#include "clangparser.h" #include "settings.h" #include #include #if USE_LIBCLANG #include #include "clang/Tooling/CompilationDatabase.h" #include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h" #include #include #include "message.h" #include "sortdict.h" #include "outputgen.h" #include "filedef.h" #include "memberdef.h" #include "doxygen.h" #include "util.h" #include "config.h" #include "growbuf.h" #include "membername.h" #include "filename.h" #include "tooltip.h" #endif //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- static std::mutex g_clangMutex; ClangParser *ClangParser::instance() { std::lock_guard lock(g_clangMutex); if (!s_instance) s_instance = new ClangParser; return s_instance; } ClangParser *ClangParser::s_instance = 0; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if USE_LIBCLANG static std::mutex g_docCrossReferenceMutex; enum class DetectedLang { Cpp, ObjC, ObjCpp }; static QCString detab(const QCString &s) { static int tabSize = Config_getInt(TAB_SIZE); GrowBuf out; int size = s.length(); const char *data = s.data(); int i=0; int col=0; const int maxIndent=1000000; // value representing infinity int minIndent=maxIndent; while (i update minIndent out.addChar(c); if (c<0 && i= 2 bytes if (((uchar)c&0xE0)==0xE0 && i sources; std::vector ufs; std::vector cursors; std::unordered_map fileMapping; CXTranslationUnit tu = 0; CXToken *tokens = 0; uint numTokens = 0; StringVector filesInSameTU; // state while parsing sources MemberDef *currentMemberDef=0; uint currentLine=0; bool searchForBody=FALSE; bool insideBody=FALSE; uint bracketCount=0; }; ClangTUParser::ClangTUParser(const ClangParser &parser,const FileDef *fd) : p(std::make_unique(parser,fd)) { //printf("ClangTUParser::ClangTUParser() this=%p\n",this); } StringVector ClangTUParser::filesInSameTU() const { return p->filesInSameTU; } void ClangTUParser::parse() { //printf("ClangTUParser::parse() this=%p\n",this); QCString fileName = p->fileDef->absFilePath(); p->fileDef->getAllIncludeFilesRecursively(p->filesInSameTU); //printf("ClangTUParser::ClangTUParser(fileName=%s,#filesInSameTU=%d)\n", // qPrint(fileName),(int)p->filesInSameTU.size()); bool clangAssistedParsing = Config_getBool(CLANG_ASSISTED_PARSING); bool clangIncludeInputPaths = Config_getBool(CLANG_ADD_INC_PATHS); bool filterSourceFiles = Config_getBool(FILTER_SOURCE_FILES); const StringVector &includePath = Config_getList(INCLUDE_PATH); const StringVector &clangOptions = Config_getList(CLANG_OPTIONS); if (!clangAssistedParsing) return; //printf("ClangParser::start(%s)\n",fileName); assert(p->index==0); assert(p->tokens==0); assert(p->numTokens==0); p->index = clang_createIndex(0, 0); p->curToken = 0; p->cursors.clear(); int argc=0; size_t clang_option_len = 0; std::vector command; if (p->parser.database()!=nullptr) { // check if the file we are parsing is in the DB command = p->parser.database()->getCompileCommands(fileName.data()); if (!command.empty() ) { // it's possible to have multiple entries for the same file, so use the last entry clang_option_len = command[command.size()-1].CommandLine.size(); } } char **argv = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*)* (4+Doxygen::inputPaths.size()+ includePath.size()+ clangOptions.size()+ clang_option_len)); if (!command.empty() ) { std::vector options = command[command.size()-1].CommandLine; // copy each compiler option used from the database. Skip the first which is compiler exe. for (auto option = options.begin()+1; option != options.end(); option++) { argv[argc++] = qstrdup(option->c_str()); } // user specified options for (size_t i=0;idetectedLang!=DetectedLang::Cpp) { QCString fn = fileName; if (p->detectedLang!=DetectedLang::Cpp && (fn.right(4).lower()==".cpp" || fn.right(4).lower()==".cxx" || fn.right(3).lower()==".cc" || fn.right(2).lower()==".c")) { // fall back to C/C++ once we see an extension that indicates this p->detectedLang = DetectedLang::Cpp; } else if (fn.right(3).lower()==".mm") // switch to Objective C++ { p->detectedLang = DetectedLang::ObjCpp; } else if (fn.right(2).lower()==".m") // switch to Objective C { p->detectedLang = DetectedLang::ObjC; } } switch (p->detectedLang) { case DetectedLang::Cpp: argv[argc++]=qstrdup("c++"); break; case DetectedLang::ObjC: argv[argc++]=qstrdup("objective-c"); break; case DetectedLang::ObjCpp: argv[argc++]=qstrdup("objective-c++"); break; } // provide the input and and its dependencies as unsaved files so we can // pass the filtered versions argv[argc++]=qstrdup(fileName); } //printf("source %s ----------\n%s\n-------------\n\n", // fileName,p->source.data()); int numUnsavedFiles = static_cast(p->filesInSameTU.size()+1); p->numFiles = numUnsavedFiles; p->sources.resize(numUnsavedFiles); p->ufs.resize(numUnsavedFiles); p->sources[0] = detab(fileToString(fileName,filterSourceFiles,TRUE)); p->ufs[0].Filename = qstrdup(fileName); p->ufs[0].Contents = p->sources[0].data(); p->ufs[0].Length = p->sources[0].length(); p->fileMapping.insert({fileName.data(),0}); int i=1; for (auto it = p->filesInSameTU.begin(); it != p->filesInSameTU.end() && ifileMapping.insert({it->c_str(),static_cast(i)}); p->sources[i] = detab(fileToString(it->c_str(),filterSourceFiles,TRUE)); p->ufs[i].Filename = qstrdup(it->c_str()); p->ufs[i].Contents = p->sources[i].data(); p->ufs[i].Length = p->sources[i].length(); } // let libclang do the actual parsing p->tu = clang_parseTranslationUnit(p->index, 0, argv, argc, p->ufs.data(), numUnsavedFiles, CXTranslationUnit_DetailedPreprocessingRecord); //printf(" tu=%p\n",p->tu); // free arguments for (i=0;itu) { // show any warnings that the compiler produced int n=clang_getNumDiagnostics(p->tu); for (i=0; i!=n; ++i) { CXDiagnostic diag = clang_getDiagnostic(p->tu, i); CXString string = clang_formatDiagnostic(diag, clang_defaultDiagnosticDisplayOptions()); err("%s [clang]\n",clang_getCString(string)); clang_disposeString(string); clang_disposeDiagnostic(diag); } } else { err("clang: Failed to parse translation unit %s\n",qPrint(fileName)); } } ClangTUParser::~ClangTUParser() { //printf("ClangTUParser::~ClangTUParser() this=%p\n",this); static bool clangAssistedParsing = Config_getBool(CLANG_ASSISTED_PARSING); if (!clangAssistedParsing) return; if (p->tu) { p->cursors.clear(); clang_disposeTokens(p->tu,p->tokens,p->numTokens); clang_disposeTranslationUnit(p->tu); clang_disposeIndex(p->index); p->fileMapping.clear(); p->tokens = 0; p->numTokens = 0; } for (uint i=0;inumFiles;i++) { delete[] p->ufs[i].Filename; } p->ufs.clear(); p->sources.clear(); p->numFiles = 0; p->tu = 0; } void ClangTUParser::switchToFile(const FileDef *fd) { //printf("ClangTUParser::switchToFile(%s) this=%p\n",qPrint(fd->absFilePath()),this); if (p->tu) { p->cursors.clear(); clang_disposeTokens(p->tu,p->tokens,p->numTokens); p->tokens = 0; p->numTokens = 0; CXFile f = clang_getFile(p->tu, fd->absFilePath()); auto it = p->fileMapping.find(fd->absFilePath().data()); if (it!=p->fileMapping.end() && it->second < p->numFiles) { uint i = it->second; //printf("switchToFile %s: len=%ld\n",fileName,p->ufs[i].Length); CXSourceLocation fileBegin = clang_getLocationForOffset(p->tu, f, 0); CXSourceLocation fileEnd = clang_getLocationForOffset(p->tu, f, p->ufs[i].Length); CXSourceRange fileRange = clang_getRange(fileBegin, fileEnd); clang_tokenize(p->tu,fileRange,&p->tokens,&p->numTokens); p->cursors.resize(p->numTokens); clang_annotateTokens(p->tu,p->tokens,p->numTokens,p->cursors.data()); p->curToken = 0; } else { err("clang: Failed to find input file %s in mapping\n",qPrint(fd->absFilePath())); } } } QCString ClangTUParser::lookup(uint line,const char *symbol) { //printf("ClangParser::lookup(%d,%s)\n",line,symbol); QCString result; if (symbol==0) return result; static bool clangAssistedParsing = Config_getBool(CLANG_ASSISTED_PARSING); if (!clangAssistedParsing) return result; auto getCurrentTokenLine = [=]() -> uint { uint l, c; if (p->numTokens==0) return 1; // guard against filters that reduce the number of lines if (p->curToken>=p->numTokens) p->curToken=p->numTokens-1; CXSourceLocation start = clang_getTokenLocation(p->tu,p->tokens[p->curToken]); clang_getSpellingLocation(start, 0, &l, &c, 0); return l; }; int sl = strlen(symbol); uint l = getCurrentTokenLine(); while (l>=line && p->curToken>0) { if (l==line) // already at the right line { p->curToken--; // linear search to start of the line l = getCurrentTokenLine(); } else { p->curToken/=2; // binary search backward l = getCurrentTokenLine(); } } bool found=FALSE; while (l<=line && p->curTokennumTokens && !found) { CXString tokenString = clang_getTokenSpelling(p->tu, p->tokens[p->curToken]); //if (l==line) //{ // printf("try to match symbol %s with token %s\n",symbol,clang_getCString(tokenString)); //} const char *ts = clang_getCString(tokenString); int tl = strlen(ts); int startIndex = p->curToken; if (l==line && strncmp(ts,symbol,tl)==0) // found partial match at the correct line { int offset = tl; while (offsetcurToken++; if (p->curToken>=p->numTokens) { break; // end of token stream } l = getCurrentTokenLine(); clang_disposeString(tokenString); tokenString = clang_getTokenSpelling(p->tu, p->tokens[p->curToken]); ts = clang_getCString(tokenString); tl = ts ? strlen(ts) : 0; // skip over any spaces in the symbol char c; while (offset'%s'\n",ts,symbol+offset); break; // no match } //printf("partial match '%s'<->'%s'\n",ts,symbol+offset); offset+=tl; } if (offset==sl) // symbol matches the token(s) { CXCursor c = p->cursors[p->curToken]; CXString usr = clang_getCursorUSR(c); //printf("found full match %s usr='%s'\n",symbol,clang_getCString(usr)); result = clang_getCString(usr); clang_disposeString(usr); found=TRUE; } else // reset token cursor to start of the search { p->curToken = startIndex; } } clang_disposeString(tokenString); p->curToken++; if (p->curTokennumTokens) { l = getCurrentTokenLine(); } } //if (!found) //{ // printf("Did not find symbol %s at line %d :-(\n",symbol,line); //} //else //{ // printf("Found symbol %s usr=%s\n",symbol,result.data()); //} return result; } void ClangTUParser::writeLineNumber(CodeOutputInterface &ol,const FileDef *fd,uint line) { Definition *d = fd ? fd->getSourceDefinition(line) : 0; if (d && d->isLinkable()) { p->currentLine=line; MemberDef *md = fd->getSourceMember(line); if (md && md->isLinkable()) // link to member { if (p->currentMemberDef!=md) // new member, start search for body { p->searchForBody=TRUE; p->insideBody=FALSE; p->bracketCount=0; } p->currentMemberDef=md; ol.writeLineNumber(md->getReference(), md->getOutputFileBase(), md->anchor(), line); } else // link to compound { p->currentMemberDef=0; ol.writeLineNumber(d->getReference(), d->getOutputFileBase(), d->anchor(), line); } } else // no link { ol.writeLineNumber(0,0,0,line); } // set search page target if (Doxygen::searchIndex) { QCString lineAnchor; lineAnchor.sprintf("l%05d",line); ol.setCurrentDoc(fd,lineAnchor,TRUE); } //printf("writeLineNumber(%d) g_searchForBody=%d\n",line,g_searchForBody); } void ClangTUParser::codifyLines(CodeOutputInterface &ol,const FileDef *fd,const char *text, uint &line,uint &column,const char *fontClass) { if (fontClass) ol.startFontClass(fontClass); const char *p=text,*sp=p; char c; bool done=FALSE; while (!done) { sp=p; while ((c=*p++) && c!='\n') { column++; } if (c=='\n') { line++; int l = (int)(p-sp-1); column=l+1; char *tmp = (char*)malloc(l+1); memcpy(tmp,sp,l); tmp[l]='\0'; ol.codify(tmp); free(tmp); if (fontClass) ol.endFontClass(); ol.endCodeLine(); ol.startCodeLine(TRUE); writeLineNumber(ol,fd,line); if (fontClass) ol.startFontClass(fontClass); } else { ol.codify(sp); done=TRUE; } } if (fontClass) ol.endFontClass(); } void ClangTUParser::writeMultiLineCodeLink(CodeOutputInterface &ol, const FileDef *fd,uint &line,uint &column, const Definition *d, const char *text) { static bool sourceTooltips = Config_getBool(SOURCE_TOOLTIPS); TooltipManager::instance().addTooltip(ol,d); QCString ref = d->getReference(); QCString file = d->getOutputFileBase(); QCString anchor = d->anchor(); QCString tooltip; if (!sourceTooltips) // fall back to simple "title" tooltips { tooltip = d->briefDescriptionAsTooltip(); } bool done=FALSE; char *p=(char *)text; while (!done) { char *sp=p; char c; while ((c=*p++) && c!='\n') { column++; } if (c=='\n') { line++; *(p-1)='\0'; //printf("writeCodeLink(%s,%s,%s,%s)\n",ref,file,anchor,sp); ol.writeCodeLink(ref,file,anchor,sp,tooltip); ol.endCodeLine(); ol.startCodeLine(TRUE); writeLineNumber(ol,fd,line); } else { //printf("writeCodeLink(%s,%s,%s,%s)\n",ref,file,anchor,sp); ol.writeCodeLink(ref,file,anchor,sp,tooltip); done=TRUE; } } } void ClangTUParser::linkInclude(CodeOutputInterface &ol,const FileDef *fd, uint &line,uint &column,const char *text) { QCString incName = text; incName = incName.mid(1,incName.length()-2); // strip ".." or <..> FileDef *ifd=0; if (!incName.isEmpty()) { FileName *fn = Doxygen::inputNameLinkedMap->find(incName); if (fn) { // see if this source file actually includes the file auto it = std::find_if(fn->begin(), fn->end(), [&fd](const auto &ifd) { return fd->isIncluded(ifd->absFilePath()); }); bool found = it!=fn->end(); if (found) { //printf(" include file %s found=%d\n",(*it)->absFilePath().data(),found); ifd = it->get(); } } } if (ifd) { ol.writeCodeLink(ifd->getReference(),ifd->getOutputFileBase(),0,text,ifd->briefDescriptionAsTooltip()); } else { codifyLines(ol,ifd,text,line,column,"preprocessor"); } } void ClangTUParser::linkMacro(CodeOutputInterface &ol,const FileDef *fd, uint &line,uint &column,const char *text) { MemberName *mn=Doxygen::functionNameLinkedMap->find(text); if (mn) { for (const auto &md : *mn) { if (md->isDefine()) { writeMultiLineCodeLink(ol,fd,line,column,md.get(),text); return; } } } codifyLines(ol,fd,text,line,column); } void ClangTUParser::linkIdentifier(CodeOutputInterface &ol,const FileDef *fd, uint &line,uint &column,const char *text,int tokenIndex) { CXCursor c = p->cursors[tokenIndex]; CXCursor r = clang_getCursorReferenced(c); if (!clang_equalCursors(r, c)) { c=r; // link to referenced location } CXCursor t = clang_getSpecializedCursorTemplate(c); if (!clang_Cursor_isNull(t) && !clang_equalCursors(t,c)) { c=t; // link to template } CXString usr = clang_getCursorUSR(c); const char *usrStr = clang_getCString(usr); const Definition *d = 0; auto kv = Doxygen::clangUsrMap->find(usrStr); if (kv!=Doxygen::clangUsrMap->end()) { d = kv->second; } //CXCursorKind kind = clang_getCursorKind(c); //if (d==0) //{ // printf("didn't find definition for '%s' usr='%s' kind=%d\n", // text,usrStr,kind); //} //else //{ // printf("found definition for '%s' usr='%s' name='%s'\n", // text,usrStr,d->name().data()); //} if (d && d->isLinkable()) { if (p->insideBody && p->currentMemberDef && d->definitionType()==Definition::TypeMember && (p->currentMemberDef!=d || p->currentLine lock(g_docCrossReferenceMutex); addDocCrossReference(toMemberDefMutable(p->currentMemberDef),toMemberDefMutable(d)); } writeMultiLineCodeLink(ol,fd,line,column,d,text); } else { codifyLines(ol,fd,text,line,column); } clang_disposeString(usr); } void ClangTUParser::detectFunctionBody(const char *s) { //printf("punct=%s g_searchForBody=%d g_insideBody=%d g_bracketCount=%d\n", // s,g_searchForBody,g_insideBody,g_bracketCount); if (p->searchForBody && (qstrcmp(s,":")==0 || qstrcmp(s,"{")==0)) // start of 'body' (: is for constructor) { p->searchForBody=FALSE; p->insideBody=TRUE; } else if (p->searchForBody && qstrcmp(s,";")==0) // declaration only { p->searchForBody=FALSE; p->insideBody=FALSE; } if (p->insideBody && qstrcmp(s,"{")==0) // increase scoping level { p->bracketCount++; } if (p->insideBody && qstrcmp(s,"}")==0) // decrease scoping level { p->bracketCount--; if (p->bracketCount<=0) // got outside of function body { p->insideBody=FALSE; p->bracketCount=0; } } } void ClangTUParser::writeSources(CodeOutputInterface &ol,const FileDef *fd) { // (re)set global parser state p->currentMemberDef=0; p->currentLine=0; p->searchForBody=FALSE; p->insideBody=FALSE; p->bracketCount=0; unsigned int line=1,column=1; QCString lineNumber,lineAnchor; ol.startCodeLine(TRUE); writeLineNumber(ol,fd,line); for (unsigned int i=0;inumTokens;i++) { CXSourceLocation start = clang_getTokenLocation(p->tu, p->tokens[i]); unsigned int l, c; clang_getSpellingLocation(start, 0, &l, &c, 0); if (l > line) column = 1; while (linetu, p->tokens[i]); char const *s = clang_getCString(tokenString); CXCursorKind cursorKind = clang_getCursorKind(p->cursors[i]); CXTokenKind tokenKind = clang_getTokenKind(p->tokens[i]); //printf("%d:%d %s cursorKind=%d tokenKind=%d\n",line,column,s,cursorKind,tokenKind); switch (tokenKind) { case CXToken_Keyword: if (strcmp(s,"operator")==0) { linkIdentifier(ol,fd,line,column,s,i); } else { codifyLines(ol,fd,s,line,column, cursorKind==CXCursor_PreprocessingDirective ? "preprocessor" : keywordToType(s)); } break; case CXToken_Literal: if (cursorKind==CXCursor_InclusionDirective) { linkInclude(ol,fd,line,column,s); } else if (s[0]=='"' || s[0]=='\'') { codifyLines(ol,fd,s,line,column,"stringliteral"); } else { codifyLines(ol,fd,s,line,column); } break; case CXToken_Comment: codifyLines(ol,fd,s,line,column,"comment"); break; default: // CXToken_Punctuation or CXToken_Identifier if (tokenKind==CXToken_Punctuation) { detectFunctionBody(s); //printf("punct %s: %d\n",s,cursorKind); } switch (cursorKind) { case CXCursor_PreprocessingDirective: codifyLines(ol,fd,s,line,column,"preprocessor"); break; case CXCursor_MacroDefinition: codifyLines(ol,fd,s,line,column,"preprocessor"); break; case CXCursor_InclusionDirective: linkInclude(ol,fd,line,column,s); break; case CXCursor_MacroExpansion: linkMacro(ol,fd,line,column,s); break; default: if (tokenKind==CXToken_Identifier || (tokenKind==CXToken_Punctuation && // for operators (cursorKind==CXCursor_DeclRefExpr || cursorKind==CXCursor_MemberRefExpr || cursorKind==CXCursor_CallExpr || cursorKind==CXCursor_ObjCMessageExpr) ) ) { linkIdentifier(ol,fd,line,column,s,i); if (Doxygen::searchIndex) { ol.addWord(s,FALSE); } } else { codifyLines(ol,fd,s,line,column); } break; } } clang_disposeString(tokenString); } ol.endCodeLine(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ClangParser::Private { public: Private() { std::string error; QCString clangCompileDatabase = Config_getString(CLANG_DATABASE_PATH); // load a clang compilation database (https://clang.llvm.org/docs/JSONCompilationDatabase.html) db = clang::tooling::CompilationDatabase::loadFromDirectory(clangCompileDatabase.data(), error); if (!clangCompileDatabase.isEmpty() && clangCompileDatabase!="0" && db==nullptr) { // user specified a path, but DB file was not found err("%s using clang compilation database path of: \"%s\"\n", error.c_str(), clangCompileDatabase.data()); } } std::unique_ptr db; }; const clang::tooling::CompilationDatabase *ClangParser::database() const { return p->db.get(); } ClangParser::ClangParser() : p(std::make_unique()) { } ClangParser::~ClangParser() { } std::unique_ptr ClangParser::createTUParser(const FileDef *fd) const { //printf("ClangParser::createTUParser()\n"); return std::make_unique(*this,fd); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #else // use stubbed functionality in case libclang support is disabled. void ClangTUParser::switchToFile(const FileDef *fd) { } void ClangTUParser::parse() { } QCString ClangTUParser::lookup(uint,const char *) { return ""; } class ClangParser::Private { }; ClangParser::ClangParser() : p(std::make_unique()) { } ClangParser::~ClangParser() { } std::unique_ptr ClangParser::createTUParser(const FileDef *) const { return nullptr; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------