/****************************************************************************** * * * * Copyright (C) 1997-2003 by Dimitri van Heesch. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license. * */ #ifndef MEMBERDEF_H #define MEMBERDEF_H #include "qtbc.h" #include <qlist.h> #include <qdict.h> #include <qstack.h> #include "entry.h" #include "definition.h" #include "sortdict.h" class ClassDef; class NamespaceDef; class GroupDef; class FileDef; class MemberList; class MemberGroup; class ExampleSDict; class OutputList; class GroupDef; class QTextStream; class ArgumentList; struct SourceReference { FileDef *fd; QCString anchor; }; class MemberDef : public Definition { public: enum MemberType { Define, Function, Variable, Typedef, Enumeration, EnumValue, Prototype, Signal, Slot, Friend, DCOP, Property, Event }; MemberDef(const char *defFileName,int defLine, const char *type,const char *name,const char *args, const char *excp,Protection prot,Specifier virt,bool stat, bool related,MemberType t,const ArgumentList *tal, const ArgumentList *al); ~MemberDef(); DefType definitionType() { return TypeMember; } QCString getOutputFileBase() const; QCString getReference() const; QCString anchor() const; const char *declaration() const { return decl; } const char *definition() const { return def; } const char *typeString() const { return type; } const char *argsString() const { return args; } const char *excpString() const { return exception; } const char *bitfieldString() const { return bitfields; } const QCString &initializer() const { return init; } int initializerLines() const { return initLines; } int getMemberSpecifiers() const { return memSpec; } MemberList *getSectionList(Definition *d) const; // scope query members ClassDef *getClassDef() const { return classDef; } FileDef *getFileDef() const { return fileDef; } NamespaceDef* getNamespaceDef() const { return nspace; } //Definition *getCompoundDef() const; // querying the grouping definition GroupDef *getGroupDef() const { return group; } Grouping::GroupPri_t getGroupPri() const { return grouppri; } const char *getGroupFileName() const { return groupFileName; } int getGroupStartLine() const { return groupStartLine; } bool getGroupHasDocs() const { return groupHasDocs; } // direct kind info Protection protection() const { return prot; } Specifier virtualness() const; MemberType memberType() const { return mtype; } // convenience methods bool isSignal() const { return mtype==Signal; } bool isSlot() const { return mtype==Slot; } bool isVariable() const { return mtype==Variable; } bool isEnumerate() const { return mtype==Enumeration; } bool isEnumValue() const { return mtype==EnumValue; } bool isTypedef() const { return mtype==Typedef; } bool isFunction() const { return mtype==Function; } bool isDefine() const { return mtype==Define; } bool isFriend() const { return mtype==Friend; } bool isDCOP() const { return mtype==DCOP; } bool isProperty() const { return mtype==Property; } bool isEvent() const { return mtype==Event; } bool isRelated() const { return related; } bool isStatic() const { return stat; } bool isInline() const { return (memSpec&Entry::Inline)!=0; } bool isExplicit() const { return (memSpec&Entry::Explicit)!=0; } bool isMutable() const { return (memSpec&Entry::Mutable)!=0; } bool isGettable() const { return (memSpec&Entry::Gettable)!=0; } bool isSettable() const { return (memSpec&Entry::Settable)!=0; } bool isExternal() const { return explExt; } bool isConstructor() const; bool isDestructor() const; bool hasOneLineInitializer() const; bool hasMultiLineInitializer() const; bool protectionVisible() const; // output info bool isLinkableInProject() const; bool isLinkable() const; bool hasDocumentation() const; // overrides hasDocumentation in definition.h bool isBriefSectionVisible() const; bool isDetailedSectionVisible(bool inGroup=FALSE) const; bool isDetailedSectionLinkable() const; bool isDocumentedFriendClass() const; // set functions void setMemberType(MemberType t) { mtype=t; } void setDefinition(const char *d) { def=d; } void setFileDef(FileDef *fd) { fileDef=fd; } void setAnchor(const char *a); void setProtection(Protection p) { prot=p; } void setMemberSpecifiers(int s) { memSpec=s; } void mergeMemberSpecifiers(int s) { memSpec|=s; } void setInitializer(const char *i); void setBitfields(const char *s) { bitfields = s; } void setMaxInitLines(int lines) { userInitLines=lines; } void setMemberClass(ClassDef *cd); void setSectionList(Definition *d,MemberList *sl); void setGroupDef(GroupDef *gd,Grouping::GroupPri_t pri,const QCString &fileName,int startLine,bool hasDocs); void setExplicitExternal(bool b) { explExt=b; } void makeRelated() { related=TRUE; } // output generatation void writeLink(OutputList &ol, ClassDef *cd,NamespaceDef *nd,FileDef *fd,GroupDef *gd); void writeDeclaration(OutputList &ol, ClassDef *cd,NamespaceDef *nd,FileDef *fd,GroupDef *gd, bool inGroup); void writeDocumentation(MemberList *ml,OutputList &ol, const char *scopeName,Definition *container, bool inGroup); void warnIfUndocumented(); // relation to other members void setReimplements(MemberDef *md); void insertReimplementedBy(MemberDef *md); MemberDef *reimplements() const; MemberList *reimplementedBy() const; // in-body documentation void setInbodyDocumentation(const char *docs,const char *file,int line); int inbodyLine() const { return m_inbodyLine; } QCString inbodyFile() const { return m_inbodyFile; } const QCString &inbodyDocumentation() const { return m_inbodyDocs; } // For function documentation that can also be found in a class's related func section. void setRelatedAlso(ClassDef *cd) { m_relatedAlso=cd; } ClassDef *relatedAlso() const { return m_relatedAlso; } // enumeration specific members void insertEnumField(MemberDef *md); void setEnumScope(MemberDef *md); MemberDef *getEnumScope() const { return enumScope; } //void setEnumUsed() { eUsed=TRUE; } //bool enumUsed() const { return eUsed; } //void setEnumDecl(OutputList &ed); //OutputList *enumDecl() const { return enumDeclList; } MemberList *enumFieldList() const { return enumFields; } void setDocumentedEnumValues(bool value) { docEnumValues=value; } bool hasDocumentedEnumValues() const { return docEnumValues; } void setAnonymousEnumType(MemberDef *md) { annEnumType = md; } MemberDef *getAnonymousEnumType() const { return annEnumType; } bool isDocsForDefinition() const { return docsForDefinition; } // example related members bool addExample(const char *anchor,const char *name,const char *file); bool hasExamples(); ExampleSDict *getExamples() const { return exampleSDict; } // prototype related members void setPrototype(bool p) { proto=p; } bool isPrototype() const { return proto; } // argument related members ArgumentList *argumentList() const { return defArgList; } ArgumentList *declArgumentList() const { return declArgList; } void setArgumentList(ArgumentList *al); void setDeclArgumentList(ArgumentList *al); ArgumentList *templateArguments() const { return tArgList; } void setDefinitionTemplateParameterLists(QList<ArgumentList> *lists); QList<ArgumentList> *definitionTemplateParameterLists() const { return m_defTmpArgLists; } // namespace related members void setNamespace(NamespaceDef *nd); // member group related members void setMemberGroup(MemberGroup *grp); MemberGroup *getMemberGroup() const { return memberGroup; } void setMemberGroupId(int id) { grpId=id; } int getMemberGroupId() const { return grpId; } // anonymous scope members void setFromAnonymousScope(bool b) { annScope=b; } void setFromAnonymousMember(MemberDef *m) { annMemb=m; } bool fromAnonymousScope() const { return annScope; } bool anonymousDeclShown() const { return annUsed; } //void setIndentDepth( int i) { indDepth=i; } //int indentDepth() { return indDepth; } // callgraph related members bool hasCallGraph() const { return m_hasCallGraph; } void enableCallGraph(bool e); bool visibleMemberGroup(bool hideNoHeader); MemberDef *templateMaster() const { return m_templateMaster; } QCString getScopeString() const; ClassDef *getClassDefOfAnonymousType(); MemberDef *createTemplateInstanceMember(ArgumentList *formalArgs, ArgumentList *actualArgs); void setTemplateMaster(MemberDef *mt) { m_templateMaster=mt; } void addListReference(Definition *d); //QCString getBodyAnchor() const //{ // return bodyMemb ? bodyMemb->anchor() : anchor(); //} //void setBodyMember(MemberDef *md) { bodyMemb = md; } void setDocsForDefinition(bool b) { docsForDefinition = b; } void setGroupAlias(MemberDef *md) { groupAlias = md; } MemberDef *getGroupAlias() const { return groupAlias; } // cached typedef functions bool isTypedefValCached() const { return m_isTypedefValCached; } ClassDef *getCachedTypedefVal() const { return m_cachedTypedefValue; } void cacheTypedefVal(ClassDef *val) { m_isTypedefValCached=TRUE; m_cachedTypedefValue=val; } // declaration <-> definition relation void setMemberDefinition(MemberDef *md) { memDef=md; } void setMemberDeclaration(MemberDef *md) { memDec=md; } MemberDef *memberDefinition() const { return memDef; } MemberDef *memberDeclaration() const { return memDec; } void writeEnumDeclaration(OutputList &typeDecl, ClassDef *cd,NamespaceDef *nd,FileDef *fd,GroupDef *gd); void findSectionsInDocumentation(); bool visited; private: ClassDef *classDef; // member of or related to FileDef *fileDef; // member of file definition MemberDef *enumScope; // the enclosing scope, if this is an enum field MemberDef *annEnumType; // the annonymous enum that is the type of this member MemberDef *redefines; // the members that this member redefines MemberList *redefinedBy; // the list of members that redefine this one MemberDef *memDef; // member definition for this declaration MemberDef *memDec; // member declaration for this definition ClassDef *m_relatedAlso; // points to class marked by relatedAlso ExampleSDict *exampleSDict; // a dictionary of all examples for quick access MemberList *enumFields; // enumeration fields OutputList *enumDeclList; // stored piece of documentation for enumeration. NamespaceDef *nspace; // the namespace this member is in. QCString type; // return type QCString args; // function arguments/variable array specifiers QCString bitfields; // struct member bitfields QCString exception; // exceptions that can be thrown QCString init; // initializer int initLines; // number of lines in the initializer QCString decl; // member declaration in class QCString def; // member definition in code (fully qualified name) QCString anc; // HTML anchor name MemberDef *groupAlias; // Member containing the definition Specifier virt; // normal/virtual/pure virtual Protection prot; // protection type [Public/Protected/Private] bool related; // is this a member that is only related to a class bool stat; // is it a static function? int memSpec; // The specifiers present for this member MemberType mtype; // returns the kind of member bool proto; // is it a prototype; bool docEnumValues; // is an enum with documented enum values. bool annScope; // member is part of an annoymous scope bool annUsed; bool annShown; bool m_hasCallGraph; //int indDepth; // indentation depth for this member if inside an annonymous scope int maxInitLines; // when the initializer will be displayed int userInitLines; // result of explicit \hideinitializer or \showinitializer MemberList *section; // declation list containing this member MemberDef *annMemb; ArgumentList *defArgList; // argument list of this member definition ArgumentList *declArgList; // argument list of this member declaration ArgumentList *tArgList; // template argument list of function template QList<ArgumentList> *m_defTmpArgLists; int grpId; // group id MemberGroup *memberGroup; // group's member definition GroupDef *group; // group in which this member is in bool explExt; // member was explicitly declared external ClassDef *cachedAnonymousType; // if the member has an anonymous compound // as its type then this is computed by // getClassDefOfAnonymousType() and // cached here. Grouping::GroupPri_t grouppri; // priority of this definition QCString groupFileName; // file where this grouping was defined int groupStartLine; // line " " " " " bool groupHasDocs; // true if the entry that caused the grouping was documented MemberDef *m_templateMaster; SDict<MemberList> *classSectionSDict; bool docsForDefinition; // TRUE => documentation block is put before // definition. // FALSE => block is put before declaration. // disable copying of member defs MemberDef(const MemberDef &); MemberDef &operator=(const MemberDef &); static int s_indentLevel; bool m_isTypedefValCached; ClassDef *m_cachedTypedefValue; // inbody documentation int m_inbodyLine; QCString m_inbodyFile; QCString m_inbodyDocs; }; #endif