/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 1997-2021 by Dimitri van Heesch. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license. * */ /* This code is based on the work done by the MoxyPyDoxy team * (Linda Leong, Mike Rivera, Kim Truong, and Gabriel Estrada) * in Spring 2005 as part of CS 179E: Compiler Design Project * at the University of California, Riverside; the course was * taught by Peter H. Froehlich . */ %option never-interactive %option prefix="pyscannerYY" %option reentrant %option extra-type="struct pyscannerYY_state *" %top{ #include } %{ /* * includes */ #include #include #include #include #include "pyscanner.h" #include "entry.h" #include "message.h" #include "config.h" #include "doxygen.h" #include "util.h" #include "defargs.h" #include "language.h" #include "commentscan.h" #include "arguments.h" #include "markdown.h" #include "fileinfo.h" // Toggle for some debugging info //#define DBG_CTX(x) fprintf x #define DBG_CTX(x) do { } while(0) #define YY_NO_INPUT 1 #define YY_NO_UNISTD_H 1 #define USE_STATE2STRING 0 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct pyscannerYY_state { pyscannerYY_state() : defVal(std::ios_base::ate) {} CommentScanner commentScanner; OutlineParserInterface *thisParser = 0; QCString inputString; yy_size_t inputPosition = 0; Protection protection = Public; std::shared_ptr current_root; std::shared_ptr current; std::shared_ptr previous; std::shared_ptr bodyEntry; int yyLineNr = 1 ; QCString yyFileName; MethodTypes mtype = Method; bool stat = FALSE; Specifier virt = Normal; int docBlockContext = 0; QCString docBlock; bool docBlockInBody = FALSE; bool docBlockJavaStyle = FALSE; bool docBrief = FALSE; bool docBlockSpecial = FALSE; bool doubleQuote = FALSE; bool specialBlock = FALSE; int stringContext = 0; std::ostringstream * copyString = 0; int indent = 0; int curIndent = 0; int commentIndent = 0; bool importTuple = FALSE; StringUnorderedMap packageNameCache; char atomStart = 0; char atomEnd = 0; int atomCount = 0; QCString moduleScope; QCString packageName; std::ostringstream defVal; int braceCount = 0; bool lexInit = FALSE; bool packageCommentAllowed = FALSE; bool start_init = FALSE; int search_count = 0; QCString argType; bool funcParamsEnd = FALSE; std::vector decorators; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if USE_STATE2STRING static const char *stateToString(int state); #endif static inline int computeIndent(const char *s); static void initParser(yyscan_t yyscanner); static void initEntry(yyscan_t yyscanner); static void newEntry(yyscan_t yyscanner); static void newVariable(yyscan_t yyscanner); static void newFunction(yyscan_t yyscanner); static QCString findPackageScopeFromPath(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString &path); static void addFrom(yyscan_t yyscanner,bool all); static void lineCount(yyscan_t yyscanner); static void incLineNr(yyscan_t yyscanner); static void startCommentBlock(yyscan_t yyscanner,bool brief); static void handleCommentBlock(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString &doc,bool brief); static void endOfDef(yyscan_t yyscanner,int correction=0); static inline void addToString(yyscan_t yyscanner,const char *s); static void initTriDoubleQuoteBlock(yyscan_t yyscanner); static void initTriSingleQuoteBlock(yyscan_t yyscanner); static void initSpecialBlock(yyscan_t yyscanner); static void searchFoundDef(yyscan_t yyscanner); static void searchFoundClass(yyscan_t yyscanner); static QCString findPackageScope(yyscan_t yyscanner,const char *fileName); static yy_size_t yyread(yyscan_t yyscanner,char *buf,yy_size_t max_size); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ #undef YY_INPUT #define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) result=yyread(yyscanner,buf,max_size); %} /* start command character */ BB [ \t]+ B [ \t]* NEWLINE \n BN [ \t\n] DIGIT [0-9] HEXNUMBER "0"[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+[lL]? OCTNUMBER "0"[0-7]+[lL]? NUMBER {DIGIT}+[lLjJ]? INTNUMBER {HEXNUMBER}|{OCTNUMBER}|{NUMBER} FLOATNUMBER {DIGIT}+"."{DIGIT}+([eE][+\-]?{DIGIT}+)?[jJ]? BOOL ("True"|"False") LETTER [A-Za-z\x80-\xFF] NONEMPTY [A-Za-z0-9_\x80-\xFF] EXPCHAR [#(){}\[\],:.%/\\=`*~|&<>!;+-] NONEMPTYEXP [^ \t\n:] PARAMNONEMPTY [^ \t\n():] IDENTIFIER ({LETTER}|"_")({LETTER}|{DIGIT}|"_")* SCOPE {IDENTIFIER}("."{IDENTIFIER})* CALL "("[^)]*")" BORDER ([^A-Za-z0-9]) TRISINGLEQUOTE {STRINGPREFIX}?"'''"(!)? TRIDOUBLEQUOTE {STRINGPREFIX}?"\"\"\""(!)? ENDTRISINGLEQUOTE "'''" ENDTRIDOUBLEQUOTE "\"\"\"" LONGSTRINGCHAR [^\\"'] ESCAPESEQ ("\\")(.) LONGSTRINGITEM ({LONGSTRINGCHAR}|{ESCAPESEQ}) SMALLQUOTE ("\"\""|"\""|"'"|"''") LONGSTRINGBLOCK ({LONGSTRINGITEM}+|{SMALLQUOTE}) SHORTSTRING ("'"{SHORTSTRINGITEM}*"'"|'"'{SHORTSTRINGITEM}*'"') SHORTSTRINGITEM ({SHORTSTRINGCHAR}|{ESCAPESEQ}) SHORTSTRINGCHAR [^\\\n"] STRINGLITERAL {STRINGPREFIX}?( {SHORTSTRING} | {LONGSTRING}) STRINGPREFIX ("r"|"u"|"ur"|"R"|"U"|"UR"|"Ur"|"uR") FLOWKW ("or"|"and"|"is"|"not"|"print"|"for"|"in"|"if"|"try"|"except"|"yield"|"raise"|"break"|"continue"|"pass"|"if"|"return"|"while"|"elif"|"else"|"finally") POUNDCOMMENT "#"[^#\n][^\n]* SCRIPTCOMMENT "#!".* STARTDOCSYMS "##" %option noyywrap /* Main start state */ %x Search %x SearchMemVars /* Mid-comment states */ /* %x FuncDoubleComment */ /* %x ClassDoubleComment */ %x TryClassDocString %x TripleComment %x SpecialComment /* Function states */ %x FunctionDec %x FunctionParams %x FunctionBody %x FunctionAnnotation %x FunctionTypeAnnotation %x FunctionParamDefVal /* Class states */ %x ClassDec %x ClassInheritance %x ClassCaptureIndent %x ClassBody /* Variable states */ %x VariableDec %x VariableEnd %x VariableAtom /* String states */ %x SingleQuoteString %x DoubleQuoteString %x TripleString %x SingleQuoteStringIgnore %x DoubleQuoteStringIgnore /* import */ %x FromMod %x FromModItem %x Import %% /* ------------ Function recognition rules -------------- */ { ^{B}"def"{BB} { // start of a function/method definition with indent DBG_CTX((stderr,"Found def at %d\n",yyextra->yyLineNr)); yyextra->indent=computeIndent(yytext); searchFoundDef(yyscanner); BEGIN( FunctionDec ); } "def"{BB} { // start of a function/method definition searchFoundDef(yyscanner); BEGIN( FunctionDec ); } ^{B}"class"{BB} { // start of a class definition with indent DBG_CTX((stderr,"Found class at %d\n",yyextra->yyLineNr)); yyextra->indent=computeIndent(yytext); searchFoundClass(yyscanner); BEGIN( ClassDec ) ; } "class"{BB} { // start of a class definition searchFoundClass(yyscanner); BEGIN( ClassDec ) ; } ^{B}"from"{BB} | "from"{BB} { // start of an from import yyextra->packageCommentAllowed = FALSE; BEGIN( FromMod ); } ^{B}"import"{BB} | "import"{BB} { // start of an import statement yyextra->packageCommentAllowed = FALSE; BEGIN( Import ); } ^{B}{IDENTIFIER}/{B}"="{B}"property" { // property yyextra->current->section = Entry::VARIABLE_SEC; yyextra->current->mtype = Property; yyextra->current->name = QCString(yytext).stripWhiteSpace(); yyextra->current->fileName = yyextra->yyFileName; yyextra->current->startLine = yyextra->yyLineNr; yyextra->current->bodyLine = yyextra->yyLineNr; yyextra->packageCommentAllowed = FALSE; BEGIN(VariableDec); } ^{B}{IDENTIFIER}/{B}"="[^=] { // variable if (yyextra->search_count) REJECT; yyextra->indent=computeIndent(yytext); yyextra->current->section = Entry::VARIABLE_SEC; yyextra->current->name = QCString(yytext).stripWhiteSpace(); yyextra->current->fileName = yyextra->yyFileName; yyextra->current->startLine = yyextra->yyLineNr; yyextra->current->bodyLine = yyextra->yyLineNr; yyextra->packageCommentAllowed = FALSE; BEGIN(VariableDec); } {B}{IDENTIFIER}/({B},{B}{IDENTIFIER})*{B}")"*{B}"="[^=] { // list of variables, we cannot place the default value // so we will skip it later on in a general rule // Also note ")" this is to catch also (a,b). the "(" // is caught in the rule: [(], the ")" will be handled in [)] if (yyextra->search_count > 1) REJECT; yyextra->indent=computeIndent(yytext); yyextra->current->section = Entry::VARIABLE_SEC; yyextra->current->name = QCString(yytext).stripWhiteSpace(); yyextra->current->fileName = yyextra->yyFileName; yyextra->current->startLine = yyextra->yyLineNr; yyextra->current->bodyLine = yyextra->yyLineNr; yyextra->packageCommentAllowed = FALSE; newVariable(yyscanner); } "'" { // start of a single quoted string yyextra->stringContext=YY_START; yyextra->copyString=0; yyextra->packageCommentAllowed = FALSE; BEGIN( SingleQuoteString ); } "\"" { // start of a double quoted string yyextra->stringContext=YY_START; yyextra->copyString=0; yyextra->packageCommentAllowed = FALSE; BEGIN( DoubleQuoteString ); } "@staticmethod" { yyextra->stat=TRUE; } "@"{SCOPE}{CALL}? { // decorator } {SCRIPTCOMMENT} { // Unix type script comment if (yyextra->yyLineNr != 1) REJECT; } {POUNDCOMMENT} { // normal comment yyextra->packageCommentAllowed = FALSE; } {IDENTIFIER} { // some other identifier yyextra->packageCommentAllowed = FALSE; } ^{BB} { yyextra->curIndent=computeIndent(yytext); } {NEWLINE}+ { // new line lineCount(yyscanner); } {TRIDOUBLEQUOTE} { // start of a comment block initTriDoubleQuoteBlock(yyscanner); BEGIN(TripleComment); } {TRISINGLEQUOTE} { // start of a comment block initTriSingleQuoteBlock(yyscanner); BEGIN(TripleComment); } {STARTDOCSYMS}/[^#] { // start of a special comment yyextra->curIndent=computeIndent(yytext); yyextra->packageCommentAllowed = FALSE; initSpecialBlock(yyscanner); BEGIN(SpecialComment); } [(] { // we have to do something with ( yyextra->search_count += 1; } [)] { // we have to do something with ) yyextra->search_count -= 1; } [^\n] { // any other character... // This is the major default // that should catch everything // else in Body. } } { "." { // python3 style imports } {IDENTIFIER}({B}"."{B}{IDENTIFIER})* { // from package import yyextra->packageName=yytext; } "import"{B} { BEGIN(FromModItem); } \n { incLineNr(yyscanner); BEGIN(Search); } {B} { } . { unput(*yytext); BEGIN(Search); } } { "*" { // import all addFrom(yyscanner,TRUE); BEGIN(Search); } {IDENTIFIER}/{B}","{B} { addFrom(yyscanner,FALSE); } {IDENTIFIER}/{B}")" { addFrom(yyscanner,FALSE); } {IDENTIFIER} { addFrom(yyscanner,FALSE); if (!yyextra->importTuple) { BEGIN(Search); } } \n { incLineNr(yyscanner); if (!yyextra->importTuple) { BEGIN(Search); } } {B} { } "(" { yyextra->importTuple=TRUE; } ")" { yyextra->importTuple=FALSE; BEGIN(Search); } "," { } "\\"{B}\n { // line continuation incLineNr(yyscanner); } . { unput(*yytext); BEGIN(Search); } } { {IDENTIFIER}({B}"."{B}{IDENTIFIER})* { yyextra->current->name=removeRedundantWhiteSpace(substitute(yytext,".","::")); yyextra->current->fileName = yyextra->yyFileName; //printf("Adding using declaration: found:%s:%d name=%s\n",yyextra->yyFileName.data(),yyextra->yyLineNr,yyextra->current->name.data()); yyextra->current->section=Entry::USINGDECL_SEC; yyextra->current_root->moveToSubEntryAndRefresh(yyextra->current); initEntry(yyscanner); BEGIN(Search); } \n { incLineNr(yyscanner); BEGIN(Search); } {B} { } . { unput(*yytext); BEGIN(Search); } } { "self."{IDENTIFIER}/{B}"=" { DBG_CTX((stderr,"Found instance method variable %s in %s at %d\n",&yytext[5],yyextra->current_root->name.data(),yyextra->yyLineNr)); yyextra->current->name=&yytext[5]; yyextra->current->section=Entry::VARIABLE_SEC; yyextra->current->fileName = yyextra->yyFileName; yyextra->current->startLine = yyextra->yyLineNr; yyextra->current->bodyLine = yyextra->yyLineNr; yyextra->current->type.resize(0); if (yyextra->current->name.at(0)=='_') // mark as private { yyextra->current->protection=Private; } newEntry(yyscanner); } "cls."{IDENTIFIER}/{B}"=" { DBG_CTX((stderr,"Found class method variable %s in %s at %d\n",&yytext[4],yyextra->current_root->name.data(),yyextra->yyLineNr)); yyextra->current->name=&yytext[4]; yyextra->current->section=Entry::VARIABLE_SEC; yyextra->current->fileName = yyextra->yyFileName; yyextra->current->startLine = yyextra->yyLineNr; yyextra->current->bodyLine = yyextra->yyLineNr; yyextra->current->type.resize(0); if (yyextra->current->name.at(0)=='_') // mark as private { yyextra->current->protection=Private; } newEntry(yyscanner); } {TRIDOUBLEQUOTE} { // start of a comment block initTriDoubleQuoteBlock(yyscanner); BEGIN(TripleComment); } {TRISINGLEQUOTE} { // start of a comment block initTriSingleQuoteBlock(yyscanner); BEGIN(TripleComment); } {STARTDOCSYMS}/[^#] { // start of a special comment initSpecialBlock(yyscanner); BEGIN(SpecialComment); } {POUNDCOMMENT} { // # } "'" { // start of a single quoted string yyextra->stringContext=YY_START; yyextra->copyString=0; BEGIN( SingleQuoteString ); } "\"" { // start of a double quoted string yyextra->stringContext=YY_START; yyextra->copyString=0; BEGIN( DoubleQuoteString ); } \n { incLineNr(yyscanner); } {IDENTIFIER} // identifiers [^'"\.#a-z_A-Z\n]+ // other uninteresting stuff . // anything else } { \n{B}/{IDENTIFIER}{BB} { DBG_CTX((stderr,"indent %d<=%d\n",computeIndent(&yytext[1]),yyextra->indent)); if (computeIndent(&yytext[1])<=yyextra->indent) { int i; for (i=(int)yyleng-1;i>=0;i--) { unput(yytext[i]); } endOfDef(yyscanner); //YY_CURRENT_BUFFER->yy_at_bol=TRUE; BEGIN(Search); } else { incLineNr(yyscanner); yyextra->current->program << yytext; } } \n{B}/"##" { if (computeIndent(&yytext[1])<=yyextra->indent) { int i; for (i=(int)yyleng-1;i>=0;i--) { unput(yytext[i]); } endOfDef(yyscanner); //YY_CURRENT_BUFFER->yy_at_bol=TRUE; BEGIN(Search); } else { incLineNr(yyscanner); yyextra->current->program << yytext; } } <> { endOfDef(yyscanner); yyterminate(); } ^{BB}/\n { // skip empty line yyextra->current->program << yytext; } ^{BB} { // something at indent >0 yyextra->current->program << yytext; yyextra->curIndent = computeIndent(yytext); if (yyextra->curIndent<=yyextra->indent) // jumped out of the function { endOfDef(yyscanner,1); BEGIN(Search); } } "'" { // start of a single quoted string yyextra->current->program << yytext; yyextra->stringContext=YY_START; yyextra->specialBlock = FALSE; yyextra->copyString=&yyextra->current->program; BEGIN( SingleQuoteString ); } "\"" { // start of a double quoted string yyextra->current->program << yytext; yyextra->stringContext=YY_START; yyextra->specialBlock = FALSE; yyextra->copyString=&yyextra->current->program; BEGIN( DoubleQuoteString ); } [^ \t\n#'".]+ { // non-special stuff yyextra->current->program << yytext; yyextra->specialBlock = FALSE; } ^{POUNDCOMMENT} { // normal comment yyextra->current->program << yytext; } "#".* { // comment half way yyextra->current->program << yytext; } {NEWLINE} { incLineNr(yyscanner); yyextra->current->program << yytext; } . { // any character yyextra->current->program << *yytext; yyextra->specialBlock = FALSE; } {TRIDOUBLEQUOTE} { // start of a comment block yyextra->current->program << yytext; initTriDoubleQuoteBlock(yyscanner); BEGIN(TripleComment); } {TRISINGLEQUOTE} { // start of a comment block yyextra->current->program << yytext; initTriSingleQuoteBlock(yyscanner); BEGIN(TripleComment); } {STARTDOCSYMS}/[^#] { // start of a special comment initSpecialBlock(yyscanner); BEGIN(SpecialComment); } } { {IDENTIFIER} { //found function name if (yyextra->current->type.isEmpty()) { yyextra->current->type = "def"; } yyextra->current->name = yytext; yyextra->current->name = yyextra->current->name.stripWhiteSpace(); newFunction(yyscanner); } {B}":"{B} { // function without arguments yyextra->specialBlock = TRUE; // expecting a docstring yyextra->bodyEntry = yyextra->current; yyextra->current->bodyLine = yyextra->yyLineNr; BEGIN(FunctionBody); } "->" { yyextra->defVal.str(std::string()); yyextra->braceCount = 0; BEGIN(FunctionTypeAnnotation); } {B}"(" { yyextra->funcParamsEnd = FALSE; yyextra->current->bodyLine = yyextra->yyLineNr; BEGIN(FunctionParams); } ")" { // end of parameter list if (yyextra->current->argList.empty()) { yyextra->current->argList.setNoParameters(TRUE); } yyextra->current->args = argListToString(yyextra->current->argList); yyextra->funcParamsEnd = TRUE; } } { ({BB}|",") { } [\*]+ { yyextra->argType = yytext; } {IDENTIFIER} { // Name of parameter lineCount(yyscanner); Argument a; a.name = QCString(yytext).stripWhiteSpace(); a.type = yyextra->argType; yyextra->current->argList.push_back(a); yyextra->argType = ""; } "=" { // default value // TODO: this rule is too simple, need to be able to // match things like =")" as well! yyextra->defVal.str(std::string()); yyextra->braceCount = 0; BEGIN(FunctionParamDefVal); } ")" { unput(*yytext); BEGIN(FunctionDec); } ":"{B} { yyextra->defVal.str(std::string()); yyextra->braceCount = 0; BEGIN(FunctionAnnotation); } {POUNDCOMMENT} { // a comment } {PARAMNONEMPTY} { // Default rule inside arguments. } } { "{" | "[" | "(" { ++yyextra->braceCount; yyextra->defVal << *yytext; } "}" | "]" | ")" { --yyextra->braceCount; yyextra->defVal << *yytext; } ":" { if (yyextra->braceCount == 0) { yyextra->current->type = yyextra->defVal.str(); unput(*yytext); BEGIN(FunctionDec); } else yyextra->defVal << *yytext; } "'" { yyextra->defVal << *yytext; yyextra->copyString=&yyextra->defVal; yyextra->stringContext=FunctionTypeAnnotation; BEGIN(SingleQuoteString); } "\"" { yyextra->defVal << *yytext; yyextra->copyString=&yyextra->defVal; yyextra->stringContext=FunctionTypeAnnotation; BEGIN(DoubleQuoteString); } \n { yyextra->defVal << *yytext; incLineNr(yyscanner); } . { yyextra->defVal << *yytext; } } { "{" | "[" | "(" { ++yyextra->braceCount; yyextra->defVal << *yytext; } "}" | "]" { --yyextra->braceCount; yyextra->defVal << *yytext; } ")" | "=" | "," { if (yyextra->braceCount == 0) { if (!yyextra->current->argList.empty()) yyextra->current->argList.back().type += yyextra->defVal.str(); if (*yytext != ',') unput(*yytext); BEGIN(FunctionParams); } else { if (*yytext == ')') --yyextra->braceCount; yyextra->defVal << *yytext; } } "'" { yyextra->defVal << *yytext; yyextra->copyString=&yyextra->defVal; yyextra->stringContext=FunctionAnnotation; BEGIN(SingleQuoteString); } "\"" { yyextra->defVal << *yytext; yyextra->copyString=&yyextra->defVal; yyextra->stringContext=FunctionAnnotation; BEGIN(DoubleQuoteString); } \n { yyextra->defVal << *yytext; incLineNr(yyscanner); } . { yyextra->defVal << *yytext; } } { "{" | "[" | "(" { // internal opening brace, assumption is that we have correct code so braces do match ++yyextra->braceCount; yyextra->defVal << *yytext; } "}" | "]" { --yyextra->braceCount; yyextra->defVal << *yytext; } ")" | "," { if (yyextra->braceCount == 0) { if (!yyextra->current->argList.empty()) yyextra->current->argList.back().defval=QCString(yyextra->defVal.str()).stripWhiteSpace(); if (*yytext == ')') unput(*yytext); BEGIN(FunctionParams); } else { if (*yytext == ')') --yyextra->braceCount; yyextra->defVal << *yytext; } } "'" { yyextra->defVal << *yytext; yyextra->copyString=&yyextra->defVal; yyextra->stringContext=FunctionParamDefVal; BEGIN( SingleQuoteString ); } "\"" { yyextra->defVal << *yytext; yyextra->copyString=&yyextra->defVal; yyextra->stringContext=FunctionParamDefVal; BEGIN( DoubleQuoteString ); } \n { yyextra->defVal << *yytext; incLineNr(yyscanner); } . { yyextra->defVal << *yytext; } } { \n/{IDENTIFIER}{BB} { // new def at indent 0 incLineNr(yyscanner); endOfDef(yyscanner); //yyextra->hideClassDocs = FALSE; //YY_CURRENT_BUFFER->yy_at_bol=TRUE; BEGIN(Search); } \n/"##"[^#] { // start of a special comment at indent 0 incLineNr(yyscanner); endOfDef(yyscanner); //yyextra->hideClassDocs = FALSE; //YY_CURRENT_BUFFER->yy_at_bol=TRUE; BEGIN(Search); } ^{BB}/\n { // skip empty line yyextra->current->program << yytext; } <> { endOfDef(yyscanner); yyterminate(); } ^{BB} { // something at indent >0 yyextra->curIndent=computeIndent(yytext); DBG_CTX((stderr,"yyextra->curIndent=%d yyextra->indent=%d\n",yyextra->curIndent,yyextra->indent)); if (yyextra->curIndent<=yyextra->indent) // jumped out of the class/method { endOfDef(yyscanner,1); yyextra->indent=yyextra->curIndent; // make sure the next rule matches ^... //YY_CURRENT_BUFFER->yy_at_bol=TRUE; //yyextra->hideClassDocs = FALSE; BEGIN(Search); } else { yyextra->current->program << yytext; } } "'" { // start of a single quoted string yyextra->current->program << *yytext; yyextra->stringContext=YY_START; yyextra->specialBlock = FALSE; yyextra->copyString=&yyextra->current->program; BEGIN( SingleQuoteString ); } "\"" { // start of a double quoted string yyextra->current->program << *yytext; yyextra->stringContext=YY_START; yyextra->specialBlock = FALSE; yyextra->copyString=&yyextra->current->program; BEGIN( DoubleQuoteString ); } [^ \t\n#'"]+ { // non-special stuff yyextra->current->program << yytext; yyextra->specialBlock = FALSE; //yyextra->hideClassDocs = FALSE; } {NEWLINE} { yyextra->current->program << *yytext; incLineNr(yyscanner); } {POUNDCOMMENT} { // normal comment yyextra->current->program << yytext; } . { // any character yyextra->specialBlock = FALSE; yyextra->current->program << *yytext; } {TRIDOUBLEQUOTE} { // start of a comment block //if (!yyextra->hideClassDocs) yyextra->current->program << yytext; initTriDoubleQuoteBlock(yyscanner); BEGIN(TripleComment); } {TRISINGLEQUOTE} { // start of a comment block //if (!yyextra->hideClassDocs) yyextra->current->program << yytext; initTriSingleQuoteBlock(yyscanner); BEGIN(TripleComment); } } {IDENTIFIER} { if (yyextra->current->type.isEmpty()) { yyextra->current->type = "class"; } yyextra->current->section = Entry::CLASS_SEC; yyextra->current->name = yytext; // prepend scope in case of nested classes if (yyextra->current_root->section&Entry::SCOPE_MASK) { //printf("*** Prepending scope %s to class %s\n",yyextra->current_root->name.data(),yyextra->current->name.data()); yyextra->current->name.prepend(yyextra->current_root->name+"::"); } yyextra->current->name = yyextra->current->name.stripWhiteSpace(); yyextra->current->fileName = yyextra->yyFileName; yyextra->docBlockContext = YY_START; yyextra->docBlockInBody = FALSE; yyextra->docBlockJavaStyle = FALSE; yyextra->docBlock.resize(0); BEGIN(ClassInheritance); } { ({BB}|[\(,\)]) { // syntactic sugar for the list } ":" { // begin of the class definition yyextra->specialBlock = TRUE; // expecting a docstring yyextra->current->bodyLine = yyextra->yyLineNr; yyextra->current->program.str(std::string()); BEGIN(ClassCaptureIndent); } {SCOPE} { yyextra->current->extends.push_back( BaseInfo(substitute(yytext,".","::"),Public,Normal) ); //Has base class-do stuff } "'" { // start of a single quoted string yyextra->stringContext=YY_START; BEGIN( SingleQuoteStringIgnore ); } "\"" { // start of a double quoted string yyextra->stringContext=YY_START; BEGIN( DoubleQuoteStringIgnore ); } } { "'" { // end of a single quoted string BEGIN(yyextra->stringContext); } . { } } { "\"" { // end of a double quoted string BEGIN(yyextra->stringContext); } . { } } { "\n"|({BB}"\n") { // Blankline - ignore, keep looking for indentation. lineCount(yyscanner); yyextra->current->program << yytext; } {TRIDOUBLEQUOTE} { // start of a comment block initTriDoubleQuoteBlock(yyscanner); yyextra->current->program << yytext; BEGIN(TripleComment); } {TRISINGLEQUOTE} { // start of a comment block initTriSingleQuoteBlock(yyscanner); yyextra->current->program << yytext; BEGIN(TripleComment); } {STARTDOCSYMS}[#]* { // start of a special comment initSpecialBlock(yyscanner); BEGIN(SpecialComment); } {POUNDCOMMENT} { // ignore comment with just one # } ^{BB} { yyextra->current->program << yytext; //yyextra->current->startLine = yyextra->yyLineNr; yyextra->curIndent=computeIndent(yytext); yyextra->bodyEntry = yyextra->current; DBG_CTX((stderr,"setting indent %d\n",yyextra->curIndent)); //printf("yyextra->current->program=[%s]\n",yyextra->current->program.data()); //yyextra->hideClassDocs = TRUE; BEGIN(ClassBody); } ""/({NONEMPTY}|{EXPCHAR}) { // Just pushback an empty class, and // resume parsing the body. newEntry(yyscanner); yyextra->current->program << yytext; // printf("Failed to find indent - skipping!"); BEGIN( Search ); } } { "=" { // the assignment operator //printf("====== VariableDec at line %d\n",yyextra->yyLineNr); yyextra->start_init = TRUE; yyextra->current->initializer.str(yytext); yyextra->current->initializer << " "; } {B} { // spaces yyextra->current->initializer << yytext; } {INTNUMBER} { // integer value if (yyextra->current-> type.isEmpty()) yyextra->current->type = "int"; yyextra->current->initializer << yytext; } {FLOATNUMBER} { // floating point value if (yyextra->current->type.isEmpty()) yyextra->current->type = "float"; yyextra->current->initializer << yytext; } {BOOL} { // boolean value if (yyextra->current->type.isEmpty()) yyextra->current->type = "bool"; yyextra->current->initializer << yytext; } {STRINGPREFIX}?"'" { // string if (yyextra->current->type.isEmpty()) yyextra->current->type = "string"; yyextra->current->initializer << yytext; yyextra->copyString=&yyextra->current->initializer; yyextra->stringContext=VariableDec; BEGIN( SingleQuoteString ); } {STRINGPREFIX}?"\"" { // string if (yyextra->current->type.isEmpty()) yyextra->current->type = "string"; yyextra->current->initializer << yytext; yyextra->copyString=&yyextra->current->initializer; yyextra->stringContext=VariableDec; BEGIN( DoubleQuoteString ); } {TRIDOUBLEQUOTE} { // start of a comment block if (yyextra->current->type.isEmpty()) yyextra->current->type = "string"; yyextra->current->initializer << yytext; yyextra->doubleQuote=TRUE; yyextra->copyString=&yyextra->current->initializer; yyextra->stringContext=VariableDec; BEGIN(TripleString); } {TRISINGLEQUOTE} { // start of a comment block if (yyextra->current->type.isEmpty()) yyextra->current->type = "string"; yyextra->current->initializer << yytext; yyextra->doubleQuote=FALSE; yyextra->copyString=&yyextra->current->initializer; yyextra->stringContext=VariableDec; BEGIN(TripleString); } "(" { // tuple, only when direct after = if (yyextra->current->mtype!=Property && yyextra->start_init) { yyextra->current->type = "tuple"; } yyextra->current->initializer << *yytext; yyextra->atomStart='('; yyextra->atomEnd=')'; yyextra->atomCount=1; BEGIN( VariableAtom ); } "[" { // list if (yyextra->start_init) yyextra->current->type = "list"; yyextra->current->initializer << *yytext; yyextra->atomStart='['; yyextra->atomEnd=']'; yyextra->atomCount=1; BEGIN( VariableAtom ); } "{" { // dictionary if (yyextra->start_init) yyextra->current->type = "dictionary"; yyextra->current->initializer << *yytext; yyextra->atomStart='{'; yyextra->atomEnd='}'; yyextra->atomCount=1; BEGIN( VariableAtom ); } "#".* { // comment BEGIN( VariableEnd ); } {IDENTIFIER} { // do something based on the type of the IDENTIFIER if (yyextra->current->type.isEmpty()) { for (const auto &child : yyextra->current_root->children()) { if (child->name == QCString(yytext)) { yyextra->current->type = child->type; break; } } } yyextra->start_init = FALSE; yyextra->current->initializer << yytext; } . { yyextra->start_init = FALSE; yyextra->current->initializer << *yytext; } \n { unput('\n'); BEGIN( VariableEnd ); } } { [\(\[\{] { yyextra->current->initializer << *yytext; if (yyextra->atomStart==*yytext) { yyextra->atomCount++; } } [\)\]\}] { yyextra->current->initializer << *yytext; if (yyextra->atomEnd==*yytext) { yyextra->atomCount--; } if (yyextra->atomCount==0) { yyextra->start_init = FALSE; BEGIN(VariableDec); } } {TRIDOUBLEQUOTE} { // start of a comment block yyextra->specialBlock = FALSE; yyextra->current->program << yytext; initTriDoubleQuoteBlock(yyscanner); BEGIN(TripleComment); } {TRISINGLEQUOTE} { // start of a comment block yyextra->specialBlock = FALSE; yyextra->current->program << yytext; initTriSingleQuoteBlock(yyscanner); BEGIN(TripleComment); } "'" { yyextra->stringContext=YY_START; yyextra->current->initializer << "'"; yyextra->copyString=&yyextra->current->initializer; BEGIN( SingleQuoteString ); } "\"" { yyextra->stringContext=YY_START; yyextra->current->initializer << "\""; yyextra->copyString=&yyextra->current->initializer; BEGIN( DoubleQuoteString ); } {IDENTIFIER} { yyextra->current->initializer << yytext; } . { yyextra->current->initializer << *yytext; } \n { yyextra->current->initializer << *yytext; incLineNr(yyscanner); } } { \n { incLineNr(yyscanner); newVariable(yyscanner); BEGIN(Search); } . { unput(*yytext); newVariable(yyscanner); BEGIN(Search); } <> { yyterminate(); } } { {ENDTRIDOUBLEQUOTE} | {ENDTRISINGLEQUOTE} { // printf("Expected module block %d special=%d\n",yyextra->expectModuleDocs,yyextra->specialBlock); if (yyextra->doubleQuote==(yytext[0]=='"')) { if (yyextra->specialBlock) // expecting a docstring { QCString actualDoc=yyextra->docBlock; if (!yyextra->docBlockSpecial) // legacy unformatted docstring { if (!actualDoc.isEmpty()) { stripIndentation(actualDoc,yyextra->commentIndent); actualDoc.prepend("\\verbatim\n"); actualDoc.append("\\endverbatim "); } } //printf("-------> yyextra->current=%p yyextra->bodyEntry=%p\n",yyextra->current,yyextra->bodyEntry); handleCommentBlock(yyscanner, actualDoc, FALSE); } else if (yyextra->packageCommentAllowed) // expecting module docs { QCString actualDoc=yyextra->docBlock; if (!yyextra->docBlockSpecial) // legacy unformatted docstring { if (!actualDoc.isEmpty()) { stripIndentation(actualDoc,yyextra->commentIndent); actualDoc.prepend("\\verbatim\n"); actualDoc.append("\\endverbatim "); } } actualDoc.prepend("\\namespace "+yyextra->moduleScope+" "); handleCommentBlock(yyscanner, actualDoc, FALSE); } if ((yyextra->docBlockContext==ClassBody /*&& !yyextra->hideClassDocs*/) || yyextra->docBlockContext==FunctionBody) { yyextra->current->program << yyextra->docBlock; yyextra->current->program << yytext; } //if (yyextra->hideClassDocs) //{ // yyextra->current->startLine = yyextra->yyLineNr; //} //yyextra->hideClassDocs=FALSE; BEGIN(yyextra->docBlockContext); } else { yyextra->docBlock += yytext; } yyextra->packageCommentAllowed = FALSE; } ^{BB} { // leading whitespace yyextra->docBlock += yytext; } [^"'\n \t\\]+ { yyextra->docBlock += yytext; } \n { incLineNr(yyscanner); yyextra->docBlock += yytext; } \\. { // escaped char yyextra->docBlock += yytext; } . { yyextra->docBlock += yytext; } } { ^{B}"#"("#")* { // skip leading hashes } \n/{B}"#" { // continuation of the comment on the next line yyextra->docBlock+='\n'; yyextra->docBrief = FALSE; incLineNr(yyscanner); } [^#\n]+ { // any other stuff yyextra->docBlock+=yytext; } \n { // new line that ends the comment handleCommentBlock(yyscanner, yyextra->docBlock, yyextra->docBrief); incLineNr(yyscanner); BEGIN(yyextra->docBlockContext); } . { // anything we missed yyextra->docBlock+=*yytext; } } { \\{B}\n { // line continuation addToString(yyscanner,yytext); incLineNr(yyscanner); } \\. { // escaped char addToString(yyscanner,yytext); } "\"\"\"" { // triple double quotes addToString(yyscanner,yytext); } "'" { // end of the string addToString(yyscanner,yytext); BEGIN(yyextra->stringContext); } [^"'\n\\]+ { // normal chars addToString(yyscanner,yytext); } . { // normal char addToString(yyscanner,yytext); } } { \\{B}\n { // line continuation addToString(yyscanner,yytext); incLineNr(yyscanner); } \\. { // escaped char addToString(yyscanner,yytext); } "'''" { // triple single quotes addToString(yyscanner,yytext); } "\"" { // end of the string addToString(yyscanner,yytext); BEGIN(yyextra->stringContext); } [^"'\n\\]+ { // normal chars addToString(yyscanner,yytext); } . { // normal char addToString(yyscanner,yytext); } } { {ENDTRIDOUBLEQUOTE} | {ENDTRISINGLEQUOTE} { *yyextra->copyString << yytext; if (yyextra->doubleQuote==(yytext[0]=='"')) { BEGIN(yyextra->stringContext); } } ({LONGSTRINGBLOCK}) { lineCount(yyscanner); *yyextra->copyString << yytext; } \n { incLineNr(yyscanner); *yyextra->copyString << yytext; } . { *yyextra->copyString << *yytext; } } /* ------------ End rules -------------- */ /* <*>({NONEMPTY}|{EXPCHAR}|{BB}) { // This should go one character at a time. // printf("[pyscanner] '%s' [ state %d ] [line %d] no match\n", // yytext, YY_START, yyextra->yyLineNr); } */ <*>{NEWLINE} { //printf("[pyscanner] %d NEWLINE [line %d] no match\n", // YY_START, yyextra->yyLineNr); lineCount(yyscanner); } <*>"'" { //fprintf(stderr,"Quote: %d\n",YY_START); } <*>. { //printf("[pyscanner] '%s' [ state %d ] [line %d] no match\n", // yytext, YY_START, yyextra->yyLineNr); } %% //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static yy_size_t yyread(yyscan_t yyscanner,char *buf,yy_size_t max_size) { struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner; yy_size_t c=0; const char *p = yyextra->inputString + yyextra->inputPosition; while ( c < max_size && *p ) { *buf++ = *p++; c++; } yyextra->inputPosition+=c; return c; } static void initParser(yyscan_t yyscanner) { struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner; yyextra->protection = Public; yyextra->mtype = Method; yyextra->stat = FALSE; yyextra->virt = Normal; yyextra->previous = 0; yyextra->packageCommentAllowed = TRUE; } static void initEntry(yyscan_t yyscanner) { struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner; //yyextra->current->python = TRUE; yyextra->current->protection = yyextra->protection ; yyextra->current->mtype = yyextra->mtype; yyextra->current->virt = yyextra->virt; yyextra->current->stat = yyextra->stat; yyextra->current->lang = SrcLangExt_Python; yyextra->commentScanner.initGroupInfo(yyextra->current.get()); yyextra->stat = FALSE; } static void newEntry(yyscan_t yyscanner) { struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner; yyextra->previous = yyextra->current; yyextra->current_root->moveToSubEntryAndRefresh(yyextra->current); initEntry(yyscanner); } static void newVariable(yyscan_t yyscanner) { struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner; if (!yyextra->current->name.isEmpty() && yyextra->current->name.at(0)=='_') // mark as private { yyextra->current->protection=Private; } if (yyextra->current_root->section&Entry::COMPOUND_MASK) // mark as class variable { yyextra->current->stat = TRUE; } newEntry(yyscanner); } static void newFunction(yyscan_t yyscanner) { struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner; if (yyextra->current->name.left(2)=="__" && yyextra->current->name.right(2)=="__") { // special method name, see // http://docs.python.org/ref/specialnames.html yyextra->current->protection=Public; } else if (yyextra->current->name.at(0)=='_') { yyextra->current->protection=Private; } } static inline int computeIndent(const char *s) { int col=0; int tabSize=Config_getInt(TAB_SIZE); const char *p=s; char c; while ((c=*p++)) { if (c==' ') col++; else if (c=='\t') col+=tabSize-(col%tabSize); else break; } return col; } static QCString findPackageScopeFromPath(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString &path) { struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner; auto it = yyextra->packageNameCache.find(path.str()); if (it!=yyextra->packageNameCache.end()) { return it->second; } FileInfo pf(path.str()+"/__init__.py"); // found package initialization file if (pf.exists()) { int i=path.findRev('/'); if (i!=-1) { QCString scope = findPackageScopeFromPath(yyscanner,path.left(i)); if (!scope.isEmpty()) { scope+="::"; } scope+=path.mid(i+1); yyextra->packageNameCache.insert(std::make_pair(path.str(),scope.str())); return scope; } } return ""; } static QCString findPackageScope(yyscan_t yyscanner,const char *fileName) { if (fileName==0) return ""; FileInfo fi(fileName); return findPackageScopeFromPath(yyscanner,fi.dirPath(true).c_str()); } static void addFrom(yyscan_t yyscanner,bool all) { struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner; QCString item=all ? yyextra->packageName : yyextra->packageName+"."+yytext; yyextra->current->name=removeRedundantWhiteSpace(substitute(item,".","::")); yyextra->current->fileName = yyextra->yyFileName; //printf("Adding using declaration: found:%s:%d name=%s\n",yyextra->yyFileName.data(),yyextra->yyLineNr,yyextra->current->name.data()); yyextra->current->section=all ? Entry::USINGDIR_SEC : Entry::USINGDECL_SEC; yyextra->current_root->moveToSubEntryAndRefresh(yyextra->current); initEntry(yyscanner); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void lineCount(yyscan_t yyscanner) { struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner; DBG_CTX((stderr,"yyextra->yyLineNr=%d\n",yyextra->yyLineNr)); for (const char *p = yytext; *p; ++p) { yyextra->yyLineNr += (*p == '\n') ; } } static void incLineNr(yyscan_t yyscanner) { struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner; DBG_CTX((stderr,"yyextra->yyLineNr=%d\n",yyextra->yyLineNr)); yyextra->yyLineNr++; } //----------------------------------------------------------------- static void startCommentBlock(yyscan_t yyscanner,bool brief) { struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner; if (brief) { yyextra->current->briefFile = yyextra->yyFileName; yyextra->current->briefLine = yyextra->yyLineNr; } else { yyextra->current->docFile = yyextra->yyFileName; yyextra->current->docLine = yyextra->yyLineNr; } } static void handleCommentBlock(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString &doc,bool brief) { struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner; //printf("handleCommentBlock(doc=[%s] brief=%d yyextra->docBlockInBody=%d yyextra->docBlockJavaStyle=%d\n", // doc.data(),brief,yyextra->docBlockInBody,yyextra->docBlockJavaStyle); // TODO: Fix me yyextra->docBlockInBody=FALSE; if (!yyextra->current->doc.isEmpty()) { yyextra->current->doc=yyextra->current->doc.stripWhiteSpace()+"\n\n"; } if (yyextra->docBlockInBody && yyextra->previous && !yyextra->previous->doc.isEmpty()) { yyextra->previous->doc=yyextra->previous->doc.stripWhiteSpace()+"\n\n"; } int position = 0; bool needsEntry = false; int lineNr = brief ? yyextra->current->briefLine : yyextra->current->docLine; Markdown markdown(yyextra->yyFileName,lineNr); QCString processedDoc = Config_getBool(MARKDOWN_SUPPORT) ? markdown.process(doc,lineNr) : doc; while (yyextra->commentScanner.parseCommentBlock( yyextra->thisParser, (yyextra->docBlockInBody && yyextra->previous) ? yyextra->previous.get() : yyextra->current.get(), processedDoc, // text yyextra->yyFileName, // file lineNr, yyextra->docBlockInBody ? FALSE : brief, yyextra->docBlockJavaStyle, // javadoc style // or FALSE, yyextra->docBlockInBody, yyextra->protection, position, needsEntry, Config_getBool(MARKDOWN_SUPPORT)) ) // need to start a new entry { if (needsEntry) { newEntry(yyscanner); } } if (needsEntry) { newEntry(yyscanner); } } static void endOfDef(yyscan_t yyscanner,int correction) { struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner; //printf("endOfDef at=%d\n",yyextra->yyLineNr); if (yyextra->bodyEntry) { yyextra->bodyEntry->endBodyLine = yyextra->yyLineNr-correction; yyextra->bodyEntry = 0; } newEntry(yyscanner); //yyextra->insideConstructor = FALSE; } static inline void addToString(yyscan_t yyscanner,const char *s) { struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner; if (yyextra->copyString) (*yyextra->copyString) << s; } static void initTriDoubleQuoteBlock(yyscan_t yyscanner) { struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner; yyextra->docBlockContext = YY_START; yyextra->docBlockInBody = FALSE; yyextra->docBlockJavaStyle = TRUE; yyextra->docBlockSpecial = yytext[strlen(yytext) - 1]=='!' || !Config_getBool(PYTHON_DOCSTRING); yyextra->docBlock.resize(0); yyextra->commentIndent = yyextra->curIndent; yyextra->doubleQuote = TRUE; startCommentBlock(yyscanner,FALSE); } static void initTriSingleQuoteBlock(yyscan_t yyscanner) { struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner; yyextra->docBlockContext = YY_START; yyextra->docBlockInBody = FALSE; yyextra->docBlockJavaStyle = TRUE; yyextra->docBlockSpecial = yytext[strlen(yytext) - 1]=='!' || !Config_getBool(PYTHON_DOCSTRING); yyextra->docBlock.resize(0); yyextra->commentIndent = yyextra->curIndent; yyextra->doubleQuote = FALSE; startCommentBlock(yyscanner,FALSE); } static void initSpecialBlock(yyscan_t yyscanner) { struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner; yyextra->docBlockContext = YY_START; yyextra->docBlockInBody = FALSE; yyextra->docBlockJavaStyle = TRUE; yyextra->docBrief = TRUE; yyextra->docBlock.resize(0); yyextra->commentIndent = yyextra->curIndent; startCommentBlock(yyscanner,FALSE); } static void searchFoundDef(yyscan_t yyscanner) { struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner; yyextra->current->fileName = yyextra->yyFileName; yyextra->current->startLine = yyextra->yyLineNr; yyextra->current->bodyLine = yyextra->yyLineNr; yyextra->current->section = Entry::FUNCTION_SEC; yyextra->current->lang = SrcLangExt_Python; yyextra->current->virt = Normal; yyextra->current->stat = yyextra->stat; yyextra->current->mtype = yyextra->mtype = Method; yyextra->current->type.resize(0); yyextra->current->name.resize(0); yyextra->current->args.resize(0); yyextra->current->argList.clear(); yyextra->packageCommentAllowed = FALSE; yyextra->stat=FALSE; //printf("searchFoundDef at=%d\n",yyextra->yyLineNr); } static void searchFoundClass(yyscan_t yyscanner) { struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner; yyextra->current->section = Entry::CLASS_SEC; yyextra->current->argList.clear(); yyextra->current->type += "class" ; yyextra->current->fileName = yyextra->yyFileName; yyextra->current->startLine = yyextra->yyLineNr; yyextra->current->bodyLine = yyextra->yyLineNr; yyextra->packageCommentAllowed = FALSE; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void parseCompounds(yyscan_t yyscanner,std::shared_ptr rt) { struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner; //printf("parseCompounds(%s)\n",rt->name.data()); for (size_t i=0; ichildren().size(); ++i) { std::shared_ptr ce = rt->children()[i]; if (ce->program.tellp() != std::streampos(0)) { //fprintf(stderr,"parseCompounds: -- %s (line %d) ---------\n%s\n---------------\n", // ce->name.data(), ce->bodyLine, ce->program.data()); // init scanner state yyextra->inputString = ce->program.str(); yyextra->inputPosition = 0; pyscannerYYrestart( 0, yyscanner ); if (ce->section&Entry::COMPOUND_MASK) { yyextra->current_root = ce; BEGIN( Search ); } else if (ce->parent()) { yyextra->current_root = rt; //printf("Searching for member variables in %s parent=%s\n", // ce->name.data(),ce->parent->name.data()); BEGIN( SearchMemVars ); } yyextra->yyFileName = ce->fileName; yyextra->yyLineNr = ce->bodyLine ; yyextra->current = std::make_shared(); initEntry(yyscanner); QCString name = ce->name; yyextra->commentScanner.enterCompound(yyextra->yyFileName,yyextra->yyLineNr,name); pyscannerYYlex(yyscanner) ; yyextra->lexInit=TRUE; ce->program.str(std::string()); yyextra->commentScanner.leaveCompound(yyextra->yyFileName,yyextra->yyLineNr,name); } parseCompounds(yyscanner,ce); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void parseMain(yyscan_t yyscanner, const char *fileName,const char *fileBuf,const std::shared_ptr &rt) { struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner; initParser(yyscanner); yyextra->inputString = fileBuf; yyextra->inputPosition = 0; yyextra->protection = Public; yyextra->mtype = Method; yyextra->stat = FALSE; yyextra->virt = Normal; yyextra->current_root = rt; yyextra->specialBlock = FALSE; yyextra->yyLineNr= 1 ; yyextra->yyFileName = fileName; //setContext(); msg("Parsing file %s...\n",yyextra->yyFileName.data()); FileInfo fi(fileName); yyextra->moduleScope = findPackageScope(yyscanner,fileName); QCString baseName=fi.baseName(); if (baseName!="__init__") // package initializer file is not a package itself { if (!yyextra->moduleScope.isEmpty()) { yyextra->moduleScope+="::"; } yyextra->moduleScope+=baseName; } yyextra->current = std::make_shared(); initEntry(yyscanner); yyextra->current->name = yyextra->moduleScope; yyextra->current->section = Entry::NAMESPACE_SEC; yyextra->current->type = "namespace"; yyextra->current->fileName = yyextra->yyFileName; yyextra->current->startLine = yyextra->yyLineNr; yyextra->current->bodyLine = yyextra->yyLineNr; yyextra->current_root = yyextra->current; rt->moveToSubEntryAndRefresh(yyextra->current); initParser(yyscanner); yyextra->commentScanner.enterFile(yyextra->yyFileName,yyextra->yyLineNr); yyextra->current->reset(); initEntry(yyscanner); pyscannerYYrestart(0,yyscanner); BEGIN( Search ); pyscannerYYlex(yyscanner); yyextra->lexInit=TRUE; yyextra->commentScanner.leaveFile(yyextra->yyFileName,yyextra->yyLineNr); yyextra->current_root->program.str(std::string()); parseCompounds(yyscanner, yyextra->current_root); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void parsePrototype(yyscan_t yyscanner,const QCString &text) { struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)yyscanner; //printf("**** parsePrototype(%s) begin\n",text.data()); if (text.isEmpty()) { warn(yyextra->yyFileName,yyextra->yyLineNr,"Empty prototype found!"); return; } yyextra->specialBlock = FALSE; yyextra->packageCommentAllowed = FALSE; const char *orgInputString; yy_size_t orgInputPosition; YY_BUFFER_STATE orgState; // save scanner state orgState = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER; yy_switch_to_buffer(yy_create_buffer(0, YY_BUF_SIZE, yyscanner), yyscanner); orgInputString = yyextra->inputString; orgInputPosition = yyextra->inputPosition; // set new string yyextra->inputString = text; yyextra->inputPosition = 0; pyscannerYYrestart( 0, yyscanner ); BEGIN( FunctionDec ); pyscannerYYlex(yyscanner); yyextra->lexInit=TRUE; yyextra->current->name = yyextra->current->name.stripWhiteSpace(); if (yyextra->current->section == Entry::MEMBERDOC_SEC && yyextra->current->args.isEmpty()) yyextra->current->section = Entry::VARIABLEDOC_SEC; // restore original scanner state YY_BUFFER_STATE tmpBuf = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER; yy_switch_to_buffer(orgState, yyscanner); yy_delete_buffer(tmpBuf, yyscanner); yyextra->inputString = orgInputString; yyextra->inputPosition = orgInputPosition; //printf("**** parsePrototype end\n"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct PythonOutlineParser::Private { yyscan_t yyscanner; pyscannerYY_state state; }; PythonOutlineParser::PythonOutlineParser() : p(std::make_unique()) { pyscannerYYlex_init_extra(&p->state,&p->yyscanner); #ifdef FLEX_DEBUG pyscannerYYset_debug(1,p->yyscanner); #endif } PythonOutlineParser::~PythonOutlineParser() { pyscannerYYlex_destroy(p->yyscanner); } void PythonOutlineParser::parseInput(const char *fileName, const char *fileBuf, const std::shared_ptr &root, ClangTUParser * /*clangParser*/) { struct yyguts_t *yyg = (struct yyguts_t*)p->yyscanner; yyextra->thisParser = this; printlex(yy_flex_debug, TRUE, __FILE__, fileName); ::parseMain(p->yyscanner, fileName,fileBuf,root); printlex(yy_flex_debug, FALSE, __FILE__, fileName); // May print the AST for debugging purposes // printAST(global_root); } bool PythonOutlineParser::needsPreprocessing(const QCString &) const { return FALSE; } void PythonOutlineParser::parsePrototype(const char *text) { ::parsePrototype(p->yyscanner,text); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if USE_STATE2STRING #include "pyscanner.l.h" #endif