/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 1997-2020 by Dimitri van Heesch. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license. * */ #include #include #include #include "symbolresolver.h" #include "util.h" #include "doxygen.h" #include "namespacedef.h" #include "config.h" #include "defargs.h" static std::mutex g_cacheMutex; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Helper class representing the stack of items considered while resolving * the scope. */ class AccessStack { /** Element in the stack. */ struct AccessElem { AccessElem(const Definition *d,const FileDef *f,const Definition *i,QCString e = QCString()) : scope(d), fileScope(f), item(i), expScope(e) {} const Definition *scope; const FileDef *fileScope; const Definition *item; QCString expScope; }; public: void push(const Definition *scope,const FileDef *fileScope,const Definition *item) { m_elements.push_back(AccessElem(scope,fileScope,item)); } void push(const Definition *scope,const FileDef *fileScope,const Definition *item,const QCString &expScope) { m_elements.push_back(AccessElem(scope,fileScope,item,expScope)); } void pop() { if (!m_elements.empty()) m_elements.pop_back(); } bool find(const Definition *scope,const FileDef *fileScope, const Definition *item) { auto it = std::find_if(m_elements.begin(),m_elements.end(), [&](const AccessElem &e) { return e.scope==scope && e.fileScope==fileScope && e.item==item; }); return it!=m_elements.end(); } bool find(const Definition *scope,const FileDef *fileScope, const Definition *item,const QCString &expScope) { auto it = std::find_if(m_elements.begin(),m_elements.end(), [&](const AccessElem &e) { return e.scope==scope && e.fileScope==fileScope && e.item==item && e.expScope==expScope; }); return it!=m_elements.end(); } void clear() { m_elements.clear(); } private: std::vector m_elements; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- using VisitedNamespaces = std::unordered_map; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct SymbolResolver::Private { public: Private(const FileDef *f) : m_fileScope(f) {} void reset() { m_resolvedTypedefs.clear(); resolvedType.resize(0); typeDef = 0; templateSpec.resize(0); } void setFileScope(const FileDef *fileScope) { m_fileScope = fileScope; } QCString resolvedType; const MemberDef *typeDef = 0; QCString templateSpec; const ClassDef *getResolvedClassRec( const Definition *scope, // in const char *n, // in const MemberDef **pTypeDef, // out QCString *pTemplSpec, // out QCString *pResolvedType); // out int isAccessibleFrom( AccessStack &accessStack, const Definition *scope, const Definition *item); int isAccessibleFromWithExpScope( VisitedNamespaces &visitedNamespaces, AccessStack &accessStack, const Definition *scope, const Definition *item, const QCString &explicitScopePart); private: void getResolvedSymbol(const Definition *scope, // in const Definition *d, // in const QCString &explicitScopePart, // in const std::unique_ptr &actTemplParams, // in int &minDistance, // input const ClassDef *&bestMatch, // out const MemberDef *&bestTypedef, // out QCString &bestTemplSpec, // out QCString &bestResolvedType // out ); const ClassDef *newResolveTypedef( const Definition *scope, // in const MemberDef *md, // in const MemberDef **pMemType, // out QCString *pTemplSpec, // out QCString *pResolvedType, // out const std::unique_ptr &actTemplParams = std::unique_ptr() ); const Definition *followPath(const Definition *start,const QCString &path); const Definition *endOfPathIsUsedClass(LinkedRefMap cl,const QCString &localName); bool accessibleViaUsingNamespace(StringUnorderedSet &visited, const LinkedRefMap &nl, const Definition *item, const QCString &explicitScopePart=""); bool accessibleViaUsingClass(const LinkedRefMap &cl, const Definition *item, const QCString &explicitScopePart="" ); QCString substTypedef(const Definition *scope,const QCString &name, const MemberDef **pTypeDef=0); const FileDef *m_fileScope; std::unordered_map m_resolvedTypedefs; }; const ClassDef *SymbolResolver::Private::getResolvedClassRec( const Definition *scope, const char *n, const MemberDef **pTypeDef, QCString *pTemplSpec, QCString *pResolvedType) { if (n==0 || *n=='\0') return 0; //static int level=0; //fprintf(stderr,"%d [getResolvedClassRec(%s,%s)\n",level++,scope?scope->name().data():"",n); QCString name; QCString explicitScopePart; QCString strippedTemplateParams; name=stripTemplateSpecifiersFromScope (removeRedundantWhiteSpace(n),TRUE, &strippedTemplateParams); std::unique_ptr actTemplParams; if (!strippedTemplateParams.isEmpty()) // template part that was stripped { actTemplParams = stringToArgumentList(scope->getLanguage(),strippedTemplateParams); } int qualifierIndex = computeQualifiedIndex(name); //printf("name=%s qualifierIndex=%d\n",name.data(),qualifierIndex); if (qualifierIndex!=-1) // qualified name { // split off the explicit scope part explicitScopePart=name.left(qualifierIndex); // todo: improve namespace alias substitution replaceNamespaceAliases(explicitScopePart,explicitScopePart.length()); name=name.mid(qualifierIndex+2); } if (name.isEmpty()) { //fprintf(stderr,"%d ] empty name\n",--level); return 0; // empty name } //printf("Looking for symbol %s\n",name.data()); auto range = Doxygen::symbolMap.find(name); // the -g (for C# generics) and -p (for ObjC protocols) are now already // stripped from the key used in the symbolMap, so that is not needed here. if (range.first==range.second) { range = Doxygen::symbolMap.find(name+"-p"); if (range.first==range.second) { //fprintf(stderr,"%d ] no such symbol!\n",--level); return 0; } } //printf("found symbol!\n"); bool hasUsingStatements = (m_fileScope && (!m_fileScope->getUsedNamespaces().empty() || !m_fileScope->getUsedClasses().empty()) ); //printf("hasUsingStatements=%d\n",hasUsingStatements); // Since it is often the case that the same name is searched in the same // scope over an over again (especially for the linked source code generation) // we use a cache to collect previous results. This is possible since the // result of a lookup is deterministic. As the key we use the concatenated // scope, the name to search for and the explicit scope prefix. The speedup // achieved by this simple cache can be enormous. int scopeNameLen = scope->name().length()+1; int nameLen = name.length()+1; int explicitPartLen = explicitScopePart.length(); int fileScopeLen = hasUsingStatements ? 1+m_fileScope->absFilePath().length() : 0; // below is a more efficient coding of // QCString key=scope->name()+"+"+name+"+"+explicitScopePart; QCString key(scopeNameLen+nameLen+explicitPartLen+fileScopeLen+1); char *pk=key.rawData(); qstrcpy(pk,scope->name()); *(pk+scopeNameLen-1)='+'; pk+=scopeNameLen; qstrcpy(pk,name); *(pk+nameLen-1)='+'; pk+=nameLen; qstrcpy(pk,explicitScopePart); pk+=explicitPartLen; // if a file scope is given and it contains using statements we should // also use the file part in the key (as a class name can be in // two different namespaces and a using statement in a file can select // one of them). if (hasUsingStatements) { // below is a more efficient coding of // key+="+"+m_fileScope->name(); *pk++='+'; qstrcpy(pk,m_fileScope->absFilePath()); pk+=fileScopeLen-1; } *pk='\0'; LookupInfo *pval = 0; { std::lock_guard lock(g_cacheMutex); pval=Doxygen::lookupCache->find(key.str()); //printf("Searching for %s result=%p\n",key.data(),pval); if (pval) { //printf("LookupInfo %p %p '%s' %p\n", // pval->classDef, pval->typeDef, pval->templSpec.data(), // pval->resolvedType.data()); if (pTemplSpec) *pTemplSpec=pval->templSpec; if (pTypeDef) *pTypeDef=pval->typeDef; if (pResolvedType) *pResolvedType=pval->resolvedType; //fprintf(stderr,"%d ] cachedMatch=%s\n",--level, // pval->classDef?pval->classDef->name().data():""); //if (pTemplSpec) // printf("templSpec=%s\n",pTemplSpec->data()); return pval->classDef; } else // not found yet; we already add a 0 to avoid the possibility of // endless recursion. { pval = Doxygen::lookupCache->insert(key.str(),LookupInfo()); } } const ClassDef *bestMatch=0; const MemberDef *bestTypedef=0; QCString bestTemplSpec; QCString bestResolvedType; int minDistance=10000; // init at "infinite" for (auto it=range.first ; it!=range.second; ++it) { Definition *d = it->second; getResolvedSymbol(scope,d,explicitScopePart,actTemplParams, minDistance,bestMatch,bestTypedef,bestTemplSpec,bestResolvedType); } if (pTypeDef) { *pTypeDef = bestTypedef; } if (pTemplSpec) { *pTemplSpec = bestTemplSpec; } if (pResolvedType) { *pResolvedType = bestResolvedType; } //printf("getResolvedClassRec: bestMatch=%p pval->resolvedType=%s\n", // bestMatch,bestResolvedType.data()); if (pval) { std::lock_guard lock(g_cacheMutex); pval->classDef = bestMatch; pval->typeDef = bestTypedef; pval->templSpec = bestTemplSpec; pval->resolvedType = bestResolvedType; } //fprintf(stderr,"%d ] bestMatch=%s distance=%d\n",--level, // bestMatch?bestMatch->name().data():"",minDistance); //if (pTemplSpec) // printf("templSpec=%s\n",pTemplSpec->data()); return bestMatch; } void SymbolResolver::Private::getResolvedSymbol( const Definition *scope, // in const Definition *d, // in const QCString &explicitScopePart, // in const std::unique_ptr &actTemplParams, // in int &minDistance, // inout const ClassDef *&bestMatch, // out const MemberDef *&bestTypedef, // out QCString &bestTemplSpec, // out QCString &bestResolvedType // out ) { //fprintf(stderr,"getResolvedSymbol(%s,%s)\n",scope->name().data(),d->qualifiedName().data()); // only look at classes and members that are enums or typedefs if (d->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass || (d->definitionType()==Definition::TypeMember && ((dynamic_cast(d))->isTypedef() || (dynamic_cast(d))->isEnumerate()) ) ) { VisitedNamespaces visitedNamespaces; AccessStack accessStack; // test accessibility of definition within scope. int distance = isAccessibleFromWithExpScope(visitedNamespaces,accessStack,scope,d,explicitScopePart); //fprintf(stderr," %s; distance %s (%p) is %d\n",scope->name().data(),d->name().data(),d,distance); if (distance!=-1) // definition is accessible { // see if we are dealing with a class or a typedef if (d->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass) // d is a class { const ClassDef *cd = dynamic_cast(d); //printf("cd=%s\n",cd->name().data()); if (!cd->isTemplateArgument()) // skip classes that // are only there to // represent a template // argument { //printf("is not a templ arg\n"); if (distancequalifiedName(); } else if (distance==minDistance && m_fileScope && bestMatch && !m_fileScope->getUsedNamespaces().empty() && d->getOuterScope()->definitionType()==Definition::TypeNamespace && bestMatch->getOuterScope()==Doxygen::globalScope ) { // in case the distance is equal it could be that a class X // is defined in a namespace and in the global scope. When searched // in the global scope the distance is 0 in both cases. We have // to choose one of the definitions: we choose the one in the // namespace if the fileScope imports namespaces and the definition // found was in a namespace while the best match so far isn't. // Just a non-perfect heuristic but it could help in some situations // (kdecore code is an example). minDistance=distance; bestMatch = cd; bestTypedef = 0; bestTemplSpec.resize(0); bestResolvedType = cd->qualifiedName(); } } else { //printf(" is a template argument!\n"); } } else if (d->definitionType()==Definition::TypeMember) { const MemberDef *md = dynamic_cast(d); //fprintf(stderr," member isTypedef()=%d\n",md->isTypedef()); if (md->isTypedef()) // d is a typedef { QCString args=md->argsString(); if (args.isEmpty()) // do not expand "typedef t a[4];" { //printf(" found typedef!\n"); // we found a symbol at this distance, but if it didn't // resolve to a class, we still have to make sure that // something at a greater distance does not match, since // that symbol is hidden by this one. if (distancequalifiedName(); } else if (md->isReference()) // external reference { bestMatch = 0; bestTypedef = md; bestTemplSpec = spec; bestResolvedType = type; } else { bestMatch = 0; bestTypedef = md; bestTemplSpec.resize(0); bestResolvedType.resize(0); //printf(" no match\n"); } } else { //printf(" not the best match %d min=%d\n",distance,minDistance); } } else { //printf(" not a simple typedef\n") } } else if (md->isEnumerate()) { if (distancequalifiedName(); } } } } // if definition accessible else { //printf(" Not accessible!\n"); } } // if definition is a class or member //printf(" bestMatch=%p bestResolvedType=%s\n",bestMatch,bestResolvedType.data()); } const ClassDef *SymbolResolver::Private::newResolveTypedef( const Definition *scope, // in const MemberDef *md, // in const MemberDef **pMemType, // out QCString *pTemplSpec, // out QCString *pResolvedType, // out const std::unique_ptr &actTemplParams) // in { //printf("newResolveTypedef(md=%p,cachedVal=%p)\n",md,md->getCachedTypedefVal()); bool isCached = md->isTypedefValCached(); // value already cached if (isCached) { //printf("Already cached %s->%s [%s]\n", // md->name().data(), // md->getCachedTypedefVal()?md->getCachedTypedefVal()->name().data():"", // md->getCachedResolvedTypedef()?md->getCachedResolvedTypedef().data():""); if (pTemplSpec) *pTemplSpec = md->getCachedTypedefTemplSpec(); if (pResolvedType) *pResolvedType = md->getCachedResolvedTypedef(); return md->getCachedTypedefVal(); } //printf("new typedef\n"); QCString qname = md->qualifiedName(); if (m_resolvedTypedefs.find(qname.str())!=m_resolvedTypedefs.end()) { return 0; // typedef already done } auto typedef_it = m_resolvedTypedefs.insert({qname.str(),md}).first; // put on the trace list const ClassDef *typeClass = md->getClassDef(); QCString type = md->typeString(); // get the "value" of the typedef if (typeClass && typeClass->isTemplate() && actTemplParams && !actTemplParams->empty()) { type = substituteTemplateArgumentsInString(type, typeClass->templateArguments(),actTemplParams); } QCString typedefValue = type; int tl=type.length(); int ip=tl-1; // remove * and & at the end while (ip>=0 && (type.at(ip)=='*' || type.at(ip)=='&' || type.at(ip)==' ')) { ip--; } type=type.left(ip+1); type.stripPrefix("const "); // strip leading "const" type.stripPrefix("struct "); // strip leading "struct" type.stripPrefix("union "); // strip leading "union" int sp=0; tl=type.length(); // length may have been changed while (spgetOuterScope(),type, &memTypeDef,0,pResolvedType); // if type is a typedef then return what it resolves to. if (memTypeDef && memTypeDef->isTypedef()) { result=newResolveTypedef(m_fileScope,memTypeDef,pMemType,pTemplSpec,0); goto done; } else if (memTypeDef && memTypeDef->isEnumerate() && pMemType) { *pMemType = memTypeDef; } //printf("type=%s result=%p\n",type.data(),result); if (result==0) { // try unspecialized version if type is template int si=type.findRev("::"); int i=type.find('<'); if (si==-1 && i!=-1) // typedef of a template => try the unspecialized version { if (pTemplSpec) *pTemplSpec = type.mid(i); result = getResolvedClassRec(md->getOuterScope(),type.left(i),0,0,pResolvedType); //printf("result=%p pRresolvedType=%s sp=%d ip=%d tl=%d\n", // result,pResolvedType?pResolvedType->data():"",sp,ip,tl); } else if (si!=-1) // A::B { i=type.find('<',si); if (i==-1) // Something like A::B => lookup A::B { i=type.length(); } else // Something like A::B => lookup A::B, spec= { if (pTemplSpec) *pTemplSpec = type.mid(i); } result = getResolvedClassRec(md->getOuterScope(), stripTemplateSpecifiersFromScope(type.left(i),FALSE),0,0,pResolvedType); } //if (result) ip=si+sp+1; } done: if (pResolvedType) { if (result) { *pResolvedType = result->qualifiedName(); //printf("*pResolvedType=%s\n",pResolvedType->data()); if (sp>0) pResolvedType->prepend(typedefValue.left(sp)); if (ipappend(typedefValue.right(tl-ip-1)); } else { *pResolvedType = typedefValue; } } // remember computed value for next time if (result && result->getDefFileName()!="") // this check is needed to prevent that temporary classes that are // introduced while parsing code fragments are being cached here. { //printf("setting cached typedef %p in result %p\n",md,result); //printf("==> %s (%s,%d)\n",result->name().data(),result->getDefFileName().data(),result->getDefLine()); //printf("*pResolvedType=%s\n",pResolvedType?pResolvedType->data():""); const_cast(md)->cacheTypedefVal(result, pTemplSpec ? *pTemplSpec : QCString(), pResolvedType ? *pResolvedType : QCString() ); } m_resolvedTypedefs.erase(typedef_it); // remove from the trace list return result; } int SymbolResolver::Private::isAccessibleFromWithExpScope( VisitedNamespaces &visitedNamespaces, AccessStack &accessStack, const Definition *scope, const Definition *item, const QCString &explicitScopePart) { if (explicitScopePart.isEmpty()) { // handle degenerate case where there is no explicit scope. return isAccessibleFrom(accessStack,scope,item); } if (accessStack.find(scope,m_fileScope,item,explicitScopePart)) { return -1; } accessStack.push(scope,m_fileScope,item,explicitScopePart); //printf(" name().data():"", // item?item->name().data():"", // explicitScopePart.data()); int result=0; // assume we found it const Definition *newScope = followPath(scope,explicitScopePart); if (newScope) // explicitScope is inside scope => newScope is the result { Definition *itemScope = item->getOuterScope(); //printf(" scope traversal successful %s<->%s!\n",itemScope->name().data(),newScope->name().data()); //if (newScope && newScope->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass) //{ // ClassDef *cd = (ClassDef *)newScope; // printf("---> Class %s: bases=%p\n",cd->name().data(),cd->baseClasses()); //} if (itemScope==newScope) // exact match of scopes => distance==0 { //printf("> found it\n"); } else if (itemScope && newScope && itemScope->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass && newScope->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass && (dynamic_cast(newScope))->isBaseClass(dynamic_cast(itemScope),TRUE,0) ) { // inheritance is also ok. Example: looking for B::I, where // class A { public: class I {} }; // class B : public A {} // but looking for B::I, where // class A { public: class I {} }; // class B { public: class I {} }; // will find A::I, so we still prefer a direct match and give this one a distance of 1 result=1; //printf("scope(%s) is base class of newScope(%s)\n", // scope->name().data(),newScope->name().data()); } else { int i=-1; if (newScope->definitionType()==Definition::TypeNamespace) { visitedNamespaces.insert({newScope->name().str(),newScope}); // this part deals with the case where item is a class // A::B::C but is explicit referenced as A::C, where B is imported // in A via a using directive. //printf("newScope is a namespace: %s!\n",newScope->name().data()); const NamespaceDef *nscope = dynamic_cast(newScope); for (const auto &cd : nscope->getUsedClasses()) { //printf("Trying for class %s\n",cd->name().data()); if (cd==item) { goto done; } } for (const auto &nd : nscope->getUsedNamespaces()) { if (visitedNamespaces.find(nd->name().str())==visitedNamespaces.end()) { //printf("Trying for namespace %s\n",nd->name().data()); i = isAccessibleFromWithExpScope(visitedNamespaces,accessStack,scope,item,nd->name()); if (i!=-1) { //printf("> found via explicit scope of used namespace\n"); goto done; } } } } // repeat for the parent scope if (scope!=Doxygen::globalScope) { i = isAccessibleFromWithExpScope(visitedNamespaces,accessStack,scope->getOuterScope(),item,explicitScopePart); } //printf(" | result=%d\n",i); result = (i==-1) ? -1 : i+2; } } else // failed to resolve explicitScope { //printf(" failed to resolve: scope=%s\n",scope->name().data()); if (scope->definitionType()==Definition::TypeNamespace) { const NamespaceDef *nscope = dynamic_cast(scope); StringUnorderedSet visited; if (accessibleViaUsingNamespace(visited,nscope->getUsedNamespaces(),item,explicitScopePart)) { //printf("> found in used namespace\n"); goto done; } } if (scope==Doxygen::globalScope) { if (m_fileScope) { StringUnorderedSet visited; if (accessibleViaUsingNamespace(visited,m_fileScope->getUsedNamespaces(),item,explicitScopePart)) { //printf("> found in used namespace\n"); goto done; } } //printf("> not found\n"); result=-1; } else // continue by looking into the parent scope { int i=isAccessibleFromWithExpScope(visitedNamespaces,accessStack,scope->getOuterScope(),item,explicitScopePart); //printf("> result=%d\n",i); result= (i==-1) ? -1 : i+2; } } done: //printf(" > result=%d\n",result); accessStack.pop(); return result; } const Definition *SymbolResolver::Private::followPath(const Definition *start,const QCString &path) { int is,ps; int l; const Definition *current=start; ps=0; //printf("followPath: start='%s' path='%s'\n",start?start->name().data():"",path.data()); // for each part of the explicit scope while ((is=getScopeFragment(path,ps,&l))!=-1) { // try to resolve the part if it is a typedef const MemberDef *memTypeDef=0; QCString qualScopePart = substTypedef(current,path.mid(is,l),&memTypeDef); //printf(" qualScopePart=%s\n",qualScopePart.data()); if (memTypeDef) { const ClassDef *type = newResolveTypedef(m_fileScope,memTypeDef,0,0,0); if (type) { //printf("Found type %s\n",type->name().data()); return type; } } const Definition *next = current->findInnerCompound(qualScopePart); //printf("++ Looking for %s inside %s result %s\n", // qualScopePart.data(), // current->name().data(), // next?next->name().data():""); if (next==0) // failed to follow the path { //printf("==> next==0!\n"); if (current->definitionType()==Definition::TypeNamespace) { next = endOfPathIsUsedClass( (dynamic_cast(current))->getUsedClasses(),qualScopePart); } else if (current->definitionType()==Definition::TypeFile) { next = endOfPathIsUsedClass( (dynamic_cast(current))->getUsedClasses(),qualScopePart); } current = next; if (current==0) break; } else // continue to follow scope { current = next; //printf("==> current = %p\n",current); } ps=is+l; } //printf("followPath(start=%s,path=%s) result=%s\n", // start->name().data(),path.data(),current?current->name().data():""); return current; // path could be followed } const Definition *SymbolResolver::Private::endOfPathIsUsedClass(LinkedRefMap cl,const QCString &localName) { for (const auto &cd : cl) { if (cd->localName()==localName) { return cd; } } return 0; } bool SymbolResolver::Private::accessibleViaUsingNamespace(StringUnorderedSet &visited, const LinkedRefMap &nl, const Definition *item, const QCString &explicitScopePart) { for (const auto &und : nl) // check used namespaces for the class { //printf("[Trying via used namespace %s: count=%d/%d\n",und->name().data(), // count,nl->count()); const Definition *sc = explicitScopePart.isEmpty() ? und : followPath(und,explicitScopePart); if (sc && item->getOuterScope()==sc) { //printf("] found it\n"); return true; } if (item->getLanguage()==SrcLangExt_Cpp) { QCString key=und->name(); if (!und->getUsedNamespaces().empty() && visited.find(key.str())==visited.end()) { visited.insert(key.str()); if (accessibleViaUsingNamespace(visited,und->getUsedNamespaces(),item,explicitScopePart)) { //printf("] found it via recursion\n"); return true; } visited.erase(key.str()); } } //printf("] Try via used namespace done\n"); } return false; } bool SymbolResolver::Private::accessibleViaUsingClass(const LinkedRefMap &cl, const Definition *item, const QCString &explicitScopePart) { for (const auto &ucd : cl) { //printf("Trying via used class %s\n",ucd->name().data()); const Definition *sc = explicitScopePart.isEmpty() ? ucd : followPath(ucd,explicitScopePart); if (sc && sc==item) return true; //printf("Try via used class done\n"); } return false; } int SymbolResolver::Private::isAccessibleFrom(AccessStack &accessStack, const Definition *scope, const Definition *item) { //printf("name().data(),item->name().data(),item->getOuterScope()->name().data()); if (accessStack.find(scope,m_fileScope,item)) { return -1; } accessStack.push(scope,m_fileScope,item); int result=0; // assume we found it int i; Definition *itemScope=item->getOuterScope(); bool memberAccessibleFromScope = (item->definitionType()==Definition::TypeMember && // a member itemScope && itemScope->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass && // of a class scope->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass && // accessible (dynamic_cast(scope))->isAccessibleMember(dynamic_cast(item)) // from scope ); bool nestedClassInsideBaseClass = (item->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass && // a nested class itemScope && itemScope->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass && // inside a base scope->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass && // class of scope (dynamic_cast(scope))->isBaseClass(dynamic_cast(itemScope),TRUE) ); if (itemScope==scope || memberAccessibleFromScope || nestedClassInsideBaseClass) { //printf("> found it\n"); if (nestedClassInsideBaseClass) result++; // penalty for base class to prevent // this is preferred over nested class in this class // see bug 686956 } else if (scope==Doxygen::globalScope) { if (m_fileScope) { if (accessibleViaUsingClass(m_fileScope->getUsedClasses(),item)) { //printf("> found via used class\n"); goto done; } StringUnorderedSet visited; if (accessibleViaUsingNamespace(visited,m_fileScope->getUsedNamespaces(),item)) { //printf("> found via used namespace\n"); goto done; } } //printf("> reached global scope\n"); result=-1; // not found in path to globalScope } else // keep searching { // check if scope is a namespace, which is using other classes and namespaces if (scope->definitionType()==Definition::TypeNamespace) { const NamespaceDef *nscope = dynamic_cast(scope); //printf(" %s is namespace with %d used classes\n",nscope->name().data(),nscope->getUsedClasses()); if (accessibleViaUsingClass(nscope->getUsedClasses(),item)) { //printf("> found via used class\n"); goto done; } StringUnorderedSet visited; if (accessibleViaUsingNamespace(visited,nscope->getUsedNamespaces(),item)) { //printf("> found via used namespace\n"); goto done; } } // repeat for the parent scope i=isAccessibleFrom(accessStack,scope->getOuterScope(),item); //printf("> result=%d\n",i); result= (i==-1) ? -1 : i+2; } done: accessStack.pop(); return result; } QCString SymbolResolver::Private::substTypedef( const Definition *scope,const QCString &name, const MemberDef **pTypeDef) { QCString result=name; if (name.isEmpty()) return result; auto range = Doxygen::symbolMap.find(name); if (range.first==range.second) return result; // no matches MemberDef *bestMatch=0; int minDistance=10000; // init at "infinite" for (auto it = range.first; it!=range.second; ++it) { Definition *d = it->second; // only look at members if (d->definitionType()==Definition::TypeMember) { // that are also typedefs MemberDef *md = dynamic_cast(d); if (md->isTypedef()) // d is a typedef { VisitedNamespaces visitedNamespaces; AccessStack accessStack; // test accessibility of typedef within scope. int distance = isAccessibleFromWithExpScope(visitedNamespaces,accessStack,scope,d,""); if (distance!=-1 && distancetypeString(); if (pTypeDef) *pTypeDef=bestMatch; } //printf("substTypedef(%s,%s)=%s\n",scope?scope->name().data():"", // name.data(),result.data()); return result; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SymbolResolver::SymbolResolver(const FileDef *fileScope) : p(std::make_unique(fileScope)) { } SymbolResolver::~SymbolResolver() { } const ClassDef *SymbolResolver::resolveClass(const Definition *scope, const char *name, bool mayBeUnlinkable, bool mayBeHidden) { p->reset(); if (scope==0 || (scope->definitionType()!=Definition::TypeClass && scope->definitionType()!=Definition::TypeNamespace ) || (scope->getLanguage()==SrcLangExt_Java && QCString(name).find("::")!=-1) ) { scope=Doxygen::globalScope; } //fprintf(stderr,"------------ resolveClass(scope=%s,name=%s,mayUnlinkable=%d)\n", // scope?scope->name().data():"", // name, // mayBeUnlinkable // ); const ClassDef *result; if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL)) { result = getClass(name); } else { result = p->getResolvedClassRec(scope,name,&p->typeDef,&p->templateSpec,&p->resolvedType); if (result==0) // for nested classes imported via tag files, the scope may not // present, so we check the class name directly as well. // See also bug701314 { result = getClass(name); } } if (!mayBeUnlinkable && result && !result->isLinkable()) { if (!mayBeHidden || !result->isHidden()) { //printf("result was %s\n",result?result->name().data():""); result=0; // don't link to artificial/hidden classes unless explicitly allowed } } //fprintf(stderr,"ResolvedClass(%s,%s)=%s\n",scope?scope->name().data():"", // name,result?result->name().data():""); return result; } int SymbolResolver::isAccessibleFrom(const Definition *scope,const Definition *item) { p->reset(); AccessStack accessStack; return p->isAccessibleFrom(accessStack,scope,item); } int SymbolResolver::isAccessibleFromWithExpScope(const Definition *scope,const Definition *item, const QCString &explicitScopePart) { p->reset(); VisitedNamespaces visitedNamespaces; AccessStack accessStack; return p->isAccessibleFromWithExpScope(visitedNamespaces,accessStack,scope,item,explicitScopePart); } void SymbolResolver::setFileScope(const FileDef *fileScope) { p->setFileScope(fileScope); } const MemberDef *SymbolResolver::getTypedef() const { return p->typeDef; } QCString SymbolResolver::getTemplateSpec() const { return p->templateSpec; } QCString SymbolResolver::getResolvedType() const { return p->resolvedType; }