/****************************************************************************** * * * * Copyright (C) 1997-2001 by Dimitri van Heesch. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "doxywizard.h" #include "pagewidget.h" #include "inputbool.h" #include "inputstring.h" #include "inputstrlist.h" #include "inputint.h" #include "config.h" #include "version.h" #include "pixmaps.h" QString configFileName; const int messageTimeout = 4000; //!< status bar message timeout in millisec. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool loadConfig( QString loadFile ) { QFileInfo fi( loadFile ); if ( !fi.exists() ) { QMessageBox::warning(0, "Warning","Input file "+loadFile+ " does not exist! Starting new file.", "ok" ); return FALSE; } QFile f( loadFile ); if ( !f.open(IO_ReadOnly) ) { QMessageBox::warning(0, "Warning","Cannot open input "+loadFile+ " for reading!.", "abort" ); exit(1); } // set config values to their defaults Config::instance()->init(); // read file into a string buffer int fsize = fi.size(); QCString contents(fsize+1); // add room for \0 terminator f.readBlock(contents.data(),fsize); contents[fsize]='\0'; // parse the config file // this will initialize the various Config data members Config::instance()->parse(contents,loadFile); Config::instance()->convertStrToVal(); f.close(); return TRUE; } static bool saveConfig( QString saveFile ) { QFile f( saveFile ); if ( !f.open(IO_WriteOnly) ) { QMessageBox::warning(0, "Warning","Cannot open file "+saveFile+ " for writing. Nothing saved!.", "ok" ); return FALSE; // failure } Config::instance()->writeTemplate(&f,TRUE,TRUE); // write brief config file return TRUE; // success } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wizard::Wizard(int argc,char **argv) : QMainWindow( 0, (QCString)"DoxyWizard v"+versionString ) { // File popupmenu hasChanged=FALSE; fileTools = new QToolBar( this, "file operations" ); fileTools->setLabel( "File Operations" ); new QToolButton( QPixmap( file_xpm ), "New File", QString::null, this, SLOT(newFile()), fileTools, "new file" ); //QToolButton * fileOpen = new QToolButton( QPixmap( fileopen_xpm ), "Open File", QString::null, this, SLOT(loadFile()), fileTools, "open file" ); //QToolButton * fileSave = new QToolButton( QPixmap( filesave_xpm ), "Save File", QString::null, this, SLOT(saveFile()), fileTools, "save file" ); //Micha: QToolButton * = new QToolButton( QPixmap( rundoxygen_xpm ), "Save and Run doxygen", QString::null, this, SLOT(runDoxygen()), fileTools, "save and run doxygen" ); QWhatsThis::whatsThisButton( fileTools ); QPopupMenu* file = new QPopupMenu; file->insertItem( QIconSet(QPixmap(file_xpm)), "&New", this, SLOT(newFile()), CTRL+Key_N ); file->insertItem( QIconSet(QPixmap(fileopen_xpm)), "&Load", this, SLOT(loadFile()), CTRL+Key_O ); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem( QIconSet(QPixmap(filesave_xpm)), "&Save", this, SLOT(saveFile()), CTRL+Key_S ); file->insertItem( "&Save as ...", this, SLOT(saveAsFile()) ); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem( "&Quit", this, SLOT(quit()), CTRL+Key_Q ); // Doxygen popupmenu QPopupMenu* doxygen = new QPopupMenu; int itemIndex = doxygen->insertItem( QIconSet(QPixmap(rundoxygen_xpm)), "&Run", this, SLOT(runDoxygen()), CTRL+Key_R ); doxygen->setWhatsThis ( itemIndex, "Run doxygen with the current configuration file..." ); // Help popupmenu QPopupMenu* help = new QPopupMenu; help->insertItem( "&About", this, SLOT(about()), Key_F1 ); help->insertItem( "What's &This", this , SLOT(whatsThis()), SHIFT+Key_F1); // menubar definition menuBar()->insertItem( "&File", file ); menuBar()->insertItem( "&Doxygen", doxygen ); menuBar()->insertSeparator(); menuBar()->insertItem( "&Help", help ); statusBar()->message("Welcome to DoxyWizard",messageTimeout); cw = new ConfigFile( this ); connect(cw,SIGNAL(changed()),this,SLOT(changed())); setCentralWidget( cw ); cw->show(); if (argc==2) { loadFile(argv[1]); } else { newFile(); } refreshCaption(); resize( 640, 480 ); } void Wizard::newFile() { if (hasChanged) { switch( QMessageBox::warning( this, "DoxyWizard", "Start a new file and lose changes?\n", "Yes", "No", 0, 0, 1 )) { case 0: break; default: // command aborted by the user return; } } Config::instance()->init(); configFileName="Doxyfile"; cw->init(); } void Wizard::loadFile(const char *fileName) { if (fileName==0) { configFileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(); } else { configFileName = fileName; } if ( !configFileName.isNull() ) { //initData( configFileName ); loadConfig(configFileName); cw->init(); statusBar()->message(configFileName, messageTimeout); } } void Wizard::loadFile() { if (hasChanged) { switch( QMessageBox::warning( this, "DoxyWizard", "Load a new file and lose changes?\n", "Yes", "No", 0, 0, 1 )) { case 0: break; default: // command aborted by the user return; } } loadFile(0); } void Wizard::saveFile() { //printf("configFileName=`%s'\n",configFileName.data()); if (configFileName.isEmpty()) { saveAsFile(); return; } else { saveConfig(configFileName); statusBar()->message(configFileName + " saved", messageTimeout); } hasChanged = FALSE; refreshCaption(); } void Wizard::saveAsFile() { configFileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(); if (configFileName.isNull()) { statusBar()->message("Save aborted", messageTimeout ); return; // operation cancelled by the user } saveConfig(configFileName); statusBar()->message("Saved as "+ configFileName, messageTimeout ); } //Micha // TODO: Use QProcess to show the output in a window void Wizard::runDoxygen() { saveFile(); QString s = "doxygen " + configFileName; system((const char*)s); statusBar()->message("doxygen completed: "+ configFileName, messageTimeout ); hasChanged = FALSE; refreshCaption(); } void Wizard::quit() { if (hasChanged) { switch( QMessageBox::warning( this, "DoxyWizard", "Quit and lose changes?\n", "Yes", "No", 0, 0, 1 )) { case 0: qApp->quit(); break; case 1: break; } } else { qApp->quit(); } } void Wizard::changed() { hasChanged = TRUE; refreshCaption(); } void Wizard::refreshCaption() { QString s; if (hasChanged) s=" *"; setCaption("Doxywizard - ["+configFileName+s+"]"); } void Wizard::about() { QMessageBox::about(this, "DoxyWizard", "
A tool to create and edit configuration files " "that can be read by doxygen.

" "

Written by Dimitri van Heesch

" "

(c) 2000
" ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- ConfigFile::ConfigFile( QWidget *parent ) : QWidget( parent ) { m_dependencies = new QDict< QList >(257); m_dependencies->setAutoDelete(TRUE); m_inputWidgets = new QDict< IInput >; m_switches = new QDict< QObject >; QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout( this ); // QTabWidget definition QTabWidget *tab = new QTabWidget( this ); layout->addWidget( tab ); QListIterator options = Config::instance()->iterator(); PageWidget *page = 0; ConfigOption *option = 0; for (options.toFirst();(option=options.current());++options) { switch(option->kind()) { case ConfigOption::O_Info: if (page) page->addStretch(1); page = new PageWidget( tab, option->name() ); QWhatsThis::add(page, option->docs().simplifyWhiteSpace() ); break; case ConfigOption::O_String: { ASSERT(page!=0); InputString::StringMode sm=InputString::StringFree; switch(((ConfigString *)option)->widgetType()) { case ConfigString::String: sm=InputString::StringFree; break; case ConfigString::File: sm=InputString::StringFile; break; case ConfigString::Dir: sm=InputString::StringDir; break; } InputString *inputString = new InputString( option->name(), // name page, // widget *((ConfigString *)option)->valueRef(), // variable sm // type ); QWhatsThis::add(inputString, option->docs().simplifyWhiteSpace() ); connect(inputString,SIGNAL(changed()),SIGNAL(changed())); m_inputWidgets->insert(option->name(),inputString); addDependency(m_switches,option->dependsOn(),option->name()); } break; case ConfigOption::O_Enum: { ASSERT(page!=0); InputString *inputString = new InputString( option->name(), // name page, // widget *((ConfigEnum *)option)->valueRef(), // variable InputString::StringFixed // type ); QStrListIterator sli=((ConfigEnum *)option)->iterator(); for (sli.toFirst();sli.current();++sli) { inputString->addValue(sli.current()); } QWhatsThis::add(inputString, option->docs().simplifyWhiteSpace() ); connect(inputString,SIGNAL(changed()),SIGNAL(changed())); m_inputWidgets->insert(option->name(),inputString); addDependency(m_switches,option->dependsOn(),option->name()); } break; case ConfigOption::O_List: { ASSERT(page!=0); InputStrList::ListMode lm=InputStrList::ListString; switch(((ConfigList *)option)->widgetType()) { case ConfigList::String: lm=InputStrList::ListString; break; case ConfigList::File: lm=InputStrList::ListFile; break; case ConfigList::Dir: lm=InputStrList::ListDir; break; case ConfigList::FileAndDir: lm=InputStrList::ListFileDir; break; } InputStrList *inputStrList = new InputStrList( option->name(), // name page, // widget *((ConfigList *)option)->valueRef(), // variable lm // type ); QWhatsThis::add(inputStrList, option->docs().simplifyWhiteSpace() ); connect(inputStrList,SIGNAL(changed()),SIGNAL(changed())); m_inputWidgets->insert(option->name(),inputStrList); addDependency(m_switches,option->dependsOn(),option->name()); } break; break; case ConfigOption::O_Bool: { ASSERT(page!=0); InputBool *inputBool = new InputBool( option->name(), // name page, // widget *((ConfigBool *)option)->valueRef() // variable ); QWhatsThis::add(inputBool, option->docs().simplifyWhiteSpace() ); connect(inputBool,SIGNAL(changed()),SIGNAL(changed())); m_inputWidgets->insert(option->name(),inputBool); addDependency(m_switches,option->dependsOn(),option->name()); } break; case ConfigOption::O_Int: { ASSERT(page!=0); InputInt *inputInt = new InputInt( option->name(), // name page, // widget *((ConfigInt *)option)->valueRef(), // variable ((ConfigInt *)option)->minVal(), // min value ((ConfigInt *)option)->maxVal() // max value ); QWhatsThis::add(inputInt, option->docs().simplifyWhiteSpace() ); connect(inputInt,SIGNAL(changed()),SIGNAL(changed())); m_inputWidgets->insert(option->name(),inputInt); addDependency(m_switches,option->dependsOn(),option->name()); } break; } } if (page) page->addStretch(1); QDictIterator di(*m_switches); QObject *obj = 0; for (di.toFirst();(obj=di.current());++di) { connect(obj,SIGNAL(toggle(const char *,bool)),SLOT(toggle(const char *,bool))); // UGLY HACK: assumes each item depends on a boolean without checking! emit toggle(di.currentKey(),((InputBool *)obj)->getState()); } } ConfigFile::~ConfigFile() { delete m_dependencies; delete m_inputWidgets; delete m_switches; } void ConfigFile::addDependency(QDict *switches, const QCString &dep,const QCString &name) { if (!dep.isEmpty()) { IInput *parent = m_inputWidgets->find(dep); ASSERT(parent!=0); IInput *child = m_inputWidgets->find(name); ASSERT(child!=0); if (switches->find(dep)==0) { switches->insert(dep,parent->qobject()); } QList *list = m_dependencies->find(dep); if (list==0) { list = new QList; m_dependencies->insert(dep,list); } list->append(child); } } void ConfigFile::toggle(const char *name,bool state) { QList *inputs = m_dependencies->find(name); ASSERT(inputs!=0); IInput *input = inputs->first(); while (input) { input->setEnabled(state); input = inputs->next(); } } void ConfigFile::init() { QDictIterator di(*m_inputWidgets); IInput *input = 0; for (di.toFirst();(input=di.current());++di) { input->init(); } QDictIterator dio(*m_switches); QObject *obj = 0; for (dio.toFirst();(obj=dio.current());++dio) { connect(obj,SIGNAL(toggle(const char *,bool)),SLOT(toggle(const char *,bool))); // UGLY HACK: assumes each item depends on a boolean without checking! emit toggle(dio.currentKey(),((InputBool *)obj)->getState()); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc,char **argv) { QApplication::setColorSpec( QApplication::NormalColor ); QApplication app(argc,argv); Wizard wizard(argc,argv); app.setMainWidget( &wizard ); wizard.show(); return app.exec(); }