/* Generated By:JavaCC: Do not edit this line. ErrorHandler.h Version 6.0 */ /* JavaCCOptions:STATIC=false,SUPPORT_CLASS_VISIBILITY_PUBLIC=true */ #ifndef ERRORHANDLER_H #define ERRORHANDLER_H #include #include "JavaCC.h" #include "Token.h" namespace vhdl { namespace parser { class VhdlParser; class ErrorHandler { protected: int error_count; public: // Called when the parser encounters a different token when expecting to // consume a specific kind of token. // expectedKind - token kind that the parser was trying to consume. // expectedToken - the image of the token - tokenImages[expectedKind]. // actual - the actual token that the parser got instead. virtual void handleUnexpectedToken(int, JAVACC_STRING_TYPE expectedToken, Token *actual, VhdlParser *) { error_count++; fprintf(stderr, "Expecting %s at: %d:%d but got %s\n", addUnicodeEscapes(expectedToken).c_str(), actual->beginLine, actual->beginColumn, addUnicodeEscapes(actual->image).c_str()); } // Called when the parser cannot continue parsing. // last - the last token successfully parsed. // unexpected - the token at which the error occurs. // production - the production in which this error occurrs. virtual void handleParseError(Token *, Token *unexpected, JAVACC_SIMPLE_STRING production, VhdlParser *) { error_count++; fprintf(stderr, "Encountered: %s at: %d:%d while parsing: %s\n", addUnicodeEscapes(unexpected->image).c_str(), unexpected->beginLine, unexpected->beginColumn, production.c_str()); } virtual int getErrorCount() { return error_count; } virtual ~ErrorHandler() {} ErrorHandler() { error_count = 0; } }; } } #endif /* JavaCC - OriginalChecksum=282223c3bcb53b7ff385aed35944d185 (do not edit this line) */