/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 1997-2020 by Dimitri van Heesch. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license. * */ %option never-interactive %option prefix="preYY" %option reentrant %option extra-type="struct preYY_state *" %top{ #include } %{ /* * includes */ #include "doxygen.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "qcstring.h" #include "containers.h" #include "pre.h" #include "constexp.h" #include "define.h" #include "message.h" #include "util.h" #include "defargs.h" #include "debug.h" #include "bufstr.h" #include "portable.h" #include "bufstr.h" #include "arguments.h" #include "entry.h" #include "condparser.h" #include "config.h" #include "filedef.h" #include "regex.h" #include "fileinfo.h" #define YY_NO_UNISTD_H 1 #define USE_STATE2STRING 0 // Toggle for some debugging info //#define DBG_CTX(x) fprintf x #define DBG_CTX(x) do { } while(0) #if USE_STATE2STRING static const char *stateToString(int state); #endif struct CondCtx { CondCtx(int line,QCString id,bool b) : lineNr(line),sectionId(id), skip(b) {} int lineNr; QCString sectionId; bool skip; }; struct FileState { FileState(int size) : fileBuf(size) {} int lineNr = 1; int curlyCount = 0; BufStr fileBuf; BufStr *oldFileBuf = 0; yy_size_t oldFileBufPos = 0; YY_BUFFER_STATE bufState = 0; QCString fileName; }; struct PreIncludeInfo { PreIncludeInfo(const QCString &fn,FileDef *srcFd, FileDef *dstFd,const QCString &iName,bool loc, bool imp) : fileName(fn), fromFileDef(srcFd), toFileDef(dstFd), includeName(iName), local(loc), imported(imp) { } QCString fileName; // file name in which the include statement was found FileDef *fromFileDef; // filedef in which the include statement was found FileDef *toFileDef; // filedef to which the include is pointing QCString includeName; // name used in the #include statement bool local; // is it a "local" or include bool imported; // include via "import" keyword (Objective-C) }; /** A dictionary of managed Define objects. */ typedef std::map< std::string, Define > DefineMap; /** @brief Class that manages the defines available while * preprocessing files. */ class DefineManager { private: /** Local class used to hold the defines for a single file */ class DefinesPerFile { public: /** Creates an empty container for defines */ DefinesPerFile(DefineManager *parent) : m_parent(parent) { } void addInclude(std::string fileName) { m_includedFiles.insert(fileName); } void store(const DefineMap &fromMap) { for (auto &kv : fromMap) { m_defines.emplace(kv.first,kv.second); } //printf(" m_defines.size()=%zu\n",m_defines.size()); m_stored=true; } void retrieve(DefineMap &toMap) { StringSet includeStack; retrieveRec(toMap,includeStack); } void retrieveRec(DefineMap &toMap,StringSet &includeStack) { //printf(" retrieveRec #includedFiles=%zu\n",m_includedFiles.size()); for (auto incFile : m_includedFiles) { DefinesPerFile *dpf = m_parent->find(incFile); if (dpf && includeStack.find(incFile)==includeStack.end()) { includeStack.insert(incFile); dpf->retrieveRec(toMap,includeStack); //printf(" retrieveRec: processing include %s: #toMap=%zu\n",qPrint(incFile),toMap.size()); } } for (auto &kv : m_defines) { toMap.emplace(kv.first,kv.second); } } bool stored() const { return m_stored; } private: DefineManager *m_parent; DefineMap m_defines; StringSet m_includedFiles; bool m_stored = false; }; friend class DefinesPerFile; public: void addInclude(std::string fromFileName,std::string toFileName) { //printf("DefineManager::addInclude('%s'->'%s')\n",fromFileName.c_str(),toFileName.c_str()); auto it = m_fileMap.find(fromFileName); if (it==m_fileMap.end()) { it = m_fileMap.emplace(fromFileName,std::make_unique(this)).first; } auto &dpf = it->second; dpf->addInclude(toFileName); } void store(std::string fileName,const DefineMap &fromMap) { //printf("DefineManager::store(%s,#=%zu)\n",fileName.c_str(),fromMap.size()); auto it = m_fileMap.find(fileName); if (it==m_fileMap.end()) { it = m_fileMap.emplace(fileName,std::make_unique(this)).first; } it->second->store(fromMap); } void retrieve(std::string fileName,DefineMap &toMap) { auto it = m_fileMap.find(fileName); if (it!=m_fileMap.end()) { auto &dpf = it->second; dpf->retrieve(toMap); } //printf("DefineManager::retrieve(%s,#=%zu)\n",fileName.c_str(),toMap.size()); } bool alreadyProcessed(std::string fileName) const { auto it = m_fileMap.find(fileName); if (it!=m_fileMap.end()) { return it->second->stored(); } return false; } private: /** Helper function to return the DefinesPerFile object for a given file name. */ DefinesPerFile *find(std::string fileName) const { auto it = m_fileMap.find(fileName); return it!=m_fileMap.end() ? it->second.get() : nullptr; } std::unordered_map< std::string, std::unique_ptr > m_fileMap; }; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- * * global state */ static std::mutex g_debugMutex; static std::mutex g_globalDefineMutex; static std::mutex g_updateGlobals; static DefineManager g_defineManager; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- * * scanner's state */ struct preYY_state { int yyLineNr = 1; int yyMLines = 1; int yyColNr = 1; QCString yyFileName; FileDef *yyFileDef = 0; FileDef *inputFileDef = 0; int ifcount = 0; int defArgs = -1; QCString defName; QCString defText; QCString defLitText; QCString defArgsStr; QCString defExtraSpacing; bool defVarArgs = false; int lastCContext = 0; int lastCPPContext = 0; BufStr *inputBuf = 0; yy_size_t inputBufPos = 0; BufStr *outputBuf = 0; int roundCount = 0; bool quoteArg = false; int findDefArgContext = 0; bool expectGuard = false; QCString guardName; QCString lastGuardName; QCString incName; QCString guardExpr; int curlyCount = 0; bool nospaces = false; // add extra spaces during macro expansion bool macroExpansion = false; // from the configuration bool expandOnlyPredef = false; // from the configuration int commentCount = 0; bool insideComment = false; bool isImported = false; QCString blockName; int condCtx = 0; bool skip = false; bool insideCS = false; // C# has simpler preprocessor bool insideFtn = false; bool isSource = false; yy_size_t fenceSize = 0; bool ccomment = false; QCString delimiter; bool isSpecialComment = false; StringVector pathList; IntMap argMap; BoolStack levelGuard; std::stack< std::unique_ptr > condStack; std::deque< std::unique_ptr > includeStack; std::unordered_map expandedDict; StringUnorderedSet expanded; ConstExpressionParser constExpParser; DefineMap contextDefines; // macros imported from other files DefineMap localDefines; // macros defined in this file DefineList macroDefinitions; LinkedMap includeRelations; }; // stateless functions static QCString escapeAt(const QCString &text); static QCString extractTrailingComment(const QCString &s); static char resolveTrigraph(char c); // statefull functions static inline void outputArray(yyscan_t yyscanner,const char *a,yy_size_t len); static inline void outputString(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString &s); static inline void outputChar(yyscan_t yyscanner,char c); static QCString expandMacro(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString &name); static void readIncludeFile(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString &inc); static void incrLevel(yyscan_t yyscanner); static void decrLevel(yyscan_t yyscanner); static void setCaseDone(yyscan_t yyscanner,bool value); static bool otherCaseDone(yyscan_t yyscanner); static bool computeExpression(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString &expr); static void startCondSection(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString §Id); static void endCondSection(yyscan_t yyscanner); static void addMacroDefinition(yyscan_t yyscanner); static void addDefine(yyscan_t yyscanner); static void setFileName(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString &name); static yy_size_t yyread(yyscan_t yyscanner,char *buf,yy_size_t max_size); static Define * isDefined(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString &name); /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ #undef YY_INPUT #define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) result=yyread(yyscanner,buf,max_size); /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ %} ID [a-z_A-Z\x80-\xFF][a-z_A-Z0-9\x80-\xFF]* B [ \t] Bopt {B}* BN [ \t\r\n] RAWBEGIN (u|U|L|u8)?R\"[^ \t\(\)\\]{0,16}"(" RAWEND ")"[^ \t\(\)\\]{0,16}\" CHARLIT (("'"\\[0-7]{1,3}"'")|("'"\\."'")|("'"[^'\\\n]{1,4}"'")) // C start comment CCS "/\*" // C end comment CCE "*\/" // Cpp comment CPPC "/\/" // optional characters after import ENDIMPORTopt [^\\\n]* // Optional white space WSopt [ \t\r]* %option noyywrap %x Start %x Command %x SkipCommand %x SkipLine %x SkipString %x CopyLine %x LexCopyLine %x CopyString %x CopyStringCs %x CopyStringFtn %x CopyStringFtnDouble %x CopyRawString %x Include %x IncludeID %x EndImport %x DefName %x DefineArg %x DefineText %x SkipCPPBlock %x Ifdef %x Ifndef %x SkipCComment %x ArgCopyCComment %x CopyCComment %x SkipVerbatim %x SkipCPPComment %x RemoveCComment %x RemoveCPPComment %x Guard %x DefinedExpr1 %x DefinedExpr2 %x SkipDoubleQuote %x SkipSingleQuote %x UndefName %x IgnoreLine %x FindDefineArgs %x ReadString %x CondLineC %x CondLineCpp %x SkipCond %% <*>\x06 <*>\x00 <*>\r <*>"??"[=/'()!<>-] { // Trigraph unput(resolveTrigraph(yytext[2])); } ^{B}*"#" { BEGIN(Command); yyextra->yyColNr+=(int)yyleng; yyextra->yyMLines=0;} ^("%top{"|"%{") { if (getLanguageFromFileName(yyextra->yyFileName)!=SrcLangExt_Lex) REJECT outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); BEGIN(LexCopyLine); } ^{Bopt}/[^#] { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); BEGIN(CopyLine); } ^{B}*[a-z_A-Z\x80-\xFF][a-z_A-Z0-9\x80-\xFF]+{B}*"("[^\)\n]*")"/{BN}{1,10}*[:{] { // constructors? int i; for (i=(int)yyleng-1;i>=0;i--) { unput(yytext[i]); } BEGIN(CopyLine); } ^{B}*[_A-Z][_A-Z0-9]+{B}*"("[^\(\)\n]*"("[^\)\n]*")"[^\)\n]*")"{B}*\n | // function list macro with one (...) argument, e.g. for K_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS ^{B}*[_A-Z][_A-Z0-9]+{B}*"("[^\)\n]*")"{B}*\n { // function like macro bool skipFuncMacros = Config_getBool(SKIP_FUNCTION_MACROS); QCString name(yytext); name=name.left(name.find('(')).stripWhiteSpace(); Define *def=0; if (skipFuncMacros && !yyextra->insideFtn && name!="Q_PROPERTY" && !( (yyextra->includeStack.empty() || yyextra->curlyCount>0) && yyextra->macroExpansion && (def=isDefined(yyscanner,name)) && /*macroIsAccessible(def) &&*/ (!yyextra->expandOnlyPredef || def->isPredefined) ) ) { outputChar(yyscanner,'\n'); yyextra->yyLineNr++; } else // don't skip { int i; for (i=(int)yyleng-1;i>=0;i--) { unput(yytext[i]); } BEGIN(CopyLine); } } "extern"{BN}{0,80}"\"C\""*{BN}{0,80}"{" { QCString text=yytext; yyextra->yyLineNr+=text.contains('\n'); outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); } {RAWBEGIN} { yyextra->delimiter = yytext+2; yyextra->delimiter=yyextra->delimiter.left(yyextra->delimiter.length()-1); outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); BEGIN(CopyRawString); } "{" { // count brackets inside the main file if (yyextra->includeStack.empty()) { yyextra->curlyCount++; } outputChar(yyscanner,*yytext); } ^"%}" { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); } "}" { // count brackets inside the main file if (yyextra->includeStack.empty() && yyextra->curlyCount>0) { yyextra->curlyCount--; } outputChar(yyscanner,*yytext); } "'"\\[0-7]{1,3}"'" { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); } "'"\\."'" { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); } "'"."'" { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); } @\" { if (getLanguageFromFileName(yyextra->yyFileName)!=SrcLangExt_CSharp) REJECT; outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); BEGIN( CopyStringCs ); } \" { outputChar(yyscanner,*yytext); if (getLanguageFromFileName(yyextra->yyFileName)!=SrcLangExt_Fortran) { BEGIN( CopyString ); } else { BEGIN( CopyStringFtnDouble ); } } \' { if (getLanguageFromFileName(yyextra->yyFileName)!=SrcLangExt_Fortran) REJECT; outputChar(yyscanner,*yytext); BEGIN( CopyStringFtn ); } [^\"\\\r\n]+ { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); } [^\"\r\n]+ { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); } \\. { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); } \" { outputChar(yyscanner,*yytext); BEGIN( CopyLine ); } [^\"\\\r\n]+ { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); } \\. { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); } \" { outputChar(yyscanner,*yytext); BEGIN( CopyLine ); } [^\'\\\r\n]+ { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); } \\. { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); } \' { outputChar(yyscanner,*yytext); BEGIN( CopyLine ); } {RAWEND} { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); QCString delimiter = yytext+1; delimiter=delimiter.left(delimiter.length()-1); if (delimiter==yyextra->delimiter) { BEGIN( CopyLine ); } } [^)]+ { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); } . { outputChar(yyscanner,*yytext); } {ID}/{BN}{0,80}"(" { yyextra->expectGuard = FALSE; Define *def=0; //def=yyextra->globalDefineDict->find(yytext); //def=isDefined(yyscanner,yytext); //printf("Search for define %s found=%d yyextra->includeStack.empty()=%d " // "yyextra->curlyCount=%d yyextra->macroExpansion=%d yyextra->expandOnlyPredef=%d " // "isPreDefined=%d\n",yytext,def ? 1 : 0, // yyextra->includeStack.empty(),yyextra->curlyCount,yyextra->macroExpansion,yyextra->expandOnlyPredef, // def ? def->isPredefined : -1 // ); if ((yyextra->includeStack.empty() || yyextra->curlyCount>0) && yyextra->macroExpansion && (def=isDefined(yyscanner,yytext)) && /*(def->isPredefined || macroIsAccessible(def)) && */ (!yyextra->expandOnlyPredef || def->isPredefined) ) { //printf("Found it! #args=%d\n",def->nargs); yyextra->roundCount=0; yyextra->defArgsStr=yytext; if (def->nargs==-1) // no function macro { QCString result = def->isPredefined ? def->definition : expandMacro(yyscanner,yyextra->defArgsStr); outputString(yyscanner,result); } else // zero or more arguments { yyextra->findDefArgContext = CopyLine; BEGIN(FindDefineArgs); } } else { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); } } {ID} { Define *def=0; if ((yyextra->includeStack.empty() || yyextra->curlyCount>0) && yyextra->macroExpansion && (def=isDefined(yyscanner,yytext)) && def->nargs==-1 && /*(def->isPredefined || macroIsAccessible(def)) &&*/ (!yyextra->expandOnlyPredef || def->isPredefined) ) { QCString result=def->isPredefined ? def->definition : expandMacro(yyscanner,yytext); outputString(yyscanner,result); } else { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); } } "\\"\r?/\n { // strip line continuation characters if (getLanguageFromFileName(yyextra->yyFileName)==SrcLangExt_Fortran) outputChar(yyscanner,*yytext); } \\. { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,(int)yyleng); } . { outputChar(yyscanner,*yytext); } \n { outputChar(yyscanner,'\n'); BEGIN(Start); yyextra->yyLineNr++; yyextra->yyColNr=1; } "(" { yyextra->defArgsStr+='('; yyextra->roundCount++; } ")" { yyextra->defArgsStr+=')'; yyextra->roundCount--; if (yyextra->roundCount==0) { QCString result=expandMacro(yyscanner,yyextra->defArgsStr); //printf("yyextra->defArgsStr='%s'->'%s'\n",qPrint(yyextra->defArgsStr),qPrint(result)); if (yyextra->findDefArgContext==CopyLine) { outputString(yyscanner,result); BEGIN(yyextra->findDefArgContext); } else // yyextra->findDefArgContext==IncludeID { readIncludeFile(yyscanner,result); yyextra->nospaces=FALSE; BEGIN(Start); } } } /* ")"{B}*"(" { yyextra->defArgsStr+=yytext; } */ {CHARLIT} { yyextra->defArgsStr+=yytext; } {CCS}[*]? { yyextra->defArgsStr+=yytext; BEGIN(ArgCopyCComment); } \" { yyextra->defArgsStr+=*yytext; BEGIN(ReadString); } ' { if (getLanguageFromFileName(yyextra->yyFileName)!=SrcLangExt_Fortran) REJECT; yyextra->defArgsStr+=*yytext; BEGIN(ReadString); } \n { yyextra->defArgsStr+=' '; yyextra->yyLineNr++; outputChar(yyscanner,'\n'); } "@" { yyextra->defArgsStr+="@@"; } . { yyextra->defArgsStr+=*yytext; } [^*\n]+ { yyextra->defArgsStr+=yytext; } {CCE} { yyextra->defArgsStr+=yytext; BEGIN(FindDefineArgs); } \n { yyextra->defArgsStr+=' '; yyextra->yyLineNr++; outputChar(yyscanner,'\n'); } . { yyextra->defArgsStr+=yytext; } "\"" { yyextra->defArgsStr+=*yytext; BEGIN(FindDefineArgs); } "'" { if (getLanguageFromFileName(yyextra->yyFileName)!=SrcLangExt_Fortran) REJECT; yyextra->defArgsStr+=*yytext; BEGIN(FindDefineArgs); } {CPPC}|{CCS} { yyextra->defArgsStr+=yytext; } \\/\r?\n { // line continuation } \\. { yyextra->defArgsStr+=yytext; } . { yyextra->defArgsStr+=*yytext; } ("include"|"import"){B}+/{ID} { yyextra->isImported = yytext[1]=='m'; if (yyextra->macroExpansion) BEGIN(IncludeID); } ("include"|"import"){B}*[<"] { yyextra->isImported = yytext[1]=='m'; char c[2]; c[0]=yytext[yyleng-1];c[1]='\0'; yyextra->incName=c; BEGIN(Include); } ("cmake")?"define"{B}+ { //printf("!!!DefName\n"); yyextra->yyColNr+=(int)yyleng; BEGIN(DefName); } "ifdef"/{B}*"(" { incrLevel(yyscanner); yyextra->guardExpr.resize(0); BEGIN(DefinedExpr2); } "ifdef"/{B}+ { //printf("Pre.l: ifdef\n"); incrLevel(yyscanner); yyextra->guardExpr.resize(0); BEGIN(DefinedExpr1); } "ifndef"/{B}*"(" { incrLevel(yyscanner); yyextra->guardExpr="! "; BEGIN(DefinedExpr2); } "ifndef"/{B}+ { incrLevel(yyscanner); yyextra->guardExpr="! "; BEGIN(DefinedExpr1); } "if"/[ \t(!] { incrLevel(yyscanner); yyextra->guardExpr.resize(0); BEGIN(Guard); } ("elif"|"else"{B}*"if")/[ \t(!] { if (!otherCaseDone(yyscanner)) { yyextra->guardExpr.resize(0); BEGIN(Guard); } else { yyextra->ifcount=0; BEGIN(SkipCPPBlock); } } "else"/[^a-z_A-Z0-9\x80-\xFF] { if (otherCaseDone(yyscanner)) { yyextra->ifcount=0; BEGIN(SkipCPPBlock); } else { setCaseDone(yyscanner,TRUE); } } "undef"{B}+ { BEGIN(UndefName); } ("elif"|"else"{B}*"if")/[ \t(!] { if (!otherCaseDone(yyscanner)) { yyextra->guardExpr.resize(0); BEGIN(Guard); } } "endif"/[^a-z_A-Z0-9\x80-\xFF] { //printf("Pre.l: #endif\n"); decrLevel(yyscanner); } \n { outputChar(yyscanner,'\n'); BEGIN(Start); yyextra->yyLineNr++; } "pragma"{B}+"once" { yyextra->expectGuard = FALSE; } {ID} { // unknown directive BEGIN(IgnoreLine); } \\[\r]?\n { outputChar(yyscanner,'\n'); yyextra->yyLineNr++; } . . {yyextra->yyColNr+=(int)yyleng;} {ID} { Define *def; if ((def=isDefined(yyscanner,yytext)) /*&& !def->isPredefined*/ && !def->nonRecursive ) { //printf("undefining %s\n",yytext); def->undef=TRUE; } BEGIN(Start); } \\[\r]?\n { outputChar(yyscanner,'\n'); yyextra->guardExpr+=' '; yyextra->yyLineNr++; } "defined"/{B}*"(" { BEGIN(DefinedExpr2); } "defined"/{B}+ { BEGIN(DefinedExpr1); } {ID} { yyextra->guardExpr+=yytext; } "@" { yyextra->guardExpr+="@@"; } . { yyextra->guardExpr+=*yytext; } \n { unput(*yytext); //printf("Guard: '%s'\n", // qPrint(yyextra->guardExpr)); bool guard=computeExpression(yyscanner,yyextra->guardExpr); setCaseDone(yyscanner,guard); if (guard) { BEGIN(Start); } else { yyextra->ifcount=0; BEGIN(SkipCPPBlock); } } \\\n { yyextra->yyLineNr++; outputChar(yyscanner,'\n'); } {ID} { if (isDefined(yyscanner,yytext) || yyextra->guardName==yytext) yyextra->guardExpr+=" 1L "; else yyextra->guardExpr+=" 0L "; yyextra->lastGuardName=yytext; BEGIN(Guard); } {ID} { if (isDefined(yyscanner,yytext) || yyextra->guardName==yytext) yyextra->guardExpr+=" 1L "; else yyextra->guardExpr+=" 0L "; yyextra->lastGuardName=yytext; } \n { // should not happen, handle anyway yyextra->yyLineNr++; yyextra->ifcount=0; BEGIN(SkipCPPBlock); } ")" { BEGIN(Guard); } . ^{B}*"#" { BEGIN(SkipCommand); } ^{Bopt}/[^#] { BEGIN(SkipLine); } \n { yyextra->yyLineNr++; outputChar(yyscanner,'\n'); } . "if"(("n")?("def"))?/[ \t(!] { incrLevel(yyscanner); yyextra->ifcount++; //printf("#if... depth=%d\n",yyextra->ifcount); } "else" { //printf("Else! yyextra->ifcount=%d otherCaseDone=%d\n",yyextra->ifcount,otherCaseDone()); if (yyextra->ifcount==0 && !otherCaseDone(yyscanner)) { setCaseDone(yyscanner,TRUE); //outputChar(yyscanner,'\n'); BEGIN(Start); } } ("elif"|"else"{B}*"if")/[ \t(!] { if (yyextra->ifcount==0) { if (!otherCaseDone(yyscanner)) { yyextra->guardExpr.resize(0); yyextra->lastGuardName.resize(0); BEGIN(Guard); } else { BEGIN(SkipCPPBlock); } } } "endif" { yyextra->expectGuard = FALSE; decrLevel(yyscanner); if (--yyextra->ifcount<0) { //outputChar(yyscanner,'\n'); BEGIN(Start); } } \n { outputChar(yyscanner,'\n'); yyextra->yyLineNr++; BEGIN(SkipCPPBlock); } {ID} { // unknown directive BEGIN(SkipLine); } . [^'"/\n]+ {CHARLIT} { } \" { BEGIN(SkipString); } . {CPPC}/[^\n]* { } {CPPC}[^\n]* { yyextra->lastCPPContext=YY_START; BEGIN(RemoveCPPComment); } {CCS}/[^\n]* { } {CCS}/[^\n]* { yyextra->lastCContext=YY_START; BEGIN(RemoveCComment); } \n { outputChar(yyscanner,'\n'); yyextra->yyLineNr++; BEGIN(SkipCPPBlock); } [^"\\\n]+ { } \\. { } \" { BEGIN(SkipLine); } . { } {ID}{Bopt}/"(" { yyextra->nospaces=TRUE; yyextra->roundCount=0; yyextra->defArgsStr=yytext; yyextra->findDefArgContext = IncludeID; BEGIN(FindDefineArgs); } {ID} { yyextra->nospaces=TRUE; readIncludeFile(yyscanner,expandMacro(yyscanner,yytext)); BEGIN(Start); } [^\">\n]+[\">] { yyextra->incName+=yytext; readIncludeFile(yyscanner,yyextra->incName); if (yyextra->isImported) { BEGIN(EndImport); } else { BEGIN(Start); } } {ENDIMPORTopt}/\n { BEGIN(Start); } \\[\r]?"\n" { outputChar(yyscanner,'\n'); yyextra->yyLineNr++; } . { } {ID}/("\\\n")*"(" { // define with argument //printf("Define() '%s'\n",yytext); yyextra->argMap.clear(); yyextra->defArgs = 0; yyextra->defArgsStr.resize(0); yyextra->defText.resize(0); yyextra->defLitText.resize(0); yyextra->defName = yytext; yyextra->defVarArgs = FALSE; yyextra->defExtraSpacing.resize(0); BEGIN(DefineArg); } {ID}{B}+"1"/[ \r\t\n] { // special case: define with 1 -> can be "guard" //printf("Define '%s'\n",yytext); yyextra->argMap.clear(); yyextra->defArgs = -1; yyextra->defArgsStr.resize(0); yyextra->defName = yytext; yyextra->defName = yyextra->defName.left(yyextra->defName.length()-1).stripWhiteSpace(); yyextra->defVarArgs = FALSE; //printf("Guard check: %s!=%s || %d\n", // qPrint(yyextra->defName),qPrint(yyextra->lastGuardName),yyextra->expectGuard); if (yyextra->curlyCount>0 || yyextra->defName!=yyextra->lastGuardName || !yyextra->expectGuard) { // define may appear in the output QCString tmp=(QCString)"#define "+yyextra->defName; outputString(yyscanner,tmp); yyextra->quoteArg=FALSE; yyextra->insideComment=FALSE; yyextra->lastGuardName.resize(0); yyextra->defText="1"; yyextra->defLitText="1"; BEGIN(DefineText); } else // define is a guard => hide { //printf("Found a guard %s\n",yytext); yyextra->defText.resize(0); yyextra->defLitText.resize(0); BEGIN(Start); } yyextra->expectGuard=FALSE; } {ID}/{B}*"\n" { // empty define yyextra->argMap.clear(); yyextra->defArgs = -1; yyextra->defName = yytext; yyextra->defArgsStr.resize(0); yyextra->defText.resize(0); yyextra->defLitText.resize(0); yyextra->defVarArgs = FALSE; //printf("Guard check: %s!=%s || %d\n", // qPrint(yyextra->defName),qPrint(yyextra->lastGuardName),yyextra->expectGuard); if (yyextra->curlyCount>0 || yyextra->defName!=yyextra->lastGuardName || !yyextra->expectGuard) { // define may appear in the output QCString tmp=(QCString)"#define "+yyextra->defName; outputString(yyscanner,tmp); yyextra->quoteArg=FALSE; yyextra->insideComment=FALSE; if (yyextra->insideCS) yyextra->defText="1"; // for C#, use "1" as define text BEGIN(DefineText); } else // define is a guard => hide { //printf("Found a guard %s\n",yytext); yyextra->guardName = yytext; yyextra->lastGuardName.resize(0); BEGIN(Start); } yyextra->expectGuard=FALSE; } {ID}/{B}* { // define with content //printf("Define '%s'\n",yytext); yyextra->argMap.clear(); yyextra->defArgs = -1; yyextra->defArgsStr.resize(0); yyextra->defText.resize(0); yyextra->defLitText.resize(0); yyextra->defName = yytext; yyextra->defVarArgs = FALSE; QCString tmp=(QCString)"#define "+yyextra->defName+yyextra->defArgsStr; outputString(yyscanner,tmp); yyextra->quoteArg=FALSE; yyextra->insideComment=FALSE; BEGIN(DefineText); } "\\\n" { yyextra->defExtraSpacing+="\n"; yyextra->yyLineNr++; } ","{B}* { yyextra->defArgsStr+=yytext; } "("{B}* { yyextra->defArgsStr+=yytext; } {B}*")"{B}* { yyextra->defArgsStr+=yytext; QCString tmp=(QCString)"#define "+yyextra->defName+yyextra->defArgsStr+yyextra->defExtraSpacing; outputString(yyscanner,tmp); yyextra->quoteArg=FALSE; yyextra->insideComment=FALSE; BEGIN(DefineText); } "..." { // Variadic macro yyextra->defVarArgs = TRUE; yyextra->defArgsStr+=yytext; yyextra->argMap.emplace(std::string("__VA_ARGS__"),yyextra->defArgs); yyextra->defArgs++; } {ID}{B}*("..."?) { //printf("Define addArg(%s)\n",yytext); QCString argName=yytext; yyextra->defVarArgs = yytext[yyleng-1]=='.'; if (yyextra->defVarArgs) // strip ellipsis { argName=argName.left(argName.length()-3); } argName = argName.stripWhiteSpace(); yyextra->defArgsStr+=yytext; yyextra->argMap.emplace(toStdString(argName),yyextra->defArgs); yyextra->defArgs++; } /* "/ **"|"/ *!" { yyextra->defText+=yytext; yyextra->defLitText+=yytext; yyextra->insideComment=TRUE; } "* /" { yyextra->defText+=yytext; yyextra->defLitText+=yytext; yyextra->insideComment=FALSE; } */ {CCS}[!*]? { yyextra->defText+=yytext; yyextra->defLitText+=yytext; yyextra->lastCContext=YY_START; yyextra->commentCount=1; BEGIN(CopyCComment); } {CPPC}[!/]? { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); yyextra->lastCPPContext=YY_START; yyextra->defLitText+=' '; BEGIN(SkipCPPComment); } [/]?{CCE} { if (yytext[0]=='/') outputChar(yyscanner,'/'); outputChar(yyscanner,'*');outputChar(yyscanner,'/'); if (--yyextra->commentCount<=0) { if (yyextra->lastCContext==Start) // small hack to make sure that ^... rule will // match when going to Start... Example: "/*...*/ some stuff..." { YY_CURRENT_BUFFER->yy_at_bol=1; } BEGIN(yyextra->lastCContext); } } {CPPC}("/")* { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); } {CCS} { outputChar(yyscanner,'/');outputChar(yyscanner,'*'); //yyextra->commentCount++; } [\\@][\\@]("f{"|"f$"|"f[""f(") { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); } ^({B}*"*"+)?{B}{0,3}"~~~"[~]* { bool markdownSupport = Config_getBool(MARKDOWN_SUPPORT); if (!markdownSupport || !yyextra->isSpecialComment) { REJECT; } else { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); yyextra->fenceSize=(int)yyleng; BEGIN(SkipVerbatim); } } ^({B}*"*"+)?{B}{0,3}"```"[`]* { bool markdownSupport = Config_getBool(MARKDOWN_SUPPORT); if (!markdownSupport || !yyextra->isSpecialComment) { REJECT; } else { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); yyextra->fenceSize=(int)yyleng; BEGIN(SkipVerbatim); } } [\\@][\\@]("verbatim"|"latexonly"|"htmlonly"|"xmlonly"|"docbookonly"|"rtfonly"|"manonly"|"dot"|"code"("{"[^}]*"}")?){BN}+ { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); yyextra->yyLineNr+=QCString(yytext).contains('\n'); } [\\@]("verbatim"|"latexonly"|"htmlonly"|"xmlonly"|"docbookonly"|"rtfonly"|"manonly"|"dot"|"code"("{"[^}]*"}")?){BN}+ { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); yyextra->yyLineNr+=QCString(yytext).contains('\n'); yyextra->fenceSize=0; if (yytext[1]=='f') { yyextra->blockName="f"; } else { QCString bn=&yytext[1]; int i = bn.find('{'); // for \code{.c} if (i!=-1) bn=bn.left(i); yyextra->blockName=bn.stripWhiteSpace(); } BEGIN(SkipVerbatim); } [\\@][\\@]"cond"[ \t]+ { // escaped @cond outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); } [\\@]"cond"[ \t]+ { // conditional section yyextra->ccomment=TRUE; yyextra->condCtx=YY_START; BEGIN(CondLineCpp); } [\\@]"cond"[ \t]+ { // conditional section yyextra->ccomment=FALSE; yyextra->condCtx=YY_START; BEGIN(CondLineC); } [!()&| \ta-z_A-Z0-9\x80-\xFF.\-]+ { startCondSection(yyscanner,yytext); if (yyextra->skip) { if (YY_START==CondLineC) { // end C comment outputArray(yyscanner,"*/",2); yyextra->ccomment=TRUE; } else { yyextra->ccomment=FALSE; } BEGIN(SkipCond); } else { BEGIN(yyextra->condCtx); } } . { // non-guard character unput(*yytext); startCondSection(yyscanner," "); if (yyextra->skip) { if (YY_START==CondLineC) { // end C comment outputArray(yyscanner,"*/",2); yyextra->ccomment=TRUE; } else { yyextra->ccomment=FALSE; } BEGIN(SkipCond); } else { BEGIN(yyextra->condCtx); } } [\\@]"cond"{WSopt}/\n { // no guard if (YY_START==SkipCComment) { yyextra->ccomment=TRUE; // end C comment outputArray(yyscanner,"*/",2); } else { yyextra->ccomment=FALSE; } yyextra->condCtx=YY_START; startCondSection(yyscanner," "); BEGIN(SkipCond); } \n { yyextra->yyLineNr++; outputChar(yyscanner,'\n'); } . { } [^\/\!*\\@\n]+ { } {CPPC}[/!] { yyextra->ccomment=FALSE; } {CCS}[*!] { yyextra->ccomment=TRUE; } [\\@][\\@]"endcond"/[^a-z_A-Z0-9\x80-\xFF] { if (!yyextra->skip) { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); } } [\\@]"endcond"/[^a-z_A-Z0-9\x80-\xFF] { bool oldSkip = yyextra->skip; endCondSection(yyscanner); if (oldSkip && !yyextra->skip) { if (yyextra->ccomment) { outputArray(yyscanner,"/** ",4); } BEGIN(yyextra->condCtx); } } [\\@]"endcond"/[^a-z_A-Z0-9\x80-\xFF] { bool oldSkip = yyextra->skip; endCondSection(yyscanner); if (oldSkip && !yyextra->skip) { BEGIN(yyextra->condCtx); } } [\\@]("endverbatim"|"endlatexonly"|"endhtmlonly"|"endxmlonly"|"enddocbookonly"|"endrtfonly"|"endmanonly"|"enddot"|"endcode"|"f$"|"f]"|"f}""f}") { /* end of verbatim block */ outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); if (yytext[1]=='f' && yyextra->blockName=="f") { BEGIN(SkipCComment); } else if (&yytext[4]==yyextra->blockName) { BEGIN(SkipCComment); } } ^({B}*"*"+)?{B}{0,3}"~~~"[~]* { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); if (yyextra->fenceSize==(yy_size_t)yyleng) { BEGIN(SkipCComment); } } ^({B}*"*"+)?{B}{0,3}"```"[`]* { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); if (yyextra->fenceSize==(yy_size_t)yyleng) { BEGIN(SkipCComment); } } {CCE}|{CCS} { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); } [^*\\@\x06~`\n\/]+ { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); } \n { yyextra->yyLineNr++; outputChar(yyscanner,'\n'); } . { outputChar(yyscanner,*yytext); } [^*a-z_A-Z\x80-\xFF\n]*[^*a-z_A-Z\x80-\xFF\\\n] { yyextra->defLitText+=yytext; yyextra->defText+=escapeAt(yytext); } \\[\r]?\n { yyextra->defLitText+=yytext; yyextra->defText+=" "; yyextra->yyLineNr++; yyextra->yyMLines++; } {CCE} { yyextra->defLitText+=yytext; yyextra->defText+=yytext; BEGIN(yyextra->lastCContext); } \n { yyextra->yyLineNr++; yyextra->defLitText+=yytext; yyextra->defText+=' '; outputChar(yyscanner,'\n'); } {CCE}{B}*"#" { // see bug 594021 for a usecase for this rule if (yyextra->lastCContext==SkipCPPBlock) { BEGIN(SkipCommand); } else { REJECT; } } {CCE} { BEGIN(yyextra->lastCContext); } {CPPC} {CCS} [^*\x06\n]+ \n { yyextra->yyLineNr++; outputChar(yyscanner,'\n'); } . [^\n\/\\@]+ { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); } \n { unput(*yytext); BEGIN(yyextra->lastCPPContext); } {CCS} { outputChar(yyscanner,'/');outputChar(yyscanner,'*'); } {CPPC} { outputChar(yyscanner,'/');outputChar(yyscanner,'/'); } [^\x06\@\\\n]+ { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); } . { outputChar(yyscanner,*yytext); } {CCS} {CPPC} [^\x06\n]+ . "#" { yyextra->quoteArg=TRUE; yyextra->defLitText+=yytext; } {ID} { yyextra->defLitText+=yytext; if (yyextra->quoteArg) { yyextra->defText+="\""; } if (yyextra->defArgs>0) { auto it = yyextra->argMap.find(yytext); if (it!=yyextra->argMap.end()) { int n = it->second; yyextra->defText+='@'; yyextra->defText+=QCString().setNum(n); } else { yyextra->defText+=yytext; } } else { yyextra->defText+=yytext; } if (yyextra->quoteArg) { yyextra->defText+="\""; } yyextra->quoteArg=FALSE; } . { yyextra->defLitText+=yytext; yyextra->defText+=yytext; } \\[\r]?\n { yyextra->defLitText+=yytext; outputChar(yyscanner,'\n'); yyextra->defText += ' '; yyextra->yyLineNr++; yyextra->yyMLines++; } \n { QCString comment=extractTrailingComment(yyextra->defLitText); yyextra->defLitText+=yytext; if (!comment.isEmpty()) { outputString(yyscanner,comment); yyextra->defLitText=yyextra->defLitText.left(yyextra->defLitText.length()-comment.length()-1); } outputChar(yyscanner,'\n'); Define *def=0; //printf("Define name='%s' text='%s' litTexti='%s'\n",qPrint(yyextra->defName),qPrint(yyextra->defText),qPrint(yyextra->defLitText)); if (yyextra->includeStack.empty() || yyextra->curlyCount>0) { addMacroDefinition(yyscanner); } def=isDefined(yyscanner,yyextra->defName); if (def==0) // new define { //printf("new define '%s'!\n",qPrint(yyextra->defName)); addDefine(yyscanner); } else if (def /*&& macroIsAccessible(def)*/) // name already exists { //printf("existing define!\n"); //printf("define found\n"); if (def->undef) // undefined name { def->undef = FALSE; def->name = yyextra->defName; def->definition = yyextra->defText.stripWhiteSpace(); def->nargs = yyextra->defArgs; def->fileName = yyextra->yyFileName; def->lineNr = yyextra->yyLineNr-yyextra->yyMLines; def->columnNr = yyextra->yyColNr; } else { //printf("error: define %s is defined more than once!\n",qPrint(yyextra->defName)); } } yyextra->argMap.clear(); yyextra->yyLineNr++; yyextra->yyColNr=1; yyextra->lastGuardName.resize(0); BEGIN(Start); } {B}* { yyextra->defText += ' '; yyextra->defLitText+=yytext; } {B}*"##"{B}* { yyextra->defText += "##"; yyextra->defLitText+=yytext; } "@" { yyextra->defText += "@@"; yyextra->defLitText+=yytext; } \" { yyextra->defText += *yytext; yyextra->defLitText+=yytext; if (!yyextra->insideComment) { BEGIN(SkipDoubleQuote); } } \' { yyextra->defText += *yytext; yyextra->defLitText+=yytext; if (!yyextra->insideComment) { BEGIN(SkipSingleQuote); } } {CPPC}[/]? { yyextra->defText += yytext; yyextra->defLitText+=yytext; } {CCS}[*]? { yyextra->defText += yytext; yyextra->defLitText+=yytext; } \" { yyextra->defText += *yytext; yyextra->defLitText+=yytext; BEGIN(DefineText); } \\. { yyextra->defText += yytext; yyextra->defLitText+=yytext; } \' { yyextra->defText += *yytext; yyextra->defLitText+=yytext; BEGIN(DefineText); } . { yyextra->defText += *yytext; yyextra->defLitText+=yytext; } . { yyextra->defText += *yytext; yyextra->defLitText+=yytext; } . { yyextra->defText += *yytext; yyextra->defLitText+=yytext; } <> { DBG_CTX((stderr,"End of include file\n")); //printf("Include stack depth=%d\n",yyextra->includeStack.size()); if (yyextra->includeStack.empty()) { DBG_CTX((stderr,"Terminating scanner!\n")); yyterminate(); } else { QCString toFileName = yyextra->yyFileName; const std::unique_ptr &fs=yyextra->includeStack.back(); //fileDefineCache->merge(yyextra->yyFileName,fs->fileName); YY_BUFFER_STATE oldBuf = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER; yy_switch_to_buffer( fs->bufState, yyscanner ); yy_delete_buffer( oldBuf, yyscanner ); yyextra->yyLineNr = fs->lineNr; //preYYin = fs->oldYYin; yyextra->inputBuf = fs->oldFileBuf; yyextra->inputBufPos = fs->oldFileBufPos; yyextra->curlyCount = fs->curlyCount; setFileName(yyscanner,fs->fileName); DBG_CTX((stderr,"######## FileName %s\n",qPrint(yyextra->yyFileName))); // Deal with file changes due to // #include's within { .. } blocks QCString lineStr(15+yyextra->yyFileName.length()); lineStr.sprintf("# %d \"%s\" 2",yyextra->yyLineNr,qPrint(yyextra->yyFileName)); outputString(yyscanner,lineStr); yyextra->includeStack.pop_back(); { std::lock_guard lock(g_globalDefineMutex); // to avoid deadlocks we allow multiple threads to process the same header file. // The first one to finish will store the results globally. After that the // next time the same file is encountered, the stored data is used and the file // is not processed again. if (!g_defineManager.alreadyProcessed(toFileName.str())) { // now that the file is completely processed, prevent it from processing it again g_defineManager.addInclude(yyextra->yyFileName.str(),toFileName.str()); g_defineManager.store(toFileName.str(),yyextra->localDefines); } else { if (Debug::isFlagSet(Debug::Preprocessor)) { Debug::print(Debug::Preprocessor,0,"#include %s: was already processed by another thread! not storing data...\n",qPrint(toFileName)); } } } // move the local macros definitions for in this file to the translation unit context for (const auto &kv : yyextra->localDefines) { auto pair = yyextra->contextDefines.insert(kv); if (!pair.second) // define already in context -> replace with local version { yyextra->contextDefines.erase(pair.first); yyextra->contextDefines.insert(kv); } } yyextra->localDefines.clear(); } } <*>{CCS}/{CCE} | <*>{CCS}[*!]? { if (YY_START==SkipVerbatim || YY_START==SkipCond) { REJECT; } else { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); yyextra->lastCContext=YY_START; yyextra->commentCount=1; if (yyleng==3) { yyextra->isSpecialComment = true; yyextra->lastGuardName.resize(0); // reset guard in case the #define is documented! } else { yyextra->isSpecialComment = false; } BEGIN(SkipCComment); } } <*>{CPPC}[/!]? { if (YY_START==SkipVerbatim || YY_START==SkipCond || getLanguageFromFileName(yyextra->yyFileName)==SrcLangExt_Fortran) { REJECT; } else { outputArray(yyscanner,yytext,yyleng); yyextra->lastCPPContext=YY_START; if (yyleng==3) { yyextra->isSpecialComment = true; yyextra->lastGuardName.resize(0); // reset guard in case the #define is documented! } else { yyextra->isSpecialComment = false; } BEGIN(SkipCPPComment); } } <*>\n { outputChar(yyscanner,'\n'); yyextra->yyLineNr++; } <*>. { yyextra->expectGuard = FALSE; outputChar(yyscanner,*yytext); } %% ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static yy_size_t yyread(yyscan_t yyscanner,char *buf,yy_size_t max_size) { YY_EXTRA_TYPE state = preYYget_extra(yyscanner); yy_size_t bytesInBuf = state->inputBuf->curPos()-state->inputBufPos; yy_size_t bytesToCopy = std::min(max_size,bytesInBuf); memcpy(buf,state->inputBuf->data()+state->inputBufPos,bytesToCopy); state->inputBufPos+=bytesToCopy; return bytesToCopy; } static void setFileName(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString &name) { YY_EXTRA_TYPE state = preYYget_extra(yyscanner); bool ambig; FileInfo fi(name.str()); state->yyFileName=fi.absFilePath(); state->yyFileDef=findFileDef(Doxygen::inputNameLinkedMap,state->yyFileName,ambig); if (state->yyFileDef==0) // if this is not an input file check if it is an // include file { state->yyFileDef=findFileDef(Doxygen::includeNameLinkedMap,state->yyFileName,ambig); } //printf("setFileName(%s) state->yyFileName=%s state->yyFileDef=%p\n", // name,qPrint(state->yyFileName),state->yyFileDef); if (state->yyFileDef && state->yyFileDef->isReference()) state->yyFileDef=0; state->insideCS = getLanguageFromFileName(state->yyFileName)==SrcLangExt_CSharp; state->insideFtn = getLanguageFromFileName(state->yyFileName)==SrcLangExt_Fortran; state->isSource = guessSection(state->yyFileName); } static void incrLevel(yyscan_t yyscanner) { YY_EXTRA_TYPE state = preYYget_extra(yyscanner); state->levelGuard.push(false); //printf("%s line %d: incrLevel %d\n",qPrint(yyextra->yyFileName),yyextra->yyLineNr,yyextra->levelGuard.size()); } static void decrLevel(yyscan_t yyscanner) { YY_EXTRA_TYPE state = preYYget_extra(yyscanner); //printf("%s line %d: decrLevel %d\n",qPrint(state->yyFileName),state->yyLineNr,state->levelGuard.size()); if (!state->levelGuard.empty()) { state->levelGuard.pop(); } else { warn(state->yyFileName,state->yyLineNr,"More #endif's than #if's found.\n"); } } static bool otherCaseDone(yyscan_t yyscanner) { YY_EXTRA_TYPE state = preYYget_extra(yyscanner); if (state->levelGuard.empty()) { warn(state->yyFileName,state->yyLineNr,"Found an #else without a preceding #if.\n"); return TRUE; } else { return state->levelGuard.top(); } } static void setCaseDone(yyscan_t yyscanner,bool value) { YY_EXTRA_TYPE state = preYYget_extra(yyscanner); state->levelGuard.top()=value; } static FileState *checkAndOpenFile(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString &fileName,bool &alreadyProcessed) { YY_EXTRA_TYPE state = preYYget_extra(yyscanner); alreadyProcessed = FALSE; FileState *fs = 0; //printf("checkAndOpenFile(%s)\n",qPrint(fileName)); FileInfo fi(fileName.str()); if (fi.exists() && fi.isFile()) { const StringVector &exclPatterns = Config_getList(EXCLUDE_PATTERNS); if (patternMatch(fi,exclPatterns)) return 0; QCString absName = fi.absFilePath(); // global guard if (state->curlyCount==0) // not #include inside { ... } { std::lock_guard lock(g_globalDefineMutex); if (g_defineManager.alreadyProcessed(absName.str())) { alreadyProcessed = TRUE; //printf(" already included 1\n"); return 0; // already done } } // check include stack for absName alreadyProcessed = std::any_of( state->includeStack.begin(), state->includeStack.end(), [absName](const std::unique_ptr &lfs) { return lfs->fileName==absName; } ); if (alreadyProcessed) { //printf(" already included 2\n"); return 0; } //printf("#include %s\n",qPrint(absName)); fs = new FileState(fi.size()+4096); if (!readInputFile(absName,fs->fileBuf)) { // error //printf(" error reading\n"); delete fs; fs=0; } else { fs->oldFileBuf = state->inputBuf; fs->oldFileBufPos = state->inputBufPos; } } return fs; } static FileState *findFile(yyscan_t yyscanner, const QCString &fileName,bool localInclude,bool &alreadyProcessed) { YY_EXTRA_TYPE state = preYYget_extra(yyscanner); //printf("** findFile(%s,%d) state->yyFileName=%s\n",qPrint(fileName),localInclude,qPrint(state->yyFileName)); if (Portable::isAbsolutePath(fileName)) { FileState *fs = checkAndOpenFile(yyscanner,fileName,alreadyProcessed); if (fs) { setFileName(yyscanner,fileName); state->yyLineNr=1; return fs; } else if (alreadyProcessed) { return 0; } } if (localInclude && !state->yyFileName.isEmpty()) { FileInfo fi(state->yyFileName.str()); if (fi.exists()) { QCString absName = QCString(fi.dirPath(TRUE))+"/"+fileName; FileState *fs = checkAndOpenFile(yyscanner,absName,alreadyProcessed); if (fs) { setFileName(yyscanner,absName); state->yyLineNr=1; return fs; } else if (alreadyProcessed) { return 0; } } } if (state->pathList.empty()) { return 0; } for (auto path : state->pathList) { std::string absName = (path+"/"+fileName).str(); //printf(" Looking for %s in %s\n",fileName,path.c_str()); FileState *fs = checkAndOpenFile(yyscanner,absName.c_str(),alreadyProcessed); if (fs) { setFileName(yyscanner,absName.c_str()); state->yyLineNr=1; //printf(" -> found it\n"); return fs; } else if (alreadyProcessed) { return 0; } } return 0; } static QCString extractTrailingComment(const QCString &s) { if (s.isEmpty()) return ""; int i=(int)s.length()-1; while (i>=0) { char c=s[i]; switch (c) { case '/': { i--; if (i>=0 && s[i]=='*') // end of a comment block { i--; while (i>0 && !(s[i-1]=='/' && s[i]=='*')) i--; if (i==0) { i++; } // only /*!< or /**< are treated as a comment for the macro name, // otherwise the comment is treated as part of the macro definition return ((s[i+1]=='*' || s[i+1]=='!') && s[i+2]=='<') ? &s[i-1] : ""; } else { return ""; } } break; // whitespace or line-continuation case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n': case '\\': break; default: return ""; } i--; } return ""; } static int getNextChar(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString &expr,QCString *rest,uint &pos); static int getCurrentChar(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString &expr,QCString *rest,uint pos); static void unputChar(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString &expr,QCString *rest,uint &pos,char c); static bool expandExpression(yyscan_t yyscanner,QCString &expr,QCString *rest,int pos,int level); static QCString stringize(const QCString &s) { QCString result; uint i=0; bool inString=FALSE; bool inChar=FALSE; char c,pc; while (i'%s'\n",qPrint(s),qPrint(result)); return result; } /*! Execute all ## operators in expr. * If the macro name before or after the operator contains a no-rescan * marker (@-) then this is removed (before the concatenated macro name * may be expanded again. */ static void processConcatOperators(QCString &expr) { if (expr.isEmpty()) return; //printf("processConcatOperators: in='%s'\n",qPrint(expr)); std::string e = expr.str(); static const reg::Ex r(R"(\s*##\s*)"); reg::Iterator end; size_t i=0; for (;;) { reg::Iterator it(e,r,i); if (it!=end) { const auto &match = *it; size_t n = match.position(); size_t l = match.length(); //printf("Match: '%s'\n",qPrint(expr.mid(i))); if (n+l+1(n+l)]=='@' && expr[static_cast(n+l+1)]=='-') { // remove no-rescan marker after ID l+=2; } //printf("found '%s'\n",qPrint(expr.mid(n,l))); // remove the ## operator and the surrounding whitespace e=e.substr(0,n)+e.substr(n+l); int k=static_cast(n)-1; while (k>=0 && isId(e[k])) k--; if (k>0 && e[k]=='-' && e[k-1]=='@') { // remove no-rescan marker before ID e=e.substr(0,k-1)+e.substr(k+1); n-=2; } i=n; } else { break; } } expr = e; //printf("processConcatOperators: out='%s'\n",qPrint(expr)); } static void returnCharToStream(yyscan_t yyscanner,char c) { struct yyguts_t * yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner; unput(c); } static inline void addTillEndOfString(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString &expr,QCString *rest, uint &pos,char term,QCString &arg) { int cc; while ((cc=getNextChar(yyscanner,expr,rest,pos))!=EOF && cc!=0) { if (cc=='\\') arg+=(char)cc,cc=getNextChar(yyscanner,expr,rest,pos); else if (cc==term) return; arg+=(char)cc; } } /*! replaces the function macro \a def whose argument list starts at * \a pos in expression \a expr. * Notice that this routine may scan beyond the \a expr string if needed. * In that case the characters will be read from the input file. * The replacement string will be returned in \a result and the * length of the (unexpanded) argument list is stored in \a len. */ static bool replaceFunctionMacro(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString &expr,QCString *rest,int pos,int &len,const Define *def,QCString &result,int level) { YY_EXTRA_TYPE state = preYYget_extra(yyscanner); //printf(">replaceFunctionMacro(expr='%s',rest='%s',pos=%d,def='%s') level=%d\n",qPrint(expr),rest ? qPrint(*rest) : 0,pos,qPrint(def->name),state->levelGuard.size()); uint j=pos; len=0; result.resize(0); int cc; while ((cc=getCurrentChar(yyscanner,expr,rest,j))!=EOF && isspace(cc)) { len++; getNextChar(yyscanner,expr,rest,j); } if (cc!='(') { unputChar(yyscanner,expr,rest,j,' '); return FALSE; } getNextChar(yyscanner,expr,rest,j); // eat the '(' character std::map argTable; // list of arguments QCString arg; int argCount=0; bool done=FALSE; // PHASE 1: read the macro arguments if (def->nargs==0) { while ((cc=getNextChar(yyscanner,expr,rest,j))!=EOF && cc!=0) { char c = (char)cc; if (c==')') break; } } else { while (!done && (argCountnargs || def->varArgs) && ((cc=getNextChar(yyscanner,expr,rest,j))!=EOF && cc!=0) ) { char c=(char)cc; if (c=='(') // argument is a function => search for matching ) { int lvl=1; arg+=c; //char term='\0'; while ((cc=getNextChar(yyscanner,expr,rest,j))!=EOF && cc!=0) { c=(char)cc; //printf("processing %c: term=%c (%d)\n",c,term,term); if (c=='\'' || c=='\"') // skip ('s and )'s inside strings { arg+=c; addTillEndOfString(yyscanner,expr,rest,j,c,arg); } if (c==')') { lvl--; arg+=c; if (lvl==0) break; } else if (c=='(') { lvl++; arg+=c; } else arg+=c; } } else if (c==')' || c==',') // last or next argument found { if (c==',' && argCount==def->nargs-1 && def->varArgs) { arg=arg.stripWhiteSpace(); arg+=','; } else { QCString argKey; argKey.sprintf("@%d",argCount++); // key name arg=arg.stripWhiteSpace(); // add argument to the lookup table argTable.emplace(toStdString(argKey), toStdString(arg)); arg.resize(0); if (c==')') // end of the argument list { done=TRUE; } } } else if (c=='\"') // append literal strings { arg+=c; bool found=FALSE; while (!found && (cc=getNextChar(yyscanner,expr,rest,j))!=EOF && cc!=0) { found = cc=='"'; if (cc=='\\') { c=(char)cc; arg+=c; if ((cc=getNextChar(yyscanner,expr,rest,j))==EOF || cc==0) break; } c=(char)cc; arg+=c; } } else if (c=='\'') // append literal characters { arg+=c; bool found=FALSE; while (!found && (cc=getNextChar(yyscanner,expr,rest,j))!=EOF && cc!=0) { found = cc=='\''; if (cc=='\\') { c=(char)cc; arg+=c; if ((cc=getNextChar(yyscanner,expr,rest,j))==EOF || cc==0) break; } c=(char)cc; arg+=c; } } else if (c=='/') // possible start of a comment { char prevChar = '\0'; arg+=c; if ((cc=getCurrentChar(yyscanner,expr,rest,j)) == '*') // we have a comment { while ((cc=getNextChar(yyscanner,expr,rest,j))!=EOF && cc!=0) { c=(char)cc; arg+=c; if (c == '/' && prevChar == '*') break; // we have an end of comment prevChar = c; } } } else // append other characters { arg+=c; } } } // PHASE 2: apply the macro function if (argCount==def->nargs || // same number of arguments (argCount>=def->nargs-1 && def->varArgs)) // variadic macro with at least as many // params as the non-variadic part (see bug731985) { uint k=0; // substitution of all formal arguments QCString resExpr; const QCString d=def->definition.stripWhiteSpace(); //printf("Macro definition: '%s'\n",qPrint(d)); bool inString=FALSE; while (k copy it (is unescaped later) { k+=2; resExpr+="@@"; // we unescape these later } else if (d.at(k+1)=='-') // no-rescan marker { k+=2; resExpr+="@-"; } else // argument marker => read the argument number { QCString key="@"; bool hash=FALSE; int l=k-1; // search for ## backward if (l>=0 && d.at(l)=='"') l--; while (l>=0 && d.at(l)==' ') l--; if (l>0 && d.at(l)=='#' && d.at(l-1)=='#') hash=TRUE; k++; // scan the number while (k='0' && d.at(k)<='9') key+=d.at(k++); if (!hash) { // search for ## forward l=k; if (l<(int)d.length() && d.at(l)=='"') l++; while (l<(int)d.length() && d.at(l)==' ') l++; if (l<(int)d.length()-1 && d.at(l)=='#' && d.at(l+1)=='#') hash=TRUE; } //printf("request key %s result %s\n",qPrint(key),argTable[key]->data()); auto it = argTable.find(key.str()); if (it!=argTable.end()) { QCString substArg = it->second.c_str(); //printf("substArg='%s'\n",qPrint(substArg)); // only if no ## operator is before or after the argument // marker we do macro expansion. if (!hash) { expandExpression(yyscanner,substArg,0,0,level+1); } if (inString) { //printf("'%s'=stringize('%s')\n",qPrint(stringize(*subst)),subst->data()); // if the marker is inside a string (because a # was put // before the macro name) we must escape " and \ characters resExpr+=stringize(substArg); } else { if (hash && substArg.isEmpty()) { resExpr+="@E"; // empty argument will be remove later on } else if (state->nospaces) { resExpr+=substArg; } else { resExpr+=" "+substArg+" "; } } } } } else // no marker, just copy { if (!inString && d.at(k)=='\"') { inString=TRUE; // entering a literal string } else if (inString && d.at(k)=='\"' && (d.at(k-1)!='\\' || d.at(k-2)=='\\')) { inString=FALSE; // leaving a literal string } resExpr+=d.at(k++); } } len=j-pos; result=resExpr; //printf("name),qPrint(result),state->levelGuard.size()); return TRUE; } //printf("name),qPrint(result),state->levelGuard.size()); return FALSE; } /*! returns the next identifier in string \a expr by starting at position \a p. * The position of the identifier is returned (or -1 if nothing is found) * and \a l is its length. Any quoted strings are skipping during the search. */ static int getNextId(const QCString &expr,int p,int *l) { int n; while (p<(int)expr.length()) { char c=expr.at(p++); if (isdigit(c)) // skip number { while (p<(int)expr.length() && isId(expr.at(p))) p++; } else if (isalpha(c) || c=='_') // read id { n=p-1; while (p<(int)expr.length() && isId(expr.at(p))) p++; *l=p-n; return n; } else if (c=='"') // skip string { char ppc=0,pc=c; if (p<(int)expr.length()) c=expr.at(p); while (p<(int)expr.length() && (c!='"' || (pc=='\\' && ppc!='\\'))) // continue as long as no " is found, but ignoring \", but not \\" { ppc=pc; pc=c; c=expr.at(p); p++; } if (p<(int)expr.length()) ++p; // skip closing quote } else if (c=='/') // skip C Comment { //printf("Found C comment at p=%d\n",p); char pc=c; if (p<(int)expr.length()) { c=expr.at(p); if (c=='*') // Start of C comment { p++; while (p<(int)expr.length() && !(pc=='*' && c=='/')) { pc=c; c=expr.at(p++); } } } //printf("Found end of C comment at p=%d\n",p); } } return -1; } #define MAX_EXPANSION_DEPTH 50 /*! performs recursive macro expansion on the string \a expr * starting at position \a pos. * May read additional characters from the input while re-scanning! */ static bool expandExpression(yyscan_t yyscanner,QCString &expr,QCString *rest,int pos,int level) { YY_EXTRA_TYPE state = preYYget_extra(yyscanner); //printf(">expandExpression(expr='%s',rest='%s',pos=%d,level=%d)\n",qPrint(expr),rest ? qPrint(*rest) : "", pos, level); if (expr.isEmpty()) { //printf("expanded.find(expr.str())!=state->expanded.end() && level>MAX_EXPANSION_DEPTH) // check for too deep recursive expansions { //printf("expanded.insert(expr.str()); } QCString macroName; QCString expMacro; bool definedTest=FALSE; int i=pos,l,p,len; int startPos = pos; int samePosCount=0; while ((p=getNextId(expr,i,&l))!=-1) // search for an macro name { bool replaced=FALSE; macroName=expr.mid(p,l); //printf(" p=%d macroName=%s\n",p,qPrint(macroName)); if (p<2 || !(expr.at(p-2)=='@' && expr.at(p-1)=='-')) // no-rescan marker? { if (state->expandedDict.find(macroName.str())==state->expandedDict.end()) // expand macro { Define *def=isDefined(yyscanner,macroName); if (macroName=="defined") { //printf("found defined inside macro definition '%s'\n",qPrint(expr.right(expr.length()-p))); definedTest=TRUE; } else if (definedTest) // macro name was found after defined { if (def) expMacro = " 1 "; else expMacro = " 0 "; replaced=TRUE; len=l; definedTest=FALSE; } else if (def && def->nargs==-1) // simple macro { // substitute the definition of the macro //printf("macro '%s'->'%s'\n",qPrint(macroName),qPrint(def->definition)); if (state->nospaces) { expMacro=def->definition.stripWhiteSpace(); } else { expMacro=" "+def->definition.stripWhiteSpace()+" "; } //expMacro=def->definition.stripWhiteSpace(); replaced=TRUE; len=l; //printf("simple macro expansion='%s'->'%s'\n",qPrint(macroName),qPrint(expMacro)); } else if (def && def->nargs>=0) // function macro { //printf(" >>>> call replaceFunctionMacro expr='%s'\n",qPrint(expr)); replaced=replaceFunctionMacro(yyscanner,expr,rest,p+l,len,def,expMacro,level); //printf(" <<<< call replaceFunctionMacro: replaced=%d\n",replaced); len+=l; } //printf(" macroName='%s' expMacro='%s' replaced=%d\n",qPrint(macroName),qPrint(expMacro),replaced); if (replaced) // expand the macro and rescan the expression { //printf(" replacing '%s'->'%s'\n",expr.mid(p,qPrint(len)),qPrint(expMacro)); QCString resultExpr=expMacro; QCString restExpr=expr.right(expr.length()-len-p); processConcatOperators(resultExpr); //printf(" macroName=%s restExpr='%s' def->nonRecursive=%d\n",qPrint(macroName),qPrint(restExpr),def->nonRecursive); bool expanded=false; if (def && !def->nonRecursive) { state->expandedDict.emplace(toStdString(macroName),def); expanded = expandExpression(yyscanner,resultExpr,&restExpr,0,level+1); state->expandedDict.erase(toStdString(macroName)); } else if (def && def->nonRecursive) { expanded = true; } if (expanded) { expr=expr.left(p)+resultExpr+restExpr; //printf(" new expression: '%s' old i=%d new i=%d\n",qPrint(expr),i,p); i=p; } else { expr=expr.left(p)+"@-"+expr.right(expr.length()-p); i=p+l+2; } } else // move to the next macro name { //printf(" moving to the next macro old i=%d new i=%d\n",i,p+l); i=p+l; } } else // move to the next macro name { expr=expr.left(p)+"@-"+expr.right(expr.length()-p); //printf("macro already expanded, moving to the next macro expr=%s\n",qPrint(expr)); i=p+l+2; //i=p+l; } // check for too many inplace expansions without making progress if (i==startPos) { samePosCount++; } else { startPos=i; samePosCount=0; } if (samePosCount>MAX_EXPANSION_DEPTH) { break; } } else // no re-scan marker found, skip the macro name { //printf("skipping marked macro\n"); i=p+l; } } //printf("expanded.clear(); expandExpression(yyscanner,e,0,0,0); //printf("after expansion '%s'\n",qPrint(e)); e = removeIdsAndMarkers(e); if (e.isEmpty()) return FALSE; //printf("parsing '%s'\n",qPrint(e)); return state->constExpParser.parse(state->yyFileName.data(),state->yyLineNr,e.str()); } /*! expands the macro definition in \a name * If needed the function may read additional characters from the input */ static QCString expandMacro(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString &name) { YY_EXTRA_TYPE state = preYYget_extra(yyscanner); QCString n=name; state->expanded.clear(); expandExpression(yyscanner,n,0,0,0); n=removeMarkers(n); //printf("expandMacro '%s'->'%s'\n",qPrint(name),qPrint(n)); return n; } static void addDefine(yyscan_t yyscanner) { YY_EXTRA_TYPE state = preYYget_extra(yyscanner); Define def; def.name = state->defName; def.definition = state->defText.stripWhiteSpace(); def.nargs = state->defArgs; def.fileName = state->yyFileName; def.fileDef = state->yyFileDef; def.lineNr = state->yyLineNr-state->yyMLines; def.columnNr = state->yyColNr; def.varArgs = state->defVarArgs; //printf("newDefine: %s %s file: %s\n",qPrint(def.name),qPrint(def.definition), // def.fileDef ? qPrint(def.fileDef->name()) : qPrint(def.fileName)); //printf("newDefine: '%s'->'%s'\n",qPrint(def.name),qPrint(def.definition)); if (!def.name.isEmpty() && Doxygen::expandAsDefinedSet.find(def.name.str())!=Doxygen::expandAsDefinedSet.end()) { def.isPredefined=TRUE; } auto it = state->localDefines.find(def.name.str()); if (it!=state->localDefines.end()) // redefine { state->localDefines.erase(it); } state->localDefines.insert(std::make_pair(def.name.str(),def)); } static void addMacroDefinition(yyscan_t yyscanner) { YY_EXTRA_TYPE state = preYYget_extra(yyscanner); if (state->skip) return; // do not add this define as it is inside a // conditional section (cond command) that is disabled. Define define; define.fileName = state->yyFileName; define.lineNr = state->yyLineNr - state->yyMLines; define.columnNr = state->yyColNr; define.name = state->defName; define.args = state->defArgsStr; define.fileDef = state->inputFileDef; QCString litText = state->defLitText; int l=litText.find('\n'); if (l>0 && litText.left(l).stripWhiteSpace()=="\\") { // strip first line if it only contains a slash litText = litText.right(litText.length()-l-1); } else if (l>0) { // align the items on the first line with the items on the second line int k=l+1; const char *p=litText.data()+k; char c; while ((c=*p++) && (c==' ' || c=='\t')) k++; litText=litText.mid(l+1,k-l-1)+litText.stripWhiteSpace(); } QCString litTextStripped = state->defLitText.stripWhiteSpace(); if (litTextStripped.contains('\n')>=1) { define.definition = litText; } else { define.definition = litTextStripped; } { state->macroDefinitions.push_back(define); } } static inline void outputChar(yyscan_t yyscanner,char c) { YY_EXTRA_TYPE state = preYYget_extra(yyscanner); if (state->includeStack.empty() || state->curlyCount>0) state->outputBuf->addChar(c); } static inline void outputArray(yyscan_t yyscanner,const char *a,yy_size_t len) { YY_EXTRA_TYPE state = preYYget_extra(yyscanner); if (state->includeStack.empty() || state->curlyCount>0) state->outputBuf->addArray(a,len); } static inline void outputString(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString &a) { YY_EXTRA_TYPE state = preYYget_extra(yyscanner); if (state->includeStack.empty() || state->curlyCount>0) state->outputBuf->addArray(a.data(),a.length()); } static QCString determineAbsoluteIncludeName(const QCString &curFile,const QCString &incFileName) { bool searchIncludes = Config_getBool(SEARCH_INCLUDES); QCString absIncFileName = incFileName; FileInfo fi(curFile.str()); if (fi.exists()) { QCString absName = QCString(fi.dirPath(TRUE))+"/"+incFileName; FileInfo fi2(absName.str()); if (fi2.exists()) { absIncFileName=fi2.absFilePath(); } else if (searchIncludes) // search in INCLUDE_PATH as well { const StringVector &includePath = Config_getList(INCLUDE_PATH); for (const auto &incPath : includePath) { FileInfo fi3(incPath); if (fi3.exists() && fi3.isDir()) { absName = QCString(fi3.absFilePath())+"/"+incFileName; //printf("trying absName=%s\n",qPrint(absName)); FileInfo fi4(absName.str()); if (fi4.exists()) { absIncFileName=fi4.absFilePath(); break; } //printf( "absIncFileName = %s\n", qPrint(absIncFileName) ); } } } //printf( "absIncFileName = %s\n", qPrint(absIncFileName) ); } return absIncFileName; } static void readIncludeFile(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString &inc) { YY_EXTRA_TYPE state = preYYget_extra(yyscanner); uint i=0; // find the start of the include file name while (i0 && inc.at(s-1)=='"'; // find the end of the include file name while (is) // valid include file name found { // extract include path+name QCString incFileName=inc.mid(s,i-s).stripWhiteSpace(); QCString dosExt = incFileName.right(4); if (dosExt==".exe" || dosExt==".dll" || dosExt==".tlb") { // skip imported binary files (e.g. M$ type libraries) return; } QCString oldFileName = state->yyFileName; FileDef *oldFileDef = state->yyFileDef; int oldLineNr = state->yyLineNr; //printf("Searching for '%s'\n",qPrint(incFileName)); QCString absIncFileName = determineAbsoluteIncludeName(state->yyFileName,incFileName); // findFile will overwrite state->yyFileDef if found FileState *fs; bool alreadyProcessed = FALSE; //printf("calling findFile(%s)\n",qPrint(incFileName)); if ((fs=findFile(yyscanner,incFileName,localInclude,alreadyProcessed))) // see if the include file can be found { { std::lock_guard lock(g_globalDefineMutex); g_defineManager.addInclude(oldFileName.str(),absIncFileName.str()); } //printf("Found include file!\n"); if (Debug::isFlagSet(Debug::Preprocessor)) { for (i=0;iincludeStack.size();i++) { Debug::print(Debug::Preprocessor,0," "); } Debug::print(Debug::Preprocessor,0,"#include %s: parsing...\n",qPrint(incFileName)); } if (state->includeStack.empty() && oldFileDef) { PreIncludeInfo *ii = state->includeRelations.find(absIncFileName); if (ii==0) { bool ambig; FileDef *incFd = findFileDef(Doxygen::inputNameLinkedMap,absIncFileName,ambig); state->includeRelations.add( absIncFileName, oldFileDef, ambig?nullptr:incFd, incFileName, localInclude, state->isImported ); } } struct yyguts_t * yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner; fs->bufState = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER; fs->lineNr = oldLineNr; fs->fileName = oldFileName; fs->curlyCount = state->curlyCount; state->curlyCount = 0; // push the state on the stack state->includeStack.emplace_back(fs); // set the scanner to the include file // Deal with file changes due to // #include's within { .. } blocks QCString lineStr(state->yyFileName.length()+20); lineStr.sprintf("# 1 \"%s\" 1\n",qPrint(state->yyFileName)); outputString(yyscanner,lineStr); DBG_CTX((stderr,"Switching to include file %s\n",qPrint(incFileName))); state->expectGuard=TRUE; state->inputBuf = &fs->fileBuf; state->inputBufPos=0; yy_switch_to_buffer(yy_create_buffer(0, YY_BUF_SIZE, yyscanner),yyscanner); } else { if (alreadyProcessed) // if this header was already process we can just copy the stored macros // in the local context { std::lock_guard lock(g_globalDefineMutex); g_defineManager.addInclude(state->yyFileName.str(),absIncFileName.str()); g_defineManager.retrieve(absIncFileName.str(),state->contextDefines); } if (state->includeStack.empty() && oldFileDef) { PreIncludeInfo *ii = state->includeRelations.find(absIncFileName); if (ii==0) { bool ambig; FileDef *incFd = findFileDef(Doxygen::inputNameLinkedMap,absIncFileName,ambig); ii = state->includeRelations.add(absIncFileName, oldFileDef, ambig?0:incFd, incFileName, localInclude, state->isImported ); } } if (Debug::isFlagSet(Debug::Preprocessor)) { for (i=0;iincludeStack.size();i++) { Debug::print(Debug::Preprocessor,0," "); } if (alreadyProcessed) { Debug::print(Debug::Preprocessor,0,"#include %s: already processed! skipping...\n",qPrint(incFileName)); } else { Debug::print(Debug::Preprocessor,0,"#include %s: not found! skipping...\n",qPrint(incFileName)); } //printf("error: include file %s not found\n",yytext); } if (state->curlyCount>0 && !alreadyProcessed) // failed to find #include inside { ... } { warn(state->yyFileName,state->yyLineNr,"include file %s not found, perhaps you forgot to add its directory to INCLUDE_PATH?",qPrint(incFileName)); } } } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void startCondSection(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString §Id) { YY_EXTRA_TYPE state = preYYget_extra(yyscanner); //printf("startCondSection: skip=%d stack=%d\n",state->skip,state->condStack.size()); CondParser prs; bool expResult = prs.parse(state->yyFileName.data(),state->yyLineNr,sectId.data()); state->condStack.emplace(std::make_unique(state->yyLineNr,sectId,state->skip)); if (!expResult) { state->skip=TRUE; } //printf(" expResult=%d skip=%d\n",expResult,state->skip); } static void endCondSection(yyscan_t yyscanner) { YY_EXTRA_TYPE state = preYYget_extra(yyscanner); if (state->condStack.empty()) { state->skip=FALSE; } else { const std::unique_ptr &ctx = state->condStack.top(); state->skip=ctx->skip; state->condStack.pop(); } //printf("endCondSection: skip=%d stack=%d\n",state->skip,state->condStack.count()); } static void forceEndCondSection(yyscan_t yyscanner) { YY_EXTRA_TYPE state = preYYget_extra(yyscanner); while (!state->condStack.empty()) { state->condStack.pop(); } state->skip=FALSE; } static QCString escapeAt(const QCString &text) { QCString result; if (!text.isEmpty()) { char c; const char *p=text.data(); while ((c=*p++)) { if (c=='@') result+="@@"; else result+=c; } } return result; } static char resolveTrigraph(char c) { switch (c) { case '=': return '#'; case '/': return '\\'; case '\'': return '^'; case '(': return '['; case ')': return ']'; case '!': return '|'; case '<': return '{'; case '>': return '}'; case '-': return '~'; } return '?'; } /*@ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int getNextChar(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString &expr,QCString *rest,uint &pos) { //printf("getNextChar(%s,%s,%d)\n",qPrint(expr),rest ? rest->data() : 0,pos); if (posisEmpty()) { int cc=rest->at(0); *rest=rest->right(rest->length()-1); //printf("%c=rest\n",cc); return cc; } else { int cc=yyinput(yyscanner); //printf("%d=yyinput() %d\n",cc,EOF); return cc; } } static int getCurrentChar(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString &expr,QCString *rest,uint pos) { //printf("getCurrentChar(%s,%s,%d)\n",qPrint(expr),rest ? rest->data() : 0,pos); if (posisEmpty()) { int cc=rest->at(0); //printf("%c=rest\n",cc); return cc; } else { int cc=yyinput(yyscanner); returnCharToStream(yyscanner,(char)cc); //printf("%c=yyinput()\n",cc); return cc; } } static void unputChar(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString &expr,QCString *rest,uint &pos,char c) { //printf("unputChar(%s,%s,%d,%c)\n",qPrint(expr),rest ? rest->data() : 0,pos,c); if (posprepend(cs); } else { //unput(c); returnCharToStream(yyscanner,c); } //printf("result: unputChar(%s,%s,%d,%c)\n",qPrint(expr),rest ? rest->data() : 0,pos,c); } /** Returns a reference to a Define object given its name or 0 if the Define does * not exist. */ static Define *isDefined(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString &name) { YY_EXTRA_TYPE state = preYYget_extra(yyscanner); bool undef = false; auto findDefine = [&undef,&name](DefineMap &map) { Define *d=0; auto it = map.find(name.str()); if (it!=map.end()) { d = &it->second; if (d->undef) { undef=true; d=0; } } return d; }; Define *def = findDefine(state->localDefines); if (def==0 && !undef) { def = findDefine(state->contextDefines); } return def; } static void initPredefined(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString &fileName) { YY_EXTRA_TYPE state = preYYget_extra(yyscanner); // add predefined macros const StringVector &predefList = Config_getList(PREDEFINED); for (const auto &ds : predefList) { size_t i_equals=ds.find('='); size_t i_obrace=ds.find('('); size_t i_cbrace=ds.find(')'); bool nonRecursive = i_equals!=std::string::npos && i_equals>0 && ds[i_equals-1]==':'; if ((i_obrace==0) || (i_equals==0) || (i_equals==1 && ds[i_equals-1]==':')) { continue; // no define name } if (i_obrace argMap; std::string args = ds.substr(i_obrace+1,i_cbrace-i_obrace-1); // part between ( and ) size_t varArgsPos = args.find("..."); bool hasVarArgs = varArgsPos!=std::string::npos; if (hasVarArgs) { size_t lastCommaPos = args.rfind(',',varArgsPos); i_cbrace = i_obrace+1; // leave out the varargs part if (lastCommaPos!=std::string::npos) { i_cbrace += lastCommaPos; // but keep the explicit arguments if any } } size_t i=i_obrace+1; //printf("predefined function macro '%s'\n",ds.c_str()); int count = 0; reg::Iterator arg_it(ds,reId,i); // gather the formal arguments in a dictionary while (i0) // see bug375037 { argMap.emplace(match.str(),count); count++; i=pi+l; } else { i++; } ++arg_it; } if (hasVarArgs) // add the variable argument if present { argMap.emplace("__VA_ARGS__",count); count++; } // strip definition part std::string definition; std::string in=ds.substr(i_equals+1); reg::Iterator re_it(in,reId); i=0; // substitute all occurrences of formal arguments by their // corresponding markers for (; re_it!=end; ++re_it) { const auto &match = *re_it; size_t pi = match.position(); size_t l = match.length(); if (pi>i) definition+=in.substr(i,pi-i); auto it = argMap.find(match.str()); if (it!=argMap.end()) { int argIndex = it->second; QCString marker; marker.sprintf(" @%d ",argIndex); definition+=marker.str(); } else { definition+=match.str(); } i=pi+l; } definition+=in.substr(i); // add define definition to the dictionary of defines for this file std::string dname = ds.substr(0,i_obrace); if (!dname.empty()) { Define def; def.name = dname; def.definition = definition; def.nargs = count; def.isPredefined = TRUE; def.nonRecursive = nonRecursive; def.fileDef = state->yyFileDef; def.fileName = fileName; def.varArgs = hasVarArgs; state->contextDefines.insert(std::make_pair(def.name.str(),def)); //printf("#define '%s' '%s' #nargs=%d hasVarArgs=%d\n", // qPrint(def.name),qPrint(def.definition),def.nargs,def.varArgs); } } else if (!ds.empty()) // predefined non-function macro definition { //printf("predefined normal macro '%s'\n",ds.c_str()); Define def; if (i_equals==std::string::npos) // simple define without argument { def.name = ds; def.definition = "1"; // substitute occurrences by 1 (true) } else // simple define with argument { int ine=static_cast(i_equals) - (nonRecursive ? 1 : 0); def.name = ds.substr(0,ine); def.definition = ds.substr(i_equals+1); } if (!def.name.isEmpty()) { def.nargs = -1; def.isPredefined = TRUE; def.nonRecursive = nonRecursive; def.fileDef = state->yyFileDef; def.fileName = fileName; state->contextDefines.insert(std::make_pair(def.name.str(),def)); } } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct Preprocessor::Private { yyscan_t yyscanner; preYY_state state; }; void Preprocessor::addSearchDir(const QCString &dir) { YY_EXTRA_TYPE state = preYYget_extra(p->yyscanner); FileInfo fi(dir.str()); if (fi.isDir()) state->pathList.push_back(fi.absFilePath()); } Preprocessor::Preprocessor() : p(std::make_unique()) { preYYlex_init_extra(&p->state,&p->yyscanner); addSearchDir("."); } Preprocessor::~Preprocessor() { preYYlex_destroy(p->yyscanner); } void Preprocessor::processFile(const QCString &fileName,BufStr &input,BufStr &output) { // printf("Preprocessor::processFile(%s)\n",fileName); yyscan_t yyscanner = p->yyscanner; YY_EXTRA_TYPE state = preYYget_extra(p->yyscanner); struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)p->yyscanner; #ifdef FLEX_DEBUG preYYset_debug(1,yyscanner); #endif printlex(yy_flex_debug, TRUE, __FILE__, qPrint(fileName)); uint orgOffset=output.curPos(); //printf("##########################\n%s\n####################\n", // qPrint(input)); state->macroExpansion = Config_getBool(MACRO_EXPANSION); state->expandOnlyPredef = Config_getBool(EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF); state->skip=FALSE; state->curlyCount=0; state->nospaces=FALSE; state->inputBuf=&input; state->inputBufPos=0; state->outputBuf=&output; state->includeStack.clear(); state->expandedDict.clear(); state->contextDefines.clear(); while (!state->condStack.empty()) state->condStack.pop(); setFileName(yyscanner,fileName); state->inputFileDef = state->yyFileDef; //yyextra->defineManager.startContext(state->yyFileName); initPredefined(yyscanner,fileName); state->yyLineNr = 1; state->yyColNr = 1; state->ifcount = 0; BEGIN( Start ); state->expectGuard = guessSection(fileName)==Entry::HEADER_SEC; state->guardName.resize(0); state->lastGuardName.resize(0); state->guardExpr.resize(0); preYYlex(yyscanner); while (!state->condStack.empty()) { const std::unique_ptr &ctx = state->condStack.top(); QCString sectionInfo = " "; if (ctx->sectionId!=" ") sectionInfo.sprintf(" with label '%s' ",qPrint(ctx->sectionId.stripWhiteSpace())); warn(fileName,ctx->lineNr,"Conditional section%sdoes not have " "a corresponding \\endcond command within this file.",qPrint(sectionInfo)); state->condStack.pop(); } // make sure we don't extend a \cond with missing \endcond over multiple files (see bug 624829) forceEndCondSection(yyscanner); if (Debug::isFlagSet(Debug::Preprocessor)) { std::lock_guard lock(g_debugMutex); char *orgPos=output.data()+orgOffset; char *newPos=output.data()+output.curPos(); Debug::print(Debug::Preprocessor,0,"Preprocessor output of %s (size: %d bytes):\n",qPrint(fileName),newPos-orgPos); int line=1; Debug::print(Debug::Preprocessor,0,"---------\n"); if (!Debug::isFlagSet(Debug::NoLineNo)) Debug::print(Debug::Preprocessor,0,"00001 "); while (orgPoscontextDefines.size()>0) { Debug::print(Debug::Preprocessor,0,"Macros accessible in this file (%s):\n", qPrint(fileName)); Debug::print(Debug::Preprocessor,0,"---------\n"); for (auto &kv : yyextra->contextDefines) { Debug::print(Debug::Preprocessor,0,"%s ",qPrint(kv.second.name)); } for (auto &kv : yyextra->localDefines) { Debug::print(Debug::Preprocessor,0,"%s ",qPrint(kv.second.name)); } Debug::print(Debug::Preprocessor,0,"\n---------\n"); } else { Debug::print(Debug::Preprocessor,0,"No macros accessible in this file (%s).\n", qPrint(fileName)); } } { std::lock_guard lock(g_updateGlobals); for (const auto &inc : state->includeRelations) { if (inc->fromFileDef) { inc->fromFileDef->addIncludeDependency(inc->toFileDef,inc->includeName,inc->local,inc->imported); } if (inc->toFileDef && inc->fromFileDef) { inc->toFileDef->addIncludedByDependency(inc->fromFileDef,inc->fromFileDef->docName(),inc->local,inc->imported); } } // add the macro definition for this file to the global map Doxygen::macroDefinitions.emplace(std::make_pair(state->yyFileName.str(),std::move(state->macroDefinitions))); } //yyextra->defineManager.endContext(); printlex(yy_flex_debug, FALSE, __FILE__, qPrint(fileName)); // printf("Preprocessor::processFile(%s) finished\n",fileName); } #if USE_STATE2STRING #include "pre.l.h" #endif