#! /usr/bin/python from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET import os import sqlite3 import sys import getopt # map XML attributes/elements to SQL rows # --POC: iterate through the children and attributes of the memberdef elelement # and search it in doxygen_sqlite3.db g_conn=None val=[] def print_unprocessed_attributes(node): for key in node.attrib: print "WARNING: '%s' has unprocessed attr '%s'" % (node.tag,key) def extract_attribute(node,attribute,pnl): if not attribute in node.attrib: return pnl.append("%s = ?" % attribute) val.append(node.attrib[attribute]) node.attrib.pop(attribute) def extract_element(node,chld,pnl): # deal with if chld.text == None: if len(chld.attrib)==0: node.remove(chld) return a=chld.text.strip() if not a == "": pnl.append("%s =?" % chld.tag) val.append(chld.text.strip()) else: pnl.append("%s IS NULL OR %s = ''" % (chld.tag,chld.tag)) node.remove(chld) def process_memberdef(node): q=[] for chld in node.getchildren(): if chld.tag == "referencedby": continue if chld.tag == "references": continue if chld.tag == "param": continue if chld.tag == "type": continue if chld.tag == "location": extract_attribute(chld,"line",q) extract_attribute(chld,"column",q) extract_attribute(chld,"bodystart",q) extract_attribute(chld,"bodyend",q) q.append("id_bodyfile=(select id from files where name=?)") val.append(chld.attrib["bodyfile"]) chld.attrib.pop("bodyfile") q.append("id_file=(select id from files where name=?)") val.append(chld.attrib["file"]) chld.attrib.pop("file") print_unprocessed_attributes(chld) if len(chld.attrib) == 0: node.remove(chld) else: extract_element(node,chld,q) for chld in node.getchildren(): print "WARNING: '%s' has unprocessed child elem '%s'" % (node.tag,chld.tag) extract_attribute(node,"kind",q) extract_attribute(node,"prot",q) extract_attribute(node,"static",q) extract_attribute(node,"mutable",q) extract_attribute(node,"const",q) extract_attribute(node,"virt",q) extract_attribute(node,"explicit",q) extract_attribute(node,"inline",q) q.append("refid=?") val.append(node.attrib['id']) node.attrib.pop('id') print_unprocessed_attributes(node) query="SELECT * FROM memberdef WHERE %s" % " AND ".join(q) r=[] try: r = g_conn.execute(query,val).fetchall() except sqlite3.OperationalError,e: print "SQL_ERROR:%s"%e del val[:] if not len(r) > 0: print "TEST_ERROR: Member not found in SQL DB" def load_xml(name): context = ET.iterparse(name, events=("start", "end")) event, root = context.next() for event, elem in context: if event == "end" and elem.tag == "memberdef": process_memberdef(elem) print "\n== Unprocessed XML ==" # ET.dump(root) def open_db(dbname): global g_conn if dbname == None: dbname = "doxygen_sqlite3.db" if not os.path.isfile(dbname): raise BaseException("No such file %s" % dbname ) g_conn = sqlite3.connect(dbname) g_conn.execute('PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY;') g_conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row def main(argv): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hd:x:",["help"]) except getopt.GetoptError: sys.exit(1) dbname=None xmlfile=None for a, o in opts: if a in ('-h', '--help'): sys.exit(0) elif a in ('-d'): dbname=o continue elif a in ('-x'): xmlfile=o continue open_db(dbname) load_xml(xmlfile) if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1:])