index My Project Some normal text. A verbatim section with a /* C comment */ in it Showing a file as verbatim @book{knuth79, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "Tex and Metafont, New Directions in Typesetting", year = "1979", publisher = "American Mathematical Society and Digital Press", address = "Stanford" } @InCollection{ BertholdHeinzVigerske2009, author = {T. Berthold and S. Heinz and S. Vigerske}, title = {Extending a {CIP} framework to solve {MIQCP}s}, crossref = {LeLe12}, pages = {427--444}, url = {} } @Book{ LeLe12, title = {Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming}, booktitle = {Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2012}, editor = {Jon Lee and Sven Leyffer}, volume = {154}, series = {The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications}, url = {}, issn = {978-1-4614-1926-6} } @InCollection{ Be09, author = {P. Belotti}, title = {Disjunctive cuts for non-convex {MINLP}}, crossref = {LeLe12}, pages = {117--144}, url = {} } More text after the verbatim section.