#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2001 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Script that generates the build.ninja for ninja itself. Projects that use ninja themselves should either write a similar script or use a meta-build system that supports Ninja output.""" from optparse import OptionParser import os import sys sys.path.insert(0, 'misc') import ninja_syntax parser = OptionParser() platforms = ['linux', 'freebsd', 'mingw'] profilers = ['gmon', 'pprof'] parser.add_option('--platform', help='target platform (' + '/'.join(platforms) + ')', choices=platforms) parser.add_option('--debug', action='store_true', help='enable debugging flags',) parser.add_option('--profile', metavar='TYPE', choices=profilers, help='enable profiling (' + '/'.join(profilers) + ')',) parser.add_option('--with-gtest', metavar='PATH', help='use gtest built in directory PATH') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() platform = options.platform if platform is None: platform = sys.platform if platform.startswith('linux'): platform = 'linux' elif platform.startswith('freebsd'): platform = 'freebsd' elif platform.startswith('mingw') or platform.startswith('win'): platform = 'mingw' BUILD_FILENAME = 'build.ninja' buildfile = open(BUILD_FILENAME, 'w') n = ninja_syntax.Writer(buildfile) n.comment('This file is used to build ninja itself.') n.comment('It is generated by ' + os.path.basename(__file__) + '.') n.newline() n.comment('The arguments passed to configure.py, for rerunning it.') n.variable('configure_args', ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])) def src(filename): return os.path.join('src', filename) def built(filename): return os.path.join('$builddir', filename) def doc(filename): return os.path.join('doc', filename) def cxx(name, **kwargs): return n.build(built(name + '.o'), 'cxx', src(name + '.cc'), **kwargs) n.variable('builddir', 'build') n.variable('cxx', os.environ.get('CXX', 'g++')) n.variable('ar', os.environ.get('AR', 'ar')) cflags = ['-g', '-Wall', '-Wextra', '-Wno-deprecated', '-Wno-unused-parameter', '-fno-exceptions', '-fvisibility=hidden', '-pipe'] if not options.debug: cflags += ['-O2', '-DNDEBUG'] ldflags = ['-L$builddir'] libs = [] if platform == 'mingw': cflags.remove('-fvisibility=hidden'); cflags.append('-Igtest-1.6.0/include') ldflags.append('-Lgtest-1.6.0/lib/.libs') ldflags.extend(['-static']) else: if options.profile == 'gmon': cflags.append('-pg') ldflags.append('-pg') elif options.profile == 'pprof': libs.append('-lprofiler') if 'CFLAGS' in os.environ: cflags.append(os.environ['CFLAGS']) n.variable('cflags', ' '.join(cflags)) if 'LDFLAGS' in os.environ: ldflags.append(os.environ['LDFLAGS']) n.variable('ldflags', ' '.join(ldflags)) n.newline() n.rule('cxx', command='$cxx -MMD -MF $out.d $cflags -c $in -o $out', depfile='$out.d', description='CXX $out') n.newline() if platform != 'mingw': n.rule('ar', command='rm -f $out && $ar crs $out $in', description='AR $out') else: n.rule('ar', command='cmd /c $ar cqs $out.tmp $in && move /Y $out.tmp $out', description='AR $out') n.newline() n.rule('link', command='$cxx $ldflags -o $out $in $libs', description='LINK $out') n.newline() objs = [] if platform != 'mingw': n.comment('browse_py.h is used to inline browse.py.') n.rule('inline', command='src/inline.sh $varname < $in > $out', description='INLINE $out') n.build(built('browse_py.h'), 'inline', src('browse.py'), implicit='src/inline.sh', variables=[('varname', 'kBrowsePy')]) n.newline() objs += cxx('browse', order_only=built('browse_py.h')) n.newline() n.comment('Core source files all build into ninja library.') for name in ['build', 'build_log', 'clean', 'edit_distance', 'eval_env', 'graph', 'graphviz', 'parsers', 'util', 'stat_cache', 'disk_interface', 'state']: objs += cxx(name) if platform == 'mingw': objs += cxx('subprocess-win32') else: objs += cxx('subprocess') ninja_lib = n.build(built('libninja.a'), 'ar', objs) n.newline() libs.append('-lninja') n.comment('Main executable is library plus main() function.') objs = cxx('ninja') binary = 'ninja' if platform == 'mingw': binary = 'ninja.exe' n.build(binary, 'link', objs, implicit=ninja_lib, variables=[('libs', libs)]) n.newline() n.comment('Tests all build into ninja_test executable.') variables = [] test_cflags = None test_ldflags = None if options.with_gtest: path = options.with_gtest test_cflags = cflags + ['-I%s' % os.path.join(path, 'include')] test_libs = libs + [os.path.join(path, 'lib/.libs/lib%s.a' % lib) for lib in ['gtest_main', 'gtest']] else: test_libs = libs + ['-lgtest_main', '-lgtest'] objs = [] for name in ['build_log_test', 'build_test', 'clean_test', 'disk_interface_test', 'edit_distance_test', 'eval_env_test', 'graph_test', 'parsers_test', 'state_test', 'subprocess_test', 'test', 'util_test']: objs += cxx(name, variables=[('cflags', test_cflags)]) if platform != 'mingw': test_libs.append('-lpthread') n.build('ninja_test', 'link', objs, implicit=ninja_lib, variables=[('ldflags', test_ldflags), ('libs', test_libs)]) n.newline() n.comment('Perftest executable.') objs = cxx('parser_perftest') n.build('parser_perftest', 'link', objs, implicit=ninja_lib, variables=[('libs', '-L$builddir -lninja')]) n.newline() n.comment('Generate a graph using the "graph" tool.') n.rule('gendot', command='./ninja -t graph > $out') n.rule('gengraph', command='dot -Tpng $in > $out') dot = n.build(built('graph.dot'), 'gendot', ['ninja', 'build.ninja']) n.build('graph.png', 'gengraph', dot) n.newline() n.comment('Generate the manual using asciidoc.') n.rule('asciidoc', command='asciidoc -a toc -o $out $in', description='ASCIIDOC $in') manual = n.build(doc('manual.html'), 'asciidoc', doc('manual.asciidoc')) n.build('manual', 'phony', order_only=manual) n.newline() n.comment('Generate Doxygen.') n.rule('doxygen', command='doxygen $in', description='DOXYGEN $in') n.variable('doxygen_mainpage_generator', src('gen_doxygen_mainpage.sh')) n.rule('doxygen_mainpage', command='$doxygen_mainpage_generator $in > $out', description='DOXYGEN_MAINPAGE $out') mainpage = n.build(built('doxygen_mainpage'), 'doxygen_mainpage', ['README', 'HACKING', 'COPYING'], implicit=['$doxygen_mainpage_generator']) n.build('doxygen', 'doxygen', doc('doxygen.config'), implicit=mainpage) n.newline() if platform != 'mingw': n.comment('Regenerate build files if build script changes.') n.rule('configure', command='./configure.py $configure_args', generator=True) n.build('build.ninja', 'configure', implicit=['configure.py', 'misc/ninja_syntax.py']) n.newline() n.comment('Build only the main binary by default.') n.default(binary) print 'wrote %s.' % BUILD_FILENAME