as is in the \LaTeX documentation.
The command is equivalent to pasting the file in the documentation and
placing \ref cmdlatexonly "\\latexonly" and \ref cmdendlatexonly "\\endlatexonly"
commands around it.
Files or directories that doxygen should look for can be specified using the
\ref cfg_example_path "EXAMPLE_PATH" tag of doxygen's configuration file.
\htmlonly --- \endhtmlonly
Commands for visual enhancements
\htmlonly --- \endhtmlonly
\section cmda \\a
\addindex \\a
Displays the argument \ in italics.
Use this command to emphasize words.
Use this command to refer to member arguments in the running text.
\par Example:
... the \a x and \a y coordinates are used to ...
This will result in the following text:
... the \a x and \a y coordinates are used to ...
Equivalent to \ref cmde "\\e" and \ref cmdem "\\em".
To emphasize multiple words use \multiple words\.
\section cmdarg \\arg { item-description }
\addindex \\arg
This command has one argument that continues until the first
blank line or until another \c \\arg is encountered.
The command can be used to generate a simple, not nested list of
Each argument should start with a \c \\arg command.
\par Example:
\arg \c AlignLeft left alignment.
\arg \c AlignCenter center alignment.
\arg \c AlignRight right alignment
No other types of alignment are supported.
will result in the following text:
- \c AlignLeft left alignment.
- \c AlignCenter center alignment.
- \c AlignRight right alignment
No other types of alignment are supported.
\par Note:
For nested lists, HTML commands should be used.
Equivalent to \ref cmdli "\\li"
\section cmdb \\b
\addindex \\b
Displays the argument \ using a bold font.
Equivalent to \word\.
To put multiple words in bold use \multiple words\.
\section cmdc \\c
\addindex \\c
Displays the argument \ using a typewriter font.
Use this to refer to a word of code.
Equivalent to \word\.
\par Example:
... This function returns \c void and not \c int ...
will result in the following text:
... This function returns \c void and not \c int ...
Equivalent to \ref cmdp "\\p"
To have multiple words in typewriter font use \multiple words\.
\section cmdcode \\code [ '{''}']
\addindex \\code
Starts a block of code. A code block is treated differently
from ordinary text. It is interpreted as source code. The names of
classes and members and other documented entities are automatically
replaced by links to the documentation.
By default the language that is assumed for syntax highlighting is based
on the location where the \c \\code block was found. If this part of
a Python file for instance, the syntax highlight will be done according
to the Python syntax.
If it unclear from the context which language is meant (for instance the
comment is in a .txt
or .markdown
file) then you can also explicitly
indicate the language, by putting the file extension typically
that doxygen associated with the language in curly brackets after the
code block. Here is an example:
class Python:
class Cpp {};
If the contents of the code block are in a language that doxygen cannot parse, doxygen
will just show the output as-is. You can make this explicit using .unparsed, or by
giving some other extension that doxygen doesn't support, e.g.
Show this as-is please
echo "This is a shell script"
\sa section \ref cmdendcode "\\endcode" and section \ref cmdverbatim "\\verbatim".
\section cmdcopydoc \\copydoc
\addindex \\copydoc
Copies a documentation block from the object specified by \
and pastes it at the location of the command. This command can be useful
to avoid cases where a documentation block would otherwise have to be
duplicated or it can be used to extend the documentation of an inherited
The link object can point to a member (of a class, file or group),
a class, a namespace, a group, a page, or a file (checked in that order).
Note that if the object pointed to is a member (function, variable,
typedef, etc), the compound (class, file, or group) containing it
should also be documented for the copying to work.
To copy the documentation for a member of a
class one can, for instance, put the following in the documentation:
/*! @copydoc MyClass::myfunction()
* More documentation.
if the member is overloaded, you should specify the argument types
explicitly (without spaces!), like in the following:
//! @copydoc MyClass::myfunction(type1,type2)
Qualified names are only needed if the context in which the documentation
block is found requires them.
The \c \\copydoc command can be used recursively, but cycles in the \c \\copydoc
relation will be broken and flagged as an error.
Note that \\copydoc foo()
is roughly equivalent to doing:
\brief \copybrief foo()
\details \copydetails foo()
See \ref cmdcopybrief "\\copybrief" and
\ref cmdcopydetails "\\copydetails" for copying only the brief or
detailed part of the comment block.
\section cmdcopybrief \\copybrief
\addindex \\copybrief
Works in a similar way as \ref cmdcopydoc "\\copydoc" but will
only copy the brief description, not the detailed documentation.
\section cmdcopydetails \\copydetails
\addindex \\copydetails
Works in a similar way as \ref cmdcopydoc "\\copydoc" but will
only copy the detailed documentation, not the brief description.
\section cmddocbookonly \\docbookonly
\addindex \\docbookonly
Starts a block of text that will be verbatim included in the
generated DocBook documentation only. The block ends with a
\ref cmdenddocbookonly "\\enddocbookonly" command.
\sa section \ref cmdmanonly "\\manonly",
\ref cmdlatexonly "\\latexonly",
\ref cmdrtfonly "\\rtfonly",
\ref cmdxmlonly "\\xmlonly", and
\ref cmdhtmlonly "\\htmlonly".
\section cmddot \\dot ["caption"] [=]
\addindex \\dot
Starts a text fragment which should contain a valid description of a
dot graph. The text fragment ends with \ref cmdenddot "\\enddot".
Doxygen will pass the text on to dot and include the resulting
image (and image map) into the output.
The first argument is optional and can be used to specify the caption
that is displayed below the image. This argument has to be specified
between quotes even if it does not contain any spaces. The quotes are
stripped before the caption is displayed.
The second argument is also optional and can be used to specify the
width or height of the image.
For a description of the possibilities see the paragraph
\ref image_sizeindicator "Size indication" with the
\ref cmdimage "\\image" command.
The nodes of a graph can be made clickable by using the URL attribute.
By using the command \ref cmdref "\\ref" inside the URL value you can conveniently
link to an item inside doxygen. Here is an example:
/*! class B */
class B {};
/*! class C */
class C {};
/*! \mainpage
* Class relations expressed via an inline dot graph:
* \dot
* digraph example {
* node [shape=record, fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=10];
* b [ label="class B" URL="\ref B"];
* c [ label="class C" URL="\ref C"];
* b -> c [ arrowhead="open", style="dashed" ];
* }
* \enddot
* Note that the classes in the above graph are clickable
* (in the HTML output).
\section cmdemoji \\emoji "name"
This command will produce an emoji character given its name.
The supported names are the ones also supported by GitHub and listed here
You can use the name with or without colons, i.e.
`\emoji smile` is the same as writing `\emoji :smile:`.
When an emoji is not supported the name with by places in the
text with in between colons, i.e. `\emoji unsupported` will produce
`:unsupported:` in the output. Doxygen will also give a warning message.
See also the \ref emojisup "emoji support page" for details.
\section cmdmsc \\msc ["caption"] [=]
\addindex \\msc
Starts a text fragment which should contain a valid description of a
message sequence chart. See for examples.
The text fragment ends with \ref cmdendmsc "\\endmsc".
The first argument is optional and can be used to specify the caption
that is displayed below the image. This argument has to be specified
between quotes even if it does not contain any spaces. The quotes are
stripped before the caption is displayed.
The second argument is also optional and can be used to specify the
width or height of the image.
For a description of the possibilities see the paragraph
\ref image_sizeindicator "Size indication" with the
\ref cmdimage "\\image" command.
\note The text fragment should only include the part of the message
sequence chart that is
within the msc {...}
\note You need to install the mscgen
tool, if you want to use this
Here is an example of the use of the \c \\msc command.
/** Sender class. Can be used to send a command to the server.
* The receiver will acknowledge the command by calling Ack().
* \msc
* Sender,Receiver;
* Sender->Receiver [label="Command()", URL="\ref Receiver::Command()"];
* Sender<-Receiver [label="Ack()", URL="\ref Ack()", ID="1"];
* \endmsc
class Sender
/** Acknowledgment from server */
void Ack(bool ok);
/** Receiver class. Can be used to receive and execute commands.
* After execution of a command, the receiver will send an acknowledgment
* \msc
* Receiver,Sender;
* Receiver<-Sender [label="Command()", URL="\ref Command()"];
* Receiver->Sender [label="Ack()", URL="\ref Sender::Ack()", ID="1"];
* \endmsc
class Receiver
/** Executable a command on the server */
void Command(int commandId);
\sa section \ref cmdmscfile "\\mscfile".
\section cmdstartuml \\startuml [{file}] ["caption"] [=]
\addindex \\startuml
Starts a text fragment which should contain a valid description of a
PlantUML diagram. See for examples.
The text fragment ends with \ref cmdenduml "\\enduml".
\note You need to install Java and the PlantUML's jar file,
if you want to use this command. The location of the jar file should be specified
using \ref cfg_plantuml_jar_path "PLANTUML_JAR_PATH".
The first argument is optional and is for compatibility with running PlantUML as a preprocessing
step before running doxygen, you can also add the name of the image file after \c \\startuml
and inside curly brackets, i.e.
@startuml{myimage.png} "Image Caption" width=5cm
Alice -> Bob : Hello
When the name of the image is specified, doxygen will generate an image with that name.
Without the name doxygen will choose a name automatically.
The second argument is optional and can be used to specify the caption
that is displayed below the image. This argument has to be specified
between quotes even if it does not contain any spaces. The quotes are
stripped before the caption is displayed.
The third argument is also optional and can be used to specify the
width or height of the image.
For a description of the possibilities see the paragraph
\ref image_sizeindicator "Size indication" with the
\ref cmdimage "\\image" command.
Here is an example of the use of the \c \\startuml command.
/** Sender class. Can be used to send a command to the server.
* The receiver will acknowledge the command by calling Ack().
* \startuml
* Sender->Receiver : Command()
* Sender<--Receiver : Ack()
* \enduml
class Sender
/** Acknowledgment from server */
void Ack(bool ok);
/** Receiver class. Can be used to receive and execute commands.
* After execution of a command, the receiver will send an acknowledgment
* \startuml
* Receiver<-Sender : Command()
* Receiver-->Sender : Ack()
* \enduml
class Receiver
/** Executable a command on the server */
void Command(int commandId);
\section cmddotfile \\dotfile ["caption"] [=]
\addindex \\dotfile
Inserts an image generated by dot from \ into the documentation.
The first argument specifies the file name of the image.
doxygen will look for files in the paths (or files) that you specified
after the \ref cfg_dotfile_dirs "DOTFILE_DIRS" tag.
If the dot file is found it will be used as an input file to the dot tool.
The resulting image will be put into the correct output directory.
If the dot file name contains spaces you'll have to put quotes ("...") around it.
The second argument is optional and can be used to specify the caption
that is displayed below the image. This argument has to be specified
between quotes even if it does not contain any spaces. The quotes are
stripped before the caption is displayed.
The third argument is also optional and can be used to specify the
width or height of the image.
For a description of the possibilities see the paragraph
\ref image_sizeindicator "Size indication" with the
\ref cmdimage "\\image" command.
\sa section \ref cmddot "\\dot".
\section cmdmscfile \\mscfile ["caption"] [=]
\addindex \\mscfile
Inserts an image generated by mscgen from \ into the documentation.
See for examples.
The first argument specifies the file name of the image.
doxygen will look for files in the paths (or files) that you specified
after the \ref cfg_mscfile_dirs "MSCFILE_DIRS" tag.
If the msc file is found it will be used as an input file to the mscgen tool.
The resulting image will be put into the correct output directory.
If the msc file name contains spaces you'll have to put quotes ("...") around it.
The second argument is optional and can be used to specify the caption
that is displayed below the image. This argument has to be specified
between quotes even if it does not contain any spaces. The quotes are
stripped before the caption is displayed.
The third argument is also optional and can be used to specify the
width or height of the image.
For a description of the possibilities see the paragraph
\ref image_sizeindicator "Size indication" with the
\ref cmdimage "\\image" command.
\sa section \ref cmdmsc "\\msc".
\section cmddiafile \\diafile ["caption"] [=]
\addindex \\diafile
Inserts an image made in dia from \ into the documentation.
The first argument specifies the file name of the image.
doxygen will look for files in the paths (or files) that you specified
after the \ref cfg_diafile_dirs "DIAFILE_DIRS" tag.
If the dia file is found it will be used as an input file dia.
The resulting image will be put into the correct output directory.
If the dia file name contains spaces you'll have to put quotes ("...") around it.
The second argument is optional and can be used to specify the caption
that is displayed below the image. This argument has to be specified
between quotes even if it does not contain any spaces. The quotes are
stripped before the caption is displayed.
The third argument is also optional and can be used to specify the
width or height of the image.
For a description of the possibilities see the paragraph
\ref image_sizeindicator "Size indication" with the
\ref cmdimage "\\image" command.
\section cmde \\e
\addindex \\e
Displays the argument \ in italics.
Use this command to emphasize words.
\par Example:
... this is a \e really good example ...
will result in the following text:
... this is a \e really good example ...
Equivalent to \ref cmda "\\a" and \ref cmdem "\\em".
To emphasize multiple words use \multiple words\.
\section cmdem \\em
\addindex \\em
Displays the argument \ in italics.
Use this command to emphasize words.
\par Example:
... this is a \em really good example ...
will result in the following text:
... this is a \em really good example ...
Equivalent to \ref cmda "\\a" and \ref cmde "\\e".
To emphasize multiple words use \multiple words\.
\section cmdendcode \\endcode
\addindex \\endcode
Ends a block of code.
\sa section \ref cmdcode "\\code"
\section cmdenddocbookonly \\enddocbookonly
\addindex \\enddocbookonly
Ends a block of text that was started with a \ref cmddocbookonly "\\docbookonly" command.
\sa section \ref cmddocbookonly "\\docbookonly".
\section cmdenddot \\enddot
\addindex \\enddot
Ends a block that was started with \ref cmddot "\\dot".
\section cmdendmsc \\endmsc
\addindex \\endmsc
Ends a block that was started with \ref cmdmsc "\\msc".
\section cmdenduml \\enduml
\addindex \\enduml
Ends a block that was started with \ref cmdstartuml "\\startuml".
\section cmdendhtmlonly \\endhtmlonly
\addindex \\endhtmlonly
Ends a block of text that was started with a \ref cmdhtmlonly "\\htmlonly" command.
\sa section \ref cmdhtmlonly "\\htmlonly".
\section cmdendlatexonly \\endlatexonly
\addindex \\endlatexonly
Ends a block of text that was started with a \ref cmdlatexonly "\\latexonly" command.
\sa section \ref cmdlatexonly "\\latexonly".
\section cmdendmanonly \\endmanonly
\addindex \\endmanonly
Ends a block of text that was started with a \ref cmdmanonly "\\manonly" command.
\sa section \ref cmdmanonly "\\manonly".
\section cmdendrtfonly \\endrtfonly
\addindex \\endrtfonly
Ends a block of text that was started with a \ref cmdrtfonly "\\rtfonly" command.
\sa section \ref cmdrtfonly "\\rtfonly".
\section cmdendverbatim \\endverbatim
\addindex \\endverbatim
Ends a block of text that was started with a \ref cmdverbatim "\\verbatim" command.
\sa section \ref cmdverbatim "\\verbatim".
\section cmdendxmlonly \\endxmlonly
\addindex \\endxmlonly
Ends a block of text that was started with a \ref cmdxmlonly "\\xmlonly" command.
\sa section \ref cmdxmlonly "\\xmlonly".
\section cmdfdollar \\f$
\addindex \\f\$
Marks the start and end of an in-text formula.
\sa section \ref formulas "formulas" for an example.
\section cmdfbropen \\f[
\addindex \\f[
Marks the start of a long formula that is displayed
centered on a separate line.
\sa section \ref cmdfbrclose "\\f]" and section \ref formulas "formulas".
\section cmdfbrclose \\f]
\addindex \\f]
Marks the end of a long formula that is displayed
centered on a separate line.
\sa section \ref cmdfbropen "\\f[" and section \ref formulas "formulas".
\section cmdfcurlyopen \\f{environment}{
\addindex \\f{
Marks the start of a formula that is in a specific environment.
\note The second \c { is optional and is only to help editors (such as \c Vim) to
do proper syntax highlighting by making the number of opening and closing braces
the same.
\sa section \ref cmdfcurlyclose "\\f}" and section \ref formulas "formulas".
\section cmdfcurlyclose \\f}
\addindex \\f}
Marks the end of a formula that is in a specific environment.
\sa section \ref cmdfcurlyopen "\\f{" and section \ref formulas "formulas".
\section cmdhtmlonly \\htmlonly ["[block]"]
\addindex \\htmlonly
Starts a block of text that will be verbatim included in the
generated HTML documentation only. The block ends with a
\ref cmdendhtmlonly "\\endhtmlonly" command.
This command can be used to include HTML code that is too complex
for doxygen (i.e. applets, java-scripts, and HTML tags that
require specific attributes).
Normally the contents between \ref cmdhtmlonly "\\htmlonly" and
\ref cmdendhtmlonly "\\endhtmlonly" is inserted as-is. When you
want to insert a HTML fragment that has block scope like a table or list
which should appear outside \..\
, this can lead to invalid HTML.
You can use \\htmlonly[block] to make doxygen
end the current paragraph and restart it after \\endhtmlonly.
\note environment variables (like \$(HOME) ) are resolved inside a
HTML-only block.
\sa section \ref cmdmanonly "\\manonly",
\ref cmdlatexonly "\\latexonly",
\ref cmdrtfonly "\\rtfonly",
\ref cmdxmlonly "\\xmlonly",
\ref cmddocbookonly "\\docbookonly", and
\ref cmdhtmlinclude "\\htmlinclude".
\section cmdimage \\image['{'[option]'}'] ["caption"] [=]
\addindex \\image
Inserts an image into the documentation. This command is format
specific, so if you want to insert an image for more than one
format you'll have to repeat this command for each format.
The first argument specifies the output format in which the image should
be embedded. Currently, the following values are supported:
\c html, \c latex, \c docbook and \c rtf.
The second argument specifies the file name of the image.
doxygen will look for files in the paths (or files) that you specified
after the \ref cfg_image_path "IMAGE_PATH" tag.
If the image is found it will be copied to the correct output directory.
If the image name contains spaces you'll have to put quotes ("...") around
the name. You can also specify an absolute URL instead of a file name, but then
doxygen does not copy the image nor check its existence.
The third argument is optional and can be used to specify the caption
that is displayed below the image. This argument has to be specified
on a single line and between quotes even if it does not contain any
spaces. The quotes are stripped before the caption is displayed.
The fourth argument is also optional and can be used to specify the
width or height of the image. This can be useful for \LaTeX or DocBook output
(i.e. format=latex
or format=docbook
\anchor image_sizeindicator \par Size indication
The \c sizeindication can specify the width or height to be used (or a combination).
The size specifier in \LaTeX (for example `10cm` or
`4in` or a symbolic width like `\\textwidth`).
Currently only the option `inline` is supported. In case the option `inline` is
specified the image is placed "in the line", when a caption s present it is shown
in HTML as tooltip (ignored for the other formats).
Here is example of a comment block:
/*! Here is a snapshot of my new application:
* \image html application.jpg
* \image latex application.eps "My application" width=10cm
And this is an example of how the relevant part of the configuration file
may look:
IMAGE_PATH = my_image_dir
\warning The image format for HTML is limited to what your
browser supports. For \LaTeX, the image format
must be Encapsulated PostScript (eps).
Doxygen does not check if the image is in the correct format.
So \e you have to make sure this is the case!
\section cmdlatexonly \\latexonly
\addindex \\latexonly
Starts a block of text that will be verbatim included in the
generated \LaTeX documentation only. The block ends with a
\ref cmdendlatexonly "\\endlatexonly" command.
This command can be used to include \LaTeX code that is too
complex for doxygen (i.e. images, formulas, special characters). You can
use the \ref cmdhtmlonly "\\htmlonly" and \ref cmdendhtmlonly "\\endhtmlonly"
pair to provide a proper HTML alternative.
\b Note:
environment variables (like \$(HOME) ) are resolved inside a
\LaTeX-only block.
\sa sections \ref cmdrtfonly "\\rtfonly",
\ref cmdxmlonly "\\xmlonly",
\ref cmdmanonly "\\manonly",
\ref cmdhtmlonly "\\htmlonly", and
\ref cmdhtmlonly "\\docbookonly".
\section cmdmanonly \\manonly
\addindex \\manonly
Starts a block of text that will be verbatim included in the
generated MAN documentation only. The block ends with a
\ref cmdendmanonly "\\endmanonly" command.
This command can be used to include groff code directly into
MAN pages. You can use the \ref cmdhtmlonly "\\htmlonly" and
\ref cmdendhtmlonly "\\endhtmlonly" and
\ref cmdlatexonly "\\latexonly" and
\ref cmdendlatexonly "\\endlatexonly" pairs to provide proper
HTML and \LaTeX alternatives.
\sa sections \ref cmdhtmlonly "\\htmlonly",
\ref cmdxmlonly "\\xmlonly",
\ref cmdrtfonly "\\rtfonly",
\ref cmdlatexonly "\\latexonly", and
\ref cmddocbookonly "\\docbookonly".
\section cmdli \\li { item-description }
\addindex \\li
This command has one argument that continues until the first
blank line or until another \c \\li is encountered.
The command can be used to generate a simple, not nested list of
Each argument should start with a \c \\li command.
\par Example:
\li \c AlignLeft left alignment.
\li \c AlignCenter center alignment.
\li \c AlignRight right alignment
No other types of alignment are supported.
will result in the following text:
- \c AlignLeft left alignment.
- \c AlignCenter center alignment.
- \c AlignRight right alignment
No other types of alignment are supported.
\par Note:
For nested lists, HTML commands should be used.
Equivalent to \ref cmdarg "\\arg"
\section cmdn \\n
\addindex \\n
Forces a new line. Equivalent to \
and inspired by
the \c printf function.
\section cmdp \\p
\addindex \\p
Displays the parameter \ using a typewriter font.
You can use this command to refer to member function parameters in
the running text.
\par Example:
... the \p x and \p y coordinates are used to ...
This will result in the following text:
... the \p x and \p y coordinates are used to ...
Equivalent to \ref cmdc "\\c"
To have multiple words in typewriter font use \multiple words\.
\section cmdrtfonly \\rtfonly
\addindex \\rtfonly
Starts a block of text that will be verbatim included in the
generated RTF documentation only. The block ends with a
\ref cmdendrtfonly "\\endrtfonly" command.
This command can be used to include RTF code that is too complex
for doxygen.
\b Note:
environment variables (like \$(HOME) ) are resolved inside a
RTF-only block.
\sa sections \ref cmdmanonly "\\manonly",
\ref cmdxmlonly "\\xmlonly",
\ref cmdlatexonly "\\latexonly",
\ref cmdhtmlonly "\\htmlonly", and
\ref cmddocbookonly "\\docbookonly".
\section cmdverbatim \\verbatim
\addindex \\verbatim
Starts a block of text that will be verbatim included in
the documentation. The block should end with a
\ref cmdendverbatim "\\endverbatim" command.
All commands are disabled in a verbatim block.
\warning Make sure you include a \ref cmdendverbatim "\\endverbatim" command for each
\c \\verbatim command or the parser will get confused!
\sa sections \ref cmdcode "\\code",
\ref cmdendverbatim "\\endverbatim" and
\ref cmdverbinclude "\\verbinclude".
\section cmdxmlonly \\xmlonly
\addindex \\xmlonly
Starts a block of text that will be verbatim included in the
generated XML output only. The block ends with a
\ref cmdendxmlonly "\\endxmlonly" command.
This command can be used to include custom XML tags.
\sa sections \ref cmdmanonly "\\manonly",
\ref cmdrtfonly "\\rtfonly",
\ref cmdlatexonly "\\latexonly",
\ref cmdhtmlonly "\\htmlonly", and
\ref cmddocbookonly "\\docbookonly".
\section cmdbackslash \\\\
\addindex \\\\
This command writes a backslash character (\c \\) to the
output. The backslash has to be escaped in some
cases because doxygen uses it to detect commands.
\section cmdat \\\@
\addindex \\\@
This command writes an at-sign (\c \@) to the output.
The at-sign has to be escaped in some cases
because doxygen uses it to detect Javadoc commands.
\section cmdtilde \\~[LanguageId]
\addindex \\~
This command enables/disables a language specific filter. This can be
used to put documentation for different language into one comment block
and use the \ref cfg_output_language "OUTPUT_LANGUAGE" tag to filter out only a specific language.
Use \c \\~language_id to enable output for a specific language only and
\c \\~ to enable output for all languages (this is also the default mode).
/*! \~english This is English \~dutch Dit is Nederlands \~german Dies ist
Deutsch. \~ output for all languages.
\section cmdamp \\\&
\addindex \\\&
This command writes the \c \& character to the output.
This character has to be escaped because it has a special meaning in HTML.
\section cmddollar \\\$
\addindex \\\$
This command writes the \c \$ character to the output.
This character has to be escaped in some cases, because it is used to expand
environment variables.
\section cmdhash \\\#
\addindex \\\#
This command writes the \c \# character to the output. This
character has to be escaped in some cases, because it is used to refer
to documented entities.
\section cmdlt \\\<
\addindex \\\<
This command writes the \c \< character to the output.
This character has to be escaped because it has a special meaning in HTML.
\section cmdgt \\\>
\addindex \\\>
This command writes the \c \> character to the output. This
character has to be escaped because it has a special meaning in HTML.
\section cmdperc \\\%
\addindex \\\%
This command writes the \c \% character to the output. This
character has to be escaped in some cases, because it is used to
prevent auto-linking to a word that is also a documented class or struct.
\section cmdquot \\"
\addindex \\\"
This command writes the \c \" character to the output. This
character has to be escaped in some cases, because it is used in pairs
to indicate an unformatted text fragment.
\section cmdchardot \\.
\addindex \\\.
This command writes a dot (`.`) to the output. This can be useful to
prevent ending a brief description when \ref cfg_javadoc_autobrief "JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF" is enabled
or to prevent starting a numbered list when the dot follows a number at
the start of a line.
\section cmdeq \\=
\addindex \\=
This command writes an equal sign (`=`) to the output. This
character sequence has to be escaped in some cases, because it is used
in Markdown header processing.
\section cmddcolon \\::
\addindex \\::
This command writes a double colon (\c \::) to the output. This
character sequence has to be escaped in some cases, because it is used
to reference to documented entities.
\section cmdpipe \\|
\addindex \\|
This command writes a pipe symbol (\|) to the output. This
character has to be escaped in some cases, because it is used
for Markdown tables.
\section cmdndash \\--
\addindex \\\--
This command writes two dashes (\--) to the output. This allows
writing two consecutive dashes to the output instead of one n-dash character (--).
\section cmdmdash \\---
\addindex \\\---
This command writes three dashes (\---) to the output. This allows
writing three consecutive dashes to the output instead of one m-dash character (---).
\htmlonly --- \endhtmlonly
Commands included for Qt compatibility
\htmlonly --- \endhtmlonly
The following commands are supported to remain compatible to the Qt class
browser generator. Do \e not use these commands in your own documentation.
- \\annotatedclasslist
- \\classhierarchy
- \\define
- \\functionindex
- \\header
- \\headerfilelist
- \\inherit
- \\l
- \\postheader
Go to the next section or return to the