@echo off REM make script for Microsoft Visual C++ REM ...and MINGW and Borland 5.5 also! if "%1"=="bcc" SET CC=borland if "%1"=="mingw" SET CC=mingw if "%1"=="msvc" SET CC=msvc if "%1"=="" goto USAGE if "%CC%"=="msvc" SET MAKE=nmake if not "%CC%"=="msvc" SET MAKE=make SET MODE=release if "%2"=="debug" SET MODE=debug REM use perl to create the config file perl wintools\make.pl %CC% type makeconfig > Makefile type Makefile.win_%MAKE%.in >>Makefile type makeconfig > qtools\Makefile type qtools\Makefile.in >>qtools\Makefile type makeconfig > src\Makefile type src\Makefile.in >>src\Makefile type makeconfig > examples\Makefile type examples\Makefile.win.in >>examples\Makefile type makeconfig > doc\Makefile type doc\Makefile.win_%MAKE%.in >>doc\Makefile REM build in release or debug mode type qtools\qtools.pro.in | sed "s/\$extraopts/%MODE%/g" >qtools\qtools.pro type src\doxygen.pro.in | sed "s/\$extraopts/%MODE%/g" >src\doxygen.pro type src\doxytag.pro.in | sed "s/\$extraopts/%MODE%/g" >src\doxytag.pro type src\doxysearch.pro.in | sed "s/\$extraopts/%MODE%/g" >src\doxysearch.pro REM run make %MAKE%.exe goto END :USAGE echo "Call with '%0 [bcc|mingw|msvc] [debug]'!" echo " bcc: compile with Borland C++" echo " mingw: compile with GCC for windows (see www.mingw.org)" echo " msvc: compile with Microsoft Visual C++" :END