/*! \page dbusxml DBus XML output format \addindex dbusxml

Doxygen can generate documentation for DBus XML files. This way DBus interfaces can be annotated with doxygen style comments, and without writing custom XML parsers. Doxygen extracts its text from all XML comments starting with '*' or '!'. An additional '<' can be used to assign the documentation string to the previous entity instead of the one following the comment. Note that before the parsing of DBus XML file works one has to assign the .xml extension to the DBus XML parser using the following configuration option: \verbatim EXTENSION_MAPPING = xml=dbusxml \endverbatim \section dbusxml_supported Supported XML elements and attributes

The following DBus XML elemets can be annotated:

Additional elements are supported. These are available once the xmlns "http://psiamp.org/dtd/doxygen_dbusxml.dtd" is available.