path: root/manual.asciidoc
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authorEvan Martin <>2011-05-14 23:11:41 (GMT)
committerEvan Martin <>2011-05-14 23:11:41 (GMT)
commit17a0335519638e3f821d38172d104bfad62eb01c (patch)
tree154ce2a1d75c9124394651068b12612d5a2342a2 /manual.asciidoc
parent2ec1b4262151a70cb694395dd38d99a937ba13e3 (diff)
move various doc files out of top-level directory
Diffstat (limited to 'manual.asciidoc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 506 deletions
diff --git a/manual.asciidoc b/manual.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 7aa000e..0000000
--- a/manual.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,506 +0,0 @@
-Evan Martin <>
-Ninja is yet another build system. It takes as input the
-interdependencies of files (typically source code and output
-executables) and orchestrates building them, _quickly_.
-Ninja joins a sea of other build systems. Its distinguishing goal is
-to be fast. It is born from my work on the Chromium browser project,
-which has over 30,000 source files and whose other build systems
-(including one built from custom non-recursive Makefiles) can take ten
-seconds to start building after changing one file. Ninja is under a
-Philosophical overview
-Build systems get slow when they need to make decisions. When you are
-in a edit-compile cycle you want it to be as fast as possible -- you
-want the build system to do the minimum work necessary to figure out
-what needs to be built immediately.
-Ninja contains the barest functionality necessary to describe
-arbitrary dependency graphs. Its lack of syntax makes it impossible
-to express complex decisions. Instead, Ninja is intended to be used
-with a separate program generating its input files. The generator
-program (like the `./configure` found in autotools projects) can
-analyze system dependencies and make as many decisions as possible up
-front so that incremental builds stay fast. Going beyond autotools,
-even build-time decisions like "which compiler flags should I use?"
-or "should I build a debug or release-mode binary?" belong in the
-`.ninja` file generator.
-Conceptual overview
-Ninja evaluates a graph of dependencies between files, and runs
-whichever commands are necessary to make your build target up to date.
-If you are familiar with Make, Ninja is very similar.
-A build file (default name: ``) provides a list of _rules_
--- short names for longer commands, like how to run the compiler --
-along with a list of _build_ statements saying how to build files
-using the rules -- which rule to apply to which inputs to produce
-which outputs.
-Conceptually, `build` statements describe the dependency graph of your
-project, while `rule` statements describe how to generate the files
-along a given edge of the graph.
-Design goals
-Here are some of the design goals of Ninja:
-* very fast (i.e., instant) incremental builds, even for very large
- projects.
-* very little policy about how code is built; "explicit is better than
- implicit".
-* get dependencies correct, and in particular situations that are
- difficult to get right with Makefiles (e.g. outputs need an implicit
- dependency on the command line used to generate them; to build C
- source code you need to use gcc's `-M` flags for header
- dependencies).
-* when convenience and speed are in conflict, prefer speed.
-Some explicit _non-goals_:
-* convenient syntax for writing build files by hand. _You should
- generate your ninja files using another program_. This is how we
- can sidestep many policy decisions.
-* built-in rules. _Out of the box, Ninja has no rules for
- e.g. compiling C code._
-* build-time customization of the build. _Options belong in
- the program that generates the ninja files_.
-* build-time decision-making ability such as conditionals or search
- paths. _Making decisions is slow._
-To restate, Ninja is faster than other build systems because it is
-painfully simple. You must tell Ninja exactly what to do when you
-create your project's `.ninja` files.
-Comparison to GNU make
-Ninja is closest in spirit and functionality to make. But
-fundamentally, make has a lot of _features_: suffix rules, functions,
-built-in rules that e.g. search for RCS files when building source.
-Many projects find make alone adequate for their build problems. In
-contrast, Ninja has almost no features; just those necessary to get
-builds correct while punting most complexity to generation of the
-ninja input files. Ninja by itself is unlikely to be useful for most
-Here are some of the features ninja adds to make. (These sorts of
-features can often be implemented using more complicated Makefiles,
-but they are not part of make itself.)
-* A Ninja rule may point at a path for extra implicit dependency
- information. This makes it easy to get header dependencies correct
- for C/C++ code.
-* A build edge may have multiple outputs.
-* Outputs implicitly depend on the command line that was used to generate
- them, which means that changing e.g. compilation flags will cause
- the outputs to rebuild.
-* Output directories are always implicitly created before running the
- command that relies on them.
-* Rules can provide shorter descriptions of the command being run, so
- you can print e.g. `CC foo.o` instead of a long command line while
- building.
-* Command output is always buffered. This means commands running in
- parallel don't interleave their output, and when a command fails we
- can print its failure output next to the full command line that
- produced the failure.
-Getting started
-The included `` should hopefully produce a working `ninja`
-binary, by first blindly compiling all non-test files together then
-re-building Ninja using itself.
-Usage is currently just
-ninja target
-where `target` is a known output described by `` in the
-current directory.
-There is no installation step; the only files of interest to a user
-are the resulting binary and this manual.
-Creating .ninja files
-Here's a basic `.ninja` file that demonstrates most of the syntax.
-It will be used as an example for the following sections.
-cflags = -Wall
-rule cc
- command = gcc $cflags -c $in -o $out
-build foo.o: cc foo.c
-Despite the non-goal of being convenient to write by hand, to keep
-build files readable (debuggable), Ninja supports declaring shorter
-reusable names for strings. A declaration like the following
-cflags = -g
-can be used on the right side of an equals sign, dereferencing it with
-a dollar sign, like this:
-rule cc
- command = gcc $cflags -c $in -o $out
-Variables can also be referenced using curly braces like `${in}`.
-Variables might better be called "bindings", in that a given variable
-cannot be changed, only shadowed. There is more on how shadowing works
-later in this document.
-Rules declare a short name for a command line. They begin with a line
-consisting of the `rule` keyword and a name for the rule. Then
-follows an indented set of `variable = value` lines.
-The basic example above declares a new rule named `cc`, along with the
-command to run. (In the context of a rule, the `command` variable is
-special and defines the command to run. A full list of special
-variables is provided in <<ref_rule,the reference>>.)
-Within the context of a rule, two additional special variables are
-available: `$in` expands to the list of input files (`foo.c`) and
-`$out` to the output file (`foo.o`) for the command.
-Build statements
-Build statements declare a relationship between input and output
-files. They begin with the `build` keyword, and have the format
-+build _outputs_: _rulename_ _inputs_+. Such a declaration says that
-all of the output files are derived from the input files. When the
-output files are missing or when the inputs change, Ninja will run the
-rule to regenerate the outputs.
-The basic example above describes how to build `foo.o`, using the `cc`
-In the scope of a `build` block (including in the evaluation of its
-associated `rule`), the variable `$in` is the list of inputs and the
-variable `$out` is the list of outputs.
-A build statement may be followed by an indented set of `key = value`
-pairs, much like a rule. These variables will shadow any variables
-when evaluating the variables in the command. For example:
-cflags = -Wall -Werror
-rule cc
- command = gcc $cflags -c $in -o $out
-# If left unspecified, builds get the outer $cflags.
-build foo.o: cc foo.c
-# But you can can shadow variables like cflags for a particular build.
-build special.o: cc special.c
- cflags = -Wall
-# The variable was only shadowed for the scope of special.o;
-# Subsequent build lines get the outer (original) cflags.
-build bar.o: cc bar.c
-For more discussion of how scoping works, consult <<ref_scope,the
-If you need more complicated information passed from the build
-statement to the rule (for example, if the rule needs "the file
-extension of the first input"), pass that through as an extra
-variable, like how `cflags` is passed above.
-The `phony` rule
-The special rule name `phony` can be used to create aliases for other
-targets. For example:
-build all: phony some/file/in/a/faraway/subdir
-This makes `ninja all` build the other files. Semantically, the
-`phony` rule is equivalent to a plain rule where the `command` does
-nothing, but phony rules are handled specially in that they aren't
-printed when run, logged (see below), nor do they contribute to the
-command count printed as part of the build process.
-The Ninja log
-For each built file, Ninja keeps a log of the command used to build
-it. Using this log Ninja can know when an existing output was built
-with a different command line than the build files specify (i.e., the
-command line changed) and knows to rebuild the file.
-The log file is kept in the build root in a file called `.ninja_log`.
-If you provide a variable named `builddir` in the outermost scope,
-`.ninja_log` will be kept in that directory instead.
-Generating Ninja files
-A work-in-progress patch to[gyp, the system
-used to generate build files for the Chromium browser] to generate
-ninja files for Linux is included in the source distribution.
-Conceptually, you could coax Automake into producing ninja files as
-well, but I haven't tried it. It may very well be the case that most
-projects use too much Makefile syntax in their `.am` files for this to
-Extra tools
-The `-t` flag on the Ninja command line runs some tools that I have
-found useful during Ninja's development. The current tools are:
-`query`:: dump the inputs and outputs of a given target.
-`browse`:: browse the dependency graph in a web browser. Clicking a
-file focuses the view on that file, showing inputs and outputs. This
-feature requires a Python installation.
-`graph`:: output a file in the syntax used by `graphviz`, a automatic
-graph layout tool. Use it like: +ninja -t graph _target_ | dot -Tpng
--ograph.png /dev/stdin+ . In the Ninja source tree, `ninja graph`
-generates an image for Ninja itself. If no target is given generate a
-graph for all root targets.
-`targets`:: output a list of targets either by rule or by depth. If used
-like this +ninja -t targets rule _name_+ it prints the list of targets
-using the given rule to be built. If no rule is given, it prints the source
-files (the leaves of the graph). If used like this
-+ninja -t targets depth _digit_+ it
-prints the list of targets in a depth-first manner starting by the root
-targets (the ones with no outputs). Indentation is used to mark dependencies.
-If the depth is zero it prints all targets. If no arguments are provided
-+ninja -t targets depth 1+ is assumed. In this mode targets may be listed
-several times. If used like this +ninja -t targets all+ it
-prints all the targets available without indentation and it is way faster
-than the _depth_ mode. It returns non-zero if an error occurs.
-`rules`:: output the list of all rules with their description if they have
-one. It can be used to know which rule name to pass to
-+ninja -t targets rule _name_+.
-`clean`:: remove built files. If used like this +ninja -t clean+ it
-removes all the built files. If used like this
-+ninja -t clean _targets..._+ or like this
-+ninja -t clean target _targets..._+ it removes the given targets and
-recursively all files built for it. If used like this
-+ninja -t clean rule _rules_+ it removes all files built using the given
-rules. The depfiles are not removed. Files created but not referenced in
-the graph are not removed. This tool takes in account the +-v+ and the
-+-n+ options (note that +-n+ implies +-v+). It returns non-zero if an
-error occurs.
-Ninja file reference
-A file is a series of declarations. A declaration can be one of:
-1. A rule declaration, which begins with +rule _rulename_+, and
- then has a series of indented lines defining variables.
-2. A build edge, which looks like +build _output1_ _output2_:
- _rulename_ _input1_ _input2_+. +
- Implicit dependencies may be tacked on the end with +|
- _dependency1_ _dependency2_+. +
- Order-only dependencies may be tacked on the end with +||
- _dependency1_ _dependency2_+. (See <<ref_dependencies,the reference on
- dependency types>>.)
-3. Variable declarations, which look like +_variable_ = _value_+.
-4. References to more files, which look like +subninja _path_+ or
- +include _path_+. The difference between these is explained below
- <<ref_scope,in the discussion about scoping>>.
-Comments begin with `#` and extend to the end of the line.
-Newlines are significant, but they can be escaped by putting a `\`
-before them.
-Other whitespace is only significant if it's at the beginning of a
-line. If a line is intended more than the previous one, it's
-considered part of its parent's scope; if it is indented less than the
-previous one, it closes the previous scope.
-Rule variables
-A `rule` block contains a list of `key = value` declarations that
-affect the processing of the rule. Here is a full list of special
-`command` (_required_):: the command line to run. This string (after
- $variables are expanded) is passed directly to `sh -c` without
- interpretation by Ninja.
-`depfile`:: path to an optional `Makefile` that contains extra
- _implicit dependencies_ (see <<ref_dependencies,the reference on
- dependency types>>). This is explicitly to support `gcc` and its `-M`
- family of flags, which output the list of headers a given `.c` file
- depends on.
-Use it like in the following example:
-rule cc
- depfile = $out.d
- command = gcc -MMD -MF $out.d [other gcc flags here]
-When loading a `depfile`, Ninja implicitly adds edges such that it is
-not an error if the listed dependency is missing. This allows you to
-delete a depfile-discovered header file and rebuild, without the build
-aborting due to a missing input.
-`description`:: a short description of the command, used to pretty-print
- the command as it's running. The `-v` flag controls whether to print
- the full command or its description; if a command fails, the full command
- line will always be printed before the command's output.
-Additionally, the special `$in` and `$out` variables expand to the
-space-separated list of files provided to the `build` line referencing
-this `rule`.
-Build dependencies
-There are three types of build dependencies which are subtly different.
-1. _Explicit dependencies_, as listed in a build line. These are
- available as the `$in` variable in the rule. Changes in these files
- cause the output to be rebuilt; if these file are missing and
- Ninja doesn't know how to build them, the build is aborted.
-This is the standard form of dependency to be used for e.g. the
-source file of a compile command.
-2. _Implicit dependencies_, either as picked up from
- a `depfile` attribute on a rule or from the syntax +| _dep1_
- _dep2_+ on the end of a build line. The semantics are identical to
- explicit dependencies, the only difference is that implicit dependencies
- don't show up in the `$in` variable.
-This is for expressing dependencies that don't show up on the
-command line of the command; for example, for a rule that runs a
-script, the script itself should be an implicit dependency, as
-changes to the script should cause the output to rebuild.
-Note that dependencies as loaded through depfiles have slightly different
-semantics, as described in the <<ref_rule,rule reference>>.
-3. _Order-only dependencies_, expressed with the syntax +|| _dep1_
- _dep2_+ on the end of a build line. When these are missing, the
- output is not rebuilt until they are built, but once they are
- available further changes to the files do not affect the output.
-Order-only dependencies can be useful for bootstrapping dependencies
-that are only discovered during build time: for example, to generate a
-header file before starting a subsequent compilation step. (Once the
-header is used in compilation, a generated dependency file will then
-express the implicit dependency.)
-Evaluation and scoping
-Top-level variable declarations are scoped to the file they occur in.
-The `subninja` keyword, used to include another `.ninja` file,
-introduces a new scope. The included `subninja` file may use the
-variables from the parent file, and shadow their values for the file's
-scope, but it won't affect values of the variables in the parent.
-To include another `.ninja` file in the current scope, much like a C
-`#include` statement, use `include` instead of `subninja`.
-Variable declarations indented in a `build` block are scoped to the
-`build` block. This scope is inherited by the `rule`. The full
-lookup order for a variable referenced in a rule is:
-1. Rule-level variables (i.e. `$in`, `$command`).
-2. Build-level variables from the `build` that references this rule.
-3. File-level variables from the file that the `build` line was in.
-4. Variables from the file that included that file using the
- `subninja` keyword.
-Future work
-Some pieces I'd like to add:
-_inotify_. I had originally intended to make Ninja be memory-resident
-and to use `inotify` to keep the build state hot at all times. But
-upon writing the code I found it was fast enough to run from scratch
-each time. Perhaps a slower computer would still benefit from
-inotify; the data structures are set up such that using inotify
-shouldn't be hard.
-_build estimation and analysis_. As part of build correctness, Ninja
-keeps a log of the time spent on each build statement. This log
-format could be adjusted to instead store timing information across
-multiple runs. From that, the total time necessary to build could be
-estimated, allowing Ninja to print status like "3 minutes until
-complete" when building. Additionally, a tool could output which
-commands are the slowest or which directories take the most time
-to build.
-_many others_. See the `todo` file included in the distribution.