<# input: compound #> <% msg %>Generating LaTeX output for class <{ compound.name }><% endmsg %> \hypertarget{<{ compound.fileName|raw }>}{}\section{<{ compound.title }>} \label{<{ compound.fileName|raw }>}\index{<{ compound.name|texLabel }>@{<{ compound.name|texIndex }>}} <# brief description #> <% if compound.brief %> <{ compound.brief }> <% endif %> <# compound includes #> <% if compound.includeInfo %> <% with ii=compound.includeInfo %> <% include 'latexinclude.tpl' %> <% endwith %> <% endif %> <# inheritance graph #> <% if compound.hasInheritanceDiagram %> <{ tr.inheritanceDiagramFor:compound.name }> <{ compound.inheritanceDiagram }> <% else %> <# textual inheritance list #> <% if compound.inherits|length>0 %> <% markers c in compound.inherits with tr.inheritsList:compound.inherits|length %> <% with obj=c.class text=c.name %> <% include 'latexobjlink.tpl' %> <% endwith %> <% endmarkers %> <% endif %> <% if compound.inheritedBy|length>0 %> <% markers c in compound.inheritedBy with tr.inheritedByList:compound.inheritedBy|length %> <% with obj=c.class text=c.name %> <% include 'latexobjlink.tpl' %> <% endwith %> <% endmarkers %> <% endif %> <% endif %> <# collaboration graph #> <% if compound.hasCollaborationDiagram %> <{ tr.collaborationDiagramFor:compound.name }> <{ compound.collaborationDiagram }> <% endif %> <# member declarations #> <% if compound.hasDetails %> <% if compound.anchor %> \label{<{ compound.anchor|raw }>} <% if config.PDF_HYPERLINKS and config.USE_PDFLATEX %> \hypertarget{<% if compound.fileName %><{ compound.fileName|raw }>_<% endif %><{ compound.anchor|raw }>}{} <% endif %> <% endif %> <% if config.COMPACT_LATEX %>\subsubsection<% else %>\subsection<% endif %>{<{ tr.detailedDesc }>} <# template specifier #> <% if compound.language=='cpp' and compound.templateDecls %> <% spaceless %> \subsubsection*{ <% for targList in compound.templateDecls %> template$<$ <% for targ in targList %> <{ targ.type }><% if targ.name %><{ space }><{ targ.name }><% endif %><% if targ.defVal %><{ space }>= <{ targ.defVal }><% endif %><% if not forloop.last %>, <% endif %> <% endfor %> $>$\\* <% endfor %> <{ compound.compoundType }><{ space }><{ compound.name }> } <% endspaceless %> <% endif %> <% if compound.brief and config.REPEAT_BRIEF %> <{ compound.brief }> <% endif %> <{ compound.details }> <# type constraints #> <% with obj=compound %> <% include 'latextypeconstraints.tpl' %> <% endwith %> <% endif %> <% msg %> <# examples #> <% if compound.examples %> <dl><dt><b><{ tr.examples }></b><dd> <% markers obj in compound.examples with tr.exampleList:compound.examples|length %> <% with page=compound text=obj.text %> <% include 'htmlobjlink.tpl' %> <% endwith %> <% endmarkers %> </dd></dl> <% endif %> <# source definition #> <% if compound.sourceDef %> <% markers obj in compound.sourceDef with tr.definedAtLineInSourceFile %> <% with page=compound text=obj.text %> <% include 'htmlobjlink.tpl' %> <% endwith %> <% endmarkers %> <% endif %> <% endmsg %> <# detailed description #> <# member definitions #> <# used files #> <# separate member pages #>