 * Copyright (C) 1997-2020 by Dimitri van Heesch.
 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
 * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby
 * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software
 * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
 * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.


#include <set>

#include "definition.h"
#include "filedef.h"
#include "linkedmap.h"
#include "membergroup.h"

class MemberList;
class ClassDef;
class ConceptDef;
class OutputList;
class ClassLinkedRefMap;
class ConceptLinkedRefMap;
class MemberDef;
class NamespaceDef;
class NamespaceDef;
class NamespaceDefMutable;

// --- Set of namespaces

using NamespaceDefSet = std::set<const NamespaceDef*>;

class NamespaceLinkedMap : public LinkedMap<NamespaceDef>

class NamespaceLinkedRefMap : public LinkedRefMap<const NamespaceDef>
    void writeDeclaration(OutputList &ol,const QCString &title,
            bool isConstantGroup=false, bool localName=FALSE);
    bool declVisible() const;

/** An abstract interface of a namespace symbol. */
class NamespaceDef : public Definition
    virtual ~NamespaceDef() {}
    virtual DefType definitionType() const = 0;

    // ---- getters
    virtual QCString getOutputFileBase() const = 0;
    virtual QCString anchor() const = 0;
    virtual int numDocMembers() const = 0;
    virtual LinkedRefMap<const NamespaceDef> getUsedNamespaces() const = 0;
    virtual LinkedRefMap<const ClassDef> getUsedClasses() const = 0;
    virtual QCString displayName(bool=TRUE) const = 0;
    virtual QCString localName() const = 0;
    virtual bool isConstantGroup() const = 0;
    virtual bool isModule()        const = 0;
    virtual bool isLibrary() const = 0;
    virtual bool isInline() const = 0;
    virtual bool isLinkableInProject() const = 0;
    virtual bool isLinkable() const = 0;
    virtual bool hasDetailedDescription() const = 0;
    virtual const Definition *findInnerCompound(const QCString &name) const = 0;
    virtual bool subGrouping() const = 0;
    virtual MemberList *getMemberList(MemberListType lt) const = 0;
    virtual const MemberLists &getMemberLists() const = 0;
    virtual const MemberDef *getMemberByName(const QCString &) const = 0;

    /*! Returns the user defined member groups */
    virtual const MemberGroupList &getMemberGroups() const = 0;

    /*! Returns the classes contained in this namespace */
    virtual ClassLinkedRefMap getClasses() const = 0;

    /*! Returns the Slice interfaces contained in this namespace */
    virtual ClassLinkedRefMap getInterfaces() const = 0;

    /*! Returns the Slice structs contained in this namespace */
    virtual ClassLinkedRefMap getStructs() const = 0;

    /*! Returns the Slice exceptions contained in this namespace */
    virtual ClassLinkedRefMap getExceptions() const = 0;

    /*! Returns the namespaces contained in this namespace */
    virtual NamespaceLinkedRefMap getNamespaces() const = 0;

    /*! Returns the concepts contained in this namespace */
    virtual ConceptLinkedRefMap getConcepts() const = 0;

    virtual QCString title() const = 0;
    virtual QCString compoundTypeString() const = 0;

class NamespaceDefMutable : public DefinitionMutable, public NamespaceDef

    // --- setters/actions
    virtual void setMetaData(const QCString &m) = 0;
    virtual void insertUsedFile(FileDef *fd) = 0;
    virtual void writeDocumentation(OutputList &ol) = 0;
    virtual void writeMemberPages(OutputList &ol) = 0;
    virtual void writeQuickMemberLinks(OutputList &ol,const MemberDef *currentMd) const = 0;
    virtual void writeTagFile(TextStream &) = 0;
    virtual void insertClass(const ClassDef *cd) = 0;
    virtual void insertConcept(const ConceptDef *cd) = 0;
    virtual void insertNamespace(const NamespaceDef *nd) = 0;
    virtual void insertMember(MemberDef *md) = 0; // md cannot be const, since setSectionList is called on it
    virtual void computeAnchors() = 0;
    virtual void countMembers() = 0;
    virtual void addMembersToMemberGroup() = 0;
    virtual void distributeMemberGroupDocumentation() = 0;
    virtual void findSectionsInDocumentation() = 0;
    virtual void sortMemberLists() = 0;
    virtual void addInnerCompound(const Definition *d) = 0;
    virtual void addListReferences() = 0;
    virtual void setFileName(const QCString &fn) = 0;
    virtual void combineUsingRelations(NamespaceDefSet &visitedNamespace) = 0;
    virtual void addUsingDirective(const NamespaceDef *nd) = 0;
    virtual void addUsingDeclaration(const ClassDef *cd) = 0;
    virtual void setInline(bool isInline) = 0;

/** Factory method to create new NamespaceDef instance */
NamespaceDefMutable *createNamespaceDef(const QCString &defFileName,int defLine,int defColumn,
                 const QCString &name,const QCString &ref=QCString(),
                 const QCString &refFile=QCString(),const QCString &type=QCString(),
                 bool isPublished=false);

/** Factory method to create an alias of an existing namespace. Used for inline namespaces. */
NamespaceDef *createNamespaceDefAlias(const Definition *newScope, const NamespaceDef *nd);

// --- Cast functions

NamespaceDef            *toNamespaceDef(Definition *d);
NamespaceDef            *toNamespaceDef(DefinitionMutable *d);
const NamespaceDef      *toNamespaceDef(const Definition *d);
NamespaceDefMutable     *toNamespaceDefMutable(Definition *d);
NamespaceDefMutable     *toNamespaceDefMutable(const Definition *d);

// --- Helpers

NamespaceDef *getResolvedNamespace(const QCString &key);
inline NamespaceDefMutable *getResolvedNamespaceMutable(const QCString &key)
  return toNamespaceDefMutable(getResolvedNamespace(key));
bool namespaceHasNestedNamespace(const NamespaceDef *nd);
bool namespaceHasNestedConcept(const NamespaceDef *nd);
bool namespaceHasNestedClass(const NamespaceDef *nd,bool filterClasses,ClassDef::CompoundType ct);

