// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "parsers.h" #include #include "graph.h" #include "state.h" struct ParserTest : public testing::Test, public ManifestParser::FileReader { void AssertParse(const char* input) { ManifestParser parser(&state, this); string err; ASSERT_TRUE(parser.Parse(input, &err)) << err; ASSERT_EQ("", err); } virtual bool ReadFile(const string& path, string* content, string* err) { files_read_.push_back(path); map::iterator i = files_.find(path); if (i == files_.end()) { *err = "No such file or directory"; // Match strerror() for ENOENT. return false; } *content = i->second; return true; } State state; map files_; vector files_read_; }; TEST_F(ParserTest, Empty) { ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(AssertParse("")); } TEST_F(ParserTest, Rules) { ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(AssertParse( "rule cat\n" " command = cat $in > $out\n" "\n" "rule date\n" " command = date > $out\n" "\n" "build result: cat in_1.cc in-2.O\n")); ASSERT_EQ(3u, state.rules_.size()); const Rule* rule = state.rules_.begin()->second; EXPECT_EQ("cat", rule->name_); EXPECT_EQ("cat $in > $out", rule->command_.unparsed()); } TEST_F(ParserTest, Variables) { ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(AssertParse( "l = one-letter-test\n" "rule link\n" " command = ld $l $extra $with_under -o $out $in\n" "\n" "extra = -pthread\n" "with_under = -under\n" "build a: link b c\n" "nested1 = 1\n" "nested2 = $nested1/2\n" "build supernested: link x\n" " extra = $nested2/3\n")); ASSERT_EQ(2u, state.edges_.size()); Edge* edge = state.edges_[0]; EXPECT_EQ("ld one-letter-test -pthread -under -o a b c", edge->EvaluateCommand()); EXPECT_EQ("1/2", state.bindings_.LookupVariable("nested2")); edge = state.edges_[1]; EXPECT_EQ("ld one-letter-test 1/2/3 -under -o supernested x", edge->EvaluateCommand()); } TEST_F(ParserTest, VariableScope) { ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(AssertParse( "foo = bar\n" "rule cmd\n" " command = cmd $foo $in $out\n" "\n" "build inner: cmd a\n" " foo = baz\n" "build outer: cmd b\n" "\n" // Extra newline after build line tickles a regression. )); ASSERT_EQ(2u, state.edges_.size()); EXPECT_EQ("cmd baz a inner", state.edges_[0]->EvaluateCommand()); EXPECT_EQ("cmd bar b outer", state.edges_[1]->EvaluateCommand()); } TEST_F(ParserTest, Continuation) { ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(AssertParse( "rule link\n" " command = foo bar $\n" " baz\n" "\n" "build a: link c $\n" " d e f\n")); ASSERT_EQ(2u, state.rules_.size()); const Rule* rule = state.rules_.begin()->second; EXPECT_EQ("link", rule->name_); EXPECT_EQ("foo bar baz", rule->command_.unparsed()); } TEST_F(ParserTest, Backslash) { ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(AssertParse( "foo = bar\\baz\n" "foo2 = bar\\ baz\n" )); EXPECT_EQ("bar\\baz", state.bindings_.LookupVariable("foo")); EXPECT_EQ("bar\\ baz", state.bindings_.LookupVariable("foo2")); } TEST_F(ParserTest, Comment) { ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(AssertParse( "# this is a comment\n" "foo = not # a comment\n")); EXPECT_EQ("not # a comment", state.bindings_.LookupVariable("foo")); } TEST_F(ParserTest, Dollars) { ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(AssertParse( "rule foo\n" " command = ${out}bar$$baz$$$\n" "blah\n" "x = $$dollar\n" "build $x: foo y\n" )); EXPECT_EQ("$dollar", state.bindings_.LookupVariable("x")); EXPECT_EQ("$dollarbar$baz$blah", state.edges_[0]->EvaluateCommand()); } TEST_F(ParserTest, EscapeSpaces) { ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(AssertParse( "rule has$ spaces\n" " command = something\n" "build foo$ bar: has$ spaces $$one two$$$ three\n" )); EXPECT_TRUE(state.LookupNode("foo bar")); EXPECT_EQ(state.edges_[0]->outputs_[0]->file_->path_, "foo bar"); EXPECT_EQ(state.edges_[0]->inputs_[0]->file_->path_, "$one"); EXPECT_EQ(state.edges_[0]->inputs_[1]->file_->path_, "two$ three"); EXPECT_EQ(state.edges_[0]->EvaluateCommand(), "something"); } TEST_F(ParserTest, CanonicalizeFile) { ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(AssertParse( "rule cat\n" " command = cat $in > $out\n" "build out: cat in/1 in//2\n" "build in/1: cat\n" "build in/2: cat\n")); EXPECT_TRUE(state.LookupNode("in/1")); EXPECT_TRUE(state.LookupNode("in/2")); EXPECT_FALSE(state.LookupNode("in//1")); EXPECT_FALSE(state.LookupNode("in//2")); } TEST_F(ParserTest, PathVariables) { ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(AssertParse( "rule cat\n" " command = cat $in > $out\n" "dir = out\n" "build $dir/exe: cat src\n")); EXPECT_FALSE(state.LookupNode("$dir/exe")); EXPECT_TRUE(state.LookupNode("out/exe")); } TEST_F(ParserTest, CanonicalizePaths) { ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(AssertParse( "rule cat\n" " command = cat $in > $out\n" "build ./out.o: cat ./bar/baz/../foo.cc\n")); EXPECT_FALSE(state.LookupNode("./out.o")); EXPECT_TRUE(state.LookupNode("out.o")); EXPECT_FALSE(state.LookupNode("./bar/baz/../foo.cc")); EXPECT_TRUE(state.LookupNode("bar/foo.cc")); } TEST_F(ParserTest, ReservedWords) { ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(AssertParse( "rule build\n" " command = rule run $out\n" "build subninja: build include default foo.cc\n" "default subninja\n")); } TEST_F(ParserTest, Errors) { { ManifestParser parser(NULL, NULL); string err; EXPECT_FALSE(parser.Parse("foobar", &err)); EXPECT_EQ("line 1, col 7: expected '=', got eof", err); } { ManifestParser parser(NULL, NULL); string err; EXPECT_FALSE(parser.Parse("x 3", &err)); EXPECT_EQ("line 1, col 3: expected '=', got '3'", err); } { ManifestParser parser(NULL, NULL); string err; EXPECT_FALSE(parser.Parse("x = 3", &err)); EXPECT_EQ("line 1, col 6: expected newline, got eof", err); } { State state; ManifestParser parser(&state, NULL); string err; EXPECT_FALSE(parser.Parse("x = 3\ny 2", &err)); EXPECT_EQ("line 2, col 3: expected '=', got '2'", err); } { State state; ManifestParser parser(&state, NULL); string err; EXPECT_FALSE(parser.Parse("x = $", &err)); EXPECT_EQ("line 1, col 3: unexpected eof", err); } { State state; ManifestParser parser(&state, NULL); string err; EXPECT_FALSE(parser.Parse("x = $\n $[\n", &err)); EXPECT_EQ("line 2, col 3: expected variable after $", err); } { State state; ManifestParser parser(&state, NULL); string err; EXPECT_FALSE(parser.Parse("x = a$\n b$\n $\n", &err)); EXPECT_EQ("line 4, col 1: expected newline, got eof", err); } { State state; ManifestParser parser(&state, NULL); string err; EXPECT_FALSE(parser.Parse("build x: y z\n", &err)); EXPECT_EQ("line 1, col 10: unknown build rule 'y'", err); } { State state; ManifestParser parser(&state, NULL); string err; EXPECT_FALSE(parser.Parse("build x:: y z\n", &err)); EXPECT_EQ("line 1, col 9: expected build command name, got ':'", err); } { State state; ManifestParser parser(&state, NULL); string err; EXPECT_FALSE(parser.Parse("rule cat\n command = cat ok\n" "build x: cat $\n :\n", &err)); EXPECT_EQ("line 4, col 2: expected newline, got ':'", err); } { State state; ManifestParser parser(&state, NULL); string err; EXPECT_FALSE(parser.Parse("rule cat\n", &err)); EXPECT_EQ("line 2, col 1: expected 'command =' line", err); } { State state; ManifestParser parser(&state, NULL); string err; EXPECT_FALSE(parser.Parse("rule cat\n command = ${fafsd\n foo = bar\n", &err)); EXPECT_EQ("line 2, col 20: expected closing curly after ${", err); } { State state; ManifestParser parser(&state, NULL); string err; EXPECT_FALSE(parser.Parse("rule cat\n command = cat\nbuild $: cat foo\n", &err)); // XXX EXPECT_EQ("line 3, col 7: expected variable after $", err); EXPECT_EQ("line 4, col 1: expected variable after $", err); } { State state; ManifestParser parser(&state, NULL); string err; EXPECT_FALSE(parser.Parse("rule %foo\n", &err)); EXPECT_EQ("line 1, col 6: expected rule name, got unknown '%'", err); } { State state; ManifestParser parser(&state, NULL); string err; EXPECT_FALSE(parser.Parse("rule cc\n command = foo\n othervar = bar\n", &err)); EXPECT_EQ("line 3, col 3: unexpected variable 'othervar'", err); } { State state; ManifestParser parser(&state, NULL); string err; EXPECT_FALSE(parser.Parse("rule cc\n command = foo\n" "build $: cc bar.cc\n", &err)); EXPECT_EQ("line 4, col 1: expected variable after $", err); } { State state; ManifestParser parser(&state, NULL); string err; EXPECT_FALSE(parser.Parse("default\n", &err)); EXPECT_EQ("line 1, col 8: expected target name, got newline", err); } { State state; ManifestParser parser(&state, NULL); string err; EXPECT_FALSE(parser.Parse("default nonexistent\n", &err)); EXPECT_EQ("line 1, col 9: unknown target 'nonexistent'", err); } { State state; ManifestParser parser(&state, NULL); string err; EXPECT_FALSE(parser.Parse("rule r\n command = r\n" "build b: r\n" "default b:\n", &err)); EXPECT_EQ("line 4, col 10: expected newline, got ':'", err); } { State state; ManifestParser parser(&state, NULL); string err; EXPECT_FALSE(parser.Parse("default $a\n", &err)); EXPECT_EQ("line 1, col 9: empty path", err); } { State state; ManifestParser parser(&state, NULL); string err; EXPECT_FALSE(parser.Parse("rule r\n" " command = r\n" "build $a: r $c\n", &err)); // XXX the line number is wrong; we should evaluate paths in ParseEdge // as we see them, not after we've read them all! EXPECT_EQ("line 4, col 1: empty path", err); } } TEST_F(ParserTest, MultipleOutputs) { State state; ManifestParser parser(&state, NULL); string err; EXPECT_TRUE(parser.Parse("rule cc\n command = foo\n depfile = bar\n" "build a.o b.o: cc c.cc\n", &err)); EXPECT_EQ("", err); } TEST_F(ParserTest, SubNinja) { files_["test.ninja"] = "var = inner\n" "build $builddir/inner: varref\n"; ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(AssertParse( "builddir = some_dir/\n" "rule varref\n" " command = varref $var\n" "var = outer\n" "build $builddir/outer: varref\n" "subninja test.ninja\n" "build $builddir/outer2: varref\n")); ASSERT_EQ(1u, files_read_.size()); EXPECT_EQ("test.ninja", files_read_[0]); EXPECT_TRUE(state.LookupNode("some_dir/outer")); // Verify our builddir setting is inherited. EXPECT_TRUE(state.LookupNode("some_dir/inner")); ASSERT_EQ(3u, state.edges_.size()); EXPECT_EQ("varref outer", state.edges_[0]->EvaluateCommand()); EXPECT_EQ("varref inner", state.edges_[1]->EvaluateCommand()); EXPECT_EQ("varref outer", state.edges_[2]->EvaluateCommand()); } TEST_F(ParserTest, MissingSubNinja) { ManifestParser parser(&state, this); string err; EXPECT_FALSE(parser.Parse("subninja foo.ninja\n", &err)); EXPECT_EQ("line 1, col 10: loading foo.ninja: No such file or directory", err); } TEST_F(ParserTest, Include) { files_["include.ninja"] = "var = inner\n"; ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(AssertParse( "var = outer\n" "include include.ninja\n")); ASSERT_EQ(1u, files_read_.size()); EXPECT_EQ("include.ninja", files_read_[0]); EXPECT_EQ("inner", state.bindings_.LookupVariable("var")); } TEST_F(ParserTest, Implicit) { ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(AssertParse( "rule cat\n command = cat $in > $out\n" "build foo: cat bar | baz\n")); Edge* edge = state.LookupNode("foo")->in_edge_; ASSERT_TRUE(edge->is_implicit(1)); } TEST_F(ParserTest, OrderOnly) { ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(AssertParse( "rule cat\n command = cat $in > $out\n" "build foo: cat bar || baz\n")); Edge* edge = state.LookupNode("foo")->in_edge_; ASSERT_TRUE(edge->is_order_only(1)); } TEST_F(ParserTest, DefaultDefault) { ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(AssertParse( "rule cat\n command = cat $in > $out\n" "build a: cat foo\n" "build b: cat foo\n" "build c: cat foo\n" "build d: cat foo\n")); string err; EXPECT_EQ(4u, state.DefaultNodes(&err).size()); EXPECT_EQ("", err); } TEST_F(ParserTest, DefaultStatements) { ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(AssertParse( "rule cat\n command = cat $in > $out\n" "build a: cat foo\n" "build b: cat foo\n" "build c: cat foo\n" "build d: cat foo\n" "third = c\n" "default a b\n" "default $third\n")); string err; std::vector nodes = state.DefaultNodes(&err); EXPECT_EQ("", err); ASSERT_EQ(3u, nodes.size()); EXPECT_EQ("a", nodes[0]->file_->path_); EXPECT_EQ("b", nodes[1]->file_->path_); EXPECT_EQ("c", nodes[2]->file_->path_); } TEST(MakefileParser, Basic) { MakefileParser parser; string err; EXPECT_TRUE(parser.Parse( "build/ninja.o: ninja.cc ninja.h eval_env.h manifest_parser.h\n", &err)); ASSERT_EQ("", err); EXPECT_EQ("build/ninja.o", parser.out_.AsString()); EXPECT_EQ(4u, parser.ins_.size()); } TEST(MakefileParser, EarlyNewlineAndWhitespace) { MakefileParser parser; string err; EXPECT_TRUE(parser.Parse( " \\\n" " out: in\n", &err)); ASSERT_EQ("", err); } TEST(MakefileParser, Continuation) { MakefileParser parser; string err; EXPECT_TRUE(parser.Parse( "foo.o: \\\n" " bar.h baz.h\n", &err)); ASSERT_EQ("", err); EXPECT_EQ("foo.o", parser.out_.AsString()); EXPECT_EQ(2u, parser.ins_.size()); }