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authorThierry Bastian <>2009-05-26 09:36:16 (GMT)
committerThierry Bastian <>2009-05-26 09:37:50 (GMT)
commit5345306c9a0a3b10dbf640253b8b2287c762b081 (patch)
parent7733f81af953a1ddaa7debc12bb29b101c5bc101 (diff)
Fixed a bug in animation when you set a start value that doesn't have
the same type as the property For example, if you set a start value of 0 (integer) for a qreal animation, it would not work. Reviewed-by: janarve
2 files changed, 65 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/src/corelib/animation/qvariantanimation.cpp b/src/corelib/animation/qvariantanimation.cpp
index 4542a86..239add9 100644
--- a/src/corelib/animation/qvariantanimation.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/animation/qvariantanimation.cpp
@@ -179,10 +179,14 @@ void QVariantAnimationPrivate::convertValues(int t)
//this ensures that all the keyValues are of type t
for (int i = 0; i < keyValues.count(); ++i) {
QVariantAnimation::KeyValue &pair = keyValues[i];
- if (pair.second.userType() != t)
- pair.second.convert(static_cast<QVariant::Type>(t));
+ pair.second.convert(static_cast<QVariant::Type>(t));
- interpolator = 0; // if the type changed we need to update the interpolator
+ //we also need update to the current interval if needed
+ currentInterval.start.second.convert(static_cast<QVariant::Type>(t));
+ currentInterval.end.second.convert(static_cast<QVariant::Type>(t));
+ //... and the interpolator
+ interpolator = 0;
diff --git a/tests/auto/qpropertyanimation/tst_qpropertyanimation.cpp b/tests/auto/qpropertyanimation/tst_qpropertyanimation.cpp
index 7e910d4..0aeac91 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qpropertyanimation/tst_qpropertyanimation.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qpropertyanimation/tst_qpropertyanimation.cpp
@@ -63,6 +63,18 @@ protected:
+class MyObject : public QObject
+ Q_PROPERTY(qreal x READ x WRITE setX)
+ MyObject() : m_x(0) { }
+ qreal x() const { return m_x; }
+ void setX(qreal x) { m_x = x; }
+ qreal m_x;
class tst_QPropertyAnimation : public QObject
@@ -92,6 +104,7 @@ private slots:
void startWithoutStartValue();
void playForwardBackward();
void interpolated();
+ void setStartEndValues_data();
void setStartEndValues();
void zeroDurationStart();
void operationsInStates_data();
@@ -283,7 +296,7 @@ void tst_QPropertyAnimation::statesAndSignals()
void tst_QPropertyAnimation::deletion1()
QObject *object = new QWidget;
- QPointer<QPropertyAnimation> anim = new QPropertyAnimation(object,"minimumWidth");
+ QPointer<QPropertyAnimation> anim = new QPropertyAnimation(object, "minimumWidth");
//test that the animation is deleted correctly depending of the deletion flag passed in start()
QSignalSpy runningSpy(anim, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QAbstractAnimation::State, QAbstractAnimation::State)));
@@ -686,52 +699,78 @@ void tst_QPropertyAnimation::interpolated()
+void tst_QPropertyAnimation::setStartEndValues_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<QByteArray>("propertyName");
+ QTest::addColumn<QVariant>("initialValue");
+ QTest::addColumn<QVariant>("startValue");
+ QTest::addColumn<QVariant>("endValue");
+ QTest::newRow("dynamic property") << QByteArray("ole") << QVariant(42) << QVariant(0) << QVariant(10);
+ QTest::newRow("real property, with unmatching types") << QByteArray("x") << QVariant(42.) << QVariant(0) << QVariant(10.);
void tst_QPropertyAnimation::setStartEndValues()
+ MyObject object;
+ QFETCH(QByteArray, propertyName);
+ QFETCH(QVariant, initialValue);
+ QFETCH(QVariant, startValue);
+ QFETCH(QVariant, endValue);
//this tests the start value, end value and default start value
- QObject o;
- o.setProperty("ole", 42);
- QPropertyAnimation anim(&o, "ole");
+ object.setProperty(propertyName, initialValue);
+ QPropertyAnimation anim(&object, propertyName);
QVariantAnimation::KeyValues values;
QCOMPARE(anim.keyValues(), values);
//let's add a start value
- anim.setStartValue(0);
- values << QVariantAnimation::KeyValue(0, 0);
+ anim.setStartValue(startValue);
+ values << QVariantAnimation::KeyValue(0, startValue);
QCOMPARE(anim.keyValues(), values);
- anim.setEndValue(10);
- values << QVariantAnimation::KeyValue(1, 10);
+ anim.setEndValue(endValue);
+ values << QVariantAnimation::KeyValue(1, endValue);
QCOMPARE(anim.keyValues(), values);
//now we can play with objects
- QCOMPARE("ole").toInt(), 42);
- QCOMPARE("ole").toInt(), 42);
+ QCOMPARE(, initialValue.toDouble());
- QCOMPARE("ole"), anim.startValue());
+ QCOMPARE(, anim.startValue());
+ anim.setCurrentTime(anim.duration()/2);
+ QCOMPARE(, (startValue.toDouble() + endValue.toDouble())/2 ); //just in the middle of the animation
+ anim.setCurrentTime(anim.duration()); //we go to the end of the animation
+ QCOMPARE(anim.state(), QAnimationGroup::Stopped); //it should have stopped
+ QVERIFY(anim.endValue().isValid());
+ QCOMPARE(, anim.endValue()); //end of the animations
//now we remove the explicit start value and test the implicit one
- o.setProperty("ole", 42);
+ object.setProperty(propertyName, initialValue);
+ //let's reset the start value
- anim.setStartValue(QVariant()); //reset the start value
+ anim.setStartValue(QVariant());
QCOMPARE(anim.keyValues(), values);
- QCOMPARE("ole").toInt(), 42);
+ QCOMPARE(, initialValue);
- QCOMPARE("ole").toInt(), 26); //just in the middle of the animation
- anim.setCurrentTime(anim.duration());
+ QCOMPARE(, (initialValue.toDouble() + endValue.toDouble())/2 ); //just in the middle of the animation
+ anim.setCurrentTime(anim.duration()); //we go to the end of the animation
QCOMPARE(anim.state(), QAnimationGroup::Stopped); //it should have stopped
- QCOMPARE("ole"), anim.endValue()); //end of the animations
+ QCOMPARE(, anim.endValue()); //end of the animations
//now we set back the startValue
- anim.setStartValue(5);
+ anim.setStartValue(startValue);
- QCOMPARE("ole").toInt(), 5);
+ QCOMPARE(, startValue);
void tst_QPropertyAnimation::zeroDurationStart()