/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 1997-2014 by Dimitri van Heesch. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license. * */ /* Translation from English to Lithanian by Tomas Simonaitis, Mindaugas Radzius and Aidas Berukstis * (haden@homelan.lt/mindaugasradzius@takas.lt/aidasber@takas.lt) * We tried to keep meaning close to original, * if you have any suggestions drop us an email * ------------------------------------------- * Project start :13.May.2k4 * Last Doxygen version covered : 1.4.3 * * Revisions: * Updated to 1.3.9 25.Oct.2k4 * */ #ifndef TRANSLATOR_LT_H #define TRANSLATOR_LT_H class TranslatorLithuanian : public TranslatorAdapter_1_4_6 { public: // --- Language control methods ------------------- /*! Used for identification of the language. The identification * should not be translated. It should be replaced by the name * of the language in English using lower-case characters only * (e.g. "czech", "japanese", "russian", etc.). It should be equal to * the identification used in language.cpp. */ virtual QCString idLanguage() { return "lithuanian"; } /*! Used to get the LaTeX command(s) for the language support. * This method should return string with commands that switch * LaTeX to the desired language. For example * <pre>"\\usepackage[german]{babel}\n" * </pre> * or * <pre>"\\usepackage{polski}\n" * "\\usepackage[latin2]{inputenc}\n" * "\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}\n" * </pre> * * The English LaTeX does not use such commands. Because of this * the empty string is returned in this implementation. */ virtual QCString latexLanguageSupportCommand() { return "\\usepackage[T2A]{fontenc}\n" "\\usepackage[lithuanian]{babel}\n"; } // --- Language translation methods ------------------- /*! used in the compound documentation before a list of related functions. */ virtual QCString trRelatedFunctions() { return "Susiję Funkcijos"; } /*! subscript for the related functions. */ virtual QCString trRelatedSubscript() { return "Atkreipkite dėmesį, čią ne metodai"; } /*! header that is put before the detailed description of files, classes and namespaces. */ virtual QCString trDetailedDescription() { return "Smulkus aprašymas"; } /*! header that is put before the list of typedefs. */ virtual QCString trMemberTypedefDocumentation() { return "Tipo Aprašymo Dokumentacija"; } /*! header that is put before the list of enumerations. */ virtual QCString trMemberEnumerationDocumentation() { return "Išvardinimo Dokumentacija"; } /*! header that is put before the list of member functions. */ virtual QCString trMemberFunctionDocumentation() { return "Metodų Dokumentacija"; } /*! header that is put before the list of member attributes. */ virtual QCString trMemberDataDocumentation() { if (Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C")) { return "Lauko aprašymas"; } else { return "Atributų Dokumentacija"; } } /*! this is the text of a link put after brief descriptions. */ virtual QCString trMore() { return "Daugiau..."; } /*! put in the class documentation */ virtual QCString trListOfAllMembers() { return "Visų narių sąrašas"; } /*! used as the title of the "list of all members" page of a class */ virtual QCString trMemberList() { return "Narių sąrašas"; } /*! this is the first part of a sentence that is followed by a class name */ virtual QCString trThisIsTheListOfAllMembers() { return "Tai galutinis narių sąrašas "; } /*! this is the remainder of the sentence after the class name */ virtual QCString trIncludingInheritedMembers() { return ", įtraukiant visus paveldėtus narius."; } /*! this is put at the author sections at the bottom of man pages. * parameter s is name of the project name. */ virtual QCString trGeneratedAutomatically(const char *s) { QCString result="Automatiškai sugeneruota Doxygen įrankiu"; if (s) result+=(QCString)" "+s; result+=" iš programos kodo."; return result; } /*! put after an enum name in the list of all members */ virtual QCString trEnumName() { return "išvardinimo vardas"; } /*! put after an enum value in the list of all members */ virtual QCString trEnumValue() { return "išvardinimo reikšmė"; } /*! put after an undocumented member in the list of all members */ virtual QCString trDefinedIn() { return "apibrėžta"; } // quick reference sections /*! This is put above each page as a link to the list of all groups of * compounds or files (see the \\group command). */ virtual QCString trModules() { return "Moduliai"; } /*! This is put above each page as a link to the class hierarchy */ virtual QCString trClassHierarchy() { return "Klasių hierarchija"; } /*! This is put above each page as a link to the list of annotated classes */ virtual QCString trCompoundList() { if (Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C")) { return "Duomenų Struktūros"; } else { return "Klasės"; } } /*! This is put above each page as a link to the list of documented files */ virtual QCString trFileList() { return "Failai"; } /*! This is put above each page as a link to all members of compounds. */ virtual QCString trCompoundMembers() { if (Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C")) { return "Duomenų Laukai"; } else { return "Klasių Nariai"; } } /*! This is put above each page as a link to all members of files. */ virtual QCString trFileMembers() { if (Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C")) { return "Globalūs Nariai"; } else { return "Failų Nariai"; } } /*! This is put above each page as a link to all related pages. */ virtual QCString trRelatedPages() { return "Susiję Puslapiai"; } /*! This is put above each page as a link to all examples. */ virtual QCString trExamples() { return "Pavyzdžiai"; } /*! This is put above each page as a link to the search engine. */ virtual QCString trSearch() { return "Paieška"; } /*! This is an introduction to the class hierarchy. */ virtual QCString trClassHierarchyDescription() { return "Šis paveldėjimo sąrašas yra beveik surikiuotas " "abėcėlės tvarka:"; } /*! This is an introduction to the list with all files. */ virtual QCString trFileListDescription(bool extractAll) { QCString result="Visų "; if (!extractAll) result+="dokumentuotų "; result+="failų sąrašas su trumpais aprašymais:"; return result; } /*! This is an introduction to the annotated compound list. */ virtual QCString trCompoundListDescription() { if (Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C")) { return "Duomenų struktūros su trumpais aprašymais:"; } else { return "Klasės, struktūros, " "sąjungos ir sąsajos su trumpais aprašymais:"; } } /*! This is an introduction to the page with all class members. */ virtual QCString trCompoundMembersDescription(bool extractAll) { QCString result="Visų "; if (!extractAll) { result+="dokumentuotų "; } if (Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C")) { result+="struktūrų ir sąjungų laukų sąrašas"; } else { result+="klasių nariai"; } result+=" su ryšiais į "; if (!extractAll) { if (Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C")) { result+="struktūrų/sąjungų kiekvieno lauko dokumentaciją:"; } else { result+="klasės dokumentacija kiekvienam nariui:"; } } else { if (Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C")) { result+="struktūros/sąjungos, kurios priklauso:"; } else { result+="klasės, kurios priklauso:"; } } return result; } /*! This is an introduction to the page with all file members. */ virtual QCString trFileMembersDescription(bool extractAll) { QCString result="Sąrašas visų "; if (!extractAll) result+="dokumentuotų "; if (Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C")) { result+="funkcijų, kintamųjų, apibrėžimų, išvardinimų, ir tipų apibrėžimų"; } else { result+="globalių narių"; } result+=" su ryšiais į "; if (extractAll) result+="failus, kuriems jie priklauso:"; else result+="dokumentacija:"; return result; } /*! This is an introduction to the page with the list of all examples */ virtual QCString trExamplesDescription() { return "Visų pavyzdžių sąrašas:"; } /*! This is an introduction to the page with the list of related pages */ virtual QCString trRelatedPagesDescription() { return "Visų susijusių dokumentacijos puslapių sąrašas:"; } /*! This is an introduction to the page with the list of class/file groups */ virtual QCString trModulesDescription() { return "Visų modulių sąrašas:"; } // index titles (the project name is prepended for these) /*! This is used in HTML as the title of index.html. */ virtual QCString trDocumentation() { return "Dokumentacija"; } /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the * index of all groups. */ virtual QCString trModuleIndex() { return "Modulio Indeksas"; } /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the * class hierarchy. */ virtual QCString trHierarchicalIndex() { return "Hierarchijos Indeksas"; } /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the * annotated compound index. */ virtual QCString trCompoundIndex() { if (Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C")) { return "Duomenų Struktūros Indeksas"; } else { return "Klasės Indeksas"; } } /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the * list of all files. */ virtual QCString trFileIndex() { return "Failo Indeksas"; } /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing * the documentation of all groups. */ virtual QCString trModuleDocumentation() { return "Modulio Dokumentacija"; } /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing * the documentation of all classes, structs and unions. */ virtual QCString trClassDocumentation() { if (Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C")) { return "Duomenų Struktūros Dokumentacija"; } else { return "Klasės Dokumentacija"; } } /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing * the documentation of all files. */ virtual QCString trFileDocumentation() { return "Failo Dokumentacija"; } /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing * the documentation of all examples. */ virtual QCString trExampleDocumentation() { return "Pavyzdžio Dokumentacija"; } /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing * the documentation of all related pages. */ virtual QCString trPageDocumentation() { return "Puslapio Dokumentacija"; } /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the document */ virtual QCString trReferenceManual() { return "Informacinis Vadovas"; } /*! This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the * list of defines */ virtual QCString trDefines() { return "Apibrėžimai"; } /*! This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the * list of typedefs */ virtual QCString trTypedefs() { return "Tipų apibrėžimai"; } /*! This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the * list of enumerations */ virtual QCString trEnumerations() { return "Išvardinimai"; } /*! This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the * list of (global) functions */ virtual QCString trFunctions() { return "Funkcijos"; } /*! This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the * list of (global) variables */ virtual QCString trVariables() { return "Kintamieji"; } /*! This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the * list of (global) variables */ virtual QCString trEnumerationValues() { return "Išvardinimų reikšmės"; } /*! This is used in the documentation of a file before the list of * documentation blocks for defines */ virtual QCString trDefineDocumentation() { return "Apibrėžimų Dokumentacija"; } /*! This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list * of documentation blocks for typedefs */ virtual QCString trTypedefDocumentation() { return "Tipų apibrėžimų Dokumentacija"; } /*! This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list * of documentation blocks for enumeration types */ virtual QCString trEnumerationTypeDocumentation() { return "Išvardinimo Tipo Dokumentacija"; } /*! This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list * of documentation blocks for functions */ virtual QCString trFunctionDocumentation() { return "Funkcijos Dokumentacija"; } /*! This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list * of documentation blocks for variables */ virtual QCString trVariableDocumentation() { return "Kintamojo Dokumentacija"; } /*! This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace/group before * the list of links to documented compounds */ virtual QCString trCompounds() { if (Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C")) { return "Duomenų struktųros"; } else { return "Klasės"; } } /*! This is used in the standard footer of each page and indicates when * the page was generated */ virtual QCString trGeneratedAt(const char *date,const char *projName) { QCString result=(QCString)"Sugeneruota "+date;/*FIXME*/ if (projName) result+=(QCString)" "+projName;/*FIXME*/ result+=(QCString)" ";/*FIXME*/ return result; } /*! this text is put before a class diagram */ virtual QCString trClassDiagram(const char *clName) { return (QCString)"Paveldimumo diagrama "+clName+":"; /*FIXME*/ } /*! this text is generated when the \\internal command is used. */ virtual QCString trForInternalUseOnly() { return "Tiktai vidiniam naudojimui."; } /*! this text is generated when the \\warning command is used. */ virtual QCString trWarning() { return "Įspėjimas"; } /*! this text is generated when the \\version command is used. */ virtual QCString trVersion() { return "Versija"; } /*! this text is generated when the \\date command is used. */ virtual QCString trDate() { return "Data"; } /*! this text is generated when the \\return command is used. */ virtual QCString trReturns() { return "Gražina"; } /*! this text is generated when the \\sa command is used. */ virtual QCString trSeeAlso() { return "Taip pat žiūrėti"; } /*! this text is generated when the \\param command is used. */ virtual QCString trParameters() { return "Parametrai"; } /*! this text is generated when the \\exception command is used. */ virtual QCString trExceptions() { return "Išimtys"; } /*! this text is used in the title page of a LaTeX document. */ virtual QCString trGeneratedBy() { return "Sugeneruota"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 0.49-990307 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! used as the title of page containing all the index of all namespaces. */ virtual QCString trNamespaceList() { return "Varų Srities Sąrašas"; } /*! used as an introduction to the namespace list */ virtual QCString trNamespaceListDescription(bool extractAll) { QCString result="Sąrašas visų "; if (!extractAll) result+="dokumentuotų "; result+="vardų sričių su trumpais aprašymais:"; return result; } /*! used in the class documentation as a header before the list of all * friends of a class */ virtual QCString trFriends() { return "Draugai"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 0.49-990405 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! used in the class documentation as a header before the list of all * related classes */ virtual QCString trRelatedFunctionDocumentation() { return "Draugiškų Ir Susijusių Funkcijų Dokumentacija"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 0.49-990425 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! used as the title of the HTML page of a class/struct/union */ virtual QCString trCompoundReference(const char *clName, ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool isTemplate) { QCString result=(QCString)clName; switch(compType) { case ClassDef::Class: result+=" Klasė"; break; case ClassDef::Struct: result+=" Struktūra"; break; case ClassDef::Union: result+=" Sąjunga"; break; case ClassDef::Interface: result+=" Sąsaja"; break; case ClassDef::Protocol: result+=" Protokolas"; break; case ClassDef::Category: result+=" Kategorija"; break; case ClassDef::Exception: result+=" Išimtis"; break; default: break; } if (isTemplate) result+=" Šablonas"; return result; } /*! used as the title of the HTML page of a file */ virtual QCString trFileReference(const char *fileName) { QCString result=fileName; result+=" Failo Nuoroda"; return result; } /*! used as the title of the HTML page of a namespace */ virtual QCString trNamespaceReference(const char *namespaceName) { QCString result=namespaceName; result+=" Vardų Srities Nuoroda"; return result; } virtual QCString trPublicMembers() { return "Vieši Metodai"; } virtual QCString trPublicSlots() { return "Vieši Slotai"; } /*FIXME*/ virtual QCString trSignals() { return "Signalai"; } virtual QCString trStaticPublicMembers() { return "Statiniai Vieši Metodai"; } virtual QCString trProtectedMembers() { return "Apsaugoti Metodai"; } virtual QCString trProtectedSlots() { return "Apsaugoti Slotai"; }/*FIXME*/ virtual QCString trStaticProtectedMembers() { return "Statiniai Apsaugoti Metodai"; } virtual QCString trPrivateMembers() { return "Privatatūs Metodai"; } virtual QCString trPrivateSlots() { return "Privatūs Slotai"; }/*FIXME*/ virtual QCString trStaticPrivateMembers() { return "Statiniai Privatūs Metodai"; } /*! this function is used to produce a comma-separated list of items. * use generateMarker(i) to indicate where item i should be put. */ virtual QCString trWriteList(int numEntries) { QCString result; int i; // the inherits list contain `numEntries' classes for (i=0;i<numEntries;i++) { // use generateMarker to generate placeholders for the class links! result+=generateMarker(i); // generate marker for entry i in the list // (order is left to right) if (i!=numEntries-1) // not the last entry, so we need a separator { if (i<numEntries-2) // not the fore last entry result+=", "; else // the fore last entry result+=", ir "; } } return result; } /*! used in class documentation to produce a list of base classes, * if class diagrams are disabled. */ virtual QCString trInheritsList(int numEntries) { return "Paveldi "+trWriteList(numEntries)+"."; } /*! used in class documentation to produce a list of super classes, * if class diagrams are disabled. */ virtual QCString trInheritedByList(int numEntries) { return "Paveldėta "+trWriteList(numEntries)+"."; } /*! used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of * members that are hidden by this one. */ virtual QCString trReimplementedFromList(int numEntries) { return "Perkrauna metodą iš "+trWriteList(numEntries)+"."; } /*! used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of * all member that overwrite the implementation of this member. */ virtual QCString trReimplementedInList(int numEntries) { return "Metodas perkraunamas "+trWriteList(numEntries)+"."; } /*! This is put above each page as a link to all members of namespaces. */ virtual QCString trNamespaceMembers() { return "Vardų Srities Nariai"; } /*! This is an introduction to the page with all namespace members */ virtual QCString trNamespaceMemberDescription(bool extractAll) { QCString result="Sąrašas visų "; if (!extractAll) result+="dokumentuotų "; result+="vardų srities narių su nuorodomis į "; if (extractAll) result+="vardų srities dokumentaciją kiekvienam nariui:"; else result+="vardų sritis, kurioms jos priklauso:"; return result; } /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the * index of all namespaces. */ virtual QCString trNamespaceIndex() { return "Vardų Srities Indeksas"; } /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing * the documentation of all namespaces. */ virtual QCString trNamespaceDocumentation() { return "Vardų Srities Dokumentacija"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 0.49-990522 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! This is used in the documentation before the list of all * namespaces in a file. */ virtual QCString trNamespaces() { return "Vardų Sritys"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 0.49-990728 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! This is put at the bottom of a class documentation page and is * followed by a list of files that were used to generate the page. */ virtual QCString trGeneratedFromFiles(ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool single) { // here s is one of " Class", " Struct" or " Union" // single is true implies a single file QCString result=(QCString)"Dokumentacija "; switch(compType) { case ClassDef::Class: result+="šiai klasei"; break; case ClassDef::Struct: result+="šiai struktūrai"; break; case ClassDef::Union: result+="šiai sąjungai"; break; case ClassDef::Interface: result+="šiai sąsajai"; break; case ClassDef::Protocol: result+="šiam protocolui"; break; case ClassDef::Category: result+="šiai kategorijai"; break; case ClassDef::Exception: result+="šiai išimčiai"; break; default: break; } result+=" sugeneruota iš "; if (single) result+="šio failo:"; else result+="šių failų:"; return result; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 0.49-990901 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! This is used as the heading text for the retval command. */ virtual QCString trReturnValues() { return "Gražinamos reikšmės"; } /*! This is in the (quick) index as a link to the main page (index.html) */ virtual QCString trMainPage() { return "Pagrindinis Puslapis"; } /*! This is used in references to page that are put in the LaTeX * documentation. It should be an abbreviation of the word page. */ virtual QCString trPageAbbreviation() { return "psl."; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 0.49-991003 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// virtual QCString trDefinedAtLineInSourceFile() { return "Apibrėžimas failo @1 eilutėje @0."; } virtual QCString trDefinedInSourceFile() { return "Apibrėžimas faile @0."; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 0.49-991205 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// virtual QCString trDeprecated() { return "Smerktina"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 1.0.0 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! this text is put before a collaboration diagram */ virtual QCString trCollaborationDiagram(const char *clName) { return (QCString)"Bendradarbiavimo diagrama "+clName+":";/*FIXME*/ } /*! this text is put before an include dependency graph */ virtual QCString trInclDepGraph(const char *fName) { return (QCString)"Įtraukimo priklausomybių diagrama "+fName+":";/*FIXME*/ } /*! header that is put before the list of constructor/destructors. */ virtual QCString trConstructorDocumentation() { return "Konstruktoriaus ir Destruktoriaus Dokumentacija"; } /*! Used in the file documentation to point to the corresponding sources. */ virtual QCString trGotoSourceCode() { return "Eiti į šio failo programos kodą."; } /*! Used in the file sources to point to the corresponding documentation. */ virtual QCString trGotoDocumentation() { return "Eiti į šio failo dokumentaciją."; } /*! Text for the \\pre command */ virtual QCString trPrecondition() { return "Išakstinė sąlyga"; } /*! Text for the \\post command */ virtual QCString trPostcondition() { return "Postcondition";/*FIXME*/ } /*! Text for the \\invariant command */ virtual QCString trInvariant() { return "Pastovus"; } /*! Text shown before a multi-line variable/enum initialization */ virtual QCString trInitialValue() { return "Pradinė reikšmė:"; } /*! Text used the source code in the file index */ virtual QCString trCode() { return "tekstas";/*FIXME*/ } virtual QCString trGraphicalHierarchy() { return "Grafinė Klasės Hierarchija"; } virtual QCString trGotoGraphicalHierarchy() { return "Eiti į grafinę klasės hierarchiją"; } virtual QCString trGotoTextualHierarchy() { return "Eiti į tekstinę klasės hierarchiją"; } virtual QCString trPageIndex() { return "Puslapio Indeksas"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 1.1.0 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// virtual QCString trNote() { return "Pastaba"; } virtual QCString trPublicTypes() { return "Vieši Tipai"; } virtual QCString trPublicAttribs() { if (Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C")) { return "Duomenų Laukai"; } else { return "Vieši Atributai"; } } virtual QCString trStaticPublicAttribs() { return "Statiniai Vieši Atributai"; } virtual QCString trProtectedTypes() { return "Apsaugoti Tipai"; } virtual QCString trProtectedAttribs() { return "Apsaugoti Atributai"; } virtual QCString trStaticProtectedAttribs() { return "Statiniai Apsaugoti Atributai"; } virtual QCString trPrivateTypes() { return "Privatūs Tipai"; } virtual QCString trPrivateAttribs() { return "Privatūs Atributai"; } virtual QCString trStaticPrivateAttribs() { return "Statiniai Privatūs Atributai"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 1.1.3 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! Used as a marker that is put before a \\todo item */ virtual QCString trTodo() { return "Daryti"; } /*! Used as the header of the todo list */ virtual QCString trTodoList() { return "Tolimesni Darbai"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 1.1.4 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// virtual QCString trReferencedBy() { return "Naudojamas"; } virtual QCString trRemarks() { return "Pastabos"; } virtual QCString trAttention() { return "Attention"; } virtual QCString trInclByDepGraph() { return "Šis grafas rodo, kuris failas tiesiogiai ar " "netiesiogiai įtraukia šį failą:"; } virtual QCString trSince() { return "Nuo"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 1.1.5 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! title of the graph legend page */ virtual QCString trLegendTitle() { return "Grafo Legenda"; } /*! page explaining how the dot graph's should be interpreted * The %A in the text below are to prevent link to classes called "A". */ virtual QCString trLegendDocs() { return "Šis puslapis paaiškina, kaip interpretuoti sugeneruotus grafus " "su Doxygen įrankiu.<p>\n" "Panagrinėkite pavyzdį:\n" "\\kodo pradžia\n" "/*! Invisible class because of truncation */\n" "class Invisible { };\n\n" "/*! Truncated class, inheritance relation is hidden */\n" "class Truncated : public Invisible { };\n\n" "/* Class not documented with doxygen comments */\n" "class Undocumented { };\n\n" "/*! Class that is inherited using public inheritance */\n" "class PublicBase : public Truncated { };\n\n" "/*! A template class */\n" "template<class T> class Templ { };\n\n" "/*! Class that is inherited using protected inheritance */\n" "class ProtectedBase { };\n\n" "/*! Class that is inherited using private inheritance */\n" "class PrivateBase { };\n\n" "/*! Class that is used by the Inherited class */\n" "class Used { };\n\n" "/*! Super class that inherits a number of other classes */\n" "class Inherited : public PublicBase,\n" " protected ProtectedBase,\n" " private PrivateBase,\n" " public Undocumented,\n" " public Templ<int>\n" "{\n" " private:\n" " Used *m_usedClass;\n" "};\n" "\\endcode\n" "If the \\c MAX_DOT_GRAPH_HEIGHT tag in the configuration file " "is set to 240 this will result in the following graph:" "<p><center><img alt=\"\" src=\"graph_legend."+Config_getEnum("DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT")+"\"></center>\n" "<p>\n" "The boxes in the above graph have the following meaning:\n" "<ul>\n" "<li>%A filled black box represents the struct or class for which the " "graph is generated.\n" "<li>%A box with a black border denotes a documented struct or class.\n" "<li>%A box with a grey border denotes an undocumented struct or class.\n" "<li>%A box with a red border denotes a documented struct or class for" "which not all inheritance/containment relations are shown. %A graph is " "truncated if it does not fit within the specified boundaries.\n" "</ul>\n" "The arrows have the following meaning:\n" "<ul>\n" "<li>%A dark blue arrow is used to visualize a public inheritance " "relation between two classes.\n" "<li>%A dark green arrow is used for protected inheritance.\n" "<li>%A dark red arrow is used for private inheritance.\n" "<li>%A purple dashed arrow is used if a class is contained or used " "by another class. The arrow is labeled with the variable(s) " "through which the pointed class or struct is accessible.\n" "<li>%A yellow dashed arrow denotes a relation between a template instance and " "the template class it was instantiated from. The arrow is labeled with " "the template parameters of the instance.\n" "</ul>\n"; } /*! text for the link to the legend page */ virtual QCString trLegend() { return "legenda"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 1.2.0 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! Used as a marker that is put before a test item */ virtual QCString trTest() { return "Testas"; } /*! Used as the header of the test list */ virtual QCString trTestList() { return "Testo Sąrašas"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 1.2.2 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! Used as a section header for IDL properties */ virtual QCString trProperties() { return "Savybės"; } /*! Used as a section header for IDL property documentation */ virtual QCString trPropertyDocumentation() { return "Savybės Dokumentacija"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 1.2.4 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! Used for Java classes in the summary section of Java packages */ virtual QCString trClasses() { if (Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C")) { return "Duomenų Struktūros"; } else { return "Klasės"; } } /*! Used as the title of a Java package */ virtual QCString trPackage(const char *name) { return (QCString)"Paketas "+name; } /*! Title of the package index page */ virtual QCString trPackageList() { return "Paketo Sąrašas"; } /*! The description of the package index page */ virtual QCString trPackageListDescription() { return "Paketai su trumpu aprašymu:"; } /*! The link name in the Quick links header for each page */ virtual QCString trPackages() { return "Paketai"; } /*! Text shown before a multi-line define */ virtual QCString trDefineValue() { return "Reikšmė:"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 1.2.5 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! Used as a marker that is put before a \\bug item */ virtual QCString trBug() { return "Klaida"; } /*! Used as the header of the bug list */ virtual QCString trBugList() { return "Klaidų Sąrašas"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 1.2.6 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! Used as ansicpg for RTF file * * The following table shows the correlation of Charset name, Charset Value and * <pre> * Codepage number: * Charset Name Charset Value(hex) Codepage number * ------------------------------------------------------ * DEFAULT_CHARSET 1 (x01) * SYMBOL_CHARSET 2 (x02) * OEM_CHARSET 255 (xFF) * ANSI_CHARSET 0 (x00) 1252 * RUSSIAN_CHARSET 204 (xCC) 1251 * EE_CHARSET 238 (xEE) 1250 * GREEK_CHARSET 161 (xA1) 1253 * TURKISH_CHARSET 162 (xA2) 1254 * BALTIC_CHARSET 186 (xBA) 1257 * HEBREW_CHARSET 177 (xB1) 1255 * ARABIC _CHARSET 178 (xB2) 1256 * SHIFTJIS_CHARSET 128 (x80) 932 * HANGEUL_CHARSET 129 (x81) 949 * GB2313_CHARSET 134 (x86) 936 * CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET 136 (x88) 950 * </pre> * */ virtual QCString trRTFansicp() { return "1257"; } /*! Used as ansicpg for RTF fcharset * \see trRTFansicp() for a table of possible values. */ virtual QCString trRTFCharSet() { return "186"; } /*! Used as header RTF general index */ virtual QCString trRTFGeneralIndex() { return "Indeksas"; } /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly * be followed by a single name or by a list of names * of the category. */ virtual QCString trClass(bool first_capital, bool singular) { QCString result((first_capital ? "Klasė" : "klasė")); if (!singular) result+="s"; return result; } /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly * be followed by a single name or by a list of names * of the category. */ virtual QCString trFile(bool first_capital, bool singular) { QCString result((first_capital ? "Faila" : "faila")); if (!singular) result+="i"; else result+="s"; return result; } /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly * be followed by a single name or by a list of names * of the category. */ virtual QCString trNamespace(bool first_capital, bool singular) { QCString result((first_capital ? "Vardų srit" : "vardų srit")); if (!singular) result+="ys"; else result+="is"; return result; } /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly * be followed by a single name or by a list of names * of the category. */ virtual QCString trGroup(bool first_capital, bool singular) { QCString result((first_capital ? "Grupė" : "grupė")); if (!singular) result+="s"; return result; } /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly * be followed by a single name or by a list of names * of the category. */ virtual QCString trPage(bool first_capital, bool singular) { QCString result((first_capital ? "Puslapi" : "puslapi")); if (!singular) result+="ai"; else result+="s"; return result; } /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly * be followed by a single name or by a list of names * of the category. */ virtual QCString trMember(bool first_capital, bool singular) { QCString result((first_capital ? "Nar" : "nar")); if (!singular) result+="iai"; else result+="ys"; return result; } /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly * be followed by a single name or by a list of names * of the category. */ virtual QCString trGlobal(bool first_capital, bool singular) { QCString result((first_capital ? "Global" : "global")); if (!singular) result+="ūs"; else result+="us"; return result; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 1.2.7 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! This text is generated when the \\author command is used and * for the author section in man pages. */ virtual QCString trAuthor(bool first_capital, bool singular) { QCString result((first_capital ? "Autori" : "autori")); if (!singular) result+="ai"; else result+="us"; return result; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 1.2.11 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! This text is put before the list of members referenced by a member */ virtual QCString trReferences() { return "Ryšiai"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 1.2.13 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of * members that are implemented by this one. */ virtual QCString trImplementedFromList(int numEntries) { return "Realizuoja "+trWriteList(numEntries)+"."; } /*! used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of * all members that implement this abstract member. */ virtual QCString trImplementedInList(int numEntries) { return "Realizuota "+trWriteList(numEntries)+"."; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 1.2.16 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! used in RTF documentation as a heading for the Table * of Contents. */ virtual QCString trRTFTableOfContents() { return "Turinys"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 1.2.17 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! Used as the header of the list of item that have been * flagged deprecated */ virtual QCString trDeprecatedList() { return "Smerktinumų Sąrašas"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 1.2.18 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! Used as a header for declaration section of the events found in * a C# program */ virtual QCString trEvents() { return "Įvykiai"; } /*! Header used for the documentation section of a class' events. */ virtual QCString trEventDocumentation() { return "Įvykio Dokumentacija"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 1.3 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! Used as a heading for a list of Java class types with package scope. */ virtual QCString trPackageTypes() { return "Paketo Tipai"; } /*! Used as a heading for a list of Java class functions with package * scope. */ virtual QCString trPackageMembers() { return "Paketo Funkcijos"; } /*! Used as a heading for a list of static Java class functions with * package scope. */ virtual QCString trStaticPackageMembers() { return "Statinės Paketo Funkcijos"; } /*! Used as a heading for a list of Java class variables with package * scope. */ virtual QCString trPackageAttribs() { return "Paketo Atributai"; } /*! Used as a heading for a list of static Java class variables with * package scope. */ virtual QCString trStaticPackageAttribs() { return "Statiniai Paketo Atributai"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 1.3.1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! Used in the quick index of a class/file/namespace member list page * to link to the unfiltered list of all members. */ virtual QCString trAll() { return "Visi"; } /*! Put in front of the call graph for a function. */ virtual QCString trCallGraph() { return "Funkcijos kvietimo grafas:"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 1.3.3 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! This string is used as the title for the page listing the search * results. */ virtual QCString trSearchResultsTitle() { return "Paieškos Rezultatai"; } /*! This string is put just before listing the search results. The * text can be different depending on the number of documents found. * Inside the text you can put the special marker $num to insert * the number representing the actual number of search results. * The @a numDocuments parameter can be either 0, 1 or 2, where the * value 2 represents 2 or more matches. HTML markup is allowed inside * the returned string. */ virtual QCString trSearchResults(int numDocuments) { if (numDocuments==0) { return "Atsiprašome, jokių dokumentų nerasta pagal Jūsų užklausą."; } else if (numDocuments==1) { return "Surasta <b>1</b> dokumentas, atitinkantis Jūsų užklausą."; } else { return "Surasta <b>$num</b> dokumentų, atitinkančių Jūsų užklausą. " "Pirmiausiai rodomi labiausiai tenkinantys užklausą."; } } /*! This string is put before the list of matched words, for each search * result. What follows is the list of words that matched the query. */ virtual QCString trSearchMatches() { return "Atitikmenys:"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 1.3.8 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! This is used in HTML as the title of page with source code for file filename */ virtual QCString trSourceFile(QCString& filename) { return filename + " išeities tekstas"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 1.3.9 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! This is used as the name of the chapter containing the directory * hierarchy. */ virtual QCString trDirIndex() { return "Direktorijų hierarchija"; } /*! This is used as the name of the chapter containing the documentation * of the directories. */ virtual QCString trDirDocumentation() { return "Direktorijų dokumentacija"; } /*! This is used as the title of the directory index and also in the * Quick links of a HTML page, to link to the directory hierarchy. */ virtual QCString trDirectories() { return "Direktorijos"; } /*! This returns a sentences that introduces the directory hierarchy. * and the fact that it is sorted alphabetically per level */ virtual QCString trDirDescription() { return "Ši direktorjų strūktūra grubiai surikiuota abėcėlės tvarka:"; } /*! This returns the title of a directory page. The name of the * directory is passed via \a dirName. */ virtual QCString trDirReference(const char *dirName) { QCString result=dirName; result+=" Directorijos aprašas"; return result; } /*! This returns the word directory with or without starting capital * (\a first_capital) and in sigular or plural form (\a singular). */ virtual QCString trDir(bool first_capital, bool singular) { QCString result((first_capital ? "Direktorij" : "direktorij")); if (singular) result+="a"; else result+="os"; return result; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // new since 1.4.1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! This text is added to the documentation when the \\overload command * is used for a overloaded function. */ virtual QCString trOverloadText() { return "Perkraunamas metodas sukurtas patogumui. " "Jis skiriasi nuo aukščiau minėto tik argumetais."; } }; #endif