// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "graph.h" #include #include "build_log.h" #include "ninja.h" #include "parsers.h" #include "util.h" bool FileStat::Stat(DiskInterface* disk_interface) { mtime_ = disk_interface->Stat(path_); return mtime_ > 0; } bool Edge::RecomputeDirty(State* state, DiskInterface* disk_interface, string* err) { bool dirty = false; if (!rule_->depfile_.empty()) { if (!LoadDepFile(state, disk_interface, err)) return false; } time_t most_recent_input = 1; for (vector::iterator i = inputs_.begin(); i != inputs_.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->file_->StatIfNecessary(disk_interface)) { if (Edge* edge = (*i)->in_edge_) { if (!edge->RecomputeDirty(state, disk_interface, err)) return false; } else { // This input has no in-edge; it is dirty if it is missing. // But it's ok for implicit deps to be missing. if (!is_implicit(i - inputs_.begin())) (*i)->dirty_ = !(*i)->file_->exists(); } } if (is_order_only(i - inputs_.begin())) { // Order-only deps only make us dirty if they're missing. if (!(*i)->file_->exists()) dirty = true; continue; } // If a regular input is dirty (or missing), we're dirty. // Otherwise consider mtime. if ((*i)->dirty_) { dirty = true; } else { if ((*i)->file_->mtime_ > most_recent_input) most_recent_input = (*i)->file_->mtime_; } } string command = EvaluateCommand(); assert(!outputs_.empty()); for (vector::iterator i = outputs_.begin(); i != outputs_.end(); ++i) { // We may have other outputs, that our input-recursive traversal hasn't hit // yet (or never will). Stat them if we haven't already. (*i)->file_->StatIfNecessary(disk_interface); // Output is dirty if we're dirty, we're missing the output, // or if it's older than the most recent input mtime. if (dirty || !(*i)->file_->exists() || (*i)->file_->mtime_ < most_recent_input) { (*i)->dirty_ = true; } else { // May also be dirty due to the command changing since the last build. BuildLog::LogEntry* entry; if (state->build_log_ && (entry = state->build_log_->LookupByOutput((*i)->file_->path_))) { if (command != entry->command) (*i)->dirty_ = true; } } } return true; } struct EdgeEnv : public Env { EdgeEnv(Edge* edge) : edge_(edge) {} virtual string LookupVariable(const string& var) { string result; if (var == "in") { int explicit_deps = edge_->inputs_.size() - edge_->implicit_deps_ - edge_->order_only_deps_; for (vector::iterator i = edge_->inputs_.begin(); i != edge_->inputs_.end() && explicit_deps; ++i, --explicit_deps) { if (!result.empty()) result.push_back(' '); result.append((*i)->file_->path_); } } else if (var == "out") { result = edge_->outputs_[0]->file_->path_; } else if (edge_->env_) { return edge_->env_->LookupVariable(var); } return result; } Edge* edge_; }; string Edge::EvaluateCommand() { EdgeEnv env(this); return rule_->command_.Evaluate(&env); } string Edge::GetDescription() { EdgeEnv env(this); return rule_->description_.Evaluate(&env); } bool Edge::LoadDepFile(State* state, DiskInterface* disk_interface, string* err) { EdgeEnv env(this); string path = rule_->depfile_.Evaluate(&env); string content = disk_interface->ReadFile(path, err); if (!err->empty()) return false; if (content.empty()) return true; MakefileParser makefile; string makefile_err; if (!makefile.Parse(content, &makefile_err)) { *err = path + ": " + makefile_err; return false; } // Check that this depfile matches our output. if (outputs_.size() != 1) { *err = "expected only one output"; return false; } if (outputs_[0]->file_->path_ != makefile.out_) { *err = "expected makefile to mention '" + outputs_[0]->file_->path_ + "', " "got '" + makefile.out_ + "'"; return false; } // Add all its in-edges. for (vector::iterator i = makefile.ins_.begin(); i != makefile.ins_.end(); ++i) { if (!CanonicalizePath(&*i, err)) return false; Node* node = state->GetNode(*i); inputs_.insert(inputs_.end() - order_only_deps_, node); node->out_edges_.push_back(this); ++implicit_deps_; } return true; } void Edge::Dump() { printf("[ "); for (vector::iterator i = inputs_.begin(); i != inputs_.end(); ++i) { printf("%s ", (*i)->file_->path_.c_str()); } printf("--%s-> ", rule_->name_.c_str()); for (vector::iterator i = outputs_.begin(); i != outputs_.end(); ++i) { printf("%s ", (*i)->file_->path_.c_str()); } printf("]\n"); } bool Edge::is_phony() const { return rule_ == &State::kPhonyRule; }