/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 1997-2020 by Dimitri van Heesch. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license. * */ /*! \page doxywizard_usage Doxywizard usage Doxywizard is a GUI front-end for configuring and running doxygen. When starting doxywizard one can specify an existing configuration file to use as argument, otherwise the default settings will be used as a starting point. When you start doxywizard it will display the main window (the actual look depends on the platform used). \image html doxywizard_main.png "Main window" \image latex doxywizard_main.png "Main window" width=15cm The user interface consists of the following sections:
\ref dw_menu
In the menu bar the following parts are available: \ref dw_menu_file, \ref dw_menu_settings and \ref dw_menu_help.
Specify the working directory from which doxygen will run
Using the Select... button a directory can be selected. When doxywizard is started with a configuration file or one is loaded using the open command (see: \ref dw_menu_file) the directory of this settings file used as the working directory.
Configure doxygen using the Wizard and/or Expert tab...
\ref dw_wizard
with this tab it is possible to quickly configure the most important settings and leave the rest of the options to their defaults.
\ref dw_expert
with this tab one gains access to the \ref config "full set of configuration options".
\ref dw_run
with this tab it is possible to run doxygen and view the used settings.
Switching between these tabs is possible, e.g you could start with the wizard tab and then fine tune some settings by switching to the expert tab.
After doxygen is configured you need to save (see: \ref dw_menu_file) the configuration as a file to disk. This allows doxygen to use the configuration and also allows running doxygen again with the same settings at a later point in time. Since some configuration options may use relative paths, be sure to select a working directory that is root of those paths. This is often the root of the source tree and will typically be correctly filled in if the configuration file is stored at this location as well. Once the configuration file is saved and the working directory is set, you can run doxygen based on the selected settings. Do this by switching to the \ref dw_run "Run" tab, and click the "Run doxygen" button. Once doxygen runs you can cancel it by clicking the same button again. The output produced by doxygen is captured and shown in the "Output produced by doxygen" pane. Once doxygen finishes, the log can be saved as a text file. \section dw_wizard Wizard tab The Wizard tab is divided into two panes
Left pane
The main topics for easy setting up doxygen. By clicking on a topic the corresponding settings will appear in the Right pane.
Right pane
The wizard's settings pane, in this pane you will find the settings that are available for the selected topic.
The wizard only gives the possibility to quickly setup doxygen, for full control one should use the \ref dw_expert. \forceNewPage \subsection dw_wizard_project Project settings The fields in the Project pane speak for themselves. Once doxygen has finished the Destination directory is where to look for the results. Doxygen will put each output format in a separate sub-directory by default. \image html doxywizard_page1.png "Wizard tab: Project settings" \image latex doxywizard_page1.png "Wizard tab: Project settings" width=15cm \forceNewPage \subsection dw_wizard_mode Mode of operating The Mode pane allows you to select how doxygen will look at your sources. The default is to only look for things that have been documented. Furthermore, the terminology used in the output can be changed to better match the main programming language used (this doesn't affect the way doxygen parses your source code). \image html doxywizard_page2.png "Wizard tab: Mode of operating" \image latex doxywizard_page2.png "Wizard tab: Mode of operating" width=15cm \forceNewPage \subsection dw_wizard_output Output to produce The Output pane allows you to select what kinds of output doxygen will produce. For HTML and \LaTeX there are additional options available. \image html doxywizard_page3.png "Wizard tab: Output to produce" \image latex doxywizard_page3.png "Wizard tab: Output to produce" width=15cm \forceNewPage \subsection dw_wizard_diagrams Diagrams to generate Doxygen can produce a number of diagrams. Using the Diagrams pane you can select which ones to generate. For most diagrams the `dot` tool of the GraphViz package is needed. This needs to be installed separately. \image html doxywizard_page4.png "Wizard tab: Diagrams to generate" \image latex doxywizard_page4.png "Wizard tab: Diagrams to generate" width=15cm \section dw_expert Expert tab The Expert tab is divided into a number of panes:
Top left pane
The Topics pane (i.e. sections in the configuration file) that are available. By clicking on a topic the corresponding settings will appear in the Right pane.
Bottom left pane
The help pane, this will be updated when one hovers over the name of a setting in the Right pane.
Right pane
The Settings pane, in this pane you will find the settings that are available for the selected topic. In case the name for a setting is colored red, the setting has a non-default value. In case a setting is grayed out, the setting is depending on another setting that is disabled. Which setting it depends on is indicated in the help pane on the bottom left.
\image html doxywizard_expert.png "Some options from the Expert tab" \image latex doxywizard_expert.png "Some options from the Expert tab" width=15cm The representation of the input field depends on the type of the configuration option. \section dw_run Run tab The run tab gives the possibility to run doxygen with the given settings, see the HTML results, see the settings used and save the output as displayed in the output pane. \image html doxywizard_run.png "Run tab" \image latex doxywizard_run.png "Run tab" width=15cm
Specify additional command line options for running doxygen
Field to specify extra options used when running doxygen, e.g. for debugging purposes.
Run doxygen
When clicked will start running doxygen. The "Output produced by doxygen" pane shows the messages produced by doxygen while it is running. Before being able to run doxygen the settings have to be saved.
Show HTML output
Clicking this button will open the main HTML output page in the default browser. The button will be enabled after doxygen has finished.
Show configuration
Clicking this button shows the configuration settings that are used when running doxygen. The results will be shown in the "Output produced by doxygen" pane in compact textual form.
When checked the "Show configuration" button will only list the configuration settings that differ from the default settings (analogous to `doxygen -x`).
Save Log ...
Will save the information from the "Output produced by doxygen" pane in a file as specified by the user.
\section dw_menu Menu options \subsection dw_menu_file File menu The file menu with a couple of useful items for loading and saving settings. \image html doxywizard_menu_file.png "File menu" \image latex doxywizard_menu_file.png "File menu" width=12.0cm
Load a configuration file from disk, based on a file selection dialog. In case unsaved settings exist you will be asked to confirm the action.
Open recent
Quickly load a recently saved configuration file. In case unsaved settings exist you will be asked to confirm the action. This menu item is only accessible when there are recent files in the list.
Saves a configuration file to disk. In case the configuration file has already been set this file name is used otherwise a selection dialog will appear. In case the file already exists a confirmation is required.
Save as..
Saves the current configuration settings to disk with a specific name. This file name will become the currently set file name.
Leave doxywizard, in case unsaved settings exist you will be asked to confirm the action.
\subsection dw_menu_settings Settings menu \image html doxywizard_menu_settings.png "Settings menu" \image latex doxywizard_menu_settings.png "Settings menu" width=6.7cm
Reset to factory defaults
Restores the factory defaults as the default settings to use. You will be asked to confirm the action. This menu item is only accessible when the current settings differ from the default settings.
Use current settings at startup
Stores the current configuration settings as the default to use next time the GUI is started. You will be asked to confirm the action.
Clear recent list
Clears the "Open recent" list in the \ref dw_menu_file. This menu item is only accessible when there are recent files in the "Open recent" list.
\subsection dw_menu_help Help menu \image html doxywizard_menu_help.png "Help menu" \image latex doxywizard_menu_help.png "Help menu" width=7.0cm
Online Manual
Opens the doxygen manual from the doxygen home page in the system defined default HTML browser.
Shows an About dialog with version information.
\htmlonly Go to the next section or return to the index. \endhtmlonly */