/****************************************************************************** * * * * Copyright (C) 1997-2011 by Dimitri van Heesch. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license. * */ /*! \page commands Special Commands \section cmd_intro Introduction All commands in the documentation start with a backslash (\\) or an at-sign (\@). If you prefer you can replace all commands starting with a backslash below by their counterparts that start with an at-sign. Some commands have one or more arguments. Each argument has a certain range: If in addition to the aboveargument specifiers [square] brackets are used the argument is optional. Here is an alphabetically sorted list of all commands with references to their documentation: \secreflist \refitem cmda \\a \refitem cmdaddindex \\addindex \refitem cmdaddtogroup \\addtogroup \refitem cmdanchor \\anchor \refitem cmdarg \\arg \refitem cmdattention \\attention \refitem cmdauthor \\author \refitem cmdauthors \\authors \refitem cmdb \\b \refitem cmdbrief \\brief \refitem cmdbug \\bug \refitem cmdc \\c \refitem cmdcallgraph \\callgraph \refitem cmdcallergraph \\callergraph \refitem cmdcategory \\category \refitem cmdcite \\cite \refitem cmdclass \\class \refitem cmdcode \\code \refitem cmdcond \\cond \refitem cmdcopybrief \\copybrief \refitem cmdcopydetails \\copydetails \refitem cmdcopydoc \\copydoc \refitem cmdcopyright \\copyright \refitem cmddate \\date \refitem cmddef \\def \refitem cmddefgroup \\defgroup \refitem cmddeprecated \\deprecated \refitem cmddetails \\details \refitem cmddir \\dir \refitem cmddontinclude \\dontinclude \refitem cmddot \\dot \refitem cmddotfile \\dotfile \refitem cmde \\e \refitem cmdelse \\else \refitem cmdelseif \\elseif \refitem cmdem \\em \refitem cmdendcode \\endcode \refitem cmdendcond \\endcond \refitem cmdenddot \\enddot \refitem cmdendhtmlonly \\endhtmlonly \refitem cmdendif \\endif \refitem cmdendinternal \\endinternal \refitem cmdendlatexonly \\endlatexonly \refitem cmdendlink \\endlink \refitem cmdendmanonly \\endmanonly \refitem cmdendmsc \\endmsc \refitem cmdendrtfonly \\endrtfonly \refitem cmdendverbatim \\endverbatim \refitem cmdendxmlonly \\endxmlonly \refitem cmdenum \\enum \refitem cmdexample \\example \refitem cmdexception \\exception \refitem cmdextends \\extends \refitem cmdfdollar \\f\$ \refitem cmdfbropen \\f[ \refitem cmdfbrclose \\f] \refitem cmdfcurlyopen \\f{ \refitem cmdfcurlyclose \\f} \refitem cmdfile \\file \refitem cmdfn \\fn \refitem cmdheaderfile \\headerfile \refitem cmdhideinitializer \\hideinitializer \refitem cmdhtmlinclude \\htmlinclude \refitem cmdhtmlonly \\htmlonly \refitem cmdif \\if \refitem cmdifnot \\ifnot \refitem cmdimage \\image \refitem cmdimplements \\implements \refitem cmdinclude \\include \refitem cmdincludelineno \\includelineno \refitem cmdingroup \\ingroup \refitem cmdinternal \\internal \refitem cmdinvariant \\invariant \refitem cmdinterface \\interface \refitem cmdlatexonly \\latexonly \refitem cmdli \\li \refitem cmdline \\line \refitem cmdlink \\link \refitem cmdmainpage \\mainpage \refitem cmdmanonly \\manonly \refitem cmdmemberof \\memberof \refitem cmdmsc \\msc \refitem cmdmscfile \\mscfile \refitem cmdn \\n \refitem cmdname \\name \refitem cmdnamespace \\namespace \refitem cmdnosubgrouping \\nosubgrouping \refitem cmdnote \\note \refitem cmdoverload \\overload \refitem cmdp \\p \refitem cmdpackage \\package \refitem cmdpage \\page \refitem cmdpar \\par \refitem cmdparagraph \\paragraph \refitem cmdparam \\param \refitem cmdpost \\post \refitem cmdpre \\pre \refitem cmdprivate \\private \refitem cmdprivate \\privatesection \refitem cmdproperty \\property \refitem cmdprotected \\protected \refitem cmdprotected \\protectedsection \refitem cmdprotocol \\protocol \refitem cmdpublic \\public \refitem cmdpublic \\publicsection \refitem cmdref \\ref \refitem cmdrelated \\related \refitem cmdrelates \\relates \refitem cmdrelatedalso \\relatedalso \refitem cmdrelatesalso \\relatesalso \refitem cmdremark \\remark \refitem cmdremarks \\remarks \refitem cmdresult \\result \refitem cmdreturn \\return \refitem cmdreturns \\returns \refitem cmdretval \\retval \refitem cmdrtfonly \\rtfonly \refitem cmdsa \\sa \refitem cmdsection \\section \refitem cmdsee \\see \refitem cmdshort \\short \refitem cmdshowinitializer \\showinitializer \refitem cmdsince \\since \refitem cmdskip \\skip \refitem cmdskipline \\skipline \refitem cmdsnippet \\snippet \refitem cmdstruct \\struct \refitem cmdsubpage \\subpage \refitem cmdsubsection \\subsection \refitem cmdsubsubsection \\subsubsection \refitem cmdtest \\test \refitem cmdthrow \\throw \refitem cmdthrows \\throws \refitem cmdtodo \\todo \refitem cmdtparam \\tparam \refitem cmdtypedef \\typedef \refitem cmdunion \\union \refitem cmduntil \\until \refitem cmdvar \\var \refitem cmdverbatim \\verbatim \refitem cmdverbinclude \\verbinclude \refitem cmdversion \\version \refitem cmdwarning \\warning \refitem cmdweakgroup \\weakgroup \refitem cmdxmlonly \\xmlonly \refitem cmdxrefitem \\xrefitem \refitem cmddollar \\\$ \refitem cmdat \\\@ \refitem cmdbackslash \\\\ \refitem cmdamp \\\& \refitem cmdtilde \\~ \refitem cmdlt \\\< \refitem cmdgt \\\> \refitem cmdhash \\\# \refitem cmdperc \\\% \refitem cmdquot \\\" \refitem cmddcolon \:: \endsecreflist The following subsections provide a list of all commands that are recognized by doxygen. Unrecognized commands are treated as normal text. \htmlonly

\htmlonly --- \endhtmlonly Structural indicators \htmlonly --- \endhtmlonly

\endhtmlonly \section cmdaddtogroup \\addtogroup [(title)] \addindex \\addtogroup Defines a group just like \ref cmddefgroup "\\defgroup", but in contrast to that command using the same \ more than once will not result in a warning, but rather one group with a merged documentation and the first title found in any of the commands. The title is optional, so this command can also be used to add a number of entities to an existing group using \@{ and \@} like this: \verbatim /*! \addtogroup mygrp * Additional documentation for group 'mygrp' * @{ */ /*! * A function */ void func1() { } /*! Another function */ void func2() { } /*! @} */ \endverbatim \sa page \ref grouping "Grouping", sections \ref cmddefgroup "\\defgroup", \ref cmdingroup "\\ingroup", and \ref cmdweakgroup "\\weakgroup".
\section cmdcallgraph \\callgraph \addindex \\callgraph When this command is put in a comment block of a function or method and \ref cfg_have_dot "HAVE_DOT" is set to YES, then doxygen will generate a call graph for that function (provided the implementation of the function or method calls other documented functions). The call graph will be generated regardless of the value of \ref cfg_call_graph "CALL_GRAPH". \note The completeness (and correctness) of the call graph depends on the doxygen code parser which is not perfect. \sa section \ref cmdcallergraph "\\callergraph".
\section cmdcallergraph \\callergraph \addindex \\callergraph When this command is put in a comment block of a function or method and \ref cfg_have_dot "HAVE_DOT" is set to YES, then doxygen will generate a caller graph for that function (provided the implementation of the function or method calls other documented functions). The caller graph will be generated regardless of the value of \ref cfg_caller_graph "CALLER_GRAPH". \note The completeness (and correctness) of the caller graph depends on the doxygen code parser which is not perfect. \sa section \ref cmdcallgraph "\\callgraph".
\section cmdcategory \\category [] [] \addindex \\category For Objective-C only: Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a class category with name \. The arguments are equal to the \\class command. \sa section \ref cmdclass "\\class".
\section cmdclass \\class [] [] \addindex \\class Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a class with name \. Optionally a header file and a header name can be specified. If the header-file is specified, a link to a verbatim copy of the header will be included in the HTML documentation. The \ argument can be used to overwrite the name of the link that is used in the class documentation to something other than \. This can be useful if the include name is not located on the default include path (like \). With the \ argument you can also specify how the include statement should look like, by adding either quotes or sharp brackets around the name. Sharp brackets are used if just the name is given. Note that the last two arguments can also be specified using the \ref cmdheaderfile "\\headerfile" command. \par Example: \verbinclude class.h \htmlonly Click here for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen. \endhtmlonly
\section cmddef \\def \addindex \\def Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a \c \#define macro. \par Example: \verbinclude define.h \htmlonly Click here for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen. \endhtmlonly
\section cmddefgroup \\defgroup (group title) \addindex \\defgroup Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a \ref modules "group" of classes, files or namespaces. This can be used to categorize classes, files or namespaces, and document those categories. You can also use groups as members of other groups, thus building a hierarchy of groups. The \ argument should be a single-word identifier. \sa page \ref grouping "Grouping", sections \ref cmdingroup "\\ingroup", \ref cmdaddtogroup "\\addtogroup", and \ref cmdweakgroup "\\weakgroup".
\section cmddir \\dir [] \addindex \\dir Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a directory. The "path fragment" argument should include the directory name and enough of the path to be unique with respect to the other directories in the project. The \ref cfg_show_dirs "SHOW_DIRECTORIES" option determines whether or not the directory information is shown and the \ref cfg_strip_from_path "STRIP_FROM_PATH" option determines what is stripped from the full path before it appears in the output.
\section cmdenum \\enum \addindex \\enum Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for an enumeration, with name \. If the enum is a member of a class and the documentation block is located outside the class definition, the scope of the class should be specified as well. If a comment block is located directly in front of an enum declaration, the \\enum comment may be omitted. \par Note: The type of an anonymous enum cannot be documented, but the values of an anonymous enum can. \par Example: \verbinclude enum.h \htmlonly Click here for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen. \endhtmlonly
\section cmdexample \\example \addindex \\example Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a source code example. The name of the source file is \. The text of this file will be included in the documentation, just after the documentation contained in the comment block. All examples are placed in a list. The source code is scanned for documented members and classes. If any are found, the names are cross-referenced with the documentation. Source files or directories can be specified using the \ref cfg_example_path "EXAMPLE_PATH" tag of doxygen's configuration file. If \ itself is not unique for the set of example files specified by the \ref cfg_example_path "EXAMPLE_PATH" tag, you can include part of the absolute path to disambiguate it. If more that one source file is needed for the example, the \\include command can be used. \par Example: \verbinclude example.cpp Where the example file \c example_test.cpp looks as follows: \verbinclude example_test.cpp \htmlonly Click here for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen. \endhtmlonly \sa section \ref cmdinclude "\\include".
\section cmdendinternal \\endinternal \addindex \\endinternal This command ends a documentation fragment that was started with a \ref cmdinternal "\\internal" command. The text between \c \\internal and \c \\endinternal will only be visible if \ref cfg_internal_docs "INTERNAL_DOCS" is set to YES.
\section cmdextends \\extends \addindex \\extends This command can be used to manually indicate an inheritance relation, when the programming language does not support this concept natively (e.g. C). The file \c manual.c in the example directory shows how to use this command. \htmlonly Click here for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen. \endhtmlonly \sa section \ref cmdimplements "\\implements" and section \ref cmdmemberof "\\memberof"
\section cmdfile \\file [] \addindex \\file Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a source or header file with name \. The file name may include (part of) the path if the file-name alone is not unique. If the file name is omitted (i.e. the line after \\file is left blank) then the documentation block that contains the \\file command will belong to the file it is located in. \par Important: The documentation of global functions, variables, typedefs, and enums will only be included in the output if the file they are in is documented as well. \par Example: \verbinclude file.h \htmlonly Click here for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen. \endhtmlonly \note In the above example \ref cfg_javadoc_autobrief "JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF" has been set to YES in the configuration file.
\section cmdfn \\fn (function declaration) \addindex \\fn Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a function (either global or as a member of a class). This command is \em only needed if a comment block is \e not placed in front (or behind) the function declaration or definition. If your comment block \e is in front of the function declaration or definition this command can (and to avoid redundancy should) be omitted. A full function declaration including arguments should be specified after the \\fn command on a \e single line, since the argument ends at the end of the line! This command is equivalent to \\var, \\typedef, and \\property. \warning Do not use this command if it is not absolutely needed, since it will lead to duplication of information and thus to errors. \par Example: \verbinclude func.h \htmlonly Click here for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen. \endhtmlonly \sa sections \ref cmdvar "\\var", \ref cmdproperty "\\property", and \ref cmdtypedef "\\typedef".
\section cmdheaderfile \\headerfile [] \addindex \\headerfile Intended to be used for class, struct, or union documentation, where the documentation is in front of the definition. The arguments of this command are the same as the second and third argument of \ref cmdclass "\\class". The \ name refers to the file that should by included by the application to obtain the definition of the class, struct, or union. The \ argument can be used to overwrite the name of the link that is used in the class documentation to something other than \. This can be useful if the include name is not located on the default include path (like \). With the \ argument you can also specify how the include statement should look like, by adding either double quotes or sharp brackets around the name. By default sharp brackets are used if just the name is given. If a pair of double quotes is given for either the \ or \ argument, the current file (in which the command was found) will be used but with quotes. So for a comment block with a \\headerfile command inside a file test.h, the following three commands are equivalent: \verbatim \headerfile test.h "test.h" \headerfile test.h "" \headerfile "" \endverbatim To get sharp brackets you do not need to specify anything, but if you want to be explicit you could use any of the following: \verbatim \headerfile test.h \headerfile test.h <> \headerfile <> \endverbatim To globally reverse the default include representation to local includes you can set \ref cfg_force_local_includes "FORCE_LOCAL_INCLUDES" to \c YES. To disable the include information altogether set \ref cfg_show_include_files "SHOW_INCLUDE_FILES" to \c NO.
\section cmdhideinitializer \\hideinitializer \addindex \\hideinitializer By default the value of a define and the initializer of a variable are displayed unless they are longer than 30 lines. By putting this command in a comment block of a define or variable, the initializer is always hidden. The maximum number of initalization linens can be changed by means of the configuration parameter \ref cfg_max_initializer_lines "MAX_INITIALIZER_LINES", the default value is 30. \sa section \ref cmdshowinitializer "\\showinitializer".
\section cmdimplements \\implements \addindex \\implements This command can be used to manually indicate an inheritance relation, when the programming language does not support this concept natively (e.g. C). The file \c manual.c in the example directory shows how to use this command. \htmlonly Click here for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen. \endhtmlonly \sa section \ref cmdextends "\\extends" and section \ref cmdmemberof "\\memberof"
\section cmdingroup \\ingroup ( [ ]) \addindex \\ingroup If the \\ingroup command is placed in a comment block of a class, file or namespace, then it will be added to the group or groups identified by \. \sa page \ref grouping "Grouping", sections \ref cmddefgroup "\\defgroup", \ref cmdaddtogroup "\\addtogroup", and \ref cmdweakgroup "\\weakgroup"
\section cmdinterface \\interface [] [] \addindex \\interface Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for an interface with name \. The arguments are equal to the arguments of the \\class command. \sa section \ref cmdclass "\\class".
\section cmdinternal \\internal \addindex \\internal This command starts a documentation fragment that is meant for internal use only. The fragment naturally ends at the end of the comment block. You can also force the internal section to end earlier by using the \ref cmdendinternal "\\endinternal" command. If the \\internal command is put inside a section (see for example \ref cmdsection "\\section") all subsections after the command are considered to be internal as well. Only a new section at the same level will end the fragment that is considered internal. You can use \ref cfg_internal_docs "INTERNAL_DOCS" in the config file to show (\c YES) or hide (\c NO) the internal documentation. \sa section \ref cmdendinternal "\\endinternal".
\section cmdmainpage \\mainpage [(title)] \addindex \\mainpage If the \\mainpage command is placed in a comment block the block is used to customize the index page (in HTML) or the first chapter (in \f$\mbox{\LaTeX}\f$). The title argument is optional and replaces the default title that doxygen normally generates. If you do not want any title you can specify \c notitle as the argument of \\mainpage. Here is an example: \verbatim /*! \mainpage My Personal Index Page * * \section intro_sec Introduction * * This is the introduction. * * \section install_sec Installation * * \subsection step1 Step 1: Opening the box * * etc... */ \endverbatim You can refer to the main page using \\ref index. \sa section \ref cmdsection "\\section", section \ref cmdsubsection "\\subsection", and section \ref cmdpage "\\page".
\section cmdmemberof \\memberof \addindex \\memberof This command makes a function a member of a class in a similar way as \ref cmdrelates "\\relates" does, only with this command the function is represented as a real member of the class. This can be useful when the programming language does not support the concept of member functions natively (e.g. C). It is also possible to use this command together with \ref cmdpublic "\\public", \ref cmdprotected "\\protected" or \ref cmdprivate "\\private". The file \c manual.c in the example directory shows how to use this command. \htmlonly Click here for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen. \endhtmlonly \sa sections \ref cmdextends "\\extends", \ref cmdimplements "\\implements", \ref cmdpublic "\\public", \ref cmdprotected "\\protected" and \ref cmdprivate "\\private".
\section cmdname \\name [(header)] \addindex \\name This command turns a comment block into a header definition of a member group. The comment block should be followed by a //\@{ ... //\@} block containing the members of the group. See section \ref memgroup for an example.
\section cmdnamespace \\namespace \addindex \\namespace Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a namespace with name \.
\section cmdnosubgrouping \\nosubgrouping \addindex \\nosubgrouping This command can be put in the documentation of a class. It can be used in combination with member grouping to avoid that doxygen puts a member group as a subgroup of a Public/Protected/Private/... section. \sa sections \ref cmdpublicsection "\\publicsection", \ref cmdprotectedsection "\\protectedsection" and \ref cmdprivatesection "\\privatesection".
\section cmdoverload \\overload [(function declaration)] \addindex \\overload This command can be used to generate the following standard text for an overloaded member function: > This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. > It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. If the documentation for the overloaded member function is not located in front of the function declaration or definition, the optional argument should be used to specify the correct function. Any other documentation that is inside the documentation block will by appended after the generated message. \par Note 1: You are responsible that there is indeed an earlier documented member that is overloaded by this one. To prevent that document reorders the documentation you should set \ref cfg_sort_member_docs "SORT_MEMBER_DOCS" to NO in this case. \par Note 2: The \\overload command does not work inside a one-line comment. \par Example: \verbinclude examples/overload.cpp \htmlonly Click here for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen. \endhtmlonly
\section cmdpackage \\package \addindex \\package Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a Java package with name \.
\section cmdpage \\page (title) \addindex \\page Indicates that a comment block contains a piece of documentation that is not directly related to one specific class, file or member. The HTML generator creates a page containing the documentation. The \f$\mbox{\LaTeX}\f$ generator starts a new section in the chapter 'Page documentation'. \par Example: \verbinclude page.doc \htmlonly Click here for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen. \endhtmlonly \par Note: The \ argument consists of a combination of letters and number digits. If you wish to use upper case letters (e.g. \c MYPAGE1), or mixed case letters (e.g. \c MyPage1) in the \ argument, you should set \c CASE_SENSE_NAMES to \c YES. However, this is advisable only if your file system is case sensitive. Otherwise (and for better portability) you should use all lower case letters (e.g. \c mypage1) for \ in all references to the page. \sa section \ref cmdsection "\\section", section \ref cmdsubsection "\\subsection", and section \ref cmdref "\\ref".
\section cmdprivate \\private \addindex \\private Indicates that the member documented in the comment block is private, i.e., should only be accessed by other members in the same class. Note that Doxygen automatically detects the protection level of members in object-oriented languages. This command is intended for use only when the language does not support the concept of protection level natively (e.g. C, PHP 4). For starting a section of private members, in a way similar to the "private:" class marker in C++, use \\privatesection. \sa sections \ref cmdmemberof "\\memberof", \ref cmdpublic "\\public", \ref cmdprotected "\\protected" and \ref cmdprivatesection "\\privatesection".
\section cmdprivatesection \\privatesection \addindex \\privatesection Starting a section of private members, in a way similar to the "private:" class marker in C++. Indicates that the member documented in the comment block is private, i.e., should only be accessed by other members in the same class. \sa sections \ref cmdmemberof "\\memberof", \ref cmdpublic "\\public", \ref cmdprotected "\\protected" and \ref cmdprivate "\\private".
\section cmdproperty \\property (qualified property name) \addindex \\property Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a property (either global or as a member of a class). This command is equivalent to \\var, \\typedef, and \\fn. \sa sections \ref cmdfn "\\fn", \ref cmdtypedef "\\typedef", and \ref cmdvar "\\var".
\section cmdprotected \\protected \addindex \\protected Indicates that the member documented in the comment block is protected, i.e., should only be accessed by other members in the same or derived classes. Note that Doxygen automatically detects the protection level of members in object-oriented languages. This command is intended for use only when the language does not support the concept of protection level natively (e.g. C, PHP 4). For starting a section of protected members, in a way similar to the "protected:" class marker in C++, use \\protectedsection. \sa sections \ref cmdmemberof "\\memberof", \ref cmdpublic "\\public", \ref cmdprivate "\\private" and \ref cmdprotectedsection "\\protectedsection".
\section cmdprotectedsection \\protectedsection \addindex \\protectedsection Starting a section of protected members, in a way similar to the "protected:" class marker in C++. Indicates that the member documented in the comment block is protected, i.e., should only be accessed by other members in the same or derived classes. \sa sections \ref cmdmemberof "\\memberof", \ref cmdpublic "\\public", \ref cmdprivate "\\private" and \ref cmdprotected "\\protected".
\section cmdprotocol \\protocol [] [] \addindex \\protocol Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a protocol in Objective-C with name \. The arguments are equal to the \\class command. \sa section \ref cmdclass "\\class".
\section cmdpublic \\public \addindex \\public Indicates that the member documented in the comment block is public, i.e., can be accessed by any other class or function. Note that Doxygen automatically detects the protection level of members in object-oriented languages. This command is intended for use only when the language does not support the concept of protection level natively (e.g. C, PHP 4). For starting a section of public members, in a way similar to the "public:" class marker in C++, use \\publicsection. \sa sections \ref cmdmemberof "\\memberof", \ref cmdprotected "\\protected", \ref cmdprivate "\\private" and \ref cmdpublicsection "\\publicsection".
\section cmdpublicsection \\publicsection \addindex \\publicsection Starting a section of public members, in a way similar to the "public:" class marker in C++. Indicates that the member documented in the comment block is public, i.e., can be accessed by any other class or function. \sa sections \ref cmdmemberof "\\memberof", \ref cmdprotected "\\protected", \ref cmdprivate "\\private" and \ref cmdpublic "\\public".
\section cmdrelates \\relates \addindex \\relates This command can be used in the documentation of a non-member function \. It puts the function inside the 'related function' section of the class documentation. This command is useful for documenting non-friend functions that are nevertheless strongly coupled to a certain class. It prevents the need of having to document a file, but only works for functions. \par Example: \verbinclude relates.cpp \htmlonly Click here for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen. \endhtmlonly
\section cmdrelated \\related \addindex related Equivalent to \ref cmdrelates "\\relates"
\section cmdrelatesalso \\relatesalso \addindex \\relatesalso This command can be used in the documentation of a non-member function \. It puts the function both inside the 'related function' section of the class documentation as well as leaving it at its normal file documentation location. This command is useful for documenting non-friend functions that are nevertheless strongly coupled to a certain class. It only works for functions.
\section cmdrelatedalso \\relatedalso \addindex relatedalso Equivalent to \ref cmdrelatesalso "\\relatesalso"
\section cmdshowinitializer \\showinitializer \addindex \\showinitializer By default the value of a define and the initializer of a variable are only displayed if they are less than 30 lines long. By putting this command in a comment block of a define or variable, the initializer is shown unconditionally. The maximum number of initalization linens can be changed by means of the configuration parameter \ref cfg_max_initializer_lines "MAX_INITIALIZER_LINES", the default value is 30. \sa section \ref cmdhideinitializer "\\hideinitializer".
\section cmdstruct \\struct [] [] \addindex \\struct Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a struct with name \. The arguments are equal to the arguments of the \\class command. \sa section \ref cmdclass "\\class".
\section cmdtypedef \\typedef (typedef declaration) \addindex \\typedef Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a typedef (either global or as a member of a class). This command is equivalent to \\var, \\propery, and \\fn. \sa section \ref cmdfn "\\fn", \ref cmdproperty "\\property", and \ref cmdvar "\\var".
\section cmdunion \\union [] [] \addindex \\union Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a union with name \. The arguments are equal to the arguments of the \\class command. \sa section \ref cmdclass "\\class".
\section cmdvar \\var (variable declaration) \addindex \\var Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a variable or enum value (either global or as a member of a class). This command is equivalent to \\typedef, \\propery, and \\fn. \sa section \ref cmdfn "\\fn", \ref cmdproperty "\\property", and \ref cmdtypedef "\\typedef".
\section cmdweakgroup \\weakgroup [(title)] \addindex \\addtogroup Can be used exactly like \ref cmdaddtogroup "\\addtogroup", but has a lower priority when it comes to resolving conflicting grouping definitions. \sa page \ref grouping "Grouping" and section \ref cmdaddtogroup "\\addtogroup".

\htmlonly --- \endhtmlonly Section indicators \htmlonly --- \endhtmlonly

\section cmdattention \\attention { attention text } \addindex \\attention Starts a paragraph where a message that needs attention may be entered. The paragraph will be indented. The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph. Multiple adjacent \\attention commands will be joined into a single paragraph. The \\attention command ends when a blank line or some other sectioning command is encountered.
\section cmdauthor \\author { list of authors } \addindex \\author Starts a paragraph where one or more author names may be entered. The paragraph will be indented. The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph. Multiple adjacent \\author commands will be joined into a single paragraph. Each author description will start a new line. Alternatively, one \\author command may mention several authors. The \\author command ends when a blank line or some other sectioning command is encountered. \par Example: \verbinclude author.cpp \htmlonly Click here for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen. \endhtmlonly
\section cmdauthors \\authors { list of authors } \addindex \\authors Equivalent to \ref cmdauthor "\\author".
\section cmdbrief \\brief { brief description } \addindex \\brief Starts a paragraph that serves as a brief description. For classes and files the brief description will be used in lists and at the start of the documentation page. For class and file members, the brief description will be placed at the declaration of the member and prepended to the detailed description. A brief description may span several lines (although it is advised to keep it brief!). A brief description ends when a blank line or another sectioning command is encountered. If multiple \\brief commands are present they will be joined. See section \ref cmdauthor "\\author" for an example. Synonymous to \\short.
\section cmdbug \\bug { bug description } \addindex \\bug Starts a paragraph where one or more bugs may be reported. The paragraph will be indented. The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph. Multiple adjacent \\bug commands will be joined into a single paragraph. Each bug description will start on a new line. Alternatively, one \\bug command may mention several bugs. The \\bug command ends when a blank line or some other sectioning command is encountered. See section \ref cmdauthor "\\author" for an example.
\section cmdcond \\cond [] \addindex \\cond Starts a conditional section that ends with a corresponding \ref cmdendcond "\\endcond" command, which is typically found in another comment block. The main purpose of this pair of commands is to (conditionally) exclude part of a file from processing (in older version of doxygen this could only be achieved using C preprocessor commands). The section between \\cond and \\endcond commands can be included by adding its section label to the \ref cfg_enabled_sections "ENABLED_SECTIONS" configuration option. If the section label is omitted, the section will be excluded from processing unconditionally. For conditional sections within a comment block one should use a \ref cmdif "\\if" ... \ref cmdendif "\\endif" block. Conditional sections can be nested. In this case a nested section will only be shown if it and its containing section are included. Here is an example showing the commands in action: \verbatim /** An interface */ class Intf { public: /** A method */ virtual void func() = 0; /// @cond TEST /** A method used for testing */ virtual void test() = 0; /// @endcond }; /// @cond DEV /* * The implementation of the interface */ class Implementation : public Intf { public: void func(); /// @cond TEST void test(); /// @endcond /// @cond /** This method is obsolete and does * not show up in the documentation. */ void obsolete(); /// @endcond }; /// @endcond \endverbatim The output will be different depending on whether or not \c ENABLED_SECTIONS contains \c TEST, or \c DEV \sa section \ref cmdendcond "\\endcond".
\section cmdcopyright \\copyright { copyright description } \addindex \\copyright Starts a paragraph where the copyright of an entity can be described. This paragraph will be indented. The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. See section \ref cmdauthor "\\author" for an example.
\section cmddate \\date { date description } \addindex \\date Starts a paragraph where one or more dates may be entered. The paragraph will be indented. The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph. Multiple adjacent \\date commands will be joined into a single paragraph. Each date description will start on a new line. Alternatively, one \\date command may mention several dates. The \\date command ends when a blank line or some other sectioning command is encountered. See section \ref cmdauthor "\\author" for an example.
\section cmddeprecated \\deprecated { description } \addindex \\deprecated Starts a paragraph indicating that this documentation block belongs to a deprecated entity. Can be used to describe alternatives, expected life span, etc.
\section cmddetails \\details { detailed decription } \addindex \\details Just like \ref cmdbrief "\\brief" starts a brief description, \\details starts the detailed description. You can also start a new paragraph (blank line) then the \\details command is not needed.
\section cmdelse \\else \addindex \\else Starts a conditional section if the previous conditional section was not enabled. The previous section should have been started with a \c \\if, \c \\ifnot, or \c \\elseif command. \sa \ref cmdif "\\if", \ref cmdifnot "\\ifnot", \ref cmdelseif "\\elseif", \ref cmdendif "\\endif."
\section cmdelseif \\elseif \addindex \\elseif Starts a conditional documentation section if the previous section was not enabled. A conditional section is disabled by default. To enable it you must put the section-label after the \ref cfg_enabled_sections "ENABLED_SECTIONS" tag in the configuration file. Conditional blocks can be nested. A nested section is only enabled if all enclosing sections are enabled as well. \sa sections \ref cmdendif "\\endif", \ref cmdifnot "\\ifnot", \ref cmdelse "\\else", and \ref cmdelseif "\\elseif".
\section cmdendcond \\endcond \addindex \\endcond Ends a conditional section that was started by \ref cmdcond "\\cond". \sa section \ref cmdcond "\\cond".
\section cmdendif \\endif \addindex \\endif Ends a conditional section that was started by \c \\if or \c \\ifnot For each \c \\if or \c \\ifnot one and only one matching \c \\endif must follow. \sa sections \ref cmdif "\\if" and \ref cmdifnot "\\ifnot".
\section cmdexception \\exception { exception description } \addindex \\exception Starts an exception description for an exception object with name \. Followed by a description of the exception. The existence of the exception object is not checked. The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph. Multiple adjacent \\exception commands will be joined into a single paragraph. Each exception description will start on a new line. The \\exception description ends when a blank line or some other sectioning command is encountered. See section \ref cmdfn "\\fn" for an example.
\section cmdif \\if \addindex \\if Starts a conditional documentation section. The section ends with a matching \c \\endif command. A conditional section is disabled by default. To enable it you must put the section-label after the \ref cfg_enabled_sections "ENABLED_SECTIONS" tag in the configuration file. Conditional blocks can be nested. A nested section is only enabled if all enclosing sections are enabled as well. \par Example: \verbatim /*! Unconditionally shown documentation. * \if Cond1 * Only included if Cond1 is set. * \endif * \if Cond2 * Only included if Cond2 is set. * \if Cond3 * Only included if Cond2 and Cond3 are set. * \endif * More text. * \endif * Unconditional text. */ \endverbatim You can also use conditional commands inside aliases. To document a class in two languages you could for instance use: \par Example 2: \verbatim /*! \english * This is English. * \endenglish * \dutch * Dit is Nederlands. * \enddutch */ class Example { }; \endverbatim Where the following aliases are defined in the configuration file: \verbatim ALIASES = "english=\if english" \ "endenglish=\endif" \ "dutch=\if dutch" \ "enddutch=\endif" \endverbatim and \c ENABLED_SECTIONS can be used to enable either \c english or \c dutch. \sa sections \ref cmdendif "\\endif", \ref cmdifnot "\\ifnot", \ref cmdelse "\\else", and \ref cmdelseif "\\elseif".
\section cmdifnot \\ifnot \addindex \\ifnot Starts a conditional documentation section. The section ends with a matching \c \\endif command. This conditional section is enabled by default. To disable it you must put the section-label after the \ref cfg_enabled_sections "ENABLED_SECTIONS" tag in the configuration file. \sa sections \ref cmdendif "\\endif", \ref cmdif "\\if", \ref cmdelse "\\else", and \ref cmdelseif "\\elseif".
\section cmdinvariant \\invariant { description of invariant } \addindex \\invariant Starts a paragraph where the invariant of an entity can be described. The paragraph will be indented. The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph. Multiple adjacent \\invariant commands will be joined into a single paragraph. Each invariant description will start on a new line. Alternatively, one \\invariant command may mention several invariants. The \\invariant command ends when a blank line or some other sectioning command is encountered.
\section cmdnote \\note { text } \addindex \\note Starts a paragraph where a note can be entered. The paragraph will be indented. The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph. Multiple adjacent \\note commands will be joined into a single paragraph. Each note description will start on a new line. Alternatively, one \\note command may mention several notes. The \\note command ends when a blank line or some other sectioning command is encountered. See section \ref cmdpar "\\par" for an example.
\section cmdpar \\par [(paragraph title)] { paragraph } \addindex \\par If a paragraph title is given this command starts a paragraph with a user defined heading. The heading extends until the end of the line. The paragraph following the command will be indented. If no paragraph title is given this command will start a new paragraph. This will also work inside other paragraph commands (like \\param or \\warning) without ending that command. The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph. The \\par command ends when a blank line or some other sectioning command is encountered. \par Example: \verbinclude par.cpp \htmlonly Click here for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen. \endhtmlonly
\section cmdparam \\param [(dir)] { parameter description } \addindex \\param Starts a parameter description for a function parameter with name \, followed by a description of the parameter. The existence of the parameter is checked and a warning is given if the documentation of this (or any other) parameter is missing or not present in the function declaration or definition. The \\param command has an optional attribute, (dir), specifying the direction of the parameter. Possible values are "[in]", "[in,out]", and "[out]", note the [square] brackets in this description. When a parameter is both input and output, [in,out] is used as attribute. Here is an example for the function memcpy: \code /*! * Copies bytes from a source memory area to a destination memory area, * where both areas may not overlap. * @param[out] dest The memory area to copy to. * @param[in] src The memory area to copy from. * @param[in] n The number of bytes to copy */ void memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n); \endcode The parameter description is a paragraph with no special internal structure. All visual enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph. Multiple adjacent \\param commands will be joined into a single paragraph. Each parameter description will start on a new line. The \\param description ends when a blank line or some other sectioning command is encountered. See section \ref cmdfn "\\fn" for an example. Note that for PHP one can also specify the type (or types if you separate them with a pipe symbol) which are allowed for a parameter (as this is not part of the definition). The syntax is the same as for phpDocumentor, i.e. \verbatim @param datatype1|datatype2 $paramname description \endverbatim
\section cmdtparam \\tparam { description } \addindex \\tparam Starts a template parameter for a class or function template parameter with name \, followed by a description of the template parameter. Otherwise similar to \ref cmdparam "\\param".
\section cmdpost \\post { description of the postcondition } \addindex \\post Starts a paragraph where the postcondition of an entity can be described. The paragraph will be indented. The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph. Multiple adjacent \\post commands will be joined into a single paragraph. Each postcondition will start on a new line. Alternatively, one \\post command may mention several postconditions. The \\post command ends when a blank line or some other sectioning command is encountered.
\section cmdpre \\pre { description of the precondition } \addindex \\pre Starts a paragraph where the precondition of an entity can be described. The paragraph will be indented. The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph. Multiple adjacent \\pre commands will be joined into a single paragraph. Each precondition will start on a new line. Alternatively, one \\pre command may mention several preconditions. The \\pre command ends when a blank line or some other sectioning command is encountered.
\section cmdremark \\remark { remark text } \addindex \\remark Starts a paragraph where one or more remarks may be entered. The paragraph will be indented. The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph. Multiple adjacent \\remark commands will be joined into a single paragraph. Each remark will start on a new line. Alternatively, one \\remark command may mention several remarks. The \\remark command ends when a blank line or some other sectioning command is encountered.
\section cmdremarks \\remarks { remark text } \addindex \\remarks Equivalent to \ref cmdremark "\\remark".
\section cmdresult \\result { description of the result value } \addindex \\result Equivalent to \ref cmdreturn "\\return".
\section cmdreturn \\return { description of the return value } \addindex \\return Starts a return value description for a function. The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph. Multiple adjacent \\return commands will be joined into a single paragraph. The \\return description ends when a blank line or some other sectioning command is encountered. See section \ref cmdfn "\\fn" for an example.
\section cmdreturns \\returns { description of the return value } \addindex \\returns Equivalent to \ref cmdreturn "\\return".
\section cmdretval \\retval { description } \addindex \\retval Starts a description for a function's return value with name \, followed by a description of the return value. The text of the paragraph that forms the description has no special internal structure. All visual enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph. Multiple adjacent \\retval commands will be joined into a single paragraph. Each return value description will start on a new line. The \\retval description ends when a blank line or some other sectioning command is encountered.
\section cmdsa \\sa { references } \addindex \\sa Starts a paragraph where one or more cross-references to classes, functions, methods, variables, files or URL may be specified. Two names joined by either :: or \# are understood as referring to a class and one of its members. One of several overloaded methods or constructors may be selected by including a parenthesized list of argument types after the method name. Synonymous to \\see. \sa section \ref autolink "autolink" for information on how to create links to objects.
\section cmdsee \\see { references } \addindex \\see Equivalent to \ref cmdsa "\\sa". Introduced for compatibility with Javadoc.
\section cmdshort \\short { short description } \addindex \\short Equivalent to \ref cmdbrief "\\brief".
\section cmdsince \\since { text } \addindex \\since This tag can be used to specify since when (version or time) an entity is available. The paragraph that follows \\since does not have any special internal structure. All visual enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph. The \\since description ends when a blank line or some other sectioning command is encountered.
\section cmdtest \\test { paragraph describing a test case } \addindex \\test Starts a paragraph where a test case can be described. The description will also add the test case to a separate test list. The two instances of the description will be cross-referenced. Each test case in the test list will be preceded by a header that indicates the origin of the test case.
\section cmdthrow \\throw { exception description } \addindex \\throw Synonymous to \\exception (see section \ref cmdexception "\\exception"). \par Note: the tag \\throws is a synonym for this tag. \sa section \ref cmdexception "\\exception"
\section cmdthrows \\throws { exception description } \addindex \\throws Equivalent to \ref cmdthrow "\\throw".
\section cmdtodo \\todo { paragraph describing what is to be done } \addindex \\todo Starts a paragraph where a TODO item is described. The description will also add an item to a separate TODO list. The two instances of the description will be cross-referenced. Each item in the TODO list will be preceded by a header that indicates the origin of the item.
\section cmdversion \\version { version number } \addindex \\version Starts a paragraph where one or more version strings may be entered. The paragraph will be indented. The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph. Multiple adjacent \\version commands will be joined into a single paragraph. Each version description will start on a new line. Alternatively, one \\version command may mention several version strings. The \\version command ends when a blank line or some other sectioning command is encountered. See section \ref cmdauthor "\\author" for an example.
\section cmdwarning \\warning { warning message } \addindex \\warning Starts a paragraph where one or more warning messages may be entered. The paragraph will be indented. The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph. Multiple adjacent \\warning commands will be joined into a single paragraph. Each warning description will start on a new line. Alternatively, one \\warning command may mention several warnings. The \\warning command ends when a blank line or some other sectioning command is encountered. See section \ref cmdauthor "\\author" for an example.
\section cmdxrefitem \\xrefitem "(heading)" "(list title)" { text } \addindex \\xrefitem This command is a generalization of commands such as \ref cmdtodo "\\todo" and \ref cmdbug "\\bug". It can be used to create user-defined text sections which are automatically cross-referenced between the place of occurrence and a related page, which will be generated. On the related page all sections of the same type will be collected. The first argument \ is an identifier uniquely representing the type of the section. The second argument is a quoted string representing the heading of the section under which text passed as the fourth argument is put. The third argument (list title) is used as the title for the related page containing all items with the same key. The keys "todo", "test", "bug" and "deprecated" are predefined. To get an idea on how to use the \\xrefitem command and what its effect is, consider the todo list, which (for English output) can be seen an alias for the command \verbatim \xrefitem todo "Todo" "Todo List" \endverbatim Since it is very tedious and error-prone to repeat the first three parameters of the command for each section, the command is meant to be used in combination with the \ref cfg_aliases "ALIASES" option in the configuration file. To define a new command \\reminder, for instance, one should add the following line to the configuration file: \verbatim ALIASES += "reminder=\xrefitem reminders \"Reminder\" \"Reminders\"" \endverbatim Note the use of escaped quotes for the second and third argument of the \\xrefitem command.

\htmlonly --- \endhtmlonly Commands to create links \htmlonly --- \endhtmlonly

\section cmdaddindex \\addindex (text) \addindex \\addindex This command adds (text) to the \f$\mbox{\LaTeX}\f$ index.
\section cmdanchor \\anchor \addindex \\anchor This command places an invisible, named anchor into the documentation to which you can refer with the \\ref command. \note Anchors can currently only be put into a comment block that is marked as a page (using \ref cmdpage "\\page") or mainpage (\ref cmdmainpage "\\mainpage"). \sa section \ref cmdref "\\ref".
\section cmdcite \\cite