// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "dyndep_parser.h" #include #include "dyndep.h" #include "graph.h" #include "state.h" #include "util.h" #include "version.h" using namespace std; DyndepParser::DyndepParser(State* state, FileReader* file_reader, DyndepFile* dyndep_file) : Parser(state, file_reader) , dyndep_file_(dyndep_file) { } bool DyndepParser::Parse(const string& filename, const string& input, string* err) { lexer_.Start(filename, input); // Require a supported ninja_dyndep_version value immediately so // we can exit before encountering any syntactic surprises. bool haveDyndepVersion = false; for (;;) { Lexer::Token token = lexer_.ReadToken(); switch (token) { case Lexer::BUILD: { if (!haveDyndepVersion) return lexer_.Error("expected 'ninja_dyndep_version = ...'", err); if (!ParseEdge(err)) return false; break; } case Lexer::IDENT: { lexer_.UnreadToken(); if (haveDyndepVersion) return lexer_.Error(string("unexpected ") + Lexer::TokenName(token), err); if (!ParseDyndepVersion(err)) return false; haveDyndepVersion = true; break; } case Lexer::ERROR: return lexer_.Error(lexer_.DescribeLastError(), err); case Lexer::TEOF: if (!haveDyndepVersion) return lexer_.Error("expected 'ninja_dyndep_version = ...'", err); return true; case Lexer::NEWLINE: break; default: return lexer_.Error(string("unexpected ") + Lexer::TokenName(token), err); } } return false; // not reached } bool DyndepParser::ParseDyndepVersion(string* err) { string name; EvalString let_value; if (!ParseLet(&name, &let_value, err)) return false; if (name != "ninja_dyndep_version") { return lexer_.Error("expected 'ninja_dyndep_version = ...'", err); } string version = let_value.Evaluate(&env_); int major, minor; ParseVersion(version, &major, &minor); if (major != 1 || minor != 0) { return lexer_.Error( string("unsupported 'ninja_dyndep_version = ") + version + "'", err); return false; } return true; } bool DyndepParser::ParseLet(string* key, EvalString* value, string* err) { if (!lexer_.ReadIdent(key)) return lexer_.Error("expected variable name", err); if (!ExpectToken(Lexer::EQUALS, err)) return false; if (!lexer_.ReadVarValue(value, err)) return false; return true; } bool DyndepParser::ParseEdge(string* err) { // Parse one explicit output. We expect it to already have an edge. // We will record its dynamically-discovered dependency information. Dyndeps* dyndeps = NULL; { EvalString out0; if (!lexer_.ReadPath(&out0, err)) return false; if (out0.empty()) return lexer_.Error("expected path", err); string path = out0.Evaluate(&env_); if (path.empty()) return lexer_.Error("empty path", err); uint64_t slash_bits; CanonicalizePath(&path, &slash_bits); Node* node = state_->LookupNode(path); if (!node || !node->in_edge()) return lexer_.Error("no build statement exists for '" + path + "'", err); Edge* edge = node->in_edge(); std::pair res = dyndep_file_->insert(DyndepFile::value_type(edge, Dyndeps())); if (!res.second) return lexer_.Error("multiple statements for '" + path + "'", err); dyndeps = &res.first->second; } // Disallow explicit outputs. { EvalString out; if (!lexer_.ReadPath(&out, err)) return false; if (!out.empty()) return lexer_.Error("explicit outputs not supported", err); } // Parse implicit outputs, if any. vector outs; if (lexer_.PeekToken(Lexer::PIPE)) { for (;;) { EvalString out; if (!lexer_.ReadPath(&out, err)) return err; if (out.empty()) break; outs.push_back(out); } } if (!ExpectToken(Lexer::COLON, err)) return false; string rule_name; if (!lexer_.ReadIdent(&rule_name) || rule_name != "dyndep") return lexer_.Error("expected build command name 'dyndep'", err); // Disallow explicit inputs. { EvalString in; if (!lexer_.ReadPath(&in, err)) return false; if (!in.empty()) return lexer_.Error("explicit inputs not supported", err); } // Parse implicit inputs, if any. vector ins; if (lexer_.PeekToken(Lexer::PIPE)) { for (;;) { EvalString in; if (!lexer_.ReadPath(&in, err)) return err; if (in.empty()) break; ins.push_back(in); } } // Disallow order-only inputs. if (lexer_.PeekToken(Lexer::PIPE2)) return lexer_.Error("order-only inputs not supported", err); if (!ExpectToken(Lexer::NEWLINE, err)) return false; if (lexer_.PeekToken(Lexer::INDENT)) { string key; EvalString val; if (!ParseLet(&key, &val, err)) return false; if (key != "restat") return lexer_.Error("binding is not 'restat'", err); string value = val.Evaluate(&env_); dyndeps->restat_ = !value.empty(); } dyndeps->implicit_inputs_.reserve(ins.size()); for (vector::iterator i = ins.begin(); i != ins.end(); ++i) { string path = i->Evaluate(&env_); if (path.empty()) return lexer_.Error("empty path", err); uint64_t slash_bits; CanonicalizePath(&path, &slash_bits); Node* n = state_->GetNode(path, slash_bits); dyndeps->implicit_inputs_.push_back(n); } dyndeps->implicit_outputs_.reserve(outs.size()); for (vector::iterator i = outs.begin(); i != outs.end(); ++i) { string path = i->Evaluate(&env_); if (path.empty()) return lexer_.Error("empty path", err); string path_err; uint64_t slash_bits; CanonicalizePath(&path, &slash_bits); Node* n = state_->GetNode(path, slash_bits); dyndeps->implicit_outputs_.push_back(n); } return true; }