{# inputs: list, section #} {% with letter='' %} {# create full index page #} {% create page.fileName|append:section|append:config.HTML_FILE_EXTENSION from template %} {% endwith %} {% if list|length>maxItemsForMultiPageList %} {% opensubindex nav %} {% with index=list|alphaIndex:'name' %} {% for sect in index %} {% with letter=sect.letter %} {% set page_postfix=section|append:'_'|append:sect.label %} {% indexentry nav name=letter file=page.fileName|append:page_postfix anchor='' isReference=False %} {# create index pages for all globals starting with a specific letter #} {% create page.fileName|append:page_postfix|append:config.HTML_FILE_EXTENSION from template %} {% endwith %} {% endfor %} {% endwith %} {% closesubindex nav %} {% endif %}