diff options
authorJoona Petrell <>2010-09-30 08:03:43 (GMT)
committerJoona Petrell <>2010-09-30 08:15:44 (GMT)
commit753d366ced1a62a97d5207eb2708817efc35bc4d (patch)
parentba698e20b32defcb0840293fc4ac5948f7c190c9 (diff)
Add declarative changelog entries for 4.7.1
Task-number: Reviewed-by: Yann Bodson
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dist/changes-4.7.1 b/dist/changes-4.7.1
index 993e596..9a3e543 100644
--- a/dist/changes-4.7.1
+++ b/dist/changes-4.7.1
@@ -146,10 +146,97 @@ QtXmlPatterns
+ - QML language
+ * [QTBUG-13799] QML core module renamed to QtQuick to decouple it from Qt releases.
+ Old "import Qt 4.7" will co-exist with "import QtQuick 1.0' at least during Qt 4.7 releases.
+ * [QTBUG-13047] Support passing QObject derived types to QML methods
+ * [QTBUG-12837] Support JS "in" operator on QML objects
+ * [QTBUG-13045] Prevent calling deleteLater() from QML
+ * [QTBUG-13043] Ignore non-scriptable properties in QML
+ * [QTBUG-13114] Don't double call classBegin()
+ * [QTBUG-12946] Ensure the onDestruction handlers are called before the expressions are cleared
+ * [QTBUG-12599] Re-enabled script program caching on Symbian
+ * [QTBUG-13374] Don't modify the signal order on the second dynamic meta object pass
+ * Support for qsTrId and meta-data in comments for QML
- QML debugging:
* [QTBUG-5162] The debugger is now activated with -qmljsdebugger command
line arg to enable support for platforms without environment variables
* Various improvements to ease debugging in creator
+ - AnchorAnimation
+ * [QTBUG-13398] Fix AnchorAnimation for multiple AnchorChanges with dependancies
+ - AnchorChanges
+ * [QTBUG-11834] Restore any absolute geometry changed by AnchorChanges when returning to the base state
+ - Component
+ * [QTBUG-13170] Complete Component::createObject() creation after setting the parent
+ - GridView
+ * [QTBUG-13166] GridView.view property should not be writable
+ - Flickable
+ * [QTBUG-13095] Ensure Flickable visibleArea is updated when view height changes
+ * [QTBUG-13176] Avoid Flickable view jumping when drag threashold is exceeded
+ * [QTBUG-13078] Fix poor flicking behavior with slower flicks
+ * Handle QGraphicsWidgets in Flickable
+ - FocusScope
+ * [QTBUG-12649] Make sure onFocusChanged is correctly emitted for items in a FocusScope.
+ - FontLoader
+ * [QTBUG-13419] Don't add the same font to the font database multiple times
+ - ListModel
+ * [QTBUG-12363] Modifying an object returned by ListModel.get(0) didn't update the view
+ * [QTBUG-13666] Calling set() and setProperty() on ListModel from a WorkerScript didn't update the view
+ * Fix Worker ListModel to emit the right signal when items change
+ * Fix crash with invalid role indexes
+ * improved ListModel error messages
+ - ListView
+ * [QTBUG-13664] Models with a single role didn't always update correctly
+ * [QTBUG-13543] Ensure flickable velocity is updated when view is moved by setCurrentIndex
+ * [QTBUG-12664] Ensure highlight is positioned correctly in positionViewAtIndex()
+ * [QTBUG-13166] Fix ListView.view attached property with VisualItemModel
+ * [QTBUG-13039] Fix crash in synchronization of ListModel in WorkerThread
+ * [QTBUG-11341] Flicking a ListView sometimes made it loose focus
+ * [QTBUG-13166] ListView.view property should not be writable
+ - PathView
+ * [QTBUG-13689] Moving items in a PathView caused PathView.onPath to be set to false
+ * [QTBUG-13687] PathView didn't accept mouse events, preventing it from working in a Flickable
+ * [QTBUG-13416] Fix PathView item position on insertion and removal
+ * [QTBUG-13017] Fix PathView when setting an empty model that is later filled
+ * [QTBUG-12747] PathView required some diagonal movement before a drag was initiated
+ - Positioners
+ * made positioners work with QGraphicsWidgets
+ - PropertyChanges
+ * [QTBUG-12559] Correctly apply PropertyChanges when entering an extended state directly from the base state
+ - VisualDataModel
+ * [QTBUG-13754] Fixed a crash when updating a property in ListModel with multiple roles
+ * [QTBUG-13038] Fix VisualDataModel model update handling when rootIndex is specified
+ * [QTBUG-13146] Handle layoutChanged() properly in QML views
+ - XmlListModel
+ * [QTBUG-13041] XmlListModel thread was left hanging on Symbian application exit
+ - ParentChange
+ * [QTBUG-13554] ParentChange fails to apply rotation changes of exactly 180 degrees
+ - MouseArea
+ * [QTBUG-12250] When onDoubleClicked: is handled don't emit a second onPressed/onClicked
+ - Image
+ * [QTBUG-13454] Changing the Image 'source' no longer goes through the 'Loading' state if the image is cached.
+ * [QTBUG-13383] Do not reset sourceSize when changing image source url
+ * [QTBUG-13002] Setting one dimension of the sourceSize should set the other dimensio
+ * [QTBUG-12302] Fix remote image url redirects are done in the right thread
+ * Ensure all image states are updated before emitting statusChanged signals
+ - NumberAnimation
+ * [QTBUG-12805] Clear previous animation data for non-triggering animations
+ - Repeater
+ * [QTBUG-12905] Emit countChanged where appropriate in Repeater
+ - SmoothedAnimation
+ * [QTBUG-12336] Update running animations if a SmoothedAnimation is changed
+ - SpringAnimation
+ * [QTBUG-13044] SpringAnimation velocity animation stop logic was fragile
+ - Text
+ * [QTBUG-13453] Fix jerky scrolling caused by unnecessary repaints of Text element
+ * [QTBUG-13142] Fix alignment of shadow for rich text when using text styles
+ * [QTBUG-11002] Improve QML text rendering when LCD smoothing is enabled for OS X
+ - TextInput
+ * [QTBUG-11127] Fix autoScroll implementation
+ - XmlHttpRequest
+ * [QTBUG-13117] Fix responseText to check the charset encoding field and also to not assume that the data is xml
+ - WebView
+ * [QTBUG-13342] Ensure WebView gets focus when an editable node is clicked on
- QDeclarativeImageProvider:
* Fixed memory leak
* Improved concurrency when using in assynchronus mode.
@@ -239,6 +326,11 @@ Qt for Windows CE
- moc
* Show an error if NOTIFY refer to a wrong signal in Q_PROPERTY
+ - QML Viewer
+ * [QTBUG-13347] Paused orientation sensors in Qml Viewer when the application window is not active to save device battery
+ * [QTBUG-11019] Add a menu option to open remote files in the QML viewer
+ * QML Viewer is deployed under QtDemos folder instead of QtExamples folder in Symbian application menu
* Important Behavior Changes *