/****************************************************************************** * * * * Copyright (C) 1997-2012 by Dimitri van Heesch. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license. * */ #include #include "memberlist.h" #include "classdef.h" #include "message.h" #include "util.h" #include "language.h" #include "doxygen.h" #include "outputlist.h" #include "groupdef.h" #include "marshal.h" #include "vhdldocgen.h" MemberList::MemberList() { memberGroupList=0; m_numDecMembers=-1; // special value indicating that value needs to be computed m_numDocMembers=-1; // special value indicating that value needs to be computed } MemberList::MemberList(ListType lt) : m_listType(lt) { memberGroupList=0; m_numDecMembers=-1; // special value indicating that value needs to be computed m_numDocMembers=-1; // special value indicating that value needs to be computed m_inGroup=FALSE; m_inFile=FALSE; m_needsSorting=FALSE; } MemberList::~MemberList() { delete memberGroupList; } int MemberList::compareItems(GCI item1, GCI item2) { static bool sortConstructorsFirst = Config_getBool("SORT_MEMBERS_CTORS_1ST"); MemberDef *c1=(MemberDef *)item1; MemberDef *c2=(MemberDef *)item2; if (sortConstructorsFirst) { int ord1 = c1->isConstructor() ? 2 : (c1->isDestructor() ? 1 : 0); int ord2 = c2->isConstructor() ? 2 : (c2->isDestructor() ? 1 : 0); if (ord1 > ord2) return -1; else if (ord2 > ord1) return 1; } int cmp = stricmp(c1->name(),c2->name()); return cmp!=0 ? cmp : c1->getDefLine()-c2->getDefLine(); } int MemberList::countInheritableMembers(ClassDef *inheritedFrom) const { int count=0; QListIterator mli(*this); MemberDef *md; for (mli.toFirst();(md=mli.current());++mli) { if (md->isBriefSectionVisible()) { if (md->memberType()!=MemberDef::Friend && md->memberType()!=MemberDef::EnumValue) { //printf("member %s: isReimplementedBy(%s)=%d\n",md->name().data(), // inheritedFrom->name().data(), // md->isReimplementedBy(inheritedFrom)); if (md->memberType()==MemberDef::Function) { if (!md->isReimplementedBy(inheritedFrom)) count++; } else { count++; } } } } if (memberGroupList) { MemberGroupListIterator mgli(*memberGroupList); MemberGroup *mg; for (;(mg=mgli.current());++mgli) { count+=mg->countInheritableMembers(inheritedFrom); } } //printf("%s::countInheritableMembers(%s)=%d\n", // listTypeAsString().data(), // inheritedFrom->name().data(),count); return count; } /*! Count the number of members in this list that are visible in * the declaration part of a compound's documentation page. */ void MemberList::countDecMembers(bool countEnumValues,GroupDef *gd) { if (m_numDecMembers!=-1) return; //printf("----- countDecMembers count=%d ----\n",count()); m_varCnt=m_funcCnt=m_enumCnt=m_enumValCnt=0; m_typeCnt=m_protoCnt=m_defCnt=m_friendCnt=0; m_numDecMembers=0; QListIterator mli(*this); MemberDef *md; for (mli.toFirst();(md=mli.current());++mli) { //printf("MemberList::countDecMembers(md=%s,%d)\n",md->name().data(),md->isBriefSectionVisible()); if (md->isBriefSectionVisible()) { switch(md->memberType()) { case MemberDef::Variable: // fall through case MemberDef::Event: // fall through case MemberDef::Property: m_varCnt++,m_numDecMembers++; break; case MemberDef::Function: // fall through case MemberDef::Signal: // fall through case MemberDef::DCOP: // fall through case MemberDef::Slot: if (!md->isRelated() || md->getClassDef()) m_funcCnt++,m_numDecMembers++; break; case MemberDef::Enumeration: m_enumCnt++,m_numDecMembers++; break; case MemberDef::EnumValue: if (countEnumValues) m_enumValCnt++,m_numDecMembers++; break; case MemberDef::Typedef: m_typeCnt++,m_numDecMembers++; break; //case MemberDef::Prototype: m_protoCnt++,m_numDecMembers++; break; case MemberDef::Define: if (Config_getBool("EXTRACT_ALL") || md->argsString() || !md->initializer().isEmpty() || md->hasDocumentation() ) m_defCnt++,m_numDecMembers++; break; case MemberDef::Friend: m_friendCnt++,m_numDecMembers++; break; default: err("Error: Unknown member type found for member `%s'\n!",md->name().data()); } } } if (memberGroupList) { MemberGroupListIterator mgli(*memberGroupList); MemberGroup *mg; for (;(mg=mgli.current());++mgli) { mg->countDecMembers(gd); m_varCnt+=mg->varCount(); m_funcCnt+=mg->funcCount(); m_enumCnt+=mg->enumCount(); m_enumValCnt+=mg->enumValueCount(); m_typeCnt+=mg->typedefCount(); m_protoCnt+=mg->protoCount(); m_defCnt+=mg->defineCount(); m_friendCnt+=mg->friendCount(); m_numDecMembers+=mg->numDecMembers(); } } //printf("----- end countDecMembers ----\n"); //printf("MemberList::countDecMembers()=%d\n",m_numDecMembers); } void MemberList::countDocMembers(bool countEnumValues) { if (m_numDocMembers!=-1) return; // used cached value m_numDocMembers=0; QListIterator mli(*this); MemberDef *md; for (mli.toFirst();(md=mli.current());++mli) { if (md->isDetailedSectionVisible(m_inGroup,m_inFile)) { // do not count enum values, since they do not produce entries of their own if (countEnumValues || md->memberType()!=MemberDef::EnumValue) m_numDocMembers++; } } if (memberGroupList) { MemberGroupListIterator mgli(*memberGroupList); MemberGroup *mg; for (;(mg=mgli.current());++mgli) { mg->countDocMembers(); m_numDocMembers+=mg->numDocMembers(); } } //printf("MemberList::countDocMembers()=%d memberGroupList=%p\n",m_numDocMembers,memberGroupList); } bool MemberList::insert(uint index,const MemberDef *md) { return QList::insert(index,md); } void MemberList::inSort(const MemberDef *md) { QList::inSort(md); } void MemberList::append(const MemberDef *md) { QList::append(md); } MemberListIterator::MemberListIterator(const QList &l) : QListIterator(l) { } bool MemberList::declVisible() const { MemberListIterator mli(*this); MemberDef *md; for ( ; (md=mli.current()); ++mli ) { if (md->isBriefSectionVisible()) { switch (md->memberType()) { case MemberDef::Define: // fall through case MemberDef::Typedef: // fall through case MemberDef::Variable: // fall through case MemberDef::Function: // fall through case MemberDef::Signal: // fall through case MemberDef::Slot: // fall through case MemberDef::DCOP: // fall through case MemberDef::Property: // fall through case MemberDef::Event: return TRUE; case MemberDef::Enumeration: { int enumVars=0; MemberListIterator vmli(*this); MemberDef *vmd; QCString name(md->name()); int i=name.findRev("::"); if (i!=-1) name=name.right(name.length()-i-2); // strip scope (TODO: is this needed?) if (name[0]=='@') // anonymous enum => append variables { for ( ; (vmd=vmli.current()) ; ++vmli) { QCString vtype=vmd->typeString(); if ((vtype.find(name))!=-1) { enumVars++; } } } // if this is an anonymous enum and there are variables of this // enum type (i.e. enumVars>0), then we do not show the enum here. if (enumVars==0) // show enum here { return TRUE; } } break; case MemberDef::Friend: return TRUE; case MemberDef::EnumValue: { if (m_inGroup) { return TRUE; } } break; } } } return FALSE; } void MemberList::writePlainDeclarations(OutputList &ol, ClassDef *cd,NamespaceDef *nd,FileDef *fd,GroupDef *gd, ClassDef *inheritedFrom,const char *inheritId ) { //printf("----- writePlainDeclaration() ----\n"); countDecMembers(); if (numDecMembers()==0) { //printf(" --> no members!\n"); return; // no members in this list } //printf(" --> writePlainDeclaration() numDecMembers()=%d\n", // numDecMembers()); ol.pushGeneratorState(); bool first=TRUE; MemberDef *md; MemberListIterator mli(*this); for ( ; (md=mli.current()); ++mli ) { //printf(">>> Member `%s' type=%d visible=%d\n", // md->name().data(),md->memberType(),md->isBriefSectionVisible()); if ((inheritedFrom==0 || !md->isReimplementedBy(inheritedFrom)) && md->isBriefSectionVisible()) { switch(md->memberType()) { case MemberDef::Define: // fall through //case MemberDef::Prototype: // fall through case MemberDef::Typedef: // fall through case MemberDef::Variable: // fall through case MemberDef::Function: // fall through case MemberDef::Signal: // fall through case MemberDef::Slot: // fall through case MemberDef::DCOP: // fall through case MemberDef::Property: // fall through case MemberDef::Event: { if (first) ol.startMemberList(),first=FALSE; md->writeDeclaration(ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,m_inGroup,inheritedFrom,inheritId); break; } case MemberDef::Enumeration: { int enumVars=0; MemberListIterator vmli(*this); MemberDef *vmd; QCString name(md->name()); int i=name.findRev("::"); if (i!=-1) name=name.right(name.length()-i-2); // strip scope (TODO: is this needed?) if (name[0]=='@') // anonymous enum => append variables { for ( ; (vmd=vmli.current()) ; ++vmli) { QCString vtype=vmd->typeString(); if ((vtype.find(name))!=-1) { enumVars++; vmd->setAnonymousEnumType(md); } } } // if this is an anonymous enum and there are variables of this // enum type (i.e. enumVars>0), then we do not show the enum here. if (enumVars==0) // show enum here { //printf("Enum!!\n"); if (first) { ol.startMemberList(); first=FALSE; } ol.startMemberItem(md->anchor(),0,inheritId); ol.writeString("enum "); ol.insertMemberAlign(); md->writeEnumDeclaration(ol,cd,nd,fd,gd); ol.endMemberItem(); if (!md->briefDescription().isEmpty() && Config_getBool("BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC")) { ol.startMemberDescription(md->anchor()); ol.parseDoc( md->briefFile(),md->briefLine(), cd,md, md->briefDescription(), TRUE,FALSE,0,TRUE,FALSE ); if (md->isDetailedSectionLinkable()) { ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html); ol.docify(" "); ol.startTextLink(md->getOutputFileBase(), md->anchor()); ol.parseText(theTranslator->trMore()); ol.endTextLink(); ol.enableAll(); } ol.endMemberDescription(); } } md->warnIfUndocumented(); break; } case MemberDef::Friend: if (inheritedFrom==0) { if (first) { ol.startMemberList(); first=FALSE; } md->writeDeclaration(ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,m_inGroup,inheritedFrom,inheritId); break; } case MemberDef::EnumValue: { if (m_inGroup) { //printf("EnumValue!\n"); if (first) ol.startMemberList(),first=FALSE; md->writeDeclaration(ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,m_inGroup,inheritedFrom,inheritId); } } break; } } } // handle members that are inside anonymous compounds and for which // no variables of the anonymous compound type exist. if (cd) { MemberListIterator mli(*this); for ( ; (md=mli.current()) ; ++mli ) { if (md->fromAnonymousScope() && !md->anonymousDeclShown()) { md->setFromAnonymousScope(FALSE); //printf("anonymous compound members\n"); if (md->isBriefSectionVisible()) { if (first) { ol.startMemberList(); first=FALSE; } md->writeDeclaration(ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,m_inGroup); } md->setFromAnonymousScope(TRUE); } } } if (!first) { ol.endMemberList(); } ol.popGeneratorState(); //printf("----- end writePlainDeclaration() ----\n"); } /** Writes the list of members to the output. * @param ol Output list to write to * @param cd non-null if this list is part of class documentation. * @param nd non-null if this list is part of namespace documentation. * @param fd non-null if this list is part of file documentation. * @param gd non-null if this list is part of group documentation. * @param title Title to use for the member list. * @param subtitle Sub title to use for the member list. * @param showEnumValues Obsolete, always set to FALSE. * @param showInline if set to TRUE if title is rendered differently * @param inheritedFrom if not 0, the list is shown inside the * given class as inherited members, parameter cd points to the * class containing the members. */ void MemberList::writeDeclarations(OutputList &ol, ClassDef *cd,NamespaceDef *nd,FileDef *fd,GroupDef *gd, const char *title,const char *subtitle, bool showEnumValues, bool showInline,ClassDef *inheritedFrom) { (void)showEnumValues; // unused //printf("----- writeDeclaration() this=%p ---- inheritedFrom=%p\n",this,inheritedFrom); static bool optimizeVhdl = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL"); QCString inheritId; countDecMembers(/*showEnumValues*/FALSE,gd); // count members shown in this section Definition *ctx = cd; if (ctx==0 && nd) ctx = nd; if (ctx==0 && gd) ctx = gd; if (ctx==0 && fd) ctx = fd; //printf("%p: MemberList::writeDeclaration(title=`%s',subtitle=`%s')=%d\n", // this,title,subtitle,numDecMembers()); int num = numDecMembers(); if (inheritedFrom) { //if ( cd && !optimizeVhdl && countInheritableMembers(inheritedFrom)>0 ) if ( cd && !optimizeVhdl && cd->countMembersIncludingGrouped( m_listType,inheritedFrom,TRUE)>0 ) { ol.pushGeneratorState(); ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html); inheritId = substitute(listTypeAsString(),"-","_")+"_"+ stripPath(cd->getOutputFileBase()); if (title) { ol.writeInheritedSectionTitle(inheritId,cd->getReference(), cd->getOutputFileBase(), cd->anchor(),title,cd->displayName()); } ol.popGeneratorState(); } } else if (num>0) { if (title) { if (showInline) { ol.startInlineHeader(); } else { ol.startMemberHeader(listTypeAsString()); } ol.parseText(title); if (showInline) { ol.endInlineHeader(); } else { ol.endMemberHeader(); } } if (subtitle) { QCString st=subtitle; st = st.stripWhiteSpace(); if (!st.isEmpty()) { ol.startMemberSubtitle(); ol.parseDoc("[generated]",-1,ctx,0,subtitle,FALSE,FALSE,0,FALSE,FALSE); ol.endMemberSubtitle(); } } } if (num>0) { // TODO: Two things need to be worked out for proper VHDL output: // 1. Signals and types under the group need to be // formatted to associate them with the group somehow // indentation, or at the very least, extra space after // the group is done // 2. This might need to be repeated below for memberGroupLists if (optimizeVhdl) // use specific declarations function { VhdlDocGen::writeVhdlDeclarations(this,ol,0,cd,0,0); } else { writePlainDeclarations(ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,inheritedFrom,inheritId); } //printf("memberGroupList=%p\n",memberGroupList); if (memberGroupList) { MemberGroupListIterator mgli(*memberGroupList); MemberGroup *mg; while ((mg=mgli.current())) { bool hasHeader=!mg->header().isEmpty() && mg->header()!="[NOHEADER]"; if (inheritId.isEmpty()) { //printf("mg->header=%s hasHeader=%d\n",mg->header().data(),hasHeader); ol.startMemberGroupHeader(hasHeader); if (hasHeader) { ol.parseText(mg->header()); } ol.endMemberGroupHeader(); if (!mg->documentation().isEmpty()) { //printf("Member group has docs!\n"); ol.startMemberGroupDocs(); ol.parseDoc("[generated]",-1,ctx,0,mg->documentation()+"\n",FALSE,FALSE); ol.endMemberGroupDocs(); } ol.startMemberGroup(); } //printf("--- mg->writePlainDeclarations ---\n"); mg->writePlainDeclarations(ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,inheritedFrom,inheritId); if (inheritId.isEmpty()) { ol.endMemberGroup(hasHeader); } ++mgli; } } } if (inheritedFrom && cd) { // also add members that of this list type, that are grouped together // in a separate list in class 'inheritedFrom' cd->addGroupedInheritedMembers(ol,m_listType,inheritedFrom,inheritId); } //printf("----- end writeDeclaration() ----\n"); } void MemberList::writeDocumentation(OutputList &ol, const char *scopeName, Definition *container, const char *title,bool showEnumValues,bool showInline) { //printf("MemberList::writeDocumentation()\n"); countDocMembers(showEnumValues); if (numDocMembers()==0) return; if (title) { ol.writeRuler(); ol.startGroupHeader(showInline ? 2 : 0); ol.parseText(title); ol.endGroupHeader(showInline ? 2 : 0); } ol.startMemberDocList(); MemberListIterator mli(*this); MemberDef *md; for ( ; (md=mli.current()) ; ++mli) { md->writeDocumentation(this,ol,scopeName,container, m_inGroup,showEnumValues,showInline); } if (memberGroupList) { //printf("MemberList::writeDocumentation() -- member groups\n"); MemberGroupListIterator mgli(*memberGroupList); MemberGroup *mg; for (;(mg=mgli.current());++mgli) { mg->writeDocumentation(ol,scopeName,container,showEnumValues,showInline); } } ol.endMemberDocList(); } // members in a table void MemberList::writeSimpleDocumentation(OutputList &ol, Definition *container) { countDocMembers(FALSE); //printf("MemberList count=%d\n",numDocMembers()); if (numDocMembers()==0) return; ol.startMemberDocSimple(); MemberListIterator mli(*this); MemberDef *md; for ( ; (md=mli.current()) ; ++mli) { md->writeMemberDocSimple(ol,container); } ol.endMemberDocSimple(); } // separate member pages void MemberList::writeDocumentationPage(OutputList &ol, const char *scopeName, Definition *container) { static bool generateTreeView = Config_getBool("GENERATE_TREEVIEW"); MemberListIterator mli(*this); MemberDef *md; for ( ; (md=mli.current()) ; ++mli) { QCString diskName=md->getOutputFileBase(); QCString title=md->qualifiedName(); startFile(ol,diskName,md->name(),title,HLI_None,!generateTreeView, container->getOutputFileBase()); if (!generateTreeView) { container->writeNavigationPath(ol); ol.endQuickIndices(); } ol.startContents(); if (generateTreeView) { md->writeDocumentation(this,ol,scopeName,container,m_inGroup); ol.endContents(); endFileWithNavPath(container,ol); } else { ol.writeString("\n" " \n" " \n"); ol.writeString(" \n"); ol.writeString(" \n"); ol.writeString("
\n"); container->writeQuickMemberLinks(ol,md); ol.writeString(" \n"); md->writeDocumentation(this,ol,scopeName,container,m_inGroup); ol.writeString("
\n"); endFile(ol); } } if (memberGroupList) { //printf("MemberList::writeDocumentation() -- member groups\n"); MemberGroupListIterator mgli(*memberGroupList); MemberGroup *mg; for (;(mg=mgli.current());++mgli) { mg->writeDocumentationPage(ol,scopeName,container); } } } void MemberList::addMemberGroup(MemberGroup *mg) { if (memberGroupList==0) { memberGroupList=new MemberGroupList; } //printf("addMemberGroup: this=%p mg=%p\n",this,mg); memberGroupList->append(mg); } void MemberList::addListReferences(Definition *def) { MemberListIterator mli(*this); MemberDef *md; for ( ; (md=mli.current()) ; ++mli) { if (md->getGroupDef()==0 || def->definitionType()==Definition::TypeGroup) { md->addListReference(def); LockingPtr enumFields = md->enumFieldList(); if (md->memberType()==MemberDef::Enumeration && enumFields!=0) { //printf(" Adding enum values!\n"); MemberListIterator vmli(*enumFields); MemberDef *vmd; for ( ; (vmd=vmli.current()) ; ++vmli) { //printf(" adding %s\n",vmd->name().data()); vmd->addListReference(def); } } } } if (memberGroupList) { MemberGroupListIterator mgli(*memberGroupList); MemberGroup *mg; for (;(mg=mgli.current());++mgli) { mg->addListReferences(def); } } } void MemberList::findSectionsInDocumentation() { MemberListIterator mli(*this); MemberDef *md; for ( ; (md=mli.current()) ; ++mli) { md->findSectionsInDocumentation(); } if (memberGroupList) { MemberGroupListIterator mgli(*memberGroupList); MemberGroup *mg; for (;(mg=mgli.current());++mgli) { mg->findSectionsInDocumentation(); } } } void MemberList::marshal(StorageIntf *s) { marshalInt(s,(int)m_listType); marshalInt(s,m_varCnt); marshalInt(s,m_funcCnt); marshalInt(s,m_enumCnt); marshalInt(s,m_enumValCnt); marshalInt(s,m_typeCnt); marshalInt(s,m_protoCnt); marshalInt(s,m_defCnt); marshalInt(s,m_friendCnt); marshalInt(s,m_numDecMembers); marshalInt(s,m_numDocMembers); marshalBool(s,m_inGroup); marshalBool(s,m_inFile); marshalBool(s,m_needsSorting); if (memberGroupList==0) { marshalUInt(s,NULL_LIST); // null pointer representation } else { marshalUInt(s,memberGroupList->count()); QListIterator mgi(*memberGroupList); MemberGroup *mg=0; for (mgi.toFirst();(mg=mgi.current());++mgi) { mg->marshal(s); } } } void MemberList::unmarshal(StorageIntf *s) { m_listType = (MemberList::ListType)unmarshalInt(s); m_varCnt = unmarshalInt(s); m_funcCnt = unmarshalInt(s); m_enumCnt = unmarshalInt(s); m_enumValCnt = unmarshalInt(s); m_typeCnt = unmarshalInt(s); m_protoCnt = unmarshalInt(s); m_defCnt = unmarshalInt(s); m_friendCnt = unmarshalInt(s); m_numDecMembers = unmarshalInt(s); m_numDocMembers = unmarshalInt(s); m_inGroup = unmarshalBool(s); m_inFile = unmarshalBool(s); m_needsSorting = unmarshalBool(s); uint i,count = unmarshalUInt(s); if (count==NULL_LIST) // empty list { memberGroupList = 0; } else // add member groups { memberGroupList = new MemberGroupList; for (i=0;iunmarshal(s); memberGroupList->append(mg); } } } QCString MemberList::listTypeAsString() const { switch(m_listType) { case pubMethods: return "pub-methods"; case proMethods: return "pro-methods"; case pacMethods: return "pac-methods"; case priMethods: return "pri-methods"; case pubStaticMethods: return "pub-static-methods"; case proStaticMethods: return "pro-static-methods"; case pacStaticMethods: return "pac-static-methods"; case priStaticMethods: return "pri-static-methods"; case pubSlots: return "pub-slots"; case proSlots: return "pro-slots"; case priSlots: return "pri-slots"; case pubAttribs: return "pub-attribs"; case proAttribs: return "pro-attribs"; case pacAttribs: return "pac-attribs"; case priAttribs: return "pri-attribs"; case pubStaticAttribs: return "pub-static-attribs"; case proStaticAttribs: return "pro-static-attribs"; case pacStaticAttribs: return "pac-static-attribs"; case priStaticAttribs: return "pri-static-attribs"; case pubTypes: return "pub-types"; case proTypes: return "pro-types"; case pacTypes: return "pac-types"; case priTypes: return "pri-types"; case related: return "related"; case signals: return "signals"; case friends: return "friends"; case dcopMethods: return "dcop-methods"; case properties: return "properties"; case events: return "events"; case decDefineMembers: return "define-members"; case decProtoMembers: return "proto-members"; case decTypedefMembers: return "typedef-members"; case decEnumMembers: return "enum-members"; case decFuncMembers: return "func-members"; case decVarMembers: return "var-members"; case decEnumValMembers: return "enumval-members"; case decPubSlotMembers: return "pub-slot-members"; case decProSlotMembers: return "pro-slot-members"; case decPriSlotMembers: return "pri-slot-members"; case decSignalMembers: return "signal-members"; case decEventMembers: return "event-members"; case decFriendMembers: return "friend-members"; case decPropMembers: return "prop-members"; case enumFields: return "enum-fields"; case memberGroup: return "member-group"; default: break; } return ""; } void MemberList::setNeedsSorting(bool b) { m_needsSorting = b; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- int MemberSDict::compareItems(GCI item1, GCI item2) { // NOTE: this function can be triggered from unmarshalMemberSDict // so it may not result in called to MemberDef::makeResident(). // As a result, the data returned by MemberDef::name() and // MemberDef::getDefLine() will always be kept in memory. MemberDef *c1=(MemberDef *)item1; MemberDef *c2=(MemberDef *)item2; //printf("MemberSDict::compareItems(%s,%s)\n",c1->name().data(),c2->name().data()); int cmp = stricmp(c1->name(),c2->name()); if (cmp) { return cmp; } else { return c1->getDefLine()-c2->getDefLine(); } }