/****************************************************************************** * * * * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 by Dimitri van Heesch. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license. * */ %{ /* * includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "qtbc.h" #include "scanner.h" #include "entry.h" #include "doxygen.h" #include "message.h" #include "outputlist.h" #include "util.h" #define YY_NEVER_INTERACTIVE 1 /*! local class definition, used for classes that are defined * inside code fragments. */ class CodeClassDef { public: CodeClassDef() {} CodeClassDef(const CodeClassDef &d) { name = d.name; bases = d.bases; } ~CodeClassDef() {} QCString name; QStrList bases; }; /*! local member definition, used for variables that are defined * inside code fragments. */ class CodeVarDef { public: CodeVarDef() {} CodeVarDef(const CodeVarDef &d) { name = d.name; type = d.type; classScope = d.classScope; } ~CodeVarDef() {} QCString name; QCString type; QCString classScope; }; typedef QList CodeClassList; typedef QDict CodeClassDict; typedef QList CodeVarList; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- * statics */ static CodeClassList g_codeClassList; static CodeClassDict g_codeClassDict(1009); static CodeVarList g_codeVarList; static CodeVarList g_codeParmList; static const char * g_inputString; //!< the code fragment as text static int g_inputPosition; //!< read offset during parsing static int g_inputLines; //!< number of line in the code fragment static int g_yyLineNr; //!< current line number static int g_lastCContext; static int g_lastSpecialCContext; static int g_lastStringContext; static int g_bracketCount = 0; static int g_curlyCount = 0; static int g_sharpCount = 0; static bool g_insideTemplate = FALSE; static QCString g_type; static QCString g_name; static QCString g_args; static QCString g_parmType; static QCString g_parmName; static bool g_inClass; static QCString g_classScope; static OutputList * g_code; static CodeClassDef g_ccd; static CodeVarDef g_cvd; static bool g_exampleBlock; static QCString g_exampleName; static QCString g_exampleFile; static int g_anchorCount; static FileDef * g_sourceFileDef; static Definition * g_currentDefinition; static MemberDef * g_currentMemberDef; static bool g_includeCodeFragment; static const char * g_currentFontClass; static bool g_searchingForBody; static bool g_insideBody; static int g_bodyCurlyCount; static ClassDef * g_classVar; /*! start a new line of code, inserting a line number if g_sourceFileDef * is TRUE. If a definition starts at the current line, then the line * number is linked to the documentation of that definition. */ static void startCodeLine(OutputList &ol) { if (g_currentFontClass) { g_code->endFontClass(); } if (g_sourceFileDef) { QCString lineNumber,lineAnchor; lineNumber.sprintf("%05d",g_yyLineNr); lineAnchor.sprintf("l%05d",g_yyLineNr); Definition *d = g_sourceFileDef->getSourceDefinition(g_yyLineNr); if (!g_includeCodeFragment && d && d->isLinkableInProject()) { g_currentDefinition = d; g_currentMemberDef = g_sourceFileDef->getSourceMember(g_yyLineNr); QCString anchor; g_insideBody = FALSE; g_searchingForBody = TRUE; g_bodyCurlyCount = 0; if (g_currentMemberDef) anchor=g_currentMemberDef->anchor(); ol.startCodeAnchor(lineAnchor); ol.writeCodeLink(d->getReference(),d->getOutputFileBase(), anchor,lineNumber); ol.endCodeAnchor(); ol.codify(" "); } else { ol.codify(lineNumber); ol.codify(" "); } } ol.startCodeLine(); if (g_currentFontClass) { g_code->startFontClass(g_currentFontClass); } } /*! write a code fragment `text' that may span multiple lines, inserting * line numbers for each line. */ static void codifyLines(char *text) { char *p=text,*sp=p; char c; bool done=FALSE; while (!done) { sp=p; while ((c=*p++) && c!='\n'); if (c=='\n') { g_yyLineNr++; *(p-1)='\0'; g_code->codify(sp); g_code->endCodeLine(); if (g_yyLineNrcodify(sp); done=TRUE; } } } /*! writes a link to a fragment \a text that may span multiple lines, inserting * line numbers for each line. If \a text contains newlines, the link will be * split into multiple links with the same destination, one for each line. */ static void writeMultiLineCodeLink(OutputList &ol, const char *ref,const char *file, const char *anchor,const char *text) { bool done=FALSE; char *p=(char *)text; while (!done) { char *sp=p; char c; while ((c=*p++) && c!='\n'); if (c=='\n') { g_yyLineNr++; *(p-1)='\0'; ol.writeCodeLink(ref,file,anchor,sp); ol.endCodeLine(); if (g_yyLineNr'); // end of template //printf("ts=%d te=%d\n",ts,te); if (ts!=-1 && te!=-1 && te>ts) { // remove template from scope n=n.left(ts)+n.right(n.length()-te-1); } int index; if ((index=n.findRev("::"))!=-1) g_classScope=n.left(index); else g_classScope.resize(0); //printf("--->New class scope `%s'\n",g_classScope.data()); } static void addVariable() { g_cvd.name=g_name.copy().simplifyWhiteSpace(); g_cvd.type=g_type.copy().simplifyWhiteSpace(); if (g_type.isEmpty()) { return; } else { int i; if ((getResolvedClass(g_cvd.type)) || (g_codeClassDict[g_cvd.type])) { //printf("adding variable `%s' `%s'\n",g_cvd.type.data(),g_cvd.name.data()); g_cvd.classScope=g_classScope; g_codeVarList.append(new CodeVarDef(g_cvd)); // add it to a list } else if ((i=g_cvd.type.find('<'))>0) { g_cvd.type = g_cvd.type.left(i); if ((getResolvedClass(g_cvd.type)) || (g_codeClassDict[g_cvd.type.left(i)])) { //printf("adding template type variable `%s' `%s'\n",g_cvd.type.data(),g_cvd.name.data()); g_cvd.classScope=g_classScope; g_codeVarList.append(new CodeVarDef(g_cvd)); } } //printf("g_codeVarList.count()=%d\n",g_codeVarList.count()); } } static void addParameter() { g_cvd.name=g_parmName.copy().simplifyWhiteSpace(); g_cvd.type=g_parmType.copy().simplifyWhiteSpace(); if (g_cvd.type.isEmpty()) { return; } else { int i; if ((getResolvedClass(g_cvd.type)) || (g_codeClassDict[g_cvd.type])) { //printf("adding parameter `%s' `%s'\n",g_cvd.type.data(),g_cvd.name.data()); g_cvd.classScope=g_classScope; g_codeParmList.append(new CodeVarDef(g_cvd)); // add it to a list } else if ((i=g_cvd.type.find('<'))>0) { g_cvd.type = g_cvd.type.left(i); if ((getResolvedClass(g_cvd.type)) || (g_codeClassDict[g_cvd.type.left(i)])) { //printf("adding template type parameter `%s' `%s'\n",g_cvd.type.data(),g_cvd.name.data()); g_cvd.classScope=g_classScope; g_codeParmList.append(new CodeVarDef(g_cvd)); } } //printf("g_codeParmList.count()=%d\n",g_codeParmList.count()); } } static void generateClassLink(OutputList &ol,char *clName,int *clNameLen=0) { int i=0; QCString className=clName; if (clNameLen) *clNameLen=0; if (className.isEmpty()) return; ClassDef *cd=getResolvedClass(className); if (cd==0 && (i=className.find('<'))!=-1) { cd=getResolvedClass(className.left(i)); } if (cd && cd->isLinkable()) { if (g_exampleBlock) { QCString anchor; anchor.sprintf("_a%d",g_anchorCount); //printf("addExampleClass(%s,%s,%s)\n",anchor.data(),g_exampleName.data(), // g_exampleFile.data()); if (cd->addExample(anchor,g_exampleName,g_exampleFile)) { ol.pushGeneratorState(); //bool latexOn = ol.isEnabled(OutputGenerator::Latex); //if (latexOn) ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Latex); ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Latex); ol.disable(OutputGenerator::RTF); ol.writeAnchor(0,anchor); //if (latexOn) ol.enable(OutputGenerator::Latex); ol.popGeneratorState(); g_anchorCount++; } } writeMultiLineCodeLink(ol,cd->getReference(),cd->getOutputFileBase(),0,className); if (clNameLen) *clNameLen=className.length()-i-1; } else { codifyLines(clName); if (clNameLen) *clNameLen=className.length()-1; } } static ClassDef *stripClassName(const char *s) { QCString tmp=s; if (tmp.isEmpty()) return 0; static const QRegExp re("[a-z_A-Z][a-z_A-Z0-9:]*"); int p=0,i,l; while ((i=re.match(tmp,p,&l))!=-1) { ClassDef *cd=0; QCString clName = tmp.mid(i,l); //printf("g_classScope=`%s' clName=`%s'\n",g_classScope.data(),clName.data()); if (!g_classScope.isEmpty()) { cd=getResolvedClass(g_classScope+"::"+clName); } if (cd==0) { cd=getResolvedClass(clName); } if (cd) { return cd; } p=i+l; } return 0; } static bool getLink(const char *className, const char *memberName,OutputList &result, const char *text=0) { MemberDef *md; ClassDef *cd; FileDef *fd; NamespaceDef *nd; GroupDef *gd; QCString m=removeRedundantWhiteSpace(memberName); QCString c=className; //printf("Trying `%s'::`%s'\n",c.data(),m.data()); if (getDefs(c,m,"()",md,cd,fd,nd,gd) && md->isLinkable()) { //printf("Found!\n"); if (g_exampleBlock) { QCString anchor; anchor.sprintf("a%d",g_anchorCount); //printf("addExampleFile(%s,%s,%s)\n",anchor.data(),g_exampleName.data(), // g_exampleFile.data()); if (md->addExample(anchor,g_exampleName,g_exampleFile)) { //bool latexEnabled = result.isEnabled(OutputGenerator::Latex); result.pushGeneratorState(); //if (latexEnabled) result.disable(OutputGenerator::Latex); result.disable(OutputGenerator::Latex); result.writeAnchor(0,anchor); result.popGeneratorState(); //if (latexEnabled) result.enable(OutputGenerator::Latex); g_anchorCount++; } } Definition *d=0; if (cd) d=cd; else if (nd) d=nd; else if (fd) d=fd; else d=gd; if (d && d->isLinkable()) { g_classVar = stripClassName(md->typeString()); if (g_currentDefinition && g_currentMemberDef && md!=g_currentMemberDef && g_insideBody) { md->addSourceReference(g_currentMemberDef); } //printf("d->getOutputBase()=`%s' name=`%s'\n",d->getOutputFileBase().data(),md->name().data()); writeMultiLineCodeLink(result,d->getReference(),d->getOutputFileBase(), md->anchor(),text ? text : memberName); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static bool generateClassMemberLink(OutputList &ol,ClassDef *mcd,const char *memName) { //printf("generateClassMemberLink(%s,%s)\n",mcd->name().data(),memName); MemberName *mmn=memberNameDict[memName]; if (mmn) { MemberNameIterator mmni(*mmn); MemberDef *mmd,*xmd=0; ClassDef *xcd=0; const int maxInheritanceDepth = 100000; int mdist=maxInheritanceDepth; for (;(mmd=mmni.current());++mmni) { int m=minClassDistance(mcd,mmd->getClassDef()); if (mgetClassDef()->isLinkable()) { mdist=m; xcd=mmd->getClassDef(); xmd=mmd; } } if (mdist!=maxInheritanceDepth) { // extract class definition of the return type in order to resolve // a->b()->c() like call chains g_classVar = stripClassName(xmd->typeString()); // add usage reference if (g_currentDefinition && g_currentMemberDef && xmd!=g_currentMemberDef && g_insideBody) { xmd->addSourceReference(g_currentMemberDef); } // write the actual link writeMultiLineCodeLink(ol,xcd->getReference(), xcd->getOutputFileBase(),xmd->anchor(),memName); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static void generateMemberLink(OutputList &ol,const char *varName, char *memName) { //printf("generateMemberLink(object=%s,mem=%s) classScope=%s\n", // varName,memName,g_classScope.data()); CodeVarDef *cvd=g_codeParmList.last(); while (cvd && cvd->name!=varName) cvd=g_codeParmList.prev(); if (!cvd) { cvd=g_codeVarList.last(); while (cvd && cvd->name!=varName) cvd=g_codeVarList.prev(); } if (cvd) // variable found { //printf("variable found type=%s!\n",cvd->type.data()); CodeClassDef *ccd=g_codeClassDict[cvd->type]; if (ccd) { //printf("Class found!\n"); OutputList result(&ol); if (getLink(ccd->name,memName,result)) { //printf("Found result!\n"); ol+=result; return; } char *s=ccd->bases.first(); while (s) { OutputList result(&ol); if (getLink(s,memName,result)) { //printf("Found result!\n"); ol+=result; return; } s=ccd->bases.next(); } } else { //printf("Class not found!\n"); OutputList result(&ol); //printf("cvd->type=`%s'\n",cvd->type.data()); if (getLink(cvd->type,memName,result)) { ol+=result; } else { codifyLines(memName); } return; } } else { ClassDef *vcd = getResolvedClass(g_classScope); if (vcd && vcd->isLinkable()) { //printf("Found class for variable `%s'\n",varName); MemberName *vmn=memberNameDict[varName]; if (vmn) { //printf("There is a variable with name `%s'\n",varName); MemberNameIterator vmni(*vmn); MemberDef *vmd; for (;(vmd=vmni.current());++vmni) { if ((vmd->isVariable() || vmd->isFunction()) && vmd->getClassDef()==vcd) { //printf("Found variable type=%s\n",vmd->typeString()); ClassDef *mcd=stripClassName(vmd->typeString()); if (mcd && mcd->isLinkable()) { if (generateClassMemberLink(ol,mcd,memName)) return; } } } } } } codifyLines(memName); return; } static void generateFunctionLink(OutputList &ol,char *funcName) { OutputList result(&ol); CodeClassDef *ccd=0; QCString locScope=g_classScope.copy(); QCString locFunc=removeRedundantWhiteSpace(funcName); int i=locFunc.findRev("::"); if (i>0) { locScope=locFunc.left(i); locFunc=locFunc.right(locFunc.length()-i-2); int ts=locScope.find('<'); // start of template int te=locScope.findRev('>'); // end of template //printf("ts=%d te=%d\n",ts,te); if (ts!=-1 && te!=-1 && te>ts) { // remove template from scope locScope=locScope.left(ts)+locScope.right(locScope.length()-te-1); } } //printf("generateFunctionLink(%s) classScope=%s\n",locFunc.data(),locScope.data()); if (!locScope.isEmpty() && (ccd=g_codeClassDict[locScope])) { //printf("using classScope %s\n",g_classScope.data()); char *s=ccd->bases.first(); while (s) { if (getLink(s,locFunc,result,funcName)) { ol+=result; return; } s=ccd->bases.next(); } } if (getLink(locScope,locFunc,result,funcName)) { ol+=result; } else { codifyLines(funcName); } return; } /*! counts the number of lines in the input */ static int countLines() { const char *p=g_inputString; char c; int count=1; while ((c=*p++)) if (c=='\n') count++; return count; } static void endFontClass() { if (g_currentFontClass) { g_code->endFontClass(); g_currentFontClass=0; } } static void startFontClass(const char *s) { endFontClass(); g_code->startFontClass(s); g_currentFontClass=s; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ #undef YY_INPUT #define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) result=yyread(buf,max_size); static int yyread(char *buf,int max_size) { int c=0; while( c < max_size && g_inputString[g_inputPosition] ) { *buf = g_inputString[g_inputPosition++] ; c++; buf++; } return c; } %} B [ \t] BN [ \t\n\r] ID [a-z_A-Z][a-z_A-Z0-9]* SCOPENAME (({ID}?{BN}*"::"{BN}*)*)((~{BN}*)?{ID}) TEMPLIST "<"[^\"\}\{\(\)\/\n\>]*">" SCOPETNAME ((({ID}{TEMPLIST}?){BN}*"::"{BN}*)*)((~{BN}*)?{ID}) SCOPEPREFIX ({ID}{TEMPLIST}?{BN}*"::"{BN}*)+ KEYWORD ("asm"|"auto"|"class"|"const"|"const_cast"|"delete"|"dynamic_cast"|"enum"|"explicit"|"extern"|"false"|"friend"|"inline"|"mutable"|"namespace"|"new"|"operator"|"private"|"protected"|"public"|"register"|"reinterpret_cast"|"sizeof"|"static"|"static_cast"|"struct"|"template"|"this"|"true"|"typedef"|"typeid"|"typename"|"union"|"using"|"virtual"|"volatile") FLOWKW ("break"|"case"|"catch"|"continue"|"default"|"do"|"else"|"for"|"goto"|"if"|"return"|"switch"|"throw"|"try"|"while") TYPEKW ("bool"|"char"|"double"|"float"|"int"|"long"|"short"|"signed"|"unsigned"|"void"|"wchar_t") %option noyywrap %x SkipString %x SkipCPP %x SkipComment %x SkipCxxComment %x RemoveSpecialCComment %x StripSpecialCComment %x Body %x FuncCall %x MemberCall %x MemberCall2 %x SkipInits %x ClassName %x Bases %x SkipSharp %x ReadInclude %% <*>\x0d ^([ \t]*"#"[ \t]*"include"[ \t]*)("<"|"\"") { startFontClass("preprocessor"); g_code->codify(yytext); BEGIN( ReadInclude ); } ("class"|"struct"|"union")[ \t\n]+ { startFontClass("keyword"); codifyLines(yytext); endFontClass(); //g_code->codify(yytext); if (!g_insideTemplate) BEGIN( ClassName ); } [a-z_A-Z0-9.]+(("/"[a-z_A-Z0-9.]+)*)/(">"|"\"") { //FileInfo *f; bool ambig; FileDef *fd; if ((fd=findFileDef(inputNameDict,yytext,ambig)) && fd->isLinkable()) { g_code->writeCodeLink(fd->getReference(),fd->getOutputFileBase(),0,yytext); } else { g_code->codify(yytext); } char c=yyinput(); QCString text; text+=c; g_code->codify(text); endFontClass(); BEGIN( Body ); } ^[ \t]*"#" { startFontClass("preprocessor"); g_code->codify(yytext); BEGIN( SkipCPP ) ; } . { g_code->codify(yytext); } \\[\r]?\n { codifyLines(yytext); } \n/.*\n { codifyLines(yytext); endFontClass(); BEGIN( Body ) ; } "//" { g_code->codify(yytext); } "{" { if (g_searchingForBody) { g_searchingForBody=FALSE; g_insideBody=TRUE; } g_code->codify(yytext); g_curlyCount++; if (g_insideBody) g_bodyCurlyCount++; g_type.resize(0); g_name.resize(0); } "}" { g_code->codify(yytext); g_inClass=FALSE; if (--g_curlyCount<=0) { g_classScope.resize(0); g_codeParmList.clear(); } if (--g_bodyCurlyCount<=0) { g_insideBody=FALSE; } } ";" { g_code->codify(yytext); g_searchingForBody=FALSE; BEGIN( Body ); } [*&]+ { addType(); g_code->codify(yytext); } {ID} { g_ccd.name=yytext; addType(); generateClassLink(*g_code,yytext); } [ \t\n]*":"[ \t\n]* { codifyLines(yytext); BEGIN( Bases ); } [ \t]*"{"[ \t]* { g_code->codify(yytext); g_curlyCount++; g_inClass=TRUE; if (g_searchingForBody) { g_searchingForBody=FALSE; g_insideBody=TRUE; } if (g_insideBody) g_bodyCurlyCount++; if (!g_ccd.name.isEmpty()) { g_classScope=g_ccd.name.copy(); CodeClassDef *cd=new CodeClassDef(g_ccd); g_codeClassList.append(cd); g_codeClassDict.insert(cd->name,cd); //printf("g_codeClassList.count()=%d\n",g_codeClassList.count()); } BEGIN( Body ); } "virtual"|"public"|"protected"|"private" { startFontClass("keyword"); g_code->codify(yytext); endFontClass(); } {ID} { //printf("%s:addBase(%s)\n",g_ccd.name.data(),yytext); g_ccd.bases.inSort(yytext); generateClassLink(*g_code,yytext); } "<" { g_code->codify(yytext); g_sharpCount=1; BEGIN ( SkipSharp ); } "<" { g_code->codify(yytext); ++g_sharpCount; } ">" { g_code->codify(yytext); if (--g_sharpCount<=0) BEGIN ( Bases ); } "," { g_code->codify(yytext); } {SCOPEPREFIX}?"operator"{B}*"()"{B}*/"(" { addType(); generateFunctionLink(*g_code,yytext); g_bracketCount=1; g_args.resize(0); g_name+=yytext; BEGIN( FuncCall ); } {SCOPEPREFIX}?"operator"{B}*[^\(\n]+/"(" { addType(); generateFunctionLink(*g_code,yytext); g_bracketCount=1; g_args.resize(0); g_name+=yytext; BEGIN( FuncCall ); } "template"/([^a-zA-Z0-9]) { startFontClass("keyword"); codifyLines(yytext); endFontClass(); g_insideTemplate=TRUE; g_sharpCount=0; } {KEYWORD}/([^a-z_A-Z0-9]) { startFontClass("keyword"); codifyLines(yytext); endFontClass(); } {KEYWORD}/{B}* { startFontClass("keyword"); codifyLines(yytext); endFontClass(); } {KEYWORD}/{B}*"(" { startFontClass("keyword"); codifyLines(yytext); endFontClass(); g_name.resize(0);g_type.resize(0); } {FLOWKW}/([^a-z_A-Z0-9]) { startFontClass("keywordflow"); codifyLines(yytext); endFontClass(); } {FLOWKW}/{B}* { startFontClass("keywordflow"); codifyLines(yytext); endFontClass(); } {FLOWKW}/{B}*"(" { startFontClass("keywordflow"); codifyLines(yytext); endFontClass(); g_name.resize(0);g_type.resize(0); } [\\|\)\+\-\/\%\~\!] { g_code->codify(yytext); g_name.resize(0);g_type.resize(0); } /* ([a-z_A-Z~][a-z_A-Z0-9]*)/([ \t]*) { generateClassLink(*g_code,yytext); addType(); name+=yytext; } */ {TYPEKW}/{B}* { startFontClass("keywordtype"); g_code->codify(yytext); endFontClass(); addType(); g_name+=yytext; } {SCOPENAME}{B}*"<"[^\n\"\>]*">"/{B}* { // A *pt; generateClassLink(*g_code,yytext); addType(); g_name+=yytext; } {SCOPENAME}/{B}* { // p->func() generateClassLink(*g_code,yytext); addType(); g_name+=yytext; } "("{B}*"*"{B}*{SCOPENAME}*{B}*")"/{B}* { // (*p)->func() QCString text=yytext; int s=0; while (s=0 && (text.at(e)==')' || isspace(yytext[e]))) e--; QCString varname = text.mid(s+1,e-s); QCString tmp=varname.copy(); g_code->docify(text.left(s+1)); generateClassLink(*g_code,tmp.data()); g_code->docify(text.right(yyleng-e-1)); addType(); g_name+=varname; } {SCOPETNAME}/{B}*"(" { // a() or c::a() or t::a() addType(); generateFunctionLink(*g_code,yytext); g_bracketCount=1; g_args.resize(0); g_name+=yytext; BEGIN( FuncCall ); } \" { startFontClass("stringliteral"); g_code->codify(yytext); g_lastStringContext=YY_START; BEGIN( SkipString ); } [^\"\\\r\n]* { g_code->codify(yytext); } "//"|"/*" { g_code->codify(yytext); } \" { g_code->codify(yytext); endFontClass(); BEGIN( g_lastStringContext ); } \\. { g_code->codify(yytext); } ":" { g_code->codify(yytext); g_name.resize(0);g_type.resize(0); } "<" { if (g_insideTemplate) { g_sharpCount++; } g_code->codify(yytext); } ">" { if (g_insideTemplate) { if (--g_sharpCount<=0) { g_insideTemplate=FALSE; } } g_code->codify(yytext); } "'"((\\0[Xx0-9]+)|(\\.)|(.))"'" { startFontClass("charliteral"); g_code->codify(yytext); endFontClass(); } "this->" { g_code->codify(yytext); } "."|"->" { g_code->codify(yytext); BEGIN( MemberCall ); } {SCOPETNAME}/{B}*"(" { if (!g_name.isEmpty()) { generateMemberLink(*g_code,g_name,yytext); } else if (g_classVar) { if (!generateClassMemberLink(*g_code,g_classVar,yytext)) { g_code->codify(yytext); } g_classVar=0; } else { g_code->codify(yytext); } g_name.resize(0);g_type.resize(0); g_bracketCount=0; BEGIN(FuncCall); } [^a-z_A-Z0-9(\n] { g_code->codify(yytext); g_type.resize(0); g_name.resize(0); BEGIN(Body); } [,=;\[] { g_code->codify(yytext); if (!g_type.isEmpty()) addVariable(); g_name.resize(0); if (*yytext!=',') g_type.resize(0); g_args.resize(0); } [0-9]+ { g_code->codify(yytext); } {KEYWORD}/([^a-z_A-Z0-9]) { addParmType(); g_parmName=yytext; startFontClass("keyword"); g_code->codify(yytext); endFontClass(); } {TYPEKW}/([^a-z_A-Z0-9]) { addParmType(); g_parmName=yytext; startFontClass("keywordtype"); g_code->codify(yytext); endFontClass(); } {FLOWKW}/([^a-z_A-Z0-9]) { addParmType(); g_parmName=yytext; startFontClass("keywordflow"); g_code->codify(yytext); endFontClass(); } [a-z_A-Z][:a-z_A-Z0-9]*({B}*"<"[^\n\>]*">")? { addParmType(); g_parmName=yytext; generateClassLink(*g_code,yytext); } , { g_code->codify(yytext); addParameter(); g_parmType.resize(0);g_parmName.resize(0); } "(" { g_code->codify(yytext); g_bracketCount++; } ")" { g_code->codify(yytext); if (--g_bracketCount<=0) g_name.resize(0);g_args.resize(0); g_parmType.resize(0);g_parmName.resize(0); BEGIN( Body ); } ")"[ \t\n]*[;:] { codifyLines(yytext); g_bracketCount=0; g_searchingForBody=FALSE; if (!g_inClass && !g_type.isEmpty()) addVariable(); g_parmType.resize(0);g_parmName.resize(0); if (yytext[yyleng-1]==';' || g_insideBody) { g_name.resize(0);g_type.resize(0); BEGIN( Body ); } else { g_bracketCount=0; BEGIN( SkipInits ); } } ")"({BN}"const"|"volatile")*{BN}*"{" { addParameter(); g_parmType.resize(0);g_parmName.resize(0); if (g_name.find("::")!=-1) setClassScope(g_name); g_code->codify(")"); startFontClass("keyword"); yytext[yyleng-1]='\0'; codifyLines(yytext+1); endFontClass(); g_code->codify("{"); if (g_searchingForBody) { g_searchingForBody=FALSE; g_insideBody=TRUE; } if (g_insideBody) g_bodyCurlyCount++; g_curlyCount++; g_type.resize(0); g_name.resize(0); BEGIN( Body ); } ";" { g_code->codify(yytext); g_type.resize(0); g_name.resize(0); BEGIN( Body ); } "{" { g_code->codify(yytext); g_curlyCount++; if (g_searchingForBody) { g_searchingForBody=FALSE; g_insideBody=TRUE; } if (g_insideBody) g_bodyCurlyCount++; if (g_name.find("::")!=-1) setClassScope(g_name); g_type.resize(0); g_name.resize(0); BEGIN( Body ); } {ID} { generateClassLink(*g_code,yytext); } ([a-z_A-Z][a-z_A-Z0-9]*)/"(" { generateFunctionLink(*g_code,yytext); } ([a-z_A-Z][a-z_A-Z0-9]*)/("."|"->") { g_code->codify(yytext); g_args=yytext; BEGIN( MemberCall2 ); } ([a-z_A-Z][a-z_A-Z0-9]*)/([ \t\n]*"(") { if (!g_args.isEmpty()) generateMemberLink(*g_code,g_args,yytext); else g_code->codify(yytext); g_args.resize(0); BEGIN( FuncCall ); } ([a-z_A-Z][a-z_A-Z0-9]*)/([ \t\n]*("."|"->")) { g_code->codify(yytext); g_args=yytext; } "//" { g_code->codify(yytext); } [^*/\n]+ { g_code->codify(yytext); } [ \t]*"*/" { g_code->codify(yytext); endFontClass(); BEGIN( g_lastCContext ) ; } [^\r\n]+ { g_code->codify(yytext); } \r \n { unput('\n'); endFontClass(); BEGIN( g_lastCContext ) ; } . { g_code->codify(yytext); } "*/"{B}*\n({B}*\n)*({B}*(("//@"[{}])|("/*@"[{}]"*/")){B}*\n)?{B}*"/*"[*!]/[^/*] { g_yyLineNr+=QCString(yytext).contains('\n'); } "*/"{B}*\n({B}*\n)*({B}*(("//@"[{}])|("/*@"[{}]"*/")){B}*\n)? { g_yyLineNr+=QCString(yytext).contains('\n'); g_code->endCodeLine(); if (g_yyLineNr"*/" { BEGIN(g_lastSpecialCContext); } [^*\n]+ "//"|"/*" \n { g_yyLineNr++; } . <*>\n({B}*"//"[!/][^\n]*\n)+ { // remove special one-line comment if (Config::stripCommentsFlag) { g_yyLineNr+=((QCString)yytext).contains('\n'); g_code->endCodeLine(); if (g_yyLineNr\n{B}*"//@"[{}].*\n { // remove one-line group marker if (Config::stripCommentsFlag) { g_yyLineNr+=2; g_code->endCodeLine(); if (g_yyLineNr\n{B}*"/*@"[{}] { // remove one-line group marker if (Config::stripCommentsFlag) { g_lastSpecialCContext = YY_START; g_yyLineNr++; BEGIN(RemoveSpecialCComment); } else { // check is to prevent getting stuck in skipping C++ comments if (YY_START != SkipCxxComment) { g_lastCContext = YY_START ; } startFontClass("comment"); codifyLines(yytext); BEGIN(SkipComment); } } <*>^{B}*"//@"[{}].*\n { // remove one-line group marker if (Config::stripCommentsFlag) { g_yyLineNr++; g_code->endCodeLine(); if (g_yyLineNr^{B}*"/*@"[{}] { // remove multi-line group marker if (Config::stripCommentsFlag) { g_lastSpecialCContext = YY_START; BEGIN(RemoveSpecialCComment); } else { // check is to prevent getting stuck in skipping C++ comments if (YY_START != SkipCxxComment) { g_lastCContext = YY_START ; } startFontClass("comment"); g_code->codify(yytext); BEGIN(SkipComment); } } <*>^{B}*"//"[!/][^\n]*\n { // remove special one-line comment if (Config::stripCommentsFlag) { g_yyLineNr++; g_code->endCodeLine(); if (g_yyLineNr"//"[!/][^\n]*\n { // strip special one-line comment if (Config::stripCommentsFlag) { char c[2]; c[0]='\n'; c[1]=0; codifyLines(c); } else { startFontClass("comment"); codifyLines(yytext); endFontClass(); } } <*>\n{B}*"/*"[!*]/[^/*] { if (Config::stripCommentsFlag) { g_lastSpecialCContext = YY_START; g_yyLineNr++; BEGIN(RemoveSpecialCComment); } else { // check is to prevent getting stuck in skipping C++ comments if (YY_START != SkipCxxComment) { g_lastCContext = YY_START ; } startFontClass("comment"); codifyLines(yytext); BEGIN(SkipComment); } } <*>^{B}*"/*"[!*]/[^/*] { // special C comment block at a new line if (Config::stripCommentsFlag) { g_lastSpecialCContext = YY_START; BEGIN(RemoveSpecialCComment); } else { // check is to prevent getting stuck in skipping C++ comments if (YY_START != SkipCxxComment) { g_lastCContext = YY_START ; } startFontClass("comment"); g_code->codify(yytext); BEGIN(SkipComment); } } <*>"/*"[!*]/[^/*] { // special C comment block half way a line if (Config::stripCommentsFlag) { g_lastSpecialCContext = YY_START; BEGIN(RemoveSpecialCComment); } else { // check is to prevent getting stuck in skipping C++ comments if (YY_START != SkipCxxComment) { g_lastCContext = YY_START ; } startFontClass("comment"); g_code->codify(yytext); BEGIN(SkipComment); } } <*>"/*"("!"?)"*/" { if (!Config::stripCommentsFlag) { startFontClass("comment"); g_code->codify(yytext); endFontClass(); } } <*>"/*" { startFontClass("comment"); g_code->codify(yytext); // check is to prevent getting stuck in skipping C++ comments if (YY_START != SkipCxxComment) { g_lastCContext = YY_START ; } BEGIN( SkipComment ) ; } <*>"//" { startFontClass("comment"); g_code->codify(yytext); g_lastCContext = YY_START ; BEGIN( SkipCxxComment ) ; } <*>\n { codifyLines(yytext); } <*>. { g_code->codify(yytext); } /* <*>([ \t\n]*"\n"){2,} { // combine multiple blank lines //QCString sepLine=yytext; //g_code->codify("\n\n"); //g_yyLineNr+=sepLine.contains('\n'); //char sepLine[3]="\n\n"; codifyLines(yytext); } */ %% /*@ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void initParseCodeContext() { g_codeClassList.setAutoDelete(TRUE); g_codeVarList.setAutoDelete(TRUE); g_codeParmList.setAutoDelete(TRUE); g_codeClassDict.clear(); g_codeClassList.clear(); g_codeVarList.clear(); g_codeParmList.clear(); g_ccd.bases.clear(); g_anchorCount = 0; } void parseCode(OutputList &ol,const char *className,const QCString &s, bool exBlock, const char *exName,FileDef *fd, int startLine,int endLine,bool inlineFragment) { if (s.isEmpty()) return; g_code = new OutputList(&ol); g_inputString = s; g_inputPosition = 0; g_currentFontClass = 0; if (endLine!=-1) g_inputLines = endLine+1; else g_inputLines = countLines(); if (startLine!=-1) g_yyLineNr = startLine; else g_yyLineNr = 1; g_curlyCount = 0; g_bodyCurlyCount = 0; g_bracketCount = 0; g_sharpCount = 0; g_insideTemplate = FALSE; g_classVar = 0; g_classScope = className; g_exampleBlock = exBlock; g_exampleName = exName; g_sourceFileDef = fd; g_currentDefinition = 0; g_currentMemberDef = 0; g_searchingForBody = FALSE; g_insideBody = FALSE; g_bracketCount = 0; g_exampleFile = convertFileName(g_exampleName)+"-example"; g_includeCodeFragment = inlineFragment; startCodeLine(*g_code); g_type.resize(0); g_name.resize(0); g_args.resize(0); g_parmName.resize(0); g_parmType.resize(0); codeYYrestart( codeYYin ); BEGIN( Body ); codeYYlex(); endFontClass(); //if (g_yyLineNr<=g_inputLines) code->endCodeLine(); ol+=*g_code; delete g_code; return; } extern "C" { // some bogus code to keep the compiler happy // int codeYYwrap() { return 1 ; } void codeYYdummy() { yy_flex_realloc(0,0); } }