{% extend 'htmlbase.tpl' %} {% msg %}Generating HTML output for module {{ compound.name }}{% endmsg %} {% block navpath %} {% with navpath=compound.navigationPath %} {% include 'htmlnavpath.tpl' %} {% endwith %} {% endblock %} {% block title %} {# write summary links in the title area #}
{{ compound.brief }}
{% endif %} {# details #} {{ compound.details }} {# source definition #} {% if compound.sourceDef %} {% markers obj in compound.sourceDef with tr.definedAtLineInSourceFile %} {% with text=obj.text %} {% include 'htmlobjlink.tpl' %} {% endwith %} {% endmarkers %} {% endif %}{{ class.compoundType }} {{ class.name }} |
{{ class.brief }}
{% endif %} {# detailed docs #} {{ class.details }} {# source def #} {% if class.sourceDef %} {% markers obj in class.sourceDef with tr.definedAtLineInSourceFile %} {% with text=obj.text %} {% include 'htmlobjlink.tpl' %} {% endwith %} {% endmarkers %} {% endif %}