/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 1997-2015 by Dimitri van Heesch. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license. * */ #include #include #include "settings.h" #include "message.h" #if USE_SQLITE3 #include "qtbc.h" #include "sqlite3gen.h" #include "doxygen.h" #include "xmlgen.h" #include "xmldocvisitor.h" #include "config.h" #include "util.h" #include "outputlist.h" #include "docparser.h" #include "language.h" #include "version.h" #include "dot.h" #include "arguments.h" #include "classlist.h" #include "filedef.h" #include "namespacedef.h" #include "filename.h" #include "groupdef.h" #include "membername.h" #include "memberdef.h" #include "pagedef.h" #include "dirdef.h" #include "section.h" #include #include #include #include // enable to show general debug messages // #define SQLITE3_DEBUG // enable to print all executed SQL statements. // I recommend using the smallest possible input list. // #define SQLITE3_DEBUG_SQL # ifdef SQLITE3_DEBUG # define DBG_CTX(x) printf x # else // SQLITE3_DEBUG # define DBG_CTX(x) do { } while(0) # endif # ifdef SQLITE3_DEBUG_SQL // used by sqlite3_trace in generateSqlite3() static void sqlLog(void *dbName, const char *sql){ msg("SQL: '%s'\n", sql); } # endif const char * table_schema[][2] = { /* TABLES */ { "meta", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS meta (\n" "\t-- Information about this db and how it was generated.\n" "\t-- Doxygen info\n" "\tdoxygen_version TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,\n" /* Doxygen's version is likely to rollover much faster than the schema, and at least until it becomes a core output format, we might want to make fairly large schema changes even on minor iterations for Doxygen itself. If these tools just track a predefined semver schema version that can iterate independently, it *might* not be as hard to keep them in sync? */ "\tschema_version TEXT NOT NULL, -- Schema-specific semver\n" "\t-- run info\n" "\tgenerated_at TEXT NOT NULL,\n" "\tgenerated_on TEXT NOT NULL,\n" "\t-- project info\n" "\tproject_name TEXT NOT NULL,\n" "\tproject_number TEXT,\n" "\tproject_brief TEXT\n" ");" }, { "includes", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS includes (\n" "\t-- #include relations.\n" "\trowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,\n" "\tlocal INTEGER NOT NULL,\n" "\tsrc_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES path, -- File id of the includer.\n" "\tdst_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES path, -- File id of the includee.\n" /* In theory we could include name here to be informationally equivalent with the XML, but I don't see an obvious use for it. */ "\tUNIQUE(local, src_id, dst_id) ON CONFLICT IGNORE\n" ");" }, { "contains", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS contains (\n" "\t-- inner/outer relations (file, namespace, dir, class, group, page)\n" "\trowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,\n" "\tinner_rowid INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES compounddef,\n" "\touter_rowid INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES compounddef\n" ");" }, /* TODO: Path can also share rowids with refid/compounddef/def. (It could * even collapse into that table...) * * I took a first swing at this by changing insertPath() to: * - accept a FileDef * - make its own call to insertRefid * - return a refid struct. * * I rolled this back when I had trouble getting a FileDef for all types * (PageDef in particular). * * Note: all columns referencing path would need an update. */ { "path", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS path (\n" "\t-- Paths of source files and includes.\n" "\trowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,\n" "\ttype INTEGER NOT NULL, -- 1:file 2:dir\n" "\tlocal INTEGER NOT NULL,\n" "\tfound INTEGER NOT NULL,\n" "\tname TEXT NOT NULL\n" ");" }, { "refid", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS refid (\n" "\t-- Distinct refid for all documented entities.\n" "\trowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,\n" "\trefid TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE\n" ");" }, { "xrefs", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS xrefs (\n" "\t-- Cross-reference relation\n" "\t-- (combines xml and nodes).\n" "\trowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,\n" "\tsrc_rowid INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES refid, -- referrer id.\n" "\tdst_rowid INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES refid, -- referee id.\n" "\tcontext TEXT NOT NULL, -- inline, argument, initializer\n" "\t-- Just need to know they link; ignore duplicates.\n" "\tUNIQUE(src_rowid, dst_rowid, context) ON CONFLICT IGNORE\n" ");\n" }, { "memberdef", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS memberdef (\n" "\t-- All processed identifiers.\n" "\trowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,\n" "\tname TEXT NOT NULL,\n" "\tdefinition TEXT,\n" "\ttype TEXT,\n" "\targsstring TEXT,\n" "\tscope TEXT,\n" "\tinitializer TEXT,\n" "\tbitfield TEXT,\n" "\tread TEXT,\n" "\twrite TEXT,\n" "\tprot INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:public 1:protected 2:private 3:package\n" "\tstatic INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\tconst INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\texplicit INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\tinline INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes 2:both (set after encountering inline and not-inline)\n" "\tfinal INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\tsealed INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\tnew INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\toptional INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\trequired INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\tvolatile INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\tvirt INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:virtual 2:pure-virtual\n" "\tmutable INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\tinitonly INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\tattribute INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\tproperty INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\treadonly INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\tbound INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\tconstrained INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\ttransient INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\tmaybevoid INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\tmaybedefault INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\tmaybeambiguous INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\treadable INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\twritable INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\tgettable INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\tprivategettable INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\tprotectedgettable INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\tsettable INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\tprivatesettable INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\tprotectedsettable INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\taccessor INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:assign 2:copy 3:retain 4:string 5:weak\n" "\taddable INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\tremovable INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\traisable INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- 0:no 1:yes\n" "\tkind TEXT NOT NULL, -- 'macro definition' 'function' 'variable' 'typedef' 'enumeration' 'enumvalue' 'signal' 'slot' 'friend' 'dcop' 'property' 'event' 'interface' 'service'\n" "\tbodystart INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- starting line of definition\n" "\tbodyend INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -- ending line of definition\n" "\tbodyfile_id INTEGER REFERENCES path, -- file of definition\n" "\tfile_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES path, -- file where this identifier is located\n" "\tline INTEGER NOT NULL, -- line where this identifier is located\n" "\tcolumn INTEGER NOT NULL, -- column where this identifier is located\n" "\tdetaileddescription TEXT,\n" "\tbriefdescription TEXT,\n" "\tinbodydescription TEXT,\n" "\tFOREIGN KEY (rowid) REFERENCES refid (rowid)\n" ");" }, { "member", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS member (\n" "\t-- Memberdef <-> containing compound relation.\n" "\t-- Similar to XML listofallmembers.\n" "\trowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,\n" "\tscope_rowid INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES compounddef,\n" "\tmemberdef_rowid INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES memberdef,\n" "\tprot INTEGER NOT NULL,\n" "\tvirt INTEGER NOT NULL,\n" "\tUNIQUE(scope_rowid, memberdef_rowid)\n" ");" }, { "reimplements", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS reimplements (\n" "\t-- Inherited member reimplementation relations.\n" "\trowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,\n" "\tmemberdef_rowid INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES memberdef, -- reimplementing memberdef id.\n" "\treimplemented_rowid INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES memberdef, -- reimplemented memberdef id.\n" "\tUNIQUE(memberdef_rowid, reimplemented_rowid) ON CONFLICT IGNORE\n" ");\n" }, { "compounddef", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS compounddef (\n" "\t-- Class/struct definitions.\n" "\trowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,\n" "\tname TEXT NOT NULL,\n" "\ttitle TEXT,\n" // probably won't be empty '' or unknown, but the source *could* return them... "\tkind TEXT NOT NULL, -- 'category' 'class' 'constants' 'dir' 'enum' 'example' 'exception' 'file' 'group' 'interface' 'library' 'module' 'namespace' 'package' 'page' 'protocol' 'service' 'singleton' 'struct' 'type' 'union' 'unknown' ''\n" "\tprot INTEGER,\n" "\tfile_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES path,\n" "\tline INTEGER NOT NULL,\n" "\tcolumn INTEGER NOT NULL,\n" "\theader_id INTEGER REFERENCES path,\n" "\tdetaileddescription TEXT,\n" "\tbriefdescription TEXT,\n" "\tFOREIGN KEY (rowid) REFERENCES refid (rowid)\n" ");" }, { "compoundref", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS compoundref (\n" "\t-- Inheritance relation.\n" "\trowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,\n" "\tbase_rowid INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES compounddef,\n" "\tderived_rowid INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES compounddef,\n" "\tprot INTEGER NOT NULL,\n" "\tvirt INTEGER NOT NULL,\n" "\tUNIQUE(base_rowid, derived_rowid)\n" ");" }, { "param", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS param (\n" "\t-- All processed parameters.\n" "\trowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,\n" "\tattributes TEXT,\n" "\ttype TEXT,\n" "\tdeclname TEXT,\n" "\tdefname TEXT,\n" "\tarray TEXT,\n" "\tdefval TEXT,\n" "\tbriefdescription TEXT\n" ");" "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_param ON param\n" "\t(type, defname);" }, { "memberdef_param", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS memberdef_param (\n" "\t-- Junction table for memberdef parameters.\n" "\trowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,\n" "\tmemberdef_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES memberdef,\n" "\tparam_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES param\n" ");" }, }; const char * view_schema[][2] = { /* VIEWS * We'll set these up AFTER we build the database, so that they can be indexed, but so we don't have to pay a performance penalty for inserts as we build. */ { /* Makes all reference/relation tables easier to use. For example: 1. query xrefs and join this view on either xrefs.dst_rowid=def.rowid or xrefs.src_rowid=def.rowid 2. get everything you need to output a list of references to/from an entity Also supports simple name search/lookup for both compound and member types. NOTES: - summary for compounds generalizes title and briefdescription because there's no single field that works as a quick introduction for both pages and classes - May be value in eventually extending this to fulltext or levenshtein distance-driven lookup/search, but I'm avoiding these for now as it takes some effort to enable them. */ "def", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS def (\n" "\t-- Combined summary of all -def types for easier joins.\n" "\trowid,\n" "\trefid,\n" "\tkind,\n" "\tname,\n" "\tsummary" ")\n" "as SELECT \n" "\trefid.rowid,\n" "\trefid.refid,\n" "\tmemberdef.kind,\n" "\tmemberdef.name,\n" "\tmemberdef.briefdescription \n" "FROM refid \n" "JOIN memberdef ON refid.rowid=memberdef.rowid \n" "UNION ALL \n" "SELECT \n" "\trefid.rowid,\n" "\trefid.refid,\n" "\tcompounddef.kind,\n" "\tcompounddef.name,\n" "\tCASE \n" "\t\tWHEN briefdescription IS NOT NULL \n" "\t\tTHEN briefdescription \n" "\t\tELSE title \n" "\tEND summary\n" "FROM refid \n" "JOIN compounddef ON refid.rowid=compounddef.rowid;" }, { "local_file", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS local_file (\n" "\t-- File paths found within the project.\n" "\trowid,\n" "\tfound,\n" "\tname\n" ")\n" "as SELECT \n" "\tpath.rowid,\n" "\tpath.found,\n" "\tpath.name\n" "FROM path WHERE path.type=1 AND path.local=1 AND path.found=1;\n" }, { "external_file", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS external_file (\n" "\t-- File paths outside the project (found or not).\n" "\trowid,\n" "\tfound,\n" "\tname\n" ")\n" "as SELECT \n" "\tpath.rowid,\n" "\tpath.found,\n" "\tpath.name\n" "FROM path WHERE path.type=1 AND path.local=0;\n" }, { "inline_xrefs", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS inline_xrefs (\n" "\t-- Crossrefs from inline member source.\n" "\trowid,\n" "\tsrc_rowid,\n" "\tdst_rowid\n" ")\n" "as SELECT \n" "\txrefs.rowid,\n" "\txrefs.src_rowid,\n" "\txrefs.dst_rowid\n" "FROM xrefs WHERE xrefs.context='inline';\n" }, { "argument_xrefs", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS argument_xrefs (\n" "\t-- Crossrefs from member def/decl arguments\n" "\trowid,\n" "\tsrc_rowid,\n" "\tdst_rowid\n" ")\n" "as SELECT \n" "\txrefs.rowid,\n" "\txrefs.src_rowid,\n" "\txrefs.dst_rowid\n" "FROM xrefs WHERE xrefs.context='argument';\n" }, { "initializer_xrefs", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS initializer_xrefs (\n" "\t-- Crossrefs from member initializers\n" "\trowid,\n" "\tsrc_rowid,\n" "\tdst_rowid\n" ")\n" "as SELECT \n" "\txrefs.rowid,\n" "\txrefs.src_rowid,\n" "\txrefs.dst_rowid\n" "FROM xrefs WHERE xrefs.context='initializer';\n" }, { "inner_outer", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS inner_outer\n" "\t-- Joins 'contains' relations to simplify inner/outer 'rel' queries.\n" "as SELECT \n" "\tinner.*,\n" "\touter.*\n" "FROM def as inner\n" "\tJOIN contains ON inner.rowid=contains.inner_rowid\n" "\tJOIN def AS outer ON outer.rowid=contains.outer_rowid;\n" }, { "rel", "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS rel (\n" "\t-- Boolean indicator of relations available for a given entity.\n" "\t-- Join to (compound-|member-)def to find fetch-worthy relations.\n" "\trowid,\n" "\treimplemented,\n" "\treimplements,\n" "\tinnercompounds,\n" "\toutercompounds,\n" "\tinnerpages,\n" "\touterpages,\n" "\tinnerdirs,\n" "\touterdirs,\n" "\tinnerfiles,\n" "\touterfiles,\n" "\tinnerclasses,\n" "\touterclasses,\n" "\tinnernamespaces,\n" "\touternamespaces,\n" "\tinnergroups,\n" "\toutergroups,\n" "\tmembers,\n" "\tcompounds,\n" "\tsubclasses,\n" "\tsuperclasses,\n" "\tlinks_in,\n" "\tlinks_out,\n" "\targument_links_in,\n" "\targument_links_out,\n" "\tinitializer_links_in,\n" "\tinitializer_links_out\n" ")\n" "as SELECT \n" "\tdef.rowid,\n" "\tEXISTS (SELECT rowid FROM reimplements WHERE reimplemented_rowid=def.rowid),\n" "\tEXISTS (SELECT rowid FROM reimplements WHERE memberdef_rowid=def.rowid),\n" "\t-- rowid/kind for inner, [rowid:1/kind:1] for outer\n" "\tEXISTS (SELECT * FROM inner_outer WHERE [rowid:1]=def.rowid),\n" "\tEXISTS (SELECT * FROM inner_outer WHERE rowid=def.rowid),\n" "\tEXISTS (SELECT * FROM inner_outer WHERE [rowid:1]=def.rowid AND kind='page'),\n" "\tEXISTS (SELECT * FROM inner_outer WHERE rowid=def.rowid AND [kind:1]='page'),\n" "\tEXISTS (SELECT * FROM inner_outer WHERE [rowid:1]=def.rowid AND kind='dir'),\n" "\tEXISTS (SELECT * FROM inner_outer WHERE rowid=def.rowid AND [kind:1]='dir'),\n" "\tEXISTS (SELECT * FROM inner_outer WHERE [rowid:1]=def.rowid AND kind='file'),\n" "\tEXISTS (SELECT * FROM inner_outer WHERE rowid=def.rowid AND [kind:1]='file'),\n" "\tEXISTS (SELECT * FROM inner_outer WHERE [rowid:1]=def.rowid AND kind in (\n" "'category','class','enum','exception','interface','module','protocol',\n" "'service','singleton','struct','type','union'\n" ")),\n" "\tEXISTS (SELECT * FROM inner_outer WHERE rowid=def.rowid AND [kind:1] in (\n" "'category','class','enum','exception','interface','module','protocol',\n" "'service','singleton','struct','type','union'\n" ")),\n" "\tEXISTS (SELECT * FROM inner_outer WHERE [rowid:1]=def.rowid AND kind='namespace'),\n" "\tEXISTS (SELECT * FROM inner_outer WHERE rowid=def.rowid AND [kind:1]='namespace'),\n" "\tEXISTS (SELECT * FROM inner_outer WHERE [rowid:1]=def.rowid AND kind='group'),\n" "\tEXISTS (SELECT * FROM inner_outer WHERE rowid=def.rowid AND [kind:1]='group'),\n" "\tEXISTS (SELECT rowid FROM member WHERE scope_rowid=def.rowid),\n" "\tEXISTS (SELECT rowid FROM member WHERE memberdef_rowid=def.rowid),\n" "\tEXISTS (SELECT rowid FROM compoundref WHERE base_rowid=def.rowid),\n" "\tEXISTS (SELECT rowid FROM compoundref WHERE derived_rowid=def.rowid),\n" "\tEXISTS (SELECT rowid FROM inline_xrefs WHERE dst_rowid=def.rowid),\n" "\tEXISTS (SELECT rowid FROM inline_xrefs WHERE src_rowid=def.rowid),\n" "\tEXISTS (SELECT rowid FROM argument_xrefs WHERE dst_rowid=def.rowid),\n" "\tEXISTS (SELECT rowid FROM argument_xrefs WHERE src_rowid=def.rowid),\n" "\tEXISTS (SELECT rowid FROM initializer_xrefs WHERE dst_rowid=def.rowid),\n" "\tEXISTS (SELECT rowid FROM initializer_xrefs WHERE src_rowid=def.rowid)\n" "FROM def ORDER BY def.rowid;" } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct SqlStmt { const char *query = 0; sqlite3_stmt *stmt = 0; sqlite3 *db = 0; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* If you add a new statement below, make sure to add it to prepareStatements(). If sqlite3 is segfaulting (especially in sqlite3_clear_bindings()), using an un-prepared statement may be the cause. */ SqlStmt meta_insert = { "INSERT INTO meta " "( doxygen_version, schema_version, generated_at, generated_on, project_name, project_number, project_brief )" "VALUES " "(:doxygen_version,:schema_version,:generated_at,:generated_on,:project_name,:project_number,:project_brief )" ,NULL }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SqlStmt incl_insert = { "INSERT INTO includes " "( local, src_id, dst_id ) " "VALUES " "(:local,:src_id,:dst_id )" ,NULL }; SqlStmt incl_select = { "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM includes WHERE " "local=:local AND src_id=:src_id AND dst_id=:dst_id" ,NULL }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SqlStmt contains_insert={ "INSERT INTO contains " "( inner_rowid, outer_rowid )" "VALUES " "(:inner_rowid,:outer_rowid )" ,NULL }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SqlStmt path_select = { "SELECT rowid FROM path WHERE name=:name" ,NULL }; SqlStmt path_insert = { "INSERT INTO path " "( type, local, found, name )" "VALUES " "(:type,:local,:found,:name )" ,NULL }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SqlStmt refid_select = { "SELECT rowid FROM refid WHERE refid=:refid" ,NULL }; SqlStmt refid_insert = { "INSERT INTO refid " "( refid )" "VALUES " "(:refid )" ,NULL }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SqlStmt xrefs_insert= { "INSERT INTO xrefs " "( src_rowid, dst_rowid, context )" "VALUES " "(:src_rowid,:dst_rowid,:context )" ,NULL };////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SqlStmt reimplements_insert= { "INSERT INTO reimplements " "( memberdef_rowid, reimplemented_rowid )" "VALUES " "(:memberdef_rowid,:reimplemented_rowid )" ,NULL }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SqlStmt memberdef_exists={ "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM memberdef WHERE rowid = :rowid)" ,NULL }; SqlStmt memberdef_incomplete={ "SELECT EXISTS (" "SELECT * FROM memberdef WHERE " "rowid = :rowid AND inline != 2 AND inline != :new_inline" ")" ,NULL }; SqlStmt memberdef_insert={ "INSERT INTO memberdef " "(" "rowid," "name," "definition," "type," "argsstring," "scope," "initializer," "bitfield," "read," "write," "prot," "static," "const," "explicit," "inline," "final," "sealed," "new," "optional," "required," "volatile," "virt," "mutable," "initonly," "attribute," "property," "readonly," "bound," "constrained," "transient," "maybevoid," "maybedefault," "maybeambiguous," "readable," "writable," "gettable," "protectedsettable," "protectedgettable," "settable," "privatesettable," "privategettable," "accessor," "addable," "removable," "raisable," "kind," "bodystart," "bodyend," "bodyfile_id," "file_id," "line," "column," "detaileddescription," "briefdescription," "inbodydescription" ")" "VALUES " "(" ":rowid," ":name," ":definition," ":type," ":argsstring," ":scope," ":initializer," ":bitfield," ":read," ":write," ":prot," ":static," ":const," ":explicit," ":inline," ":final," ":sealed," ":new," ":optional," ":required," ":volatile," ":virt," ":mutable," ":initonly," ":attribute," ":property," ":readonly," ":bound," ":constrained," ":transient," ":maybevoid," ":maybedefault," ":maybeambiguous," ":readable," ":writable," ":gettable," ":protectedsettable," ":protectedgettable," ":settable," ":privatesettable," ":privategettable," ":accessor," ":addable," ":removable," ":raisable," ":kind," ":bodystart," ":bodyend," ":bodyfile_id," ":file_id," ":line," ":column," ":detaileddescription," ":briefdescription," ":inbodydescription" ")" ,NULL }; /* We have a slightly different need than the XML here. The XML can have two memberdef nodes with the same refid to document the declaration and the definition. This doesn't play very nice with a referential model. It isn't a big issue if only one is documented, but in case both are, we'll fall back on this kludge to combine them in a single row... */ SqlStmt memberdef_update_decl={ "UPDATE memberdef SET " "inline = :inline," "file_id = :file_id," "line = :line," "column = :column," "detaileddescription = 'Declaration: ' || :detaileddescription || 'Definition: ' || detaileddescription," "briefdescription = 'Declaration: ' || :briefdescription || 'Definition: ' || briefdescription," "inbodydescription = 'Declaration: ' || :inbodydescription || 'Definition: ' || inbodydescription " "WHERE rowid = :rowid" ,NULL }; SqlStmt memberdef_update_def={ "UPDATE memberdef SET " "inline = :inline," "bodystart = :bodystart," "bodyend = :bodyend," "bodyfile_id = :bodyfile_id," "detaileddescription = 'Declaration: ' || detaileddescription || 'Definition: ' || :detaileddescription," "briefdescription = 'Declaration: ' || briefdescription || 'Definition: ' || :briefdescription," "inbodydescription = 'Declaration: ' || inbodydescription || 'Definition: ' || :inbodydescription " "WHERE rowid = :rowid" ,NULL }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SqlStmt member_insert={ "INSERT INTO member " "( scope_rowid, memberdef_rowid, prot, virt ) " "VALUES " "(:scope_rowid,:memberdef_rowid,:prot,:virt )" ,NULL }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SqlStmt compounddef_insert={ "INSERT INTO compounddef " "(" "rowid," "name," "title," "kind," "prot," "file_id," "line," "column," "header_id," "briefdescription," "detaileddescription" ")" "VALUES " "(" ":rowid," ":name," ":title," ":kind," ":prot," ":file_id," ":line," ":column," ":header_id," ":briefdescription," ":detaileddescription" ")" ,NULL }; SqlStmt compounddef_exists={ "SELECT EXISTS (" "SELECT * FROM compounddef WHERE rowid = :rowid" ")" ,NULL }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SqlStmt compoundref_insert={ "INSERT INTO compoundref " "( base_rowid, derived_rowid, prot, virt ) " "VALUES " "(:base_rowid,:derived_rowid,:prot,:virt )" ,NULL }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SqlStmt param_select = { "SELECT rowid FROM param WHERE " "(attributes IS NULL OR attributes=:attributes) AND " "(type IS NULL OR type=:type) AND " "(declname IS NULL OR declname=:declname) AND " "(defname IS NULL OR defname=:defname) AND " "(array IS NULL OR array=:array) AND " "(defval IS NULL OR defval=:defval) AND " "(briefdescription IS NULL OR briefdescription=:briefdescription)" ,NULL }; SqlStmt param_insert = { "INSERT INTO param " "( attributes, type, declname, defname, array, defval, briefdescription ) " "VALUES " "(:attributes,:type,:declname,:defname,:array,:defval,:briefdescription)" ,NULL }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SqlStmt memberdef_param_insert={ "INSERT INTO memberdef_param " "( memberdef_id, param_id)" "VALUES " "(:memberdef_id,:param_id)" ,NULL }; class TextGeneratorSqlite3Impl : public TextGeneratorIntf { public: TextGeneratorSqlite3Impl(StringList &l) : l(l) { l.setAutoDelete(TRUE); } void writeString(const char * /*s*/,bool /*keepSpaces*/) const { } void writeBreak(int) const { DBG_CTX(("writeBreak\n")); } void writeLink(const char * /*extRef*/,const char *file, const char *anchor,const char * /*text*/ ) const { QCString *rs=new QCString(file); if (anchor) { rs->append("_1").append(anchor); } l.append(rs); } private: StringList &l; // the list is filled by linkifyText and consumed by the caller }; static bool bindTextParameter(SqlStmt &s,const char *name,const char *value, bool _static=FALSE) { int idx = sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(s.stmt, name); if (idx==0) { err("sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(%s)[%s] failed: %s\n", name, s.query, sqlite3_errmsg(s.db)); return false; } int rv = sqlite3_bind_text(s.stmt, idx, value, -1, _static==TRUE?SQLITE_STATIC:SQLITE_TRANSIENT); if (rv!=SQLITE_OK) { err("sqlite3_bind_text(%s)[%s] failed: %s\n", name, s.query, sqlite3_errmsg(s.db)); return false; } return true; } static bool bindIntParameter(SqlStmt &s,const char *name,int value) { int idx = sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(s.stmt, name); if (idx==0) { err("sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(%s)[%s] failed to find column: %s\n", name, s.query, sqlite3_errmsg(s.db)); return false; } int rv = sqlite3_bind_int(s.stmt, idx, value); if (rv!=SQLITE_OK) { err("sqlite3_bind_int(%s)[%s] failed: %s\n", name, s.query, sqlite3_errmsg(s.db)); return false; } return true; } static int step(SqlStmt &s,bool getRowId=FALSE, bool select=FALSE) { int rowid=-1; int rc = sqlite3_step(s.stmt); if (rc!=SQLITE_DONE && rc!=SQLITE_ROW) { DBG_CTX(("sqlite3_step: %s (rc: %d)\n", sqlite3_errmsg(s.db), rc)); sqlite3_reset(s.stmt); sqlite3_clear_bindings(s.stmt); return -1; } if (getRowId && select) rowid = sqlite3_column_int(s.stmt, 0); // works on selects, doesn't on inserts if (getRowId && !select) rowid = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(s.db); //works on inserts, doesn't on selects sqlite3_reset(s.stmt); sqlite3_clear_bindings(s.stmt); // XXX When should this really be called return rowid; } static int insertPath(QCString name, bool local=TRUE, bool found=TRUE, int type=1) { int rowid=-1; if (name==0) return rowid; name = stripFromPath(name); bindTextParameter(path_select,":name",name.data()); rowid=step(path_select,TRUE,TRUE); if (rowid==0) { bindTextParameter(path_insert,":name",name.data()); bindIntParameter(path_insert,":type",type); bindIntParameter(path_insert,":local",local?1:0); bindIntParameter(path_insert,":found",found?1:0); rowid=step(path_insert,TRUE); } return rowid; } static void recordMetadata() { bindTextParameter(meta_insert,":doxygen_version",getFullVersion()); bindTextParameter(meta_insert,":schema_version","0.2.0",TRUE); //TODO: this should be a constant somewhere; not sure where bindTextParameter(meta_insert,":generated_at",dateToString(TRUE)); bindTextParameter(meta_insert,":generated_on",dateToString(FALSE)); bindTextParameter(meta_insert,":project_name",Config_getString(PROJECT_NAME)); bindTextParameter(meta_insert,":project_number",Config_getString(PROJECT_NUMBER)); bindTextParameter(meta_insert,":project_brief",Config_getString(PROJECT_BRIEF)); step(meta_insert); } struct Refid { int rowid; const char *refid; bool created; }; struct Refid insertRefid(const char *refid) { struct Refid ret; ret.rowid=-1; ret.refid=refid; ret.created = FALSE; if (refid==0) return ret; bindTextParameter(refid_select,":refid",refid); ret.rowid=step(refid_select,TRUE,TRUE); if (ret.rowid==0) { bindTextParameter(refid_insert,":refid",refid); ret.rowid=step(refid_insert,TRUE); ret.created = TRUE; } return ret; } static bool memberdefExists(struct Refid refid) { bindIntParameter(memberdef_exists,":rowid",refid.rowid); int test = step(memberdef_exists,TRUE,TRUE); return test ? true : false; } static bool memberdefIncomplete(struct Refid refid, const MemberDef* md) { bindIntParameter(memberdef_incomplete,":rowid",refid.rowid); bindIntParameter(memberdef_incomplete,":new_inline",md->isInline()); int test = step(memberdef_incomplete,TRUE,TRUE); return test ? true : false; } static bool compounddefExists(struct Refid refid) { bindIntParameter(compounddef_exists,":rowid",refid.rowid); int test = step(compounddef_exists,TRUE,TRUE); return test ? true : false; } static bool insertMemberReference(struct Refid src_refid, struct Refid dst_refid, const char *context) { if (src_refid.rowid==-1||dst_refid.rowid==-1) return false; if ( !bindIntParameter(xrefs_insert,":src_rowid",src_refid.rowid) || !bindIntParameter(xrefs_insert,":dst_rowid",dst_refid.rowid) ) { return false; } else { bindTextParameter(xrefs_insert,":context",context); } step(xrefs_insert); return true; } static void insertMemberReference(const MemberDef *src, const MemberDef *dst, const char *context) { QCString qdst_refid = dst->getOutputFileBase() + "_1" + dst->anchor(); QCString qsrc_refid = src->getOutputFileBase() + "_1" + src->anchor(); struct Refid src_refid = insertRefid(qsrc_refid); struct Refid dst_refid = insertRefid(qdst_refid); insertMemberReference(src_refid,dst_refid,context); } static void insertMemberFunctionParams(int memberdef_id, const MemberDef *md, const Definition *def) { const ArgumentList &declAl = md->declArgumentList(); const ArgumentList &defAl = md->argumentList(); if (declAl.size()>0) { // ArgumentListIterator declAli(*declAl); // ArgumentListIterator defAli(*defAl); // const Argument *a; // for (declAli.toFirst();(a=declAli.current());++declAli) auto defIt = defAl.begin(); for (const Argument &a : declAl) { //const Argument *defArg = defAli.current(); const Argument *defArg = 0; if (defIt!=defAl.end()) { defArg = &(*defIt); ++defIt; } if (!a.attrib.isEmpty()) { bindTextParameter(param_select,":attributes",a.attrib); bindTextParameter(param_insert,":attributes",a.attrib); } if (!a.type.isEmpty()) { StringList l; linkifyText(TextGeneratorSqlite3Impl(l),def,md->getBodyDef(),md,a.type); StringListIterator li(l); QCString *s; while ((s=li.current())) { QCString qsrc_refid = md->getOutputFileBase() + "_1" + md->anchor(); struct Refid src_refid = insertRefid(qsrc_refid); struct Refid dst_refid = insertRefid(s->data()); insertMemberReference(src_refid,dst_refid, "argument"); ++li; } bindTextParameter(param_select,":type",a.type); bindTextParameter(param_insert,":type",a.type); } if (!a.name.isEmpty()) { bindTextParameter(param_select,":declname",a.name); bindTextParameter(param_insert,":declname",a.name); } if (defArg && !defArg->name.isEmpty() && defArg->name!=a.name) { bindTextParameter(param_select,":defname",defArg->name); bindTextParameter(param_insert,":defname",defArg->name); } if (!a.array.isEmpty()) { bindTextParameter(param_select,":array",a.array); bindTextParameter(param_insert,":array",a.array); } if (!a.defval.isEmpty()) { StringList l; linkifyText(TextGeneratorSqlite3Impl(l),def,md->getBodyDef(),md,a.defval); bindTextParameter(param_select,":defval",a.defval); bindTextParameter(param_insert,":defval",a.defval); } int param_id=step(param_select,TRUE,TRUE); if (param_id==0) { param_id=step(param_insert,TRUE); } if (param_id==-1) { DBG_CTX(("error INSERT params failed\n")); continue; } bindIntParameter(memberdef_param_insert,":memberdef_id",memberdef_id); bindIntParameter(memberdef_param_insert,":param_id",param_id); step(memberdef_param_insert); } } } static void insertMemberDefineParams(int memberdef_id,const MemberDef *md, const Definition *def) { if (md->argumentList().empty()) // special case for "foo()" to // distinguish it from "foo". { DBG_CTX(("no params\n")); } else { for (const Argument &a : md->argumentList()) { bindTextParameter(param_insert,":defname",a.type); int param_id=step(param_insert,TRUE); if (param_id==-1) { continue; } bindIntParameter(memberdef_param_insert,":memberdef_id",memberdef_id); bindIntParameter(memberdef_param_insert,":param_id",param_id); step(memberdef_param_insert); } } } static void associateMember(const MemberDef *md, struct Refid member_refid, struct Refid scope_refid) { // TODO: skip EnumValue only to guard against recording refids and member records // for enumvalues until we can support documenting them as entities. if (md->memberType()==MemberType_EnumValue) return; if (!md->isAnonymous()) // skip anonymous members { bindIntParameter(member_insert, ":scope_rowid", scope_refid.rowid); bindIntParameter(member_insert, ":memberdef_rowid", member_refid.rowid); bindIntParameter(member_insert, ":prot", md->protection()); bindIntParameter(member_insert, ":virt", md->virtualness()); step(member_insert); } } static void stripQualifiers(QCString &typeStr) { bool done=FALSE; while (!done) { if (typeStr.stripPrefix("static ")); else if (typeStr.stripPrefix("virtual ")); else if (typeStr.stripPrefix("volatile ")); else if (typeStr=="virtual") typeStr=""; else done=TRUE; } } static int prepareStatement(sqlite3 *db, SqlStmt &s) { int rc; rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db,s.query,-1,&s.stmt,0); if (rc!=SQLITE_OK) { err("prepare failed for %s\n%s\n", s.query, sqlite3_errmsg(db)); s.db = NULL; return -1; } s.db = db; return rc; } static int prepareStatements(sqlite3 *db) { if ( -1==prepareStatement(db, meta_insert) || -1==prepareStatement(db, memberdef_exists) || -1==prepareStatement(db, memberdef_incomplete) || -1==prepareStatement(db, memberdef_insert) || -1==prepareStatement(db, memberdef_update_def) || -1==prepareStatement(db, memberdef_update_decl) || -1==prepareStatement(db, member_insert) || -1==prepareStatement(db, path_insert) || -1==prepareStatement(db, path_select) || -1==prepareStatement(db, refid_insert) || -1==prepareStatement(db, refid_select) || -1==prepareStatement(db, incl_insert)|| -1==prepareStatement(db, incl_select)|| -1==prepareStatement(db, param_insert) || -1==prepareStatement(db, param_select) || -1==prepareStatement(db, xrefs_insert) || -1==prepareStatement(db, reimplements_insert) || -1==prepareStatement(db, contains_insert) || -1==prepareStatement(db, compounddef_exists) || -1==prepareStatement(db, compounddef_insert) || -1==prepareStatement(db, compoundref_insert) || -1==prepareStatement(db, memberdef_param_insert) ) { return -1; } return 0; } static void beginTransaction(sqlite3 *db) { char * sErrMsg = 0; sqlite3_exec(db, "BEGIN TRANSACTION", NULL, NULL, &sErrMsg); } static void endTransaction(sqlite3 *db) { char * sErrMsg = 0; sqlite3_exec(db, "END TRANSACTION", NULL, NULL, &sErrMsg); } static void pragmaTuning(sqlite3 *db) { char * sErrMsg = 0; sqlite3_exec(db, "PRAGMA synchronous = OFF", NULL, NULL, &sErrMsg); sqlite3_exec(db, "PRAGMA journal_mode = MEMORY", NULL, NULL, &sErrMsg); sqlite3_exec(db, "PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY;", NULL, NULL, &sErrMsg); } static int initializeTables(sqlite3* db) { int rc; msg("Initializing DB schema (tables)...\n"); for (unsigned int k = 0; k < sizeof(table_schema) / sizeof(table_schema[0]); k++) { const char *q = table_schema[k][1]; char *errmsg; rc = sqlite3_exec(db, q, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { err("failed to execute query: %s\n\t%s\n", q, errmsg); return -1; } } return 0; } static int initializeViews(sqlite3* db) { int rc; msg("Initializing DB schema (views)...\n"); for (unsigned int k = 0; k < sizeof(view_schema) / sizeof(view_schema[0]); k++) { const char *q = view_schema[k][1]; char *errmsg; rc = sqlite3_exec(db, q, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { err("failed to execute query: %s\n\t%s\n", q, errmsg); return -1; } } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////// /* TODO: I collapsed all innerX tables into 'contains', which raises the prospect that all of these very similar writeInnerX funcs could be refactored into a one, or a small set of common parts. I think the hurdles are: - picking a first argument that every call location can pass - which yields a consistent iterator - accommodates PageDef's slightly different rules for generating the inner_refid (unless I'm missing a method that would uniformly return the correct refid for all types). */ static void writeInnerClasses(const ClassLinkedRefMap &cl, struct Refid outer_refid) { for (const auto &cd : cl) { if (!cd->isHidden() && !cd->isAnonymous()) { struct Refid inner_refid = insertRefid(cd->getOutputFileBase()); bindIntParameter(contains_insert,":inner_rowid", inner_refid.rowid); bindIntParameter(contains_insert,":outer_rowid", outer_refid.rowid); step(contains_insert); } } } static void writeInnerPages(const PageLinkedRefMap &pl, struct Refid outer_refid) { for (const auto &pd : pl) { struct Refid inner_refid = insertRefid( pd->getGroupDef() ? pd->getOutputFileBase()+"_"+pd->name() : pd->getOutputFileBase() ); bindIntParameter(contains_insert,":inner_rowid", inner_refid.rowid); bindIntParameter(contains_insert,":outer_rowid", outer_refid.rowid); step(contains_insert); } } static void writeInnerGroups(const GroupList &gl, struct Refid outer_refid) { for (const auto &sgd : gl) { struct Refid inner_refid = insertRefid(sgd->getOutputFileBase()); bindIntParameter(contains_insert,":inner_rowid", inner_refid.rowid); bindIntParameter(contains_insert,":outer_rowid", outer_refid.rowid); step(contains_insert); } } static void writeInnerFiles(const FileList *fl, struct Refid outer_refid) { if (fl) { QListIterator fli(*fl); const FileDef *fd; for (fli.toFirst();(fd=fli.current());++fli) { struct Refid inner_refid = insertRefid(fd->getOutputFileBase()); bindIntParameter(contains_insert,":inner_rowid", inner_refid.rowid); bindIntParameter(contains_insert,":outer_rowid", outer_refid.rowid); step(contains_insert); } } } static void writeInnerDirs(const DirList &dl, struct Refid outer_refid) { for (const auto subdir : dl) { struct Refid inner_refid = insertRefid(subdir->getOutputFileBase()); bindIntParameter(contains_insert,":inner_rowid", inner_refid.rowid); bindIntParameter(contains_insert,":outer_rowid", outer_refid.rowid); step(contains_insert); } } static void writeInnerNamespaces(const NamespaceLinkedRefMap &nl, struct Refid outer_refid) { for (const auto &nd : nl) { if (!nd->isHidden() && !nd->isAnonymous()) { struct Refid inner_refid = insertRefid(nd->getOutputFileBase()); bindIntParameter(contains_insert,":inner_rowid",inner_refid.rowid); bindIntParameter(contains_insert,":outer_rowid",outer_refid.rowid); step(contains_insert); } } } static void writeTemplateArgumentList(const ArgumentList &al, const Definition * scope, const FileDef * fileScope) { for (const Argument &a : al) { if (!a.type.isEmpty()) { //#warning linkifyText(TextGeneratorXMLImpl(t),scope,fileScope,0,a.type); bindTextParameter(param_select,":type",a.type); bindTextParameter(param_insert,":type",a.type); } if (!a.name.isEmpty()) { bindTextParameter(param_select,":declname",a.name); bindTextParameter(param_insert,":declname",a.name); bindTextParameter(param_select,":defname",a.name); bindTextParameter(param_insert,":defname",a.name); } if (!a.defval.isEmpty()) { //#warning linkifyText(TextGeneratorXMLImpl(t),scope,fileScope,0,a.defval); bindTextParameter(param_select,":defval",a.defval); bindTextParameter(param_insert,":defval",a.defval); } if (!step(param_select,TRUE,TRUE)) step(param_insert); } } static void writeMemberTemplateLists(const MemberDef *md) { writeTemplateArgumentList(md->templateArguments(),md->getClassDef(),md->getFileDef()); } static void writeTemplateList(const ClassDef *cd) { writeTemplateArgumentList(cd->templateArguments(),cd,0); } QCString getSQLDocBlock(const Definition *scope, const Definition *def, const QCString &doc, const QCString &fileName, int lineNr) { QGString s; if (doc.isEmpty()) return s.data(); FTextStream t(&s); DocNode *root = validatingParseDoc( fileName, lineNr, const_cast(scope), toMemberDef(def), doc, FALSE, FALSE, 0, FALSE, FALSE, Config_getBool(MARKDOWN_SUPPORT) ); XMLCodeGenerator codeGen(t); // create a parse tree visitor for XML XmlDocVisitor *visitor = new XmlDocVisitor(t,codeGen); root->accept(visitor); delete visitor; delete root; QCString result = convertCharEntitiesToUTF8(s.data()); return result.data(); } static void getSQLDesc(SqlStmt &s,const char *col,const char *value,const Definition *def) { bindTextParameter( s, col, getSQLDocBlock( def->getOuterScope(), def, value, def->docFile(), def->docLine() ) ); } //////////////////////////////////////////// /* (updated Sep 01 2018) DoxMemberKind and DoxCompoundKind (compound.xsd) gave me some faulty assumptions about "kind" strings, so I compiled a reference The XML schema claims: DoxMemberKind: (14) dcop define enum event friend function interface property prototype service signal slot typedef variable DoxCompoundKind: (17) category class dir example exception file group interface module namespace page protocol service singleton struct type union Member kind comes from MemberDef::memberTypeName() types.h defines 14 MemberType_*s _DCOP _Define _Enumeration _EnumValue _Event _Friend _Function _Interface _Property _Service _Signal _Slot _Typedef _Variable - xml doesn't include enumvalue here (but renders enumvalue as) a sub-node of memberdef/templateparamlist - xml includes 'prototype' that is unlisted here vestigial? commented out in docsets.cpp and perlmodgen.cpp MemberDef::memberTypeName() can return 15 strings: (sorted by MemberType to match above; quoted because whitespace...) "dcop" "macro definition" "enumeration" "enumvalue" "event" "friend" "function" "interface" "property" "service" "signal" "slot" "typedef" "variable" Above describes potential values for memberdef.kind Compound kind is more complex. *Def::compoundTypeString() ClassDef kind comes from ::compoundTypeString() classdef.h defines 9 compound types Category Class Exception Interface Protocol Service Singleton Struct Union But ClassDef::compoundTypeString() "could" return 13 strings - default "unknown" shouldn't actually return - other 12 can vary by source language; see method for specifics category class enum exception interface module protocol service singleton struct type union DirDef, FileDef, GroupDef have no method to return a string tagfile/outputs hard-code kind to 'dir' 'file' or 'group' NamespaceDef kind comes from ::compoundTypeString() NamespaceDef::compoundTypeString() "could" return 6 strings - default empty ("") string - other 5 differ by source language constants library module namespace package PageDef also has no method to return a string - some locations hard-code the kind to 'page' - others conditionally output 'page' or 'example' All together, that's 23 potential strings (21 excl "" and unknown) "" category class constants dir enum example exception file group interface library module namespace package page protocol service singleton struct type union unknown Above describes potential values for compounddef.kind For reference, there are 35 potential values of def.kind (33 excl "" and unknown): "" "category" "class" "constants" "dcop" "dir" "enum" "enumeration" "enumvalue" "event" "example" "exception" "file" "friend" "function" "group" "interface" "library" "macro definition" "module" "namespace" "package" "page" "property" "protocol" "service" "signal" "singleton" "slot" "struct" "type" "typedef" "union" "unknown" "variable" This is relevant because the 'def' view generalizes memberdef and compounddef, and two member+compound kind strings (interface and service) overlap. I have no grasp of whether a real user docset would include one or more member and compound using the interface or service kind. */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void generateSqlite3ForMember(const MemberDef *md, struct Refid scope_refid, const Definition *def) { // + declaration/definition arg lists // + reimplements // + reimplementedBy // - exceptions // + const/volatile specifiers // - examples // + source definition // + source references // + source referenced by // - body code // + template arguments // (templateArguments(), definitionTemplateParameterLists()) // - call graph // enum values are written as part of the enum if (md->memberType()==MemberType_EnumValue) return; if (md->isHidden()) return; QCString memType; // memberdef QCString qrefid = md->getOutputFileBase() + "_1" + md->anchor(); struct Refid refid = insertRefid(qrefid); associateMember(md, refid, scope_refid); // compacting duplicate defs if(!refid.created && memberdefExists(refid) && memberdefIncomplete(refid, md)) { /* For performance, ideal to skip a member we've already added. Unfortunately, we can have two memberdefs with the same refid documenting the declaration and definition. memberdefIncomplete() uses the 'inline' value to figure this out. Once we get to this point, we should *only* be seeing the *other* type of def/decl, so we'll set inline to a new value (2), indicating that this entry covers both inline types. */ struct SqlStmt memberdef_update; // definitions have bodyfile/start/end if (md->getStartBodyLine()!=-1) { memberdef_update = memberdef_update_def; int bodyfile_id = insertPath(md->getBodyDef()->absFilePath(),!md->getBodyDef()->isReference()); if (bodyfile_id == -1) { sqlite3_clear_bindings(memberdef_update.stmt); } else { bindIntParameter(memberdef_update,":bodyfile_id",bodyfile_id); bindIntParameter(memberdef_update,":bodystart",md->getStartBodyLine()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_update,":bodyend",md->getEndBodyLine()); } } // declarations don't else { memberdef_update = memberdef_update_decl; if (md->getDefLine() != -1) { int file_id = insertPath(md->getDefFileName(),!md->isReference()); if (file_id!=-1) { bindIntParameter(memberdef_update,":file_id",file_id); bindIntParameter(memberdef_update,":line",md->getDefLine()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_update,":column",md->getDefColumn()); } } } bindIntParameter(memberdef_update, ":rowid", refid.rowid); // value 2 indicates we've seen "both" inline types. bindIntParameter(memberdef_update,":inline", 2); /* in case both are used, append/prepend descriptions */ getSQLDesc(memberdef_update,":briefdescription",md->briefDescription(),md); getSQLDesc(memberdef_update,":detaileddescription",md->documentation(),md); getSQLDesc(memberdef_update,":inbodydescription",md->inbodyDocumentation(),md); step(memberdef_update,TRUE); // don't think we need to repeat params; should have from first encounter // + source references // The cross-references in initializers only work when both the src and dst // are defined. auto refList = md->getReferencesMembers(); for (const auto &rmd : refList) { insertMemberReference(md,rmd, "inline"); } // + source referenced by auto refByList = md->getReferencedByMembers(); for (const auto &rmd : refByList) { insertMemberReference(rmd,md, "inline"); } return; } bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":rowid", refid.rowid); bindTextParameter(memberdef_insert,":kind",md->memberTypeName()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":prot",md->protection()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":static",md->isStatic()); bool isFunc=FALSE; switch (md->memberType()) { case MemberType_Function: // fall through case MemberType_Signal: // fall through case MemberType_Friend: // fall through case MemberType_DCOP: // fall through case MemberType_Slot: isFunc=TRUE; break; default: break; } if (isFunc) { const ArgumentList &al = md->argumentList(); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":const",al.constSpecifier()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":volatile",al.volatileSpecifier()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":explicit",md->isExplicit()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":inline",md->isInline()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":final",md->isFinal()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":sealed",md->isSealed()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":new",md->isNew()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":optional",md->isOptional()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":required",md->isRequired()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":virt",md->virtualness()); } if (md->memberType() == MemberType_Variable) { bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":mutable",md->isMutable()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":initonly",md->isInitonly()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":attribute",md->isAttribute()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":property",md->isProperty()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":readonly",md->isReadonly()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":bound",md->isBound()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":removable",md->isRemovable()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":constrained",md->isConstrained()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":transient",md->isTransient()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":maybevoid",md->isMaybeVoid()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":maybedefault",md->isMaybeDefault()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":maybeambiguous",md->isMaybeAmbiguous()); if (md->bitfieldString()) { QCString bitfield = md->bitfieldString(); if (bitfield.at(0)==':') bitfield=bitfield.mid(1); bindTextParameter(memberdef_insert,":bitfield",bitfield.stripWhiteSpace()); } } else if (md->memberType() == MemberType_Property) { bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":readable",md->isReadable()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":writable",md->isWritable()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":gettable",md->isGettable()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":privategettable",md->isPrivateGettable()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":protectedgettable",md->isProtectedGettable()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":settable",md->isSettable()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":privatesettable",md->isPrivateSettable()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":protectedsettable",md->isProtectedSettable()); if (md->isAssign() || md->isCopy() || md->isRetain() || md->isStrong() || md->isWeak()) { int accessor=0; if (md->isAssign()) accessor = 1; else if (md->isCopy()) accessor = 2; else if (md->isRetain()) accessor = 3; else if (md->isStrong()) accessor = 4; else if (md->isWeak()) accessor = 5; bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":accessor",accessor); } bindTextParameter(memberdef_insert,":read",md->getReadAccessor()); bindTextParameter(memberdef_insert,":write",md->getWriteAccessor()); } else if (md->memberType() == MemberType_Event) { bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":addable",md->isAddable()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":removable",md->isRemovable()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":raisable",md->isRaisable()); } const MemberDef *rmd = md->reimplements(); if (rmd) { QCString qreimplemented_refid = rmd->getOutputFileBase() + "_1" + rmd->anchor(); struct Refid reimplemented_refid = insertRefid(qreimplemented_refid); bindIntParameter(reimplements_insert,":memberdef_rowid", refid.rowid); bindIntParameter(reimplements_insert,":reimplemented_rowid", reimplemented_refid.rowid); step(reimplements_insert,TRUE); } // + declaration/definition arg lists if (md->memberType()!=MemberType_Define && md->memberType()!=MemberType_Enumeration ) { if (md->memberType()!=MemberType_Typedef) { writeMemberTemplateLists(md); } QCString typeStr = md->typeString(); stripQualifiers(typeStr); StringList l; linkifyText(TextGeneratorSqlite3Impl(l), def, md->getBodyDef(),md,typeStr); if (typeStr) { bindTextParameter(memberdef_insert,":type",typeStr); } if (md->definition()) { bindTextParameter(memberdef_insert,":definition",md->definition()); } if (md->argsString()) { bindTextParameter(memberdef_insert,":argsstring",md->argsString()); } } bindTextParameter(memberdef_insert,":name",md->name()); // Extract references from initializer if (md->hasMultiLineInitializer() || md->hasOneLineInitializer()) { bindTextParameter(memberdef_insert,":initializer",md->initializer()); StringList l; linkifyText(TextGeneratorSqlite3Impl(l),def,md->getBodyDef(),md,md->initializer()); StringListIterator li(l); QCString *s; while ((s=li.current())) { if (md->getBodyDef()) { DBG_CTX(("initializer:%s %s %s %d\n", md->anchor().data(), s->data(), md->getBodyDef()->getDefFileName().data(), md->getStartBodyLine())); QCString qsrc_refid = md->getOutputFileBase() + "_1" + md->anchor(); struct Refid src_refid = insertRefid(qsrc_refid); struct Refid dst_refid = insertRefid(s->data()); insertMemberReference(src_refid,dst_refid, "initializer"); } ++li; } } if ( md->getScopeString() ) { bindTextParameter(memberdef_insert,":scope",md->getScopeString()); } // +Brief, detailed and inbody description getSQLDesc(memberdef_insert,":briefdescription",md->briefDescription(),md); getSQLDesc(memberdef_insert,":detaileddescription",md->documentation(),md); getSQLDesc(memberdef_insert,":inbodydescription",md->inbodyDocumentation(),md); // File location if (md->getDefLine() != -1) { int file_id = insertPath(md->getDefFileName(),!md->isReference()); if (file_id!=-1) { bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":file_id",file_id); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":line",md->getDefLine()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":column",md->getDefColumn()); // definitions also have bodyfile/start/end if (md->getStartBodyLine()!=-1) { int bodyfile_id = insertPath(md->getBodyDef()->absFilePath(),!md->getBodyDef()->isReference()); if (bodyfile_id == -1) { sqlite3_clear_bindings(memberdef_insert.stmt); } else { bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":bodyfile_id",bodyfile_id); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":bodystart",md->getStartBodyLine()); bindIntParameter(memberdef_insert,":bodyend",md->getEndBodyLine()); } } } } int memberdef_id=step(memberdef_insert,TRUE); if (isFunc) { insertMemberFunctionParams(memberdef_id,md,def); } else if (md->memberType()==MemberType_Define && md->argsString()) { insertMemberDefineParams(memberdef_id,md,def); } // + source references // The cross-references in initializers only work when both the src and dst // are defined. auto refList = md->getReferencesMembers(); for (const auto &refmd : refList) { insertMemberReference(md,refmd, "inline"); } // + source referenced by auto refByList = md->getReferencedByMembers(); for (const auto &refmd : refByList) { insertMemberReference(refmd,md, "inline"); } } static void generateSqlite3Section( const Definition *d, const MemberList *ml, struct Refid scope_refid, const char * /*kind*/, const char * /*header*/=0, const char * /*documentation*/=0) { if (ml==0) return; MemberListIterator mli(*ml); const MemberDef *md; for (mli.toFirst();(md=mli.current());++mli) { // TODO: necessary? just tracking what xmlgen does; xmlgen says: // namespace members are also inserted in the file scope, but // to prevent this duplication in the XML output, we filter those here. if (d->definitionType()!=Definition::TypeFile || md->getNamespaceDef()==0) { generateSqlite3ForMember(md, scope_refid, d); } } } static void associateAllClassMembers(const ClassDef *cd, struct Refid scope_refid) { for (auto &mni : cd->memberNameInfoLinkedMap()) { for (auto &mi : *mni) { MemberDef *md = mi->memberDef(); QCString qrefid = md->getOutputFileBase() + "_1" + md->anchor(); associateMember(md, insertRefid(qrefid), scope_refid); } } } // many kinds: category class enum exception interface // module protocol service singleton struct type union // enum is Java only (and is distinct from enum memberdefs) static void generateSqlite3ForClass(const ClassDef *cd) { // NOTE: Skeptical about XML's version of these // 'x' marks missing items XML claims to include // + brief description // + detailed description // + template argument list(s) // + include file // + member groups // x inheritance DOT diagram // + list of direct super classes // + list of direct sub classes // + list of inner classes // x collaboration DOT diagram // + list of all members // x user defined member sections // x standard member sections // x detailed member documentation // - examples using the class if (cd->isReference()) return; // skip external references. if (cd->isHidden()) return; // skip hidden classes. if (cd->isAnonymous()) return; // skip anonymous compounds. if (cd->templateMaster()!=0) return; // skip generated template instances. struct Refid refid = insertRefid(cd->getOutputFileBase()); // can omit a class that already has a refid if(!refid.created && compounddefExists(refid)){return;} bindIntParameter(compounddef_insert,":rowid", refid.rowid); bindTextParameter(compounddef_insert,":name",cd->name()); bindTextParameter(compounddef_insert,":title",cd->title()); bindTextParameter(compounddef_insert,":kind",cd->compoundTypeString()); bindIntParameter(compounddef_insert,":prot",cd->protection()); int file_id = insertPath(cd->getDefFileName()); bindIntParameter(compounddef_insert,":file_id",file_id); bindIntParameter(compounddef_insert,":line",cd->getDefLine()); bindIntParameter(compounddef_insert,":column",cd->getDefColumn()); // + include file /* TODO: I wonder if this can actually be cut (just here) We were adding this "include" to the "includes" table alongside other includes (from a FileDef). However, FileDef and ClassDef are using "includes" nodes in very a different way: - With FileDef, it means the file includes another. - With ClassDef, it means you should include this file to use this class. Because of this difference, I added a column to compounddef, header_id, and linked it back to the appropriate file. We could just add a nullable text column that would hold a string equivalent to what the HTML docs include, but the logic for generating it is embedded in ClassDef::writeIncludeFiles(OutputList &ol). That said, at least on the handful of test sets I have, header_id == file_id, suggesting it could be cut and clients might be able to reconstruct it from other values if there's a solid heuristic for *when a class will have a header file*. */ IncludeInfo *ii=cd->includeInfo(); if (ii) { QCString nm = ii->includeName; if (nm.isEmpty() && ii->fileDef) nm = ii->fileDef->docName(); if (!nm.isEmpty()) { int header_id=-1; if (ii->fileDef) { insertPath(ii->fileDef->absFilePath(),!ii->fileDef->isReference()); } DBG_CTX(("-----> ClassDef includeInfo for %s\n", nm.data())); DBG_CTX((" local : %d\n", ii->local)); DBG_CTX((" imported : %d\n", ii->imported)); DBG_CTX(("header: %s\n", ii->fileDef->absFilePath().data())); DBG_CTX((" file_id : %d\n", file_id)); DBG_CTX((" header_id: %d\n", header_id)); if(header_id!=-1) { bindIntParameter(compounddef_insert,":header_id",header_id); } } } getSQLDesc(compounddef_insert,":briefdescription",cd->briefDescription(),cd); getSQLDesc(compounddef_insert,":detaileddescription",cd->documentation(),cd); step(compounddef_insert); // + list of direct super classes for (const auto &bcd : cd->baseClasses()) { struct Refid base_refid = insertRefid(bcd.classDef->getOutputFileBase()); struct Refid derived_refid = insertRefid(cd->getOutputFileBase()); bindIntParameter(compoundref_insert,":base_rowid", base_refid.rowid); bindIntParameter(compoundref_insert,":derived_rowid", derived_refid.rowid); bindIntParameter(compoundref_insert,":prot",bcd.prot); bindIntParameter(compoundref_insert,":virt",bcd.virt); step(compoundref_insert); } // + list of direct sub classes for (const auto &bcd : cd->subClasses()) { struct Refid derived_refid = insertRefid(bcd.classDef->getOutputFileBase()); struct Refid base_refid = insertRefid(cd->getOutputFileBase()); bindIntParameter(compoundref_insert,":base_rowid", base_refid.rowid); bindIntParameter(compoundref_insert,":derived_rowid", derived_refid.rowid); bindIntParameter(compoundref_insert,":prot",bcd.prot); bindIntParameter(compoundref_insert,":virt",bcd.virt); step(compoundref_insert); } // + list of inner classes writeInnerClasses(cd->getClasses(),refid); // + template argument list(s) writeTemplateList(cd); // + member groups for (const auto &mg : cd->getMemberGroups()) { generateSqlite3Section(cd,mg->members(),refid,"user-defined",mg->header(), mg->documentation()); } // this is just a list of *local* members for (const auto &ml : cd->getMemberLists()) { if ((ml->listType()&MemberListType_detailedLists)==0) { generateSqlite3Section(cd,ml.get(),refid,"user-defined"); } } // + list of all members associateAllClassMembers(cd, refid); } // kinds: constants library module namespace package static void generateSqlite3ForNamespace(const NamespaceDef *nd) { // + contained class definitions // + contained namespace definitions // + member groups // + normal members // + brief desc // + detailed desc // + location (file_id, line, column) // - files containing (parts of) the namespace definition if (nd->isReference() || nd->isHidden()) return; // skip external references struct Refid refid = insertRefid(nd->getOutputFileBase()); if(!refid.created && compounddefExists(refid)){return;} bindIntParameter(compounddef_insert,":rowid", refid.rowid); bindTextParameter(compounddef_insert,":name",nd->name()); bindTextParameter(compounddef_insert,":title",nd->title()); bindTextParameter(compounddef_insert,":kind","namespace"); int file_id = insertPath(nd->getDefFileName()); bindIntParameter(compounddef_insert,":file_id",file_id); bindIntParameter(compounddef_insert,":line",nd->getDefLine()); bindIntParameter(compounddef_insert,":column",nd->getDefColumn()); getSQLDesc(compounddef_insert,":briefdescription",nd->briefDescription(),nd); getSQLDesc(compounddef_insert,":detaileddescription",nd->documentation(),nd); step(compounddef_insert); // + contained class definitions writeInnerClasses(nd->getClasses(),refid); // + contained namespace definitions writeInnerNamespaces(nd->getNamespaces(),refid); // + member groups for (const auto &mg : nd->getMemberGroups()) { generateSqlite3Section(nd,mg->members(),refid,"user-defined",mg->header(), mg->documentation()); } // + normal members for (const auto &ml : nd->getMemberLists()) { if ((ml->listType()&MemberListType_declarationLists)!=0) { generateSqlite3Section(nd,ml.get(),refid,"user-defined"); } } } // kind: file static void generateSqlite3ForFile(const FileDef *fd) { // + includes files // + includedby files // x include graph // x included by graph // + contained class definitions // + contained namespace definitions // + member groups // + normal members // + brief desc // + detailed desc // x source code // + location (file_id, line, column) // - number of lines if (fd->isReference()) return; // skip external references struct Refid refid = insertRefid(fd->getOutputFileBase()); if(!refid.created && compounddefExists(refid)){return;} bindIntParameter(compounddef_insert,":rowid", refid.rowid); bindTextParameter(compounddef_insert,":name",fd->name()); bindTextParameter(compounddef_insert,":title",fd->title()); bindTextParameter(compounddef_insert,":kind","file"); int file_id = insertPath(fd->getDefFileName()); bindIntParameter(compounddef_insert,":file_id",file_id); bindIntParameter(compounddef_insert,":line",fd->getDefLine()); bindIntParameter(compounddef_insert,":column",fd->getDefColumn()); getSQLDesc(compounddef_insert,":briefdescription",fd->briefDescription(),fd); getSQLDesc(compounddef_insert,":detaileddescription",fd->documentation(),fd); step(compounddef_insert); // + includes files IncludeInfo *ii; if (fd->includeFileList()) { QListIterator ili(*fd->includeFileList()); for (ili.toFirst();(ii=ili.current());++ili) { int src_id=insertPath(fd->absFilePath(),!fd->isReference()); int dst_id; QCString dst_path; if(ii->fileDef) // found file { if(ii->fileDef->isReference()) { // strip tagfile from path QCString tagfile = ii->fileDef->getReference(); dst_path = ii->fileDef->absFilePath().copy(); dst_path.stripPrefix(tagfile+":"); } else { dst_path = ii->fileDef->absFilePath(); } dst_id = insertPath(dst_path,ii->local); } else // can't find file { dst_id = insertPath(ii->includeName,ii->local,FALSE); } DBG_CTX(("-----> FileDef includeInfo for %s\n", ii->includeName.data())); DBG_CTX((" local: %d\n", ii->local)); DBG_CTX((" imported: %d\n", ii->imported)); if(ii->fileDef) { DBG_CTX(("include: %s\n", ii->fileDef->absFilePath().data())); } DBG_CTX((" src_id : %d\n", src_id)); DBG_CTX((" dst_id: %d\n", dst_id)); bindIntParameter(incl_select,":local",ii->local); bindIntParameter(incl_select,":src_id",src_id); bindIntParameter(incl_select,":dst_id",dst_id); if (step(incl_select,TRUE,TRUE)==0) { bindIntParameter(incl_insert,":local",ii->local); bindIntParameter(incl_insert,":src_id",src_id); bindIntParameter(incl_insert,":dst_id",dst_id); step(incl_insert); } } } // + includedby files if (fd->includedByFileList()) { QListIterator ili(*fd->includedByFileList()); for (ili.toFirst();(ii=ili.current());++ili) { int dst_id=insertPath(fd->absFilePath(),!fd->isReference()); int src_id; QCString src_path; if(ii->fileDef) // found file { if(ii->fileDef->isReference()) { // strip tagfile from path QCString tagfile = ii->fileDef->getReference(); src_path = ii->fileDef->absFilePath().copy(); src_path.stripPrefix(tagfile+":"); } else { src_path = ii->fileDef->absFilePath(); } src_id = insertPath(src_path,ii->local); } else // can't find file { src_id = insertPath(ii->includeName,ii->local,FALSE); } bindIntParameter(incl_select,":local",ii->local); bindIntParameter(incl_select,":src_id",src_id); bindIntParameter(incl_select,":dst_id",dst_id); if (step(incl_select,TRUE,TRUE)==0) { bindIntParameter(incl_insert,":local",ii->local); bindIntParameter(incl_insert,":src_id",src_id); bindIntParameter(incl_insert,":dst_id",dst_id); step(incl_insert); } } } // + contained class definitions writeInnerClasses(fd->getClasses(),refid); // + contained namespace definitions writeInnerNamespaces(fd->getNamespaces(),refid); // + member groups for (const auto &mg : fd->getMemberGroups()) { generateSqlite3Section(fd,mg->members(),refid,"user-defined",mg->header(), mg->documentation()); } // + normal members for (const auto &ml : fd->getMemberLists()) { if ((ml->listType()&MemberListType_declarationLists)!=0) { generateSqlite3Section(fd,ml.get(),refid,"user-defined"); } } } // kind: group static void generateSqlite3ForGroup(const GroupDef *gd) { // + members // + member groups // + files // + classes // + namespaces // - packages // + pages // + child groups // - examples // + brief description // + detailed description if (gd->isReference()) return; // skip external references. struct Refid refid = insertRefid(gd->getOutputFileBase()); if(!refid.created && compounddefExists(refid)){return;} bindIntParameter(compounddef_insert,":rowid", refid.rowid); bindTextParameter(compounddef_insert,":name",gd->name()); bindTextParameter(compounddef_insert,":title",gd->groupTitle()); bindTextParameter(compounddef_insert,":kind","group"); int file_id = insertPath(gd->getDefFileName()); bindIntParameter(compounddef_insert,":file_id",file_id); bindIntParameter(compounddef_insert,":line",gd->getDefLine()); bindIntParameter(compounddef_insert,":column",gd->getDefColumn()); getSQLDesc(compounddef_insert,":briefdescription",gd->briefDescription(),gd); getSQLDesc(compounddef_insert,":detaileddescription",gd->documentation(),gd); step(compounddef_insert); // + files writeInnerFiles(gd->getFiles(),refid); // + classes writeInnerClasses(gd->getClasses(),refid); // + namespaces writeInnerNamespaces(gd->getNamespaces(),refid); // + pages writeInnerPages(gd->getPages(),refid); // + groups writeInnerGroups(gd->getSubGroups(),refid); // + member groups for (const auto &mg : gd->getMemberGroups()) { generateSqlite3Section(gd,mg->members(),refid,"user-defined",mg->header(), mg->documentation()); } // + members for (const auto &ml : gd->getMemberLists()) { if ((ml->listType()&MemberListType_declarationLists)!=0) { generateSqlite3Section(gd,ml.get(),refid,"user-defined"); } } } // kind: dir static void generateSqlite3ForDir(const DirDef *dd) { // + dirs // + files // + briefdescription // + detaileddescription // + location (below uses file_id, line, column; XML just uses file) if (dd->isReference()) return; // skip external references struct Refid refid = insertRefid(dd->getOutputFileBase()); if(!refid.created && compounddefExists(refid)){return;} bindIntParameter(compounddef_insert,":rowid", refid.rowid); bindTextParameter(compounddef_insert,":name",dd->displayName()); bindTextParameter(compounddef_insert,":kind","dir"); int file_id = insertPath(dd->getDefFileName(),TRUE,TRUE,2); bindIntParameter(compounddef_insert,":file_id",file_id); /* line and column are weird here, but: - dir goes into compounddef with all of the others - the semantics would be fine if we set them to NULL here - but defining line and column as NOT NULL is an important promise for other compounds, so I don't want to loosen it For reference, the queries return 1. 0 or -1 make more sense, but I see that as a change for DirDef. */ bindIntParameter(compounddef_insert,":line",dd->getDefLine()); bindIntParameter(compounddef_insert,":column",dd->getDefColumn()); getSQLDesc(compounddef_insert,":briefdescription",dd->briefDescription(),dd); getSQLDesc(compounddef_insert,":detaileddescription",dd->documentation(),dd); step(compounddef_insert); // + files writeInnerDirs(dd->subDirs(),refid); // + files writeInnerFiles(dd->getFiles(),refid); } // kinds: page, example static void generateSqlite3ForPage(const PageDef *pd,bool isExample) { // + name // + title // + brief description // + documentation (detailed description) // + inbody documentation // + sub pages if (pd->isReference()) return; // skip external references. // TODO: do we more special handling if isExample? QCString qrefid = pd->getOutputFileBase(); if (pd->getGroupDef()) { qrefid+=(QCString)"_"+pd->name(); } if (qrefid=="index") qrefid="indexpage"; // to prevent overwriting the generated index page. struct Refid refid = insertRefid(qrefid); // can omit a page that already has a refid if(!refid.created && compounddefExists(refid)){return;} bindIntParameter(compounddef_insert,":rowid",refid.rowid); // + name bindTextParameter(compounddef_insert,":name",pd->name()); QCString title; if (pd==Doxygen::mainPage.get()) // main page is special { if (mainPageHasTitle()) { title = filterTitle(convertCharEntitiesToUTF8(Doxygen::mainPage->title())); } else { title = Config_getString(PROJECT_NAME); } } else { SectionInfo *si = SectionManager::instance().find(pd->name()); if (si) { title = si->title(); } if(!title){title = pd->title();} } // + title bindTextParameter(compounddef_insert,":title",title); bindTextParameter(compounddef_insert,":kind", isExample ? "example" : "page",TRUE); int file_id = insertPath(pd->getDefFileName()); bindIntParameter(compounddef_insert,":file_id",file_id); bindIntParameter(compounddef_insert,":line",pd->getDefLine()); bindIntParameter(compounddef_insert,":column",pd->getDefColumn()); // + brief description getSQLDesc(compounddef_insert,":briefdescription",pd->briefDescription(),pd); // + documentation (detailed description) getSQLDesc(compounddef_insert,":detaileddescription",pd->documentation(),pd); step(compounddef_insert); // + sub pages writeInnerPages(pd->getSubPages(),refid); } static sqlite3* openDbConnection() { QCString outputDirectory = Config_getString(SQLITE3_OUTPUT); QDir sqlite3Dir(outputDirectory); sqlite3 *db; int rc; rc = sqlite3_initialize(); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { err("sqlite3_initialize failed\n"); return NULL; } QCString dbFileName = "doxygen_sqlite3.db"; QFileInfo fi(outputDirectory+"/"+dbFileName); if (fi.exists()) { if (Config_getBool(SQLITE3_RECREATE_DB)) { QDir().remove(fi.absFilePath()); } else { err("doxygen_sqlite3.db already exists! Rename, remove, or archive it to regenerate\n"); return NULL; } } rc = sqlite3_open_v2( fi.absFilePath().utf8(), &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE, 0 ); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { sqlite3_close(db); err("Database open failed: %s\n", "doxygen_sqlite3.db"); } return db; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void generateSqlite3() { // + classes // + namespaces // + files // + groups // + related pages // + examples // + main page sqlite3 *db; db = openDbConnection(); if (db==NULL) { return; } # ifdef SQLITE3_DEBUG // debug: show all executed statements sqlite3_trace(db, &sqlLog, NULL); # endif beginTransaction(db); pragmaTuning(db); if (-1==initializeTables(db)) return; if ( -1 == prepareStatements(db) ) { err("sqlite generator: prepareStatements failed!"); return; } recordMetadata(); // + classes for (const auto &cd : *Doxygen::classLinkedMap) { msg("Generating Sqlite3 output for class %s\n",cd->name().data()); generateSqlite3ForClass(cd.get()); } // + namespaces for (const auto &nd : *Doxygen::namespaceLinkedMap) { msg("Generating Sqlite3 output for namespace %s\n",nd->name().data()); generateSqlite3ForNamespace(nd.get()); } // + files for (const auto &fn : *Doxygen::inputNameLinkedMap) { for (const auto &fd : *fn) { msg("Generating Sqlite3 output for file %s\n",fd->name().data()); generateSqlite3ForFile(fd.get()); } } // + groups for (const auto &gd : *Doxygen::groupLinkedMap) { msg("Generating Sqlite3 output for group %s\n",gd->name().data()); generateSqlite3ForGroup(gd.get()); } // + page for (const auto &pd : *Doxygen::pageLinkedMap) { msg("Generating Sqlite3 output for page %s\n",pd->name().data()); generateSqlite3ForPage(pd.get(),FALSE); } // + dirs for (const auto &dd : *Doxygen::dirLinkedMap) { msg("Generating Sqlite3 output for dir %s\n",dd->name().data()); generateSqlite3ForDir(dd.get()); } // + examples for (const auto &pd : *Doxygen::exampleLinkedMap) { msg("Generating Sqlite3 output for example %s\n",pd->name().data()); generateSqlite3ForPage(pd.get(),TRUE); } // + main page if (Doxygen::mainPage) { msg("Generating Sqlite3 output for the main page\n"); generateSqlite3ForPage(Doxygen::mainPage.get(),FALSE); } // TODO: copied from initializeSchema; not certain if we should say/do more // if there's a failure here? if (-1==initializeViews(db)) return; endTransaction(db); } #else // USE_SQLITE3 void generateSqlite3() { err("sqlite3 support has not been compiled in!"); } #endif // vim: noai:ts=2:sw=2:ss=2:expandtab