/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 1997-2021 by Dimitri van Heesch. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license. * */ #include #include #include #include "rtfstyle.h" #include "message.h" RTFListItemInfo rtf_listItemInfo[rtf_maxIndentLevels]; QCString rtf_title; QCString rtf_subject; QCString rtf_comments; QCString rtf_company; QCString rtf_logoFilename; QCString rtf_author; QCString rtf_manager; QCString rtf_documentType; QCString rtf_documentId; QCString rtf_keywords; static std::map g_styleMap = { { "Title", rtf_title }, { "Subject", rtf_subject }, { "Comments", rtf_comments }, { "Company", rtf_company }, { "LogoFilename", rtf_logoFilename }, { "Author", rtf_author }, { "Manager", rtf_manager }, { "DocumentType", rtf_documentType }, { "DocumentId", rtf_documentId }, { "Keywords", rtf_keywords } }; char rtf_Style_Reset[] = "\\pard\\plain "; #define RTF_LatexToc(lvl,nest,nxt,pos,twps) \ \ { "LatexTOC"#lvl, \ "\\s"#nest"\\li"#pos"\\sa"#twps"\\sb"#twps"\\widctlpar\\tqr\\tldot\\tx8640\\adjustright \\fs20\\cgrid ",\ "\\sbasedon0 \\snext"#nxt" LatexTOC "#lvl \ } #define RTF_ListBullet(lvl,nest,nxt,pos,lvl2) \ { "ListBullet"#lvl, \ "\\s"#nest"\\fi-360\\li"#pos"\\widctlpar\\jclisttab\\tx"#pos"{\\*\\pn \\pnlvlbody\\ilvl0\\ls"#lvl2"\\pnrnot0\\pndec }\\ls1\\adjustright \\fs20\\cgrid ", \ "\\sbasedon0 \\snext"#nxt" \\sautoupd List Bullet "#lvl \ } #define RTF_ListEnum(lvl,nest,nxt,pos) \ { "ListEnum"#lvl, \ "\\s"#nest"\\fi-360\\li"#pos"\\widctlpar\\fs20\\cgrid ", \ "\\sbasedon0 \\snext"#nxt" \\sautoupd List Enum "#lvl \ } #define RTF_CodeExample(lvl,nest,nxt,pos) \ { "CodeExample"#lvl, \ "\\s"#nest"\\li"#pos"\\widctlpar\\adjustright \\shading1000\\cbpat8 \\f2\\fs16\\cgrid ", \ "\\sbasedon0 \\snext"#nxt" Code Example "#lvl \ } #define RTF_ListContinue(lvl,nest,nxt,pos) \ { "ListContinue"#lvl, \ "\\s"#nest"\\li"#pos"\\sa60\\sb30\\qj\\widctlpar\\qj\\adjustright \\fs20\\cgrid ", \ "\\sbasedon0 \\snext"#nxt" List Continue "#lvl \ } #define RTF_DescContinue(lvl,nest,nxt,pos) \ { "DescContinue"#lvl, \ "\\s"#nest"\\li"#pos"\\widctlpar\\ql\\adjustright \\fs20\\cgrid ", \ "\\sbasedon0 \\snext"#nxt" DescContinue "#lvl \ } Rtf_Style_Default rtf_Style_Default[] = { { "Heading1", "\\s1\\sb240\\sa60\\keepn\\widctlpar\\adjustright \\b\\f1\\fs36\\kerning36\\cgrid ", "\\sbasedon0 \\snext0 heading 1" }, { "Heading2", "\\s2\\sb240\\sa60\\keepn\\widctlpar\\adjustright \\b\\f1\\fs28\\kerning28\\cgrid ", "\\sbasedon0 \\snext0 heading 2" }, { "Heading3", "\\s3\\sb240\\sa60\\keepn\\widctlpar\\adjustright \\b\\f1\\cgrid ", "\\sbasedon0 \\snext0 heading 3" }, { "Heading4", "\\s4\\sb240\\sa60\\keepn\\widctlpar\\adjustright \\b\\f1\\fs20\\cgrid ", "\\sbasedon0 \\snext0 heading 4;}{\\*\\cs10 \\additive Default Paragraph Font" }, { "Heading5", "\\s5\\sb90\\sa30\\keepn\\widctlpar\\adjustright \\b\\f1\\fs20\\cgrid ", "\\sbasedon0 \\snext0 heading 5;}{\\*\\cs10 \\additive Default Paragraph Font" }, { "Title", "\\s15\\qc\\sb240\\sa60\\widctlpar\\outlinelevel0\\adjustright \\b\\f1\\fs32\\kerning28\\cgrid ", "\\sbasedon0 \\snext15 Title" }, { "SubTitle", "\\s16\\qc\\sa60\\widctlpar\\outlinelevel1\\adjustright \\f1\\cgrid ", "\\sbasedon0 \\snext16 Subtitle" }, { "BodyText", "\\s17\\sa60\\sb30\\widctlpar\\qj \\fs22\\cgrid ", "\\sbasedon0 \\snext17 BodyText" }, { "DenseText", "\\s18\\widctlpar\\fs22\\cgrid ", "\\sbasedon0 \\snext18 DenseText" }, { "Header", "\\s28\\widctlpar\\tqc\\tx4320\\tqr\\tx8640\\adjustright \\fs20\\cgrid ", "\\sbasedon0 \\snext28 header" }, { "Footer", "\\s29\\widctlpar\\tqc\\tx4320\\tqr\\tx8640\\qr\\adjustright \\fs20\\cgrid ", "\\sbasedon0 \\snext29 footer" }, { "GroupHeader", "\\s30\\li360\\sa60\\sb120\\keepn\\widctlpar\\adjustright \\b\\f1\\fs20\\cgrid ", "\\sbasedon0 \\snext30 GroupHeader" }, RTF_CodeExample( 0, 40, 41, 0), RTF_CodeExample( 1, 41, 42, 360), RTF_CodeExample( 2, 42, 43, 720), RTF_CodeExample( 3, 43, 44,1080), RTF_CodeExample( 4, 44, 45,1440), RTF_CodeExample( 5, 45, 46,1800), RTF_CodeExample( 6, 46, 47,2160), RTF_CodeExample( 7, 47, 48,2520), RTF_CodeExample( 8, 48, 49,2880), RTF_CodeExample( 9, 49, 50,3240), RTF_CodeExample(10, 50, 51,3600), RTF_CodeExample(11, 51, 52,3960), RTF_CodeExample(12, 52, 53,4320), RTF_CodeExample(13, 53, 53,4680), RTF_ListContinue( 0, 60, 61, 0), RTF_ListContinue( 1, 61, 62, 360), RTF_ListContinue( 2, 62, 63, 720), RTF_ListContinue( 3, 63, 64,1080), RTF_ListContinue( 4, 64, 65,1440), RTF_ListContinue( 5, 65, 66,1800), RTF_ListContinue( 6, 66, 67,2160), RTF_ListContinue( 7, 67, 68,2520), RTF_ListContinue( 8, 68, 69,2880), RTF_ListContinue( 9, 69, 70,3240), RTF_ListContinue(10, 70, 71,3600), RTF_ListContinue(11, 71, 72,3960), RTF_ListContinue(12, 72, 73,4320), RTF_ListContinue(13, 73, 73,4680), RTF_DescContinue( 0, 80, 81, 0), RTF_DescContinue( 1, 81, 82, 360), RTF_DescContinue( 2, 82, 83, 720), RTF_DescContinue( 3, 83, 84,1080), RTF_DescContinue( 4, 84, 85,1440), RTF_DescContinue( 5, 85, 86,1800), RTF_DescContinue( 6, 86, 87,2160), RTF_DescContinue( 7, 87, 88,2520), RTF_DescContinue( 8, 88, 89,2880), RTF_DescContinue( 9, 89, 90,3240), RTF_DescContinue(10, 90, 91,3600), RTF_DescContinue(11, 91, 92,3960), RTF_DescContinue(12, 92, 93,4320), RTF_DescContinue(13, 93, 93,4680), RTF_LatexToc( 0,100,101, 0,30), RTF_LatexToc( 1,101,102, 360,27), RTF_LatexToc( 2,102,103, 720,24), RTF_LatexToc( 3,103,104,1080,21), RTF_LatexToc( 4,104,105,1440,18), RTF_LatexToc( 5,105,106,1800,15), RTF_LatexToc( 6,106,107,2160,12), RTF_LatexToc( 7,107,108,2520, 9), RTF_LatexToc( 8,108,109,2880, 6), RTF_LatexToc( 9,109,110,3240, 3), RTF_LatexToc(10,110,111,3600, 3), RTF_LatexToc(11,111,112,3960, 3), RTF_LatexToc(12,112,113,4320, 3), RTF_LatexToc(13,113,113,4680, 3), RTF_ListBullet( 0,120,121, 360, 1), RTF_ListBullet( 1,121,122, 720, 2), RTF_ListBullet( 2,122,123,1080, 3), RTF_ListBullet( 3,123,124,1440, 4), RTF_ListBullet( 4,124,125,1800, 5), RTF_ListBullet( 5,125,126,2160, 6), RTF_ListBullet( 6,126,127,2520, 7), RTF_ListBullet( 7,127,128,2880, 8), RTF_ListBullet( 8,128,129,3240, 9), RTF_ListBullet( 9,129,130,3600,10), RTF_ListBullet(10,130,131,3960,11), RTF_ListBullet(11,131,132,4320,12), RTF_ListBullet(12,132,133,4680,13), RTF_ListBullet(13,133,133,5040,14), RTF_ListEnum( 0,140,141, 360), RTF_ListEnum( 1,141,142, 720), RTF_ListEnum( 2,142,143,1080), RTF_ListEnum( 3,143,144,1440), RTF_ListEnum( 4,144,145,1800), RTF_ListEnum( 5,145,146,2160), RTF_ListEnum( 6,146,147,2520), RTF_ListEnum( 7,147,148,2880), RTF_ListEnum( 8,148,149,3240), RTF_ListEnum( 9,149,150,3600), RTF_ListEnum(10,150,151,3960), RTF_ListEnum(11,151,152,4320), RTF_ListEnum(12,152,153,4680), RTF_ListEnum(13,153,153,5040), { 0, 0, 0 } }; static const std::regex s_clause("\\\\s([[:digit:]]+)[[:space:]]*"); StyleData::StyleData(const std::string &reference, const std::string &definition) { std::smatch match; if (regex_search(reference,match,s_clause)) { m_index = static_cast(std::stoul(match[1].str())); } else // error { m_index = 0; } m_reference = reference; m_definition = definition; } bool StyleData::setStyle(const std::string &command, const std::string &styleName) { std::smatch match; if (!regex_search(command,match,s_clause)) { err("Style sheet '%s' contains no '\\s' clause.\n{%s}", styleName.c_str(), command.c_str()); return false; } m_index = static_cast(std::stoul(match[1].str())); static std::regex definition_splitter("^(.*)(\\\\sbasedon[[:digit:]]+.*)$"); if (regex_match(command,match,definition_splitter)) { m_reference = match[1].str(); m_definition = match[2].str(); } return true; } void loadStylesheet(const char *name, StyleDataMap& map) { std::ifstream file(name); if (!file.is_open()) { err("Can't open RTF style sheet file %s. Using defaults.",name); return; } msg("Loading RTF style sheet %s...\n",name); uint lineNr=1; for (std::string line ; getline(file,line) ; ) // for each line { if (line.empty() || line[0]=='#') continue; // skip blanks & comments static std::regex assignment_splitter("[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*"); std::smatch match; if (std::regex_search(line,match,assignment_splitter)) { std::string key = match.prefix(); std::string value = match.suffix(); auto it = map.find(key); if (it!=map.end()) { StyleData& styleData = it->second; styleData.setStyle(value,key); } else { warn(name,lineNr,"Unknown style sheet name %s ignored.",key.data()); } } else { warn(name,lineNr,"Assignment of style sheet name expected line='%s'!",line.c_str()); } lineNr++; } } StyleDataMap rtf_Style; void loadExtensions(const char *name) { std::ifstream file(name); if (!file.is_open()) { err("Can't open RTF extensions file %s. Using defaults.",name); return; } msg("Loading RTF extensions %s...\n",name); uint lineNr=1; for (std::string line ; getline(file,line) ; ) // for each line { if (line.empty() || line[0]=='#') continue; // skip blanks & comments std::smatch match; static std::regex assignment_splitter("[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*"); if (std::regex_search(line,match,assignment_splitter)) { std::string key = match.prefix(); std::string value = match.suffix(); auto it = g_styleMap.find(key); if (it!=g_styleMap.end()) { it->second = value; } else { warn(name,lineNr,"Ignoring unknown extension key '%s'...",key.c_str()); } } else { warn(name,lineNr,"Assignment of style sheet name expected!"); } lineNr++; } }