# Doxyparse This directory contains an "source parsing engine" based on doxyapp code. Doxyparse modifies the default output of Doxygen and dumps the dependencies among code elements in a YAML format, instead of output it in a human-readable format, as Doxygen does Doxyparse's output is intended to produce a machine-readable output. Doxyparse has been used in many software engineering research (as a source-code static analysis tool) regards on software metrics, quality metrics and so on, Doxyparse was first used by the [Analizo](http://analizo.org) toolkit, a suite of source code analysis tools, aimed at being language-independent and extensible, able to extract and calculate a fair number of source code metrics, generate dependency graphs, and other software evolution analysis. Academic publications citing Doxyparse: * https://scholar.google.com.br/scholar?q=doxyparse ## build dependencies apt-get install flex bison cmake build-essential python ## build cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -Dbuild_parse=ON make ## install sudo make install ## release * ensure analizo testsuite passing on newer doxyparse version * update debian/changelog, commit, push * create git tag, push to github analizo/doxyparse * build on amd64 and i386 archs, upload tar.gz to github * tar -zcf doxyparse__amd64.tar.gz -C bin/ doxyparse * tar -zcf doxyparse__i386.tar.gz -C bin/ doxyparse * build debian packages for amd64 and i386, update analizo.org repository * (see analizo.github.io/README.md file for updating repository instructions) * upload the deb files to github release tag also * check if a alien-doxyparse release is necessary and do it on cpan ## Authors * Antonio Terceiro * João M. Miranda * Joenio Costa * Paulo Meirelles * Vinicius Daros