/****************************************************************************** * * * * Copyright (C) 1997-2015 by Dimitri van Heesch. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license. * */ #include #include #include #include #include "searchindex.h" #include "config.h" #include "util.h" #include "doxygen.h" #include "language.h" #include "pagedef.h" #include "growbuf.h" #include "message.h" #include "version.h" #include "groupdef.h" #include "classlist.h" #include "filedef.h" #include "memberdef.h" #include "filename.h" #include "membername.h" #include "resourcemgr.h" // file format: (all multi-byte values are stored in big endian format) // 4 byte header // 256*256*4 byte index (4 bytes) // for each index entry: a zero terminated list of words // for each word: a \0 terminated string + 4 byte offset to the stats info // padding bytes to align at 4 byte boundary // for each word: the number of urls (4 bytes) // + for each url containing the word 8 bytes statistics // (4 bytes index to url string + 4 bytes frequency counter) // for each url: a \0 terminated string const int numIndexEntries = 256*256; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- IndexWord::IndexWord(const char *word) : m_word(word), m_urls(17) { m_urls.setAutoDelete(TRUE); //printf("IndexWord::IndexWord(%s)\n",word); } void IndexWord::addUrlIndex(int idx,bool hiPriority) { //printf("IndexWord::addUrlIndex(%d,%d)\n",idx,hiPriority); URLInfo *ui = m_urls.find(idx); if (ui==0) { //printf("URLInfo::URLInfo(%d)\n",idx); ui=new URLInfo(idx,0); m_urls.insert(idx,ui); } ui->freq+=2; if (hiPriority) ui->freq|=1; // mark as high priority document } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- SearchIndex::SearchIndex() : SearchIndexIntf(Internal), m_words(328829), m_index(numIndexEntries), m_url2IdMap(10007), m_urls(10007), m_urlIndex(-1) { int i; m_words.setAutoDelete(TRUE); m_url2IdMap.setAutoDelete(TRUE); m_urls.setAutoDelete(TRUE); m_index.setAutoDelete(TRUE); for (i=0;i); } void SearchIndex::setCurrentDoc(const Definition *ctx,const char *anchor,bool isSourceFile) { if (ctx==0) return; assert(!isSourceFile || ctx->definitionType()==Definition::TypeFile); //printf("SearchIndex::setCurrentDoc(%s,%s,%s)\n",name,baseName,anchor); QCString url=isSourceFile ? (dynamic_cast(ctx))->getSourceFileBase() : ctx->getOutputFileBase(); url+=Config_getString(HTML_FILE_EXTENSION); QCString baseUrl = url; if (anchor) url+=QCString("#")+anchor; if (!isSourceFile) baseUrl=url; QCString name=ctx->qualifiedName(); if (ctx->definitionType()==Definition::TypeMember) { const MemberDef *md = dynamic_cast(ctx); name.prepend((md->getLanguage()==SrcLangExt_Fortran ? theTranslator->trSubprogram(TRUE,TRUE) : theTranslator->trMember(TRUE,TRUE))+" "); } else // compound type { SrcLangExt lang = ctx->getLanguage(); QCString sep = getLanguageSpecificSeparator(lang); if (sep!="::") { name = substitute(name,"::",sep); } switch (ctx->definitionType()) { case Definition::TypePage: { const PageDef *pd = dynamic_cast(ctx); if (pd->hasTitle()) { name = theTranslator->trPage(TRUE,TRUE)+" "+pd->title(); } else { name = theTranslator->trPage(TRUE,TRUE)+" "+pd->name(); } } break; case Definition::TypeClass: { const ClassDef *cd = dynamic_cast(ctx); name.prepend(cd->compoundTypeString()+" "); } break; case Definition::TypeNamespace: { if (lang==SrcLangExt_Java || lang==SrcLangExt_CSharp) { name = theTranslator->trPackage(name); } else if (lang==SrcLangExt_Fortran) { name.prepend(theTranslator->trModule(TRUE,TRUE)+" "); } else { name.prepend(theTranslator->trNamespace(TRUE,TRUE)+" "); } } break; case Definition::TypeGroup: { const GroupDef *gd = dynamic_cast(ctx); if (gd->groupTitle()) { name = theTranslator->trGroup(TRUE,TRUE)+" "+gd->groupTitle(); } else { name.prepend(theTranslator->trGroup(TRUE,TRUE)+" "); } } break; default: break; } } int *pIndex = m_url2IdMap.find(baseUrl); if (pIndex==0) { ++m_urlIndex; m_url2IdMap.insert(baseUrl,new int(m_urlIndex)); m_urls.insert(m_urlIndex,new URL(name,url)); } else { m_urls.insert(*pIndex,new URL(name,url)); } } static int charsToIndex(const char *word) { if (word==0) return -1; // Fast string hashing algorithm //register ushort h=0; //const char *k = word; //ushort mask=0xfc00; //while ( *k ) //{ // h = (h&mask)^(h<<6)^(*k++); //} //return h; // Simple hashing that allows for substring searching uint c1=((uchar *)word)[0]; if (c1==0) return -1; uint c2=((uchar *)word)[1]; if (c2==0) return -1; return c1*256+c2; } void SearchIndex::addWord(const char *word,bool hiPriority,bool recurse) { static QRegExp nextPart("[_a-z:][A-Z]"); if (word==0 || word[0]=='\0') return; QCString wStr = QCString(word).lower(); //printf("SearchIndex::addWord(%s,%d) wStr=%s\n",word,hiPriority,wStr.data()); IndexWord *w = m_words[wStr]; if (w==0) { int idx=charsToIndex(wStr); //fprintf(stderr,"addWord(%s) at index %d\n",word,idx); if (idx<0) return; w = new IndexWord(wStr); m_index[idx]->append(w); m_words.insert(wStr,w); } w->addUrlIndex(m_urlIndex,hiPriority); int i; bool found=FALSE; if (!recurse) // the first time we check if we can strip the prefix { i=getPrefixIndex(word); if (i>0) { addWord(word+i,hiPriority,TRUE); found=TRUE; } } if (!found) // no prefix stripped { if ((i=nextPart.match(word))>=1) { addWord(word+i+1,hiPriority,TRUE); } } } void SearchIndex::addWord(const char *word,bool hiPriority) { addWord(word,hiPriority,FALSE); } static void writeInt(QFile &f,int index) { f.putch(((uint)index)>>24); f.putch((((uint)index)>>16)&0xff); f.putch((((uint)index)>>8)&0xff); f.putch(((uint)index)&0xff); } static void writeString(QFile &f,const char *s) { const char *p = s; while (*p) f.putch(*p++); f.putch(0); } void SearchIndex::write(const char *fileName) { int i; int size=4; // for the header size+=4*numIndexEntries; // for the index int wordsOffset = size; // first pass: compute the size of the wordlist for (i=0;i *wlist = m_index[i]; if (!wlist->isEmpty()) { QListIterator iwi(*wlist); IndexWord *iw; for (iwi.toFirst();(iw=iwi.current());++iwi) { int ws = iw->word().length()+1; size+=ws+4; // word + url info list offset } size+=1; // zero list terminator } } // second pass: compute the offsets in the index int indexOffsets[numIndexEntries]; int offset=wordsOffset; for (i=0;i *wlist = m_index[i]; if (!wlist->isEmpty()) { indexOffsets[i]=offset; QListIterator iwi(*wlist); IndexWord *iw; for (iwi.toFirst();(iw=iwi.current());++iwi) { offset+= iw->word().length()+1; offset+=4; // word + offset to url info array } offset+=1; // zero list terminator } else { indexOffsets[i]=0; } } int padding = size; size = (size+3)&~3; // round up to 4 byte boundary padding = size - padding; //int statsOffset = size; //IndexWord *iw; int *wordStatOffsets = new int[m_words.count()]; int count=0; // third pass: compute offset to stats info for each word for (i=0;i *wlist = m_index[i]; if (!wlist->isEmpty()) { QListIterator iwi(*wlist); IndexWord *iw; for (iwi.toFirst();(iw=iwi.current());++iwi) { //printf("wordStatOffsets[%d]=%d\n",count,size); wordStatOffsets[count++] = size; size+=4+iw->urls().count()*8; // count + (url_index,freq) per url } } } int *urlOffsets = new int[m_urls.count()]; //int urlsOffset = size; QIntDictIterator udi(m_urls); URL *url; for (udi.toFirst();(url=udi.current());++udi) { urlOffsets[udi.currentKey()]=size; size+=url->name.length()+1+ url->url.length()+1; } //printf("Total size %x bytes (word=%x stats=%x urls=%x)\n",size,wordsOffset,statsOffset,urlsOffset); QFile f(fileName); if (f.open(IO_WriteOnly)) { // write header f.putch('D'); f.putch('O'); f.putch('X'); f.putch('S'); // write index for (i=0;i *wlist = m_index[i]; if (!wlist->isEmpty()) { QListIterator iwi(*wlist); IndexWord *iw; for (iwi.toFirst();(iw=iwi.current());++iwi) { writeString(f,iw->word()); writeInt(f,wordStatOffsets[count++]); } f.putch(0); } } // write extra padding bytes for (i=0;i *wlist = m_index[i]; if (!wlist->isEmpty()) { QListIterator iwi(*wlist); IndexWord *iw; for (iwi.toFirst();(iw=iwi.current());++iwi) { int numUrls = iw->urls().count(); writeInt(f,numUrls); QIntDictIterator uli(iw->urls()); URLInfo *ui; for (uli.toFirst();(ui=uli.current());++uli) { writeInt(f,urlOffsets[ui->urlIdx]); writeInt(f,ui->freq); } } } } // write urls QIntDictIterator udi(m_urls); URL *url; for (udi.toFirst();(url=udi.current());++udi) { writeString(f,url->name); writeString(f,url->url); } } delete[] urlOffsets; delete[] wordStatOffsets; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // the following part is for writing an external search index struct SearchDocEntry { QCString type; QCString name; QCString args; QCString extId; QCString url; GrowBuf importantText; GrowBuf normalText; }; struct SearchIndexExternal::Private { Private() : docEntries(12251) {} SDict docEntries; SearchDocEntry *current = 0; }; SearchIndexExternal::SearchIndexExternal() : SearchIndexIntf(External) { p = new SearchIndexExternal::Private; p->docEntries.setAutoDelete(TRUE); p->current=0; } SearchIndexExternal::~SearchIndexExternal() { //printf("p->docEntries.count()=%d\n",p->docEntries.count()); delete p; } static QCString definitionToName(const Definition *ctx) { if (ctx && ctx->definitionType()==Definition::TypeMember) { const MemberDef *md = dynamic_cast(ctx); if (md->isFunction()) return "function"; else if (md->isSlot()) return "slot"; else if (md->isSignal()) return "signal"; else if (md->isVariable()) return "variable"; else if (md->isTypedef()) return "typedef"; else if (md->isEnumerate()) return "enum"; else if (md->isEnumValue()) return "enumvalue"; else if (md->isProperty()) return "property"; else if (md->isEvent()) return "event"; else if (md->isRelated() || md->isForeign()) return "related"; else if (md->isFriend()) return "friend"; else if (md->isDefine()) return "define"; } else if (ctx) { switch(ctx->definitionType()) { case Definition::TypeClass: return (dynamic_cast(ctx))->compoundTypeString(); case Definition::TypeFile: return "file"; case Definition::TypeNamespace: return "namespace"; case Definition::TypeGroup: return "group"; case Definition::TypePackage: return "package"; case Definition::TypePage: return "page"; case Definition::TypeDir: return "dir"; default: break; } } return "unknown"; } void SearchIndexExternal::setCurrentDoc(const Definition *ctx,const char *anchor,bool isSourceFile) { QCString extId = stripPath(Config_getString(EXTERNAL_SEARCH_ID)); QCString baseName = isSourceFile ? (dynamic_cast(ctx))->getSourceFileBase() : ctx->getOutputFileBase(); QCString url = baseName + Doxygen::htmlFileExtension; if (anchor) url+=QCString("#")+anchor; QCString key = extId+";"+url; p->current = p->docEntries.find(key); //printf("setCurrentDoc(url=%s,isSourceFile=%d) current=%p\n",url.data(),isSourceFile,p->current); if (!p->current) { SearchDocEntry *e = new SearchDocEntry; e->type = isSourceFile ? QCString("source") : definitionToName(ctx); e->name = ctx->qualifiedName(); if (ctx->definitionType()==Definition::TypeMember) { e->args = (dynamic_cast(ctx))->argsString(); } e->extId = extId; e->url = url; p->current = e; p->docEntries.append(key,e); //printf("searchIndexExt %s : %s\n",e->name.data(),e->url.data()); } } void SearchIndexExternal::addWord(const char *word,bool hiPriority) { if (word==0 || !isId(*word) || p->current==0) return; GrowBuf *pText = hiPriority ? &p->current->importantText : &p->current->normalText; if (pText->getPos()>0) pText->addChar(' '); pText->addStr(word); //printf("addWord %s\n",word); } void SearchIndexExternal::write(const char *fileName) { QFile f(fileName); if (f.open(IO_WriteOnly)) { FTextStream t(&f); t << "" << endl; t << "" << endl; SDict::Iterator it(p->docEntries); SearchDocEntry *doc; for (it.toFirst();(doc=it.current());++it) { doc->normalText.addChar(0); // make sure buffer ends with a 0 terminator doc->importantText.addChar(0); // make sure buffer ends with a 0 terminator t << " " << endl; t << " " << doc->type << "" << endl; t << " " << convertToXML(doc->name) << "" << endl; if (!doc->args.isEmpty()) { t << " " << convertToXML(doc->args) << "" << endl; } if (!doc->extId.isEmpty()) { t << " " << convertToXML(doc->extId) << "" << endl; } t << " " << convertToXML(doc->url) << "" << endl; t << " " << convertToXML(doc->importantText.get()) << "" << endl; t << " " << convertToXML(doc->normalText.get()) << "" << endl; t << " " << endl; } t << "" << endl; } else { err("Failed to open file %s for writing!\n",fileName); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // the following part is for the javascript based search engine #include "memberdef.h" #include "namespacedef.h" #include "pagedef.h" #include "classdef.h" #include "filedef.h" #include "language.h" #include "doxygen.h" #include "message.h" static SearchIndexInfo g_searchIndexInfo[NUM_SEARCH_INDICES]; static void addMemberToSearchIndex(const MemberDef *md) { static bool hideFriendCompounds = Config_getBool(HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS); bool isLinkable = md->isLinkable(); const ClassDef *cd=0; const NamespaceDef *nd=0; const FileDef *fd=0; const GroupDef *gd=0; if (isLinkable && ( ((cd=md->getClassDef()) && cd->isLinkable() && cd->templateMaster()==0) || ((gd=md->getGroupDef()) && gd->isLinkable()) ) ) { QCString n = md->name(); if (!n.isEmpty()) { uint letter = getUtf8CodeToLower(n,0); bool isFriendToHide = hideFriendCompounds && (QCString(md->typeString())=="friend class" || QCString(md->typeString())=="friend struct" || QCString(md->typeString())=="friend union"); if (!(md->isFriend() && isFriendToHide)) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_ALL].symbolList.append(letter,md); } if (md->isFunction() || md->isSlot() || md->isSignal()) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_FUNCTIONS].symbolList.append(letter,md); } else if (md->isVariable()) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_VARIABLES].symbolList.append(letter,md); } else if (md->isSequence()) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_SEQUENCES].symbolList.append(letter,md); } else if (md->isDictionary()) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_DICTIONARIES].symbolList.append(letter,md); } else if (md->isTypedef()) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_TYPEDEFS].symbolList.append(letter,md); } else if (md->isEnumerate()) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_ENUMS].symbolList.append(letter,md); } else if (md->isEnumValue()) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_ENUMVALUES].symbolList.append(letter,md); } else if (md->isProperty()) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_PROPERTIES].symbolList.append(letter,md); } else if (md->isEvent()) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_EVENTS].symbolList.append(letter,md); } else if (md->isRelated() || md->isForeign() || (md->isFriend() && !isFriendToHide)) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_RELATED].symbolList.append(letter,md); } } } else if (isLinkable && (((nd=md->getNamespaceDef()) && nd->isLinkable()) || ((fd=md->getFileDef()) && fd->isLinkable()) ) ) { QCString n = md->name(); if (!n.isEmpty()) { uint letter = getUtf8CodeToLower(n,0); g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_ALL].symbolList.append(letter,md); if (md->isFunction()) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_FUNCTIONS].symbolList.append(letter,md); } else if (md->isVariable()) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_VARIABLES].symbolList.append(letter,md); } else if (md->isSequence()) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_SEQUENCES].symbolList.append(letter,md); } else if (md->isDictionary()) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_DICTIONARIES].symbolList.append(letter,md); } else if (md->isTypedef()) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_TYPEDEFS].symbolList.append(letter,md); } else if (md->isEnumerate()) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_ENUMS].symbolList.append(letter,md); } else if (md->isEnumValue()) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_ENUMVALUES].symbolList.append(letter,md); } else if (md->isDefine()) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_DEFINES].symbolList.append(letter,md); } } } } // see also function convertToId() in search.js, which should match in // behaviour static QCString searchId(const QCString &s) { int c; uint i; QCString result; for (i=0;i0x7f || c<0) // part of multibyte character { result+=(char)c; } else if (isalnum(c)) // simply alpha numerical character { result+=(char)tolower(c); } else // other 'unprintable' characters { char val[4]; sprintf(val,"_%02x",(uchar)c); result+=val; } } return result; } void createJavaScriptSearchIndex() { bool sliceOpt = Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_SLICE); // set index names g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_ALL].name = "all"; g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_CLASSES].name = "classes"; g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_INTERFACES].name = "interfaces"; g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_STRUCTS].name = "structs"; g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_EXCEPTIONS].name = "exceptions"; g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_NAMESPACES].name = "namespaces"; g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_FILES].name = "files"; g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_FUNCTIONS].name = "functions"; g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_VARIABLES].name = "variables"; g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_TYPEDEFS].name = "typedefs"; g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_SEQUENCES].name = "sequences"; g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_DICTIONARIES].name = "dictionaries"; g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_ENUMS].name = "enums"; g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_ENUMVALUES].name = "enumvalues"; g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_PROPERTIES].name = "properties"; g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_EVENTS].name = "events"; g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_RELATED].name = "related"; g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_DEFINES].name = "defines"; g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_GROUPS].name = "groups"; g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_PAGES].name = "pages"; // set index texts g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_ALL].text = theTranslator->trAll(); g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_CLASSES].text = theTranslator->trClasses(); g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_INTERFACES].text = theTranslator->trSliceInterfaces(); g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_STRUCTS].text = theTranslator->trStructs(); g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_EXCEPTIONS].text = theTranslator->trExceptions(); g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_NAMESPACES].text = sliceOpt ? theTranslator->trModules() : theTranslator->trNamespace(TRUE,FALSE); g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_FILES].text = theTranslator->trFile(TRUE,FALSE); g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_FUNCTIONS].text = sliceOpt ? theTranslator->trOperations() : theTranslator->trFunctions(); g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_VARIABLES].text = sliceOpt ? theTranslator->trConstants() : theTranslator->trVariables(); g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_TYPEDEFS].text = theTranslator->trTypedefs(); g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_SEQUENCES].text = theTranslator->trSequences(); g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_DICTIONARIES].text = theTranslator->trDictionaries(); g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_ENUMS].text = theTranslator->trEnumerations(); g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_ENUMVALUES].text = theTranslator->trEnumerationValues(); g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_PROPERTIES].text = theTranslator->trProperties(); g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_EVENTS].text = theTranslator->trEvents(); g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_RELATED].text = theTranslator->trFriends(); g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_DEFINES].text = theTranslator->trDefines(); g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_GROUPS].text = theTranslator->trGroup(TRUE,FALSE); g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_PAGES].text = theTranslator->trPage(TRUE,FALSE); // add symbols to letter -> symbol list map // index classes ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*Doxygen::classSDict); ClassDef *cd; for (;(cd=cli.current());++cli) { uint letter = getUtf8CodeToLower(cd->localName(),0); if (cd->isLinkable() && isId(letter)) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_ALL].symbolList.append(letter,cd); if (sliceOpt) { if (cd->compoundType()==ClassDef::Interface) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_INTERFACES].symbolList.append(letter,cd); } else if (cd->compoundType()==ClassDef::Struct) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_STRUCTS].symbolList.append(letter,cd); } else if (cd->compoundType()==ClassDef::Exception) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_EXCEPTIONS].symbolList.append(letter,cd); } else // cd->compoundType()==ClassDef::Class { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_CLASSES].symbolList.append(letter,cd); } } else // non slice optimisation: group all types under classes { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_CLASSES].symbolList.append(letter,cd); } } } // index namespaces NamespaceSDict::Iterator nli(*Doxygen::namespaceSDict); NamespaceDef *nd; for (;(nd=nli.current());++nli) { uint letter = getUtf8CodeToLower(nd->name(),0); if (nd->isLinkable() && isId(letter)) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_ALL].symbolList.append(letter,nd); g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_NAMESPACES].symbolList.append(letter,nd); } } // index files FileNameListIterator fnli(*Doxygen::inputNameList); FileName *fn; for (;(fn=fnli.current());++fnli) { FileNameIterator fni(*fn); FileDef *fd; for (;(fd=fni.current());++fni) { uint letter = getUtf8CodeToLower(fd->name(),0); if (fd->isLinkable() && isId(letter)) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_ALL].symbolList.append(letter,fd); g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_FILES].symbolList.append(letter,fd); } } } // index class members { MemberNameSDict::Iterator mnli(*Doxygen::memberNameSDict); MemberName *mn; // for each member name for (mnli.toFirst();(mn=mnli.current());++mnli) { MemberDef *md; MemberNameIterator mni(*mn); // for each member definition for (mni.toFirst();(md=mni.current());++mni) { addMemberToSearchIndex(md); } } } // index file/namespace members { MemberNameSDict::Iterator fnli(*Doxygen::functionNameSDict); MemberName *mn; // for each member name for (fnli.toFirst();(mn=fnli.current());++fnli) { MemberDef *md; MemberNameIterator mni(*mn); // for each member definition for (mni.toFirst();(md=mni.current());++mni) { addMemberToSearchIndex(md); } } } // index groups GroupSDict::Iterator gli(*Doxygen::groupSDict); GroupDef *gd; for (gli.toFirst();(gd=gli.current());++gli) { if (gd->isLinkable()) { QCString title = gd->groupTitle(); if (!title.isEmpty()) // TODO: able searching for all word in the title { uchar charCode = title.at(0); uint letter = charCode<128 ? tolower(charCode) : charCode; if (isId(letter)) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_ALL].symbolList.append(letter,gd); g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_GROUPS].symbolList.append(letter,gd); } } } } // index pages PageSDict::Iterator pdi(*Doxygen::pageSDict); PageDef *pd=0; for (pdi.toFirst();(pd=pdi.current());++pdi) { if (pd->isLinkable()) { QCString title = pd->title(); if (!title.isEmpty()) { uchar charCode = title.at(0); uint letter = charCode<128 ? tolower(charCode) : charCode; if (isId(letter)) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_ALL].symbolList.append(letter,pd); g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_PAGES].symbolList.append(letter,pd); } } } } if (Doxygen::mainPage) { QCString title = Doxygen::mainPage->title(); if (!title.isEmpty()) { uchar charCode = title.at(0); uint letter = charCode<128 ? tolower(charCode) : charCode; if (isId(letter)) { g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_ALL].symbolList.append(letter,Doxygen::mainPage); g_searchIndexInfo[SEARCH_INDEX_PAGES].symbolList.append(letter,Doxygen::mainPage); } } } // sort all lists int i; for (i=0;i::Iterator it(g_searchIndexInfo[i].symbolList); SearchIndexList *sl; for (it.toFirst();(sl=it.current());++it) { sl->sort(); } } } void writeJavaScriptSearchIndex() { int i; int cnt = 0; // write index files QCString searchDirName = Config_getString(HTML_OUTPUT)+"/search"; for (i=0;i::Iterator it(g_searchIndexInfo[i].symbolList); SearchIndexList *sl; int p=0; for (it.toFirst();(sl=it.current());++it,++p) // for each letter { QCString baseName; baseName.sprintf("%s_%x",g_searchIndexInfo[i].name.data(),p); QCString fileName = searchDirName + "/"+baseName+".html"; QCString dataFileName = searchDirName + "/"+baseName+".js"; QFile outFile(fileName); QFile dataOutFile(dataFileName); if (outFile.open(IO_WriteOnly) && dataOutFile.open(IO_WriteOnly)) { { FTextStream t(&outFile); t << "" << endl; t << "" << endl; t << "" << endl; t << "" << endl; t << "" << endl; t << "" << endl; t << "" << endl; t << "" << endl; t << "" << endl; t << "
" << endl; t << "
" << theTranslator->trLoading() << "
" << endl; t << "
" << endl; // here the results will be inserted t << "" << endl; t << "
" << theTranslator->trSearching() << "
" << endl; t << "
" << theTranslator->trNoMatches() << "
" << endl; t << "" << endl; t << "
" << endl; // SRIndex t << "" << endl; t << "" << endl; } FTextStream ti(&dataOutFile); ti << "var searchData=" << endl; // format // searchData[] = array of items // searchData[x][0] = id // searchData[x][1] = [ name + child1 + child2 + .. ] // searchData[x][1][0] = name as shown // searchData[x][1][y+1] = info for child y // searchData[x][1][y+1][0] = url // searchData[x][1][y+1][1] = 1 => target="_parent" // searchData[x][1][y+1][2] = scope ti << "[" << endl; bool firstEntry=TRUE; SDict::Iterator li(*sl); SearchDefinitionList *dl; int itemCount=0; for (li.toFirst();(dl=li.current());++li) { Definition *d = dl->getFirst(); if (!firstEntry) { ti << "," << endl; } firstEntry=FALSE; ti << " ['" << dl->id() << "_" << cnt++ << "',['" << convertToXML(dl->name()) << "',["; if (dl->count()==1) // item with a unique name { MemberDef *md = dynamic_cast(d); QCString anchor = d->anchor(); ti << "'" << externalRef("../",d->getReference(),TRUE) << addHtmlExtensionIfMissing(d->getOutputFileBase()); if (!anchor.isEmpty()) { ti << "#" << anchor; } ti << "',"; static bool extLinksInWindow = Config_getBool(EXT_LINKS_IN_WINDOW); if (!extLinksInWindow || d->getReference().isEmpty()) { ti << "1,"; } else { ti << "0,"; } if (d->getOuterScope()!=Doxygen::globalScope) { ti << "'" << convertToXML(d->getOuterScope()->name()) << "'"; } else if (md) { const FileDef *fd = md->getBodyDef(); if (fd==0) fd = md->getFileDef(); if (fd) { ti << "'" << convertToXML(fd->localName()) << "'"; } } else { ti << "''"; } ti << "]]"; } else // multiple items with the same name { QListIterator di(*dl); bool overloadedFunction = FALSE; Definition *prevScope = 0; int childCount=0; for (di.toFirst();(d=di.current());) { ++di; Definition *scope = d->getOuterScope(); Definition *next = di.current(); Definition *nextScope = 0; MemberDef *md = dynamic_cast(d); if (next) nextScope = next->getOuterScope(); QCString anchor = d->anchor(); if (childCount>0) { ti << "],["; } ti << "'" << externalRef("../",d->getReference(),TRUE) << addHtmlExtensionIfMissing(d->getOutputFileBase()); if (!anchor.isEmpty()) { ti << "#" << anchor; } ti << "',"; static bool extLinksInWindow = Config_getBool(EXT_LINKS_IN_WINDOW); if (!extLinksInWindow || d->getReference().isEmpty()) { ti << "1,"; } else { ti << "0,"; } bool found=FALSE; overloadedFunction = ((prevScope!=0 && scope==prevScope) || (scope && scope==nextScope) ) && md && (md->isFunction() || md->isSlot()); QCString prefix; if (md) prefix=convertToXML(md->localName()); if (overloadedFunction) // overloaded member function { prefix+=convertToXML(md->argsString()); // show argument list to disambiguate overloaded functions } else if (md) // unique member function { prefix+="()"; // only to show it is a function } QCString name; if (d->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass) { name = convertToXML((dynamic_cast(d))->displayName()); found = TRUE; } else if (d->definitionType()==Definition::TypeNamespace) { name = convertToXML((dynamic_cast(d))->displayName()); found = TRUE; } else if (scope==0 || scope==Doxygen::globalScope) // in global scope { if (md) { const FileDef *fd = md->getBodyDef(); if (fd==0) fd = md->resolveAlias()->getFileDef(); if (fd) { if (!prefix.isEmpty()) prefix+=": "; name = prefix + convertToXML(fd->localName()); found = TRUE; } } } else if (md && (md->resolveAlias()->getClassDef() || md->resolveAlias()->getNamespaceDef())) // member in class or namespace scope { SrcLangExt lang = md->getLanguage(); name = convertToXML(d->getOuterScope()->qualifiedName()) + getLanguageSpecificSeparator(lang) + prefix; found = TRUE; } else if (scope) // some thing else? -> show scope { name = prefix + convertToXML(scope->name()); found = TRUE; } if (!found) // fallback { name = prefix + "("+theTranslator->trGlobalNamespace()+")"; } ti << "'" << name << "'"; prevScope = scope; childCount++; } ti << "]]"; } ti << "]"; itemCount++; } if (!firstEntry) { ti << endl; } ti << "];" << endl; } else { err("Failed to open file '%s' for writing...\n",fileName.data()); } } } { QFile f(searchDirName+"/searchdata.js"); if (f.open(IO_WriteOnly)) { FTextStream t(&f); t << "var indexSectionsWithContent =" << endl; t << "{" << endl; bool first=TRUE; int j=0; for (i=0;i0) { if (!first) t << "," << endl; t << " " << j << ": \""; SIntDict::Iterator it(g_searchIndexInfo[i].symbolList); SearchIndexList *sl; for (it.toFirst();(sl=it.current());++it) // for each letter { if ( sl->letter() == '"' ) t << QString( QChar( '\\' ) ).utf8(); t << QString( QChar( sl->letter() ) ).utf8(); } t << "\""; first=FALSE; j++; } } if (!first) t << "\n"; t << "};" << endl << endl; t << "var indexSectionNames =" << endl; t << "{" << endl; first=TRUE; j=0; for (i=0;i0) { if (!first) t << "," << endl; t << " " << j << ": \"" << g_searchIndexInfo[i].name << "\""; first=FALSE; j++; } } if (!first) t << "\n"; t << "};" << endl << endl; t << "var indexSectionLabels =" << endl; t << "{" << endl; first=TRUE; j=0; for (i=0;i0) { if (!first) t << "," << endl; t << " " << j << ": \"" << convertToXML(g_searchIndexInfo[i].text) << "\""; first=FALSE; j++; } } if (!first) t << "\n"; t << "};" << endl << endl; } ResourceMgr::instance().copyResource("search.js",searchDirName); } { QFile f(searchDirName+"/nomatches.html"); if (f.open(IO_WriteOnly)) { FTextStream t(&f); t << "" << endl; t << "" << endl; t << "" << endl; t << "" << endl; t << "" << endl; t << "" << endl; t << "" << endl; t << "
" << endl; t << "
" << theTranslator->trNoMatches() << "
" << endl; t << "
" << endl; t << "" << endl; t << "" << endl; } } Doxygen::indexList->addStyleSheetFile("search/search.js"); } const SearchIndexInfo *getSearchIndices() { return g_searchIndexInfo; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SearchIndexList::SearchIndexList(uint letter) : SDict< SearchDefinitionList >(17,FALSE), m_letter(letter) { setAutoDelete(TRUE); } SearchIndexList::~SearchIndexList() { } void SearchIndexList::append(const Definition *d) { QCString dispName = d->localName(); SearchDefinitionList *l = find(dispName); if (l==0) { if (d->definitionType()==Definition::TypeGroup) { dispName = (dynamic_cast(d))->groupTitle(); } else if (d->definitionType()==Definition::TypePage) { dispName = (dynamic_cast(d))->title(); } l=new SearchDefinitionList(searchId(dispName),dispName); SDict< SearchDefinitionList >::append(dispName,l); } l->append(d); } uint SearchIndexList::letter() const { return m_letter; } int SearchIndexList::compareValues(const SearchDefinitionList *md1, const SearchDefinitionList *md2) const { QCString n1 = md1->getFirst()->localName(); QCString n2 = md2->getFirst()->localName(); return qstricmp(n1.data(),n2.data()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void initSearchIndexer() { static bool searchEngine = Config_getBool(SEARCHENGINE); static bool serverBasedSearch = Config_getBool(SERVER_BASED_SEARCH); static bool externalSearch = Config_getBool(EXTERNAL_SEARCH); if (searchEngine && serverBasedSearch) { if (externalSearch) // external tools produce search index and engine { Doxygen::searchIndex = new SearchIndexExternal; } else // doxygen produces search index and engine { Doxygen::searchIndex = new SearchIndex; } } else // no search engine or pure javascript based search function { Doxygen::searchIndex = 0; } } void finalizeSearchIndexer() { delete Doxygen::searchIndex; }