version: 1.0.{build} image: - Visual Studio 2017 - Ubuntu2204 environment: CLICOLOR_FORCE: 1 CHERE_INVOKING: 1 # Tell Bash to inherit the current working directory matrix: - MSYSTEM: MINGW64 - MSYSTEM: LINUX matrix: exclude: - image: Visual Studio 2017 MSYSTEM: LINUX - image: Ubuntu2204 MSYSTEM: MINGW64 for: - matrix: only: - MSYSTEM: MINGW64 build_script: ps: "C:\\msys64\\usr\\bin\\bash -lc @\"\n pacman -S --quiet --noconfirm --needed re2c 2>&1\n ./ --bootstrap --platform mingw 2>&1\n ./ninja all\n ./misc/ 2>&1\n\"@" - matrix: only: - image: Ubuntu2204 build_script: - ./ --bootstrap - ./ninja all - misc/ - misc/ test: off