/****************************************************************************** * * * * Copyright (C) 1997-2015 by Dimitri van Heesch. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license. * */ #include #include #include "latexgen.h" #include "config.h" #include "message.h" #include "doxygen.h" #include "util.h" #include "diagram.h" #include "language.h" #include "version.h" #include "dot.h" #include "dotcallgraph.h" #include "dotclassgraph.h" #include "dotdirdeps.h" #include "dotgroupcollaboration.h" #include "dotincldepgraph.h" #include "pagedef.h" #include "docparser.h" #include "latexdocvisitor.h" #include "dirdef.h" #include "cite.h" #include "groupdef.h" #include "classlist.h" #include "namespacedef.h" #include "filename.h" #include "resourcemgr.h" #include "portable.h" #include "fileinfo.h" #include "utf8.h" static QCString g_header; static QCString g_footer; LatexCodeGenerator::LatexCodeGenerator(TextStream &t,const QCString &relPath,const QCString &sourceFileName) : m_t(t), m_relPath(relPath), m_sourceFileName(sourceFileName) { m_prettyCode=Config_getBool(LATEX_SOURCE_CODE); } LatexCodeGenerator::LatexCodeGenerator(TextStream &t) : m_t(t) { m_prettyCode=Config_getBool(LATEX_SOURCE_CODE); } void LatexCodeGenerator::setRelativePath(const QCString &path) { m_relPath = path; } void LatexCodeGenerator::setSourceFileName(const QCString &name) { m_sourceFileName = name; } void LatexCodeGenerator::codify(const QCString &str) { if (!str.isEmpty()) { const signed char *p=(const signed char*)str.data(); signed char c; //char cs[5]; int spacesToNextTabStop; int tabSize = Config_getInt(TAB_SIZE); static THREAD_LOCAL signed char *result = NULL; static THREAD_LOCAL int lresult = 0; int i; while ((c=*p)) { switch(c) { case 0x0c: p++; // remove ^L break; case ' ': m_t <<" "; m_col++; p++; break; case '^': m_t <<"\\string^"; m_col++; p++; break; case '\t': spacesToNextTabStop = tabSize - (m_col%tabSize); for (i = 0; i < spacesToNextTabStop; i++) m_t <<" "; m_col+=spacesToNextTabStop; p++; break; case '\n': m_t << '\n'; m_col=0; p++; break; default: i=0; #undef COPYCHAR // helper macro to copy a single utf8 character, dealing with multibyte chars. #define COPYCHAR() do { \ int bytes = getUTF8CharNumBytes(c); \ if (lresult < (i + bytes + 1)) \ { \ lresult += 512; \ result = (signed char *)realloc(result, lresult); \ } \ for (int j=0; j0, // insideTable false // keepSpaces ); break; } } } } void LatexCodeGenerator::writeCodeLink(const QCString &ref,const QCString &f, const QCString &anchor,const QCString &name, const QCString &) { bool pdfHyperlinks = Config_getBool(PDF_HYPERLINKS); bool usePDFLatex = Config_getBool(USE_PDFLATEX); uint l = name.length(); if (ref.isEmpty() && usePDFLatex && pdfHyperlinks) { m_t << "\\mbox{\\hyperlink{"; if (!f.isEmpty()) m_t << stripPath(f); if (!f.isEmpty() && !anchor.isEmpty()) m_t << "_"; if (!anchor.isEmpty()) m_t << anchor; m_t << "}{"; codify(name); m_t << "}}"; } else { codify(name); } m_col+=l; } void LatexCodeGenerator::writeLineNumber(const QCString &ref,const QCString &fileName,const QCString &anchor,int l) { bool usePDFLatex = Config_getBool(USE_PDFLATEX); bool pdfHyperlinks = Config_getBool(PDF_HYPERLINKS); if (!m_doxyCodeLineOpen) { m_t << "\\DoxyCodeLine{"; m_doxyCodeLineOpen = TRUE; } if (m_prettyCode) { QCString lineNumber; lineNumber.sprintf("%05d",l); if (!fileName.isEmpty() && !m_sourceFileName.isEmpty()) { QCString lineAnchor; lineAnchor.sprintf("_l%05d",l); lineAnchor.prepend(stripExtensionGeneral(m_sourceFileName, ".tex")); //if (!m_prettyCode) return; if (usePDFLatex && pdfHyperlinks) { m_t << "\\Hypertarget{" << stripPath(lineAnchor) << "}"; } writeCodeLink(ref,fileName,anchor,lineNumber,QCString()); } else { codify(lineNumber); } m_t << " "; } else { m_t << l << " "; } m_col=0; } void LatexCodeGenerator::startCodeLine(bool) { m_col=0; if (!m_doxyCodeLineOpen) { m_t << "\\DoxyCodeLine{"; m_doxyCodeLineOpen = TRUE; } } void LatexCodeGenerator::endCodeLine() { if (m_doxyCodeLineOpen) { m_t << "}"; m_doxyCodeLineOpen = FALSE; } codify("\n"); } void LatexCodeGenerator::startFontClass(const QCString &name) { m_t << "\\textcolor{" << name << "}{"; } void LatexCodeGenerator::endFontClass() { m_t << "}"; } void LatexCodeGenerator::startCodeFragment(const QCString &style) { m_t << "\n\\begin{" << style << "}{" << m_usedTableLevel << "}\n"; } void LatexCodeGenerator::endCodeFragment(const QCString &style) { //endCodeLine checks is there is still an open code line, if so closes it. endCodeLine(); m_t << "\\end{" << style << "}\n"; } //------------------------------- LatexGenerator::LatexGenerator() : OutputGenerator(Config_getString(LATEX_OUTPUT)), m_codeGen(m_t) { //printf("LatexGenerator::LatexGenerator() m_insideTabbing=FALSE\n"); } LatexGenerator::LatexGenerator(const LatexGenerator &og) : OutputGenerator(og), m_codeGen(og.m_codeGen) { } LatexGenerator &LatexGenerator::operator=(const LatexGenerator &og) { OutputGenerator::operator=(og); return *this; } std::unique_ptr LatexGenerator::clone() const { return std::make_unique(*this); } LatexGenerator::~LatexGenerator() { } static void writeLatexMakefile() { bool generateBib = !CitationManager::instance().isEmpty(); QCString fileName=Config_getString(LATEX_OUTPUT)+"/Makefile"; std::ofstream f(fileName.str(),std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::binary); if (!f.is_open()) { term("Could not open file %s for writing\n",qPrint(fileName)); } TextStream t(&f); // inserted by KONNO Akihisa 2002-03-05 QCString latex_command = theTranslator->latexCommandName(); QCString mkidx_command = Config_getString(MAKEINDEX_CMD_NAME); // end insertion by KONNO Akihisa 2002-03-05 if (!Config_getBool(USE_PDFLATEX)) // use plain old latex { t << "LATEX_CMD=" << latex_command << "\n" << "\n" << "all: refman.dvi\n" << "\n" << "ps: refman.ps\n" << "\n" << "pdf: refman.pdf\n" << "\n" << "ps_2on1: refman_2on1.ps\n" << "\n" << "pdf_2on1: refman_2on1.pdf\n" << "\n" << "refman.ps: refman.dvi\n" << "\tdvips -o refman.ps refman.dvi\n" << "\n"; t << "refman.pdf: refman.ps\n"; t << "\tps2pdf refman.ps refman.pdf\n\n"; t << "refman.dvi: clean refman.tex doxygen.sty\n" << "\techo \"Running latex...\"\n" << "\t$(LATEX_CMD) refman.tex\n" << "\techo \"Running makeindex...\"\n" << "\t" << mkidx_command << " refman.idx\n"; if (generateBib) { t << "\techo \"Running bibtex...\"\n"; t << "\tbibtex refman\n"; t << "\techo \"Rerunning latex....\"\n"; t << "\t$(LATEX_CMD) refman.tex\n"; } t << "\techo \"Rerunning latex....\"\n" << "\t$(LATEX_CMD) refman.tex\n" << "\tlatex_count=8 ; \\\n" << "\twhile egrep -s 'Rerun (LaTeX|to get cross-references right)' refman.log && [ $$latex_count -gt 0 ] ;\\\n" << "\t do \\\n" << "\t echo \"Rerunning latex....\" ;\\\n" << "\t $(LATEX_CMD) refman.tex ; \\\n" << "\t latex_count=`expr $$latex_count - 1` ;\\\n" << "\t done\n" << "\t" << mkidx_command << " refman.idx\n" << "\t$(LATEX_CMD) refman.tex\n\n" << "refman_2on1.ps: refman.ps\n" << "\tpsnup -2 refman.ps >refman_2on1.ps\n" << "\n" << "refman_2on1.pdf: refman_2on1.ps\n" << "\tps2pdf refman_2on1.ps refman_2on1.pdf\n"; } else // use pdflatex for higher quality output { t << "LATEX_CMD=" << latex_command << "\n" << "\n"; t << "all: refman.pdf\n\n" << "pdf: refman.pdf\n\n"; t << "refman.pdf: clean refman.tex\n"; t << "\t$(LATEX_CMD) refman\n"; t << "\t" << mkidx_command << " refman.idx\n"; if (generateBib) { t << "\tbibtex refman\n"; t << "\t$(LATEX_CMD) refman\n"; } t << "\t$(LATEX_CMD) refman\n" << "\tlatex_count=8 ; \\\n" << "\twhile egrep -s 'Rerun (LaTeX|to get cross-references right)' refman.log && [ $$latex_count -gt 0 ] ;\\\n" << "\t do \\\n" << "\t echo \"Rerunning latex....\" ;\\\n" << "\t $(LATEX_CMD) refman ;\\\n" << "\t latex_count=`expr $$latex_count - 1` ;\\\n" << "\t done\n" << "\t" << mkidx_command << " refman.idx\n" << "\t$(LATEX_CMD) refman\n\n"; } t << "\n" << "clean:\n" << "\trm -f " << "*.ps *.dvi *.aux *.toc *.idx *.ind *.ilg *.log *.out *.brf *.blg *.bbl refman.pdf\n"; } static void writeMakeBat() { #if defined(_MSC_VER) QCString dir=Config_getString(LATEX_OUTPUT); QCString fileName=dir+"/make.bat"; QCString latex_command = theTranslator->latexCommandName(); QCString mkidx_command = Config_getString(MAKEINDEX_CMD_NAME); bool generateBib = !CitationManager::instance().isEmpty(); std::ofstream t(fileName.str(),std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::binary); if (!t.is_open()) { term("Could not open file %s for writing\n",qPrint(fileName)); } t << "set Dir_Old=%cd%\r\n"; t << "cd /D %~dp0\r\n\r\n"; t << "del /s /f *.ps *.dvi *.aux *.toc *.idx *.ind *.ilg *.log *.out *.brf *.blg *.bbl refman.pdf\r\n\r\n"; if (!Config_getBool(USE_PDFLATEX)) // use plain old latex { t << "set LATEX_CMD=" << latex_command << "\r\n"; t << "%LATEX_CMD% refman.tex\r\n"; t << "echo ----\r\n"; t << mkidx_command << " refman.idx\r\n"; if (generateBib) { t << "bibtex refman\r\n"; t << "echo ----\r\n"; t << "\t%LATEX_CMD% refman.tex\r\n"; } t << "setlocal enabledelayedexpansion\r\n"; t << "set count=8\r\n"; t << ":repeat\r\n"; t << "set content=X\r\n"; t << "for /F \"tokens=*\" %%T in ( 'findstr /C:\"Rerun LaTeX\" refman.log' ) do set content=\"%%~T\"\r\n"; t << "if !content! == X for /F \"tokens=*\" %%T in ( 'findstr /C:\"Rerun to get cross-references right\" refman.log' ) do set content=\"%%~T\"\r\n"; t << "if !content! == X goto :skip\r\n"; t << "set /a count-=1\r\n"; t << "if !count! EQU 0 goto :skip\r\n\r\n"; t << "echo ----\r\n"; t << "%LATEX_CMD% refman.tex\r\n"; t << "goto :repeat\r\n"; t << ":skip\r\n"; t << "endlocal\r\n"; t << mkidx_command << " refman.idx\r\n"; t << "%LATEX_CMD% refman.tex\r\n"; t << "dvips -o refman.ps refman.dvi\r\n"; t << Portable::ghostScriptCommand(); t << " -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite " "-sOutputFile=refman.pdf -c save pop -f refman.ps\r\n"; } else // use pdflatex { t << "set LATEX_CMD=" << latex_command << "\r\n"; t << "%LATEX_CMD% refman\r\n"; t << "echo ----\r\n"; t << mkidx_command << " refman.idx\r\n"; if (generateBib) { t << "bibtex refman\r\n"; t << "%LATEX_CMD% refman\r\n"; } t << "echo ----\r\n"; t << "%LATEX_CMD% refman\r\n\r\n"; t << "setlocal enabledelayedexpansion\r\n"; t << "set count=8\r\n"; t << ":repeat\r\n"; t << "set content=X\r\n"; t << "for /F \"tokens=*\" %%T in ( 'findstr /C:\"Rerun LaTeX\" refman.log' ) do set content=\"%%~T\"\r\n"; t << "if !content! == X for /F \"tokens=*\" %%T in ( 'findstr /C:\"Rerun to get cross-references right\" refman.log' ) do set content=\"%%~T\"\r\n"; t << "if !content! == X goto :skip\r\n"; t << "set /a count-=1\r\n"; t << "if !count! EQU 0 goto :skip\r\n\r\n"; t << "echo ----\r\n"; t << "%LATEX_CMD% refman\r\n"; t << "goto :repeat\r\n"; t << ":skip\r\n"; t << "endlocal\r\n"; t << mkidx_command << " refman.idx\r\n"; t << "%LATEX_CMD% refman\r\n"; t << "cd /D %Dir_Old%\r\n"; t << "set Dir_Old=\r\n"; } #endif } void LatexGenerator::init() { QCString dname = Config_getString(LATEX_OUTPUT); Dir d(dname.str()); if (!d.exists() && !d.mkdir(dname.str())) { term("Could not create output directory %s\n",qPrint(dname)); } if (!Config_getString(LATEX_HEADER).isEmpty()) { g_header=fileToString(Config_getString(LATEX_HEADER)); //printf("g_header='%s'\n",qPrint(g_header)); } else { g_header = ResourceMgr::instance().getAsString("header.tex"); } if (!Config_getString(LATEX_FOOTER).isEmpty()) { g_footer=fileToString(Config_getString(LATEX_FOOTER)); //printf("g_footer='%s'\n",qPrint(g_footer)); } else { g_footer = ResourceMgr::instance().getAsString("footer.tex"); } writeLatexMakefile(); writeMakeBat(); createSubDirs(d); } void LatexGenerator::cleanup() { QCString dname = Config_getString(LATEX_OUTPUT); Dir d(dname.str()); clearSubDirs(d); } static void writeDefaultStyleSheet(TextStream &t) { t << ResourceMgr::instance().getAsString("doxygen.sty"); } void LatexGenerator::writeHeaderFile(TextStream &t) { t << "% Latex header for doxygen " << getDoxygenVersion() << "\n"; t << ResourceMgr::instance().getAsString("header.tex"); } void LatexGenerator::writeFooterFile(TextStream &t) { t << "% Latex footer for doxygen " << getDoxygenVersion() << "\n"; t << ResourceMgr::instance().getAsString("footer.tex"); } void LatexGenerator::writeStyleSheetFile(TextStream &t) { t << "% stylesheet for doxygen " << getDoxygenVersion() << "\n"; writeDefaultStyleSheet(t); } void LatexGenerator::startFile(const QCString &name,const QCString &,const QCString &,int) { #if 0 setEncoding(Config_getString(LATEX_OUTPUT_ENCODING)); #endif QCString fileName=name; m_relPath = relativePathToRoot(fileName); if (fileName.right(4)!=".tex" && fileName.right(4)!=".sty") fileName+=".tex"; startPlainFile(fileName); m_codeGen.setRelativePath(m_relPath); m_codeGen.setSourceFileName(stripPath(fileName)); } void LatexGenerator::endFile() { endPlainFile(); m_codeGen.setSourceFileName(""); } //void LatexGenerator::writeIndex() //{ // startFile("refman.tex"); //} void LatexGenerator::startProjectNumber() { m_t << "\\\\[1ex]\\large "; } static QCString extraLatexStyleSheet() { QCString result; const StringVector &extraLatexStyles = Config_getList(LATEX_EXTRA_STYLESHEET); for (const auto &fileName : extraLatexStyles) { if (!fileName.empty()) { FileInfo fi(fileName); if (fi.exists()) { result += "\\usepackage{"; if (checkExtension(fi.fileName().c_str(), LATEX_STYLE_EXTENSION)) { // strip the extension, it will be added by the usepackage in the tex conversion process result += stripExtensionGeneral(fi.fileName().c_str(), LATEX_STYLE_EXTENSION); } else { result += fi.fileName(); } result += "}\n"; } } } return result; } static QCString makeIndex() { QCString result; QCString latex_mkidx_command = Config_getString(LATEX_MAKEINDEX_CMD); if (!latex_mkidx_command.isEmpty()) { if (latex_mkidx_command[0] == '\\') result += latex_mkidx_command; else result += "\\"+latex_mkidx_command; } else { result += "\\makeindex"; } return result; } static QCString substituteLatexKeywords(const QCString &str, const QCString &title) { bool compactLatex = Config_getBool(COMPACT_LATEX); bool pdfHyperlinks = Config_getBool(PDF_HYPERLINKS); bool usePdfLatex = Config_getBool(USE_PDFLATEX); bool latexBatchmode = Config_getBool(LATEX_BATCHMODE); QCString paperType = Config_getString(PAPER_TYPE); QCString style = Config_getString(LATEX_BIB_STYLE); if (style.isEmpty()) { style="plain"; } TextStream tg; bool timeStamp = Config_getBool(LATEX_TIMESTAMP); QCString generatedBy; if (timeStamp) { generatedBy = theTranslator->trGeneratedAt(dateToString(TRUE).data(), Config_getString(PROJECT_NAME).data()); } else { generatedBy = theTranslator->trGeneratedBy(); } filterLatexString(tg, generatedBy, false, // insideTabbing false, // insidePre false, // insideItem false, // insideTable false // keepSpaces ); generatedBy = tg.str(); QCString latexFontenc = theTranslator->latexFontenc(); QCString latexEmojiDirectory = Config_getString(LATEX_EMOJI_DIRECTORY); if (latexEmojiDirectory.isEmpty()) latexEmojiDirectory = "."; latexEmojiDirectory = substitute(latexEmojiDirectory,"\\","/"); TextStream tg1; writeExtraLatexPackages(tg1); QCString extraLatexPackages = tg1.str(); TextStream tg2; writeLatexSpecialFormulaChars(tg2); QCString latexSpecialFormulaChars = tg2.str(); QCString formulaMacrofile = Config_getString(FORMULA_MACROFILE); if (!formulaMacrofile.isEmpty()) { FileInfo fi(formulaMacrofile.str()); formulaMacrofile=fi.absFilePath(); QCString stripMacroFile = fi.fileName(); copyFile(formulaMacrofile,Config_getString(LATEX_OUTPUT) + "/" + stripMacroFile); } // first substitute generic keywords QCString result = substituteKeywords(str,title, convertToLaTeX(Config_getString(PROJECT_NAME)), convertToLaTeX(Config_getString(PROJECT_NUMBER)), convertToLaTeX(Config_getString(PROJECT_BRIEF))); // additional LaTeX only keywords result = substitute(result,"$latexdocumentpre",theTranslator->latexDocumentPre()); result = substitute(result,"$latexdocumentpost",theTranslator->latexDocumentPost()); result = substitute(result,"$generatedby",generatedBy); result = substitute(result,"$latexbibstyle",style); result = substitute(result,"$latexcitereference",theTranslator->trCiteReferences()); result = substitute(result,"$latexbibfiles",CitationManager::instance().latexBibFiles()); result = substitute(result,"$papertype",paperType+"paper"); result = substitute(result,"$extralatexstylesheet",extraLatexStyleSheet()); result = substitute(result,"$languagesupport",theTranslator->latexLanguageSupportCommand()); result = substitute(result,"$latexfontenc",latexFontenc); result = substitute(result,"$latexfont",theTranslator->latexFont()); result = substitute(result,"$latexemojidirectory",latexEmojiDirectory); result = substitute(result,"$makeindex",makeIndex()); result = substitute(result,"$extralatexpackages",extraLatexPackages); result = substitute(result,"$latexspecialformulachars",latexSpecialFormulaChars); result = substitute(result,"$formulamacrofile",formulaMacrofile); // additional LaTeX only conditional blocks result = selectBlock(result,"CITATIONS_PRESENT", !CitationManager::instance().isEmpty(),OutputGenerator::Latex); result = selectBlock(result,"COMPACT_LATEX",compactLatex,OutputGenerator::Latex); result = selectBlock(result,"PDF_HYPERLINKS",pdfHyperlinks,OutputGenerator::Latex); result = selectBlock(result,"USE_PDFLATEX",usePdfLatex,OutputGenerator::Latex); result = selectBlock(result,"LATEX_TIMESTAMP",timeStamp,OutputGenerator::Latex); result = selectBlock(result,"LATEX_BATCHMODE",latexBatchmode,OutputGenerator::Latex); result = selectBlock(result,"LATEX_FONTENC",!latexFontenc.isEmpty(),OutputGenerator::Latex); result = selectBlock(result,"FORMULA_MACROFILE",!formulaMacrofile.isEmpty(),OutputGenerator::Latex); result = removeEmptyLines(result); return result; } void LatexGenerator::startIndexSection(IndexSections is) { bool compactLatex = Config_getBool(COMPACT_LATEX); switch (is) { case isTitlePageStart: m_t << substituteLatexKeywords(g_header,convertToLaTeX(Config_getString(PROJECT_NAME))); break; case isTitlePageAuthor: break; case isMainPage: if (compactLatex) m_t << "\\doxysection"; else m_t << "\\chapter"; m_t << "{"; //Introduction}\n" break; //case isPackageIndex: // if (compactLatex) m_t << "\\doxysection"; else m_t << "\\chapter"; // m_t << "{"; //Package Index}\n" // break; case isModuleIndex: if (compactLatex) m_t << "\\doxysection"; else m_t << "\\chapter"; m_t << "{"; //Module Index}\n" break; case isDirIndex: if (compactLatex) m_t << "\\doxysection"; else m_t << "\\chapter"; m_t << "{"; //Directory Index}\n" break; case isNamespaceIndex: if (compactLatex) m_t << "\\doxysection"; else m_t << "\\chapter"; m_t << "{"; //Namespace Index}\n" break; case isConceptIndex: if (compactLatex) m_t << "\\doxysection"; else m_t << "\\chapter"; m_t << "{"; //Concept Index}\n" break; case isClassHierarchyIndex: if (compactLatex) m_t << "\\doxysection"; else m_t << "\\chapter"; m_t << "{"; //Hierarchical Index}\n" break; case isCompoundIndex: if (compactLatex) m_t << "\\doxysection"; else m_t << "\\chapter"; m_t << "{"; //Annotated Compound Index}\n" break; case isFileIndex: if (compactLatex) m_t << "\\doxysection"; else m_t << "\\chapter"; m_t << "{"; //Annotated File Index}\n" break; case isPageIndex: if (compactLatex) m_t << "\\doxysection"; else m_t << "\\chapter"; m_t << "{"; //Annotated Page Index}\n" break; case isModuleDocumentation: { for (const auto &gd : *Doxygen::groupLinkedMap) { if (!gd->isReference()) { if (compactLatex) m_t << "\\doxysection"; else m_t << "\\chapter"; m_t << "{"; //Module Documentation}\n"; break; } } } break; case isDirDocumentation: { for (const auto &dd : *Doxygen::dirLinkedMap) { if (dd->isLinkableInProject()) { if (compactLatex) m_t << "\\doxysection"; else m_t << "\\chapter"; m_t << "{"; //Module Documentation}\n"; break; } } } break; case isNamespaceDocumentation: { for (const auto &nd : *Doxygen::namespaceLinkedMap) { if (nd->isLinkableInProject() && !nd->isAlias()) { if (compactLatex) m_t << "\\doxysection"; else m_t << "\\chapter"; m_t << "{"; // Namespace Documentation}\n": break; } } } break; case isConceptDocumentation: { for (const auto &cd : *Doxygen::conceptLinkedMap) { if (cd->isLinkableInProject() && !cd->isAlias()) { if (compactLatex) m_t << "\\doxysection"; else m_t << "\\chapter"; m_t << "{"; // Concept Documentation}\n": break; } } } break; case isClassDocumentation: { for (const auto &cd : *Doxygen::classLinkedMap) { if (cd->isLinkableInProject() && cd->templateMaster()==0 && !cd->isEmbeddedInOuterScope() && !cd->isAlias() ) { if (compactLatex) m_t << "\\doxysection"; else m_t << "\\chapter"; m_t << "{"; //Compound Documentation}\n"; break; } } } break; case isFileDocumentation: { bool isFirst=TRUE; for (const auto &fn : *Doxygen::inputNameLinkedMap) { for (const auto &fd : *fn) { if (fd->isLinkableInProject()) { if (isFirst) { if (compactLatex) m_t << "\\doxysection"; else m_t << "\\chapter"; m_t << "{"; //File Documentation}\n"; isFirst=FALSE; break; } } } } } break; case isExampleDocumentation: { if (compactLatex) m_t << "\\doxysection"; else m_t << "\\chapter"; m_t << "{"; //Example Documentation}\n"; } break; case isPageDocumentation: { if (compactLatex) m_t << "\\doxysection"; else m_t << "\\chapter"; m_t << "{"; //Page Documentation}\n"; } break; case isPageDocumentation2: break; case isEndIndex: break; } } void LatexGenerator::endIndexSection(IndexSections is) { bool sourceBrowser = Config_getBool(SOURCE_BROWSER); switch (is) { case isTitlePageStart: break; case isTitlePageAuthor: break; case isMainPage: { //QCString indexName=Config_getBool(GENERATE_TREEVIEW)?"main":"index"; QCString indexName="index"; m_t << "}\n\\label{index}"; if (Config_getBool(PDF_HYPERLINKS)) m_t << "\\hypertarget{index}{}"; m_t << "\\input{" << indexName << "}\n"; } break; case isModuleIndex: m_t << "}\n\\input{modules}\n"; break; case isDirIndex: m_t << "}\n\\input{dirs}\n"; break; case isNamespaceIndex: m_t << "}\n\\input{namespaces}\n"; break; case isConceptIndex: m_t << "}\n\\input{concepts}\n"; break; case isClassHierarchyIndex: m_t << "}\n\\input{hierarchy}\n"; break; case isCompoundIndex: m_t << "}\n\\input{annotated}\n"; break; case isFileIndex: m_t << "}\n\\input{files}\n"; break; case isPageIndex: m_t << "}\n\\input{pages}\n"; break; case isModuleDocumentation: { bool found=FALSE; for (const auto &gd : *Doxygen::groupLinkedMap) { if (!gd->isReference()) { if (!found) { m_t << "}\n"; found=TRUE; } m_t << "\\input{" << gd->getOutputFileBase() << "}\n"; } } } break; case isDirDocumentation: { bool found=FALSE; for (const auto &dd : *Doxygen::dirLinkedMap) { if (dd->isLinkableInProject()) { if (!found) { m_t << "}\n"; found = TRUE; } m_t << "\\input{" << dd->getOutputFileBase() << "}\n"; } } } break; case isNamespaceDocumentation: { bool found=FALSE; for (const auto &nd : *Doxygen::namespaceLinkedMap) { if (nd->isLinkableInProject() && !nd->isAlias()) { if (!found) { m_t << "}\n"; found=true; } m_t << "\\input{" << nd->getOutputFileBase() << "}\n"; } } } break; case isConceptDocumentation: { bool found=FALSE; for (const auto &cd : *Doxygen::conceptLinkedMap) { if (cd->isLinkableInProject() && !cd->isAlias()) { if (!found) { m_t << "}\n"; found=true; } m_t << "\\input{" << cd->getOutputFileBase() << "}\n"; } } } break; case isClassDocumentation: { bool found=FALSE; for (const auto &cd : *Doxygen::classLinkedMap) { if (cd->isLinkableInProject() && cd->templateMaster()==0 && !cd->isEmbeddedInOuterScope() && !cd->isAlias() ) { if (!found) { m_t << "}\n"; // end doxysection or chapter title found=TRUE; } m_t << "\\input{" << cd->getOutputFileBase() << "}\n"; } } } break; case isFileDocumentation: { bool isFirst=TRUE; for (const auto &fn : *Doxygen::inputNameLinkedMap) { for (const auto &fd : *fn) { if (fd->isLinkableInProject()) { if (isFirst) { m_t << "}\n"; // end doxysection or chapter title } isFirst=FALSE; m_t << "\\input{" << fd->getOutputFileBase() << "}\n"; if (sourceBrowser && m_prettyCode && fd->generateSourceFile()) { //m_t << "\\include{" << fd->getSourceFileBase() << "}\n"; m_t << "\\input{" << fd->getSourceFileBase() << "}\n"; } } } } } break; case isExampleDocumentation: { m_t << "}\n"; for (const auto &pd : *Doxygen::exampleLinkedMap) { m_t << "\\input{" << pd->getOutputFileBase() << "}\n"; } } break; case isPageDocumentation: { m_t << "}\n"; #if 0 bool first=TRUE; for (const auto *pd : Doxygen::pageLinkedMap) { if (!pd->getGroupDef() && !pd->isReference()) { if (compactLatex) m_t << "\\doxysection"; else m_t << "\\chapter"; m_t << "{" << pd->title(); m_t << "}\n"; if (compactLatex || first) m_t << "\\input" ; else m_t << "\\include"; m_t << "{" << pd->getOutputFileBase() << "}\n"; first=FALSE; } } #endif } break; case isPageDocumentation2: break; case isEndIndex: m_t << substituteLatexKeywords(g_footer,convertToLaTeX(Config_getString(PROJECT_NAME))); break; } } void LatexGenerator::writePageLink(const QCString &name, bool /*first*/) { //bool &compactLatex = Config_getBool(COMPACT_LATEX); // next is remove for bug615957 //if (compactLatex || first) m_t << "\\input" ; else m_t << "\\include"; m_t << "\\input" ; m_t << "{" << name << "}\n"; } void LatexGenerator::writeStyleInfo(int part) { if (part > 0) return; startPlainFile("doxygen.sty"); writeDefaultStyleSheet(m_t); endPlainFile(); // workaround for the problem caused by change in LaTeX in version 2019 // in the unmaintained tabu package startPlainFile("tabu_doxygen.sty"); m_t << ResourceMgr::instance().getAsString("tabu_doxygen.sty"); endPlainFile(); startPlainFile("longtable_doxygen.sty"); m_t << ResourceMgr::instance().getAsString("longtable_doxygen.sty"); endPlainFile(); } void LatexGenerator::newParagraph() { m_t << "\n" << "\n"; } void LatexGenerator::startParagraph(const QCString &) { m_t << "\n" << "\n"; } void LatexGenerator::endParagraph() { m_t << "\n" << "\n"; } void LatexGenerator::writeString(const QCString &text) { m_t << text; } void LatexGenerator::startIndexItem(const QCString &ref,const QCString &fn) { m_t << "\\item "; if (ref.isEmpty() && !fn.isEmpty()) { m_t << "\\contentsline{section}{"; } } void LatexGenerator::endIndexItem(const QCString &ref,const QCString &fn) { if (ref.isEmpty() && !fn.isEmpty()) { m_t << "}{\\pageref{" << stripPath(fn) << "}}{}\n"; } } //void LatexGenerator::writeIndexFileItem(const QCString &,const QCString &text) //{ // m_t << "\\item\\contentsline{section}{"; // docify(text); // m_t << "}{\\pageref{" << stripPath(text) << "}}\n"; //} void LatexGenerator::startHtmlLink(const QCString &url) { if (Config_getBool(PDF_HYPERLINKS)) { m_t << "\\href{"; m_t << latexFilterURL(url); m_t << "}"; } m_t << "{\\texttt{ "; } void LatexGenerator::endHtmlLink() { m_t << "}}"; } //void LatexGenerator::writeMailLink(const QCString &url) //{ // if (Config_getBool(PDF_HYPERLINKS)) // { // m_t << "\\href{mailto:"; // m_t << url; // m_t << "}"; // } // m_t << "\\texttt{ "; // docify(url); // m_t << "}"; //} void LatexGenerator::writeStartAnnoItem(const QCString &,const QCString &, const QCString &path,const QCString &name) { m_t << "\\item\\contentsline{section}\\textbf{ "; if (!path.isEmpty()) docify(path); docify(name); m_t << "} "; } void LatexGenerator::writeEndAnnoItem(const QCString &name) { m_t << "}{\\pageref{" << stripPath(name) << "}}{}\n"; } void LatexGenerator::startIndexKey() { m_t << "\\item\\contentsline{section}{"; } void LatexGenerator::endIndexKey() { } void LatexGenerator::startIndexValue(bool hasBrief) { m_t << " "; if (hasBrief) m_t << "\\\\*"; } void LatexGenerator::endIndexValue(const QCString &name,bool /*hasBrief*/) { //if (hasBrief) m_t << ")"; m_t << "}{\\pageref{" << stripPath(name) << "}}{}\n"; } //void LatexGenerator::writeClassLink(const QCString &,const QCString &, // const QCString &,const QCString &name) //{ // m_t << "\\textbf{ "; // docify(name); // m_t << "}"; //} void LatexGenerator::startTextLink(const QCString &f,const QCString &anchor) { bool pdfHyperlinks = Config_getBool(PDF_HYPERLINKS); if (!m_disableLinks && pdfHyperlinks) { m_t << "\\mbox{\\hyperlink{"; if (!f.isEmpty()) m_t << stripPath(f); if (!anchor.isEmpty()) m_t << "_" << anchor; m_t << "}{"; } else { m_t << "\\textbf{ "; } } void LatexGenerator::endTextLink() { bool pdfHyperlinks = Config_getBool(PDF_HYPERLINKS); if (!m_disableLinks && pdfHyperlinks) { m_t << "}"; } m_t << "}"; } void LatexGenerator::writeObjectLink(const QCString &ref, const QCString &f, const QCString &anchor, const QCString &text) { bool pdfHyperlinks = Config_getBool(PDF_HYPERLINKS); if (!m_disableLinks && ref.isEmpty() && pdfHyperlinks) { m_t << "\\mbox{\\hyperlink{"; if (!f.isEmpty()) m_t << stripPath(f); if (!f.isEmpty() && !anchor.isEmpty()) m_t << "_"; if (!anchor.isEmpty()) m_t << anchor; m_t << "}{"; docify(text); m_t << "}}"; } else { m_t << "\\textbf{ "; docify(text); m_t << "}"; } } void LatexGenerator::startPageRef() { m_t << " \\doxyref{}{"; } void LatexGenerator::endPageRef(const QCString &clname, const QCString &anchor) { m_t << "}{"; if (!clname.isEmpty()) m_t << clname; if (!anchor.isEmpty()) m_t << "_" << anchor; m_t << "}"; } void LatexGenerator::startTitleHead(const QCString &fileName) { bool pdfHyperlinks = Config_getBool(PDF_HYPERLINKS); bool usePDFLatex = Config_getBool(USE_PDFLATEX); if (usePDFLatex && pdfHyperlinks && !fileName.isEmpty()) { m_t << "\\hypertarget{" << stripPath(fileName) << "}{}"; } if (Config_getBool(COMPACT_LATEX)) { m_t << "\\doxysubsection{"; } else { m_t << "\\doxysection{"; } } void LatexGenerator::endTitleHead(const QCString &fileName,const QCString &name) { m_t << "}\n"; if (!name.isEmpty()) { m_t << "\\label{" << stripPath(fileName) << "}\\index{"; m_t << latexEscapeLabelName(name); m_t << "@{"; m_t << latexEscapeIndexChars(name); m_t << "}}\n"; } } void LatexGenerator::startTitle() { if (Config_getBool(COMPACT_LATEX)) { m_t << "\\doxysubsection{"; } else { m_t << "\\doxysection{"; } } void LatexGenerator::startGroupHeader(int extraIndentLevel) { if (Config_getBool(COMPACT_LATEX)) { extraIndentLevel++; } if (extraIndentLevel==3) { m_t << "\\doxysubparagraph*{"; } else if (extraIndentLevel==2) { m_t << "\\doxyparagraph{"; } else if (extraIndentLevel==1) { m_t << "\\doxysubsubsection{"; } else // extraIndentLevel==0 { m_t << "\\doxysubsection{"; } m_disableLinks=TRUE; } void LatexGenerator::endGroupHeader(int) { m_disableLinks=FALSE; m_t << "}\n"; } void LatexGenerator::startMemberHeader(const QCString &,int) { if (Config_getBool(COMPACT_LATEX)) { m_t << "\\doxysubsubsection*{"; } else { m_t << "\\doxysubsection*{"; } m_disableLinks=TRUE; } void LatexGenerator::endMemberHeader() { m_disableLinks=FALSE; m_t << "}\n"; } void LatexGenerator::startMemberDoc(const QCString &clname, const QCString &memname, const QCString &, const QCString &title, int memCount, int memTotal, bool showInline) { if (!memname.isEmpty() && memname[0]!='@') { m_t << "\\index{"; if (!clname.isEmpty()) { m_t << latexEscapeLabelName(clname); m_t << "@{"; m_t << latexEscapeIndexChars(clname); m_t << "}!"; } m_t << latexEscapeLabelName(memname); m_t << "@{"; m_t << latexEscapeIndexChars(memname); m_t << "}}\n"; m_t << "\\index{"; m_t << latexEscapeLabelName(memname); m_t << "@{"; m_t << latexEscapeIndexChars(memname); m_t << "}"; if (!clname.isEmpty()) { m_t << "!"; m_t << latexEscapeLabelName(clname); m_t << "@{"; m_t << latexEscapeIndexChars(clname); m_t << "}"; } m_t << "}\n"; } static const char *levelLab[] = { "doxysubsubsection","doxyparagraph","doxysubparagraph", "doxysubparagraph" }; bool compactLatex = Config_getBool(COMPACT_LATEX); bool pdfHyperlinks = Config_getBool(PDF_HYPERLINKS); int level=0; if (showInline) level+=2; if (compactLatex) level++; m_t << "\\" << levelLab[level]; m_t << "{"; if (pdfHyperlinks) { m_t << "\\texorpdfstring{"; } m_t << latexEscapeIndexChars(title); if (pdfHyperlinks) { m_t << "}{" << latexEscapePDFString(title) << "}"; } if (memTotal>1) { m_t << "\\hspace{0.1cm}{\\footnotesize\\ttfamily [" << memCount << "/" << memTotal << "]}"; } m_t << "}"; m_t << "\n{\\footnotesize\\ttfamily "; //m_disableLinks=TRUE; } void LatexGenerator::endMemberDoc(bool) { m_disableLinks=FALSE; m_t << "}\n\n"; //if (Config_getBool(COMPACT_LATEX)) m_t << "\\hfill"; } void LatexGenerator::startDoxyAnchor(const QCString &fName,const QCString &, const QCString &anchor, const QCString &, const QCString &) { bool pdfHyperlinks = Config_getBool(PDF_HYPERLINKS); bool usePDFLatex = Config_getBool(USE_PDFLATEX); m_t << "\\mbox{"; if (usePDFLatex && pdfHyperlinks) { m_t << "\\Hypertarget{"; if (!fName.isEmpty()) m_t << stripPath(fName); if (!anchor.isEmpty()) m_t << "_" << anchor; m_t << "}"; } m_t << "\\label{"; if (!fName.isEmpty()) m_t << stripPath(fName); if (!anchor.isEmpty()) m_t << "_" << anchor; m_t << "}} \n"; } void LatexGenerator::endDoxyAnchor(const QCString &fName,const QCString &anchor) { } void LatexGenerator::writeAnchor(const QCString &fName,const QCString &name) { //printf("LatexGenerator::writeAnchor(%s,%s)\n",fName,name); m_t << "\\label{" << stripPath(name) << "}\n"; bool pdfHyperlinks = Config_getBool(PDF_HYPERLINKS); bool usePDFLatex = Config_getBool(USE_PDFLATEX); if (usePDFLatex && pdfHyperlinks) { if (!fName.isEmpty()) { m_t << "\\Hypertarget{" << stripPath(fName) << "_" << stripPath(name) << "}\n"; } else { m_t << "\\Hypertarget{" << stripPath(name) << "}\n"; } } } //void LatexGenerator::writeLatexLabel(const QCString &clName,const QCString &anchor) //{ // writeDoxyAnchor(0,clName,anchor,0); //} void LatexGenerator::addIndexItem(const QCString &s1,const QCString &s2) { if (!s1.isEmpty()) { m_t << "\\index{"; m_t << latexEscapeLabelName(s1); m_t << "@{"; m_t << latexEscapeIndexChars(s1); m_t << "}"; if (!s2.isEmpty()) { m_t << "!"; m_t << latexEscapeLabelName(s2); m_t << "@{"; m_t << latexEscapeIndexChars(s2); m_t << "}"; } m_t << "}"; } } void LatexGenerator::startSection(const QCString &lab,const QCString &,SectionType type) { bool pdfHyperlinks = Config_getBool(PDF_HYPERLINKS); bool usePDFLatex = Config_getBool(USE_PDFLATEX); if (usePDFLatex && pdfHyperlinks) { m_t << "\\hypertarget{" << stripPath(lab) << "}{}"; } m_t << "\\"; if (Config_getBool(COMPACT_LATEX)) { switch(type) { case SectionType::Page: m_t << "doxysubsection"; break; case SectionType::Section: m_t << "doxysubsubsection"; break; case SectionType::Subsection: m_t << "doxyparagraph"; break; case SectionType::Subsubsection: m_t << "doxysubparagraph"; break; case SectionType::Paragraph: m_t << "doxysubparagraph"; break; default: ASSERT(0); break; } m_t << "{"; } else { switch(type) { case SectionType::Page: m_t << "doxysection"; break; case SectionType::Section: m_t << "doxysubsection"; break; case SectionType::Subsection: m_t << "doxysubsubsection"; break; case SectionType::Subsubsection: m_t << "doxyparagraph"; break; case SectionType::Paragraph: m_t << "doxysubparagraph"; break; default: ASSERT(0); break; } m_t << "{"; } } void LatexGenerator::endSection(const QCString &lab,SectionType) { m_t << "}\\label{" << lab << "}\n"; } void LatexGenerator::docify(const QCString &str) { filterLatexString(m_t,str, m_insideTabbing, // insideTabbing false, // insidePre false, // insideItem m_codeGen.usedTableLevel()>0, // insideTable false // keepSpaces ); } void LatexGenerator::writeChar(char c) { char cs[2]; cs[0]=c; cs[1]=0; docify(cs); } void LatexGenerator::startClassDiagram() { //if (Config_getBool(COMPACT_LATEX)) m_t << "\\doxysubsubsection"; else m_t << "\\doxysubsection"; //m_t << "{"; } void LatexGenerator::endClassDiagram(const ClassDiagram &d, const QCString &fileName,const QCString &) { d.writeFigure(m_t,dir(),fileName); } void LatexGenerator::startAnonTypeScope(int indent) { if (indent==0) { m_t << "\\begin{tabbing}\n"; m_t << "xx\\=xx\\=xx\\=xx\\=xx\\=xx\\=xx\\=xx\\=xx\\=\\kill\n"; m_insideTabbing=TRUE; } m_indent=indent; } void LatexGenerator::endAnonTypeScope(int indent) { if (indent==0) { m_t << "\n" << "\\end{tabbing}"; m_insideTabbing=FALSE; } m_indent=indent; } void LatexGenerator::startMemberTemplateParams() { if (templateMemberItem) { m_t << "{\\footnotesize "; } } void LatexGenerator::endMemberTemplateParams(const QCString &,const QCString &) { if (templateMemberItem) { m_t << "}\\\\"; } } void LatexGenerator::startMemberItem(const QCString &,int annoType,const QCString &) { //printf("LatexGenerator::startMemberItem(%d)\n",annType); if (!m_insideTabbing) { m_t << "\\item \n"; templateMemberItem = (annoType == 3); } } void LatexGenerator::endMemberItem() { if (m_insideTabbing) { m_t << "\\\\"; } templateMemberItem = FALSE; m_t << "\n"; } void LatexGenerator::startMemberDescription(const QCString &,const QCString &,bool) { if (!m_insideTabbing) { m_t << "\\begin{DoxyCompactList}\\small\\item\\em "; } else { for (int i=0;i"; m_t << "{\\em "; } } void LatexGenerator::endMemberDescription() { if (!m_insideTabbing) { //m_t << "\\item\\end{DoxyCompactList}"; m_t << "\\end{DoxyCompactList}"; } else { m_t << "}\\\\\n"; } } void LatexGenerator::writeNonBreakableSpace(int) { //printf("writeNonBreakableSpace()\n"); if (m_insideTabbing) { m_t << "\\>"; } else { m_t << "~"; } } // ---------------------------------------------- // nesting of functions below: // startDescTable() // - startDescTableRow() // - startDescTableTitle() // - endDescTableTitle() // - startDescTableData() // - endDescTableData() // - endDescTableRow() // - startDescTableRow() // - ... // - endDescTableRow() // endDescTable() void LatexGenerator::startDescTable(const QCString &title) { m_codeGen.incUsedTableLevel(); m_t << "\\begin{DoxyEnumFields}{" << title << "}\n"; } void LatexGenerator::endDescTable() { m_codeGen.decUsedTableLevel(); m_t << "\\end{DoxyEnumFields}\n"; } void LatexGenerator::startDescTableRow() { // this is needed to prevent the \hypertarget, \label, and \index commands from messing up // the row height (based on http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/186102) m_t << "\\raisebox{\\heightof{T}}[0pt][0pt]{"; } void LatexGenerator::endDescTableRow() { } void LatexGenerator::startDescTableTitle() { m_t << "}"; } void LatexGenerator::endDescTableTitle() { } void LatexGenerator::startDescTableData() { m_t << "&"; } void LatexGenerator::endDescTableData() { m_t << "\\\\\n\\hline\n\n"; } void LatexGenerator::lastIndexPage() { } void LatexGenerator::startMemberList() { if (!m_insideTabbing) { m_t << "\\begin{DoxyCompactItemize}\n"; } } void LatexGenerator::endMemberList() { //printf("LatexGenerator::endMemberList(%d)\n",m_insideTabbing); if (!m_insideTabbing) { m_t << "\\end{DoxyCompactItemize}\n"; } } void LatexGenerator::startMemberGroupHeader(bool hasHeader) { if (hasHeader) m_t << "\\begin{Indent}"; m_t << "\\textbf{ "; // changed back to rev 756 due to bug 660501 //if (Config_getBool(COMPACT_LATEX)) //{ // m_t << "\\doxysubparagraph*{"; //} //else //{ // m_t << "\\doxyparagraph*{"; //} } void LatexGenerator::endMemberGroupHeader() { // changed back to rev 756 due to bug 660501 m_t << "}\\par\n"; //m_t << "}\n"; } void LatexGenerator::startMemberGroupDocs() { m_t << "{\\em "; } void LatexGenerator::endMemberGroupDocs() { m_t << "}"; } void LatexGenerator::startMemberGroup() { } void LatexGenerator::endMemberGroup(bool hasHeader) { if (hasHeader)m_t << "\\end{Indent}"; m_t << "\n"; } void LatexGenerator::startDotGraph() { newParagraph(); } void LatexGenerator::endDotGraph(DotClassGraph &g) { g.writeGraph(m_t,GOF_EPS,EOF_LaTeX,dir(),fileName(),m_relPath); } void LatexGenerator::startInclDepGraph() { } void LatexGenerator::endInclDepGraph(DotInclDepGraph &g) { g.writeGraph(m_t,GOF_EPS,EOF_LaTeX,dir(),fileName(),m_relPath); } void LatexGenerator::startGroupCollaboration() { } void LatexGenerator::endGroupCollaboration(DotGroupCollaboration &g) { g.writeGraph(m_t,GOF_EPS,EOF_LaTeX,dir(),fileName(),m_relPath); } void LatexGenerator::startCallGraph() { } void LatexGenerator::endCallGraph(DotCallGraph &g) { g.writeGraph(m_t,GOF_EPS,EOF_LaTeX,dir(),fileName(),m_relPath); } void LatexGenerator::startDirDepGraph() { } void LatexGenerator::endDirDepGraph(DotDirDeps &g) { g.writeGraph(m_t,GOF_EPS,EOF_LaTeX,dir(),fileName(),m_relPath); } void LatexGenerator::startDescription() { m_t << "\\begin{description}\n"; } void LatexGenerator::endDescription() { m_t << "\\end{description}\n"; m_firstDescItem=TRUE; } void LatexGenerator::startDescItem() { m_firstDescItem=TRUE; m_t << "\\item["; } void LatexGenerator::endDescItem() { if (m_firstDescItem) { m_t << "]\n"; m_firstDescItem=FALSE; } else { lineBreak(); } } void LatexGenerator::startExamples() { m_t << "\\begin{Desc}\n\\item["; docify(theTranslator->trExamples()); m_t << "]"; } void LatexGenerator::endExamples() { m_t << "\\end{Desc}\n"; } void LatexGenerator::startParamList(ParamListTypes,const QCString &title) { m_t << "\\begin{Desc}\n\\item["; docify(title); m_t << "]"; } void LatexGenerator::endParamList() { m_t << "\\end{Desc}\n"; } void LatexGenerator::startParameterList(bool openBracket) { /* start of ParameterType ParameterName list */ if (openBracket) m_t << "("; m_t << "\\begin{DoxyParamCaption}"; } void LatexGenerator::endParameterList() { } void LatexGenerator::startParameterType(bool first,const QCString &key) { m_t << "\\item[{"; if (!first && !key.isEmpty()) docify(key); } void LatexGenerator::endParameterType() { m_t << "}]"; } void LatexGenerator::startParameterName(bool /*oneArgOnly*/) { m_t << "{"; } void LatexGenerator::endParameterName(bool last,bool /*emptyList*/,bool closeBracket) { m_t << " }"; if (last) { m_t << "\\end{DoxyParamCaption}"; if (closeBracket) m_t << ")"; } } void LatexGenerator::exceptionEntry(const QCString &prefix,bool closeBracket) { if (!prefix.isEmpty()) { m_t << " " << prefix << "("; } else if (closeBracket) { m_t << ")"; } m_t << " "; } void LatexGenerator::writeDoc(DocNode *n,const Definition *ctx,const MemberDef *,int) { LatexDocVisitor *visitor = new LatexDocVisitor(m_t,m_codeGen,ctx?ctx->getDefFileExtension():QCString(""),m_insideTabbing); n->accept(visitor); delete visitor; } void LatexGenerator::startConstraintList(const QCString &header) { m_t << "\\begin{Desc}\n\\item["; docify(header); m_t << "]"; m_t << "\\begin{description}\n"; } void LatexGenerator::startConstraintParam() { m_t << "\\item[{\\em "; } void LatexGenerator::endConstraintParam() { } void LatexGenerator::startConstraintType() { m_t << "} : {\\em "; } void LatexGenerator::endConstraintType() { m_t << "}]"; } void LatexGenerator::startConstraintDocs() { } void LatexGenerator::endConstraintDocs() { } void LatexGenerator::endConstraintList() { m_t << "\\end{description}\n"; m_t << "\\end{Desc}\n"; } void LatexGenerator::startInlineHeader() { if (Config_getBool(COMPACT_LATEX)) { m_t << "\\doxyparagraph*{"; } else { m_t << "\\doxysubsubsection*{"; } } void LatexGenerator::endInlineHeader() { m_t << "}\n"; } void LatexGenerator::lineBreak(const QCString &) { if (m_insideTabbing) { m_t << "\\\\\n"; } else { m_t << "\\newline\n"; } } void LatexGenerator::startMemberDocSimple(bool isEnum) { m_codeGen.incUsedTableLevel(); if (isEnum) { m_t << "\\begin{DoxyEnumFields}{"; docify(theTranslator->trEnumerationValues()); } else { m_t << "\\begin{DoxyFields}{"; docify(theTranslator->trCompoundMembers()); } m_t << "}\n"; } void LatexGenerator::endMemberDocSimple(bool isEnum) { m_codeGen.decUsedTableLevel(); if (isEnum) { m_t << "\\end{DoxyEnumFields}\n"; } else { m_t << "\\end{DoxyFields}\n"; } } void LatexGenerator::startInlineMemberType() { m_insideTabbing = TRUE; // to prevent \+ from causing unwanted breaks } void LatexGenerator::endInlineMemberType() { m_t << "&\n"; m_insideTabbing = FALSE; } void LatexGenerator::startInlineMemberName() { m_insideTabbing = TRUE; // to prevent \+ from causing unwanted breaks } void LatexGenerator::endInlineMemberName() { m_t << "&\n"; m_insideTabbing = FALSE; } void LatexGenerator::startInlineMemberDoc() { } void LatexGenerator::endInlineMemberDoc() { m_t << "\\\\\n\\hline\n\n"; } void LatexGenerator::startLabels() { m_t << "\\hspace{0.3cm}"; } void LatexGenerator::writeLabel(const QCString &l,bool isLast) { m_t << "{\\ttfamily [" << l << "]}"; if (!isLast) m_t << ", "; } void LatexGenerator::endLabels() { }