diff options
authorMartin Smith <>2010-07-06 10:24:20 (GMT)
committerMartin Smith <>2010-07-06 10:24:20 (GMT)
commit3b6c44f773d293f807784b775f352873c793e75a (patch)
parentf8906a729761203866b100f5cd74e452cc94c451 (diff)
qdoc: Simplified code to enable fixing of QTBUG-6340.
Also reworded some of the text for QTBUG-11575. Task-number: QTBUG-6340, QTBUG-11575
4 files changed, 97 insertions, 426 deletions
diff --git a/doc/src/declarative/extending.qdoc b/doc/src/declarative/extending.qdoc
index 28d4ed4..2fd6fa8 100644
--- a/doc/src/declarative/extending.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/declarative/extending.qdoc
@@ -423,22 +423,14 @@ signals with the \l {Connections} element.
Additionally, if a property is added to a C++ class, all QML elements
based on that C++ class will have a \e{value-changed} signal handler
-for that property. The name of the signal handler is \e{on<Property
-name>Changed}, with the first letter of the property name being upper
-\note If the NOTIFY signal for the added property is not simply
-\c{<property_name>Changed()}, then you will get two equivalent signal
-handlers, one because of the signal, one because of the property. For
-example, if the property \c{test_property} with NOTIFY signal
-\c{testPropChanged()} is added to a C++ class, then QML elements based
-on that C++ class will have two signal handlers:
-\c{onTest_propertyChanged} because of the property, and
-\c{onTestPropChanged} because of the NOTIFY signal. For clarity, we
-suggest that for properties exposed to QML in this way, the name of
-the NOTIFY signal should be just \c{<property_name>Changed()}, so that
-there will be just one signal handler in QML and one naming
-convention used.
+for that property. The name of the signal handler is
+\e{on<Property-name>Changed}, with the first letter of the property
+name being upper case.
+\note The QML signal handler will always be named
+on<Property-name>Changed, regardless of the name used for the NOTIFY
+signal in C++. We recommend using <property-name>Changed() for the
+NOTIFY signal in C++.
See also \l {Extending types from QML}.
diff --git a/tools/qdoc3/htmlgenerator.cpp b/tools/qdoc3/htmlgenerator.cpp
index 49ba5f6..89b1e98 100644
--- a/tools/qdoc3/htmlgenerator.cpp
+++ b/tools/qdoc3/htmlgenerator.cpp
@@ -1359,7 +1359,7 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateClassLikeNode(const InnerNode *inner,
if (!s->inherited.isEmpty()) {
out() << "<ul>\n";
- generateSectionInheritedList(*s, inner, marker, true);
+ generateSectionInheritedList(*s, inner, marker);
out() << "</ul>\n";
@@ -2636,44 +2636,6 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateLegaleseList(const Node *relative,
-/*void HtmlGenerator::generateSynopsis(const Node *node,
- const Node *relative,
- CodeMarker *marker,
- CodeMarker::SynopsisStyle style)
- QString marked = marker->markedUpSynopsis(node, relative, style);
- QRegExp templateTag("(<[^@>]*>)");
- if (marked.indexOf(templateTag) != -1) {
- QString contents = protectEnc(marked.mid(templateTag.pos(1),
- templateTag.cap(1).length()));
- marked.replace(templateTag.pos(1), templateTag.cap(1).length(),
- contents);
- }
- marked.replace(QRegExp("<@param>([a-z]+)_([1-9n])</@param>"),
- "<i>\\1<sub>\\2</sub></i>");
- marked.replace("<@param>", "<i>");
- marked.replace("</@param>", "</i>");
- if (style == CodeMarker::Summary)
- marked.replace("@name>", "b>");
- if (style == CodeMarker::SeparateList) {
- QRegExp extraRegExp("<@extra>.*</@extra>");
- extraRegExp.setMinimal(true);
- marked.replace(extraRegExp, "");
- }
- else {
- marked.replace("<@extra>", "&nbsp;&nbsp;<tt>");
- marked.replace("</@extra>", "</tt>");
- }
- if (style != CodeMarker::Detailed) {
- marked.replace("<@type>", "");
- marked.replace("</@type>", "");
- }
- out() << highlightedCode(marked, marker, relative);
#ifdef QDOC_QML
void HtmlGenerator::generateQmlItem(const Node *node,
const Node *relative,
@@ -2703,6 +2665,17 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateQmlItem(const Node *node,
marked.replace("<@type>", "");
marked.replace("</@type>", "");
+ if (node->type() == Node::QmlProperty) {
+ const QmlPropertyNode* qpn = static_cast<const QmlPropertyNode*>(node);
+ if (!summary && qpn->name() == "color" && qpn->dataType() == "color") {
+ if (relative && relative->name() == "GradientStop") {
+ qDebug() << "color : color";
+ debugging_on = true;
+ qDebug() << " " << relative->name() << relative->type() << relative->subType();
+ qDebug() << marked;
+ }
+ }
+ }
out() << highlightedCode(marked, marker, relative);
debugging_on = false;
@@ -2822,24 +2795,23 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateOverviewList(const Node *relative, CodeMarker * /* m
void HtmlGenerator::generateSection(const NodeList& nl,
const Node *relative,
CodeMarker *marker,
CodeMarker::SynopsisStyle style)
- bool name_alignment = true;
+ bool alignNames = true;
if (!nl.isEmpty()) {
bool twoColumn = false;
if (style == CodeMarker::SeparateList) {
- name_alignment = false;
+ alignNames = false;
twoColumn = (nl.count() >= 16);
else if (nl.first()->type() == Node::Property) {
twoColumn = (nl.count() >= 5);
- name_alignment = false;
+ alignNames = false;
- if (name_alignment) {
+ if (alignNames) {
out() << "<table class=\"alignedsummary\">\n";
else {
@@ -2857,7 +2829,7 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateSection(const NodeList& nl,
- if (name_alignment) {
+ if (alignNames) {
out() << "<tr><td class=\"memItemLeft rightAlign topAlign\"> ";
else {
@@ -2866,15 +2838,15 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateSection(const NodeList& nl,
out() << "<li class=\"fn\">";
- generateSynopsis(*m, relative, marker, style, name_alignment);
- if (name_alignment)
+ generateSynopsis(*m, relative, marker, style, alignNames);
+ if (alignNames)
out() << "</td></tr>\n";
out() << "</li>\n";
- if (name_alignment)
+ if (alignNames)
out() << "</table>\n";
else {
out() << "</ul>\n";
@@ -2889,18 +2861,18 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateSectionList(const Section& section,
CodeMarker *marker,
CodeMarker::SynopsisStyle style)
- bool name_alignment = true;
+ bool alignNames = true;
if (!section.members.isEmpty()) {
bool twoColumn = false;
if (style == CodeMarker::SeparateList) {
- name_alignment = false;
+ alignNames = false;
twoColumn = (section.members.count() >= 16);
else if (section.members.first()->type() == Node::Property) {
twoColumn = (section.members.count() >= 5);
- name_alignment = false;
+ alignNames = false;
- if (name_alignment) {
+ if (alignNames) {
out() << "<table class=\"alignedsummary\">\n";
else {
@@ -2918,7 +2890,7 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateSectionList(const Section& section,
- if (name_alignment) {
+ if (alignNames) {
out() << "<tr><td class=\"memItemLeft topAlign rightAlign\"> ";
else {
@@ -2927,15 +2899,15 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateSectionList(const Section& section,
out() << "<li class=\"fn\">";
- generateSynopsis(*m, relative, marker, style, name_alignment);
- if (name_alignment)
+ generateSynopsis(*m, relative, marker, style, alignNames);
+ if (alignNames)
out() << "</td></tr>\n";
out() << "</li>\n";
- if (name_alignment)
+ if (alignNames)
out() << "</table>\n";
else {
out() << "</ul>\n";
@@ -2946,22 +2918,18 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateSectionList(const Section& section,
if (style == CodeMarker::Summary && !section.inherited.isEmpty()) {
out() << "<ul>\n";
- generateSectionInheritedList(section, relative, marker, name_alignment);
+ generateSectionInheritedList(section, relative, marker);
out() << "</ul>\n";
void HtmlGenerator::generateSectionInheritedList(const Section& section,
const Node *relative,
- CodeMarker *marker,
- bool nameAlignment)
+ CodeMarker *marker)
QList<QPair<ClassNode *, int> >::ConstIterator p = section.inherited.begin();
while (p != section.inherited.end()) {
- if (nameAlignment)
- out() << "<li class=\"fn\">";
- else
- out() << "<li class=\"fn\">";
+ out() << "<li class=\"fn\">";
out() << (*p).second << " ";
if ((*p).second == 1) {
out() << section.singularMember;
@@ -2981,7 +2949,7 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateSynopsis(const Node *node,
const Node *relative,
CodeMarker *marker,
CodeMarker::SynopsisStyle style,
- bool nameAlignment)
+ bool alignNames)
QString marked = marker->markedUpSynopsis(node, relative, style);
QRegExp templateTag("(<[^@>]*>)");
@@ -3014,14 +2982,13 @@ void HtmlGenerator::generateSynopsis(const Node *node,
marked.replace("<@type>", "");
marked.replace("</@type>", "");
- out() << highlightedCode(marked, marker, relative, style, nameAlignment);
+ out() << highlightedCode(marked, marker, relative, alignNames);
QString HtmlGenerator::highlightedCode(const QString& markedCode,
- CodeMarker *marker,
- const Node *relative,
- CodeMarker::SynopsisStyle ,
- bool nameAlignment)
+ CodeMarker* marker,
+ const Node* relative,
+ bool alignNames)
QString src = markedCode;
QString html;
@@ -3031,20 +2998,24 @@ QString HtmlGenerator::highlightedCode(const QString& markedCode,
const QChar charLangle = '<';
const QChar charAt = '@';
- // replace all <@link> tags: "(<@link node=\"([^\"]+)\">).*(</@link>)"
+ static const QString typeTag("type");
+ static const QString headerTag("headerfile");
+ static const QString funcTag("func");
static const QString linkTag("link");
+ // replace all <@link> tags: "(<@link node=\"([^\"]+)\">).*(</@link>)"
bool done = false;
- for (int i = 0, n = src.size(); i < n;) {
+ for (int i = 0, srcSize = src.size(); i < srcSize;) {
if ( == charLangle && + 1).unicode() == '@') {
- if (nameAlignment && !done) {// && (i != 0)) Why was this here?
+ if (alignNames && !done) {// && (i != 0)) Why was this here?
html += "</td><td class=\"memItemRight bottomAlign\">";
done = true;
i += 2;
- if (parseArg(src, linkTag, &i, n, &arg, &par1)) {
+ if (parseArg(src, linkTag, &i, srcSize, &arg, &par1)) {
html += "<b>";
- QString link = linkForNode(
- CodeMarker::nodeForString(par1.toString()), relative);
+ const Node* n = CodeMarker::nodeForString(par1.toString());
+ QString link = linkForNode(n, relative);
addLink(link, arg, &html);
html += "</b>";
@@ -3064,16 +3035,14 @@ QString HtmlGenerator::highlightedCode(const QString& markedCode,
// replace all <@func> tags: "(<@func target=\"([^\"]*)\">)(.*)(</@func>)"
src = html;
html = QString();
- static const QString funcTag("func");
- for (int i = 0, n = src.size(); i < n;) {
+ for (int i = 0, srcSize = src.size(); i < srcSize;) {
if ( == charLangle && + 1) == charAt) {
i += 2;
- if (parseArg(src, funcTag, &i, n, &arg, &par1)) {
- QString link = linkForNode(
- marker->resolveTarget(par1.toString(),
- myTree,
- relative),
- relative);
+ if (parseArg(src, funcTag, &i, srcSize, &arg, &par1)) {
+ const Node* n = marker->resolveTarget(par1.toString(),
+ myTree,
+ relative);
+ QString link = linkForNode(n, relative);
addLink(link, arg, &html);
par1 = QStringRef();
@@ -3091,295 +3060,36 @@ QString HtmlGenerator::highlightedCode(const QString& markedCode,
// replace all "(<@(type|headerfile|func)(?: +[^>]*)?>)(.*)(</@\\2>)" tags
src = html;
html = QString();
- static const QString typeTags[] = { "type", "headerfile", "func" };
- for (int i = 0, n = src.size(); i < n;) {
- if ( == charLangle && + 1) == charAt) {
+ for (int i=0, srcSize=src.size(); i<srcSize;) {
+ if ( == charLangle && == charAt) {
i += 2;
bool handled = false;
- for (int k = 0; k != 3; ++k) {
- if (parseArg(src, typeTags[k], &i, n, &arg, &par1)) {
- par1 = QStringRef();
- const Node* n = marker->resolveTarget(arg.toString(), myTree, relative);
- QString link = linkForNode(n,relative);
- addLink(link, arg, &html);
- handled = true;
- break;
+ if (parseArg(src, typeTag, &i, srcSize, &arg, &par1)) {
+ par1 = QStringRef();
+ const Node* n = marker->resolveTarget(arg.toString(), myTree, relative);
+ if (HtmlGenerator::debugging_on) {
+ if (n) {
+ qDebug() << " " << n->name() << n->type() << n->subType();
+ qDebug() << " " << relative->name() << relative->type() << relative->subType();
+ }
+ addLink(linkForNode(n,relative), arg, &html);
+ handled = true;
- if (!handled) {
- html += charLangle;
- html += charAt;
- }
- }
- else {
- html +=;
- }
- }
- // replace all
- // "<@comment>" -> "<span class=\"comment\">";
- // "<@preprocessor>" -> "<span class=\"preprocessor\">";
- // "<@string>" -> "<span class=\"string\">";
- // "<@char>" -> "<span class=\"char\">";
- // "</@(?:comment|preprocessor|string|char)>" -> "</span>"
- src = html;
- html = QString();
- static const QString spanTags[] = {
- "<@comment>", "<span class=\"comment\">",
- "<@preprocessor>", "<span class=\"preprocessor\">",
- "<@string>", "<span class=\"string\">",
- "<@char>", "<span class=\"char\">",
- "</@comment>", "</span>",
- "</@preprocessor>","</span>",
- "</@string>", "</span>",
- "</@char>", "</span>"
- // "<@char>", "<font color=blue>",
- // "</@char>", "</font>",
- // "<@func>", "<font color=green>",
- // "</@func>", "</font>",
- // "<@id>", "<i>",
- // "</@id>", "</i>",
- // "<@keyword>", "<b>",
- // "</@keyword>", "</b>",
- // "<@number>", "<font color=yellow>",
- // "</@number>", "</font>",
- // "<@op>", "<b>",
- // "</@op>", "</b>",
- // "<@param>", "<i>",
- // "</@param>", "</i>",
- // "<@string>", "<font color=green>",
- // "</@string>", "</font>",
- };
- for (int i = 0, n = src.size(); i < n;) {
- if ( == charLangle) {
- bool handled = false;
- for (int k = 0; k != 8; ++k) {
- const QString & tag = spanTags[2 * k];
- if (tag == QStringRef(&src, i, tag.length())) {
- html += spanTags[2 * k + 1];
- i += tag.length();
- handled = true;
- break;
- }
+ else if (parseArg(src, headerTag, &i, srcSize, &arg, &par1)) {
+ par1 = QStringRef();
+ const Node* n = marker->resolveTarget(arg.toString(), myTree, relative);
+ addLink(linkForNode(n,relative), arg, &html);
+ handled = true;
- if (!handled) {
- ++i;
- if ( == charAt ||
- ( == QLatin1Char('/') && + 1) == charAt)) {
- // drop 'our' unknown tags (the ones still containing '@')
- while (i < n && != QLatin1Char('>'))
- ++i;
- ++i;
- }
- else {
- // retain all others
- html += charLangle;
- }
+ else if (parseArg(src, funcTag, &i, srcSize, &arg, &par1)) {
+ par1 = QStringRef();
+ const Node* n = marker->resolveTarget(arg.toString(), myTree, relative);
+ addLink(linkForNode(n,relative), arg, &html);
+ handled = true;
- }
- else {
- html +=;
- ++i;
- }
- }
- return html;
-void HtmlGenerator::generateSectionList(const Section& section,
- const Node *relative,
- CodeMarker *marker,
- CodeMarker::SynopsisStyle style)
- if (!section.members.isEmpty()) {
- bool twoColumn = false;
- if (style == CodeMarker::SeparateList) {
- twoColumn = (section.members.count() >= 16);
- }
- else if (section.members.first()->type() == Node::Property) {
- twoColumn = (section.members.count() >= 5);
- }
- if (twoColumn)
- out() << "<table class=\"generic\">\n";
- if (++numTableRows % 2 == 1)
- out() << "<tr class=\"odd topAlign\">";
- else
- out() << "<tr class=\"even topAlign\">";
-// << "<tr><td class=\"topAlign\">";
- out() << "<ul>\n";
- int i = 0;
- NodeList::ConstIterator m = section.members.begin();
- while (m != section.members.end()) {
- if ((*m)->access() == Node::Private) {
- ++m;
- continue;
- }
- if (twoColumn && i == (int) (section.members.count() + 1) / 2)
- out() << "</ul></td><td class=\"topAlign\"><ul>\n";
- out() << "<li class=\"fn\">";
- if (style == CodeMarker::Accessors)
- out() << "<b>";
- generateSynopsis(*m, relative, marker, style);
- if (style == CodeMarker::Accessors)
- out() << "</b>";
- out() << "</li>\n";
- i++;
- ++m;
- }
- out() << "</ul>\n";
- if (twoColumn)
- out() << "</td></tr>\n</table>\n";
- }
- if (style == CodeMarker::Summary && !section.inherited.isEmpty()) {
- out() << "<ul>\n";
- generateSectionInheritedList(section, relative, marker);
- out() << "</ul>\n";
- }
-void HtmlGenerator::generateSectionInheritedList(const Section& section,
- const Node *relative,
- CodeMarker *marker)
- QList<QPair<ClassNode *, int> >::ConstIterator p = section.inherited.begin();
- while (p != section.inherited.end()) {
- out() << "<li class=\"fn\">";
- out() << (*p).second << " ";
- if ((*p).second == 1) {
- out() << section.singularMember;
- } else {
- out() << section.pluralMember;
- }
- out() << " inherited from <a href=\"" << fileName((*p).first)
- << "#" << HtmlGenerator::cleanRef( << "\">"
- << protectEnc(marker->plainFullName((*p).first, relative))
- << "</a></li>\n";
- ++p;
- }
-void HtmlGenerator::generateSynopsis(const Node *node,
- const Node *relative,
- CodeMarker *marker,
- CodeMarker::SynopsisStyle style)
- QString marked = marker->markedUpSynopsis(node, relative, style);
- QRegExp templateTag("(<[^@>]*>)");
- if (marked.indexOf(templateTag) != -1) {
- QString contents = protectEnc(marked.mid(templateTag.pos(1),
- templateTag.cap(1).length()));
- marked.replace(templateTag.pos(1), templateTag.cap(1).length(),
- contents);
- }
- marked.replace(QRegExp("<@param>([a-z]+)_([1-9n])</@param>"), "<i>\\1<sub>\\2</sub></i>");
- marked.replace("<@param>", "<i>");
- marked.replace("</@param>", "</i>");
- if (style == CodeMarker::Summary)
- marked.replace("@name>", "b>");
- if (style == CodeMarker::SeparateList) {
- QRegExp extraRegExp("<@extra>.*</@extra>");
- extraRegExp.setMinimal(true);
- marked.replace(extraRegExp, "");
- } else {
- marked.replace("<@extra>", "<tt>");
- marked.replace("</@extra>", "</tt>");
- }
- if (style != CodeMarker::Detailed) {
- marked.replace("<@type>", "");
- marked.replace("</@type>", "");
- }
- out() << highlightedCode(marked, marker, relative);
-QString HtmlGenerator::highlightedCode(const QString& markedCode,
- CodeMarker *marker,
- const Node *relative)
- QString src = markedCode;
- QString html;
- QStringRef arg;
- QStringRef par1;
- const QChar charLangle = '<';
- const QChar charAt = '@';
- // replace all <@link> tags: "(<@link node=\"([^\"]+)\">).*(</@link>)"
- static const QString linkTag("link");
- for (int i = 0, n = src.size(); i < n;) {
- if ( == charLangle && + 1) == charAt) {
- i += 2;
- if (parseArg(src, linkTag, &i, n, &arg, &par1)) {
- const Node* node = CodeMarker::nodeForString(par1.toString());
- QString link = linkForNode(node, relative);
- addLink(link, arg, &html);
- }
- else {
- html += charLangle;
- html += charAt;
- }
- }
- else {
- html +=;
- }
- }
- if (slow) {
- // is this block ever used at all?
- // replace all <@func> tags: "(<@func target=\"([^\"]*)\">)(.*)(</@func>)"
- src = html;
- html = QString();
- static const QString funcTag("func");
- for (int i = 0, n = src.size(); i < n;) {
- if ( == charLangle && + 1) == charAt) {
- i += 2;
- if (parseArg(src, funcTag, &i, n, &arg, &par1)) {
- QString link = linkForNode(
- marker->resolveTarget(par1.toString(),
- myTree,
- relative),
- relative);
- addLink(link, arg, &html);
- par1 = QStringRef();
- }
- else {
- html += charLangle;
- html += charAt;
- }
- }
- else {
- html +=;
- }
- }
- }
- // replace all "(<@(type|headerfile|func)(?: +[^>]*)?>)(.*)(</@\\2>)" tags
- src = html;
- html = QString();
- static const QString typeTags[] = { "type", "headerfile", "func" };
- for (int i = 0, n = src.size(); i < n;) {
- if ( == charLangle && + 1) == charAt) {
- i += 2;
- bool handled = false;
- for (int k = 0; k != 3; ++k) {
- if (parseArg(src, typeTags[k], &i, n, &arg, &par1)) {
- par1 = QStringRef();
- QString link = linkForNode(
- marker->resolveTarget(arg.toString(), myTree, relative),
- relative);
- addLink(link, arg, &html);
- handled = true;
- break;
- }
- }
if (!handled) {
html += charLangle;
html += charAt;
@@ -3407,22 +3117,6 @@ QString HtmlGenerator::highlightedCode(const QString& markedCode,
"</@string>", "</span>",
"</@char>", "</span>"
- // "<@char>", "<font color=blue>",
- // "</@char>", "</font>",
- // "<@func>", "<font color=green>",
- // "</@func>", "</font>",
- // "<@id>", "<i>",
- // "</@id>", "</i>",
- // "<@keyword>", "<b>",
- // "</@keyword>", "</b>",
- // "<@number>", "<font color=yellow>",
- // "</@number>", "</font>",
- // "<@op>", "<b>",
- // "</@op>", "</b>",
- // "<@param>", "<i>",
- // "</@param>", "</i>",
- // "<@string>", "<font color=green>",
- // "</@string>", "</font>",
for (int i = 0, n = src.size(); i < n;) {
if ( == charLangle) {
@@ -3459,7 +3153,6 @@ QString HtmlGenerator::highlightedCode(const QString& markedCode,
return html;
void HtmlGenerator::generateLink(const Atom* atom,
const Node* /* relative */,
diff --git a/tools/qdoc3/htmlgenerator.h b/tools/qdoc3/htmlgenerator.h
index aad5021..80341de 100644
--- a/tools/qdoc3/htmlgenerator.h
+++ b/tools/qdoc3/htmlgenerator.h
@@ -46,8 +46,6 @@
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <QXmlStreamWriter>
@@ -198,7 +196,7 @@ class HtmlGenerator : public PageGenerator
void generateQmlInstantiates(const QmlClassNode* qcn, CodeMarker* marker);
void generateInstantiatedBy(const ClassNode* cn, CodeMarker* marker);
void generateSection(const NodeList& nl,
const Node *relative,
CodeMarker *marker,
@@ -207,28 +205,15 @@ class HtmlGenerator : public PageGenerator
const Node *relative,
CodeMarker *marker,
CodeMarker::SynopsisStyle style,
- bool nameAlignment = false);
- void generateSectionInheritedList(const Section& section,
- const Node *relative,
- CodeMarker *marker,
- bool nameAlignment = false);
- QString highlightedCode(const QString& markedCode,
- CodeMarker *marker,
- const Node *relative,
- CodeMarker::SynopsisStyle style = CodeMarker::Accessors,
- bool nameAlignment = false);
- void generateSynopsis(const Node *node,
- const Node *relative,
- CodeMarker *marker,
- CodeMarker::SynopsisStyle style);
+ bool alignNames = false);
void generateSectionInheritedList(const Section& section,
const Node *relative,
CodeMarker *marker);
QString highlightedCode(const QString& markedCode,
CodeMarker *marker,
- const Node *relative);
+ const Node *relative,
+ bool alignNames = false);
void generateFullName(const Node *apparentNode,
const Node *relative,
CodeMarker *marker,
diff --git a/tools/qdoc3/tree.cpp b/tools/qdoc3/tree.cpp
index d3de46c..70b998f 100644
--- a/tools/qdoc3/tree.cpp
+++ b/tools/qdoc3/tree.cpp
@@ -134,15 +134,16 @@ Node *Tree::findNode(const QStringList &path, Node *relative, int findFlags)
-const Node *Tree::findNode(const QStringList &path,
- const Node *relative,
+const Node* Tree::findNode(const QStringList &path,
+ const Node* start,
int findFlags) const
- if (!relative)
- relative = root();
+ const Node* current = start;
+ if (!current)
+ current = root();
do {
- const Node *node = relative;
+ const Node *node = current;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < path.size(); ++i) {
@@ -171,10 +172,10 @@ const Node *Tree::findNode(const QStringList &path,
if (node && i == path.size()
&& (!(findFlags & NonFunction) || node->type() != Node::Function
|| ((FunctionNode *)node)->metaness() == FunctionNode::MacroWithoutParams))
- if (node->subType() != Node::QmlPropertyGroup)
+ if ((node != start) && (node->subType() != Node::QmlPropertyGroup))
return node;
- relative = relative->parent();
- } while (relative);
+ current = current->parent();
+ } while (current);
return 0;