/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2014 by M. Kreis * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #include #include #include #include "containers.h" #include "vhdljjparser.h" #include "vhdldocgen.h" #include "message.h" #include "config.h" #include "doxygen.h" #include "util.h" #include "language.h" #include "commentscan.h" #include "index.h" #include "definition.h" #include "searchindex.h" #include "outputlist.h" #include "arguments.h" #include "types.h" #include "growbuf.h" #include "markdown.h" #include "VhdlParserTokenManager.h" #include "VhdlParserErrorHandler.hpp" #include "regex.h" using namespace vhdl::parser; struct VHDLDocInfo { QCString doc; bool brief; bool pending = false; int iDocLine = 1; }; static bool isConstraintFile(const QCString &fileName,const QCString &ext) { return fileName.right(ext.length())==ext; } //------------------------------------- static EntryList g_instFiles; struct VHDLOutlineParser::Private { void parseVhdlfile(const char *fileName,const char* inputBuffer,bool inLine); VHDLOutlineParser *thisParser = 0; VhdlParser *vhdlParser = 0; CommentScanner commentScanner; QCString yyFileName; int yyLineNr = 1; IntVector lineParse; int iDocLine = -1; QCString inputString; Entry* gBlock = 0; Entry* previous = 0; //------------------------------------------------------- Entry* oldEntry = 0; bool varr = FALSE; QCString varName; EntryList libUse; EntryList lineEntry; QCString strComment; int iCodeLen; VHDLDocInfo str_doc; VhdlParser::SharedState shared; QCString forL; int code = 0; }; void VHDLOutlineParser::Private::parseVhdlfile(const char *fileName, const char* inputBuffer,bool inLine) { JAVACC_STRING_TYPE s =inputBuffer; CharStream *stream = new CharStream(s.c_str(), (int)s.size(), 1, 1); VhdlParserTokenManager *tokenManager = new VhdlParserTokenManager(stream); VhdlTokenManagerErrorHandler *tokErrHandler=new VhdlTokenManagerErrorHandler(fileName); vhdlParser=new VhdlParser(tokenManager); vhdlParser->setOutlineParser(thisParser); vhdlParser->setSharedState(&shared); tokenManager->setLexParser(vhdlParser); tokenManager->ReInit(stream,0); tokenManager->setErrorHandler(tokErrHandler); VhdlErrorHandler *parserErrHandler=new VhdlErrorHandler(fileName); vhdlParser->setErrorHandler(parserErrHandler); try { if(inLine) { vhdlParser->parseInline(); } else { vhdlParser->design_file(); } } catch( std::exception &){ /* fprintf(stderr,"\n[%s]",e.what()); */ } // fprintf(stderr,"\n\nparsed lines: %d\n",yyLineNr); // fprintf(stderr,"\n\nerrors : %d\n\n",myErr->getErrorCount()); // delete vhdlParser; delete tokenManager; delete stream; } VHDLOutlineParser::VHDLOutlineParser() : p(std::make_unique()) { } VHDLOutlineParser::~VHDLOutlineParser() { } void VHDLOutlineParser::parseInput(const char *fileName,const char *fileBuf, const std::shared_ptr &root, ClangTUParser *) { VhdlParser::SharedState *s = &p->shared; p->thisParser=this; p->inputString=fileBuf; // fprintf(stderr,"\n ============= %s\n ==========\n",fileBuf); bool inLine = (fileName==0 || strlen(fileName)==0); p->yyFileName=fileName; bool xilinx_ucf=isConstraintFile(p->yyFileName,".ucf"); bool altera_qsf=isConstraintFile(p->yyFileName,".qsf"); // support XILINX(ucf) and ALTERA (qsf) file if (xilinx_ucf) { VhdlDocGen::parseUCF(fileBuf,root.get(),p->yyFileName,FALSE); return; } if (altera_qsf) { VhdlDocGen::parseUCF(fileBuf,root.get(),p->yyFileName,TRUE); return; } p->yyLineNr=1; s->current_root=root; s->lastCompound=0; s->lastEntity=0; s->lastEntity=0; p->oldEntry = 0; s->current=std::make_shared(); initEntry(s->current.get()); p->commentScanner.enterFile(fileName,p->yyLineNr); p->lineParse.reserve(200); p->parseVhdlfile(fileName,fileBuf,inLine); p->commentScanner.leaveFile(fileName,p->yyLineNr); s->current.reset(); if (!inLine) mapLibPackage(root.get()); p->yyFileName.resize(0); p->libUse.clear(); } void VHDLOutlineParser::lineCount() { p->yyLineNr++; } void VHDLOutlineParser::lineCount(const char* text) { for (const char* c=text ; *c ; ++c ) { if (*c == '\n') p->yyLineNr++; } } void VHDLOutlineParser::initEntry(Entry *e) { e->fileName = p->yyFileName; e->lang = SrcLangExt_VHDL; if (p->str_doc.pending) { p->str_doc.pending=FALSE; p->oldEntry=0; // prevents endless recursion p->iDocLine=p->str_doc.iDocLine; handleCommentBlock(p->str_doc.doc,p->str_doc.brief); p->iDocLine=-1; } p->commentScanner.initGroupInfo(e); } void VHDLOutlineParser::newEntry() { VhdlParser::SharedState *s = &p->shared; p->previous = s->current.get(); if (s->current->spec==VhdlDocGen::ENTITY || s->current->spec==VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE || s->current->spec==VhdlDocGen::ARCHITECTURE || s->current->spec==VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE_BODY) { s->current_root->moveToSubEntryAndRefresh(s->current); } else { if (s->lastCompound) { s->lastCompound->moveToSubEntryAndRefresh(s->current); } else { if (s->lastEntity) { s->lastEntity->moveToSubEntryAndRefresh(s->current); } else { s->current_root->moveToSubEntryAndRefresh(s->current); } } } initEntry(s->current.get()); } static int idCounter; /** returns a unique id for each record member. * * type first_rec is record * RE: data_type; * end; * * type second_rec is record * RE: data_type; * end; */ QString VHDLOutlineParser::getNameID(){ return QString::number(idCounter++,10); } void VHDLOutlineParser::handleFlowComment(const char* doc) { lineCount(doc); if (VhdlDocGen::getFlowMember()) { QCString qcs(doc); qcs=qcs.stripWhiteSpace(); qcs.stripPrefix("--#"); FlowChart::addFlowChart(FlowChart::COMMENT_NO,0,0,qcs.data()); } } int VHDLOutlineParser::checkInlineCode(QCString &doc) { static const reg::Ex csRe(R"([\\@]code)"); static const reg::Ex cendRe(R"(\s*[\\@]endcode)"); static const reg::Ex cbriefRe(R"([\\@]brief)"); // helper to simulate behavior of QString.find(const QRegExp &re,int pos) auto findRe = [](const QCString &str,const reg::Ex &re,int pos=0) -> int { if ((int)str.length() QCString { return reg::replace(str.str(), re, replacement.str()); }; int index = findRe(doc,csRe); if (findRe(doc,cendRe)!=-1) return 1; if (index < 0) return index; VhdlParser::SharedState *s = &p->shared; p->strComment += doc; p->code = findRe(p->inputString,csRe, p->code + 1); int com = p->inputString.find(p->strComment.data()); int ref = findRe(p->inputString,cendRe, p->code + 1); int len = p->strComment.size(); int ll = com + len; int diff = ref - ll - 3; QCString code = p->inputString.mid(ll, diff); int iLine = 0; code = stripLeadingAndTrailingEmptyLines(code, iLine); int val = code.contains('\n'); VhdlDocGen::prepareComment(p->strComment); QCStringList ql = QCStringList::split('\n', p->strComment); QCString co; QCString na; for (QCString qcs : ql) { qcs = qcs.simplifyWhiteSpace(); if (findRe(qcs,csRe)!=-1) { int i = qcs.find('{'); int j = qcs.find('}'); if (i > 0 && j > 0 && j > i) { na = qcs.mid(i + 1, (j - i - 1)); } continue; } qcs = replaceRe(qcs,cbriefRe, ""); co += qcs; co += '\n'; } VhdlDocGen::prepareComment(co); Entry gBlock; if (!na.isEmpty()) gBlock.name = na; else gBlock.name = "misc" + VhdlDocGen::getRecordNumber(); gBlock.startLine = p->yyLineNr+iLine-1; gBlock.bodyLine = p->yyLineNr+iLine-1 ; gBlock.doc = code; gBlock.inbodyDocs = code; gBlock.brief = co; gBlock.section = Entry::VARIABLE_SEC; gBlock.spec = VhdlDocGen::MISCELLANEOUS; gBlock.fileName = p->yyFileName; gBlock.endBodyLine = p->yyLineNr + val +iLine; gBlock.lang = SrcLangExt_VHDL; std::shared_ptr compound; if (s->lastEntity) compound = s->lastEntity; else if (s->lastCompound) compound = s->lastCompound; else compound = 0; if (compound) { compound->copyToSubEntry(&gBlock); } else { gBlock.type = "misc"; // global code like library ieee... s->current_root->copyToSubEntry(&gBlock); } p->strComment.resize(0); return 1; } void VHDLOutlineParser::handleCommentBlock(const char *doc1, bool brief) { int position = 0; bool needsEntry = FALSE; VhdlParser::SharedState *s = &p->shared; QCString doc = doc1; if (doc.isEmpty()) return; if (checkMultiComment(doc, p->yyLineNr)) { p->strComment.resize(0); return; } if (checkInlineCode(doc) > 0) { return; } Protection protection = Public; VhdlDocGen::prepareComment(doc); if (p->oldEntry == s->current.get()) { p->str_doc.doc = doc; p->str_doc.iDocLine = p->iDocLine; p->str_doc.brief = brief; p->str_doc.pending = TRUE; return; } p->oldEntry = s->current.get(); if (brief) { s->current->briefLine = p->yyLineNr; } else { s->current->docLine = p->yyLineNr; } Markdown markdown(p->yyFileName,p->iDocLine); int lineNr = p->iDocLine; QCString processedDoc = Config_getBool(MARKDOWN_SUPPORT) ? markdown.process(doc,lineNr) : doc; while (p->commentScanner.parseCommentBlock( p->thisParser, s->current.get(), processedDoc, // text p->yyFileName, // file lineNr, // line of block start brief, 0, FALSE, protection, position, needsEntry, Config_getBool(MARKDOWN_SUPPORT))) { if (needsEntry) newEntry(); } if (needsEntry) { if (p->varr) { p->varr = FALSE; s->current->name = p->varName; s->current->section = Entry::VARIABLEDOC_SEC; p->varName = ""; } newEntry(); } p->iDocLine = -1; p->strComment.resize(0); } void VHDLOutlineParser::parsePrototype(const char *text) { p->varName=text; p->varr=TRUE; } void VHDLOutlineParser::addCompInst(const char *n, const char* instName, const char* comp,int iLine) { VhdlParser::SharedState *s = &p->shared; s->current->spec=VhdlDocGen::INSTANTIATION; s->current->section=Entry::VARIABLE_SEC; s->current->startLine=iLine; s->current->bodyLine=iLine; s->current->type=instName; // foo:instname e.g proto or work. proto(ttt) s->current->exception=s->genLabels.lower(); // |arch|label1:label2... s->current->name=n; // foo if (s->lastCompound) { s->current->args=s->lastCompound->name; // architecture name } s->current->includeName=comp; // component/entity/configuration int u=s->genLabels.find("|",1); if (u>0) { s->current->write=s->genLabels.right(s->genLabels.length()-u); s->current->read=s->genLabels.left(u); } //printf (" \n genlabel: [%s] inst: [%s] name: [%s] %d\n",n,instName,comp,iLine); if (s->lastCompound) { s->current->args=s->lastCompound->name; if (true) // !findInstant(current->type)) { initEntry(s->current.get()); // TODO: protect with mutex g_instFiles.emplace_back(std::make_shared(*s->current)); // TODO: end protect with mutex } s->current=std::make_shared(); } else { newEntry(); } } void VHDLOutlineParser::addVhdlType(const char *n,int startLine,int section, uint64 spec,const char* args,const char* type,Protection prot) { VhdlParser::SharedState *s = &p->shared; QCString name(n); if (isFuncProcProced() || VhdlDocGen::getFlowMember()) return; if (s->parse_sec==GEN_SEC) { spec= VhdlDocGen::GENERIC; } QCStringList ql=QCStringList::split(",",name); for (uint u=0;ucurrent->name=ql[u]; s->current->startLine=startLine; s->current->bodyLine=startLine; s->current->section=section; s->current->spec=spec; s->current->fileName=p->yyFileName; if (s->current->args.isEmpty()) { s->current->args=args; } s->current->type=type; s->current->protection=prot; if (!s->lastCompound && (section==Entry::VARIABLE_SEC) && (spec == VhdlDocGen::USE || spec == VhdlDocGen::LIBRARY) ) { p->libUse.emplace_back(std::make_shared(*s->current)); s->current->reset(); } newEntry(); } } void VHDLOutlineParser::createFunction(const char *imp,uint64 spec,const char *fn) { VhdlParser::SharedState *s = &p->shared; QCString impure(imp); QCString fname(fn); s->current->spec=spec; s->current->section=Entry::FUNCTION_SEC; if (impure=="impure" || impure=="pure") { s->current->exception=impure; } if (s->parse_sec==GEN_SEC) { s->current->spec= VhdlDocGen::GENERIC; s->current->section=Entry::FUNCTION_SEC; } if (s->currP==VhdlDocGen::PROCEDURE) { s->current->name=impure; s->current->exception=""; } else { s->current->name=fname; } if (spec==VhdlDocGen::PROCESS) { s->current->args=fname; s->current->name=impure; VhdlDocGen::deleteAllChars(s->current->args,' '); if (!fname.isEmpty()) { QCStringList q1=QCStringList::split(",",fname); for (uint ii=0;iicurrent->argList.push_back(arg); } } } } bool VHDLOutlineParser::isFuncProcProced() { VhdlParser::SharedState *s = &p->shared; if (s->currP==VhdlDocGen::FUNCTION || s->currP==VhdlDocGen::PROCEDURE || s->currP==VhdlDocGen::PROCESS ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void VHDLOutlineParser::pushLabel( QCString &label,QCString & val) { label+="|"; label+=val; } QCString VHDLOutlineParser::popLabel(QCString & q) { int i=q.findRev("|"); if (i<0) return ""; q = q.left(i); return q; } void VHDLOutlineParser::addProto(const char *s1,const char *s2,const char *s3, const char *s4,const char *s5,const char *s6) { VhdlParser::SharedState *s = &p->shared; (void)s5; // avoid unused warning QCString name=s2; QCStringList ql=QCStringList::split(",",name); for (uint u=0;uparse_sec==GEN_SEC && s->param_sec==0) { arg.defval="gen!"; } if (s->parse_sec==PARAM_SEC) { // assert(false); } arg.defval+=s1; arg.attrib="";//s6; s->current->argList.push_back(arg); s->current->args+=s2; s->current->args+=","; } } /* * adds the library|use statements to the next class (entity|package|architecture|package body * library ieee * entity xxx * ..... * library * package * entity zzz * ..... * and so on.. */ void VHDLOutlineParser::mapLibPackage( Entry* root) { for (const auto &rt : p->libUse) { if (addLibUseClause(rt->name)) { bool bFound=FALSE; for (const auto ¤t : root->children()) { if (VhdlDocGen::isVhdlClass(current.get())) { if (current->startLine > rt->startLine) { bFound=TRUE; current->copyToSubEntry(rt); break; } } }//for if (!bFound) { root->copyToSubEntry(rt); } } //if }// for }//MapLib bool VHDLOutlineParser::addLibUseClause(const QCString &type) { static bool showIEEESTD=Config_getBool(FORCE_LOCAL_INCLUDES); if (showIEEESTD) // all standard packages and libraries will not be shown { if (type.lower().stripPrefix("ieee")) return FALSE; if (type.lower().stripPrefix("std")) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } int VHDLOutlineParser::getLine() { return p->yyLineNr; } void VHDLOutlineParser::setLineParsed(int tok) { if ((int)p->lineParse.size()<=tok) p->lineParse.resize(tok+1); p->lineParse[tok]=p->yyLineNr; } int VHDLOutlineParser::getLine(int tok) { int val=p->lineParse[tok]; if (val<0) val=0; //assert(val>=0 && val<=yyLineNr); return val; } void VHDLOutlineParser::createFlow() { VhdlParser::SharedState *s = &p->shared; if (!VhdlDocGen::getFlowMember()) { return; } QCString q,ret; if (s->currP==VhdlDocGen::FUNCTION) { q=":function( "; FlowChart::alignFuncProc(q,s->tempEntry->argList,true); q+=")"; } else if (s->currP==VhdlDocGen::PROCEDURE) { q=":procedure ("; FlowChart::alignFuncProc(q,s->tempEntry->argList,false); q+=")"; } else { q=":process( "+s->tempEntry->args; q+=")"; } q.prepend(VhdlDocGen::getFlowMember()->name().data()); FlowChart::addFlowChart(FlowChart::START_NO,q,0); if (s->currP==VhdlDocGen::FUNCTION) { ret="end function "; } else if (s->currP==VhdlDocGen::PROCEDURE) { ret="end procedure"; } else { ret="end process "; } FlowChart::addFlowChart(FlowChart::END_NO,ret,0); // FlowChart::printFlowList(); FlowChart::writeFlowChart(); s->currP=0; } void VHDLOutlineParser::setMultCommentLine() { p->iDocLine=p->yyLineNr; } void VHDLOutlineParser::oneLineComment(QCString qcs) { int j=qcs.find("--!"); qcs=qcs.right(qcs.length()-3-j); if (!checkMultiComment(qcs,p->iDocLine)) { handleCommentBlock(qcs,TRUE); } } bool VHDLOutlineParser::checkMultiComment(QCString& qcs,int line) { VhdlParser::SharedState *s = &p->shared; insertEntryAtLine(s->current_root,line); if (p->lineEntry.empty()) return false; VhdlDocGen::prepareComment(qcs); while (!p->lineEntry.empty()) { std::shared_ptr e=p->lineEntry.back(); e->briefLine=line; e->brief+=qcs; p->lineEntry.pop_back(); } return true; } // returns the vhdl parsed types at line xxx void VHDLOutlineParser::insertEntryAtLine(std::shared_ptr ce,int line) { for (const auto &rt : ce->children()) { if (rt->bodyLine==line) { p->lineEntry.push_back(rt); } insertEntryAtLine(rt,line); } } const EntryList &getVhdlInstList() { return g_instFiles; } void VHDLOutlineParser::error_skipto(int kind) { Token *op; do { p->vhdlParser->getNextToken(); // step to next token op=p->vhdlParser->getToken(1); // get first token if (op==0) break; //fprintf(stderr,"\n %s",t->image.data()); } while (op->kind != kind); p->vhdlParser->clearError(); // The above loop consumes tokens all the way up to a token of // "kind". We use a do-while loop rather than a while because the // current token is the one immediately before the erroneous token // (in our case the token immediately before what should have been // "if"/"while". } QCString filter2008VhdlComment(const char *s) { GrowBuf growBuf; const char *p=s+3; // skip /*! char c='\0'; while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++; while ((c=*p++)) { growBuf.addChar(c); if (c == '\n') { // special handling of space followed by * at beginning of line while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++; while (*p == '*') p++; // special attention in case character at end is / if (*p == '/') p++; } } // special attention in case */ at end of last line int len = growBuf.getPos(); if (growBuf.at(len-1) == '/' && growBuf.at(len-2) == '*') { len -= 2; while (growBuf.at(len-1) == '*') len--; c = growBuf.at(len-1); while ((c = growBuf.at(len-1)) == ' ' || c == '\t') len--; growBuf.setPos(len); } growBuf.addChar(0); return growBuf.get(); }