{# inputs: memberListInfo #} {% if memberListInfo %} {% if memberListInfo.members|length>0 %}

{{ memberListInfo.title }}

{% for member in memberListInfo.members %} {% if member.hasDetails %} {# TODO: not the same as isDetailedSectionVisible! #} {# TODO: handle enum + anonymous members #} {# TODO: for namespace members written in a file we need to prepend file_ #}
{# write template declarations #} {% if member.language=='cpp' and member.templateDecls|length>0 %} {% for targList in member.templateDecls %} {% spaceless %}
template< {% for targ in targList %} {{ targ.type }}{% if targ.name %} {{ targ.name }}{% endif %}{% if targ.defVal %} = {{ targ.defVal }}{% endif %}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %} {% endfor %} >
{% endspaceless %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {# start of labels if present #} {% if member.labels|length>0 %}
{% endif %} {% for arg in member.parameters %} {% if not forloop.first %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% else %} {% for arg in member.parameters %} {% if member.isDefine %} {% if not forloop.first %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endspaceless %} {% else %} {# normal function/method #} {% if forloop.first %}
{{ member.definition }} {# write argument list #} {# TODO: TCL #} {% if member.hasParameterList %} {% if member.isObjCMethod %}
{{ arg.namePart }}({{ arg.type }})  {% if arg.name or arg.type=='...' %} {% if not arg.name %}{{ arg.type }}{% else %}{{ arg.name }}{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if not forloop.last %} ,
{% spaceless %} {% if arg.type %} {{ arg.type }} {% endif %} {% if not forloop.last %} ,
{% endif %} {% if arg.attrib %}{{ arg.attrib }} {% endif %} {% if arg.type!='...' %} {{ arg.type }} {% endif %}   {% if arg.name or arg.type=='...' %} {% if not arg.name %}{{ arg.type }}{% else %}{{ arg.name }}{% endif %} {% endif %} {{ arg.array }} {% if arg.defVal %} = {{ arg.defVal }}{% endif %} {% if not forloop.last %} ,
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if member.parameters|length==0 %} {% endif %} {% if member.parameters|length<2 %} ) {% else %}  
) {% endif %} {{ member.extraTypeChars }} {% if member.hasConstQualifier %} const {% endif %} {% if member.hasVolatileQualifier %} volatile {% endif %} {{ member.trailingReturnType }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {# one line initializer #} {% if member.hasOneLineInitializer %} {% if member.isDefine %}   {% endif %} {{ member.initializer }} {% endif %} {# exception list #} {% if member.exception %} {# TODO: special exception rendering for UNO IDL... #} {{ member.exception }} {% endif %}
{# end of labels if present #} {% if member.labels|length>0 %}
{% spaceless %} {% for label in member.labels %} {{ label }} {% endfor %}{% endspaceless %}
{% endif %}
{# TODO: write group include #} {# multi-line initializer #} {% if member.hasMultiLineInitializer %} {% if member.isDefine %}{{ tr.defineValue }}{% else %}{{ tr.initialValue }}{% endif %}
{{ member.initializerAsCode }}
{% endif %} {# brief description #} {% if member.brief and config.REPEAT_BRIEF and config.BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC %}

{{ member.brief }}

{% endif %} {# detailed description #} {# TODO: VHDL #} {{ member.details }} {# inbody description #} {{ member.inbodyDocs }} {# argument list #} {{ member.paramDocs }} {# enum values #} {% if member.isEnumeration and member.enumValues|length>0 %} {% for enumVal in member.enumValues %} {% endfor %}
{{ tr.enumValues }}
{{ enumVal.name }}  {{ enumVal.brief }}{{ enumVal.details }}
{% endif %} {# reimplements #} {% if member.reimplements %}

{% markers mem in member.reimplements with tr.reimplements %} {% with obj=mem text=mem.class.name %} {% include 'htmlobjlink.tpl' %} {% endwith %} {% endmarkers %}

{% endif %} {% if member.implements %}

{% markers mem in member.implements with tr.implements %} {% with obj=mem text=mem.class.name %} {% include 'htmlobjlink.tpl' %} {% endwith %} {% endmarkers %}

{% endif %} {# reimplementedBy #} {% if member.reimplementedBy %}

{% markers mem in member.reimplementedBy with tr.reimplementedBy:member.reimplementedBy|length %} {% with obj=mem text=mem.class.name %} {% include 'htmlobjlink.tpl' %} {% endwith %} {% endmarkers %}

{% endif %} {% if member.implementedBy %}

{% markers mem in member.implementedBy with tr.implementedBy:member.implementedBy|length %} {% with obj=mem text=mem.class.name %} {% include 'htmlobjlink.tpl' %} {% endwith %} {% endmarkers %}

{% endif %} {# category relation #} {# TODO #} {# examples #} {% if member.examples %}
{{ tr.examples }}
{% markers obj in member.examples with tr.exampleList:member.examples|length %} {% with text=obj.text %} {% include 'htmlobjlink.tpl' %} {% endwith %} {% endmarkers %}
{% endif %} {# type constraints #} {% with obj=member %} {% include 'htmltypeconstraints.tpl' %} {% endwith %} {# source def #} {% if member.sourceDef %} {% markers obj in member.sourceDef with tr.definedAtLineInSourceFile %} {% with text=obj.text %} {% include 'htmlobjlink.tpl' %} {% endwith %} {% endmarkers %} {% endif %} {# source refs #} {% if member.sourceRefs|length>0 %}

{% markers mem in member.sourceRefs with tr.sourceRefs:member.sourceRefs|length %} {% if mem.sourceDef and config.REFERENCES_LINK_SOURCE %} {% with obj=mem.sourceDef.0 text=mem.name|append:mem.functionQualifier %} {% include 'htmlobjlink.tpl' %} {% endwith %} {% else %} {% with obj=mem text=mem.name|append:mem.functionQualifier %} {% include 'htmlobjlink.tpl' %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% endmarkers %}

{% endif %} {# source refs by #} {% if member.sourceRefBys|length>0%}

{% markers mem in member.sourceRefBys with tr.sourceRefBys:member.sourceRefBys|length %} {% if mem.sourceDef and config.REFERENCES_LINK_SOURCE %} {% with obj=mem.sourceDef.0 text=mem.name|append:mem.functionQualifier %} {% include 'htmlobjlink.tpl' %} {% endwith %} {% else %} {% with obj=mem text=mem.name|append:mem.functionQualifier %} {% include 'htmlobjlink.tpl' %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% endmarkers %}

{% endif %} {# inline code #} {% if member.hasSources and config.INLINE_SOURCES %}
{{ member.sourceCode }}
{% endif %} {# call graph #} {% if member.hasCallGraph %} {% with obj=member %} {% include 'htmldynheader.tpl' %} {% endwith %} {{ tr.callGraph }}
{% with obj=member %} {% include 'htmldyncontents.tpl' %} {% endwith %} {{ member.callGraph }}
{% endif %} {# caller graph #} {% if member.hasCallerGraph %} {% with obj=member %} {% include 'htmldynheader.tpl' %} {% endwith %} {{ tr.callerGraph }} {% with obj=member %} {% include 'htmldyncontents.tpl' %} {% endwith %} {{ member.callerGraph }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {# for each member #} {# TODO: write member group docs #} {% endif %} {% endif %}