* $Id$
* Copyright (C) 1997-2000 by Dimitri van Heesch.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
* documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby
* granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software
* for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* All output generated with Doxygen is not covered by this license.
/*! \page index

Version: $(VERSION)
Doxygen license
\addindex license
\addindex GPL
Copyright © 1997-2000 by
Dimitri van Heesch.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby
granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software
for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
See the
GNU General Public License
for more details.
It is hereby explicitly allowed that this program may be linked against
Troll Tech's Qt library,
and distributed, without the GPL applying to Qt.
All output generated by Doxygen is not covered by this license.
Doxygen is a documentation system for C, C++ and IDL. It can generate an
on-line class browser (in HTML) and/or an off-line reference manual
(in \f$\mbox{\LaTeX}\f$) from a set
of documented source files. There is also support for generating
man pages and for converting the generated output into
Postscript, hyperlinked PDF or compressed HTML.
The documentation is extracted directly from the
sources. Doxygen is developed on Linux,
but it runs on most other UNIX flavors as well.
An executable for Windows 9x/NT is also available.
Doxygen can also be configured to extract the code-structure from undocumented
source files. This can be very useful to quickly find your way in large
source distributions.
You can even `abuse' doxygen for creating normal documentation (as I did
for this manual).
This manual is divided into two parts, each of which is divided into several
The first part forms a user manual:
- Section \ref install discusses how to
download, compile and install
doxygen for your platform.
- Section \ref starting tells you how to generate your first piece of
documentation quickly.
- Section \ref docblocks demonstrates the various ways that code can
be documented.
- Section \ref formulas shows how to insert formulas in the documentation.
- Section \ref diagrams describes the diagrams and graphs that doxygen can generate.
- Section \ref preprocessing explains how doxygen deals with macro definitions.
- Section \ref faq gives answers to frequently asked questions.
- Section \ref trouble tells you what to do when you have problems.
The second part forms a reference manual:
- Section \ref features presents an overview of what Doxygen can do.
- Section \ref history shows what has changed during the development
of Doxygen and what still has to be done.
- Section \ref doxygen_usage shows how to use the \c doxygen program.
- Section \ref doxytag_usage shows how to use the \c doxytag program.
- Section \ref doxysearch_usage shows how to use the \c doxysearch program.
- Section \ref installdox_usage shows how to use the \c installdox
script that is generated by Doxygen if you use tag files.
- Section \ref output shows how to generate the various output formats
supported by Doxygen.
- Section \ref autolink shows how to put links to files, classes,
and members in the documentation.
- Section \ref config shows how to fine-tune doxygen, so it
generates the documentation you want.
- Section \ref commands shows an overview of the special commands that can be
used within the documentation.
- Section \ref htmlcmds shows an overview of the HTML commands that
can be used within the documentation.
- Section \ref langhowto explains how to add support for new
output languages.
Projects using doxygen
I have compiled a small
list of projects
that use doxygen
list of projects that use doxygen (see {\tt http://www.stack.nl/$\sim$dimitri/doxygen/projects.html})
If you know other projects, let me know and I'll add them.
Future work
Although doxygen is used successfully by a lot of people already,
there is always room for improvement. Therefore, I have compiled a
todo/wish list
todo/wish list (see {\tt http://www.stack.nl/$\sim$dimitri/doxygen/todo.html})
of possible and/or requested enhancements.
\addindex acknowledgements
Thanks go to:
\addindex Doc++
- Malte Zöckler and Roland Wunderling, authors of DOC++.
The first version of Doxygen borrowed some code of an old version of DOC++.
Although I have rewritten practically all code since then, DOC++ has still
given me a good start in writing Doxygen.
- All people at Troll Tech, for creating a beautiful GUI Toolkit
(which is even useful for GUI-less applications like doxygen :-)
- My brother Frank
for rendering the logos.
- Harm van der Heijden for adding HTML help support.
- Parker Waerchter for adding the RTF output generator.
- Jens Breitenstein, Christophe Bordeaux, Samuel Hägglund, Xet Erixon,
Vlastimil Havran, Ahmed Also Faisal, Alessandro Falappa, Kenji Nagamatsu,
Francisco Oltra Thennet, Olli Korhonen for providing translations into
various languages.
Arnt Gulbrandsen,
Adam P. Jenkins,
Frank van de Pol,
Ulrich Quill,
Karl Robillard,
Frugal the Curious,
Michael Figley,
Eric Bos,
Barry Roberts,
Mark Tigges,
Jan Ekholm,
Andre Johansen,
Martin Franken,
Martin Hofmann,
Ulrich Ring,
Andy Guy,
Ryan Mclean,
Joseph Reklow,
Morten Eriksen,
Arthur Pope,
Andreas Felber,
Matthias Schwartz,
Björn Bon,
Volker Börchers,
Baruch Even,
Kor de Jong,
Thomas Eschenbacher,
Bert Scholten,
Germar Morgenthaler,
Daniel Bellen,
Terry Brown,
Anke Selig,
David Aspinwall,
Hellmar Becker,
Harald Krummeck,
Christoph Koegl,
Martin Reinecke,
Joseph Turian,
Craig P Earls,
Greg Sjaardema,
Vlado Sironja,
Jens Schmidt,
Lutz Sammer,
Robert Dale,
Ionutz Borcoman,
Markus Noga,
Darren Kelly,
Joerg Ott,
Kostya Serebrainy,
Marco Molteni,
Johannes Zellner,
Ole Gerden,
Olaf Meeuwissen,
Feiyi Wang,
Robert J. Clark,
Matthias Baas,
Walter Mueller,
William van Dieten,
Joshua Jensen,
Patrick Alberts,
Jacques Tremblay,
John Sturton,
Moshe Kruger,
David Wong,
Peter Garner,
Fred Labrosse,
Frank Schimmel,
Reinhard Nissl
and many others for suggestions, patches and bug reports.