#!/usr/bin/python from __future__ import print_function import argparse, glob, itertools, re, shutil, os, sys import subprocess import shlex config_reg = re.compile('.*\/\/\s*(?P\S+):\s*(?P.*)$') def xopen(fname, mode='r', encoding='utf-8'): '''Unified file opening for Python 2 an Python 3. Python 2 does not have the encoding argument. Python 3 has one. ''' if sys.version_info[0] == 2: return open(fname, mode=mode) # Python 2 without encoding else: return open(fname, mode=mode, encoding=encoding) # Python 3 with encoding def xpopen(cmd, cmd1="",encoding='utf-8-sig', getStderr=False): '''Unified file pipe opening for Python 2 an Python 3. Python 2 does not have the encoding argument. Python 3 has one. and ''' if sys.version_info[0] == 2: return os.popen(cmd).read() # Python 2 without encoding else: if (getStderr): proc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd1),stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE,encoding=encoding) # Python 3 with encoding return proc.stderr.read() else: proc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd),stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE,encoding=encoding) # Python 3 with encoding return proc.stdout.read() def clean_header(errmsg): # messages (due to the usage of more) have a contents like: # :::::::::::: # # :::::::::::: # we want to skip these msg = errmsg.split('\n') rtnmsg = "" cnt = -1 for o in msg: if (o): if (cnt == -1): if o.startswith(":::::::"): cnt = 3 if (cnt > 0): cnt-=1 else: rtnmsg+=0 return rtnmsg class Tester: def __init__(self,args,test): self.args = args self.test = test self.update = args.updateref self.config = self.get_config() self.test_name = '[%s]: %s' % (self.test,self.config['objective'][0]) self.test_id = self.test.split('_')[0] if self.update: self.test_out = self.args.inputdir+'/'+self.test_id else: self.test_out = self.args.outputdir+'/test_output_'+self.test_id self.prepare_test() def compare_ok(self,got_file,expected_file,name): if not os.path.isfile(got_file): return (True,'%s absent' % got_file) elif not os.path.isfile(expected_file): return (True,'%s absent' % expected_file) else: diff = xpopen('diff -b -w -u %s %s' % (got_file,expected_file)) if diff and not diff.startswith("No differences"): return (True,'Difference between generated output and reference:\n%s' % diff) return (False,'') def cleanup_xmllint(self,errmsg): msg = errmsg.split('\n') rtnmsg = "" for o in msg: if (o): if (o.startswith("I/O error : Attempt")): pass else: if (rtnmsg): rtnmsg += '\n' rtnmsg += o return rtnmsg def cleanup_xmllint_docbook(self,errmsg): # For future work, first get everything valid XML msg = self.cleanup_xmllint(errmsg).split('\n') rtnmsg = "" cnt = 0 for o in msg: if (o): if (cnt): cnt -= 1 pass elif (o.endswith("does not validate")): pass elif (o.find("no DTD found!")!=-1): pass elif (o.find("is not an NCName")!=-1): cnt = 2 else: if (rtnmsg): rtnmsg += '\n' rtnmsg += o return rtnmsg def get_config(self): config = {} with xopen(self.args.inputdir+'/'+self.test,'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): m = config_reg.match(line) if m: key = m.group('name') value = m.group('value') if (key=='config'): value = value.replace('$INPUTDIR',self.args.inputdir) # print('key=%s value=%s' % (key,value)) config.setdefault(key, []).append(value) return config def prepare_test(self): # prepare test environment shutil.rmtree(self.test_out,ignore_errors=True) os.mkdir(self.test_out) shutil.copy(self.args.inputdir+'/Doxyfile',self.test_out) with xopen(self.test_out+'/Doxyfile','a') as f: print('INPUT=%s/%s' % (self.args.inputdir,self.test), file=f) print('STRIP_FROM_PATH=%s' % self.args.inputdir, file=f) print('EXAMPLE_PATH=%s' % self.args.inputdir, file=f) print('WARN_LOGFILE=%s/warnings.log' % self.test_out, file=f) if 'config' in self.config: for option in self.config['config']: print(option, file=f) if (self.args.xml or self.args.xmlxsd): print('GENERATE_XML=YES', file=f) print('XML_OUTPUT=%s/out' % self.test_out, file=f) else: print('GENERATE_XML=NO', file=f) if (self.args.rtf): print('GENERATE_RTF=YES', file=f) print('RTF_OUTPUT=%s/rtf' % self.test_out, file=f) else: print('GENERATE_RTF=NO', file=f) if (self.args.docbook): print('GENERATE_DOCBOOK=YES', file=f) print('DOCBOOK_OUTPUT=%s/docbook' % self.test_out, file=f) else: print('GENERATE_DOCBOOK=NO', file=f) if (self.args.xhtml): print('GENERATE_HTML=YES', file=f) # HTML_OUTPUT can also have been set locally print('HTML_OUTPUT=%s/html' % self.test_out, file=f) print('HTML_FILE_EXTENSION=.xhtml', file=f) if (self.args.pdf): print('GENERATE_LATEX=YES', file=f) print('LATEX_BATCHMODE=YES', file=f) print('LATEX_OUTPUT=%s/latex' % self.test_out, file=f) if self.args.subdirs: print('CREATE_SUBDIRS=YES', file=f) if (self.args.clang): print('CLANG_ASSISTED_PARSING=YES', file=f) if (self.args.cfgs): for cfg in self.args.cfgs: if cfg[0].find('=') == -1: print("Not a doxygen configuration item, missing '=' sign: '%s'."%cfg) sys.exit(1) print(cfg[0], file=f) if 'check' not in self.config or not self.config['check']: print('Test doesn\'t specify any files to check') sys.exit(1) # run doxygen if (sys.platform == 'win32'): redir=' > nul: 2>&1' else: redir=' 2> /dev/null > /dev/null' if (self.args.noredir): redir='' if os.system('%s %s/Doxyfile %s' % (self.args.doxygen,self.test_out,redir))!=0: print('Error: failed to run %s on %s/Doxyfile' % (self.args.doxygen,self.test_out)) sys.exit(1) # update the reference data for this test def update_test(self,testmgr): print('Updating reference for %s' % self.test_name) if 'check' in self.config: for check in self.config['check']: check_file='%s/out/%s' % (self.test_out,check) # check if the file we need to check is actually generated if not os.path.isfile(check_file): print('Non-existing file %s after \'check:\' statement' % check_file) return False # convert output to canonical form data = xpopen('%s --format --noblanks --nowarning %s' % (self.args.xmllint,check_file)) if data: # strip version data = re.sub(r'xsd" version="[0-9.-]+"','xsd" version=""',data).rstrip('\n') else: print('Failed to run %s on the doxygen output file %s' % (self.args.xmllint,self.test_out)) return False out_file='%s/%s' % (self.test_out,check) with xopen(out_file,'w') as f: print(data,file=f) shutil.rmtree(self.test_out+'/out',ignore_errors=True) os.remove(self.test_out+'/Doxyfile') return True # check the relevant files of a doxygen run with the reference material def perform_test(self,testmgr): if (sys.platform == 'win32'): redir=' > nul:' separ='&' else: redir=' 2> /dev/null' separ=';' if (self.args.noredir): redir='' failed_xml=False failed_html=False failed_latex=False failed_docbook=False failed_rtf=False failed_xmlxsd=False msg = () # look for files to check against the reference if self.args.xml or self.args.xmlxsd: failed_xml=False if 'check' in self.config and self.args.xml: failed_xml=True for check in self.config['check']: check_file='%s/out/%s' % (self.test_out,check) # check if the file we need to check is actually generated if not os.path.isfile(check_file): # try with sub dirs check_file = glob.glob('%s/out/*/*/%s' % (self.test_out,check)) if not check_file: check_file='%s/out/%s' % (self.test_out,check) msg += ('Non-existing file %s after \'check:\' statement' % check_file,) break else: check_file = check_file[0] # convert output to canonical form data = xpopen('%s --format --noblanks --nowarning %s' % (self.args.xmllint,check_file)) if data: # strip version data = re.sub(r'xsd" version="[0-9.-]+"','xsd" version=""',data).rstrip('\n') else: msg += ('Failed to run %s on the doxygen output file %s' % (self.args.xmllint,self.test_out),) break out_file='%s/%s' % (self.test_out,check) with xopen(out_file,'w') as f: print(data,file=f) ref_file='%s/%s/%s' % (self.args.inputdir,self.test_id,check) (failed_xml,xml_msg) = self.compare_ok(out_file,ref_file,self.test_name) if failed_xml: msg+= (xml_msg,) break failed_xmlxsd=False if self.args.xmlxsd: xmlxsd_output='%s/out' % self.test_out if (sys.platform == 'win32'): redirx=' 2> %s/temp >nul:'%xmlxsd_output else: redirx='2>%s/temp >/dev/null'%xmlxsd_output # index_xml = [] index_xml.append(glob.glob('%s/index.xml' % (xmlxsd_output))) index_xml.append(glob.glob('%s/*/*/index.xml' % (xmlxsd_output))) index_xml = ' '.join(list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(index_xml))).replace(self.args.outputdir +'/','').replace('\\','/') index_xsd = [] index_xsd.append(glob.glob('%s/index.xsd' % (xmlxsd_output))) index_xsd.append(glob.glob('%s/*/*/index.xsd' % (xmlxsd_output))) index_xsd = ' '.join(list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(index_xsd))).replace(self.args.outputdir +'/','').replace('\\','/') exe_string = '%s --noout --schema %s %s' % (self.args.xmllint,index_xsd,index_xml) exe_string1 = exe_string exe_string += ' %s' % (redirx) exe_string += ' %s more "%s/temp"' % (separ,xmlxsd_output) xmllint_out = xpopen(exe_string,exe_string1,getStderr=True) if xmllint_out: xmllint_out = re.sub(r'.*validates','',xmllint_out).rstrip('\n') else: msg += ('Failed to run %s with schema %s for files: %s' % (self.args.xmllint,index_xsd,index_xml),) failed_xmlxsd=True if xmllint_out: xmllint_out = clean_header(xmllint_out) if xmllint_out: msg += (xmllint_out,) failed_xmlxsd=True # compound_xml = [] compound_xml.append(glob.glob('%s/*.xml' % (xmlxsd_output))) compound_xml.append(glob.glob('%s/*/*/*.xml' % (xmlxsd_output))) compound_xml = ' '.join(list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(compound_xml))).replace(self.args.outputdir +'/','').replace('\\','/') compound_xml = re.sub(r' [^ ]*/index.xml','',compound_xml) compound_xml = re.sub(r'[^ ]*/index.xml ','',compound_xml) compound_xsd = [] compound_xsd.append(glob.glob('%s/compound.xsd' % (xmlxsd_output))) compound_xsd.append(glob.glob('%s/*/*/compound.xsd' % (xmlxsd_output))) compound_xsd = ' '.join(list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(compound_xsd))).replace(self.args.outputdir +'/','').replace('\\','/') exe_string = '%s --noout --schema %s %s' % (self.args.xmllint,compound_xsd,compound_xml) exe_string1 = exe_string exe_string += ' %s' % (redirx) exe_string += ' %s more "%s/temp"' % (separ,xmlxsd_output) xmllint_out = xpopen(exe_string,exe_string1,getStderr=True) if xmllint_out: xmllint_out = re.sub(r'.*validates','',xmllint_out).rstrip('\n') else: msg += ('Failed to run %s with schema %s for files: %s' % (self.args.xmllint,compound_xsd,compound_xml),) failed_xmlxsd=True if xmllint_out: xmllint_out = clean_header(xmllint_out) if xmllint_out: msg += (xmllint_out,) failed_xmlxsd=True if not failed_xml and not failed_xmlxsd and not self.args.keep: xml_output='%s/out' % self.test_out shutil.rmtree(xml_output,ignore_errors=True) if (self.args.rtf): # no tests defined yet pass if (self.args.docbook): docbook_output='%s/docbook' % self.test_out if (sys.platform == 'win32'): redirx=' 2> %s/temp >nul:'%docbook_output else: redirx='2>%s/temp >/dev/null'%docbook_output # For future work, first get everything valid XML # exe_string = '%s --relaxng db/docbook.rng --nonet --postvalid %s/*xml %s % (self.args.xmllint,docbook_output,redirx) tests = [] tests.append(glob.glob('%s/*.xml' % (docbook_output))) tests.append(glob.glob('%s/*/*/*.xml' % (docbook_output))) tests = ' '.join(list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(tests))).replace(self.args.outputdir +'/','').replace('\\','/') exe_string = '%s --noout --nonet --postvalid %s' % (self.args.xmllint,tests) exe_string1 = exe_string exe_string += ' %s' % (redirx) exe_string += ' %s more "%s/temp"' % (separ,docbook_output) failed_docbook=False xmllint_out = xpopen(exe_string,exe_string1,getStderr=True) xmllint_out = self.cleanup_xmllint_docbook(xmllint_out) if xmllint_out: xmllint_out = clean_header(xmllint_out) if xmllint_out: msg += (xmllint_out,) failed_docbook=True elif not self.args.keep: shutil.rmtree(docbook_output,ignore_errors=True) if (self.args.xhtml): html_output='%s/html' % self.test_out if (sys.platform == 'win32'): redirx=' 2> %s/temp >nul:'%html_output else: redirx='2>%s/temp >/dev/null'%html_output check_file = [] check_file.append(glob.glob('%s/*.xhtml' % (html_output))) check_file.append(glob.glob('%s/*/*/*.xhtml' % (html_output))) check_file = ' '.join(list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(check_file))).replace(self.args.outputdir +'/','').replace('\\','/') exe_string = '%s --noout --path dtd --nonet --postvalid %s' % (self.args.xmllint,check_file) exe_string1 = exe_string exe_string += ' %s' % (redirx) exe_string += ' %s more "%s/temp"' % (separ,html_output) failed_html=False xmllint_out = xpopen(exe_string,exe_string1,getStderr=True) xmllint_out = self.cleanup_xmllint(xmllint_out) if xmllint_out: xmllint_out = clean_header(xmllint_out) if xmllint_out: msg += (xmllint_out,) failed_html=True elif not self.args.keep: shutil.rmtree(html_output,ignore_errors=True) if (self.args.pdf): failed_latex=False latex_output='%s/latex' % self.test_out # with languages like Hungarian we had problems with some tests on windows when stderr was used. if (sys.platform == 'win32'): outType=False redirl='>nul: 2>temp' mk='make.bat' else: outType=True redirl='>/dev/null 2>temp' mk='make' cur_directory = os.getcwd() os.chdir(latex_output) exe_string = mk exe_string1 = exe_string exe_string += ' %s' % (redirl) if outType: exe_string += ' %s more temp' % (separ) latex_out = xpopen(exe_string,exe_string1,getStderr=outType) os.chdir(cur_directory); if (outType and latex_out.find("Error")!=-1): msg += ("PDF generation failed\n For a description of the problem see 'refman.log' in the latex directory of this test",) failed_latex=True elif (not outType and xopen(latex_output + "/temp",'r').read().find("Error")!= -1): msg += ("PDF generation failed\n For a description of the problem see 'refman.log' in the latex directory of this test",) failed_latex=True elif xopen(latex_output + "/refman.log",'r',encoding='ISO-8859-1').read().find("Error")!= -1: msg += ("PDF generation failed\n For a description of the problem see 'refman.log' in the latex directory of this test",) failed_latex=True elif xopen(latex_output + "/refman.log",'r',encoding='ISO-8859-1').read().find("Emergency stop")!= -1: msg += ("PDF generation failed\n For a description of the problem see 'refman.log' in the latex directory of this test",) failed_latex=True elif not self.args.keep: shutil.rmtree(latex_output,ignore_errors=True) warnings = xopen(self.test_out + "/warnings.log",'r',encoding='ISO-8859-1').read() failed_warn = len(warnings)!=0 if failed_warn: msg += (warnings,) if failed_warn or failed_xml or failed_html or failed_latex or failed_docbook or failed_rtf or failed_xmlxsd: testmgr.ok(False,self.test_name,msg) return False testmgr.ok(True,self.test_name) if not self.args.keep: shutil.rmtree(self.test_out,ignore_errors=True) return True def run(self,testmgr): if self.update: return self.update_test(testmgr) else: return self.perform_test(testmgr) def do_generation_work(test): tester = Tester(test[0].args,test[1]) return tester.run(test[0]) class TestManager: def __init__(self,args,tests): self.args = args self.tests = tests self.num_tests = len(tests) self.count=1 self.passed=0 if self.args.xhtml: self.prepare_dtd() print('1..%d' % self.num_tests) def ok(self,result,test_name,msg='Ok'): if result: print('ok - %s' % (test_name)) self.passed = self.passed + 1 else: print('not ok - %s' % (test_name)) print('-------------------------------------') for o in msg: print(o) print('-------------------------------------') self.count = self.count + 1 def result(self): if self.passed==self.num_tests: print('All tests passed!') else: print('%d out of %s tests failed' % (self.num_tests-self.passed,self.num_tests)) return 0 if self.passed==self.num_tests else 1 def perform_tests(self): if (self.args.pool == 1): passed = 0 for test in self.tests: tester = Tester(self.args,test) passed += tester.run(self) self.passed = passed else: dl = [] for test in self.tests: dl += [(self, test)] import multiprocessing as mp p = mp.Pool(processes=self.args.pool) passed = p.map(do_generation_work, dl) self.passed = sum(passed) res=self.result() if self.args.xhtml and self.args.inputdir!='.' and not res and not self.args.keep: shutil.rmtree("dtd",ignore_errors=True) return 0 if self.args.updateref else res def prepare_dtd(self): if self.args.inputdir!='.': shutil.rmtree("dtd",ignore_errors=True) shutil.copytree(self.args.inputdir+"/dtd", "dtd") def split_and_keep(s,sep): s = s.replace('"','') # add token separator s = s.replace(sep,'\0'+sep) # add token separator s = s.split('\0') # split by null delimiter s = [x.strip() for x in filter(None,s)] # strip and remove empty elements s = [z.split(' ',1) for z in s] # split by first space s = [i for ss in s for i in ss] # flatten the list return s def main(): # argument handling parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='run doxygen tests') parser.add_argument('--updateref',help= 'update the reference files. Should be used in combination with -id to ' 'update the reference file(s) for the given test',action="store_true") parser.add_argument('--doxygen',nargs='?',default='doxygen',help= 'path/name of the doxygen executable') parser.add_argument('--xmllint',nargs='?',default='xmllint',help= 'path/name of the xmllint executable') parser.add_argument('--id',nargs='+',dest='ids',action='append',type=int,help= 'run test with number n only (the option can be specified to run test with ' 'number n only (the option can be specified multiple times') parser.add_argument('--start_id',dest='start_id',type=int,help= 'run tests starting with number n') parser.add_argument('--end_id',dest='end_id',type=int,help= 'run tests ending with number n') parser.add_argument('--all',help= 'can be used in combination with -updateref to update the reference files ' 'for all tests.',action="store_true") parser.add_argument('--inputdir',nargs='?',default='.',help= 'input directory containing the tests') parser.add_argument('--outputdir',nargs='?',default='.',help= 'output directory to write the doxygen output to') parser.add_argument('--noredir',help= 'disable redirection of doxygen warnings',action="store_true") parser.add_argument('--pool',nargs='?',default='1',type=int,help= 'pool size of multiprocess tests') parser.add_argument('--xml',help='create xml output and check', action="store_true") parser.add_argument('--rtf',help= 'create rtf output',action="store_true") parser.add_argument('--docbook',help= 'create docbook output and check with xmllint',action="store_true") parser.add_argument('--xhtml',help= 'create xhtml output and check with xmllint',action="store_true") parser.add_argument('--xmlxsd',help= 'create xml output and check with xmllint against xsd',action="store_true") parser.add_argument('--pdf',help='create LaTeX output and create pdf from it', action="store_true") parser.add_argument('--subdirs',help='use the configuration parameter CREATE_SUBDIRS=YES', action="store_true") parser.add_argument('--clang',help='use CLANG_ASSISTED_PARSING, works only when ' 'doxygen has been compiled with "use_libclang"', action="store_true") parser.add_argument('--keep',help='keep result directories', action="store_true") parser.add_argument('--cfg',nargs='+',dest='cfgs',action='append',help= 'run test with extra doxygen configuration settings ' '(the option may be specified multiple times') test_flags = split_and_keep(os.getenv('TEST_FLAGS', default=''), '--') args = parser.parse_args(test_flags + sys.argv[1:]) # sanity check if (not args.xml) and (not args.pdf) and (not args.xhtml) and (not args.docbook and (not args.rtf) and (not args.xmlxsd)): args.xml=True if (not args.updateref is None) and (args.ids is None) and (args.all is None): parser.error('--updateref requires either --id or --all') starting_directory = os.getcwd() os.chdir(args.inputdir) # find the tests to run tests = [] if args.start_id: if args.end_id: for id in range(args.start_id, args.end_id + 1): tests.append(glob.glob('%s_*'%id)) tests.append(glob.glob('0%s_*'%id)) tests.append(glob.glob('00%s_*'%id)) else: parser.error('--start_id requires --end_id') elif args.end_id: parser.error('--end_id requires --start_id') if args.ids: # test ids are given by user for id in list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(args.ids)): tests.append(glob.glob('%s_*'%id)) tests.append(glob.glob('0%s_*'%id)) tests.append(glob.glob('00%s_*'%id)) if (not args.ids and not args.start_id): # find all tests tests = sorted(glob.glob('[0-9][0-9][0-9]_*')) else: tests = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(tests)) os.chdir(starting_directory) # create test manager to run the tests testManager = TestManager(args,tests) sys.exit(testManager.perform_tests()) if __name__ == '__main__': main()