/***************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 1997-2013 by Dimitri van Heesch. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license. * */ %{ /* * includes */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <qarray.h> #include <qstack.h> #include <qregexp.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <qfile.h> #include "scanner.h" #include "entry.h" #include "doxygen.h" #include "message.h" #include "config.h" #include "util.h" #include "index.h" #include "defargs.h" #include "language.h" #include "outputlist.h" #include "membergroup.h" #include "reflist.h" #include "debug.h" #include "parserintf.h" #include "cite.h" #include "markdown.h" #include "condparser.h" #include "formula.h" #define YY_NO_INPUT 1 // forward declarations static bool handleBrief(const QCString &); static bool handleFn(const QCString &); static bool handleDef(const QCString &); static bool handleOverload(const QCString &); static bool handleEnum(const QCString &); static bool handleDefGroup(const QCString &); static bool handleAddToGroup(const QCString &); static bool handleWeakGroup(const QCString &); static bool handleNamespace(const QCString &); static bool handlePackage(const QCString &); static bool handleClass(const QCString &); static bool handleHeaderFile(const QCString &); static bool handleProtocol(const QCString &); static bool handleCategory(const QCString &); static bool handleUnion(const QCString &); static bool handleStruct(const QCString &); static bool handleInterface(const QCString &); static bool handleIdlException(const QCString &); static bool handlePage(const QCString &); static bool handleMainpage(const QCString &); static bool handleFile(const QCString &); static bool handleDir(const QCString &); static bool handleExample(const QCString &); static bool handleDetails(const QCString &); static bool handleName(const QCString &); static bool handleTodo(const QCString &); static bool handleTest(const QCString &); static bool handleBug(const QCString &); static bool handleSubpage(const QCString &s); static bool handleDeprecated(const QCString &); static bool handleXRefItem(const QCString &); static bool handleRelated(const QCString &); static bool handleRelatedAlso(const QCString &); static bool handleMemberOf(const QCString &); static bool handleRefItem(const QCString &); static bool handleSection(const QCString &); static bool handleAnchor(const QCString &); static bool handleCite(const QCString &); static bool handleFormatBlock(const QCString &); static bool handleAddIndex(const QCString &); static bool handleIf(const QCString &); static bool handleIfNot(const QCString &); static bool handleElseIf(const QCString &); static bool handleElse(const QCString &); static bool handleEndIf(const QCString &); static bool handleIngroup(const QCString &); static bool handleNoSubGrouping(const QCString &); static bool handleShowInitializer(const QCString &); static bool handleHideInitializer(const QCString &); static bool handleCallgraph(const QCString &); static bool handleCallergraph(const QCString &); static bool handleInternal(const QCString &); static bool handleLineBr(const QCString &); static bool handleStatic(const QCString &); static bool handlePure(const QCString &); static bool handlePrivate(const QCString &); static bool handlePrivateSection(const QCString &); static bool handleProtected(const QCString &); static bool handleProtectedSection(const QCString &); static bool handlePublic(const QCString &s); static bool handlePublicSection(const QCString &s); static bool handleToc(const QCString &s); static bool handleInherit(const QCString &); static bool handleExtends(const QCString &); static bool handleCopyDoc(const QCString &); static bool handleCopyBrief(const QCString &); static bool handleCopyDetails(const QCString &); typedef bool (*DocCmdFunc)(const QCString &name); struct DocCmdMap { const char *cmdName; DocCmdFunc handler; bool endsBrief; }; // map of command to handler function static DocCmdMap docCmdMap[] = { // command name handler function ends brief description { "brief", &handleBrief, FALSE }, { "short", &handleBrief, FALSE }, { "fn", &handleFn, FALSE }, { "var", &handleFn, FALSE }, { "typedef", &handleFn, FALSE }, { "property", &handleFn, FALSE }, { "def", &handleDef, FALSE }, { "overload", &handleOverload, FALSE }, { "enum", &handleEnum, FALSE }, { "defgroup", &handleDefGroup, FALSE }, { "addtogroup", &handleAddToGroup, FALSE }, { "weakgroup", &handleWeakGroup, FALSE }, { "namespace", &handleNamespace, FALSE }, { "package", &handlePackage, FALSE }, { "class", &handleClass, FALSE }, { "headerfile", &handleHeaderFile, FALSE }, { "protocol", &handleProtocol, FALSE }, { "category", &handleCategory, FALSE }, { "union", &handleUnion, FALSE }, { "struct", &handleStruct, FALSE }, { "interface", &handleInterface, FALSE }, { "idlexcept", &handleIdlException, FALSE }, { "page", &handlePage, FALSE }, { "mainpage", &handleMainpage, FALSE }, { "file", &handleFile, FALSE }, { "dir", &handleDir, FALSE }, { "example", &handleExample, FALSE }, { "details", &handleDetails, TRUE }, { "name", &handleName, FALSE }, { "todo", &handleTodo, FALSE }, // end brief will be done differently { "test", &handleTest, FALSE }, // end brief will be done differently { "bug", &handleBug, FALSE }, // end brief will be done differently { "deprecated", &handleDeprecated, FALSE }, // end brief will be done differently { "xrefitem", &handleXRefItem, FALSE }, // end brief will be done differently { "related", &handleRelated, TRUE }, { "relates", &handleRelated, TRUE }, { "relatedalso", &handleRelatedAlso, TRUE }, { "relatesalso", &handleRelatedAlso, TRUE }, { "refitem", &handleRefItem, TRUE }, { "cite", &handleCite, FALSE }, { "subpage", &handleSubpage, TRUE }, { "section", &handleSection, TRUE }, { "subsection", &handleSection, TRUE }, { "subsubsection", &handleSection, TRUE }, { "paragraph", &handleSection, TRUE }, { "anchor", &handleAnchor, TRUE }, { "verbatim", &handleFormatBlock, TRUE }, { "latexonly", &handleFormatBlock, FALSE }, { "htmlonly", &handleFormatBlock, FALSE }, { "xmlonly", &handleFormatBlock, FALSE }, { "docbookonly", &handleFormatBlock, FALSE }, { "rtfonly", &handleFormatBlock, FALSE }, { "manonly", &handleFormatBlock, FALSE }, { "dot", &handleFormatBlock, TRUE }, { "msc", &handleFormatBlock, TRUE }, { "code", &handleFormatBlock, TRUE }, { "addindex", &handleAddIndex, FALSE }, { "if", &handleIf, FALSE }, { "ifnot", &handleIfNot, FALSE }, { "elseif", &handleElseIf, FALSE }, { "else", &handleElse, FALSE }, { "endif", &handleEndIf, FALSE }, { "ingroup", &handleIngroup, FALSE }, { "nosubgrouping", &handleNoSubGrouping, FALSE }, { "showinitializer", &handleShowInitializer, FALSE }, { "hideinitializer", &handleHideInitializer, FALSE }, { "callgraph", &handleCallgraph, FALSE }, { "callergraph", &handleCallergraph, FALSE }, { "internal", &handleInternal, TRUE }, { "_linebr", &handleLineBr, FALSE }, { "static", &handleStatic, FALSE }, { "pure", &handlePure, FALSE }, { "private", &handlePrivate, FALSE }, { "privatesection", &handlePrivateSection, FALSE }, { "protected", &handleProtected, FALSE }, { "protectedsection",&handleProtectedSection, FALSE }, { "public", &handlePublic, FALSE }, { "publicsection", &handlePublicSection, FALSE }, { "tableofcontents", &handleToc, FALSE }, { "inherit", &handleInherit, TRUE }, { "extends", &handleExtends, TRUE }, { "implements", &handleExtends, TRUE }, { "memberof", &handleMemberOf, TRUE }, { "arg", 0, TRUE }, { "attention", 0, TRUE }, { "author", 0, TRUE }, { "authors", 0, TRUE }, { "copydoc", &handleCopyDoc, TRUE }, { "copybrief", &handleCopyBrief, FALSE }, { "copydetails", &handleCopyDetails, TRUE }, { "copyright", 0, TRUE }, { "date", 0, TRUE }, { "dotfile", 0, TRUE }, { "htmlinclude", 0, FALSE }, { "image", 0, TRUE }, { "include", 0, TRUE }, { "includelineno", 0, TRUE }, { "invariant", 0, TRUE }, { "li", 0, TRUE }, { "line", 0, TRUE }, { "note", 0, TRUE }, { "par", 0, TRUE }, { "param", 0, TRUE }, { "tparam", 0, TRUE }, { "post", 0, TRUE }, { "pre", 0, TRUE }, { "remark", 0, TRUE }, { "remarks", 0, TRUE }, { "result", 0, TRUE }, { "return", 0, TRUE }, { "returns", 0, TRUE }, { "retval", 0, TRUE }, { "sa", 0, TRUE }, { "see", 0, TRUE }, { "since", 0, TRUE }, { "throw", 0, TRUE }, { "throws", 0, TRUE }, { "until", 0, TRUE }, { "verbinclude", 0, FALSE }, { "version", 0, TRUE }, { "warning", 0, TRUE }, { 0, 0, FALSE } }; /** @brief Command mapper. * * Maps a command name (as found in a comment block) onto a * specific handler function. */ class DocCmdMapper { public: struct Cmd { DocCmdFunc func; bool endsBrief; }; /** maps a command name to a handler function */ static Cmd *map(const char *name) { return instance()->find(name); } /** release the singleton */ static void freeInstance() { delete s_instance; s_instance=0; } private: static DocCmdMapper *instance() { if (s_instance==0) s_instance = new DocCmdMapper; return s_instance; } DocCmdMapper() : m_map(113) { m_map.setAutoDelete(TRUE); DocCmdMap *p = docCmdMap; while (p->cmdName) { if (m_map.find(p->cmdName)!=0) { err("DocCmdMapper: command %s already added\n",p->cmdName); exit(1); } Cmd *cmd = new Cmd; cmd->func = p->handler; cmd->endsBrief = p->endsBrief; m_map.insert(p->cmdName,cmd); p++; } } Cmd *find(const char *name) { return m_map.find(name); } QDict<Cmd> m_map; static DocCmdMapper *s_instance; }; DocCmdMapper *DocCmdMapper::s_instance=0; bool inInternalDocs = FALSE; #define YY_NEVER_INTERACTIVE 1 enum XRefKind { XRef_Item, XRef_Todo, XRef_Test, XRef_Bug, XRef_Deprecated, XRef_None }; enum OutputContext { OutputDoc, OutputBrief, OutputXRef, OutputInbody }; enum GuardType { Guard_If, Guard_IfNot, Guard_Skip }; class GuardedSection { public: GuardedSection(bool enabled,bool parentVisible) : m_enabled(enabled),m_parentVisible(parentVisible) {} bool isEnabled() const { return m_enabled; } bool parentVisible() const { return m_parentVisible; } private: bool m_enabled; bool m_parentVisible; }; void openGroup(Entry *e,const char *file,int line); void closeGroup(Entry *e,const char *file,int line,bool foundInline=FALSE); void initGroupInfo(Entry *e); static void groupAddDocs(Entry *e,const char *fileName); /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- * * statics */ static ParserInterface *langParser; // the language parser that is calling us static QCString inputString; // input string static int inputPosition; // read pointer static QCString yyFileName; // file name that is read from static int yyLineNr; // line number in the input static bool inBody; // was the comment found inside the body of a function? static OutputContext inContext; // are we inside the brief, details or xref part static bool briefEndsAtDot; // does the brief description stop at a dot? static QCString formulaText; // Running text of a formula static QCString formulaEnv; // environment name static int formulaNewLines; // amount of new lines in the formula static QCString *pOutputString; // pointer to string to which the output is appended. static QCString outputXRef; // temp argument of todo/test/../xrefitem commands static QCString blockName; // preformatted block name (e.g. verbatim, latexonly,...) static XRefKind xrefKind; // kind of cross-reference command static XRefKind newXRefKind; // static GuardType guardType; // kind of guard for conditional section static bool enabledSectionFound; static QCString functionProto; // function prototype static QStack<GuardedSection> guards; // tracks nested conditional sections (if,ifnot,..) static Entry* current = 0 ; // working entry //static Entry* current_root = 0 ; // parent of working entry //static Entry* previous = 0 ; // TODO: remove need for this static bool needNewEntry; static QCString g_sectionLabel; static QCString g_sectionTitle; static int g_sectionLevel; static QCString xrefItemKey; static QCString newXRefItemKey; static QCString xrefItemTitle; static QCString xrefListTitle; static Protection protection; static bool xrefAppendFlag; static bool inGroupParamFound; static int braceCount; static bool insidePre; static bool parseMore; static int g_condCount; static int g_commentCount; static QCString g_spaceBeforeCmd; static QCString g_spaceBeforeIf; static QCString g_copyDocArg; static QCString g_guardExpr; static int g_roundCount; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static QStack<Grouping> g_autoGroupStack; static int g_memberGroupId = DOX_NOGROUP; static QCString g_memberGroupHeader; static QCString g_memberGroupDocs; static QCString g_memberGroupRelates; static QCString g_compoundName; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void initParser() { g_sectionLabel.resize(0); g_sectionTitle.resize(0); g_memberGroupHeader.resize(0); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool getDocSectionName(int s) { switch(s) { case Entry::CLASSDOC_SEC: case Entry::STRUCTDOC_SEC: case Entry::UNIONDOC_SEC: case Entry::EXCEPTIONDOC_SEC: case Entry::NAMESPACEDOC_SEC: case Entry::PROTOCOLDOC_SEC: case Entry::CATEGORYDOC_SEC: case Entry::ENUMDOC_SEC: case Entry::PAGEDOC_SEC: case Entry::VARIABLEDOC_SEC: case Entry::MEMBERDOC_SEC: case Entry::OVERLOADDOC_SEC: case Entry::FILEDOC_SEC: case Entry::DEFINEDOC_SEC: case Entry::GROUPDOC_SEC: case Entry::MAINPAGEDOC_SEC: case Entry::PACKAGEDOC_SEC: case Entry::DIRDOC_SEC: case Entry::EXAMPLE_SEC: case Entry::MEMBERGRP_SEC: return TRUE; default: return FALSE; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool makeStructuralIndicator(Entry::Sections s) { //printf("current->section=%x\n",current->section); if (getDocSectionName(current->section)) { return TRUE; } else { needNewEntry = TRUE; current->section = s; current->fileName = yyFileName; current->startLine = yyLineNr; return FALSE; } } static void lineCount() { for( const char* c = yytext ; *c ; ++c ) yyLineNr += (*c == '\n') ; } static QCString stripQuotes(const char *s) { QCString name; if (s==0 || *s==0) return name; name=s; if (name.at(0)=='"' && name.at(name.length()-1)=='"') { name=name.mid(1,name.length()-2); } return name; } //----------------------------------------------------------------- static void addXRefItem(const char *listName,const char *itemTitle, const char *listTitle,bool append) { Entry *docEntry = current; // inBody && previous ? previous : current; if (listName==0) return; //printf("addXRefItem(%s,%s,%s,%d)\n",listName,itemTitle,listTitle,append); ListItemInfo *lii=0; RefList *refList = Doxygen::xrefLists->find(listName); if (refList==0) // new list { refList = new RefList(listName,listTitle,itemTitle); Doxygen::xrefLists->insert(listName,refList); //printf("new list!\n"); } if (docEntry->sli) { QListIterator<ListItemInfo> slii(*docEntry->sli); for (slii.toFirst();(lii=slii.current());++slii) { if (qstrcmp(lii->type,listName)==0) { //printf("found %s lii->type=%s\n",listName,lii->type); break; } } } if (lii && append) // already found item of same type just before this one { //printf("listName=%s item id = %d existing\n",listName,lii->itemId); RefItem *item = refList->getRefItem(lii->itemId); ASSERT(item!=0); item->text += " <p>"; if (Doxygen::markdownSupport) { item->text += processMarkdown(yyFileName,current,outputXRef); } else { item->text += outputXRef; } //printf("%s: text +=%s\n",listName,item->text.data()); } else // new item { int itemId = refList->addRefItem(); //printf("listName=%s item id = %d new current=%p\n",listName,itemId,current); // if we have already an item from the same list type (e.g. a second @todo) // in the same Entry (i.e. lii!=0) then we reuse its link anchor. char anchorLabel[1024]; //sprintf(anchorLabel,"_%s%06d",listName,lii ? lii->itemId : itemId); sprintf(anchorLabel,"_%s%06d",listName,itemId); RefItem *item = refList->getRefItem(itemId); ASSERT(item!=0); if (Doxygen::markdownSupport) { item->text = processMarkdown(yyFileName,current,outputXRef); } else { item->text = outputXRef; } item->listAnchor = anchorLabel; docEntry->addSpecialListItem(listName,itemId); QCString cmdString; cmdString.sprintf("\\xrefitem %s %d.",listName,itemId); if (inBody) { docEntry->inbodyDocs += cmdString; } else { docEntry->doc += cmdString; } SectionInfo *si=new SectionInfo(listName,anchorLabel, g_sectionTitle,SectionInfo::Anchor, g_sectionLevel); Doxygen::sectionDict->append(anchorLabel,si); docEntry->anchors->append(si); } outputXRef.resize(0); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Adds a formula text to the list/dictionary of formulas if it was // not already added. Returns the label of the formula. static QCString addFormula() { QCString formLabel; QCString fText=formulaText.simplifyWhiteSpace(); Formula *f=0; if ((f=Doxygen::formulaDict->find(fText))==0) { f = new Formula(fText); Doxygen::formulaList->append(f); Doxygen::formulaDict->insert(fText,f); formLabel.sprintf("\\form#%d",f->getId()); Doxygen::formulaNameDict->insert(formLabel,f); } else { formLabel.sprintf("\\form#%d",f->getId()); } int i; for (i=0;i<formulaNewLines;i++) formLabel+="@_fakenl"; // add fake newlines to // keep the warnings // correctly aligned. return formLabel; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void checkFormula(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static SectionInfo::SectionType sectionLevelToType(int level) { if (level>=0 && level<5) return (SectionInfo::SectionType)level; return SectionInfo::Anchor; } static void addSection() { // create a new section element g_sectionTitle+=yytext; g_sectionTitle=g_sectionTitle.stripWhiteSpace(); SectionInfo *si = new SectionInfo(yyFileName,g_sectionLabel, g_sectionTitle,sectionLevelToType(g_sectionLevel),g_sectionLevel); // add section to this entry current->anchors->append(si); // add section to the global dictionary Doxygen::sectionDict->append(g_sectionLabel,si); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void addCite() { Doxygen::citeDict->insert(yytext); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // strip trailing whitespace (excluding newlines) from string s static void stripTrailingWhiteSpace(QCString &s) { uint len = s.length(); int i = (int)len-1; char c; while (i>=0 && ((c = s.at(i))==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\r')) i--; if (i!=(int)len-1) { s.resize(i+2); // string up to and including char at pos i and \0 terminator } } // selects the output to write to static inline void setOutput(OutputContext ctx) { bool xrefAppendToPrev = xrefAppendFlag; // determine append flag for the next item (i.e. the end of this item) xrefAppendFlag = !inBody && inContext==OutputXRef && ctx==OutputXRef && // two consecutive xref items newXRefKind==xrefKind && // of the same kind (xrefKind!=XRef_Item || newXRefItemKey==xrefItemKey); // with the same key if \xrefitem //printf("%d && %d && %d && (%d || %d)\n", // inContext==OutputXRef, // ctx==OutputXRef, // newXRefKind==xrefKind, // xrefKind!=XRef_Item, // newXRefItemKey==xrefItemKey); //printf("refKind=%d newXRefKind=%d xrefAppendToPrev=%d xrefAppendFlag=%d\n", // xrefKind,newXRefKind,xrefAppendToPrev,xrefAppendFlag); //printf("setOutput(inContext=%d ctx=%d)\n",inContext,ctx); if (inContext==OutputXRef) // end of XRef section => add the item { // See if we can append this new xref item to the previous one. // We know this at the start of the next item of the same // type and need to remember this until the end of that item. switch(xrefKind) { case XRef_Todo: addXRefItem("todo", theTranslator->trTodo(), theTranslator->trTodoList(), xrefAppendToPrev ); break; case XRef_Test: addXRefItem("test", theTranslator->trTest(), theTranslator->trTestList(), xrefAppendToPrev ); break; case XRef_Bug: addXRefItem("bug", theTranslator->trBug(), theTranslator->trBugList(), xrefAppendToPrev ); break; case XRef_Deprecated: addXRefItem("deprecated", theTranslator->trDeprecated(), theTranslator->trDeprecatedList(), xrefAppendToPrev ); break; case XRef_Item: // user defined list addXRefItem(xrefItemKey, xrefItemTitle, xrefListTitle, xrefAppendToPrev ); break; case XRef_None: ASSERT(0); break; } } xrefItemKey = newXRefItemKey; int oldContext = inContext; inContext = ctx; if (inContext!=OutputXRef && inBody) inContext=OutputInbody; switch(inContext) { case OutputDoc: if (oldContext!=inContext) { stripTrailingWhiteSpace(current->doc); if (current->docFile.isEmpty()) { current->docFile = yyFileName; current->docLine = yyLineNr; } } pOutputString = ¤t->doc; break; case OutputBrief: if (oldContext!=inContext) { if (current->briefFile.isEmpty()) { current->briefFile = yyFileName; current->briefLine = yyLineNr; } } if (current->brief.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty()) // we only want one brief // description even if multiple // are given... { pOutputString = ¤t->brief; } else { pOutputString = ¤t->doc; inContext = OutputDoc; // need to switch to detailed docs, see bug 631380 } break; case OutputXRef: pOutputString = &outputXRef; // first item found, so can't append to previous //xrefAppendFlag = FALSE; break; case OutputInbody: pOutputString = ¤t->inbodyDocs; break; } } // add a string to the output static inline void addOutput(const char *s) { //printf("addOutput(%s)\n",s); *pOutputString+=s; } // add a character to the output static inline void addOutput(char c) { *pOutputString+=c; } static void endBrief(bool addToOutput=TRUE) { if (!current->brief.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty()) { // only go to the detailed description if we have // found some brief description and not just whitespace briefEndsAtDot=FALSE; setOutput(OutputDoc); if (addToOutput) addOutput(yytext); } } static void handleGuard(const QCString &expr); /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ #undef YY_INPUT #define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) result=yyread(buf,max_size); static int prevPosition=0; static int yyread(char *buf,int max_size) { prevPosition=inputPosition; int c=0; while( c < max_size && inputString[inputPosition] ) { *buf = inputString[inputPosition++] ; //printf("%d (%c)\n",*buf,*buf); c++; buf++; } return c; } %} /* start command character */ CMD ("\\"|"@") DCMD1 ("arg"|"attention"|"author"|"cite"|"code") DCMD2 ("date"|"dot"|"msc"|"dotfile"|"example") DCMD3 ("htmlinclude"|"htmlonly"|"image"|"include") DCMD4 ("includelineno"|"internal"|"invariant") DCMD5 ("latexonly"|"li"|"line"|"manonly"|"name") DCMD6 ("note"|"par"|"paragraph"|"param"|"post") DCMD7 ("pre"|"remarks"|(("relate"[sd])("also")?)) DCMD8 ("remarks"|("return"[s]?)|"retval"|"sa"|"section") DCMD9 ("see"|"since"|"subsection"|"subsubsection") DCMD10 ("throw"|"until"|"verbatim") DCMD11 ("verbinclude"|"version"|"warning") DETAILEDCMD {CMD}({DCMD1}|{DCMD2}|{DCMD3}|{DCMD4}|{DCMD5}|{DCMD6}|{DCMD7}|{DCMD8}|{DCMD9}|{DCMD10}|{DCMD11}) XREFCMD {CMD}("bug"|"deprecated"|"test"|"todo"|"xrefitem") PRE [pP][rR][eE] TABLE [tT][aA][bB][lL][eE] P [pP] UL [uU][lL] OL [oO][lL] DL [dD][lL] IMG [iI][mM][gG] HR [hH][rR] PARA [pP][aA][rR][aA] CODE [cC][oO][dD][eE] DETAILEDHTML {PRE}|{UL}|{TABLE}|{OL}|{DL}|{P}|[Hh][1-6]|{IMG}|{HR}|{PARA} DETAILEDHTMLOPT {CODE} BN [ \t\n\r] BL [ \t\r]*"\n" B [ \t] BS ^(({B}*"//")?)(({B}*"*"+)?){B}* ATTR ({B}+[^>\n]*)? DOCNL "\n"|"\\_linebr" LC "\\"{B}*"\n" NW [^a-z_A-Z0-9] FILESCHAR [a-z_A-Z0-9\x80-\xFF\\:\\\/\-\+@&#] FILEECHAR [a-z_A-Z0-9\x80-\xFF\-\+@&#] FILE ({FILESCHAR}*{FILEECHAR}+("."{FILESCHAR}*{FILEECHAR}+)*)|("\""[^\n\"]*"\"") ID "$"?[a-z_A-Z\x80-\xFF][a-z_A-Z0-9\x80-\xFF]* LABELID [a-z_A-Z\x80-\xFF][a-z_A-Z0-9\x80-\xFF\-]* CITEID [a-z_A-Z\x80-\xFF][a-z_A-Z0-9\x80-\xFF\-:/]* SCOPEID {ID}({ID}*{BN}*"::"{BN}*)*({ID}?) SCOPENAME "$"?(({ID}?{BN}*("::"|"."){BN}*)*)((~{BN}*)?{ID}) MAILADDR [a-z_A-Z0-9.+\-]+"@"[a-z_A-Z0-9\-]+("."[a-z_A-Z0-9\-]+)+[a-z_A-Z0-9\-]+ RCSTAG "$"{ID}":"[^\n$]+"$" %option noyywrap /* comment parsing states. */ %x Comment %x PageDocArg1 %x PageDocArg2 %x RelatesParam1 %x ClassDocArg1 %x ClassDocArg2 %x ClassDocArg3 %x CategoryDocArg1 %x XRefItemParam1 %x XRefItemParam2 %x XRefItemParam3 %x FileDocArg1 %x EnumDocArg1 %x NameSpaceDocArg1 %x PackageDocArg1 %x GroupDocArg1 %x GroupDocArg2 %x SectionLabel %x SectionTitle %x SubpageLabel %x SubpageTitle %x FormatBlock %x LineParam %x GuardParam %x GuardParamEnd %x SkipGuardedSection %x SkipInternal %x NameParam %x InGroupParam %x FnParam %x OverloadParam %x InheritParam %x ExtendsParam %x ReadFormulaShort %x ReadFormulaLong %x AnchorLabel %x HtmlComment %x SkipLang %x CiteLabel %x CopyDoc %x GuardExpr %% /* What can happen in while parsing a comment block: * commands (e.g. @page, or \page) * escaped commands (e.g. @@page or \\page). * formulas (e.g. \f$ \f[ \f{..) * directories (e.g. \doxygen\src\) * autolist end. (e.g. a dot on an otherwise empty line) * newlines. * end of brief description due to blank line. * end of brief description due to some command (@command, or <command>). * words and whitespace and other characters (#,?!, etc). * grouping commands (e.g. @{ and @}) * language switch (e.g. \~english or \~). * mail address (e.g. dimitri@stack.nl). * quoted text, such as "foo@bar" * XML commands, <summary></summary><remarks></remarks> */ <Comment>{CMD}{CMD}[a-z_A-Z]+{B}* { // escaped command addOutput(yytext); } <Comment>{CMD}{CMD}"~"[a-z_A-Z]* { // escaped command addOutput(yytext); } <Comment>{MAILADDR} { // mail address addOutput(yytext); } <Comment>"\""[^"\n]*"\"" { // quoted text addOutput(yytext); } <Comment>("\\"[a-z_A-Z]+)+"\\" { // directory (or chain of commands!) addOutput(yytext); } <Comment>{XREFCMD}/[^a-z_A-Z]* { // xref command if (inContext!=OutputXRef) { briefEndsAtDot=FALSE; setOutput(OutputDoc); } // continue with the same input REJECT; } /* <Comment>{DETAILEDCMD}/[^a-z_A-Z]* { // command that can end a brief description briefEndsAtDot=FALSE; setOutput(OutputDoc); // continue with the same input REJECT; } */ <Comment>"<"{DETAILEDHTML}{ATTR}">" { // HTML command that ends a brief description setOutput(OutputDoc); // continue with the same input REJECT; } <Comment>"<"{DETAILEDHTMLOPT}{ATTR}">" { // HTML command that ends a brief description if (current->lang==SrcLangExt_CSharp) { setOutput(OutputDoc); } // continue with the same input REJECT; } <Comment>"<summary>" { // start of a .NET XML style brief description setOutput(OutputBrief); addOutput(yytext); } <Comment>"<remarks>" { // start of a .NET XML style detailed description setOutput(OutputDoc); addOutput(yytext); } <Comment>"</summary>" { // start of a .NET XML style detailed description addOutput(yytext); setOutput(OutputDoc); } <Comment>"</remarks>" { // end of a brief or detailed description addOutput(yytext); } <Comment>"<"{PRE}{ATTR}">" { insidePre=TRUE; addOutput(yytext); } <Comment>"</"{PRE}">" { insidePre=FALSE; addOutput(yytext); } <Comment>{RCSTAG} { // RCS tag which end a brief description setOutput(OutputDoc); REJECT; } <Comment>"<!--" { BEGIN(HtmlComment); } <Comment>{B}*{CMD}"endinternal"{B}* { if (!inInternalDocs) warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "found \\endinternal without matching \\internal" ); inInternalDocs = FALSE; } <Comment>{B}*{CMD}[a-z_A-Z]+{B}* { // potentially interesting command // the {B}* in the front was added for bug620924 QCString cmdName = QCString(yytext).stripWhiteSpace().data()+1; DocCmdMapper::Cmd *cmdPtr = DocCmdMapper::map(cmdName); if (cmdPtr) // special action is required { int i=0; while (yytext[i]==' ' || yytext[i]=='\t') i++; g_spaceBeforeCmd = QCString(yytext).left(i); if (cmdPtr->endsBrief) { briefEndsAtDot=FALSE; // this command forces the end of brief description setOutput(OutputDoc); } //if (i>0) addOutput(QCString(yytext).left(i)); // removed for bug 689341 if (cmdPtr->func && cmdPtr->func(cmdName)) { // implicit split of the comment block into two // entries. Restart the next block at the start // of this command. parseMore=TRUE; // yuk, this is probably not very portable across lex implementations, // but we need to know the position in the input buffer where this // rule matched. // for flex 2.5.33+ we should use YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE #if YY_FLEX_MINOR_VERSION>=5 && YY_FLEX_SUBMINOR_VERSION>=33 inputPosition=prevPosition + (int)(yy_bp - YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf); #else inputPosition=prevPosition + (int)(yy_bp - yy_current_buffer->yy_ch_buf); #endif yyterminate(); } else if (cmdPtr->func==0) { // command without handler, to be processed // later by parsedoc.cpp addOutput(yytext); } } else // command not relevant { addOutput(yytext); } } <Comment>{B}*("\\\\"|"@@")"f"[$\[{] { // escaped formula command addOutput(yytext); } <Comment>{B}*{CMD}"~"[a-z_A-Z]* { // language switch command QCString langId = QString(yytext).stripWhiteSpace().data()+2; if (!langId.isEmpty() && qstricmp(Config_getEnum("OUTPUT_LANGUAGE"),langId)!=0) { // enable language specific section BEGIN(SkipLang); } } <Comment>{B}*{CMD}"f{"[^}\n]+"}"("{"?) { // start of a formula with custom environment formulaText="\\begin"; formulaEnv=QString(yytext).stripWhiteSpace().data()+2; if (formulaEnv.at(formulaEnv.length()-1)=='{') { // remove trailing open brace formulaEnv=formulaEnv.left(formulaEnv.length()-1); } formulaText+=formulaEnv; formulaNewLines=0; BEGIN(ReadFormulaLong); } <Comment>{B}*{CMD}"f$" { // start of a inline formula formulaText="$"; formulaNewLines=0; BEGIN(ReadFormulaShort); } <Comment>{B}*{CMD}"f[" { // start of a block formula formulaText="\\["; formulaNewLines=0; BEGIN(ReadFormulaLong); } <Comment>{B}*{CMD}"{" { // begin of a group //langParser->handleGroupStartCommand(g_memberGroupHeader); openGroup(current,yyFileName,yyLineNr); } <Comment>{B}*{CMD}"}" { // end of a group //langParser->handleGroupEndCommand(); closeGroup(current,yyFileName,yyLineNr,TRUE); g_memberGroupHeader.resize(0); parseMore=TRUE; needNewEntry = TRUE; #if YY_FLEX_MINOR_VERSION>=5 && YY_FLEX_SUBMINOR_VERSION>=33 inputPosition=prevPosition + (int)(yy_bp - YY_CURRENT_BUFFER_LVALUE->yy_ch_buf) + strlen(yytext); #else inputPosition=prevPosition + (int)(yy_bp - yy_current_buffer->yy_ch_buf) + strlen(yytext); #endif yyterminate(); } <Comment>{B}*{CMD}[$@\\&~<>#%] { // escaped character addOutput(yytext); } <Comment>[a-z_A-Z]+ { // normal word addOutput(yytext); } <Comment>^{B}*"."{B}*/\n { // explicit end autolist: e.g " ." addOutput(yytext); } <Comment>^{B}*[1-9][0-9]*"."{B}+ | <Comment>^{B}*[*+]{B}+ { // start of autolist if (!Doxygen::markdownSupport) { REJECT; } else { if (inContext!=OutputXRef) { briefEndsAtDot=FALSE; setOutput(OutputDoc); } addOutput(yytext); } } <Comment>^{B}*"-"{B}+ { // start of autolist if (inContext!=OutputXRef) { briefEndsAtDot=FALSE; setOutput(OutputDoc); } addOutput(yytext); } <Comment>^{B}*([\-:|]{B}*)*("--"|"---")({B}*[\-:|])*{B}*/\n { // horizontal line (dashed) addOutput(yytext); } <Comment>"---" { // mdash addOutput(insidePre || Doxygen::markdownSupport ? yytext : "—"); } <Comment>"--" { // ndash addOutput(insidePre || Doxygen::markdownSupport ? yytext : "–"); } <Comment>"-#"{B}+ { // numbered item addOutput(yytext); } <Comment>("."+)[a-z_A-Z0-9\)] { // . at start or in the middle of a word, or ellipsis addOutput(yytext); } <Comment>".\\"[ \t] { // . with escaped space. addOutput(yytext[0]); addOutput(yytext[2]); } <Comment>".," { // . with comma such as "e.g.," addOutput(yytext); } <Comment>"...\\"[ \t] { // ellipsis with escaped space. addOutput("... "); } <Comment>".."[\.]?/[^ \t\n] { // internal ellipsis addOutput(yytext); } <Comment>(\n|\\_linebr)({B}*(\n|\\_linebr))+ { // at least one blank line (or blank line command) if (inContext==OutputXRef) { // see bug 613024, we need to put the newlines after ending the XRef section. setOutput(OutputDoc); int i; for (i=0;i<yyleng;) { if (yytext[i]=='\n') addOutput('\n'),i++; else if (strcmp(yytext+i,"\\_linebr")==0) addOutput('\n'),i+=8; else i++; } } else if (inContext!=OutputBrief) { int i; for (i=0;i<yyleng;) { if (yytext[i]=='\n') addOutput('\n'),i++; else if (strcmp(yytext+i,"\\_linebr")==0) addOutput('\n'),i+=8; else i++; } setOutput(OutputDoc); } else // inContext==OutputBrief { // only go to the detailed description if we have // found some brief description and not just whitespace endBrief(FALSE); } lineCount(); } <Comment>"." { // potential end of a JavaDoc style comment addOutput(*yytext); if (briefEndsAtDot) { setOutput(OutputDoc); briefEndsAtDot=FALSE; } } <Comment>\n { // newline addOutput(*yytext); yyLineNr++; } <Comment>. { // catch-all for anything else addOutput(*yytext); } /* -------------- Rules for handling HTML comments ----------- */ <HtmlComment>"--"[!]?">"{B}* { BEGIN( Comment ); } <HtmlComment>{DOCNL} { if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; } <HtmlComment>[^\\\n\-]+ { // ignore unimportant characters } <HtmlComment>. { // ignore every else } /* -------------- Rules for handling formulas ---------------- */ <ReadFormulaShort>{CMD}"f$" { // end of inline formula formulaText+="$"; addOutput(" "+addFormula()); BEGIN(Comment); } <ReadFormulaLong>{CMD}"f]" { // end of block formula formulaText+="\\]"; addOutput(" "+addFormula()); BEGIN(Comment); } <ReadFormulaLong>{CMD}"f}" { // end of custom env formula formulaText+="\\end"; formulaText+=formulaEnv; addOutput(" "+addFormula()); BEGIN(Comment); } <ReadFormulaLong,ReadFormulaShort>[^\\@\n]+ { // any non-special character formulaText+=yytext; } <ReadFormulaLong,ReadFormulaShort>\n { // new line formulaNewLines++; formulaText+=*yytext; yyLineNr++; } <ReadFormulaLong,ReadFormulaShort>. { // any othe character formulaText+=*yytext; } /* ------------ handle argument of enum command --------------- */ <EnumDocArg1>{SCOPEID} { // handle argument current->name = yytext; BEGIN( Comment ); } <EnumDocArg1>{LC} { // line continuation yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); } <EnumDocArg1>{DOCNL} { // missing argument warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "missing argument after \\enum." ); addOutput('\n'); if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; BEGIN( Comment ); } <EnumDocArg1>. { // ignore other stuff } /* ------------ handle argument of namespace command --------------- */ <NameSpaceDocArg1>{SCOPENAME} { // handle argument current->name = substitute(yytext,".","::"); BEGIN( Comment ); } <NameSpaceDocArg1>{LC} { // line continuation yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); } <NameSpaceDocArg1>{DOCNL} { // missing argument warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "missing argument after " "\\namespace." ); addOutput('\n'); if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; BEGIN( Comment ); } <NameSpaceDocArg1>. { // ignore other stuff } /* ------------ handle argument of package command --------------- */ <PackageDocArg1>{ID}("."{ID})* { // handle argument current->name = yytext; BEGIN( Comment ); } <PackageDocArg1>{LC} { // line continuation yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); } <PackageDocArg1>{DOCNL} { // missing argument warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "missing argument after " "\\package." ); addOutput('\n'); if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; BEGIN( Comment ); } <PackageDocArg1>. { // ignore other stuff } /* ------ handle argument of class/struct/union command --------------- */ <ClassDocArg1>{SCOPENAME} { // first argument current->name = substitute(yytext,".","::"); if (current->section==Entry::PROTOCOLDOC_SEC) { current->name+="-p"; } // prepend outer scope name BEGIN( ClassDocArg2 ); } <CategoryDocArg1>{SCOPENAME}{B}*"("[^\)]+")" { current->name = substitute(yytext,".","::"); BEGIN( ClassDocArg2 ); } <ClassDocArg1,CategoryDocArg1>{LC} { // line continuation yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); } <ClassDocArg1,CategoryDocArg1>{DOCNL} { warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "missing argument after " "\\%s.",YY_START==ClassDocArg1?"class":"category" ); addOutput('\n'); if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; BEGIN( Comment ); } <ClassDocArg1,CategoryDocArg1>. { // ignore other stuff } <ClassDocArg2>{FILE}|"<>" { // second argument; include file current->includeFile = yytext; BEGIN( ClassDocArg3 ); } <ClassDocArg2>{LC} { // line continuation yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); } <ClassDocArg2>{DOCNL} { addOutput('\n'); if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; BEGIN( Comment ); } <ClassDocArg2>. { // ignore other stuff } <ClassDocArg3>[<"]?{FILE}?[">]? { // third argument; include file name current->includeName = yytext; BEGIN( Comment ); } <ClassDocArg3>{LC} { // line continuation yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); } <ClassDocArg3>{DOCNL} { if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; BEGIN( Comment ); } <ClassDocArg3>. { // ignore other stuff } /* --------- handle arguments of {def,add,weak}group commands --------- */ <GroupDocArg1>{LABELID}(".html"?) { // group name current->name = yytext; //lastDefGroup.groupname = yytext; //lastDefGroup.pri = current->groupingPri(); // the .html stuff is for Qt compatibility if (current->name.right(5)==".html") { current->name=current->name.left(current->name.length()-5); } current->type.resize(0); BEGIN(GroupDocArg2); } <GroupDocArg1>"\\"{B}*"\n" { // line continuation yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); } <GroupDocArg1>{DOCNL} { // missing argument! warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "missing group name after %s", current->groupDocCmd() ); addOutput('\n'); if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; BEGIN( Comment ); } <GroupDocArg2>"\\"{B}*"\n" { // line continuation yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); } <GroupDocArg2>[^\n\\\*]+ { // title (stored in type) current->type += yytext; current->type = current->type.stripWhiteSpace(); } <GroupDocArg2>{DOCNL} { if ( current->groupDocType==Entry::GROUPDOC_NORMAL && current->type.isEmpty() ) // defgroup requires second argument { warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "missing title after " "\\defgroup %s", current->name.data() ); } if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); BEGIN( Comment ); } /* --------- handle arguments of page/mainpage command ------------------- */ <PageDocArg1>{FILE} { // first argument; page name current->name = stripQuotes(yytext); BEGIN( PageDocArg2 ); } <PageDocArg1>{LC} { yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); } <PageDocArg1>{DOCNL} { warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "missing argument after " "\\page." ); if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); BEGIN( Comment ); } <PageDocArg1>. { // ignore other stuff } <PageDocArg2>.*"\n" { // second argument; page title yyLineNr++; current->args = yytext; addOutput('\n'); BEGIN( Comment ); } /* --------- handle arguments of the file/dir/example command ------------ */ <FileDocArg1>{DOCNL} { // no file name specfied if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); BEGIN( Comment ); } <FileDocArg1>{FILE} { // first argument; name current->name = stripQuotes(yytext); BEGIN( Comment ); } <FileDocArg1>{LC} { yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); } <FileDocArg1>. { // ignore other stuff } /* --------- handle arguments of the xrefitem command ------------ */ <XRefItemParam1>{LABELID} { // first argument newXRefItemKey=yytext; setOutput(OutputXRef); BEGIN(XRefItemParam2); } <XRefItemParam1>{LC} { // line continuation yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); } <XRefItemParam1>{DOCNL} { // missing arguments warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "Missing first argument of \\xrefitem" ); if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); inContext = OutputDoc; BEGIN( Comment ); } <XRefItemParam1>. { // ignore other stuff } <XRefItemParam2>"\""[^\n\"]*"\"" { // second argument xrefItemTitle = stripQuotes(yytext); BEGIN(XRefItemParam3); } <XRefItemParam2>{LC} { // line continuation yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); } <XRefItemParam2>{DOCNL} { // missing argument warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "Missing second argument of \\xrefitem" ); if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); inContext = OutputDoc; BEGIN( Comment ); } <XRefItemParam2>. { // ignore other stuff } <XRefItemParam3>"\""[^\n\"]*"\"" { // third argument xrefListTitle = stripQuotes(yytext); xrefKind = XRef_Item; BEGIN( Comment ); } <XRefItemParam2,XRefItemParam3>{LC} { // line continuation yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); } <XRefItemParam3>{DOCNL} { // missing argument warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "Missing third argument of \\xrefitem" ); if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); inContext = OutputDoc; BEGIN( Comment ); } <XRefItemParam3>. { // ignore other stuff } /* ----- handle arguments of the relates(also)/memberof command ------- */ <RelatesParam1>({ID}("::"|"."))*{ID} { // argument current->relates = yytext; //if (current->mGrpId!=DOX_NOGROUP) //{ // memberGroupRelates = yytext; //} BEGIN( Comment ); } <RelatesParam1>{LC} { // line continuation yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); } <RelatesParam1>{DOCNL} { // missing argument warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "Missing argument of \\relates or \\memberof command" ); if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); BEGIN( Comment ); } <RelatesParam1>. { // ignore other stuff } /* ----- handle arguments of the relates(also)/addindex commands ----- */ <LineParam>{DOCNL} { // end of argument if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); BEGIN( Comment ); } <LineParam>{LC} { // line continuation yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); } <LineParam>. { // ignore other stuff addOutput(*yytext); } /* ----- handle arguments of the section/subsection/.. commands ------- */ <SectionLabel>{LABELID} { // first argyment g_sectionLabel=yytext; addOutput(yytext); g_sectionTitle.resize(0); BEGIN(SectionTitle); } <SectionLabel>{DOCNL} { // missing argument warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "\\section command has no label" ); if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); BEGIN( Comment ); } <SectionLabel>. { // invalid character for section label warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "Invalid or missing section label" ); BEGIN(Comment); } <SectionTitle>[^\n@\\*]*/"\n" { // end of section title addSection(); addOutput(yytext); BEGIN( Comment ); } <SectionTitle>[^\n@\\]*/"\\_linebr" { // end of section title addSection(); addOutput(yytext); BEGIN( Comment ); } <SectionTitle>{LC} { // line continuation yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); } <SectionTitle>[^\n@\\]* { // any character without special meaning g_sectionTitle+=yytext; addOutput(yytext); } <SectionTitle>("\\\\"|"@@"){ID} { // unescape escaped command g_sectionTitle+=&yytext[1]; addOutput(yytext); } <SectionTitle>{CMD}[$@\\&~<>#%] { // unescape escaped character g_sectionTitle+=yytext[1]; addOutput(yytext); } <SectionTitle>. { // anything else g_sectionTitle+=yytext; addOutput(*yytext); } /* ----- handle arguments of the subpage command ------- */ <SubpageLabel>{LABELID} { // first argument addOutput(yytext); // we add subpage labels as a kind of "inheritance" relation to prevent // needing to add another list to the Entry class. current->extends->append(new BaseInfo(yytext,Public,Normal)); BEGIN(SubpageTitle); } <SubpageLabel>{DOCNL} { // missing argument warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "\\subpage command has no label" ); if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); BEGIN( Comment ); } <SubpageTitle>{DOCNL} { // no title, end command addOutput(yytext); BEGIN( Comment ); } <SubpageTitle>[ \t]*"\""[^\"\n]*"\"" { // add title, end of command addOutput(yytext); BEGIN( Comment ); } <SubpageTitle>. { // no title, end of command unput(*yytext); BEGIN( Comment ); } /* ----- handle arguments of the anchor command ------- */ <AnchorLabel>{LABELID} { // found argument SectionInfo *si = new SectionInfo(yyFileName,yytext,0,SectionInfo::Anchor,0); Doxygen::sectionDict->append(yytext,si); current->anchors->append(si); addOutput(yytext); BEGIN( Comment ); } <AnchorLabel>{DOCNL} { // missing argument warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "\\anchor command has no label" ); if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); BEGIN( Comment ); } <AnchorLabel>. { // invalid character for anchor label warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "Invalid or missing anchor label" ); BEGIN(Comment); } /* ----- handle arguments of the preformatted block commands ------- */ <FormatBlock>{CMD}("endverbatim"|"endlatexonly"|"endhtmlonly"|"endxmlonly"|"enddocbookonly"|"endrtfonly"|"endmanonly"|"enddot"|"endcode"|"endmsc"|"endvhdlflow")/{NW} { // possible ends addOutput(yytext); if (&yytext[4]==blockName) // found end of the block { BEGIN(Comment); } } <FormatBlock>[^ \@\*\/\\\n]* { // some word addOutput(yytext); } <FormatBlock>{DOCNL} { // new line if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); } <FormatBlock>"/*" { // start of a C-comment g_commentCount++; addOutput(yytext); } <FormatBlock>"*/" { // end of a C-comment addOutput(yytext); g_commentCount--; if (g_commentCount<0 && blockName!="verbatim") { warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "found */ without matching /* while inside a \\%s block! Perhaps a missing \\end%s?\n",blockName.data(),blockName.data()); } } <FormatBlock>. { addOutput(*yytext); } <FormatBlock><<EOF>> { warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "reached end of comment while inside a @%s block; check for missing @end%s tag!", blockName.data(),blockName.data() ); yyterminate(); } /* ----- handle arguments of if/ifnot commands ------- */ <GuardParam>"(" { g_guardExpr=yytext; g_roundCount=1; BEGIN(GuardExpr); } <GuardExpr>[^()]* { g_guardExpr+=yytext; } <GuardExpr>"(" { g_guardExpr+=yytext; g_roundCount++; } <GuardExpr>")" { g_guardExpr+=yytext; g_roundCount--; if (g_roundCount==0) { handleGuard(g_guardExpr); } } <GuardExpr>\n { warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "invalid expression '%s' for guard",g_guardExpr.data()); unput(*yytext); BEGIN(GuardParam); } <GuardParam>[a-z_A-Z0-9.\-]+ { // parameter of if/ifnot guard handleGuard(yytext); } <GuardParam>{DOCNL} { // end of argument if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; //next line is commented out due to bug620924 //addOutput('\n'); BEGIN( Comment ); } <GuardParam>{LC} { // line continuation yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); } <GuardParam>. { // ignore other stuff addOutput(*yytext); } <GuardParamEnd>{B}*{DOCNL} { g_spaceBeforeIf.resize(0); BEGIN(Comment); } <GuardParamEnd>{B}* { if (!g_spaceBeforeIf.isEmpty()) // needed for 665313 in combation with bug620924 { addOutput(g_spaceBeforeIf); } g_spaceBeforeIf.resize(0); BEGIN(Comment); } <GuardParamEnd>. { unput(*yytext); BEGIN(Comment); } /* ----- handle skipping of conditional sections ------- */ <SkipGuardedSection>{CMD}"ifnot"/{NW} { guardType = Guard_IfNot; BEGIN( GuardParam ); } <SkipGuardedSection>{CMD}"if"/{NW} { guardType = Guard_If; BEGIN( GuardParam ); } <SkipGuardedSection>{CMD}"endif"/{NW} { if (guards.isEmpty()) { warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "found @endif without matching start command"); } else { delete guards.pop(); BEGIN( GuardParamEnd ); } } <SkipGuardedSection>{CMD}"else"/{NW} { if (guards.isEmpty()) { warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "found @else without matching start command"); } else { if (!enabledSectionFound && guards.top()->parentVisible()) { delete guards.pop(); guards.push(new GuardedSection(TRUE,TRUE)); enabledSectionFound=TRUE; BEGIN( GuardParamEnd ); } } } <SkipGuardedSection>{CMD}"elseif"/{NW} { if (guards.isEmpty()) { warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "found @elseif without matching start command"); } else { if (!enabledSectionFound && guards.top()->parentVisible()) { delete guards.pop(); BEGIN( GuardParam ); } } } <SkipGuardedSection>{DOCNL} { // skip line if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; //addOutput('\n'); } <SkipGuardedSection>[^ \\@\n]+ { // skip non-special characters } <SkipGuardedSection>. { // any other character } /* ----- handle skipping of internal section ------- */ <SkipInternal>{DOCNL} { // skip line if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); } <SkipInternal>[@\\]"if"/[ \t] { g_condCount++; } <SkipInternal>[@\\]"ifnot"/[ \t] { g_condCount++; } <SkipInternal>[@\\]/"endif" { g_condCount--; if (g_condCount<0) // handle conditional section around of \internal, see bug607743 { unput('\\'); BEGIN(Comment); } } <SkipInternal>[@\\]/"section"[ \t] { if (g_sectionLevel>0) { unput('\\'); BEGIN(Comment); } } <SkipInternal>[@\\]/"subsection"[ \t] { if (g_sectionLevel>1) { unput('\\'); BEGIN(Comment); } } <SkipInternal>[@\\]/"subsubsection"[ \t] { if (g_sectionLevel>2) { unput('\\'); BEGIN(Comment); } } <SkipInternal>[@\\]/"paragraph"[ \t] { if (g_sectionLevel>3) { unput('\\'); BEGIN(Comment); } } <SkipInternal>[@\\]"endinternal"[ \t]* { BEGIN(Comment); } <SkipInternal>[^ \\@\n]+ { // skip non-special characters } <SkipInternal>. { // any other character } /* ----- handle argument of name command ------- */ <NameParam>{DOCNL} { // end of argument if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); BEGIN( Comment ); } <NameParam>{LC} { // line continuation yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); g_memberGroupHeader+=' '; } <NameParam>. { // ignore other stuff g_memberGroupHeader+=*yytext; current->name+=*yytext; } /* ----- handle argument of ingroup command ------- */ <InGroupParam>{LABELID} { // group id current->groups->append( new Grouping(yytext, Grouping::GROUPING_INGROUP) ); inGroupParamFound=TRUE; } <InGroupParam>{DOCNL} { // missing argument if (!inGroupParamFound) { warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "Missing group name for \\ingroup command" ); } if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); BEGIN( Comment ); } <InGroupParam>{LC} { // line continuation yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); } <InGroupParam>. { // ignore other stuff addOutput(*yytext); } /* ----- handle argument of fn command ------- */ <FnParam>{DOCNL} { // end of argument if (braceCount==0) { if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); langParser->parsePrototype(functionProto); BEGIN( Comment ); } } <FnParam>{LC} { // line continuation yyLineNr++; functionProto+=' '; } <FnParam>[^@\\\n()]+ { // non-special characters functionProto+=yytext; } <FnParam>"(" { functionProto+=yytext; braceCount++; } <FnParam>")" { functionProto+=yytext; braceCount--; } <FnParam>. { // add other stuff functionProto+=*yytext; } /* ----- handle argument of overload command ------- */ <OverloadParam>{DOCNL} { // end of argument if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); if (functionProto.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty()) { // plain overload command addOutput(getOverloadDocs()); } else // overload declaration { makeStructuralIndicator(Entry::OVERLOADDOC_SEC); langParser->parsePrototype(functionProto); } BEGIN( Comment ); } <OverloadParam>{LC} { // line continuation yyLineNr++; functionProto+=' '; } <OverloadParam>. { // add other stuff functionProto+=*yytext; } /* ----- handle argument of inherit command ------- */ <InheritParam>({ID}("::"|"."))*{ID} { // found argument current->extends->append( new BaseInfo(removeRedundantWhiteSpace(yytext),Public,Normal) ); BEGIN( Comment ); } <InheritParam>{DOCNL} { // missing argument warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "\\inherit command has no argument" ); if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); BEGIN( Comment ); } <InheritParam>. { // invalid character for anchor label warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "Invalid or missing name for \\inherit command" ); BEGIN(Comment); } /* ----- handle argument of extends and implements commands ------- */ <ExtendsParam>({ID}("::"|"."))*{ID} { // found argument current->extends->append( new BaseInfo(removeRedundantWhiteSpace(yytext),Public,Normal) ); BEGIN( Comment ); } <ExtendsParam>{DOCNL} { // missing argument warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "\\extends or \\implements command has no argument" ); if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); BEGIN( Comment ); } <ExtendsParam>. { // ignore other stuff } /* ----- handle language specific sections ------- */ <SkipLang>[\\@]"~"[a-zA-Z]* { /* language switch */ QCString langId = &yytext[2]; if (langId.isEmpty() || qstricmp(Config_getEnum("OUTPUT_LANGUAGE"),langId)==0) { // enable language specific section BEGIN(Comment); } } <SkipLang>[^*@\\\n]* { /* any character not a *, @, backslash or new line */ } <SkipLang>{DOCNL} { /* new line in verbatim block */ if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; } <SkipLang>. { /* any other character */ } /* ----- handle arguments of the cite command ------- */ <CiteLabel>{CITEID} { // found argyment addCite(); addOutput(yytext); BEGIN(Comment); } <CiteLabel>{DOCNL} { // missing argument warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "\\cite command has no label" ); if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); BEGIN( Comment ); } <CiteLabel>. { // invalid character for cite label warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "Invalid or missing cite label" ); BEGIN(Comment); } /* ----- handle argument of the copydoc command ------- */ <CopyDoc><<EOF>> | <CopyDoc>{DOCNL} { if (*yytext=='\n') yyLineNr++; addOutput('\n'); setOutput(OutputDoc); addOutput("\\copydetails "); addOutput(g_copyDocArg); addOutput("\n"); BEGIN(Comment); } <CopyDoc>[^\n\\]+ { g_copyDocArg+=yytext; addOutput(yytext); } <CopyDoc>. { g_copyDocArg+=yytext; addOutput(yytext); } %% //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool handleBrief(const QCString &) { //printf("handleBrief\n"); setOutput(OutputBrief); return FALSE; } static bool handleFn(const QCString &) { bool stop=makeStructuralIndicator(Entry::MEMBERDOC_SEC); functionProto.resize(0); braceCount=0; BEGIN(FnParam); return stop; } static bool handleDef(const QCString &) { bool stop=makeStructuralIndicator(Entry::DEFINEDOC_SEC); functionProto.resize(0); BEGIN(FnParam); return stop; } static bool handleOverload(const QCString &) { functionProto.resize(0); BEGIN(OverloadParam); return FALSE; } static bool handleEnum(const QCString &) { bool stop=makeStructuralIndicator(Entry::ENUMDOC_SEC); BEGIN(EnumDocArg1); return stop; } static bool handleDefGroup(const QCString &) { bool stop=makeStructuralIndicator(Entry::GROUPDOC_SEC); current->groupDocType = Entry::GROUPDOC_NORMAL; BEGIN( GroupDocArg1 ); return stop; } static bool handleAddToGroup(const QCString &) { bool stop=makeStructuralIndicator(Entry::GROUPDOC_SEC); current->groupDocType = Entry::GROUPDOC_ADD; BEGIN( GroupDocArg1 ); return stop; } static bool handleWeakGroup(const QCString &) { bool stop=makeStructuralIndicator(Entry::GROUPDOC_SEC); current->groupDocType = Entry::GROUPDOC_WEAK; BEGIN( GroupDocArg1 ); return stop; } static bool handleNamespace(const QCString &) { bool stop=makeStructuralIndicator(Entry::NAMESPACEDOC_SEC); BEGIN( NameSpaceDocArg1 ); return stop; } static bool handlePackage(const QCString &) { bool stop=makeStructuralIndicator(Entry::PACKAGEDOC_SEC); BEGIN( PackageDocArg1 ); return stop; } static bool handleClass(const QCString &) { bool stop=makeStructuralIndicator(Entry::CLASSDOC_SEC); BEGIN( ClassDocArg1 ); return stop; } static bool handleHeaderFile(const QCString &) { BEGIN( ClassDocArg2 ); return FALSE; } static bool handleProtocol(const QCString &) { // Obj-C protocol bool stop=makeStructuralIndicator(Entry::PROTOCOLDOC_SEC); BEGIN( ClassDocArg1 ); return stop; } static bool handleCategory(const QCString &) { // Obj-C category bool stop=makeStructuralIndicator(Entry::CATEGORYDOC_SEC); BEGIN( CategoryDocArg1 ); return stop; } static bool handleUnion(const QCString &) { bool stop=makeStructuralIndicator(Entry::UNIONDOC_SEC); BEGIN( ClassDocArg1 ); return stop; } static bool handleStruct(const QCString &) { bool stop=makeStructuralIndicator(Entry::STRUCTDOC_SEC); BEGIN( ClassDocArg1 ); return stop; } static bool handleInterface(const QCString &) { bool stop=makeStructuralIndicator(Entry::INTERFACEDOC_SEC); BEGIN( ClassDocArg1 ); return stop; } static bool handleIdlException(const QCString &) { bool stop=makeStructuralIndicator(Entry::EXCEPTIONDOC_SEC); BEGIN( ClassDocArg1 ); return stop; } static bool handlePage(const QCString &) { bool stop=makeStructuralIndicator(Entry::PAGEDOC_SEC); BEGIN( PageDocArg1 ); return stop; } static bool handleMainpage(const QCString &) { bool stop=makeStructuralIndicator(Entry::MAINPAGEDOC_SEC); if (!stop) { current->name = "mainpage"; } BEGIN( PageDocArg2 ); return stop; } static bool handleFile(const QCString &) { bool stop=makeStructuralIndicator(Entry::FILEDOC_SEC); if (!stop) { current->name = yyFileName; } BEGIN( FileDocArg1 ); return stop; } static bool handleDir(const QCString &) { bool stop=makeStructuralIndicator(Entry::DIRDOC_SEC); if (!stop) current->name = yyFileName; BEGIN( FileDocArg1 ); return stop; } static bool handleExample(const QCString &) { bool stop=makeStructuralIndicator(Entry::EXAMPLE_SEC); if (!stop) current->name = yyFileName; BEGIN( FileDocArg1 ); return stop; } static bool handleDetails(const QCString &) { if (inContext!=OutputBrief) { addOutput("\n\n"); // treat @details outside brief description // as a new paragraph } setOutput(OutputDoc); return FALSE; } static bool handleName(const QCString &) { bool stop=makeStructuralIndicator(Entry::MEMBERGRP_SEC); if (!stop) { g_memberGroupHeader.resize(0); BEGIN( NameParam ); if (g_memberGroupId!=DOX_NOGROUP) // end of previous member group { closeGroup(current,yyFileName,yyLineNr,TRUE); } } return stop; } static bool handleTodo(const QCString &) { newXRefKind = XRef_Todo; setOutput(OutputXRef); xrefKind = XRef_Todo; return FALSE; } static bool handleTest(const QCString &) { newXRefKind = XRef_Test; setOutput(OutputXRef); xrefKind = XRef_Test; return FALSE; } static bool handleBug(const QCString &) { newXRefKind = XRef_Bug; setOutput(OutputXRef); xrefKind = XRef_Bug; return FALSE; } static bool handleDeprecated(const QCString &) { newXRefKind = XRef_Deprecated; setOutput(OutputXRef); xrefKind = XRef_Deprecated; return FALSE; } static bool handleXRefItem(const QCString &) { newXRefKind = XRef_Item; BEGIN(XRefItemParam1); return FALSE; } static bool handleRelated(const QCString &) { BEGIN(RelatesParam1); return FALSE; } static bool handleRelatedAlso(const QCString &) { current->relatesType = Duplicate; BEGIN(RelatesParam1); return FALSE; } static bool handleMemberOf(const QCString &) { current->relatesType = MemberOf; BEGIN(RelatesParam1); return FALSE; } static bool handleRefItem(const QCString &) { addOutput("@refitem "); BEGIN(LineParam); return FALSE; } static bool handleSection(const QCString &s) { setOutput(OutputDoc); addOutput("@"+s+" "); BEGIN(SectionLabel); if (s=="section") g_sectionLevel=1; else if (s=="subsection") g_sectionLevel=2; else if (s=="subsubsection") g_sectionLevel=3; else if (s=="paragraph") g_sectionLevel=4; return FALSE; } static bool handleSubpage(const QCString &s) { if (current->section!=Entry::EMPTY_SEC && current->section!=Entry::PAGEDOC_SEC && current->section!=Entry::MAINPAGEDOC_SEC ) { warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "found \\subpage command in a comment block that is not marked as a page!"); } if (!g_spaceBeforeCmd.isEmpty()) { addOutput(g_spaceBeforeCmd); g_spaceBeforeCmd.resize(0); } addOutput("@"+s+" "); BEGIN(SubpageLabel); return FALSE; } static bool handleAnchor(const QCString &s) { addOutput("@"+s+" "); BEGIN(AnchorLabel); return FALSE; } static bool handleCite(const QCString &s) { if (!g_spaceBeforeCmd.isEmpty()) { addOutput(g_spaceBeforeCmd); g_spaceBeforeCmd.resize(0); } addOutput("@"+s+" "); BEGIN(CiteLabel); return FALSE; } static bool handleFormatBlock(const QCString &s) { addOutput("@"+s+" "); //printf("handleFormatBlock(%s)\n",s.data()); blockName=s; g_commentCount=0; BEGIN(FormatBlock); return FALSE; } static bool handleAddIndex(const QCString &) { addOutput("@addindex "); BEGIN(LineParam); return FALSE; } static bool handleIf(const QCString &) { enabledSectionFound=FALSE; guardType = Guard_If; g_spaceBeforeIf = g_spaceBeforeCmd; BEGIN(GuardParam); return FALSE; } static bool handleIfNot(const QCString &) { enabledSectionFound=FALSE; guardType = Guard_IfNot; g_spaceBeforeIf = g_spaceBeforeCmd; BEGIN(GuardParam); return FALSE; } static bool handleElseIf(const QCString &) { if (guards.isEmpty()) { warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "found \\else without matching start command"); } else { guardType = enabledSectionFound ? Guard_Skip : Guard_If; BEGIN(GuardParam); } return FALSE; } static bool handleElse(const QCString &) { if (guards.isEmpty()) { warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "found \\else without matching start command"); } else { BEGIN( SkipGuardedSection ); } return FALSE; } static bool handleEndIf(const QCString &) { if (guards.isEmpty()) { warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr, "found \\endif without matching start command"); } else { delete guards.pop(); } enabledSectionFound=FALSE; if (!g_spaceBeforeCmd.isEmpty()) { addOutput(g_spaceBeforeCmd); g_spaceBeforeCmd.resize(0); } BEGIN( GuardParamEnd ); return FALSE; } static bool handleIngroup(const QCString &) { inGroupParamFound=FALSE; BEGIN( InGroupParam ); return FALSE; } static bool handleNoSubGrouping(const QCString &) { current->subGrouping = FALSE; return FALSE; } static bool handleShowInitializer(const QCString &) { current->initLines = 100000; // ON return FALSE; } static bool handleHideInitializer(const QCString &) { current->initLines = 0; // OFF return FALSE; } static bool handleCallgraph(const QCString &) { current->callGraph = TRUE; // ON return FALSE; } static bool handleCallergraph(const QCString &) { current->callerGraph = TRUE; // ON return FALSE; } static bool handleInternal(const QCString &) { if (!Config_getBool("INTERNAL_DOCS")) { // make sure some whitespace before a \internal command // is not treated as "documentation" if (current->doc.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty()) { current->doc.resize(0); } g_condCount=0; BEGIN( SkipInternal ); } else { // re-enabled for bug640828 addOutput("\\internal "); inInternalDocs = TRUE; } return FALSE; } static bool handleLineBr(const QCString &) { addOutput('\n'); return FALSE; } static bool handleStatic(const QCString &) { endBrief(); current->stat = TRUE; return FALSE; } static bool handlePure(const QCString &) { endBrief(); current->virt = Pure; return FALSE; } static bool handlePrivate(const QCString &) { current->protection = Private; return FALSE; } static bool handlePrivateSection(const QCString &) { current->protection = protection = Private; return FALSE; } static bool handleProtected(const QCString &) { current->protection = Protected; return FALSE; } static bool handleProtectedSection(const QCString &) { current->protection = protection = Protected ; return FALSE; } static bool handlePublic(const QCString &) { current->protection = Public; return FALSE; } static bool handlePublicSection(const QCString &) { current->protection = protection = Public; return FALSE; } static bool handleToc(const QCString &) { if (current->section==Entry::PAGEDOC_SEC || current->section==Entry::MAINPAGEDOC_SEC) { current->stat=TRUE; // we 'abuse' stat to pass whether or the TOC is enabled } return FALSE; } static bool handleInherit(const QCString &) { BEGIN(InheritParam); return FALSE; } static bool handleExtends(const QCString &) { BEGIN(ExtendsParam); return FALSE; } static bool handleCopyBrief(const QCString &) { if (current->brief.isEmpty() && current->doc.isEmpty()) { // if we don't have a brief or detailed description yet, // then the @copybrief should end up in the brief description. // otherwise it will be copied inline (see bug691315 & bug700788) setOutput(OutputBrief); } if (!g_spaceBeforeCmd.isEmpty()) { addOutput(g_spaceBeforeCmd); g_spaceBeforeCmd.resize(0); } addOutput("\\copybrief "); return FALSE; } static bool handleCopyDetails(const QCString &) { setOutput(OutputDoc); if (!g_spaceBeforeCmd.isEmpty()) { addOutput(g_spaceBeforeCmd); g_spaceBeforeCmd.resize(0); } addOutput("\\copydetails "); return FALSE; } static bool handleCopyDoc(const QCString &) { setOutput(OutputBrief); if (!g_spaceBeforeCmd.isEmpty()) { addOutput(g_spaceBeforeCmd); g_spaceBeforeCmd.resize(0); } addOutput("\\copybrief "); g_copyDocArg.resize(0); BEGIN(CopyDoc); return FALSE; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void checkFormula() { if (YY_START==ReadFormulaShort || YY_START==ReadFormulaLong) { warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr,"End of comment block while inside formula."); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool parseCommentBlock(/* in */ ParserInterface *parser, /* in */ Entry *curEntry, /* in */ const QCString &comment, /* in */ const QCString &fileName, /* in,out */ int &lineNr, /* in */ bool isBrief, /* in */ bool isAutoBriefOn, /* in */ bool isInbody, /* in,out */ Protection &prot, /* in,out */ int &position, /* out */ bool &newEntryNeeded ) { //printf("parseCommentBlock() isBrief=%d isAutoBriefOn=%d lineNr=%d\n", // isBrief,isAutoBriefOn,lineNr); initParser(); guards.setAutoDelete(TRUE); guards.clear(); langParser = parser; current = curEntry; if (comment.isEmpty()) return FALSE; // avoid empty strings inputString = comment; inputString.append(" "); inputPosition = position; yyLineNr = lineNr; yyFileName = fileName; protection = prot; needNewEntry = FALSE; xrefKind = XRef_None; xrefAppendFlag = FALSE; insidePre = FALSE; parseMore = FALSE; inBody = isInbody; outputXRef.resize(0); setOutput( isBrief || isAutoBriefOn ? OutputBrief : OutputDoc ); briefEndsAtDot = isAutoBriefOn; g_condCount = 0; g_sectionLevel = 0; g_spaceBeforeCmd.resize(0); g_spaceBeforeIf.resize(0); if (!current->inbodyDocs.isEmpty() && isInbody) // separate in body fragments { current->inbodyDocs+="\n\n"; } Debug::print(Debug::CommentScan,0,"-----------\nCommentScanner: %s:%d\n" "input=[\n%s]\n",fileName.data(),lineNr,comment.data() ); commentScanYYrestart( commentScanYYin ); BEGIN( Comment ); commentScanYYlex(); setOutput( OutputDoc ); if (YY_START==OverloadParam) // comment ended with \overload { addOutput(getOverloadDocs()); } if (!guards.isEmpty()) { warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr,"Documentation block ended in the middle of a conditional section!"); } current->doc=stripLeadingAndTrailingEmptyLines(current->doc,current->docLine); if (current->section==Entry::FILEDOC_SEC && current->doc.isEmpty()) { // to allow a comment block with just a @file command. current->doc="\n\n"; } if (current->section==Entry::MEMBERGRP_SEC && g_memberGroupId==DOX_NOGROUP) // @name section but no group started yet { openGroup(current,yyFileName,yyLineNr); } if (Doxygen::markdownSupport) { current->brief = processMarkdown(fileName,current,current->brief); current->doc = processMarkdown(fileName,current,current->doc); current->inbodyDocs = processMarkdown(fileName,current,current->inbodyDocs); } Debug::print(Debug::CommentScan,0, "brief=[line=%d\n%s]\ndocs=[line=%d\n%s]\ninbody=[line=%d\n%s]\n===========\n", current->briefLine,current->brief.data(), current->docLine,current->doc.data(), current->inbodyLine,current->inbodyDocs.data() ); checkFormula(); prot = protection; groupAddDocs(curEntry,fileName); newEntryNeeded = needNewEntry; // if we did not proceed during this call, it does not make // sense to continue, since we get stuck. See bug 567346 for situations // were this happens if (parseMore && position==inputPosition) parseMore=FALSE; if (parseMore) position=inputPosition; else position=0; lineNr = yyLineNr; //printf("position=%d parseMore=%d\n",position,parseMore); return parseMore; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void groupEnterFile(const char *fileName,int) { g_autoGroupStack.setAutoDelete(TRUE); g_autoGroupStack.clear(); g_memberGroupId = DOX_NOGROUP; g_memberGroupDocs.resize(0); g_memberGroupRelates.resize(0); g_compoundName=fileName; } void groupLeaveFile(const char *fileName,int line) { //if (g_memberGroupId!=DOX_NOGROUP) //{ // warn(fileName,line,"end of file while inside a member group\n"); //} g_memberGroupId=DOX_NOGROUP; g_memberGroupRelates.resize(0); g_memberGroupDocs.resize(0); if (!g_autoGroupStack.isEmpty()) { warn(fileName,line,"end of file while inside a group\n"); } } void groupEnterCompound(const char *fileName,int line,const char *name) { if (g_memberGroupId!=DOX_NOGROUP) { warn(fileName,line,"try to put compound %s inside a member group\n",name); } g_memberGroupId=DOX_NOGROUP; g_memberGroupRelates.resize(0); g_memberGroupDocs.resize(0); g_compoundName = name; int i = g_compoundName.find('('); if (i!=-1) { g_compoundName=g_compoundName.left(i); // strip category (Obj-C) } if (g_compoundName.isEmpty()) { g_compoundName=fileName; } //printf("groupEnterCompound(%s)\n",name); } void groupLeaveCompound(const char *,int,const char * /*name*/) { //printf("groupLeaveCompound(%s)\n",name); //if (g_memberGroupId!=DOX_NOGROUP) //{ // warn(fileName,line,"end of compound %s while inside a member group\n",name); //} g_memberGroupId=DOX_NOGROUP; g_memberGroupRelates.resize(0); g_memberGroupDocs.resize(0); g_compoundName.resize(0); } static int findExistingGroup(int &groupId,const MemberGroupInfo *info) { //printf("findExistingGroup %s:%s\n",info->header.data(),info->compoundName.data()); QIntDictIterator<MemberGroupInfo> di(Doxygen::memGrpInfoDict); MemberGroupInfo *mi; for (di.toFirst();(mi=di.current());++di) { if (g_compoundName==mi->compoundName && // same file or scope !mi->header.isEmpty() && // not a nameless group qstricmp(mi->header,info->header)==0 // same header name ) { //printf("Found it!\n"); return (int)di.currentKey(); // put the item in this group } } groupId++; // start new group return groupId; } void openGroup(Entry *e,const char *,int) { //printf("==> openGroup(name=%s,sec=%x) g_autoGroupStack=%d\n", // e->name.data(),e->section,g_autoGroupStack.count()); if (e->section==Entry::GROUPDOC_SEC) // auto group { g_autoGroupStack.push(new Grouping(e->name,e->groupingPri())); } else // start of a member group { //printf(" membergroup id=%d %s\n",g_memberGroupId,g_memberGroupHeader.data()); if (g_memberGroupId==DOX_NOGROUP) // no group started yet { static int curGroupId=0; MemberGroupInfo *info = new MemberGroupInfo; info->header = g_memberGroupHeader.stripWhiteSpace(); info->compoundName = g_compoundName; g_memberGroupId = findExistingGroup(curGroupId,info); //printf(" use membergroup %d\n",g_memberGroupId); Doxygen::memGrpInfoDict.insert(g_memberGroupId,info); g_memberGroupRelates = e->relates; e->mGrpId = g_memberGroupId; } } } void closeGroup(Entry *e,const char *fileName,int,bool foundInline) { //printf("==> closeGroup(name=%s,sec=%x) g_autoGroupStack=%d\n", // e->name.data(),e->section,g_autoGroupStack.count()); if (g_memberGroupId!=DOX_NOGROUP) // end of member group { MemberGroupInfo *info=Doxygen::memGrpInfoDict.find(g_memberGroupId); if (info) // known group { info->doc = g_memberGroupDocs; info->docFile = fileName; } g_memberGroupId=DOX_NOGROUP; g_memberGroupRelates.resize(0); g_memberGroupDocs.resize(0); e->mGrpId=DOX_NOGROUP; //printf("new group id=%d\n",g_memberGroupId); } else if (!g_autoGroupStack.isEmpty()) // end of auto group { Grouping *grp = g_autoGroupStack.pop(); // see bug577005: we should not remove the last group for e if (!foundInline) e->groups->removeLast(); //printf("Removing %s e=%p\n",grp->groupname.data(),e); delete grp; if (!foundInline) initGroupInfo(e); } } void initGroupInfo(Entry *e) { //printf("==> initGroup(id=%d,related=%s,e=%p)\n",g_memberGroupId, // g_memberGroupRelates.data(),e); e->mGrpId = g_memberGroupId; e->relates = g_memberGroupRelates; if (!g_autoGroupStack.isEmpty()) { //printf("Appending group %s to %s: count=%d entry=%p\n", // g_autoGroupStack.top()->groupname.data(), // e->name.data(),e->groups->count(),e); e->groups->append(new Grouping(*g_autoGroupStack.top())); } } static void groupAddDocs(Entry *e,const char *fileName) { if (e->section==Entry::MEMBERGRP_SEC) { g_memberGroupDocs=e->brief.stripWhiteSpace(); e->doc = stripLeadingAndTrailingEmptyLines(e->doc,e->docLine); if (!g_memberGroupDocs.isEmpty() && !e->doc.isEmpty()) { g_memberGroupDocs+="\n\n"; } g_memberGroupDocs+=e->doc; MemberGroupInfo *info=Doxygen::memGrpInfoDict.find(g_memberGroupId); if (info) { info->doc = g_memberGroupDocs; info->docFile = fileName; info->setRefItems(e->sli); } e->doc.resize(0); e->brief.resize(0); } } static void handleGuard(const QCString &expr) { CondParser prs; bool sectionEnabled=prs.parse(yyFileName,yyLineNr,expr); bool parentEnabled = TRUE; if (!guards.isEmpty()) parentEnabled = guards.top()->isEnabled(); if (parentEnabled) { if ( (sectionEnabled && guardType==Guard_If) || (!sectionEnabled && guardType==Guard_IfNot) ) // section is visible { guards.push(new GuardedSection(TRUE,TRUE)); enabledSectionFound=TRUE; BEGIN( GuardParamEnd ); } else // section is invisible { if (guardType!=Guard_Skip) { guards.push(new GuardedSection(FALSE,TRUE)); } BEGIN( SkipGuardedSection ); } } else // invisible because of parent { guards.push(new GuardedSection(FALSE,FALSE)); BEGIN( SkipGuardedSection ); } } #if !defined(YY_FLEX_SUBMINOR_VERSION) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" { // some bogus code to keep the compiler happy void commentScanYYdummy() { yy_flex_realloc(0,0); } } #endif