
- modifiers[current_root][name.lower()].type = current_root->type;
- }
- else
- {
- modifiers[current_root][name.lower()].type = argType;
- }
- }
- // any accumulated doc for argument should be emptied,
- // because it is handled other way and this doc can be
- // unexpectedly passed to the next member.
- current->doc.resize(0);
- current->brief.resize(0);
- }
- }
-<Variable>{ARGS} { /* dimension of the previous entry. */
- QCString name(argName);
- QCString attr("dimension");
- attr += yytext;
- modifiers[current_root][name] |= attr;
- }
-<Variable>{COMMA} { //printf("COMMA: %d<=..<=%d\n", yyColNr-yyleng, yyColNr);
- // locate !< comment
- updateVariablePrepassComment(yyColNr-yyleng, yyColNr);
- }
-<Variable>{BS}"=" { yy_push_state(YY_START);
- initializer="";
- initializerScope = initializerArrayScope = 0;
- BEGIN(Initialization);
- }
-<Variable>"\n" { currentModifiers = SymbolModifiers();
- yy_pop_state(); // end variable declaration list
- newLine();
- docBlock.resize(0);
- }
-<Variable>";".*"\n" { currentModifiers = SymbolModifiers();
- yy_pop_state(); // end variable declaration list
- docBlock.resize(0);
- inputStringSemi =(const char*)(QCString(" \n") + QCString(yytext+1)).data();
- yyLineNr--;
- pushBuffer(inputStringSemi);
- }
-<*>";".*"\n" {
- if (YY_START == Variable) REJECT; // Just be on the safe side
- if (YY_START == String) REJECT; // ";" ignored in strings
- if (YY_START == StrIgnore) REJECT; // ";" ignored in regular comments
- inputStringSemi =(const char*)(QCString(" \n") + QCString(yytext+1)).data();
- yyLineNr--;
- pushBuffer(inputStringSemi);
- }
-<Initialization,ArrayInitializer>"(/" { initializer+=yytext;
- initializerArrayScope++;
- BEGIN(ArrayInitializer); // initializer may contain comma
- }
-<ArrayInitializer>"/)" { initializer+=yytext;
- initializerArrayScope--;
- if(initializerArrayScope<=0)
- {
- initializerArrayScope = 0; // just in case
- BEGIN(Initialization);
- }
- }
-<ArrayInitializer>. { initializer+=yytext; }
-<Initialization>"(" { initializerScope++;
- initializer+=yytext;
- }
-<Initialization>")" { initializerScope--;
- initializer+=yytext;
- }
-<Initialization>{COMMA} { if (initializerScope == 0)
- {
- updateVariablePrepassComment(yyColNr-yyleng, yyColNr);
- yy_pop_state(); // end initialization
- if (v_type == V_VARIABLE) last_entry->initializer= initializer;
- }
- else
- initializer+=", ";
- }
-<Initialization>"\n"|"!" { //|
- yy_pop_state(); // end initialization
- if (v_type == V_VARIABLE) last_entry->initializer= initializer;
- yyColNr -= 1;
- unput(*yytext);
- }
-<Initialization>. { initializer+=yytext; }
- /*------ fortran subroutine/function handling ------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Start is initial condition */
-<Start,ModuleBody,SubprogBody,InterfaceBody,ModuleBodyContains,SubprogBodyContains>^{BS}({PREFIX}{BS_})?{TYPE_SPEC}{BS}/{SUBPROG}{BS_} {
- if (ifType == IF_ABSTRACT || ifType == IF_SPECIFIC)
- {
- addInterface("$interface$", ifType);
- startScope(last_entry);
- }
- // TYPE_SPEC is for old function style function result
- result = QCString(yytext).stripWhiteSpace();
- current->type = result;
- yy_push_state(SubprogPrefix);
- }
-<SubprogPrefix>{BS}{SUBPROG}{BS_} {
- // Fortran subroutine or function found
- v_type = V_IGNORE;
- result=yytext;
- result=result.stripWhiteSpace();
- addSubprogram(result);
- BEGIN(Subprog);
- }
-<Start,ModuleBody,SubprogBody,InterfaceBody,ModuleBodyContains,SubprogBodyContains>^{BS}({PREFIX}{BS_})?{SUBPROG}{BS_} {
- // Fortran subroutine or function found
- v_type = V_IGNORE;
- if (ifType == IF_ABSTRACT || ifType == IF_SPECIFIC)
- {
- addInterface("$interface$", ifType);
- startScope(last_entry);
- }
- result = QCString(yytext).stripWhiteSpace();
- addSubprogram(result);
- yy_push_state(Subprog);
- }
-<Subprog>{BS} { /* ignore white space */ }
-<Subprog>{ID} { current->name = yytext;
- //cout << "1a==========> got " << current->type << " " << yytext << " " << yyLineNr << endl;
- modifiers[current_root][current->name.lower()].returnName = current->name;
- if (ifType == IF_ABSTRACT || ifType == IF_SPECIFIC)
- {
- current_root->name.replace(QRegExp("\\$interface\\$"), yytext);
- }
- BEGIN(Parameterlist);
- }
-<Parameterlist>"(" { current->args = "("; }
-<Parameterlist>")" {
- current->args += ")";
- current->args = removeRedundantWhiteSpace(current->args);
- addCurrentEntry();
- startScope(last_entry);
- BEGIN(SubprogBody);
- }
-<Parameterlist>{COMMA}|{BS} { current->args += yytext;
- CommentInPrepass *c = locatePrepassComment(yyColNr-yyleng, yyColNr);
- if (c!=NULL) {
- if(current->argList->count()>0) {
- current->argList->at(current->argList->count()-1)->docs = c->str;
- }
- }
- }
-<Parameterlist>{ID} {
- //current->type not yet available
- QCString param = yytext;
- // std::cout << "3=========> got parameter " << param << std::endl;
- current->args += param;
- Argument *arg = new Argument;
- arg->name = param;
- arg->type = "";
- current->argList->append(arg);
- }
-<Parameterlist>{NOARGS} {
- newLine();
- //printf("3=========> without parameterlist \n");
- //current->argList = ;
- addCurrentEntry();
- startScope(last_entry);
- BEGIN(SubprogBody);
-<SubprogBody>result{BS}\({BS}{ID} {
- if (functionLine)
- {
- result= yytext;
- result= result.right(result.length()-result.find("(")-1);
- result= result.stripWhiteSpace();
- modifiers[current_root->parent()][current_root->name.lower()].returnName = result;
- }
- //cout << "=====> got result " << result << endl;
- }
- /*---- documentation comments --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-<Variable,SubprogBody,ModuleBody,TypedefBody>"!<" { /* backward docu comment */
- if (v_type != V_IGNORE) {
- current->docLine = yyLineNr;
- docBlockJavaStyle = FALSE;
- docBlock.resize(0);
- docBlockJavaStyle = Config_getBool("JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF");
- startCommentBlock(TRUE);
- yy_push_state(DocBackLine);
- }
- }
-<DocBackLine>.* { // contents of current comment line
- docBlock+=yytext;
- }
-<DocBackLine>"\n"{BS}"!"("<"|"!"+) { // comment block (next line is also comment line)
- docBlock+="\n"; // \n is necessary for lists
- newLine();
- }
-<DocBackLine>"\n" { // comment block ends at the end of this line
- //cout <<"3=========> comment block : "<< docBlock << endl;
- yyColNr -= 1;
- unput(*yytext);
- if (v_type == V_VARIABLE)
- {
- Entry *tmp_entry = current;
- current = last_entry; // temporarily switch to the previous entry
- handleCommentBlock(docBlock,TRUE);
- current=tmp_entry;
- }
- else if (v_type == V_PARAMETER)
- {
- subrHandleCommentBlock(docBlock,TRUE);
- }
- yy_pop_state();
- docBlock.resize(0);
- }
-<Start,SubprogBody,ModuleBody,TypedefBody,InterfaceBody,ModuleBodyContains,SubprogBodyContains,TypedefBodyContains>"!>" {
- yy_push_state(YY_START);
- current->docLine = yyLineNr;
- docBlockJavaStyle = FALSE;
- docBlock.resize(0);
- docBlockJavaStyle = Config_getBool("JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF");
- startCommentBlock(TRUE);
- BEGIN(DocBlock);
- //cout << "start DocBlock " << endl;
- }
-<DocBlock>.* { // contents of current comment line
- docBlock+=yytext;
- }
-<DocBlock>"\n"{BS}"!"(">"|"!"+) { // comment block (next line is also comment line)
- docBlock+="\n"; // \n is necessary for lists
- newLine();
- }
-<DocBlock>"\n" { // comment block ends at the end of this line
- //cout <<"3=========> comment block : "<< docBlock << endl;
- yyColNr -= 1;
- unput(*yytext);
- handleCommentBlock(docBlock,TRUE);
- yy_pop_state();
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-<*>"\n" {
- newLine();
- //if (debugStr.stripWhiteSpace().length() > 0) cout << "ignored text: " << debugStr << " state: " <<YY_START << endl;
- debugStr="";
- }
- /*---- error: EOF in wrong state --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-<*><<EOF>> {
- if ( include_stack_ptr <= 0 ) {
- if (YY_START!=INITIAL && YY_START!=Start) {
- //fprintf(stderr,"==== Error: EOF reached in wrong state (end missing)");
- scanner_abort();
- }
- yyterminate();
- } else {
- popBuffer();
- }
- }
-<*>{LOG_OPER} { // Fortran logical comparison keywords
- }
-<*>. {
- //debugStr+=yytext;
- //printf("I:%c\n", *yytext);
- } // ignore remaining text
- /**********************************************************************************/
- /**********************************************************************************/
- /**********************************************************************************/
-#if 0
-static void extractPrefix(QCString &text)
- int prefixIndex = 0;
- int curIndex = 0;
- bool cont = TRUE;
- const char* pre[] = {"RECURSIVE","PURE","ELEMENTAL"};
- while(cont)
- {
- cont = FALSE;
- for(unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++)
- {
- if((prefixIndex=text.find(pre[i], curIndex, FALSE))==0)
- {
- text.remove(0,strlen(pre[i]));
- text.stripWhiteSpace();
- cont = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
-static void newLine() {
- yyLineNr++;
- yyLineNr+=lineCountPrepass;
- lineCountPrepass=0;
- comments.clear();
-static CommentInPrepass* locatePrepassComment(int from, int to) {
- //printf("Locate %d-%d\n", from, to);
- for(uint i=0; i<comments.count(); i++) { // todo: optimize
- int c =>column;
- //printf("Candidate %d\n", c);
- if (c>=from && c<=to) {
- // comment for previous variable or parameter
- return;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-static void updateVariablePrepassComment(int from, int to) {
- CommentInPrepass *c = locatePrepassComment(from, to);
- if (c!=NULL && v_type == V_VARIABLE) {
- last_entry->brief = c->str;
- } else if (c!=NULL && v_type == V_PARAMETER) {
- Argument *parameter = getParameter(argName);
- if (parameter) parameter->docs = c->str;
- }
-static int getAmpersandAtTheStart(const char *buf, int length)
- for(int i=0; i<length; i++) {
- switch(buf[i]) {
- case ' ':
- case '\t':
- break;
- case '&':
- return i;
- default:
- return -1;
- }
- }
- return -1;
-/* Returns ampersand index, comment start index or -1 if neither exist.*/
-static int getAmpOrExclAtTheEnd(const char *buf, int length)
- // Avoid ampersands in string and comments
- int parseState = Start;
- char quoteSymbol = 0;
- int ampIndex = -1;
- int commentIndex = -1;
- for(int i=0; i<length && parseState!=Comment; i++)
- {
- // When in string, skip backslashes
- // Legacy code, not sure whether this is correct?
- if(parseState==String)
- {
- if(buf[i]=='\\') i++;
- }
- switch(buf[i])
- {
- case '\'':
- case '"':
- // Close string, if quote symbol matches.
- // Quote symbol is set iff parseState==String
- if(buf[i]==quoteSymbol)
- {
- parseState = Start;
- quoteSymbol = 0;
- }
- // Start new string, if not already in string or comment
- else if(parseState==Start)
- {
- parseState = String;
- quoteSymbol = buf[i];
- }
- ampIndex = -1; // invalidate prev ampersand
- break;
- case '!':
- // When in string or comment, ignore exclamation mark
- if(parseState==Start)
- {
- parseState = Comment;
- commentIndex = i;
- }
- break;
- case ' ': // ignore whitespace
- case '\t':
- case '\n': // this may be at the end of line
- break;
- case '&':
- ampIndex = i;
- break;
- default:
- ampIndex = -1; // invalidate prev ampersand
- }
- }
- if (ampIndex>=0)
- return ampIndex;
- else
- return commentIndex;
-/* Although comments at the end of continuation line are grabbed by this function,
-* we still do not know how to use them later in parsing.
-void truncatePrepass(int index)
- int length = inputStringPrepass.length();
- for (int i=index+1; i<length; i++) {
- if (inputStringPrepass[i]=='!' && i<length-1 && inputStringPrepass[i+1]=='<') { // save comment
- struct CommentInPrepass *c=new CommentInPrepass(index, inputStringPrepass.right(length-i-2));
- comments.append(c);
- }
- }
- inputStringPrepass.truncate(index);
-// simplified way to know if this is fixed form
-// duplicate in fortrancode.l
-static bool recognizeFixedForm(const char* contents)
- int column=0;
- bool skipLine=FALSE;
- for(int i=0;;i++) {
- column++;
- switch(contents[i]) {
- case '\n':
- column=0;
- skipLine=FALSE;
- break;
- case ' ':
- break;
- case '\000':
- return FALSE;
- case 'C':
- case 'c':
- case '*':
- if(column==1) return TRUE;
- if(skipLine) break;
- return FALSE;
- case '!':
- if(column>1 && column<7) return FALSE;
- skipLine=TRUE;
- break;
- default:
- if(skipLine) break;
- if(column==7) return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
-/* This function assumes that contents has at least size=length+1 */
-static void insertCharacter(char *contents, int length, int pos, char c)
- // shift tail by one character
- for(int i=length; i>pos; i--)
- contents[i]=contents[i-1];
- // set the character
- contents[pos] = c;
-/* change comments and bring line continuation character to previous line */
-static const char* prepassFixedForm(const char* contents)
- int column=0;
- int prevLineLength=0;
- int prevLineAmpOrExclIndex=-1;
- bool emptyLabel=TRUE;
- int newContentsSize = strlen(contents)+2; // \000 and one spare character (to avoid reallocation)
- char* newContents = (char*)malloc(newContentsSize);
- for(int i=0, j=0;;i++,j++) {
- if(j>=newContentsSize-1) { // check for one spare character, which may be eventually used below (by &)
- newContents = (char*)realloc(newContents, newContentsSize+1000);
- newContentsSize = newContentsSize+1000;
- }
- column++;
- char c = contents[i];
- switch(c) {
- case '\n':
- prevLineLength=column;
- prevLineAmpOrExclIndex=getAmpOrExclAtTheEnd(&contents[i-prevLineLength+1], prevLineLength);
- column=0;
- emptyLabel=TRUE;
- newContents[j]=c;
- break;
- case ' ':
- newContents[j]=c;
- break;
- case '\000':
- newContents[j]='\000';
- return newContents;
- case 'C':
- case 'c':
- case '*':
- if (column!=6)
- {
- emptyLabel=FALSE;
- if(column==1)
- newContents[j]='!';
- else
- newContents[j]=c;
- break;
- }
- default:
- if(column==6 && emptyLabel) { // continuation
- if (c != '0') { // 0 not allowed as continuatioin character, see f95 standard paragraph
- newContents[j]=' ';
- if(prevLineAmpOrExclIndex==-1) { // add & just before end of previous line
- insertCharacter(newContents, j+1, (j+1)-6-1, '&');
- j++;
- } else { // add & just before end of previous line comment
- insertCharacter(newContents, j+1, (j+1)-6-prevLineLength+prevLineAmpOrExclIndex, '&');
- j++;
- }
- } else {
- newContents[j]=c; // , just handle like space
- }
- } else {
- newContents[j]=c;
- emptyLabel=FALSE;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- return newContents;
-static void pushBuffer(QCString& buffer)
- if ( include_stack_ptr >= MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH )
- {
- fprintf( stderr, "Stack buffers nested too deeply" );
- exit( 1 );
- }
- include_stack[include_stack_ptr++] = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER;
- yy_switch_to_buffer(yy_scan_string(buffer));
- //fprintf(stderr, "--PUSH--%s", (const char *)buffer);
- buffer = NULL;
-static void popBuffer() {
- //fprintf(stderr, "--POP--");
- include_stack_ptr --;
- yy_delete_buffer( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER );
- yy_switch_to_buffer( include_stack[include_stack_ptr] );
-/** used to copy entry to an interface module procedure */
-static void copyEntry(Entry *dest, Entry *src)
- dest->type = src->type;
- dest->fileName = src->fileName;
- dest->bodyLine = src->bodyLine;
- dest->args = src->args;
- dest->argList = new ArgumentList(*src->argList);
- dest->doc = src->doc;
- dest->brief = src->brief;
-/** fill empty interface module procedures with info from
- corresponding module subprogs
- @TODO: handle procedures in used modules
-void resolveModuleProcedures(QList<Entry> &moduleProcedures, Entry *current_root)
- if (moduleProcedures.isEmpty()) return;
- EntryListIterator eli1(moduleProcedures);
- // for all module procedures
- for (Entry *ce1; (ce1=eli1.current()); ++eli1)
- {
- // check all entries in this module
- EntryListIterator eli2(*current_root->children());
- for (Entry *ce2; (ce2=eli2.current()); ++eli2)
- {
- if (ce1->name == ce2->name)
- {
- copyEntry(ce1, ce2);
- }
- } // for procedures in current module
- } // for all interface module procedures
- moduleProcedures.clear();
-#if 0
-static bool isTypeName(QCString name)
- name = name.lower();
- return name=="integer" || name == "real" ||
- name=="complex" || name == "logical";
-/*! Extracts string which resides within parentheses of provided string. */
-static QCString extractFromParens(const QCString name)
- QCString extracted = name;
- int start = extracted.find("(");
- if (start != -1)
- {
- extracted.remove(0, start+1);
- }
- int end = extracted.findRev(")");
- if (end != -1)
- {
- int length = extracted.length();
- extracted.remove(end, length);
- }
- extracted = extracted.stripWhiteSpace();
- return extracted;
-/*! Adds passed modifiers to these modifiers.*/
-SymbolModifiers& SymbolModifiers::operator|=(const SymbolModifiers &mdfs)
- if (!=NONE_P) protection =;
- if (mdfs.direction!=NONE_D) direction = mdfs.direction;
- optional |= mdfs.optional;
- if (!mdfs.dimension.isNull()) dimension = mdfs.dimension;
- allocatable |= mdfs.allocatable;
- external |= mdfs.external;
- intrinsic |= mdfs.intrinsic;
- parameter |= mdfs.parameter;
- pointer |= mdfs.pointer;
- target |=;
- save |=;
- deferred |= mdfs.deferred;
- nonoverridable |= mdfs.nonoverridable;
- nopass |= mdfs.nopass;
- pass |= mdfs.pass;
- passVar = mdfs.passVar;
- return *this;
-/*! Extracts and adds passed modifier to these modifiers.*/
-SymbolModifiers& SymbolModifiers::operator|=(QCString mdfString)
- mdfString = mdfString.lower();
- SymbolModifiers newMdf;
- if (mdfString.find("dimension")==0)
- {
- newMdf.dimension=mdfString;
- }
- else if (mdfString.contains("intent"))
- {
- QCString tmp = extractFromParens(mdfString);
- bool isin = tmp.contains("in");
- bool isout = tmp.contains("out");
- if (isin && isout) newMdf.direction = SymbolModifiers::INOUT;
- else if (isin) newMdf.direction = SymbolModifiers::IN;
- else if (isout) newMdf.direction = SymbolModifiers::OUT;
- }
- else if (mdfString=="public")
- {
- = SymbolModifiers::PUBLIC;
- }
- else if (mdfString=="private")
- {
- = SymbolModifiers::PRIVATE;
- }
- else if (mdfString=="optional")
- {
- newMdf.optional = TRUE;
- }
- else if (mdfString=="allocatable")
- {
- newMdf.allocatable = TRUE;
- }
- else if (mdfString=="external")
- {
- newMdf.external = TRUE;
- }
- else if (mdfString=="intrinsic")
- {
- newMdf.intrinsic = TRUE;
- }
- else if (mdfString=="parameter")
- {
- newMdf.parameter = TRUE;
- }
- else if (mdfString=="pointer")
- {
- newMdf.pointer = TRUE;
- }
- else if (mdfString=="target")
- {
- = TRUE;
- }
- else if (mdfString=="save")
- {
- = TRUE;
- }
- else if (mdfString=="nopass")
- {
- newMdf.nopass = TRUE;
- }
- else if (mdfString=="deferred")
- {
- newMdf.deferred = TRUE;
- }
- else if (mdfString=="non_overridable")
- {
- newMdf.nonoverridable = TRUE;
- }
- else if (mdfString.contains("pass"))
- {
- newMdf.pass = TRUE;
- if (mdfString.contains("("))
- newMdf.passVar = extractFromParens(mdfString);
- else
- newMdf.passVar = "";
- }
- (*this) |= newMdf;
- return *this;
-/*! For debugging purposes. */
-//ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const SymbolModifiers& mdfs)
-// out<<<<", "<<mdfs.direction<<", "<<mdfs.optional<<
-// ", "<<(mdfs.dimension.isNull() ? "" : mdfs.dimension.latin1())<<
-// ", "<<mdfs.allocatable<<", "<<mdfs.external<<", "<<mdfs.intrinsic;
-// return out;
-/*! Find argument with given name in \a subprog entry. */
-static Argument *findArgument(Entry* subprog, QCString name, bool byTypeName = FALSE)
- QCString cname(name.lower());
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<subprog->argList->count(); i++)
- {
- Argument *arg = subprog->argList->at(i);
- if ((!byTypeName && arg->name.lower() == cname) ||
- (byTypeName && arg->type.lower() == cname)
- )
- {
- return arg;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/*! Find function with given name in \a entry. */
-#if 0
-static Entry *findFunction(Entry* entry, QCString name)
- QCString cname(name.lower());
- EntryListIterator eli(*entry->children());
- Entry *ce;
- for (;(ce=eli.current());++eli)
- {
- if (ce->section != Entry::FUNCTION_SEC)
- continue;
- if (ce->name.lower() == cname)
- return ce;
- }
- return 0;
-/*! Apply modifiers stored in \a mdfs to the \a typeName string. */
-static QCString applyModifiers(QCString typeName, SymbolModifiers& mdfs)
- if (!mdfs.dimension.isNull())
- {
- typeName += ", ";
- typeName += mdfs.dimension;
- }
- if (mdfs.direction!=SymbolModifiers::NONE_D)
- {
- typeName += ", ";
- typeName += directionStrs[mdfs.direction];
- }
- if (mdfs.optional)
- {
- typeName += ", ";
- typeName += "optional";
- }
- if (mdfs.allocatable)
- {
- typeName += ", ";
- typeName += "allocatable";
- }
- if (mdfs.external)
- {
- typeName += ", ";
- typeName += "external";
- }
- if (mdfs.intrinsic)
- {
- typeName += ", ";
- typeName += "intrinsic";
- }
- if (mdfs.parameter)
- {
- typeName += ", ";
- typeName += "parameter";
- }
- if (mdfs.pointer)
- {
- typeName += ", ";
- typeName += "pointer";
- }
- if (
- {
- typeName += ", ";
- typeName += "target";
- }
- if (
- {
- typeName += ", ";
- typeName += "save";
- }
- if (mdfs.deferred)
- {
- typeName += ", ";
- typeName += "deferred";
- }
- if (mdfs.nonoverridable)
- {
- typeName += ", ";
- typeName += "non_overridable";
- }
- if (mdfs.nopass)
- {
- typeName += ", ";
- typeName += "nopass";
- }
- if (mdfs.pass)
- {
- typeName += ", ";
- typeName += "pass";
- if (!mdfs.passVar.isEmpty())
- typeName += "(" + mdfs.passVar + ")";
- }
- if ( == SymbolModifiers::PUBLIC)
- {
- typeName += ", ";
- typeName += "public";
- }
- else if ( == SymbolModifiers::PRIVATE)
- {
- typeName += ", ";
- typeName += "private";
- }
- return typeName;
-/*! Apply modifiers stored in \a mdfs to the \a arg argument. */
-static void applyModifiers(Argument *arg, SymbolModifiers& mdfs)
- QCString tmp = arg->type;
- arg->type = applyModifiers(tmp, mdfs);
-/*! Apply modifiers stored in \a mdfs to the \a ent entry. */
-static void applyModifiers(Entry *ent, SymbolModifiers& mdfs)
- QCString tmp = ent->type;
- ent->type = applyModifiers(tmp, mdfs);
- if ( == SymbolModifiers::PUBLIC)
- ent->protection = Public;
- else if ( == SymbolModifiers::PRIVATE)
- ent->protection = Private;
-/*! Starts the new scope in fortran program. Consider using this function when
- * starting module, interface, function or other program block.
- * \see endScope()
- */
-static void startScope(Entry *scope)
- //cout<<"start scope: "<<scope->name<<endl;
- current_root= scope; /* start substructure */
- QMap<QCString,SymbolModifiers> mdfMap;
- modifiers.insert(scope, mdfMap);
-/*! Ends scope in fortran program: may update subprogram arguments or module variable attributes.
- * \see startScope()
- */
-static bool endScope(Entry *scope, bool isGlobalRoot)
- //cout<<"end scope: "<<scope->name<<endl;
- if (current_root->parent() || isGlobalRoot)
- {
- current_root= current_root->parent(); /* end substructure */
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"parse error in end <scopename>");
- scanner_abort();
- return FALSE;
- }
- // update variables or subprogram arguments with modifiers
- QMap<QCString,SymbolModifiers>& mdfsMap = modifiers[scope];
- if (scope->section == Entry::FUNCTION_SEC)
- {
- // iterate all symbol modifiers of the scope
- for (QMap<QCString,SymbolModifiers>::Iterator it=mdfsMap.begin(); it!=mdfsMap.end(); it++)
- {
- //cout<<it.key()<<": "<<<<endl;
- Argument *arg = findArgument(scope, it.key());
- if (arg)
- applyModifiers(arg,;
- }
- // find return type for function
- //cout<<"RETURN NAME "<<modifiers[current_root][scope->name.lower()].returnName<<endl;
- QCString returnName = modifiers[current_root][scope->name.lower()].returnName.lower();
- if (modifiers[scope].contains(returnName))
- {
- scope->type = modifiers[scope][returnName].type; // returning type works
- applyModifiers(scope, modifiers[scope][returnName]); // returning array works
- }
- }
- if (scope->section == Entry::CLASS_SEC)
- { // was INTERFACE_SEC
- if (scope->parent()->section == Entry::FUNCTION_SEC)
- { // interface within function
- // iterate functions of interface and
- // try to find types for dummy(ie. argument) procedures.
- //cout<<"Search in "<<scope->name<<endl;
- EntryListIterator eli(*scope->children());
- Entry *ce;
- int count = 0;
- int found = FALSE;
- for (;(ce=eli.current());++eli)
- {
- count++;
- if (ce->section != Entry::FUNCTION_SEC)
- continue;
- Argument *arg = findArgument(scope->parent(), ce->name, TRUE);
- if (arg != 0)
- {
- // set type of dummy procedure argument to interface
- arg->name = arg->type;
- arg->type = scope->name;
- }
- if (ce->name.lower() == scope->name.lower()) found = TRUE;
- }
- if ((count == 1) && found)
- {
- // clear all modifiers of the scope
- modifiers.remove(scope);
- delete scope->parent()->removeSubEntry(scope);
- scope = 0;
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- if (scope->section!=Entry::FUNCTION_SEC)
- { // not function section
- // iterate variables: get and apply modifiers
- EntryListIterator eli(*scope->children());
- Entry *ce;
- for (;(ce=eli.current());++eli)
- {
- if (ce->section != Entry::VARIABLE_SEC && ce->section != Entry::FUNCTION_SEC)
- continue;
- //cout<<ce->name<<", "<<mdfsMap.contains(ce->name.lower())<<mdfsMap.count()<<endl;
- if (mdfsMap.contains(ce->name.lower()))
- applyModifiers(ce, mdfsMap[ce->name.lower()]);
- }
- }
- // clear all modifiers of the scope
- modifiers.remove(scope);
- return TRUE;
-//! Return full name of the entry. Sometimes we must combine several names recursively.
-static QCString getFullName(Entry *e)
- QCString name = e->name;
- if (e->section == Entry::CLASS_SEC // || e->section == Entry::INTERFACE_SEC
- || !e->parent() || e->parent()->name.isEmpty())
- return name;
- return getFullName(e->parent())+"::"+name;
-static int yyread(char *buf,int max_size)
- int c=0;
- while ( c < max_size && inputString[inputPosition] )
- {
- *buf = inputString[inputPosition++] ;
- c++; buf++;
- }
- return c;
-static void initParser()
- last_entry = 0;
-static void initEntry()
- if (typeMode)
- {
- current->protection = typeProtection;
- }
- else
- {
- current->protection = defaultProtection;
- }
- current->mtype = mtype;
- current->virt = virt;
- current->stat = gstat;
- current->lang = SrcLangExt_Fortran;
- initGroupInfo(current);
- adds current entry to current_root and creates new current
-static void addCurrentEntry()
- //printf("===Adding entry %s to %s\n", current->, current_root->;
- current_root->addSubEntry(current);
- last_entry = current;
- current = new Entry ;
- initEntry();
-static int max(int a, int b) {return a>b?a:b;}
-static void addModule(const char *name, bool isModule)
- //fprintf(stderr, "0=========> got module %s\n", name);
- if (isModule)
- current->section = Entry::CLASS_SEC;
- else
- current->section = Entry::FUNCTION_SEC;
- if (name!=NULL)
- {
- current->name = name;
- }
- else
- {
- QCString fname = yyFileName;
- int index = max(fname.findRev('/'), fname.findRev('\\'));
- fname = fname.right(fname.length()-index-1);
- fname = fname.prepend("__").append("__");
- current->name = fname;
- }
- current->type = "program";
- current->fileName = yyFileName;
- current->bodyLine = yyLineNr; // used for source reference
- current->protection = Public ;
- addCurrentEntry();
- startScope(last_entry);
-static void addSubprogram(const char *text)
- //fprintf(stderr,"1=========> got subprog, type: %s\n",text);
- subrCurrent.prepend(current);
- current->section = Entry::FUNCTION_SEC ;
- QCString subtype = text; subtype=subtype.lower().stripWhiteSpace();
- functionLine = subtype=="function";
- current->type += " " + subtype;
- current->type = current->type.stripWhiteSpace();
- current->fileName = yyFileName;
- current->bodyLine = yyLineNr; // used for source reference
- current->startLine = -1; // ??? what is startLine for?
- current->args.resize(0);
- current->argList->clear();
- docBlock.resize(0);
-/*! Adds interface to the root entry.
- * \note Code was brought to this procedure from the parser,
- * because there was/is idea to use it in several parts of the parser.
- */
-static void addInterface(QCString name, InterfaceType type)
- if (YY_START == Start)
- {
- addModule(NULL);
- yy_push_state(ModuleBody); //anon program
- }
- current->section = Entry::CLASS_SEC; // was Entry::INTERFACE_SEC;
- current->spec = Entry::Interface;
- current->name = name;
- switch (type)
- {
- current->type = "abstract";
- break;
- case IF_GENERIC:
- current->type = "generic";
- break;
- case IF_NONE:
- default:
- current->type = "";
- }
- /* if type is part of a module, mod name is necessary for output */
- if ((current_root) &&
- (current_root->section == Entry::CLASS_SEC ||
- current_root->section == Entry::NAMESPACE_SEC))
- {
- current->name= current_root->name + "::" + current->name;
- }
- current->fileName = yyFileName;
- current->bodyLine = yyLineNr;
- addCurrentEntry();
-/*! Get the argument \a name.
- */
-static Argument* getParameter(const QCString &name)
- // std::cout<<"addFortranParameter(): "<<name<<" DOCS:"<<(docs.isNull()?QCString("null"):docs)<<std::endl;
- Argument *ret = 0;
- if (current_root->argList==0) return 0;
- ArgumentListIterator ali(*current_root->argList);
- Argument *a;
- for (ali.toFirst();(a=ali.current());++ali)
- {
- if (a->name.lower()==name.lower())
- {
- ret=a;
- //printf("parameter found: %s\n",(const char*)name);
- break;
- }
- } // for
- return ret;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-static void startCommentBlock(bool brief)
- if (brief)
- {
- current->briefFile = yyFileName;
- current->briefLine = yyLineNr;
- }
- else
- {
- current->docFile = yyFileName;
- current->docLine = yyLineNr;
- }
-static void handleCommentBlock(const QCString &doc,bool brief)
- docBlockInBody = FALSE;
- bool needsEntry = FALSE;
- static bool hideInBodyDocs = Config_getBool("HIDE_IN_BODY_DOCS");
- int position=0;
- if (docBlockInBody && hideInBodyDocs) return;
- //fprintf(stderr,"call parseCommentBlock [%s]\n",;
- int lineNr = brief ? current->briefLine : current->docLine;
- while (parseCommentBlock(
- g_thisParser,
- docBlockInBody ? last_entry : current,
- doc, // text
- yyFileName, // file
- lineNr,
- docBlockInBody ? FALSE : brief,
- docBlockInBody ? FALSE : docBlockJavaStyle,
- docBlockInBody,
- defaultProtection,
- position,
- needsEntry
- ))
- {
- //fprintf(stderr,"parseCommentBlock position=%d [%s] needsEntry=%d\n",position,,needsEntry);
- if (needsEntry) addCurrentEntry();
- }
- //fprintf(stderr,"parseCommentBlock position=%d [%s] needsEntry=%d\n",position,,needsEntry);
- if (needsEntry) addCurrentEntry();
-static void subrHandleCommentBlock(const QCString &doc,bool brief)
- Entry *tmp_entry = current;
- current = subrCurrent.first(); // temporarily switch to the entry of the subroutine / function
- if (docBlock.stripWhiteSpace().find("\\param") == 0)
- {
- handleCommentBlock("\n\n"+doc,brief);
- }
- else if (docBlock.stripWhiteSpace().find("@param") == 0)
- {
- handleCommentBlock("\n\n"+doc,brief);
- }
- else
- {
- int dir1 = modifiers[current_root][argName.lower()].direction;
- handleCommentBlock(QCString("\n\n@param ") + directionParam[dir1] + " " +
- argName + " " + doc,brief);
- }
- current=tmp_entry;
-static int level=0;
-static void debugCompounds(Entry *rt) // print Entry structure (for debugging)
- level++;
- printf("%d) debugCompounds(%s) line %d\n",level, rt->, rt->bodyLine);
- EntryListIterator eli(*rt->children());
- Entry *ce;
- for (;(ce=eli.current());++eli)
- {
- debugCompounds(ce);
- }
-static void parseMain(const char *fileName,const char *fileBuf,Entry *rt)
- initParser();
- defaultProtection = Public;
- inputString = fileBuf;
- inputPosition = 0;
- inputStringPrepass = NULL;
- inputPositionPrepass = 0;
- //anonCount = 0; // don't reset per file
- mtype = Method;
- gstat = FALSE;
- virt = Normal;
- current_root = rt;
- global_root = rt;
- inputFile.setName(fileName);
- if (
- {
- isFixedForm = recognizeFixedForm(fileBuf);
- if (isFixedForm)
- {
- msg("Prepassing fixed form of %s\n", fileName);
- //printf("---strlen=%d\n", strlen(fileBuf));
- //clock_t start=clock();
- inputString = prepassFixedForm(fileBuf);
- //clock_t end=clock();
- //printf("CPU time used=%f\n", ((double) (end-start))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
- }
- yyLineNr= 1 ;
- yyFileName = fileName;
- msg("Parsing file %s...\n",;
- startScope(rt); // implies current_root = rt
- initParser();
- groupEnterFile(yyFileName,yyLineNr);
- current = new Entry;
- current->lang = SrcLangExt_Fortran;
- current->name = yyFileName;
- current->section = Entry::SOURCE_SEC;
- current_root->addSubEntry(current);
- file_root = current;
- current = new Entry;
- current->lang = SrcLangExt_Fortran;
- fscanYYrestart( fscanYYin );
- {
- BEGIN( Start );
- }
- fscanYYlex();
- groupLeaveFile(yyFileName,yyLineNr);
- endScope(current_root, TRUE); // TRUE - global root
- //debugCompounds(rt); //debug
- rt->program.resize(0);
- delete current; current=0;
- moduleProcedures.clear();
- if (isFixedForm) {
- free((char*)inputString);
- inputString=NULL;
- }
- inputFile.close();
- }
-void FortranLanguageScanner::parseInput(const char *fileName,const char *fileBuf,Entry *root)
- g_thisParser = this;
- ::parseMain(fileName,fileBuf,root);
-void FortranLanguageScanner::parseCode(CodeOutputInterface & codeOutIntf,
- const char * scopeName,
- const QCString & input,
- bool isExampleBlock,
- const char * exampleName,
- FileDef * fileDef,
- int startLine,
- int endLine,
- bool inlineFragment,
- MemberDef *memberDef,
- bool showLineNumbers
- )
- ::parseFortranCode(codeOutIntf,scopeName,input,isExampleBlock,exampleName,
- fileDef,startLine,endLine,inlineFragment,memberDef,
- showLineNumbers);
-bool FortranLanguageScanner::needsPreprocessing(const QCString &extension)
- return extension!=extension.lower(); // use preprocessor only for upper case extensions
-void FortranLanguageScanner::resetCodeParserState()
- ::resetFortranCodeParserState();
-void FortranLanguageScanner::parsePrototype(const char *text)
- (void)text;
-static void scanner_abort()
- fprintf(stderr,"********************************************************************\n");
- fprintf(stderr,"Error in file %s line: %d, state: %d\n",,yyLineNr,YY_START);
- fprintf(stderr,"********************************************************************\n");
- EntryListIterator eli(*global_root->children());
- Entry *ce;
- bool start=FALSE;
- for (;(ce=eli.current());++eli)
- {
- if (ce == file_root) start=TRUE;
- if (start) ce->reset();
- }
- // dummy call to avoid compiler warning
- (void)yy_top_state();
- return;
- //exit(-1);
-extern "C" { // some bogus code to keep the compiler happy
- void fscannerYYdummy() { yy_flex_realloc(0,0); }