{% extend 'htmlbase.tpl' %} {% block content %}
{% with index=classIndex.list|alphaIndex:'name' %} {# quick index at top #}
{% for section in index %} {{ section.letter }} {% if not forloop.last %}  |  {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% indexentry nav name=tr.classIndex file=page.fileName anchor='' isReference=False separateIndex=False addToIndex=True %} {# multi column index #}
{% for section in index %}
{% for cls in section.items %} {% if forloop.first %}
{{ section.letter }}
{% endif %}
{% with obj=cls text=cls.name %} {% include 'htmlobjlink.tpl' %} {% endwith %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endwith %}
{% endblock %}