 * Copyright (C) 1997-2015 by Dimitri van Heesch.
 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
 * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby
 * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software
 * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
 * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.

#include "qcstring.h"
#include "qgstring.h"

#include <qstring.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <qdatastream.h>

QCString &QCString::sprintf( const char *format, ... )
  va_list ap;
  va_start( ap, format );
  const int minlen=256;
  int l = length();
  if (l<minlen) { resize(minlen); l=minlen; }
  int n=vsnprintf( rawData(), l, format, ap);
  if (n<0) n=l;
  va_end( ap );
  return *this;

int QCString::find( char c, int index, bool cs ) const
  if (index<0 || index>=(int)length()) return -1; // index outside string
  register const char *pos;
  if (cs)
    pos = strchr(data()+index,c);
    pos = data()+index;
    c = tolower((unsigned char)c);
    while (*pos && tolower((unsigned char)*pos)!=c) pos++;
    if (!*pos && c) pos=0; // not found
  return pos ? (int)(pos - data()) : -1;

int QCString::find( const char *str, int index, bool cs ) const
  int l = length();
  if (index<0 || index>=l) return -1; // index outside string
  if (!str)  return -1;               // no string to search for
  if (!*str) return index;           // empty string matching at index
  register const char *pos;
  if (cs) // case sensitive
    pos = strstr(data()+index,str);
  else // case insensitive
    pos = data();
    int len = qstrlen(str);
    while (*pos)
      if (qstrnicmp(pos,str,len)==0) break;
    if (!*pos) pos = 0; // not found
  return pos ? (int)(pos - data()) : -1;

int QCString::find( const QCString &str, int index, bool cs ) const
  return find(str.data(),index,cs);

int QCString::find( const QRegExp &rx, int index ) const
  QString d = QString::fromLatin1( data() );
  return d.find( rx, index );

int QCString::findRev( char c, int index, bool cs) const
  const char *b = data();
  const char *pos;
  int len = length();
  if (len==0) return -1; // empty string
  if (index<0) // start from end
    if (cs)
      pos = strrchr(b,c);
      return pos ? (int)(pos - b) : -1;
  else if (index>len) // bad index
    return -1;
  pos = b+index;
  if (cs)
    while ( pos>=b && *pos!=c) pos--;
    c = tolower((unsigned char)c);
    while ( pos>=b && tolower((unsigned char)*pos)!=c) pos--;
  return pos>=b ? (int)(pos - b) : -1;

int QCString::findRev( const char *str, int index, bool cs) const
  int slen = qstrlen(str);
  int len = length();
  if (index<0) index = len-slen; // start from end
  else if (index>len) return -1; // bad index
  else if (index+slen>len) index=len-slen; // str would be too long
  if (index<0) return -1; // no match possible
  register const char *pos = data()+index;
  if (cs) // case sensitive
    for (int i=index; i>=0; i--) if (qstrncmp(pos--,str,slen)==0) return i;
  else // case insensitive
    for (int i=index; i>=0; i--) if (qstrnicmp(pos,str,slen)==0) return i;
  return -1;

int QCString::findRev( const QRegExp &rx, int index ) const
  QString d = QString::fromLatin1( data() );
  return d.findRev( rx, index );

int QCString::contains( char c, bool cs ) const
  if (length()==0) return 0;
  int count=0;
  const char *pos = data();
  if (cs)
    while (*pos) if (*pos++ == c) count++;
    c = tolower((unsigned char)c);
    while (*pos)
      if (tolower((unsigned char)*pos)==c) count++;
  return count;

int QCString::contains( const char *str, bool cs ) const
  if (str==0 || length()==0) return 0;
  int count=0;
  const char *pos = data();
  int len = qstrlen(str);
  while (*pos)
    if (cs)
      if (qstrncmp(pos,str,len)==0) count++;
      if (qstrnicmp(pos,str,len)==0) count++;
  return count;

int QCString::contains( const QRegExp &rx ) const
  QString d = QString::fromLatin1( data() );
  return d.contains( rx );

bool QCString::stripPrefix(const char *prefix)
  if (prefix==0 || length()==0) return FALSE;
  int len = qstrlen(prefix);
  if (qstrncmp(prefix,data(),len)==0)
    m_rep=mid(len,length()-len).m_rep; // need to make a deep copy
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

QCString QCString::left( uint len )  const
  if (isEmpty())
    return QCString();
  else if (len>=length())
    return QCString(data());
    QCString s( len+1 );
    memcpy( s.rawData(), data(), len);
    return s;

QCString QCString::right( uint len ) const
  if (isEmpty())
    return QCString();
    int l = length();
    if ((int)len>l) len=l;
    const char *pos = data() + (l-len);
    return QCString(pos);

QCString QCString::mid( uint index, uint len) const
  uint slen = (uint)length();
  if (len==0xffffffff) len = slen-index;
  if (isEmpty() || index>=slen || len==0)
    return QCString();
    register const char *p = data()+index;
    QCString s(len+1);
    qstrncpy( s.rawData(), p, len+1 );
    return s;

QCString QCString::lower() const
  if (length()==0) return QCString();
  QCString s(data());
  register char *pos = s.rawData();
  if (pos)
    while (*pos)
      *pos = tolower((unsigned char)*pos);
  return s;

QCString QCString::upper() const
  if (length()==0) return QCString();
  QCString s(data());
  register char *pos = s.rawData();
  if (pos)
    while (*pos)
      *pos = toupper((unsigned char)*pos);
  return s;

QCString QCString::stripWhiteSpace() const
  if ( isEmpty() )                            // nothing to do
    return *this;

  register const char *cs = data();
  int reslen = length();
  if ( !isspace((uchar)cs[0]) && !isspace((uchar)cs[reslen-1]) )
    return *this;                             // returns a copy

  QCString result(cs);
  register char *s = result.rawData();
  int start = 0;
  int end = reslen - 1;
  while ( isspace((uchar) s[start]) )                 // skip white space from start
  if ( s[start] == '\0' )
  {                                                   // only white space
    return QCString();
  while ( end && isspace((uchar) s[end]) )            // skip white space from end
  end -= start - 1;
  qmemmove( s, &s[start], end );
  result.resize( end + 1 );
  return result;

QCString QCString::simplifyWhiteSpace() const
  if ( isEmpty() )                            // nothing to do
    return *this;

  QCString result( length()+1 );
  const char *from  = data();
  char *to    = result.rawData();
  char *first = to;
  while ( TRUE )
    while ( *from && isspace((uchar) *from) )
    while ( *from && !isspace((uchar)*from) )
      *to++ = *from++;
    if ( *from )
      *to++ = 0x20;                       // ' '
  if ( to > first && *(to-1) == 0x20 )
  *to = '\0';
  result.resize( (int)((long)to - (long)result.data()) + 1 );
  return result;

QCString &QCString::assign( const char *str )
  return operator=(str);

QCString &QCString::insert( uint index, const char *s )
  int len = s ? qstrlen(s) : 0;
  if ( len == 0 ) return *this;
  int olen = length();
  int nlen = olen + len;
  if ((int)index>=olen)
    memset(rawData()+olen, ' ', index-olen);
    memcpy(rawData()+index,s, len+1);
  return *this;

QCString &QCString::insert( uint index, char c)
  char buf[2];
  buf[0] = c;
  buf[1] = '\0';
  return insert( index, buf );
QCString &QCString::append( const char *s )
  return operator+=(s);
QCString &QCString::prepend( const char *s )
  return insert(0,s);
QCString &QCString::remove( uint index, uint len )
  uint olen = length();
  if ( index + len >= olen ) // range problems
    if ( index < olen )  // index ok
      resize( index+1 );
  else if ( len != 0 )
    QCString tmp(olen-index-len+1);
    qmemmove( tmp.rawData(), data()+index+len, olen-index-len+1 );
    resize( olen-len+1 );
    memcpy( rawData()+index,tmp.data(),tmp.length() );
  return *this;

QCString &QCString::replace( uint index, uint len, const char *s)
  remove( index, len );
  insert( index, s );
  return *this;

QCString &QCString::replace( const QRegExp &rx, const char *str )
  QString d = QString::fromLatin1( data() );
  QString r = QString::fromLatin1( str );
  d.replace( rx, r );
  operator=( d.ascii() );
  return *this;

short QCString::toShort(bool *ok) const
  QString s(data());
  return s.toShort(ok);

ushort QCString::toUShort(bool *ok) const
  QString s(data());
  return s.toUShort(ok);

int QCString::toInt(bool *ok) const
  QString s(data());
  return s.toInt(ok);

uint QCString::toUInt(bool *ok) const
  QString s(data());
  return s.toUInt(ok);

long QCString::toLong(bool *ok) const
  QString s(data());
  return s.toLong(ok);

ulong QCString::toULong(bool *ok) const
  QString s(data());
  return s.toULong(ok);

uint64 QCString::toUInt64(bool *ok) const
  QString s(data());
  return s.toUInt64(ok);

QCString &QCString::setNum(short n)
  return setNum((long)n);

QCString &QCString::setNum(ushort n)
  return setNum((ulong)n);

QCString &QCString::setNum(int n)
  return setNum((long)n);

QCString &QCString::setNum(uint n)
  return setNum((ulong)n);

QCString &QCString::setNum(long n)
  char buf[20];
  register char *p = &buf[19];
  bool neg;
  if ( n < 0 )
    neg = TRUE;
    n = -n;
    neg = FALSE;
  *p = '\0';
    *--p = ((int)(n%10)) + '0';
    n /= 10;
  } while ( n );
  if ( neg ) *--p = '-';
  operator=( p );
  return *this;

QCString &QCString::setNum( ulong n)
  char buf[20];
  register char *p = &buf[19];
  *p = '\0';
    *--p = ((int)(n%10)) + '0';
    n /= 10;
  } while ( n );
  operator=( p );
  return *this;


void *qmemmove( void *dst, const void *src, uint len )
    register char *d;
    register char *s;
    if ( dst > src ) {
	d = (char *)dst + len - 1;
	s = (char *)src + len - 1;
	while ( len-- )
	    *d-- = *s--;
    } else if ( dst < src ) {
	d = (char *)dst;
	s = (char *)src;
	while ( len-- )
	    *d++ = *s++;
    return dst;

char *qstrdup( const char *str )
    if ( !str )
	return 0;
    char *dst = new char[qstrlen(str)+1];
    CHECK_PTR( dst );
    return strcpy( dst, str );

char *qstrncpy( char *dst, const char *src, uint len )
    if ( !src )
	return 0;
    strncpy( dst, src, len );
    if ( len > 0 )
	dst[len-1] = '\0';
    return dst;

int qstricmp( const char *str1, const char *str2 )
    register const uchar *s1 = (const uchar *)str1;
    register const uchar *s2 = (const uchar *)str2;
    int res;
    uchar c;
    if ( !s1 || !s2 )
	return s1 == s2 ? 0 : (int)((long)s2 - (long)s1);
    for ( ; !(res = (c=tolower(*s1)) - tolower(*s2)); s1++, s2++ )
	if ( !c )				// strings are equal
    return res;

int qstrnicmp( const char *str1, const char *str2, uint len )
    register const uchar *s1 = (const uchar *)str1;
    register const uchar *s2 = (const uchar *)str2;
    int res;
    uchar c;
    if ( !s1 || !s2 )
	return (int)((long)s2 - (long)s1);
    for ( ; len--; s1++, s2++ ) {
	if ( (res = (c=tolower(*s1)) - tolower(*s2)) )
	    return res;
	if ( !c )				// strings are equal
    return 0;


QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &s, const QByteArray &a )
    return s.writeBytes( a.data(), a.size() );

QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &s, QByteArray &a )
    Q_UINT32 len;
    s >> len;					// read size of array
    if ( len == 0 || s.eof() ) {		// end of file reached
	a.resize( 0 );
	return s;
    if ( !a.resize( (uint)len ) ) {		// resize array
#if defined(CHECK_NULL)
	qWarning( "QDataStream: Not enough memory to read QByteArray" );
	len = 0;
    if ( len > 0 )				// not null array
	s.readRawBytes( a.data(), (uint)len );
    return s;

QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &s, const QCString &str )
    return s.writeBytes( str.data(), str.size() );

QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &s, QCString &str )
    Q_UINT32 len;
    s >> len;					// read size of string
    if ( len == 0 || s.eof() ) {		// end of file reached
	str.resize( 0 );
	return s;
    if ( !str.resize( (uint)len )) {// resize string
#if defined(CHECK_NULL)
	qWarning( "QDataStream: Not enough memory to read QCString" );
	len = 0;
    if ( len > 0 )				// not null array
	s.readRawBytes( str.rawData(), (uint)len );
    return s;


inline QCString operator+( const QCString &s1, const QGString &s2 )
    QCString tmp(s1);
    tmp += s2.data();
    return tmp;

inline QCString operator+( const QGString &s1, const QCString &s2 )
    QCString tmp(s1.data());
    tmp += s2;
    return tmp;