diff options
authorAaron Kennedy <>2009-04-30 04:54:49 (GMT)
committerAaron Kennedy <>2009-04-30 04:54:49 (GMT)
commitf2fb6b63c6e5572d02245c64da652f13174588b9 (patch)
parent0204346fb91eaf73893b651438980cb9ca5f1f51 (diff)
Convert all examples and demos from XML format
15 files changed, 1522 insertions, 843 deletions
diff --git a/demos/declarative/webbrowser/content/RectSoftShadow.qml b/demos/declarative/webbrowser/content/RectSoftShadow.qml
index 2b39422..5817f00 100644
--- a/demos/declarative/webbrowser/content/RectSoftShadow.qml
+++ b/demos/declarative/webbrowser/content/RectSoftShadow.qml
@@ -1,10 +1,30 @@
- <Image source="pics/softshadow-left.sci" x="-16" y="-16"
- width="16" height="{parent.height+32}" />
- <Image source="pics/softshadow-right.sci" x="{parent.width}" y="-16"
- width="16" height="{parent.height+32}" />
- <Image source="pics/softshadow-top.png" x="0" y="-16"
- width="{parent.width}" height="16" />
- <Image source="pics/softshadow-bottom.png" x="0" y="{parent.height}"
- width="{webview.width*webview.scale}" height="16" />
+Item {
+ Image {
+ source: "pics/softshadow-left.sci"
+ x: -16
+ y: -16
+ width: 16
+ height: parent.height+32
+ }
+ Image {
+ source: "pics/softshadow-right.sci"
+ x: parent.width
+ y: -16
+ width: 16
+ height: parent.height+32
+ }
+ Image {
+ source: "pics/softshadow-top.png"
+ x: 0
+ y: -16
+ width: parent.width
+ height: 16
+ }
+ Image {
+ source: "pics/softshadow-bottom.png"
+ x: 0
+ y: parent.height
+ width: webview.width*webview.scale
+ height: 16
+ }
diff --git a/demos/declarative/webbrowser/webbrowser.qml b/demos/declarative/webbrowser/webbrowser.qml
index cf96b3f..2b49c11 100644
--- a/demos/declarative/webbrowser/webbrowser.qml
+++ b/demos/declarative/webbrowser/webbrowser.qml
@@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
-<?qtfx namespacepath:=content?>
-<Item width="640" height="480" id="WebBrowser" state="Normal">
- <properties><Property name="url" value=""/></properties>
- <Script>
+import "content"
+Item {
+ width: 640
+ height: 480
+ id: WebBrowser
+ state: "Normal"
+ properties: Property {
+ name: "url"
+ value: ""
+ }
+ Script {
function zoomOut() {
WebBrowser.state = "ZoomedOut";
@@ -14,162 +22,419 @@
- </Script>
- <Item id="WebPanel" anchors.fill="{parent}" clip="true">
- <Rect color="#555555" anchors.fill="{parent}"/>
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- <Image source="content/pics/softshadow-top.png" width="{WebPanel.width}" anchors.bottom="{}" height="16" />
- <RectSoftShadow x="{-Flick.xPosition}" y="{-Flick.yPosition}"
- width="{WebView.width*WebView.scale}" height="{Flick.y+WebView.height*WebView.scale}"/>
- <Item id="HeaderSpace" width="{parent.width}" height="60" z="1">
- <Image id="Header" width="{parent.width}" state="Normal"
- x="{Flick.xPosition &lt; 0
- ? -Flick.xPosition
- : Flick.xPosition &gt; Flick.viewportWidth-Flick.width
- ? -Flick.xPosition+Flick.viewportWidth-Flick.width
- : 0}"
- y="{Flick.yPosition &lt; 0 ? -Flick.yPosition : progressOff*(Flick.yPosition>height?-height:-Flick.yPosition)}"
- height="64" source="content/pics/header.png">
- <Text id="HeaderText" text="{WebView.title!='' || WebView.progress == 1.0 ? WebView.title : 'Loading...'}"
- color="white" styleColor="black" style="Raised"
-"Helvetica" font.size="10" font.bold="true" elide="ElideRight"
- anchors.left="{Header.left}" anchors.right="{Header.right}"
- anchors.leftMargin="4" anchors.rightMargin="4"
-"{}" anchors.topMargin="4" hAlign="AlignHCenter"/>
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- <Image source="content/pics/addressbar.sci" anchors.fill="{UrlBox}"/>
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- <KeyActions id="keyActions" return="WebBrowser.url = EditUrl.text; proxy.focus=false;"/>
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- anchors.left="{UrlBox.left}" anchors.right="{UrlBox.right}" anchors.leftMargin="6"
- anchors.verticalCenter="{UrlBox.verticalCenter}" anchors.verticalCenterOffset="1"
- font.size="11" wrap="false" opacity="0"/>
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- anchors.left="{UrlBox.left}" anchors.right="{UrlBox.right}" anchors.leftMargin="6"
- anchors.verticalCenter="{UrlBox.verticalCenter}" anchors.verticalCenterOffset="1"
- font.size="11" />
- </Item>
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- </Item>
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- </properties>
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- </State>
- <State name="ProgressShown" when="{WebView.progress &lt; 1.0}">
- <SetProperty target="{Header}" property="progressOff" value="0"/>
- </State>
- </states>
- <transitions>
- <Transition>
- <NumericAnimation target="{Header}" properties="progressOff" easing="easeInOutQuad" duration="300"/>
- </Transition>
- </transitions>
- </Image>
- </Item>
- <Flickable id="Flick"
-"{HeaderSpace.bottom}" anchors.bottom="{}"
- anchors.left="{parent.left}" anchors.right="{parent.right}"
- width="{parent.width}"
- viewportWidth="{Math.max(parent.width,WebView.width*WebView.scale)}"
- viewportHeight="{Math.max(parent.height,WebView.height*WebView.scale)}"
- >
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- <Property name="centerX" value="0" type="Real"/>
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- </properties>
- <WebView id="WebView"
- cacheSize="4000000"
- smooth="true"
- url="{WebBrowser.url}"
- onDoubleClick="toggleZoom()"
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- focus="true"
- idealWidth="{Flick.width}"
- idealHeight="{Flick.height/scale}"
- onUrlChanged="Flick.xPosition=0; Flick.yPosition=0; zoomOut()"
- scale="{(width > 0) ? Flick.width/width*zoomedOut+(1-zoomedOut) : 1}"
- >
- <properties>
- <Property name="zoomedOut" type="real" value="1"/>
- </properties>
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- height="43" source="content/pics/footer.sci">
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- <Image anchors.fill="{parent}" id="back_e" source="content/pics/back.png" />
- <Image anchors.fill="{parent}" id="back_d" source="content/pics/back-disabled.png" />
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- <State name="Enabled" when="{WebView.back.enabled==true}">
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- <SetProperty target="{back_d}" property="opacity" value="0"/>
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- <SetProperty target="{back_e}" property="opacity" value="0"/>
- <SetProperty target="{back_d}" property="opacity" value="1"/>
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- <transitions>
- <Transition>
- <NumericAnimation properties="opacity" easing="easeInOutQuad" duration="300"/>
- </Transition>
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- <MouseRegion anchors.fill="{back_e}" onClicked="if (WebView.back.enabled) WebView.back.trigger()"/>
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- <Image id="reload" source="content/pics/reload.png" anchors.horizontalCenter="{parent.horizontalCenter}" anchors.verticalCenter="{parent.verticalCenter}"/>
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- <State name="Enabled" when="{WebView.forward.enabled==true}">
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- <SetProperty target="{forward_d}" property="opacity" value="0"/>
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- <SetProperty target="{forward_e}" property="opacity" value="0"/>
- <SetProperty target="{forward_d}" property="opacity" value="1"/>
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- <transitions>
- <Transition>
- <NumericAnimation properties="opacity" easing="easeInOutQuad" duration="320"/>
- </Transition>
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- </Item>
- <states>
- <State name="Normal">
- <SetProperty target="{WebView}" property="zoomedOut" value="0"/>
- <SetProperty target="{Flick}" property="xPosition" value="{Math.min(WebView.width-Flick.width,Math.max(0,Flick.centerX-Flick.width/2))}"/>
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- </State>
- <State name="ZoomedOut">
- <SetProperty target="{WebView}" property="zoomedOut" value="1"/>
- </State>
- </states>
- <transitions>
- <Transition>
- <SequentialAnimation>
- <SetPropertyAction target="{WebView}" property="smooth" value="false" />
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- <NumericAnimation target="{WebView}" properties="zoomedOut" easing="easeInOutQuad" duration="200"/>
- <NumericAnimation target="{Flick}" properties="xPosition,yPosition" easing="easeInOutQuad" duration="200"/>
- </ParallelAnimation>
- <SetPropertyAction target="{WebView}" property="smooth" value="true" />
- </SequentialAnimation>
- </Transition>
- </transitions>
+ }
+ Item {
+ id: WebPanel
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ clip: true
+ Rect {
+ color: "#555555"
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ }
+ Image {
+ source: "content/pics/softshadow-bottom.png"
+ width: WebPanel.width
+ height: 16
+ }
+ Image {
+ source: "content/pics/softshadow-top.png"
+ width: WebPanel.width
+ anchors.bottom:
+ height: 16
+ }
+ RectSoftShadow {
+ x: -Flick.xPosition
+ y: -Flick.yPosition
+ width: WebView.width*WebView.scale
+ height: Flick.y+WebView.height*WebView.scale
+ }
+ Item {
+ id: HeaderSpace
+ width: parent.width
+ height: 60
+ z: 1
+ Image {
+ id: Header
+ width: parent.width
+ state: "Normal"
+ x: Flick.xPosition < 0 ? -Flick.xPosition : Flick.xPosition > Flick.viewportWidth-Flick.width ? -Flick.xPosition+Flick.viewportWidth-Flick.width : 0
+ y: Flick.yPosition < 0 ? -Flick.yPosition : progressOff*(Flick.yPosition>height?-height:-Flick.yPosition)
+ height: 64
+ source: "content/pics/header.png"
+ Text {
+ id: HeaderText
+ text: WebView.title!='' || WebView.progress == 1.0 ? WebView.title : 'Loading...'
+ color: "white"
+ styleColor: "black"
+ style: Raised
+ "Helvetica"
+ font.size: 10
+ font.bold: true
+ elide: "ElideRight"
+ anchors.left: Header.left
+ anchors.right: Header.right
+ anchors.leftMargin: 4
+ anchors.rightMargin: 4
+ anchors.topMargin: 4
+ hAlign: AlignHCenter
+ }
+ Item {
+ HeaderText.bottom
+ anchors.topMargin: 2
+ anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+ width: parent.width
+ Item {
+ id: UrlBox
+ anchors.left: parent.left
+ anchors.leftMargin: 12
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ anchors.rightMargin: 12
+ height: 31
+ clip: true
+ Image {
+ source: "content/pics/addressbar.sci"
+ anchors.fill: UrlBox
+ }
+ Image {
+ id: UrlBoxhl
+ source: "content/pics/addressbar-filled.sci"
+ opacity: 1-Header.progressOff
+ clip: true
+ width: parent.width*WebView.progress
+ height: parent.height
+ }
+ KeyProxy {
+ id: proxy
+ anchors.left: UrlBox.left
+ anchors.fill: UrlBox
+ focusable: true
+ targets: {[keyActions,EditUrl]}
+ }
+ KeyActions {
+ id: keyActions
+ keyReturn: "WebBrowser.url = EditUrl.text; proxy.focus=false;"
+ }
+ TextEdit {
+ id: EditUrl
+ color: "#555555"
+ text: WebView.url == '' ? ' ' : WebView.url
+ anchors.left: UrlBox.left
+ anchors.right: UrlBox.right
+ anchors.leftMargin: 6
+ anchors.verticalCenter: UrlBox.verticalCenter
+ anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 1
+ font.size: 11
+ wrap: false
+ opacity: 0
+ }
+ Text {
+ id: ShowUrl
+ color: "#555555"
+ text: WebView.url == '' ? ' ' : WebView.url
+ anchors.left: UrlBox.left
+ anchors.right: UrlBox.right
+ anchors.leftMargin: 6
+ anchors.verticalCenter: UrlBox.verticalCenter
+ anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 1
+ font.size: 11
+ }
+ }
+ MouseRegion {
+ anchors.fill: UrlBox
+ onClicked: { proxy.focus=true }
+ }
+ }
+ properties: Property {
+ name: "progressOff"
+ value: 1
+ type: "Real"
+ }
+ states: [
+ State {
+ name: "Normal"
+ when: WebView.progress == 1.0
+ SetProperty {
+ target: Header
+ property: "progressOff"
+ value: 1
+ }
+ },
+ State {
+ name: "ProgressShown"
+ when: WebView.progress < 1.0
+ SetProperty {
+ target: Header
+ property: "progressOff"
+ value: 0
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ transitions: [
+ Transition {
+ NumericAnimation {
+ target: Header
+ properties: "progressOff"
+ easing: "easeInOutQuad"
+ duration: 300
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ Flickable {
+ id: Flick
+ HeaderSpace.bottom
+ anchors.bottom:
+ anchors.left: parent.left
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ width: parent.width
+ viewportWidth: Math.max(parent.width,WebView.width*WebView.scale)
+ viewportHeight: Math.max(parent.height,WebView.height*WebView.scale)
+ properties: Property {
+ name: "centerX"
+ value: 0
+ type: "Real"
+ }
+ properties: Property {
+ name: "centerY"
+ value: 0
+ type: "Real"
+ }
+ WebView {
+ id: WebView
+ cacheSize: 4000000
+ smooth: true
+ url: WebBrowser.url
+ onDoubleClick: { toggleZoom() }
+ focusable: true
+ focus: true
+ idealWidth: Flick.width
+ idealHeight: Flick.height/scale
+ onUrlChanged: { Flick.xPosition=0; Flick.yPosition=0; zoomOut() }
+ scale: (width > 0) ? Flick.width/width*zoomedOut+(1-zoomedOut) : 1
+ properties: Property {
+ name: "zoomedOut"
+ type: "real"
+ value: 1
+ }
+ }
+ Rect {
+ id: WebViewTint
+ anchors.fill: WebView
+ color: "black"
+ opacity: 0
+ MouseRegion {
+ anchors.fill: WebViewTint
+ onClicked: { proxy.focus=false }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Image {
+ id: Footer
+ width: parent.width
+ anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+ height: 43
+ source: "content/pics/footer.sci"
+ Rect {
+ y: -1
+ width: parent.width
+ height: 1
+ color: "#555555"
+ }
+ Item {
+ id: backbutton
+ anchors.right: reload.left
+ anchors.rightMargin: 10
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ width: back_e.width
+ height: back_e.height
+ Image {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ id: back_e
+ source: "content/pics/back.png"
+ }
+ Image {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ id: back_d
+ source: "content/pics/back-disabled.png"
+ }
+ states: [
+ State {
+ name: "Enabled"
+ when: WebView.back.enabled==true
+ SetProperty {
+ target: back_e
+ property: "opacity"
+ value: 1
+ }
+ SetProperty {
+ target: back_d
+ property: "opacity"
+ value: 0
+ }
+ },
+ State {
+ name: "Disabled"
+ when: WebView.back.enabled==false
+ SetProperty {
+ target: back_e
+ property: "opacity"
+ value: 0
+ }
+ SetProperty {
+ target: back_d
+ property: "opacity"
+ value: 1
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ transitions: [
+ Transition {
+ NumericAnimation {
+ properties: "opacity"
+ easing: "easeInOutQuad"
+ duration: 300
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ MouseRegion {
+ anchors.fill: back_e
+ onClicked: { if (WebView.back.enabled) WebView.back.trigger() }
+ }
+ }
+ Image {
+ id: reload
+ source: "content/pics/reload.png"
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ }
+ MouseRegion {
+ anchors.fill: reload
+ onClicked: { WebView.reload.trigger() }
+ }
+ Item {
+ id: forwardbutton
+ anchors.left: reload.right
+ anchors.leftMargin: 10
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ width: forward_e.width
+ height: forward_e.height
+ Image {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ id: forward_e
+ source: "content/pics/forward.png"
+ }
+ Image {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ id: forward_d
+ source: "content/pics/forward-disabled.png"
+ }
+ states: [
+ State {
+ name: "Enabled"
+ when: WebView.forward.enabled==true
+ SetProperty {
+ target: forward_e
+ property: "opacity"
+ value: 1
+ }
+ SetProperty {
+ target: forward_d
+ property: "opacity"
+ value: 0
+ }
+ },
+ State {
+ name: "Disabled"
+ when: WebView.forward.enabled==false
+ SetProperty {
+ target: forward_e
+ property: "opacity"
+ value: 0
+ }
+ SetProperty {
+ target: forward_d
+ property: "opacity"
+ value: 1
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ transitions: [
+ Transition {
+ NumericAnimation {
+ properties: "opacity"
+ easing: "easeInOutQuad"
+ duration: 320
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ MouseRegion {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ onClicked: { if (WebView.forward.enabled) WebView.forward.trigger() }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ states: [
+ State {
+ name: "Normal"
+ SetProperty {
+ target: WebView
+ property: "zoomedOut"
+ value: 0
+ }
+ SetProperty {
+ target: Flick
+ property: "xPosition"
+ value: Math.min(WebView.width-Flick.width,Math.max(0,Flick.centerX-Flick.width/2))
+ }
+ SetProperty {
+ target: Flick
+ property: "yPosition"
+ value: Math.min(WebView.height-Flick.height,Math.max(0,Flick.centerY-Flick.height/2))
+ }
+ },
+ State {
+ name: "ZoomedOut"
+ SetProperty {
+ target: WebView
+ property: "zoomedOut"
+ value: 1
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ transitions: [
+ Transition {
+ SequentialAnimation {
+ SetPropertyAction {
+ target: WebView
+ property: "smooth"
+ value: false
+ }
+ ParallelAnimation {
+ NumericAnimation {
+ target: WebView
+ properties: "zoomedOut"
+ easing: "easeInOutQuad"
+ duration: 200
+ }
+ NumericAnimation {
+ target: Flick
+ properties: "xPosition,yPosition"
+ easing: "easeInOutQuad"
+ duration: 200
+ }
+ }
+ SetPropertyAction {
+ target: WebView
+ property: "smooth"
+ value: true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/examples/declarative/contacts/dummydata/contactModel.qml b/examples/declarative/contacts/dummydata/contactModel.qml
index 341b7a6..48b2fd9 100644
--- a/examples/declarative/contacts/dummydata/contactModel.qml
+++ b/examples/declarative/contacts/dummydata/contactModel.qml
@@ -1,103 +1,103 @@
- <Contact>
- <firstName>Aaron</firstName>
- <lastName>Kennedy</lastName>
- <portrait>contact.png</portrait>
- <emails>
- <Email address=""/>
- <Email address=""/>
- </emails>
- </Contact>
- <Contact>
- <firstName>Contact</firstName>
- <lastName>1</lastName>
- <portrait>contact.png</portrait>
- </Contact>
- <Contact>
- <firstName>Contact</firstName>
- <lastName>2</lastName>
- <portrait>contact.png</portrait>
- </Contact>
- <Contact>
- <firstName>Contact</firstName>
- <lastName>3</lastName>
- <portrait>contact.png</portrait>
- </Contact>
- <Contact>
- <firstName>Contact</firstName>
- <lastName>4</lastName>
- <portrait>contact.png</portrait>
- </Contact>
- <Contact>
- <firstName>Contact</firstName>
- <lastName>5</lastName>
- <portrait>contact.png</portrait>
- </Contact>
- <Contact>
- <firstName>Contact</firstName>
- <lastName>6</lastName>
- <portrait>contact.png</portrait>
- </Contact>
- <Contact>
- <firstName>Contact</firstName>
- <lastName>7</lastName>
- <portrait>contact.png</portrait>
- </Contact>
- <Contact>
- <firstName>Contact</firstName>
- <lastName>8</lastName>
- <portrait>contact.png</portrait>
- </Contact>
- <Contact>
- <firstName>Contact</firstName>
- <lastName>9</lastName>
- <portrait>contact.png</portrait>
- </Contact>
- <Contact>
- <firstName>Alan</firstName>
- <lastName>Alpert</lastName>
- <portrait>contact.png</portrait>
- </Contact>
- <Contact>
- <firstName>Betty</firstName>
- <lastName>Boo</lastName>
- <portrait>contact.png</portrait>
- </Contact>
- <Contact>
- <firstName>Foo</firstName>
- <lastName>Bar</lastName>
- <portrait>contact.png</portrait>
- </Contact>
- <Contact>
- <firstName>Marius</firstName>
- <lastName>Bugge Monsen</lastName>
- <portrait>contact.png</portrait>
- </Contact>
- <Contact>
- <firstName>Martin</firstName>
- <lastName>Jones</lastName>
- <portrait>contact.png</portrait>
- <emails>
- <Email address=""/>
- <Email address=""/>
- </emails>
- </Contact>
- <Contact>
- <firstName>Michael</firstName>
- <lastName>Brasser</lastName>
- <portrait>contact.png</portrait>
- <emails>
- <Email address=""/>
- </emails>
- </Contact>
- <Contact>
- <firstName>Yann</firstName>
- <lastName>Bodson</lastName>
- <portrait>contact.png</portrait>
- </Contact>
- <Contact>
- <firstName>Yogi</firstName>
- <lastName>Bear</lastName>
- <portrait>contact.png</portrait>
- </Contact>
+ListModel2 {
+ ListElement {
+ firstName: "Aaron"
+ lastName: "Kennedy"
+ portrait: "contact.png"
+ emails: [
+ ListElement { address: "" },
+ ListElement { address: "" }
+ ]
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ firstName: "ListElement"
+ lastName: 1
+ portrait: "contact.png"
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ firstName: "ListElement"
+ lastName: 2
+ portrait: "contact.png"
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ firstName: "ListElement"
+ lastName: 3
+ portrait: "contact.png"
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ firstName: "ListElement"
+ lastName: 4
+ portrait: "contact.png"
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ firstName: "ListElement"
+ lastName: 5
+ portrait: "contact.png"
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ firstName: "ListElement"
+ lastName: 6
+ portrait: "contact.png"
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ firstName: "ListElement"
+ lastName: 7
+ portrait: "contact.png"
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ firstName: "ListElement"
+ lastName: 8
+ portrait: "contact.png"
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ firstName: "ListElement"
+ lastName: 9
+ portrait: "contact.png"
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ firstName: "Alan"
+ lastName: "Alpert"
+ portrait: "contact.png"
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ firstName: "Betty"
+ lastName: "Boo"
+ portrait: "contact.png"
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ firstName: "Foo"
+ lastName: "Bar"
+ portrait: "contact.png"
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ firstName: "Marius"
+ lastName: "Bugge Monsen"
+ portrait: "contact.png"
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ firstName: "Martin"
+ lastName: "Jones"
+ portrait: "contact.png"
+ emails: [
+ ListElement { address: "" },
+ ListElement { address: "" }
+ ]
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ firstName: "Michael"
+ lastName: "Brasser"
+ portrait: "contact.png"
+ emails: ListElement {
+ address: ""
+ }
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ firstName: "Yann"
+ lastName: "Bodson"
+ portrait: "contact.png"
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ firstName: "Yogi"
+ lastName: "Bear"
+ portrait: "contact.png"
+ }
diff --git a/examples/declarative/easing/easing.qml b/examples/declarative/easing/easing.qml
index f95d8c6..32c1b9b 100644
--- a/examples/declarative/easing/easing.qml
+++ b/examples/declarative/easing/easing.qml
@@ -1,67 +1,92 @@
-<Rect id="Window" width="640" height="{Layout.height}" color="white">
+Rect {
+ id: Window
+ width: 640
+ height: Layout.height
+ color: "white"
- <resources>
- <ListModel id="EasingTypes">
- <ListItem><type>easeLinear</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeInQuad</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeOutQuad</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeInOutQuad</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeOutInQuad</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeInCubic</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeOutCubic</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeInOutCubic</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeOutInCubic</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeInQuart</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeOutQuart</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeInOutQuart</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeOutInQuart</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeInQuint</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeOutQuint</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeInOutQuint</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeOutInQuint</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeInSine</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeOutSine</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeInOutSine</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeOutInSine</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeInExpo</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeOutExpo</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeInOutExpo</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeOutInExpo</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeInCirc</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeOutCirc</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeInOutCirc</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeOutInCirc</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeInElastic</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeOutElastic</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeInOutElastic</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeOutInElastic</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeInBack</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeOutBack</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeInOutBack</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeOutInBack</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeOutBounce</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeInBounce</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeInOutBounce</type></ListItem>
- <ListItem><type>easeOutInBounce</type></ListItem>
- </ListModel>
- </resources>
- <VerticalLayout id="Layout" anchors.left="{Window.left}" anchors.right="{Window.right}">
- <Repeater dataSource="{EasingTypes}">
- <Component>
- <Text id="Text" text="{type}" height="18" font.italic="true">
- <x>
- <SequentialAnimation id="Anim">
- <NumericAnimation from="0" to="{Window.width / 2}" easing="{type}" duration="1000"/>
- <PauseAnimation duration="300"/>
- <NumericAnimation to="0" from="{Window.width / 2}" easing="{type}" duration="1000"/>
- </SequentialAnimation>
- </x>
- <children>
- <MouseRegion onClicked="Anim.running=true" anchors.fill="{parent}"/>
- </children>
- </Text>
- </Component>
- </Repeater>
- </VerticalLayout>
+ ListModel2 {
+ id: EasingTypes
+ ListElement { type: "easeLinear" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInQuad" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutQuad" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInOutQuad" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutInQuad" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInCubic" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutCubic" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInOutCubic" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutInCubic" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInQuart" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutQuart" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInOutQuart" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutInQuart" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInQuint" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutQuint" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInOutQuint" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutInQuint" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInSine" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutSine" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInOutSine" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutInSine" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInExpo" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutExpo" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInOutExpo" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutInExpo" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInCirc" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutCirc" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInOutCirc" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutInCirc" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInElastic" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutElastic" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInOutElastic" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutInElastic" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInBack" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutBack" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInOutBack" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutInBack" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutBounce" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInBounce" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeInOutBounce" }
+ ListElement { type: "easeOutInBounce" }
+ }
+ VerticalLayout {
+ id: Layout
+ anchors.left: Window.left
+ anchors.right: Window.right
+ Repeater {
+ dataSource: EasingTypes
+ Component {
+ Text {
+ id: Text
+ text: type
+ height: 18
+ font.italic: true
+ x: SequentialAnimation {
+ id: Anim
+ NumericAnimation {
+ from: 0
+ to: Window.width / 2
+ easing: type
+ duration: 1000
+ }
+ PauseAnimation {
+ duration: 300
+ }
+ NumericAnimation {
+ to: 0
+ from: Window.width / 2
+ easing: type
+ duration: 1000
+ }
+ }
+ children: [
+ MouseRegion {
+ onClicked: { Anim.running=true }
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/examples/declarative/follow/pong.qml b/examples/declarative/follow/pong.qml
index 4fbf323..ed4a652 100644
--- a/examples/declarative/follow/pong.qml
+++ b/examples/declarative/follow/pong.qml
@@ -1,55 +1,120 @@
-<Rect id="Page" width="640" height="480" color="#000000">
- <!-- Make a ball to bounce -->
- <Rect id="Ball" x="20" width="20" height="20" color="#00ee00" z="1">
- <properties>
- <!-- Add a property for the target y coordinate -->
- <Property name="targetY" value="{Page.height-10}"/>
- <Property name="direction" value="right"/>
- </properties>
- <x>
- <!-- Move the ball to the right and back to the left repeatedly -->
- <SequentialAnimation running="true" repeat="true">
- <NumericAnimation to="{Page.width-40}" duration="2000"/>
- <SetPropertyAction target="{Ball}" property="direction" value="left"/>
- <NumericAnimation to="20" duration="2000"/>
- <SetPropertyAction target="{Ball}" property="direction" value="right"/>
- </SequentialAnimation>
- </x>
- <y>
- <!-- Make y follow the target y coordinate, with a velocity of 200 -->
- <Follow source="{Ball.targetY}" velocity="200"/>
- </y>
- <onTopChanged>
- <!-- Detect the ball hitting the top or bottom of the view and bounce it -->
- if (y &lt;= 0)
+Rect {
+ id: Page
+ width: 640
+ height: 480
+ color: "#000000"
+ // Make a ball to bounce
+ Rect {
+ id: Ball
+ x: 20
+ width: 20
+ height: 20
+ color: "#00ee00"
+ z: 1
+ // Add a property for the target y coordinate
+ properties: Property {
+ name: "targetY"
+ value: Page.height-10
+ }
+ properties: Property {
+ name: "direction"
+ value: "right"
+ }
+ // Move the ball to the right and back to the left repeatedly
+ x: SequentialAnimation {
+ running: true
+ repeat: true
+ NumericAnimation {
+ to: Page.width-40
+ duration: 2000
+ }
+ SetPropertyAction {
+ target: Ball
+ property: "direction"
+ value: "left"
+ }
+ NumericAnimation {
+ to: 20
+ duration: 2000
+ }
+ SetPropertyAction {
+ target: Ball
+ property: "direction"
+ value: "right"
+ }
+ }
+ // Make y follow the target y coordinate, with a velocity of 200
+ y: Follow {
+ source: Ball.targetY
+ velocity: 200
+ }
+ // Detect the ball hitting the top or bottom of the view and bounce it
+ onTopChanged: { if (y <= 0)
targetY = Page.height-20;
- else if (y &gt;= Page.height-20)
- targetY = 0;
- </onTopChanged>
- </Rect>
- <!--
- Place bats to the left and right of the view, following the y
- coordinates of the ball.
- -->
- <Rect id="LeftBat" color="#00ee00" x="2" width="20" height="90">
- <y>
- <Follow source="{Ball.y-45}" velocity="300" enabled="{Ball.direction == 'left'}"/>
- </y>
- </Rect>
- <Rect id="RightBat" x="{Page.width-22}" color="#00ee00" width="20" height="90">
- <y>
- <Follow source="{Ball.y-45}" velocity="300" enabled="{Ball.direction == 'right'}"/>
- </y>
- </Rect>
- <!--
- The rest, to make it look realistic, if neither ever scores...
- -->
- <Rect color="#00ee00" width="40" height="60" x="{320-80}"/>
- <Rect color="#000000" width="20" height="40" x="{320-70}" y="10"/>
- <Rect color="#00ee00" width="40" height="60" x="{320+40}"/>
- <Rect color="#000000" width="20" height="40" x="{320+50}" y="10"/>
- <Repeater dataSource="{24}">
- <Rect color="#00ee00" width="10" height="10" x="{320-5}" y="{index*20}"/>
- </Repeater>
+ else if (y >= Page.height-20)
+ targetY = 0; }
+ }
+ // Place bats to the left and right of the view, following the y
+ // coordinates of the ball.
+ Rect {
+ id: LeftBat
+ color: "#00ee00"
+ x: 2
+ width: 20
+ height: 90
+ y: Follow {
+ source: Ball.y-45
+ velocity: 300
+ enabled: Ball.direction == 'left'
+ }
+ }
+ Rect {
+ id: RightBat
+ x: Page.width-22
+ color: "#00ee00"
+ width: 20
+ height: 90
+ y: Follow {
+ source: Ball.y-45
+ velocity: 300
+ enabled: Ball.direction == 'right'
+ }
+ }
+ // The rest, to make it look realistic, if neither ever scores...
+ Rect {
+ color: "#00ee00"
+ width: 40
+ height: 60
+ x: 320-80
+ }
+ Rect {
+ color: "#000000"
+ width: 20
+ height: 40
+ x: 320-70
+ y: 10
+ }
+ Rect {
+ color: "#00ee00"
+ width: 40
+ height: 60
+ x: 320+40
+ }
+ Rect {
+ color: "#000000"
+ width: 20
+ height: 40
+ x: 320+50
+ y: 10
+ }
+ Repeater {
+ dataSource: 24
+ Rect {
+ color: "#00ee00"
+ width: 10
+ height: 10
+ x: 320-5
+ y: index*20
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/examples/declarative/listview/dummydata/MyPetsModel.qml b/examples/declarative/listview/dummydata/MyPetsModel.qml
index 5af7fbf..def8cf3 100644
--- a/examples/declarative/listview/dummydata/MyPetsModel.qml
+++ b/examples/declarative/listview/dummydata/MyPetsModel.qml
@@ -1,51 +1,50 @@
-ListModel allows free form list models to be defined and populated.
-Be sure to name the file the same as the id.
-<ListModel id="MyPetsModel">
- <Pet>
- <name>Rover</name>
- <type>Dog</type>
- <age>5</age>
- </Pet>
- <Pet>
- <name>Whiskers</name>
- <type>Cat</type>
- <age>2</age>
- </Pet>
- <Pet>
- <name>Warren</name>
- <type>Rabbit</type>
- <age>2</age>
- </Pet>
- <Pet>
- <name>Polly</name>
- <type>Parrot</type>
- <age>12</age>
- </Pet>
- <Pet>
- <name>Spot</name>
- <type>Dog</type>
- <age>9</age>
- </Pet>
- <Pet>
- <name>Tiny</name>
- <type>Elephant</type>
- <age>15</age>
- </Pet>
- <Pet>
- <name>Penny</name>
- <type>Turtle</type>
- <age>4</age>
- </Pet>
- <Pet>
- <name>Joey</name>
- <type>Kangaroo</type>
- <age>1</age>
- </Pet>
- <Pet>
- <name>Kimba</name>
- <type>Bunny</type>
- <age>65</age>
- </Pet>
+// ListModel allows free form list models to be defined and populated.
+// Be sure to name the file the same as the id.
+ListModel2 {
+ id: MyPetsModel
+ ListElement {
+ name: "Rover"
+ type: "Dog"
+ age: 5
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ name: "Whiskers"
+ type: "Cat"
+ age: 2
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ name: "Warren"
+ type: "Rabbit"
+ age: 2
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ name: "Polly"
+ type: "Parrot"
+ age: 12
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ name: "Spot"
+ type: "Dog"
+ age: 9
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ name: "Tiny"
+ type: "Elephant"
+ age: 15
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ name: "Penny"
+ type: "Turtle"
+ age: 4
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ name: "Joey"
+ type: "Kangaroo"
+ age: 1
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ name: "Kimba"
+ type: "Bunny"
+ age: 65
+ }
diff --git a/examples/declarative/listview/dummydata/Recipies.qml b/examples/declarative/listview/dummydata/Recipies.qml
index 49bc610..6b20409 100644
--- a/examples/declarative/listview/dummydata/Recipies.qml
+++ b/examples/declarative/listview/dummydata/Recipies.qml
@@ -1,112 +1,87 @@
-<ListModel id="Recipies">
- <Recipe title="Pancakes" picture="content/pics/pancakes.jpg">
- <ingredients>
- <![CDATA[
- <html>
- <ul>
- <li> 1 cup (150g) self-raising flour
- <li> 1 tbs caster sugar
- <li> 3/4 cup (185ml) milk
- <li> 1 egg
- </ul>
- </html>
- ]]>
- </ingredients>
- <method>
- <![CDATA[
- <html>
- <ol>
- <li> Sift flour and sugar together into a bowl. Add a pinch of salt.
- <li> Beat milk and egg together, then add to dry ingredients. Beat until smooth.
- <li> Pour mixture into a pan on medium heat and cook until bubbles appear on the surface.
- <li> Turn over and cook other side until golden.
- </ol>
- ]]>
- </method>
- </Recipe>
- <Recipe title="Fruit Salad" picture="content/pics/fruit-salad.jpg">
- <ingredients>
- * Seasonal Fruit
- </ingredients>
- <method>
- * Chop fruit and place in a bowl.
- </method>
- </Recipe>
- <Recipe title="Vegetable Soup" picture="content/pics/vegetable-soup.jpg">
- <ingredients>
- <![CDATA[
- <html>
- <ul>
- <li> 1 onion
- <li> 1 turnip
- <li> 1 potato
- <li> 1 carrot
- <li> 1 head of celery
- <li> 1 1/2 litres of water
- </ul>
- </html>
- ]]>
- </ingredients>
- <method>
- <![CDATA[
- <html>
- <ol>
- <li> Chop vegetables.
- <li> Boil in water until vegetables soften.
- <li> Season with salt and pepper to taste.
- </ol>
- </html>
- ]]>
- </method>
- </Recipe>
- <Recipe title="Hamburger" picture="content/pics/hamburger.jpg">
- <ingredients>
- <![CDATA[
- <html>
- <ul>
- <li> 500g minced beef
- <li> Seasoning
- <li> lettuce, tomato, onion, cheese
- <li> 1 hamburger bun for each burger
- </ul>
- </html>
- ]]>
- </ingredients>
- <method>
- <![CDATA[
- <html>
- <ol>
- <li> Mix the beef, together with seasoning, in a food processor.
- <li> Shape the beef into burgers.
- <li> Grill the burgers for about 5 mins on each side (until cooked through)
- <li> Serve each burger on a bun with ketchup, cheese, lettuce, tomato and onion.
- </ol>
- </html>
- ]]>
- </method>
- </Recipe>
- <Recipe title="Lemonade" picture="content/pics/lemonade.jpg">
- <ingredients>
- <![CDATA[
- <html>
- <ul>
- <li> 1 cup Lemon Juice
- <li> 1 cup Sugar
- <li> 6 Cups of Water (2 cups warm water, 4 cups cold water)
- </ul>
- </html>
- ]]>
- </ingredients>
- <method>
- <![CDATA[
- <html>
- <ol>
- <li> Pour 2 cups of warm water into a pitcher and stir in sugar until it dissolves.
- <li> Pour in lemon juice, stir again, and add 4 cups of cold water.
- <li> Chill or serve over ice cubes.
- </ol>
- </html>
- ]]>
- </method>
- </Recipe>
+ListModel2 {
+ id: Recipies
+ ListElement {
+ title: "Pancakes"
+ picture: "content/pics/pancakes.jpg"
+ ingredients: "<html> \
+ <ul> \
+ <li> 1 cup (150g) self-raising flour \
+ <li> 1 tbs caster sugar \
+ <li> 3/4 cup (185ml) milk \
+ <li> 1 egg \
+ </ul> \
+ </html>"
+ method: "<html> \
+ <ol> \
+ <li> Sift flour and sugar together into a bowl. Add a pinch of salt. \
+ <li> Beat milk and egg together, then add to dry ingredients. Beat until smooth. \
+ <li> Pour mixture into a pan on medium heat and cook until bubbles appear on the surface. \
+ <li> Turn over and cook other side until golden. \
+ </ol>"
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ title: "Fruit Salad"
+ picture: "content/pics/fruit-salad.jpg"
+ ingredients: "* Seasonal Fruit"
+ method: "* Chop fruit and place in a bowl."
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ title: "Vegetable Soup"
+ picture: "content/pics/vegetable-soup.jpg"
+ ingredients: "<html> \
+ <ul> \
+ <li> 1 onion \
+ <li> 1 turnip \
+ <li> 1 potato \
+ <li> 1 carrot \
+ <li> 1 head of celery \
+ <li> 1 1/2 litres of water \
+ </ul> \
+ </html>"
+ method: "<html> \
+ <ol> \
+ <li> Chop vegetables. \
+ <li> Boil in water until vegetables soften. \
+ <li> Season with salt and pepper to taste. \
+ </ol> \
+ </html>"
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ title: "Hamburger"
+ picture: "content/pics/hamburger.jpg"
+ ingredients: "<html> \
+ <ul> \
+ <li> 500g minced beef \
+ <li> Seasoning \
+ <li> lettuce, tomato, onion, cheese \
+ <li> 1 hamburger bun for each burger \
+ </ul> \
+ </html>"
+ method: "<html> \
+ <ol> \
+ <li> Mix the beef, together with seasoning, in a food processor. \
+ <li> Shape the beef into burgers. \
+ <li> Grill the burgers for about 5 mins on each side (until cooked through) \
+ <li> Serve each burger on a bun with ketchup, cheese, lettuce, tomato and onion. \
+ </ol> \
+ </html>"
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ title: "Lemonade"
+ picture: "content/pics/lemonade.jpg"
+ ingredients: "<html> \
+ <ul> \
+ <li> 1 cup Lemon Juice \
+ <li> 1 cup Sugar \
+ <li> 6 Cups of Water (2 cups warm water, 4 cups cold water) \
+ </ul> \
+ </html>"
+ method: "<html> \
+ <ol> \
+ <li> Pour 2 cups of warm water into a pitcher and stir in sugar until it dissolves. \
+ <li> Pour in lemon juice, stir again, and add 4 cups of cold water. \
+ <li> Chill or serve over ice cubes. \
+ </ol> \
+ </html>"
+ }
diff --git a/examples/declarative/minehunt/minehunt.qml b/examples/declarative/minehunt/minehunt.qml
index fb65fa3..cde2612 100644
--- a/examples/declarative/minehunt/minehunt.qml
+++ b/examples/declarative/minehunt/minehunt.qml
@@ -1,73 +1,166 @@
-<Item id="field" width="370" height="480">
- <properties>
- <Property name="clickx" type="Int" value="0"/>
- <Property name="clicky" type="Int" value="0"/>
- </properties>
- <resources>
- <Component id="tile">
- <Flipable id="flipable" width="40" height="40">
- <axis>
- <Axis startX="20" startY="20" endX="20" endY="0" />
- </axis>
- <front>
- <Image source="pics/front.png" width="40" height="40">
- <Image anchors.horizontalCenter="{parent.horizontalCenter}"
- anchors.verticalCenter="{parent.verticalCenter}"
- source="pics/flag.png" opacity="{modelData.hasFlag}">
- <opacity>
- <Behaviour>
- <NumericAnimation property="opacity" duration="250"/>
- </Behaviour>
- </opacity>
- </Image>
- </Image>
- </front>
- <back>
- <Image source="pics/back.png" width="40" height="40">
- <Text anchors.horizontalCenter="{parent.horizontalCenter}" anchors.verticalCenter="{parent.verticalCenter}"
- text="{modelData.hint}" color="white" font.bold="true"
- opacity="{modelData.hasMine == false &amp;&amp; modelData.hint > 0}"/>
- <Image anchors.horizontalCenter="{parent.horizontalCenter}" anchors.verticalCenter="{parent.verticalCenter}"
- source="pics/bomb.png" opacity="{modelData.hasMine}"/>
- <Explosion anchors.horizontalCenter="{parent.horizontalCenter}" anchors.verticalCenter="{parent.verticalCenter}" explode="{modelData.hasMine==true &amp;&amp; modelData.flipped==true}"/>
- </Image>
- </back>
- <states>
- <State name="back" when="{modelData.flipped == true}">
- <SetProperty target="{flipable}" property="rotation" value="180" />
- </State>
- </states>
- <transitions>
- <Transition>
- <SequentialAnimation>
- <PauseAnimation duration="{var ret = Math.abs(flipable.parent.x-field.clickx) + Math.abs(flipable.parent.y-field.clicky); if (ret > 0) {if(modelData.hasMine==true &amp;&amp; modelData.flipped==true){ret*3;}else{ret;}} else {0}}"/>
- <NumericAnimation easing="easeInOutQuad" properties="rotation"/>
- </SequentialAnimation>
- </Transition>
- </transitions>
- <MouseRegion anchors.fill="{parent}"
- onClicked="field.clickx = flipable.parent.x; field.clicky = flipable.parent.y; row = Math.floor(index/9); col = index - (Math.floor(index/9) * 9); if(mouse.button==undefined || mouse.button==Qt.RightButton){flag(row,col);}else{flip(row,col);}" />
- </Flipable>
- </Component>
- </resources>
- <Image source="pics/No-Ones-Laughing-3.jpg" tile="true"/>
- <Description text="Use the 'minehunt' executable to run this demo!" width="300" opacity="{tiles?0:1}" anchors.horizontalCenter="{parent.horizontalCenter}" anchors.verticalCenter="{parent.verticalCenter}"/>
- <Repeater dataSource="{tiles}" x="1" y="1">
- <Component>
- <ComponentInstance component="{tile}"
- x="{(index - (Math.floor(index/9) * 9)) * 41}"
- y="{Math.floor(index/9) * 41}"/>
- </Component>
- </Repeater>
- <Item id="gamedata" width="370" height="100" y="380">
- <Text color="white" font.size="18" x="20" y="20">In play:</Text>
- <Image x="100" y="20" source="pics/bomb-color.png"/>
- <Text x="100" y="60" color="white" text="{numMines}"/>
- <Image x="140" y="20" source="pics/flag-color.png"/>
- <Text x="140" y="60" color="white" text="{numFlags}"/>
- <Image x="240" y="0" source="{if(isPlaying==true){'pics/smile.png'}else{if(hasWon==true){'pics/glee.png'}else{'pics/frown.png'}}}">
- <MouseRegion anchors.fill="{parent}" onClicked="reset()"/>
- </Image>
- </Item>
+Item {
+ id: field
+ width: 370
+ height: 480
+ properties: Property {
+ name: "clickx"
+ type: "Int"
+ value: 0
+ }
+ properties: Property {
+ name: "clicky"
+ type: "Int"
+ value: 0
+ }
+ resources: [
+ Component {
+ id: tile
+ Flipable {
+ id: flipable
+ width: 40
+ height: 40
+ axis: Axis {
+ startX: 20
+ startY: 20
+ endX: 20
+ endY: 0
+ }
+ front: Image {
+ source: "pics/front.png"
+ width: 40
+ height: 40
+ Image {
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ source: "pics/flag.png"
+ opacity: modelData.hasFlag
+ opacity: Behaviour {
+ NumericAnimation {
+ property: "opacity"
+ duration: 250
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ back: Image {
+ source: "pics/back.png"
+ width: 40
+ height: 40
+ Text {
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ text: modelData.hint
+ color: "white"
+ font.bold: true
+ opacity: modelData.hasMine == false && modelData.hint > 0
+ }
+ Image {
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ source: "pics/bomb.png"
+ opacity: modelData.hasMine
+ }
+ Explosion {
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ explode: modelData.hasMine==true && modelData.flipped==true
+ }
+ }
+ states: [
+ State {
+ name: "back"
+ when: modelData.flipped == true
+ SetProperty {
+ target: flipable
+ property: "rotation"
+ value: 180
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ transitions: [
+ Transition {
+ SequentialAnimation {
+ PauseAnimation {
+ duration: {var ret = Math.abs(flipable.parent.x-field.clickx) + Math.abs(flipable.parent.y-field.clicky); if (ret > 0) {if(modelData.hasMine==true && modelData.flipped==true){ret*3;}else{ret;}} else {0}}
+ }
+ NumericAnimation {
+ easing: "easeInOutQuad"
+ properties: "rotation"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ MouseRegion {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ onClicked: { field.clickx = flipable.parent.x; field.clicky = flipable.parent.y; row = Math.floor(index/9); col = index - (Math.floor(index/9) * 9); if(mouse.button==undefined || mouse.button==Qt.RightButton){flag(row,col);}else{flip(row,col);} }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ Image {
+ source: "pics/No-Ones-Laughing-3.jpg"
+ tile: true
+ }
+ Description {
+ text: "Use the 'minehunt' executable to run this demo!"
+ width: 300
+ opacity: tiles?0:1
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ }
+ Repeater {
+ dataSource: tiles
+ x: 1
+ y: 1
+ Component {
+ ComponentInstance {
+ component: tile
+ x: (index - (Math.floor(index/9) * 9)) * 41
+ y: Math.floor(index/9) * 41
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Item {
+ id: gamedata
+ width: 370
+ height: 100
+ y: 380
+ Text {
+ color: "white"
+ font.size: 18
+ x: 20
+ y: 20
+ }
+ Image {
+ x: 100
+ y: 20
+ source: "pics/bomb-color.png"
+ }
+ Text {
+ x: 100
+ y: 60
+ color: "white"
+ text: numMines
+ }
+ Image {
+ x: 140
+ y: 20
+ source: "pics/flag-color.png"
+ }
+ Text {
+ x: 140
+ y: 60
+ color: "white"
+ text: numFlags
+ }
+ Image {
+ x: 240
+ y: 0
+ source: if(isPlaying==true){'pics/smile.png'}else{if(hasWon==true){'pics/glee.png'}else{'pics/frown.png'}}
+ MouseRegion {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ onClicked: { reset() }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/examples/declarative/mouseregion/mouse.qml b/examples/declarative/mouseregion/mouse.qml
index 7aaf51a..6d10425 100644
--- a/examples/declarative/mouseregion/mouse.qml
+++ b/examples/declarative/mouseregion/mouse.qml
@@ -1,24 +1,48 @@
-<Rect color="white" width="200" height="200">
- <Rect width="50" height="50" color="red">
- <Text text="Click" anchors.centeredIn="{parent}"/>
- <MouseRegion onPressed="print('press (x: ' + mouse.x + ' y: ' + mouse.y + ' button: ' + (mouse.button == Qt.RightButton ? 'right' : 'left') + ' Shift: ' + (mouse.modifiers &amp; Qt.ShiftModifier ? 'true' : 'false') + ')')"
- onReleased="print('release (x: ' + mouse.x + ' y: ' + mouse.y + ' isClick: ' + mouse.isClick + ' wasHeld: ' + mouse.wasHeld + ')')"
- onClicked="print('click (x: ' + mouse.x + ' y: ' + mouse.y + ' wasHeld: ' + mouse.wasHeld + ')')"
- onDoubleClicked="print('double click (x: ' + mouse.x + ' y: ' + mouse.y + ')')"
- onPressAndHold="print('press and hold')"
- onExitedWhilePressed="print('exiting while pressed')"
- onReenteredWhilePressed="print('reentering while pressed')" anchors.fill="{parent}"/>
- </Rect>
- <Rect y="100" width="50" height="50" color="blue">
- <Text text="Drag" anchors.centeredIn="{parent}"/>
- <MouseRegion"{parent}"
- drag.axis="x" drag.xmin="0" drag.xmax="150"
- onPressed="print('press')"
- onReleased="print('release (isClick: ' + mouse.isClick + ') (wasHeld: ' + mouse.wasHeld + ')')"
- onClicked="print('click' + '(wasHeld: ' + mouse.wasHeld + ')')"
- onDoubleClicked="print('double click')"
- onPressAndHold="print('press and hold')"
- onExitedWhilePressed="print('exiting while pressed')"
- onReenteredWhilePressed="print('reentering while pressed')" anchors.fill="{parent}"/>
- </Rect>
+Rect {
+ color: "white"
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ Rect {
+ width: 50
+ height: 50
+ color: "red"
+ Text {
+ text: "Click"
+ anchors.centeredIn: parent
+ }
+ MouseRegion {
+ onPressed: { print('press (x: ' + mouse.x + ' y: ' + mouse.y + ' button: ' + (mouse.button == Qt.RightButton ? 'right' : 'left') + ' Shift: ' + (mouse.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier ? 'true' : 'false') + ')') }
+ onReleased: { print('release (x: ' + mouse.x + ' y: ' + mouse.y + ' isClick: ' + mouse.isClick + ' wasHeld: ' + mouse.wasHeld + ')') }
+ onClicked: { print('click (x: ' + mouse.x + ' y: ' + mouse.y + ' wasHeld: ' + mouse.wasHeld + ')') }
+ onDoubleClicked: { print('double click (x: ' + mouse.x + ' y: ' + mouse.y + ')') }
+ onPressAndHold: { print('press and hold') }
+ onExitedWhilePressed: { print('exiting while pressed') }
+ onReenteredWhilePressed: { print('reentering while pressed') }
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ }
+ }
+ Rect {
+ y: 100
+ width: 50
+ height: 50
+ color: "blue"
+ Text {
+ text: "Drag"
+ anchors.centeredIn: parent
+ }
+ MouseRegion {
+ parent
+ drag.axis: "x"
+ drag.xmin: 0
+ drag.xmax: 150
+ onPressed: { print('press') }
+ onReleased: { print('release (isClick: ' + mouse.isClick + ') (wasHeld: ' + mouse.wasHeld + ')') }
+ onClicked: { print('click' + '(wasHeld: ' + mouse.wasHeld + ')') }
+ onDoubleClicked: { print('double click') }
+ onPressAndHold: { print('press and hold') }
+ onExitedWhilePressed: { print('exiting while pressed') }
+ onReenteredWhilePressed: { print('reentering while pressed') }
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/examples/declarative/velocity/Day.qml b/examples/declarative/velocity/Day.qml
index b65f2bc..7d26e88 100644
--- a/examples/declarative/velocity/Day.qml
+++ b/examples/declarative/velocity/Day.qml
@@ -1,41 +1,115 @@
-<Rect width="400" height="500" radius="7" pen.color="black" id="Page">
- <properties>
- <Property name="day" type="string" />
- <Property name="stickies" />
- </properties>
- <Image x="10" y="10" source="cork.jpg" opaque="true"/>
- <Text x="20" y="20" height="40" font.size="14" font.bold="true" width="370" text="{day}" style="Outline" styleColor="#dedede"/>
- <Repeater dataSource="{Page.stickies}">
- <Item x="{Math.random() * 200 + 100}" y="{Math.random() * 300 + 50}" id="StickyPage">
- <rotation>
- <Follow source="{-Flick.xVelocity / 100}" spring="2.0" damping="0.1"/>
- </rotation>
- <Item id="Sticky" scale="0.5">
- <Image id="StickyImage" source="sticky.png" smooth="true" y="-20" x="{8 + -width * 0.6 / 2}" scale="0.6" />
- <TextEdit id="MyText" smooth="true" font.size="28" readOnly="false" x="-104" y="36" wrap="true" rotation="-8" text="{noteText}" width="195" height="172" />
- <Item y="-20" x="{StickyImage.x}" width="{StickyImage.width * StickyImage.scale}" height="{StickyImage.height * StickyImage.scale}" >
- <MouseRegion id="Mouse" onClicked="MyText.focus = true" anchors.fill="{parent}""{StickyPage}" drag.axis="xy" drag.ymin="0" drag.ymax="500" drag.xmin="0" drag.xmax="400"/>
- </Item>
- </Item>
- <Image source="tack.png" x="{-width / 2}" y="{-height * 0.7 / 2}" scale="0.7" />
- <states>
- <State name="pressed" when="{Mouse.pressed}">
- <SetProperties target="{Sticky}" rotation="8" scale="1"/>
- <SetProperties target="{Page}" z="8"/>
- </State>
- </states>
- <transitions>
- <Transition>
- <NumericAnimation properties="rotation,scale" duration="200"/>
- </Transition>
- </transitions>
- </Item>
- </Repeater>
+Rect {
+ width: 400
+ height: 500
+ radius: 7
+ pen.color: "black"
+ id: Page
+ properties: Property {
+ name: "day"
+ type: "string"
+ }
+ properties: Property {
+ name: "stickies"
+ }
+ Image {
+ x: 10
+ y: 10
+ source: "cork.jpg"
+ opaque: true
+ }
+ Text {
+ x: 20
+ y: 20
+ height: 40
+ font.size: 14
+ font.bold: true
+ width: 370
+ text: day
+ style: Outline
+ styleColor: "#dedede"
+ }
+ Repeater {
+ dataSource: Page.stickies
+ Item {
+ x: Math.random() * 200 + 100
+ y: Math.random() * 300 + 50
+ id: StickyPage
+ rotation: Follow {
+ source: -Flick.xVelocity / 100
+ spring: 2.0
+ damping: 0.1
+ }
+ Item {
+ id: Sticky
+ scale: 0.5
+ Image {
+ id: StickyImage
+ source: "sticky.png"
+ smooth: true
+ y: -20
+ x: 8 + -width * 0.6 / 2
+ scale: 0.6
+ }
+ TextEdit {
+ id: MyText
+ smooth: true
+ font.size: 28
+ readOnly: false
+ x: -104
+ y: 36
+ wrap: true
+ rotation: -8
+ text: noteText
+ width: 195
+ height: 172
+ }
+ Item {
+ y: -20
+ x: StickyImage.x
+ width: StickyImage.width * StickyImage.scale
+ height: StickyImage.height * StickyImage.scale
+ MouseRegion {
+ id: Mouse
+ onClicked: { MyText.focus = true }
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ StickyPage
+ drag.axis: "xy"
+ drag.ymin: 0
+ drag.ymax: 500
+ drag.xmin: 0
+ drag.xmax: 400
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Image {
+ source: "tack.png"
+ x: -width / 2
+ y: -height * 0.7 / 2
+ scale: 0.7
+ }
+ states: [
+ State {
+ name: "pressed"
+ when: Mouse.pressed
+ SetProperties {
+ target: Sticky
+ rotation: 8
+ scale: 1
+ }
+ SetProperties {
+ target: Page
+ z: 8
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ transitions: [
+ Transition {
+ NumericAnimation {
+ properties: "rotation,scale"
+ duration: 200
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/examples/declarative/velocity/velocity.qml b/examples/declarative/velocity/velocity.qml
index 0215d37..ff95527 100644
--- a/examples/declarative/velocity/velocity.qml
+++ b/examples/declarative/velocity/velocity.qml
@@ -1,81 +1,113 @@
-<Rect color="lightSteelBlue" width="800" height="600">
- <ListModel id="List">
- <Day>
- <name>Sunday</name>
- <dayColor>#808080</dayColor>
- <notes>
- <Note noteText="Lunch" />
- <Note noteText="Party" />
- </notes>
- </Day>
- <Day>
- <name>Monday</name>
- <dayColor>blue</dayColor>
- <notes>
- <Note noteText="Pickup kids" />
- <Note noteText="Checkout kinetic" />
- <Note noteText="Read email" />
- </notes>
- </Day>
- <Day>
- <name>Tuesday</name>
- <dayColor>yellow</dayColor>
- <notes>
- <Note noteText="Walk dog" />
- <Note noteText="Buy newspaper" />
- </notes>
- </Day>
- <Day>
- <name>Wednesday</name>
- <dayColor>purple</dayColor>
- <notes>
- <Note noteText="Cook dinner" />
- <Note noteText="Eat dinner" />
- </notes>
- </Day>
- <Day>
- <name>Thursday</name>
- <dayColor>blue</dayColor>
- <notes>
- <Note noteText="5:30pm Meeting" />
- <Note noteText="Weed garden" />
- </notes>
- </Day>
- <Day>
- <name>Friday</name>
- <dayColor>green</dayColor>
- <notes>
- <Note noteText="Still work" />
- <Note noteText="Drink" />
- </notes>
- </Day>
- <Day>
- <name>Saturday</name>
- <dayColor>orange</dayColor>
- <notes>
- <Note noteText="Drink" />
- <Note noteText="Drink" />
- </notes>
- </Day>
- </ListModel>
- <Flickable id="Flick" anchors.fill="{parent}" viewportWidth="{Lay.width}">
- <HorizontalLayout id="Lay">
- <Repeater dataSource="{List}">
- <Component>
- <Day day="{name}" color="{dayColor}" stickies="{notes}"/>
- </Component>
- </Repeater>
- <!--
- <Day color="#808080" day="Sunday" />
- <Day color="blue" day="Monday"/>
- <Day color="yellow" day="Tuesday"/>
- <Day color="purple" day="Wednesday"/>
- <Day color="blue" day="Thursday"/>
- <Day color="green" day="Friday"/>
- <Day color="orange" day="Saturday"/>
- -->
- </HorizontalLayout>
- </Flickable>
+Rect {
+ color: "lightSteelBlue"
+ width: 800
+ height: 600
+ ListModel2 {
+ id: List
+ ListElement {
+ name: "Sunday"
+ dayColor: "#808080"
+ notes: [
+ ListElement {
+ noteText: "Lunch"
+ },
+ ListElement {
+ noteText: "Party"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ name: "Monday"
+ dayColor: "blue"
+ notes: [
+ ListElement {
+ noteText: "Pickup kids"
+ },
+ ListElement {
+ noteText: "Checkout kinetic"
+ },
+ ListElement {
+ noteText: "Read email"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ name: "Tuesday"
+ dayColor: "yellow"
+ notes: [
+ ListElement {
+ noteText: "Walk dog"
+ },
+ ListElement {
+ noteText: "Buy newspaper"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ name: "Wednesday"
+ dayColor: "purple"
+ notes: [
+ ListElement {
+ noteText: "Cook dinner"
+ },
+ ListElement {
+ noteText: "Eat dinner"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ name: "Thursday"
+ dayColor: "blue"
+ notes: [
+ ListElement {
+ noteText: "5:30pm Meeting"
+ },
+ ListElement {
+ noteText: "Weed garden"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ name: "Friday"
+ dayColor: "green"
+ notes: [
+ ListElement {
+ noteText: "Still work"
+ },
+ ListElement {
+ noteText: "Drink"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ListElement {
+ name: "Saturday"
+ dayColor: "orange"
+ notes: [
+ ListElement {
+ noteText: "Drink"
+ },
+ ListElement {
+ noteText: "Drink"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ Flickable {
+ id: Flick
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ viewportWidth: Lay.width
+ HorizontalLayout {
+ id: Lay
+ Repeater {
+ dataSource: List
+ Component {
+ Day {
+ day: name
+ color: dayColor
+ stickies: notes
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/examples/declarative/xmldata/daringfireball.qml b/examples/declarative/xmldata/daringfireball.qml
index 5e98d1b..3877adf 100644
--- a/examples/declarative/xmldata/daringfireball.qml
+++ b/examples/declarative/xmldata/daringfireball.qml
@@ -1,25 +1,59 @@
-<Rect color="white" width="600" height="600">
- <resources>
- <XmlListModel id="feedModel" source=""
- query="doc($src)/feed/entry">
- <namespaceDeclarations>
- declare default element namespace '';
- </namespaceDeclarations>
- <Role name="title" query="title/string()"/>
- <Role name="tagline" query="author/name/string()"/>
- <Role name="content" query="content/string()" isCData="true"/>
- </XmlListModel>
- <Component id="feedDelegate">
- <Item height="{contents.height + 20}">
- <Text x="10" id="TitleText" text="{title}" font.bold="true"/>
- <Text text="{'by ' + tagline}" anchors.left="{TitleText.right}" anchors.leftMargin="10" font.italic="true"/>
- <Text x="10" text="{content}""{TitleText.bottom}" width="580" wrap="true">
- <onLinkActivated>print('link clicked: ' + link)</onLinkActivated>
- </Text>
- </Item>
- </Component>
- </resources>
- <ListView id="list" anchors.fill="{parent}" clip="true"
- model="{feedModel}" delegate="{feedDelegate}"/>
+Rect {
+ color: "white"
+ width: 600
+ height: 600
+ resources: [
+ XmlListModel {
+ id: feedModel
+ source: ""
+ query: "doc($src)/feed/entry"
+ namespaceDeclarations: "declare default element namespace '';"
+ Role {
+ name: "title"
+ query: "title/string()"
+ }
+ Role {
+ name: "tagline"
+ query: "author/name/string()"
+ }
+ Role {
+ name: "content"
+ query: "content/string()"
+ isCData: true
+ }
+ },
+ Component {
+ id: feedDelegate
+ Item {
+ height: contents.height + 20
+ Text {
+ x: 10
+ id: TitleText
+ text: title
+ font.bold: true
+ }
+ Text {
+ text: 'by ' + tagline
+ anchors.left: TitleText.right
+ anchors.leftMargin: 10
+ font.italic: true
+ }
+ Text {
+ x: 10
+ text: content
+ TitleText.bottom
+ width: 580
+ wrap: true
+ onLinkActivated: { print('link clicked: ' + link) }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ ListView {
+ id: list
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ clip: true
+ model: feedModel
+ delegate: feedDelegate
+ }
diff --git a/examples/declarative/xmldata/yahoonews.qml b/examples/declarative/xmldata/yahoonews.qml
index 32a706e..a465cdd 100644
--- a/examples/declarative/xmldata/yahoonews.qml
+++ b/examples/declarative/xmldata/yahoonews.qml
@@ -1,38 +1,111 @@
-<Rect color="black" gradientColor="#AAAAAA" width="600" height="600">
- <resources>
- <XmlListModel id="feedModel" source="" query="doc($src)/rss/channel/item">
- <Role name="title" query="title/string()"/>
- <Role name="link" query="link/string()"/>
- <Role name="description" query="description/string()" isCData="true"/>
- </XmlListModel>
- <Component id="feedDelegate">
- <Item id="Delegate" height="{Wrapper.height + 10}">
- <MouseRegion anchors.fill="{Wrapper}" onPressed="Delegate.ListView.list.currentIndex = index;"
- onClicked="if (Wrapper.state == 'Details') { Wrapper.state = '';} else {Wrapper.state = 'Details';}"/>
- <Rect id="Wrapper" y="5" height="{TitleText.height + 10}" width="580" color="#F0F0F0" radius="5">
- <Text x="10" y="5" id="TitleText" text="{'&lt;a href=\'' + link + '\'&gt;' + title + '&lt;/a&gt;'}" font.bold="true""Helvetica" font.size="14" onLinkActivated="print('link clicked: ' + link)"/>
- <Text x="10" id="Description" text="{description}" width="560" wrap="true""Helvetica"
-"{TitleText.bottom}" anchors.topMargin="5" opacity="0"/>
- <states>
- <State name="Details">
- <SetProperty target="{Wrapper}" property="height" binding="contents.height + 10"/>
- <SetProperty target="{Description}" property="opacity" value="1"/>
- </State>
- </states>
- <transitions>
- <Transition fromState="*" toState="Details" reversible="true">
- <SequentialAnimation>
- <NumericAnimation duration="200" properties="height" easing="easeOutQuad"/>
- <NumericAnimation duration="200" properties="opacity"/>
- </SequentialAnimation>
- </Transition>
- </transitions>
- </Rect>
- </Item>
- </Component>
- </resources>
- <ListView id="list" x="10" y="10" width="{parent.width - 20}" height="{parent.height - 20}" clip="true"
- model="{feedModel}" delegate="{feedDelegate}" currentItemPositioning="Snap"/>
+Rect {
+ color: "black"
+ gradientColor: "#AAAAAA"
+ width: 600
+ height: 600
+ resources: [
+ XmlListModel {
+ id: feedModel
+ source: ""
+ query: "doc($src)/rss/channel/item"
+ Role {
+ name: "title"
+ query: "title/string()"
+ }
+ Role {
+ name: "link"
+ query: "link/string()"
+ }
+ Role {
+ name: "description"
+ query: "description/string()"
+ isCData: true
+ }
+ },
+ Component {
+ id: feedDelegate
+ Item {
+ id: Delegate
+ height: Wrapper.height + 10
+ MouseRegion {
+ anchors.fill: Wrapper
+ onPressed: { Delegate.ListView.list.currentIndex = index; }
+ onClicked: { if (Wrapper.state == 'Details') { Wrapper.state = '';} else {Wrapper.state = 'Details';} }
+ }
+ Rect {
+ id: Wrapper
+ y: 5
+ height: TitleText.height + 10
+ width: 580
+ color: "#F0F0F0"
+ radius: 5
+ Text {
+ x: 10
+ y: 5
+ id: TitleText
+ text: '<a href=\'' + link + '\'>' + title + '</a>'
+ font.bold: true
+ "Helvetica"
+ font.size: 14
+ onLinkActivated: { print('link clicked: ' + link) }
+ }
+ Text {
+ x: 10
+ id: Description
+ text: description
+ width: 560
+ wrap: true
+ "Helvetica"
+ TitleText.bottom
+ anchors.topMargin: 5
+ opacity: 0
+ }
+ states: [
+ State {
+ name: "Details"
+ SetProperty {
+ target: Wrapper
+ property: "height"
+ binding: "contents.height + 10"
+ }
+ SetProperty {
+ target: Description
+ property: "opacity"
+ value: 1
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ transitions: [
+ Transition {
+ fromState: "*"
+ toState: "Details"
+ reversible: true
+ SequentialAnimation {
+ NumericAnimation {
+ duration: 200
+ properties: "height"
+ easing: "easeOutQuad"
+ }
+ NumericAnimation {
+ duration: 200
+ properties: "opacity"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ ListView {
+ id: list
+ x: 10
+ y: 10
+ width: parent.width - 20
+ height: parent.height - 20
+ clip: true
+ model: feedModel
+ delegate: feedDelegate
+ currentItemPositioning: "Snap"
+ }
diff --git a/src/declarative/fx/qfxkeyactions.cpp b/src/declarative/fx/qfxkeyactions.cpp
index 69d4679..d2739ea 100644
--- a/src/declarative/fx/qfxkeyactions.cpp
+++ b/src/declarative/fx/qfxkeyactions.cpp
@@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ void QFxKeyActions::setKey_Space(const QString &s)
\qmlproperty string KeyActions::escape
- \qmlproperty string KeyActions::return
+ \qmlproperty string KeyActions::keyReturn
\qmlproperty string KeyActions::enter
\qmlproperty string KeyActions::delete
\qmlproperty string KeyActions::space
diff --git a/src/declarative/fx/qfxkeyactions.h b/src/declarative/fx/qfxkeyactions.h
index 7ad323a..b0d002d 100644
--- a/src/declarative/fx/qfxkeyactions.h
+++ b/src/declarative/fx/qfxkeyactions.h
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class Q_DECLARATIVE_EXPORT QFxKeyActions : public QFxItem
Q_PROPERTY(QString digit9 READ key_9 WRITE setKey_9)
Q_PROPERTY(QString asterisk READ key_Asterisk WRITE setKey_Asterisk)
Q_PROPERTY(QString escape READ key_Escape WRITE setKey_Escape)
- Q_PROPERTY(QString return READ key_Return WRITE setKey_Return)
+ Q_PROPERTY(QString keyReturn READ key_Return WRITE setKey_Return)
Q_PROPERTY(QString enter READ key_Enter WRITE setKey_Enter)
Q_PROPERTY(QString delete READ key_Delete WRITE setKey_Delete)
Q_PROPERTY(QString space READ key_Space WRITE setKey_Space)